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www.haddonfieldsun.com DEC. 28, 2016–JAN.

3, 2017 FREE

Looking back on the happenings of Haddonfield

The Sun
mistake was made and the real numbers for the
bond referendum were $35.3 million with an esti-

his year in Haddonfield saw news on the mated yearly tax impact of $300.49 for the average
Bancroft property, an interest in the assessed home at $484,226. These numbers were
Boxwood property for a theater and cul- based on a 25-year bond with an interest rate of 3.53
tural center, the library’s upgrades and percent.
reopening, a school district bond refer- The referendum was split into two questions,
endum and a host of other issues. As with the second question having a part A and B. Q1
Haddonfield moves toward a new year, addressed critical needs, including steel, brick and
here’s a recap of just some of the events mortar components that keep the buildings stand-
that made headlines in The Sun throughout 2016. ing, the roofs from leaking, and the doors and win-
dows functioning. Also included was the replace-
HPS bond referendum is approved ment of inefficient and failing HVAC systems, and
In 2015, Haddonfield Public Schools had architect replacement of outdated communications systems
Steven A. Becica and his engineers review HPS facil- essential for security. Q2A addressed air condition-
ities in terms of mechanical systems, electrical sys- ing key parts of each school, and Building Automa-
tems, exterior needs, foundations, brick and roofing. tion System Control to operate utilities with modern
The team went through each building to see what efficiency. Q2B addressed critical repairs at the high
needed to be addressed for a bond referendum to up- school stadium and track. Without those restora-
date the school’s facilities. tions, use of the stadium and track would have been
In December 2015, the bond referendum was esti- please see BOE, page 3
mated to cost $40.9 million. However, an accounting

CLOCKWISE, FROM BOTTOM LEFT: Mira and Sally Pomerantz check out Pamela Iobst stands next to a fire truck the week before the company’s 50th Fire Prevention Night in
Designs at the Haddonfield Crafts and Fine Art Festival on June 9. Third graders Delaney October. Conrad Evans lets out a big monster roar during a Halloween-themed song at the
Quinn, left, Bernadette Parker and Claudia Fisicaro with special education teacher Maddie library. Haddonfield Memorial High School seniors Reilley Connoly, Caroline Bolletino and
Yedman sit at a table in Rebecca Kotlyar’s classroom where she has implemented flexible Katie Agnew smile before commencement June 16. Emily Grassi and Sophia Poulos have
seating. Haddonfield Public Library Director Eric Zino points to a mural painted on the wall fun in the snow on Jan. 25. Bulldawg Will Gambino slides back into first base in the game
of the children’s room in the newly renovated and expanded library. Zach Williams and Taite against Manchester Township High School. The Bulldawgs fell to the Hawks, 4-1. HMHS stu-
Roche show off favorite Pokémon from the popular mobile app Pokémon Go. Haddonfield dents wrote chalk messages of love and positivity after they saw how the November elec-
Memorial High School girls soccer won its first sectional championship since 2011 when it tions affected people. Haddonfield Citizen of the Year and Haddonfield Lions Club
defeated Cinnaminson High School, 1-0. Haddon Fire Company No. 1 Chief Sam Trotman President Tom Baird, center, stands with his wife Judie and Mayor Jeff Kasko.
Photos by Julie Jeffrey


“Swan Lake”

Ballet NJ will hold the audition for “Swan

Lake” on Sunday, January 15, 2017 from:
12:30pm until 5:00pm at the Academy
of Ballet NJ, 401 Bloomfield Drive, West
Berlin, NJ. This audition is open to dancers
ages 4 years of age to 18 years of age.

This production of “Swan Lake” will

feature sets and decor by Michael Stockton
of Quinlan’s Scenic Studio, costumes by
Internationally known costume designer years of age and wishing to dance in
A. Christina Giannini and guest artists the Swan Corps de Ballet are asked to
from the Pennsylvania Ballet, and New audition between 3:45pm and 5:00pm.
York City. Do not miss this opportunity to
perform in what will be the highlight Bloomfield Business Park
Please go to: www.balletnj.org or call: of the spring dance season in South 401 Bloomfield Drive #4
856-768-9503 for more information or to Jersey. West Berlin, NJ 08091
reserve your child’s audition time. Dancers www.balletnj.org (856) 768-9503
currently dancing en pointe and at least 13 www.Balletnj.org
DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017 – THE HADDONFIELD SUN 3


BOE approves budget

n d ive r

ka ar
ow an us u
with tax increase

D of cl ut Ok
$0 Ro E Abo As

ac l
P So
BOE abatement, the high school cafete-
ria construction and the stadium.
Continued from page 1
Haddonfield BOE approves
2016-2017 budget
significantly restricted.
Residents approved all three The Board of Education unani-
parts in a March 8 vote. mously approved the 2016-2017

NJ Lic. #13vh0111555900
In July, the sale of the $35.3 mil- school year budget at its April 28
lion in bonds came in at a signifi- meeting. The budget general fund
cantly better cost than the district is $36.1 million. It resulted in the
had estimated. After the sale of average home assessed at $488,481
these bonds, the tax impact will paying an increase of $172.61 per
be $258.66 per household a year year in school taxes.
over 20 years. The budget has a total tax levy
Rob Notley of New Roads Con- for the general fund at $33.7 mil-
struction, which is working on lion, which is a 2.28 percent in-
ut h
the projects with Becica, gave the crease over 2015-2016. This includ-
Serving So
board an update in October. As of ed the use of a 2 percent tax levy,
now, things are on schedule. Bids
are planned to open March 1 and
an allowed adjustment to go over
the 2 percent cap for enrollment Jersey since The Winner of the 2014
a contract awarded a few weeks and health-care costs and a reduc- Certainteed Siding
later. tion from the Debt Service Fund. Award of Excellence
Bigger projects to be done over
the summer include asbestos please see NEW, page 4
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4 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

