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Sept Newsletter1

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PO Box 11020 Hamilton

ph 857 0297 www.hillcrest-high.school.nz


Beautiful Lengths Fundraiser

Blood Drive
Page 4

Senior Ball
Page 8

Principal Points

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Although we still have a full term of school to complete, planning for next year has begun. Already we have received approximately 250 Year 9 enrolm
for next year and we will use this information to staff the school and allocate class number and subjects to complete the timetable during term 4. As yo

The Senior Leadership Team will be working alongside the Board of Trustees, staff and the community in developing our Annual Goals and Targets for
planning to ratify the Annual Plan at our November Board meeting and will be posted on the school website along with the School Charter early next ye

On Monday 12th September PPTA and NZEI members from throughout the Waikato region met to discuss the Global Budget funding model for New Zeala
property maintenance. Currently Boards of Trustees receive separate funding for teachers salaries, operational funding and property maintenance, wit
meet student needs. These additional costs come from the school operational grant or locally raised funds. The school operations grant is again related

The operational grant funds all the day to day operational costs to the school, including all ancillary and support staff wages, text books, curriculum related sch

which is provided under the schools Ministry of Education funded 10 Year Property Plan.

Unfortunately the funding currently allocated to our school from the Government does not cover the costs of delivering the quality education we wish t
paying students the most signific the school donation (although the school donation has significantly much needed additional funding.

The Ministry of Education has undergone a review into school funding, and one of the proposals is the introduction of Global Funding for schools. We s
Kelvin S Whiting



- 23 Sept

Senior Exams



Yr 9 & Yr 10 Tick Reports

End of Term 3



Start of Term

18 October


Arts Dept Supper



Maori Success Awards



Sports Awards



Senior Prizegiving

9 November

NCEA Exams start

15-18 November

Junior Exams


Junior Prizegiving



Blood Drive

History Bee & Bowl

Held in the school gym on Friday, 2 September.

Over 80 donations made, each donation helps save 3 lives.

The International History Bee and Bowl is a quiz competition

that is run all over the world. It is divided into the Bowl,
which is a team event and the Bee, where the students
compete on their own.

A huge effort from Hillcrest High School. Thanks to all those

who donated.

On the 3 September, Jonah Franke-Bowell, Gabriel Pan,

Hunter Watkins and Tom Paul, all from Year 11, competed in
the New Zealand Division of the competition at Auckland
International College in Blockhouse Bay. This was the third
year that Hillcrest High has competed and it is the third year
that we have taken home a trophy. The team did amazingly
winning the Junior Varsity
The team also did very well in the Bee. Jonah was not able to
defend his title, but he did
Hunter came 4th equal and Tom came 7th.

National Poetry Day

All four have gained automatic entry into the Australasian

Championship to be held in late 2017 in Melbourne. They have
also gained entry to the bi-annual History Olympiad which is to
be held in Berlin, Germany in 2018.

and Ms Mc
only did the(with
poetry inbeing
the HHS
haiku Chess
Knight ) but five Year 10 writers got to meet a famous NZ poet.
Seven students from Hillcrest competed in an Interschool
Chess tournament held in the school auditorium on Tuesday, 6 Bailey Bates,
Chloe Cavanagh, Tammy Mc Conachy, Gabrielle September.

Ou, Elme Van Der Westhuisen, went with Ms Raleigh and Mrs
Jamieson to Rototuna Junior High School for a poetry workshop
with Glenn Colquhoun. He spoke about his life and how he gets
ideas for his poems. He read some of his poems and gave
interesting advice. He gave time for students to write their own
poems, listened to them and offered encouraging feedback.

Our students were among the brave few that offered answers
to Dr Colquhouns questions and volunteered to read the
poems out that they had just written. We left excited that we
had met such a famous poet and inspired to write.

Chinese Lunch
Just before practice exam, the year 11 Chinese class had a
lovely Chinese lunch to celebrate a successful year of learning
and fun activities. Giving it a go is really the most important
and exciting element of approaching a new culture and new

Biology Olympiad
Competing against a group of mainly Year 12 students from
around the country, Year 11 student Maega Loganathan has
made it through to the next stage of the NZ International
Biology Olympiad programme and will be awarded a Bronze
Maega now has the opportunity to participate in an online
learning programme - aimed to support a range of extension
Biology learning opportunities.
Early in 2017 there will be an exam and the top participants
will be invited to participate in the national camp. The top
students from this camp will represent New Zealand at the
International Olympiad which will be held in England.


