Glori Gayster he has long stood by. The most be the basis for a topper, as a The date is set, venue chosen important point I tell any couple is foundation along the base or both. and menu selected. Now it is time this is their day and the cake Sugar is not the only option, to create the quintessential should please them not the Chef Bennett adds. We can blend dessert centerpiece. Other than guests nor the in-laws. in rock candy, chocolate and Book your private the bride, nothing should outshine Of late, shimmer and glitz are caramel to further embellish the Bridal Shower the wedding cake and according big just take a look at the Golden design and taste. to Classic Cake executive pastry Globes Red Carpet fashions earli- No matter the design or flavors or Bachelorette chef Robert W. Bennett, the er this month. Says Kristina Carr, preferred, Bennett cannot stress Party! options today are limitless. a consultant at Classic Cake, enough the importance request a c "GMJ GJ "GMJ With nearly 30 years experi- Metallics and sequins are defi- professional consultation and Sessions Available ence, Bennett has seen trends nitely making a comeback but tasting with a skilled wedding come and go. Tastes and flavorful nothing tops the fascination with cake specialist one who will c @GGK= QGMJ GOF ingredients vary by season as geodes. Yes, these hollow, crys- guide a bride and groom with masterpiece cake compositions in terms of tal-lined rocks are taking cake questions about event-related c !=L QGMJ GOF HJAN9L= size, shape and style. For this rea- design by storm. specifics. It can make all the dif- party room son, couples should start plan- Available in an unlimited rain- ference. ning early, allowing the creative bow of colors, the sweet edible Classic Cake is located at 480 c .@JGO QGMJ H9JLQ process to flourish and avoiding confection, most often made of Evesham Road in Cherry Hill, and any day of the week conflicts or last minute rushes. To sugar, can be used to fully adorn a can be reached at (856) 751- start, he shares words of wisdom cake or as a simple accent. It can 5448 or %AF?K "OQ ?? "9J:GJ ,< "9<<GF_ =D<