Have a safe and green

holiday season New special education program added
By Freeholder Jeff Nash
Now that the holi- The 2.65 billion NEW
day season is upon cards sold each Continued from page 3
us, I wanted to year in this country
share with you of could fill a foot- The school district received
the best ways to ball field 10 stories $1.31 million in state aid, which is
dispose of cards, high. These cards an increase of $33,950, due to
wrapping paper, and wrapping pa- more students coming in the 2016-
trees and old prod- per can be placed 2017 year.
ucts replaced by with your paper re- A significant decrease from the
new presents. This cycling unless they revenues in the budget was in tu-
time of year, the are wax-coated or ition with a loss of $98,000. This
best gift you can made of foil. Other was due to tuition students grad-
give is a clean and green envi- paper goods accumulated around uating as well as not having the
ronment for future generations. the house during the holidays can space to include more tuition stu-
be recycled using the same guide- dents.
Did you know that from Thanks- Additions to the budget includ-
giving to New Year’s Day, lines. Why not save the larger
pieces of wrapping paper to reuse ed a part-time maintenance engi- BRIGIT BAUMA/The Sun
household waste increases by neer and a new special education
the next time you need to wrap a Haddonfield alumnus Wynn Myers and his wife Kaori show students
more than 25 percent? That adds program. The new staff hire was
present? This method of recycling the best technique for holding chopsticks to prepare students to
up to an additional 1 million for preventative maintenance of
is not only better on the environ- travel to Japan in July with the Haddonfield Japan Exchange. This
tons of waste a week in our na- the school district’s facilities. The was the students’ ninth class, featuring the use of chopsticks, prac-
ment, but on your wallet as well.
tion’s landfills. That is why it new program will be a savings of ticing phrases and receiving their schedule for the trip.
is important not to forget about Each year, 50 million Christmas $95,000 because of consolidation
the environment as we cel- trees are purchased in the United of services. It is a one-year pilot The newly passed bond refer- and because of that, the first pay-
ebrate with family and friends. States. Of those, about 30 mil- program. endum numbers were not includ- ment would not be due until the
lion wind up in a landfill. To de- No other additions or cuts to ed in the 2016-2017 budget. The please see HPS, page 6
We know that there will be a staff or programs were made. bonds will not be sold until July,
critical mass of new electronics termine the proper way to dispose
purchased this year. As a remind- of your Christmas tree this year,
er, state law prohibits municipali- please contact your municipality.
ties from picking up these items If you compost, reduce your tree
in the curbside trash. To make into smaller sections before add-
recycling more convenient, Cam- ing it to the pile. As an alternative,
den County residents can drop off consider purchasing a live tree
their unwanted televisions, com- with a root ball so that it can be
puter equipment and electronics planted in your yard and enjoyed
at the PCFA in Pennsauken every by your family for years to come.
business day. If you are replac- We can all do our part to keep
ing old electronics with new ones the environment healthy and
this season, drop off your items green this holiday season.
to be recycled at 9600 River Road
If you have any items that are in
in Pennsauken, during the PCFA’s
question, please call the Division
normal business hours Monday
of Environmental Affairs at (856)
through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to
858-5241 or visit www.camden-
4:00 p.m. Recycling these items
county.com. If you have any other
will prevent harmful materi-
questions about County services,
als such as lead, mercury, cad-
please call me at (856) 225-5466,
mium and chromium from being
or email me at jnash@camden-
released into the environment.
county.com. Also, you can like us
Half of the paper America con- on Facebook at www.Facebook.
sumes each year is used to wrap com/camdencountynj and follow
and decorate consumer products. us on Twitter @camdencountynj.

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6 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

in our opinion

Let’s resolve to give back in 2017 2 Executive Campus, Suite 400

Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

For the New Year, we could all give some of our time to lend a helping hand Richard Donnelly

ost of us are lucky enough to work as volunteering.
spend the holidays with our Share your thoughts The good news is it doesn’t take
Tim Ronaldson Arlene Reyes

loved ones. Most of us are Do you volunteer, or do you plan to much to change this trend. Volunteer- mANAGING EDITOR Kristen Dowd
volunteer in the New Year? Share your
lucky enough to be able to give and re- thoughts through a letter to the editor. ing doesn’t have to take up all of one’s SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mike Monostra

ceive presents, to put a home-cooked free time, and it doesn’t have to include HADDONfIElD EDITOR Brigit Bauma


meal on the table and to sit back, relax A study released recently by the Cor- big monetary donations.
and enjoy what’s important in life. poration for National and Community Volunteering can be as simple as
There are many, though, living right pitching in at a soup kitchen, coaching The Sun is published weekly by
Service and the National Conference
Newspaper Media Group, 2 Executive
here in our state who are not as lucky on Citizenship found that 21.84 percent a Little League team or collecting trash Campus, Suite 400, Cherry Hill, NJ
as we are. And these are the people of New Jersey residents volunteered at a public park. Doing a little can go a 08002. It is mailed weekly to select
who need our help the most. their time over the last three years. long way. What may seem as not much addresses in the 08033 ZIP code. If you
So as we are about to put 2016 behind to most of us can have a huge impact are not on the mailing list, six-month
That ranked us near the bottom,
subscriptions are available for $39.99.
us and enter a New Year, let’s all re- 46th, in the nation. Utah topped the list to someone else.
solve to give back more in 2017. at 43.23 percent. So while you’re compiling your list PDFs of the publication are online, free
We like to think of ourselves as giv- The study found that 1.58 million of To Do’s for 2017, add giving back to of charge. For information, call 856-
ing people, but compared to the rest the community by volunteering. You’ll 427-0933.
residents volunteered a total of more
of the country, that’s just not the than 215.7 million hours of service last be surprised at the impact you can To submit a news release, please email
case. year. The stats counted only non-paid have. news@haddonfieldsun.com.