International by over 200 points to retain their title.


After playing throughout the year against 12 other schools,
with only 4 teams making it to t

out on t

Past Student theatresportsProfileteams came

against HBHS, HGHS, Sacred Heart, Peachgrove Intermediate

in a very entertaining and close competition, our teams
should be extremely proud as they ended up 5 points ahead to
take out the title and bring back the trophy for another year!
Thanks to all those who came and supported the teams

Jesse Mulligan
1989 - 1992
What have you been up to?
I went to Waikato University and did a law degree. While
there I had a go at the student radio station as well as the
local TV station and a bit timers stand up comedy
competition which I won, and decided upon graduating
that Id go in the direction of comedy rather than law. I
worked hosting radio breakfast shows for The Edge and
More FM, then started working on the comedy show 7
Days and got lots more TV work after that including
hosting Seven Sharp for a year or two.

Most recent achievement?

I host the afternoon show on Radio NZ National, from 1 - 4
pm each week day. Im also the restaurant reviewer for

NZ Heralds Wednesday magazine world).

Advice to current students...

Use your time in class wisely - you have to be there so
you may as well get something out of it. Try not to get
put off by subjects you think youre not good at, if you
can just persevere until the you click better with a different
class or teacher. Do as broad a range of subjects as possible
so you have as much choice as you can later. Girls, do the
subject other girls arent doing - you will kill it when you get
to university
and the real world where everybody wants more women
doing STEM subjects!

What would you do different (if anything)?

I loved Waikato University but I reckon I would have

made more friends if Id moved outside of Hamilton for
uni. I wish Id done more science at school because parts
of my general knowledge are seriously lacking!

At the Career Centre (T1/T2) you can access information to assist in all aspects of career decision-making, including:

New Zealand universities, polytechnics, Wananga, and

industry training organisations
2 Apprenticeships, private training providers, armed forces
and police
1 One to one career consultation and planning
Up to date job and labour market information
Accessto industry/tertiary unit standard short
courses(STAR), Gateway and Trades Academy courses
Help with CV writing, job interviews, applications


the career quiz for teenagers

Year 11 and Year 12
Sign Up Now - Get Started Today!
Take the career quiz and in no time at all you will have
assessed your skills and interests against over 40 career paths,
giving you a much better idea of the options available and
the skills and qualifications nee
has already helped thousands of teenagers with their career
decision making.

Hillcrest High School Careers Centre

Facebook is a very useful tool for daily careers information
from tertiary providers and industry. This is the Careers
Centres main way of keeping you up to date with jobs,
training, employment trends etc

The questionnaires will need to be completed before a subject

choice/career guidance appointmen
Once you have completed this then bring it over to the career
centre and we can sit down and discuss your career pathway.

Bulls-Eye Login Details:

Jump on board by setting up at: www.bulls-eye.co.n
Username / Email:

use your school email address

use your existing school password

Plan your career..... Start Now !!!

Years 10, 11, 12, 13
Go to www.careers.govt.nz and register with My Career
Portfolio and complete Careerquest and other career quizzes
to help you plan your subject choice and your possible future
careers. With 400+ jobs on the jobs database, CareerNZ has all
the information youll need to discover career possibilities and
explore the job market. You can then come and see us at the
Career Centre to discuss your career plan!!