HPS, borough share costs of stadium lights

For advertising information, call 856-
427-0933 or email advertising@had-

re-elected to the board in the November demic calendars, 7-1. Board member
HPS election. Also, business administrator
Christopher Oberg was replaced by inter-
Matthew Ritter opposed and Heather Paoli
was absent from the meeting. School will
The Sun welcomes suggestions and
comments from readers – including any
Continued from page 4 information about errors that may call
im business administrator/board secre- start a week later next year to accommo-
tary John J. Deserable, as Oberg’s two-year date for construction from the bond refer- for a correction to be printed.
following year, which will be included in term with the district was up. endum projects. According to the 2017-2018
the 2017-2018 budget. • The BOE approved a shared service draft calendar, school will be closed to stu- SPEAK UP
agreement with the borough in regard to dents until Sept. 11. School normally opens The Sun welcomes letters from readers.
Other school happenings the stadium lights project. HPS had to take the day after Labor Day. Major changes in- Brief and to the point is best, so we look
• Newly elected BOE members Adam M. down the lights due to rotting wooden clude the reduction of fall break from a for letters that are 300 words or fewer.
Sangillo, Susan Kutner and Joshua Drew poles. Wooden light poles are no longer ap- week to two days and spring break from a Include your name, address and phone
were sworn in for three-year terms after proved, according to Superintendent week to three days. There are no days off
being chosen by residents in the November Richard Perry. Since recreation teams in October. The Thanksgiving break and number. We do not print anonymous
2015 elections. Glenn Moramarco was re- often use the school’s lighting, HPS and the winter break will not change. School will letters. Send letters to news@haddon-
elected as president of the board, and Kut- borough are sharing costs. also be closed on Martin Luther King Day, fieldsun.com, via fax at 856-427-0934,
ner was voted in as vice president. • After the results of the November pres- Presidents Day and Memorial Day or via the mail. You can drop them off at
Board members Drew Hansen, Carlton idential election, 25 Haddonfield Memorial our office, too.
Chin and Joshua Drew resigned from their High School students went out before stu- Borough purchases Bancroft property
positions on the BOE throughout 2016. dents returned to school to write positive In the spring of 2015, Recovery Centers
Hansen was replaced by previous board chalk messages on the sidewalk of the of America CEO and developer J. Brian The Haddonfield Sun reserves the right
member Maureen Eyles, Chin was re- school. The purpose was to spread positive O’Neill announced his intent to purchase to reprint your letter in any medium –
placed by newcomer Matt Ritter, and Drew messages in hopes of letting students who the Bancroft property and put in a drug including electronically.
was replaced by newcomer Robert “Bob” felt they were negatively affected by the and alcohol treatment facility. This
Little. election feel as if they are in a positive, lov- sparked a controversy across town, as
• Board members Mary Fagan, Matt Rit- ing and supportive community.
ter, David Siedell and Maureen Eyles were • The BOE approved the 2017-2018 aca- please see BOROUGH, page 9
DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017 – THE HADDONFIELD SUN 7

letter to the editor

Do not exclude Christ effete) attempt to exclude Christ
For Immediate Occupancy
from joyous season
Is it not ironic that, in a seem-
from the traditional joyous sea-
son; a variant of that exclusion-
ary battle cry, "keep your religion
ingly well-meant call for society out of my government."
to become more tolerant, a recent How about keeping the govern- Full service lease (utilities, janitorial,
letter writer on Dec. 14 exercises ment out of religion (and tradi-
his own intolerance of a lovely tions), as prescribed by the Con- cleaning included). Located in heart
and all-embracing tradition? stitution? This, rather than grip-
He divines that "the term ing about bedrock traditions of downtown Haddonfield and one
Christmas tree" is "exclusionary, upon which our country was
a barrier." But in reality his fa- founded, and flourished.
block from the Haddonfield Patco stop.
vored term, "Holiday Tree," is
more so a politically correct (and
Merry Christmas, everybody.
Walter Weidenbacher
Dedicated parking spaces in private lot.
Recent renovations to reception area,
PROFESSIONAL WEBSITES. kitchen, new carpeting and renovated
PEASANT PRICES. bathroom and conference room.

Please contact Scott Leonard with

The Streamwood Company for inquiries
at 856-428-8270 ext. 6
Brokers Protected

We’re investing $8 million

Residents in Haddonfield count on us to provide safe, reliable water and wastewater service.
By constantly upgrading our infrastructure, we’re planning to keep it that way. Think of it as
your water bill at work – right in your own neighborhood.
New Jersey American Water is constructing three new sewer lift stations on Atlantic Avenue,
Coles Mill Road and Roberts Avenue. The company is also replacing the existing water and sewer
utilities around the work sites.
These improvements are a part of New Jersey American Water’s five-year plan to invest in
system modernization within the Borough of Haddonfield.
PAGE 8 CALENDAR DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