For 2016 school leavers:

High priority: University Accommodation Applications
The first round of placement so applications need
to be submitted urgently via university websites.
The accommodation application process is separate
to that for study applications,
Now is also the time to think about applying for
2017 tertiary study courses. Closing dates vary
should generally aim to complete this by

aremonthoffered a place.
You can apply for several

of scholarships open for

application. Check out the
GivMe website FREE at the
Hamilton Public Library or
on any school computer.
(check websites) but you

There are still a number

For those
unsure of
whether they
should go on to
further study...
1. First and foremost, students should identify the jobs that
suit their strengths and interests and preferably offer
reasonable job prospects. Year 13s should start with
CareersNZ website while Year 11The andprogramme12sisvalidshouldforuptotwo yearsfirstprimarilyuse
the Bulls-Eye programme. After some investigation, an
appointment can be made at the Careers Centre to talk
about options.



preferred jobs. There might be some alternatives to fee

paying courses in the form of:

providers, see: http://


- Workplace training
3. If a fee-paying course is necessary, study doesnt have to
Many industries provide opportunity to gain a
be a full time matter as many are offered on a partqualification while in timeemploymentbasis.Thismeans studyegcouldpharbecombinedacywith parttechnician, anaesthetic technician, jobs in the social
time work, allowing valuable work experience in the
sector. A job needs to be securprocedss,firstplusfora qualificatithisoptio
and then arrangements made with the boss. See:
This method also provides opportunity to try-out before
date if the content and level is similar.

- Cadetships
Consideration can be giv
These are very structured training programmes with
Open Poytech, Massey University, Te Kura Correspondence
larger organisations (egSchool, Opus,SouthernInstituteKPMG,ofTechnologyDistrictandanumberCounc
leading to formal qualificaotherionsprovider.Timeis),allowedwhich t
attend classes at a tertiary provider and can lead to
jobs like accountant and engineering technologist.
5. Money spent on tertiary education is an investment in the
Cadetships are usually advertised as such so it will be
future so consider it as good debt. Students are paying
clear before starting the job that training is involved.
to be equipped with skills and knowledge which are useful
in the workforce and therefore giving them ability to earn
- Apprenticeships
money. The governments Occupation Outlook is a
These are 2-3 year contracts with a host company to
great resource which compares study fees, prospects and
earn money as you learn a job and the related theory,
income for a range of j
eg chef, hairdresser, trades. A job will need to be
secured first, often as /occupationlabourer-oroutlook/pdfassistant-.libr
the employer is satisfiedpdf
with an employees
performance, an apprenticeship contract will be
formalised. Seecourses/http://www6.Statistic.careers.govtshow.nz/that qu
these early on.
- Security/Emergency Services
These are government operated training schemes,
eg Army, Navy, Air Force, Police.

Senior Ball - 6 August

On the 6th August over 600 staff and senior students attend
the annual school ball which was held at the University of
Waikato, Gallagher Performing Arts Centre. Special thanks to
Mrs Jodie Terry, teacher in charge and Year 13 student
Georgia Strang, chairperson of the ball committee for
organising such a successful and enjoyable evening.

Staff all dressed up for the evening

Science Fair
The following students participated in the HHS Science Fair
and the Regional Science and Technology Fair this term and I
am extremely pleased with the effort students have put into
their projects. The results have been great, well done!
Zach Fitzgerald (9MI), Yeshwanth
Lisignoli (9PD), Adam Nachowitz
Gabrielle Ou (10GA), Dihini
(12 GD), Linbie Ke (12 AR),
NIWA Waikato Regional Science and Technology Fair results are as
Adam Nachowitz
- Junior Earth and Space Sciences - 2nd in category and New Zealand
Soil Society Special Award for an outstanding exhibit that relates to Soil


Open Scientific Photography Back

Meleena Radcliffe
Front row: Faith
Balisario, Zach Fitzgerald, Gabrielle Ou
1- Year

mNachowitz,.Rishika Sinha Dihini Ranmadugala
2- Year 9-13 Scientific Wall
Gabriella Ou
Year 9-13 Scientific Wall
Usha Thakur (HHS Science Fair

HHS Science Fair participants 2016

Adam Nachowitz with his Soil
Science exhibit

Zach Fitzgerald

NIWA Science and Technology

Fair participants with their

Daffodil Day

Well done to Shiori Mizuma and Yuma Morita for their volunteer
work on Daffodil Day. They braved a very wet and cold Friday
to support the Cancer Society fundraising.

International Students

Shiori Mizuma and Yuma Morita

The annual International Student 10 Pin Bowling competition

was again a keenly contested evening with Phob Tienpothong
from Thailand the clear winner.
With some students and staff
bowling, the variety of bowling styles was very entertaining
and sometimes successful!


The large group then finished

at the nearby Indian Star Restaurant.


Nancy Wu, Yuma Morita, Yuki Kimura, Beam Pinyotamanotai

and Shiori Mizuma

Junior Shared Lunch

On Friday, 2 September our annual Junior Shared Lunch was
held in the International Students Centre. A warm welcome
was extended by our students to their teachers.
The students prepared food which is popular in their countries
of origin, to thank their teachers for all their hard work and

Selina Deng, Wanjun Chen and Annie Li

It was wonderful to see students and teachers sitting together in

a relaxed cafe environment, eating and sharing conversation.
A big thank you to everyone who attended.

Beautiful Lengths
Lunchtime on Friday, 9 September students and staff
participated in the annual Beautiful Lengths cancer
fundraising event where students donated 20cm of
their hair for the purpose of making wigs for those
battling cancer.

This year also included the Shave for a Cure for the
first time.
Thanks to those who gave their time and money for a
good cause.





Music Dept
The Music Department had
three groups performing at the
ITM Festival held in the
Gallagher concert chamber at
the Waikato University on the
19th of August. The Hillcrest

Orchestra, Jazz band

Guitar group all performed on
an exciting day hosted by the
school itinerant service and
convened by John Wright. The
festival attracts many schools
from the Waikato and Bay
of Plenty and is a wonderful
opportunity for students to
perform in front of their
peers and gain

Guitar Group performing

This was the first time at the festival for the guitar group
dont fret it and they were
awarded a creditable Silver
award for their performance

The annual SCAT Sing concert was held on the 21st of August in
the auditorium. This was the 30th anniversary concert for
assistant principal and SCAT director Susan Radford. This is a
fantastic achievement and the music department congratulates
Mrs Radford for the years of commitment and development of

many fine vocalists, memorable co

The Jazz band also gained a Silver award for their performance and
are going from strength to strength as new young members are
gaining experience. Thanks to music department staff member
Isaac Crandell-Tanner for his expertise and management

of the Jazz band.

The orchestra, under conductor and music department teacher Dr Martin

Our two highly successful concert chamber groups

were invited by the mayor of Hamilton, Julie
Hardaker, to perform at the Mayors Monthly Matinee
Concert. National concert chamber winners the
Yerevan Trio, Marianna Kang,
(violin) and Hyein Kim, cello
semi-finalists the Raysken T
Celia Griffiths (violin), Joo
their respective program pieces. The Civic Reception
Lounge was full of an appreciative audience who
thoroughly enjoyed the performances which included
solo performances by Hyein Kim, accompanied by
Katherine Austin, and Marianna Kang.
Once again thank you to the music staff, Daniel
Shin, Isaac Crandell-Tanner,
their dedication and passion, and to the parents and

Griffiths, were awarded a Gold Meritsudentsawardwhocontributefor to,theirandmake possibleprogramme,the

the top level award given by the festival. This is the result of a lot of hard ongoing success of the Hillcrest High School music
work in rehearsals over the past few weeks. Well done to all the students. department.

5-A-Side Football
The Hillcrest High School Football Club organised the annual
5-A-Side championship again this year. A total of 26 teams
from Hillcrest competed. Our Boys 1st X1 won the Senior Boys

Hillcrest Skillcrest Team

Get2Go Challenge
Eight students from Hillcrest had a great day out in the
Waikato sunshine at the Get2Go Challenge on Tuesday, 16
August. There were approximately 200 students mountain
biking, orienteering, kayaking, standup paddling and problem
solving their way through the challenges.

Getting ready for the kayak leg of the challenge

Back: Nick Lowther, Damien Martinus, Michael May,

Flynn Murphy

Front: Lucy Richardson, Chloe Henderson, Jodi Win, Neve Wells


Rugby - 1st XV
Samoan Rugby Tour
After two terms of full on fundraising where the
1st XV raised over $21,000 we made our way to

Samoa mid August for what became a trip of a lifetime and

one we will never forget. Leaving behind New Zealands wet
and cold winter was not hard, we were welcomed by
temperatures between 30 and 35 degrees for the duration of
the trip. While great for the beach not so for playing rugby.
While staying in Apia we visited some of the main tourist
attractions of Samoa including the Sua Ocean Trench, Lalomanu
Beach and Piula Cave Pools which were amazing. The highlight for
many while in Apia was turning up to a local Primary School
unannounced and being treated like the All Blacks. The boys gave
away rugby balls and boots bought over from NZ and performed a
haka for the school. The locals returned the favour with singing
and dancing that did not want to end.