Afternoon Adventures: Ages 3 to 6.
3:30 p.m. at the Haddonfield Pub-
lic Library, 60 N. Haddon Ave.
To have your meeting or affair listed in the Calendar or Meetings,
Menorah Lighting: 6 p.m. at Library information must be received, in writing, two weeks prior to the
Point in Haddonfield. Public digni-
date of the event.
taries and community leaders will
attend the ceremony and will
Send information by mail to: Calendar, The Haddonfield Sun, 2
assist in kindling the giant Meno-
rah. Following the kindling, there
Executive Campus, Suite 400, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002. Or by email:
will be a program featuring news@haddonfieldsun.com. Or you can submit a calendar listing
music, delicious latkes and through our website (www.haddonfieldsun.com).
donuts, chocolate Chanukah Gelt
for the children, dreidels and
family fun. For more information,
please contact Chabad at (856) Downtown Haddonfield. First
874-1500 ext 302 or email Night Haddonfield is a family-ori- SUNDAY JAN. 1
Info@TheChabadCenter.org ented, alcohol-free New Year’s
Eve festival featuring stimulating New Year’s Day: Most offices and
libraries closed in observance of
THURSDAY DEC. 29 entertainment including magic,
music, comedy, dance and the- the holiday.
Toddler Time: Ages 2 to 3. 10:30 ater for audiences of all ages
a.m. at the Haddonfield Public from children and families to MONDAY JAN. 2
Library. teens and seniors. Buttons to
enjoy the night are $15. Learn New Year’s Day Observed: Most

more at www.firstnighthaddon- offices and libraries closed in
SATURDAY DEC. 31 field.org. observance of the federal holiday.
First Night Haddonfield: 5 p.m. at
SNOW BLOWERS Little Listeners: Ages 3 to 6. 10:30
a.m. at the Haddonfield Public
PROMO $749.00 OVER STOCK PRICE $680 It’s as Library, 60 N. Haddon Ave.

easy as…
Bridge: 12:30 p.m. at Mabel Kay Sen-
Mod #36002, 7880 ior Center. Call (856) 354-8789
POWER CLEAR 518ZR SINGLE STAGE SNOW BLOWER 1. Choose your Vehicle for more information.
PROMO $359.00 OVER STOCK PRICE $320 2. Get Full Pricing Details Zumba Dance Family Fitness: 7 to
8 p.m. at Grace Church, 19 Kings
Mod #38742, 3090, 3088, 3089 3. Contact the Listing Dealer Highway. Adults $10, students $5.
For more information, visit
DelawareValleyCars.com www.haddonarts.org or call (856)
Model #38473, 6497 Where local car shoppers meet local car dealers! Lite Aerobics for Seniors: 1 p.m. at
Mabel Kay Senior Center, Upper
PROMO $599.00 OVER STOCK PRICE $549 more information.
Model #38751, 5870
Bruno’s Restaurant & Pizza Al-Anon meeting: 7 p.m. at First
Presbyterian Church, floor 2R in
the youth lounge. Support group
for family and friends of alco-
Model # 38751, 5870, 5871 Book your New Year’s holics.

RIDING LAWN MOWER Reservation Now!

TIME CUTTER STEERING WHEEL, Call for Details about our seating!
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First come first serve,All pricing is at sole discrestions of Woodchucks LLC. 509 Hopkins Rd., Haddonfield Expert Shoe Repair
DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017 – THE HADDONFIELD SUN 9

Borough purchases Bancroft property AEROBICS & FITNESS CENTER

the conditions of its buildings will continue to operate on the

BOROUGH and grounds.
The ruling was tabled twice
site until its move to a new facili-
ty in Mt. Laurel in two years. In
Continued from page 6 y
last year by O’Neill’s holding that time, Bancroft will pay a
$ 00
many residents felt the facility
was too close to two of the bor-
ough’s public schools.
company, II Hopkins Lane, LLC’s
attorney Jack Plackter. With the
second tabling, Plackter revealed
a tentative agreement signing
lease to the borough for the prop-
erty. The agreement will also see
an option for II Hopkins Lane,
LLC to buy back 8.2 acres for $5.5
Dec 9th thru Jan 22nd, 2017

In September 2015, commis- over the Bancroft property to million to develop age-targeted
sioners asked for a reinvestiga- Haddonfield was very close to townhomes, pursuant to an
tion of the Bancroft property to
determine if it is a redevelop-
being reached.
The Planning Board unani-
adopted redevelopment plan. The
developer has an opt-out to not
ment area, as a reassertion of the
2005 ruling and to create redevel-
opment plans for the area.
mously declared the Bancroft
property an area in need of rede-
velopment at its meeting on Jan. 5
buy the acres, with the borough
paying an additional $600,000,
covering O’Neill’s costs from the
856-854-1441 Must Present Ad
At the October 2015 Planning with no opposition. rehab center proposal. The price
Board meeting, planner Philip Not a week later, borough com- per acre O’Neill would pay is the
Caton of the Trenton firm Clarke missioners revealed an agree- same price per acre as the bor-
Caton Hintz, representing the ment of purchase between ough paid.
borough, gave his testimony as to O’Neill’s company and the bor- Commissioners also approved
why the Bancroft site should be ough. The agreement had a $12.9 the redevelopment designation al-
listed as a redevelopment area. million sale price, split between lowing the borough to hire a plan-
Caton listed five conditions at the Bancroft at $11.5 million – the ner and have it draft a plan for the
site that are persistent problems, same price O’Neill offered, ac- redevelopment of the property.
qualifying Bancroft for redevelop- cording to Mayor Jeff Kasko – A plan was presented and ap-
ment – parking, traffic circula- and O’Neill’s company at $1.4 mil- proved by the Planning Board on
tion, storm water management, lion. please see ARTS, page 10
impervious surface coverage, and Under the agreement, Bancroft

M u s i c ! M a g i c !
F i r e w or ks ! F u n !
C o m e d y !
in H ad do nf ield
N ew Year’s Eve s • Fo r Ad u lts, Families, Children
erfo rm an ce s • 15 Venue o rk s at 9 pm • Just $15!
• 30 P t • Fire w
• 5pm to Midnigh nfield.org
10 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

Arts group interested in Boxwood Hall

ing the impact of any active veloper, open space monies, rent
ARTS recreational consideration on not
only the development area, but
from the Bancroft institution and
the eventual taxpayers on the
Continued from page 9 also the surrounding existing ele- property.
ments; ensuring that 75 percent of Commissioners approved an
March 17. The goal of the Ban- the age-targeted housing units ordinance to appropriate $13.5
croft redevelopment plan is to ex- made would have a master bed- million in bonds or notes for the
pand the public open space in room downstairs; and changing purchase of the property, with the
Haddonfield for active and pas- affordable housing to 12.5 percent agreement being signed on June
sive recreation, foster the devel- of the total number of dwelling 29.
opment of an age-targeted and af- units if it exceeds 80 units. “I feel happy and relieved that
fordable residential development, The full redevelopment plan re- we are finally getting this done
provide room for the expansion of port can be found on the borough and are now able to move for-
Board of Education facilities, and website by clicking “Bancroft Site ward,” Kasko said.
retain the 1886 Lullworth Hall Redevelopment Plan” at
and other historic facilities on www.haddonfieldnj.org/latest_ne Arts group expresses interest
site. ws/index.php. This plan is not set in Boxwood Hall for theater
Within this overall redevelop- in stone and can be modified and cultural center
ment goal, the plan establishes a through the same redevelopment
set of objectives based on public process. In October, a committee called
input conveyed over the many The Planning Board gave ap- Boxwood Arts Theater and Cul-
years during which Bancroft proval of the redevelopment tural Center announced it is ex-
property redevelopment has been plans in March, and the commis- ploring the feasibility of a theater
considered. sioners did the same in April. and arts center at 65 N. Haddon
Changes to the plan due to According to Kasko, there Ave, also known as the Boxwood
board and public comments in- would be little to no tax increase Hall property. The three main or-
clude adding historic sites on the due to resources being used to ganizations working behind the
Bancroft property to parts of the pay for the bonds. Those re-
please see PLAN, page 12
plan that were left out; consider- sources are payment from the de-

Debbie is back... ter N
Davis, CPA Group, PC
would like to welcome Debra Hillman. A Fairleigh
Dickinson University graduate, Debra has long ties
to the South Jersey area beginning with her fathers
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veloped her knowledge of taxation and created niche
for small business management and growth. Debra
continued her career at McAdam Financial Group in
Philadelphia. Debbie is extremely excited to return
to her roots of tax and accounting at her hometown in
South Jersey. If you are looking for assistance for
your personal or business’ taxes and/or account-
ing please call Debra at 856-627-2100.
Davis CPA Group
20 N White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, NJ 08021
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12 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

Plan to create theater, cultural center

The group envisions the her- renovation of the library, and an
PLAN itage-protected building at the
front of the property, built by
inclusive design consultant, to
make sure the center would em-
Continued from page 10 John Estaugh Hopkins in 1799, brace the needs of those with all
would become gallery space for abilities.
committee are Haddonfield Plays the Markeim Arts Center. A 365- Concepts and illustrations of
& Players, the Markeim Arts Cen- seat theater to be built behind the the Boxwood Arts plans were re-
ter and Dance Haddonfield. house would be a new perform- leased in October, showing the
Sometimes you want to sell your home quickly,
"The want is to create a cultur- ance space for Haddonfield Plays Boxwood Arts committee’s ideas
and without all the fuss. Maybe it''s because of the passing of
a loved one, a divorce, or just the desire to get the job done al center to make a statement in & Players and provide a venue for on paper.
without having to fix all that's wrong with your house. South Jersey that the arts are lecture series and other cultural According to a press release, if
Either way, when you want to sell quickly here. We want this to be a place and musical events. And a multi- the vision were to become a reali-
and as-is, give 302 Wholesale a call. where artists can celebrate their purpose space below the theater ty, it is likely the borough would
crafts and people can come to would include a competition- continue to own the property and
WE CAN COME SEE YOUR HOME AND MAKE AN OFFER FAST -- enjoy it. There is nothing else (in quality ballroom/dance floor for a community-based non-profit
AN OFFER THAT IS ALL CASH, AND COMMISSION FREE, South Jersey) like it," Dave Dance Haddonfield. corporation would manage it
FOR YOUR HOME IN AS-IS CONDITION. Stavetski, president of Haddon- "Boxwood Gardens," the woods under a long-term lease. Funds
AND OUR CLOSINGS ARE DAYS, NOT WEEKS, AWAY. field Plays & Players, said. “Box- at the rear of the property, de- for new construction, conserva-
wood Hall is the perfect site be- scribed as "overflowing with Had- tion of the grounds and renova-
cause there is easy access to donfield history," would be pre- tion of Boxwood Hall would be
PATCO and (downtown) shop- served and made accessible to the raised from private sources and
ping, and a beautiful wooded back public for cultural and education- preservation grants, Stavetski
lot, which we will preserve, to co- al purposes. said.
incide with the aesthetics of the Since the project is still in the The Boxwood Arts committee
new center.” conceptual stage, plans and cost has not moved forward with its
The borough purchased the estimates are not available to the plans. If it decides to go forward,
Call Today! 18th-century house along with a public. However, Stavetski said the committee would have to go
20th-century house and 1.4 sur- Boxwood Arts has been consult- through various boards such as
888-985-0425 rounding acres for $1.8 million in
ing with Arcari + Iovino Archi-
tects, the firm that worked on the
please see LIBRARY, page 13