Whilst on the other island of Savaii we saw the other side of

Samoa. A less populated and more relaxed island surrounded with
amazing beaches. Waterholes, swimming with turtles and
attending a traditional samoan church service were some of the
highlights whilst in Savaii. Waking up each morning from the
beachfront fales and going for a dip in the water before starting
our day was something we could have got use to.

The two games we played were against Leulumoega Fou

College in Apia and Vaiola College in Savaii. Both games
provided different experiences and parts of the local culture
and memories we will never forget. Although we went down
in both games the heat proved to be the main factor.

Thank you to all who have supported the trip, you made it
possible for us to get there.


Player of the Year Angus

Coaches Award Mitchell



Most Promising

Last week
High School
what was a
season at
High Rugby
Giving. The


2nd XV

Team Player


Best Forward

Tuikete Pule

Best Back

Jaxon Wright

Best Forward

Award winners:
1st XV



Ethan Joblin

Team Player
Dylan Meek
Player of the Year Ropata

Coaches: Ryan Cox

and Steve Harcourt
Play of the Year 1st XV
Captain Angus

Team Player

David Finnigan

Best Back

Player of the Year David


A big congratulations must

go to 1st XV Player of the
Year Captain Angus

Best Back

Best Forward


Hillcrest High School

Hillcrest High School
Increased number of
students participating
in rugby at Hillcrest
High School

Best Forward






Best Back

Fraser Ward

Team Player
Tommi Rae
Player of the Year Scott Faville

Mitchell Barratt
Logan Catherall

David Finnigan

Ropata Martin

Scott Faville

Josh Phillips
Ronin Stephenson

2016 1st XV


Tournament Week - August 29 - September 3

Hockey - Girls

Hockey - Boys

Tournament - Albany

- Wellington

After winning the Midlands Intercity competition

for the first time the girls
in to tournament week! The team travelled to
Albany to compete in the top tier tournament of Federation
Cup and Marie Fry trophy.

had high hopes going

The 1st XI hockey boys travelled to Wellington to compete in
the Rankin Cup/India shield tour
most prestigious boys hockey tournament and being in this was
such an experience. Hillcrests last appearance at this level
had not been since 1988 so we were making history. When I was
The team consisting of Molly Bird, Samara Clare, Dannii
in year 11 we were in tier 4 and Rankin Cup seemed like more
Cooke, Aleysha elmer, Laurne Johnston, Acacia Kelsen, Czaitlin
of a dream at that time. But after seeing steady progression
McIntyre, Amelia McNamara, Tara Newman, Christa Pearson,
over the years at lower tiers we have made our way to Rankin
Kendra Peart-Anderson, Shanelle Reeve, Briar Wharry, Georgia
Cup and shown why we deserved to be there!
Wharry, Maya Wilson and Meghan Wilson was coached by Rhys
The consisting of Joe Elliot, Logan Floyd, Hayden Horsfall,
The girls had it tough from the beginning, drawing a very strong Hamish Keighley, Jared Kelsen, William Kingsbury, Crae
Kinzett-Rolfe, Phoenix Kinzett-Rolfe, Craig Marshall, Thomas
pool with the likes of St. Cuthberts, St. Hildas and Timaru
May, Jackson Montford, Max Phillips, Devin Pointon, Aonghas
Girls. After being outclassed by St. Cuthberts we had to win
Robertson, Brayden Silvester and Lewis Smith was coached by
our next 2 games to move on to the top 16. We managed to get
teacher in charge of Hockey - Richard Baggs.
the wins against St. Hildas and Timaru Girls to move through
to Federation Cup, which is a tournament that Hillcrest has
rarely featured in. Unfortunately the luck of the draw was not
in our side and once again we had a very tough match against
Whangarei Girls where unfortunately we lost 3-2 in golden goal
extra time. This put us in the 9 to 16 bracket.
After this disappointing loss we managed to follow this up with
a win over Wairarapa College to be playing off in between
9th-12th. The girls played tough but tournament took its toll
and injuries began to creep in and we couldnt produce a win
against Iona College. This meant our final game was for 11th