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DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017 – THE HADDONFIELD SUN 13
Library finishes renovations Independent Travel Agent
at the December 2015 planning reduction and 2.5-inch drain, and s'UARANTEEDTHE"EST6ALUE6ACATIONS
LIBRARY board meeting, had a 13,000
square foot lot fronted by War-
the application with the set condi-
tions. All members of the board s7ILLTRAVELTOYOU
Continued from page 12 wick Road, a 15,600 square foot lot approved each prerequisite and sCall for Special Savings - Book by End of 2016!
fronted by Warwick and Gill the application.
the Historic Preservation Com-
mittee, the Zoning Board and the
roads, and a 21,400 square foot lot
fronted by Treaty Elm Lane and
The Planning Board gave final
approval of the redevelopment in
Planning Board, as well as allow- Gill Road. The application also April.
ing time for public comment, be- addressed the concerns the Plan-
Haddonfield Public Library
fore approval. Commissioner
John Moscatelli said the property
ning Board had from the previ-
ously denied application, includ- renovations finish, officially !
is zoned R2 with an R0 overly, a ing stormwater management, lot opens in September
single-family residence with of- depth, lot lines, parking areas and
fice district overlay, so an arts traffic. The Haddonfield Library, !" " # ! " !
center is not in complying use. To be sure the future develop- which began construction at its
ers and owners of the property present site, 60 N. Haddon Ave., in
Planning Board approves don’t deviate from the proposed 1917 and was completed in 1919,
605 Warwick development plans, the Planning Board made a has been around for almost 100 # % ! $
number of conditions that must years.
After one denial and many be followed during development Because of its age, the library
months of Planning Board meet- as well as in the future, including was in need of improvements, not
ings, the possibility of the house the creation of a homeowners as- only structurally, but also for
at 605 Warwick Road coming sociation that will have the re- compliance with American with
down and the land being subdi- sponsibility to ensure the Disabilities Act and 21st century
vided into three lots finally came stormwater manager system is technology. Commissioners ap-
to fruition. properly maintained. proved the renovation of the li-
At a special meeting on Feb. 10, If the developer or owner brary and awarded bids in April
the Planning Board unanimously wants to deviate from the pro- 2015.
approved the application from ap- posed conditions, he or she is re- Construction on the library
plicant/developer Mark DeFeo on quired to come back to the Plan- continued throughout 2015 into
the subdivision of the property, ning Board for approval. 2016, undergoing $2.2 million of
with conditions. The board gave When everything came to a renovations. The library opened
approval of the application, as vote, the board approved its prior to the public Aug. 8, taking
long as the conditions made by determination that no lot depth around 15 months to complete the
the board are kept. variance was required, the devia- please see MUNICIPAL, page 14
The proposal, originally given tions from the two-year percent

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14 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017

Wild Violet
now at: 3 King’s Court!
Municipal budget sees increase
upgraded, but older aesthetic, ar-
chitectural items remain, includ-
brary director effective July 5.
Zino said the library is plan-
ing terrazzo, a mosaic and mold- ning to celebrate its 100th an-
Continued from page 13 ings. niversary next year and will con-
Some aesthetic changes made tinue that celebration through
Building improvements includ-
include the front entrance being
more open, using the old fire-
Commissioners approve 2016
25% Off
Off ed an almost 2,000 square foot,
three-floor addition on the Tan-
places to its advantage; a new cir-
culation desk added; the public budget with slight increase
Anyy O
One IItem!
ne Ittem! ner Street side of the building,
making ADA improvements such
computers moved to one space
and upgraded for 21st century Borough commissioners ap-
as elevators and handicap bath- learning; the teen room includes proved the municipal budget for
(expiress Dec not
Dec 31, 2016 & n ot to
to be rooms as well as adding fire a meeting space; the fiction sec- 2016 at their meeting on March 22.
ined with
with other
other offers)
off egress stairs; upgrading the fire tion is now on the main floor; the The budget included an increase
system; adding a new roof; im- nonfiction section is upstairs; the of $36 in municipal taxes for the
proving the heating and air-con- children’s department is more average assessed home at $488,481
ditioning system; removing the open and colorful and includes a per year.
Wild Violet Natural Specialties stairs in the teen room, allowing children’s destination space; new The borough budget was $16.2
3 Kings Court • Haddonfield for more space; opening the chil-
dren’s area; creating more open
technologies are available
throughout the library; and dif-
million, of which $10.3 million
would be raised through property
856.429.0120 • www.wildviolet.info meeting room; and upgrading the ferent choices in color and furni- taxes. This puts the tax rate at
electrical components to support ture were made. $0.49 per $100 of assessed proper-
technology. A grand opening ceremony for ty value, which is an increase of
The spaces of the library are the library was held on Sept. 17 1.49 percent over last year.
being used in different and with a ribbon cutting and fun ac- For the average assessed home
unique ways to provide support tivities for all ages. at $488,481, municipal taxes will
Your SSource
ource fo
or Local
Local Ho
oney! and accessibility, all the while
maintaining the aesthetic of the
During the time of the redevel-
opment, Eric Zino, who was act-
go from $2,379 to $2,414.

library itself. Systems have been ing library director, was named li- please see MARKEIM, page 15
DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017 – THE HADDONFIELD SUN 15

Markeim celebrates 60 years

ed its 60th anniversary with a ignated with a clearly visible “no
MARKEIM gala fundraiser and a “Diamonds
are Forever” exhibition in Janu-
smoking” sign. Violators are sub-
ject to a fine not to exceed $200.
Continued from page 14 ary. • Interfaith Caregivers, a non-
• Commissioners approved an profit organization that provides
Employee salaries, benefits ordinance that prohibits smoking services such as driving, meals
and pension payments made up in the following places: inside all and visitation to seniors 65 years
51 percent of the borough budget, Haddonfield municipal buildings and older and those with disabili-
totaling $8.3 million, going up by and within a 25-foot radius of the ties in Haddonfield and Haddon
$470,945. This increase is mainly entrance of all municipal build- Heights, celebrated its 25th an-
due to cost shifting of expenses ings; all public parks and recre- niversary with a gala and
from the water and sewer utility ation facilities owned or leased by fundraiser in April.
to the current fund and a 53rd Haddonfield and all property • In August, the borough
week of pay that falls in 2016. A owned or leased by Haddonfield, launched its new website, meant
cost-of-living increase averaging including all areas adjacent to fa- to be more aesthetically pleasing,
1.5 percent was granted to non- cilities such as parking areas, user-friendly and easier to navi-
union employees and the police. driveways or drive aisles; and any gate both on a computer and on
For the sixth year in a row, it motor vehicle registered to the
was anticipated state funding borough. Each area would be des- please see PROPERTY, page 16
would be flat at $981,000.
The borough’s annual road pro-
gram continues to play a large Cigar Alley
part in the capital budget, with
the commissioners funding $1.7 856-663-9190 • www.cigaralleynj.com
million for road reconstruction
and design. Through the proceeds
from the sale of the water and
sewer utility, the borough was
able to liquidate most current
debt. This enabled the commis-
sioners to increase the amount of G
cash for the road program, which LOUNGE
would allow the borough to com- Ashton
plete more road projects. Also carrying... Padron • Fuente • LaFlor Dominicana and many more.

General borough happenings

• The Markeim Arts Center
was founded in 1956. It was for-
Holiday Hair need a Flair?
merly the Haddonfield Arts &
Crafts League in 1954, but in 1956
Bessie and J. William Markeim
Studio C Hair Salon
Family Hair Care - Waxing - Make-up Application
gave the current building, at 104
Walnut St., to the organization
and it changed its name to the
Markeim Arts & Craft League. In
1989, the name became Markeim
$15 Blowout
Art Center, and last year it When Only the Best Will Do!
changed once again to Markeim
Arts Center. &,JOHT)JHIXBZt"VEVCPO /+t
“The plural ‘arts’ is important
as we are really striving to em-
brace all of the arts,” Bob
Hochgertel, chief operating offi-
Hot Water Heater Replacement, Drain
cer of MAC, said. Cleaning, Tub to Shower Conversions,
For 60 years, the MAC has been
providing exhibition opportuni- Heater Service and Replacement
ties to regional artists, education SHERIDAN PLUMBING & HEATING INC
to the community, camps and SERVING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1984
workshops for children of all
ages. It also has provided art
training for students with disabil-
ities and hosted exhibitions for sheridanplumbinginc.com
autistic artists.
Markeim Arts Center celebrat- NJ State Contractors License #13VH05546800
16 THE HADDONFIELD SUN — DEC. 28, 2016–JAN. 3, 2017
Sidewalks and Lots, Plowing, Shoveling,
Property tax reward program
Servicing Haddonfield
and Surrounding Towns
Salting, De-Icing, 24-Hour Service.
launches in borough
(856) 547-0101 nance of existing historic proper- “Shop Haddonfield” cards were
Having such a fund also allows
distributed to all Haddonfield res-
idents the first week of December.
Continued from page 15 Haddonfield to apply for double When shopping at a participating
the amount of state Green Acres business using the special “Shop

Be social.
mobile devices. The borough web- Program grants to help purchase Haddonfield” reward card, a per-
site remains at www.haddonfield- open space. For example, Haddon- centage of each purchase is ap-
nj.org. field could apply for 50 percent of plied as a credit to the homeown-
Like us on • Haddon Fire Company No. 1 the purchase price of a property er’s property tax bill. A full list of
Facebook! held its 50th Fire Prevention
Night on Oct. 13, combining safe-
rather than 25 percent.
Every year, there would be a
participating businesses and
their tax reward offers, as well as
The Sun isn't ty education and fun. public audit of all expenditures. further information, can be found
just in print. Like • Haddonfield’s Open Space • In November and December, on at www.PropertyTaxCard.com
us on Facebook Trust Fund will continue, after New Jersey American Water /ShopHaddonfield.
73.84 percent of voters approved began an $8 million “facelift” for • Commissioners approved an
for additional of the one municipal question on a portion of the water and sewer ordinance on first reading re-
photos, stories the November ballot. system in Haddonfield. The proj- stricting pet shops to the sale of
and tidbits of With the passing of the ques- ect includes building three new dogs or cats under certain condi-
tion, the maximum tax for the sewer lift stations on Atlantic Av- tions. According to the ordinance,
information open space tax levy that could be enue, Coles Mill Road and a pet shop may offer for sale only
about your town. collected is one cent, which would Roberts Avenue, and replacing those dogs and cats obtained from
www.facebook.com/ raise approximately $225,000 each
year. This equates to $49 per year
the existing water and sewer util-
ities around these sites. Together,
or displays in cooperation with ei-
ther an animal care facility, an
haddonfieldsun for the borough’s averaged as- these projects will better meet animal rescue organization or
sessed property of $488,481. peak flows, improve service relia- breed specific hobby breeder.
Borough commissioners have bility, reduce service disruptions In September 2015, Camden
the right to assess the open space and relocate utilities out of envi- County freeholders initiated a
tax at less than the maximum ronmentally sensitive areas. countywide movement by passing
amount each year. For the past Weather permitting, these proj- a resolution offering enforcement
few years, commissioners have ects, including final paving and services to any municipality that
not authorized the full assess- restoration, will be completed by passed “Norman’s Law,” an ordi-
ment. Right now, the borough col- the end of summer. nance named for a shelter dog
lects at a half cent. • The Partnership for Haddon- adopted by Freeholder Jeffrey
The Open Space Trust Fund field and the borough announced Nash. The law prohibits pet
can be used for the purchase of 20 businesses have signed up to stores operating in Camden
land for active recreation such as participate in the newly launched County from selling animals from
sports fields, passive recreation “Shop Haddonfield” Property Tax breeders operating inhumane
such as walking trails and parks, Reward Program. That number is puppy mills.
and conservation of open space; expected to continue to grow. Since then, more than 125 anti-
the development of active and The Property Tax Reward Pro- puppy mill ordinances have been
passive recreation on borough- gram is a tax-incentive program enacted nationwide, banning pet
owned land; the maintenance cost that allows Haddonfield home- stores from getting their animals
for any recreation areas owned by owners to earn a property tax from commercial breeders.
the borough; the purchase and credit each time a purchase is Haddonfield is the second-to-
maintenance of historic preser- made at a local business partici- last municipality in the county to
vation purposes; and the mainte- pating in the program. adopt such an ordinance.