Although it was a hugely difficul

sides such as St. Andrews College and Auckland Grammar we
also found it really satisfying when we competed well against
them. Beating New Plymouth Boys High was a game that I,
and Im sure plenty of the boys, will hold close to our hearts.
This being my last ever game as captain for Hillcrest the boys
came out and showed grit and determination. We were the
underdogs but we played an outstanding game and came away
with our most memorable win of the season winning 4-3 in 9v9
golden goal extra time. It is something the team and I wont

and 12th against Queen Margarets College.

forget for a long time.

In this game we won 3-1 which placed us as the top Co-Ed

School in the country and 11th in New Zealand which is one of
the highest any Hillcrest side as ever been! This tops off as one
of the most successful seasons of hockey for the girls. I cannot
thank Rhys, Tanya and Natalie enough for all of your help this
year and to the girls you are awesome and I am so proud of
you guys.

Hillcrest finished a respectable

proud of the lads. I would like to thank our manager Karen for
putting up with us and of course to our coach Mr Baggs. Thank
you for everything, we couldnt have done anything without
you and I definitely wouldnt be
team next year, Good luck and to whoever the captain maybe
next year. Be proud of the lads in whichever they do as they
look up to you. And no matter what the result is hold your head
high knowing you have done everything you can.

Acacia Kelsen, 1st XI captain

Lewis Smith, 1st XI captain

1st X1 Girls Hockey

Tournament teams acknowledged at assembly

(Hockey Girls)

Football - Girls

Football - Boys

Tournament - Nelson

Tournament - Taupo

Competing in the 2016 Lotto Premier tournament,

the 1st X1 Girls football team travelled to the
beautiful Nelson with Coach Martin Finney,
Manager Kate Rys, and Teacher in Charge Alistair Turner where they were positioned in a convincingly
relentless pool. Going up against such formidable powerhouse
teams in the early stages of
tone for the remainder of the week, making for a hard fought
tournament filled with grit and determination.

We headed to Taupo during tournament week to

compete in the Rex Dawkins Tournament.
The team was made up of Mathew Ashman, Isaac
Boyce, Alex Choi, Jordan Ditfort, Nathan Ditfort,
Mark Docherty, Jay Edwards, Callum Elder, John Flood, Jet Lim,
Bradley Mardon, Kristofer Nebesky, Kevin Quick, Bradley Reese,
Daniel Smallwood and Sasha Wallbank and coached by teacher

The astonishingly young squad comprised of: Georgia Ballard,

Chloe Henderson, Anja Kuys, Brooke Lee, Emma Marshall, Anina
Peresson, Hannah Rogers, Chelsi Rys, Victoria Scott, Jessica &
Emma Sizer, Kiana Snell, Richlyn Tuhoro, Brianna Uivel, Georgia
Williams and Madison Wright who stepped up to the mark,
delivering some impressive performances although narrowly
losing the first 3 games.
A win in the fourth game had goals shift to a booming 17th
place. This was foiled in an incredibly gut-wrenching effort
against Hutt Valley - a disallowed goal due to an opposing
injury and a 0-0 result, leading to a luckless result in penalties.
With morale hard hit, the team lost their next game but went
on to win their final one - effectiv ly placing them 23rd in New
Overall a well fought tournament, with performances lacking
resemblance to their results.
Very special thanks to the Coaches and Managers for making
the week so successful.
Victoria Scott - captain

the tournament definitely set


in charge Mr Josh Groom

The boys didnt get the results they were hoping for early on
in the week but the spirits stayed high among the brothers
and we kept fighting. With player
injuries we only just had 11
boys fought hard and wanted to end on a high and with that
win we finished 23rd.
It was a great tournament for all the boys who went and a good
send off for the many Year 13 students within the team.
Thanks to the team management - Coach Josh Groom and camp
parents/referees Brett Chibnall a
Jordan Ditford - captain