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DECEMBER 28, 2016-JANUARY 3, 2017 PAGE 18

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Nancy Repsher
REALTORS 428-9677 x 263
1LQHW\7DQQHU6WUHHW‡+DGGRQÀHOG1HZ-HUVH\ Totally rehabbed 2.5 Story American Four Square Style home features entry foyer, formal LR &
DR, eat-in kitchen, FR, 2.5 baths, master suite plus 3 other BDs, 2 floor laundry, 3rd floor 5th BR
or playroom, full basement & 2 car garage.

Darcy Durham Darcy Durham

428-9677 x 245 428-9677 x 245
Stunning Colonial in prestigious Haddonfield completely renovated down to the studs 11 years
Gorgeous new construction with over 2700’, 5 BRs & 3 ½ BAs, custom kitchen opens into
ago. 4 large BRs, 3 1/2 BAs, gorgeous custom kitchen, Southern Chestnut wood floors t/out.
beautiful Great Room that overlooks professionally landscaped yard. Fine finishes abound in this
Beautiful MBR suite, laundry area on 2nd floor, finished 3rd floor w/over sized BR & full BA, per-
fect for Au Pair suite or guest area. Professional landscaping, 2 car garage.
  (6828377)   (6884560)

Mark Lenny Mark Lenny

428-9677 x 239 428-9677 x 239
Magnificent Victorian Home presently used as a Bed and Breakfast. 9 Bedrooms with private
This colonial in the Gill Tract features a stunning 2 story foyer with a floating curved staircase, 4
baths and FPs and an apt. Can be sold as a business or single home.
BRs, and 3.5 BAs including a MBR suite, office, FR & finished basement, marble fireplace and
   (6390734) hardwood floors. On almost a half acre lot.

Gary Vermaat Gary Vermaat

428-9677 x 243 428-9677 x 243
Large 2 Story Colonial Home that features entry foyer, formal LR & DR, eat-in kitchen, family Three BR, 2 full BA Ranch style home is located in Barrington but with a Haddonfield address.
room, 1st floor laundry room, 2.5 BAs, 4 BRs w/one being a master suite, full basement & 2 car Features a formal LR & DR, updated kitchen, hardwood floors, central air, 2 fireplaces & conve-
attached garage. nient location
  (6755345)   (6881301)
Come Home to

115 Chews Landing Road 81 Chews Landing Road

2 ½ Story Center Hall Colonial in Elizabeth Haddon features This 3 story Colonial sits on a corner lot with a large private yard on
formal LR & DR, kitchen w/breakfast area, den, PR, 4 nice sized a prestigious street. It has 4 BRs & 1.5 Bas, FR with vaulted ceiling,
BRs, full bath, 2nd floor family room & office, full basement, 2 car office, rock maple HW floors, deck & patio. Just 3 blocks to down-
detached garage, wraparound side to back porch.
GARY VERMAAT MARK LENNY town for shops, restaurants, year-round festivities & hi-speedline.
$535,000 (6722791) Broker of Record, Owner Broker/Owner $549,000 (6769086)
Call Gary Vermaat at 428-9677 x 243 Call Mark Lenny at 428-9677 x 239

338 Kings HIGHWAY W. 203 Chews Landing Road 542 Narberth Avenue
Beautiful Center Hall Colonial Style Home located in Haddonfield, features This 3-story Colonial has interesting architectural features. Gorgeous foyer, Great Two Story Colonial Home with Carriage House. Features a center
formal LR & DR, upgraded kitchen, breakfast room, office, family room, 5 BRs, 3. 5 BAs, delightful sunroom, FR & office. On a prestigious street & hall, formal LR & DR, remodeled eat-in kitchen, 1st floor laundry room,
sun room, 1 floor laundry room, master suite, guest suite plus 3 other great priced to reflect the opportunity to update it & make it your own. FR, 5 BRs with master suite, 4.5 baths, full basement & carriage house w/
sized BRs, powder room, finished basement, 2 car garage & in-ground exercise room, great room, full BA & 6th BR or office.
heated pool. $799,000 (6773653)
Call Mark Lenny at 428-9677 x239
$1,195,000 (6874719) Call Gary Vermaat at 856-428-9677 x243
Call Gary Vermaat at 856-428-9677 x243

320 Washington Avenue 322 Woodland Avenue 211 Moore Lane

This center hall Colonial is perfect for a large family & features 17 rooms Beautiful 2 story brick Cape Cod Style Home with over 4,000 sq ft of living Gracious two-story Colonial with 6 BRS, 3 full BAS & 2 PRS including a
including 7 BRS, 3.5 BAS, gorgeous eat-in kit, FR + office, den, sun room, space. Features entry foyer, formal LR & DR, FR, eat-in kitchen, powder sumptuous MBR suite, gourmet kit, fam rm, den/office, rec rm/exercise rm
wonderful outdoor living spaces, 3 porches & more. Just blocks to town & room, 1st floor & 2nd master suites plus 2 other great sized BRs, game + 3 FP & a sauna. Inside & out, the perfect executive family home.
Hi-Speedline. room, gym, Jacuzzi area, sauna & garage.
$1,050,000 (6859622)
$969,000 (6867420)
$1,175,000 (6872116) Call Gary Vermaat at 856-428-9677 x243
Call Mark Lenny at 428-9677 x 239
Call Mark Lenny at 428-9677 x239

856-428-5150 *•¥vÙë×;K¥¥vÍ×9ÙÍvvÙ×b×Haddonfield, NJ
Visit www.lvlrealtors.com or text LVL to 64842 to tour our Haddonfield Properties.

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