Tournament - Rotorua
With a decent season under our belt our basketball
boys travelled to Rotorua during tournament week
to compete in the Zone 2 Regional tournament.
The boys premier team consisting of Yaser Azfar, Daniel
Balloch, Andrew Castro, Marlon George, Nate Hallam, Hamish
McDonald, Joshua Sprosen, Logan Vuglet and Jackson White
was coached by Dan Green.
With hopes of finishing top six a
boys took care of business during
good wins against Bethlehem and Cambridge and a close loss
to St Johns. In these first 5 gam
really stepped up making plays wed never seen them make
After qualifying second in our p
matchup with Melville. Hamish McDonald played spectacularly
throughout and carried the team through many phases of the
game; however we just couldnt execute down the stretch and
lost narrowly by 4. This meant that we would play Tauranga
Boys in a do or die game for a spot in Nationals. This time
the boys were ready for it. Jackson White and Josh Sprosen
dominated the much bigger Tauranga boys inside and Marlon
George sealed the game with an amazing shooting performance
in the fourth quarter.
The boys ended up finishing 6th.
more, I couldnt fault the boys as they gave it their all to the
final whistle of every game.
A massive thanks to Coach Dan Green for all the time and effort
he has put in with the boys this year and the amazing job he
does at the helm of this team and to Jan Sprosen, our manager
and all the other parents for their support throughout the week
and the year.
Finally, it was an absolute pleasure Co-captaining a great group
of boys in my final tournament a
what this team can do at Nationals.
Logan Vugler - Captain



Netball - UNISS


Tournament - Papakura


The Upper North Island (UNISS)

was held in Papakura.

- Cambridge

The team, consisting of Libby Alsemgeest, Lucie

Bardoul, Abby Bartels, Sarah Bigham, Casey Davis,
Lyanne Eukaliti, Megan Henderson, Emmerson
Houghton, Brianna OBrien, Jessica Pasene, Fiesola Puamau,
and Ambah Tuhoro was coached by Mrs Keren Priscott and Miss
Sarah Hayman, and was managed by Miss Robinson.
After achieving our original goal of making the top 16, we
won a crucial game against nemesis Howick College by 5 goals
and as a result gained a spot in the top 8. However, with this
position came tough games, and Open A lost their final game

Tournament this year

Nationals got off to a good start as we won two

of three games on day one to put us in the top
The second day the team improved its performances and after
a close final, came fourth in NZ.
Rebecca Pickering, Neve Wells, Goalie - Matilda Plant, plus
Hollie & Dannii Cooke were the players to impress.
A big thank you to Kate Rys - our manager, Siobhan Quintal - our
amazing coach and Magaret who have all put so much time and
effort into this team.

for 7th place by 1 goal, placing us 8th out of 114 teams at the

A big thank you to Urban Lawns for sponsoring the playing tops.

We were the highest ranked team in the Waikato, placing above

the school to beat - St Pauls, who was placed 9th.
Lucie Bardoul Captain

NZ Reps
U23/15: Chelsi Rys
U18: Kristofer Nebesky & Daniel Smallwood

Lucie did extremely well to recover from injury and take the
court in every game. Megan Henderson was the most consistent
player, while Fiesola Puamau regularly shot over 85%.
Lyanne Eukaliti, after performing well all week, was named in
the Tournament Team.
Mrs P - Netball Coach

Waikato Reps
U18A Hollie Cooke & Rebecca Pic
U18 Development: Anja Kuys, Emma Marshall,
Faye McDougal, Ameilia MacNamara,
Matilda Plant & Rebecca Pickering
U15A: Dannii Cooke & Chelsi Rys
U15 Development: Annalise Lightbourne, Neve Wells
& Georgia Wharry

Netball Waikato Premier 2

Open A was also runner-up in the Premier 2 Grade in the
Waikato competition.

Dannii Cooke is also travelling to Australia to play for Waikato



The annual school duathlon was held round the streets of

Hillcrest on Wednesday, 17 August.


Hillcrest High School

Masters Avenue
PO Box 11020
Ph 0064 7 8570297
Fax 0064 7 8565125
Email: office@hillcrest-high.school.nz


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