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The Anhydrides of Basic Amino-Acids

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Adamson : The Anhydrides of Basic Amino-acids.


13. The Anhydrides of Basic Amino-acids.

'' dl-Lysine anhydride " (the product obtained by heating dl-lysine methyl ester), which has hitherto been
regarded as a substituted diketopiperazine, is now shown to contain at least 40% of dl-3-aminohornopiperidone.
Similarly, 1-3-aminopyrrolidone is obtained in good yield by heating the methyl ester of d-ay-diamino-n-butyric
acid. Some derivatives of these .bases are described.

are normally converted by heat into the corresponding substituted diketopiperazines, as

first observed by Curtius (Ber., 1904, 37, 1284) for glycine ester. dl-Ornithine, however, did not react in this
manner, since intramolecular cyclisation to dl-3-aminopiperidone (I) occurred even during attempted esterification (Fischer and Zemplen, Ber., 1909, 42, 4878). The same tendency to cyclisation has been observed with
various derivatives of ornithine (Fischer and Bergmann, Annalen, 1913, 398, 115 ; Thomas, Kapfhammer,
and Flaschentrager, 2. physiol. Chern., 1922, 124, 75).

z H 2 CO










On the other hand, dl-lysine anhydride," obtained as a brown, viscous mass by heating dl-lysine methyl
ester t o loo', was stated to have the diketopiperazine structure (11)(Fischer and Suzuki, Chem. Zentr., 1905, I,
354; Ber., 1905, 38, 4173). On repeating this preparation, it is now found that the crude anhydride contains
40% of a white crystalline compound (b. p. 167'/12 mm., m. p. 68-71") which must be identified as the unimolecular anhydride, dl-3-aminohornopiperidone (111),by reason of its volatility. The picrate and the hydrochloride prepared from this compound are similar to those isolated by Fischer and Suzuki (Zoc. cif.), and it is
therefore concluded that their crude anhydride consisted of (111)admixed with non-volatile lysyl peptides.
dE-3-Aminohomopiperidone is strongly basic and hygroscopic and is readily hydrolysed to dl-lysine hydrochloride by hydrochloric acid. Acetylation with acetic anhydride under mild conditions yields S-acetamidohomopiperidone, which had been obtained by Wrede (2.physiol. Chem., 1932, 206, 146) by hydrolysis of the
base C,,H 1402N;2,
isolated from the acetylation product of certain proteins, or by acetylation of d-lysine under
vigorous conditions.
The free amino-group of (111),available for coupling, corresponds to the a-amino-group of the parent
lysine (the point of linkage in natural products), whereas the E-amino-group is protected. Accordingly, (111)
condensed with p-acetamidobenzenesulphonyl chloride to give dl-3-(p-acetamidobenzenesul~honamido)homopiperidone, which was hydrolysed to c-amino-a-(p-aminobenzenesulphonamido)-n-hexoic
acid. It is also
possible that (111) may serve for the synthesis of lysyl peptides (compare Bergmann and Koster, 2. physiol.
Chem., 1927, 167, 91, who report that the lactam group of 3-acetylphenylalanylaminopiperidone may be
hydrolysed, leaving the peptide link intact).
As expected, methyl d-ay-diamino-n-butyrate (available from glutarnic acid ; Adamson, J., 1939, 1564)
was readily converted into l-3-aminopyvrolidone (IV). The preparation of the picrate and the hydrochloride
of this base and of 3-acetamido- and 3-(p-acetamidobenzenesul~~onamido)-pyrrolidone
is described.

dl-lysine Methyl Ester DihydrochZoride.-Methyl alcohol (340 c.c.) containing a suspension of dl-lysine dihydrochloride
(17.0 g.) (*4damson, Zoc, cit.) was saturated with dry hydrogen chloride without cooling. Crystallisation of the hot,
clear solution commenced on cooling, and was completed by addition of ether (340 c.c.). After standing overnight, the
precipitate was filtered off, washed with methyl alcohol-ether, and dried in a vacuum. Yield, 17.5 g. (98%) ; m. p.
2171218" (Fischer and Suzuki, Zoc. cit., give m. p. 218").
dl-lysine Anhydride."-Sodium
(2 g.) was dissolved in methyl alcohol (100 c.c.) and added to a solution of dl-lysine
methyl ester dihydrochloride (10 g.) in warm methyl alcohol (100 c.c.). Ether (500 c.c.) was added, and the mixture
kept for several hours. Sodium chloride was then removed, and the filtrate evaporated under reduced pressure ; the
residual gum was heated at 100"for 2 hours. The product (5.3 g.) was a pale brown, viscous mass which partly solidified
when kept at 0" for several days (compare Fischer and S y u k i , Zoc. cit.).
dl-3-A minohomo~i~eridone.-" dl-Lysine anhydride (10 g., prepared as above) was distilled from a n oil-bath under
reduced pressure. The volatile fraction (3.9 g.), collected at 165-167"/12 mm., solidified on cooling (m. p. 60-63") ;
redistillation gave long white needles, b. p. 167"/12 mm., m. p. 68-71" (Found : C, 56.4; H, 9.6; N, 21.9. C,H1,ON,
requires C, 56.3; H , 9 . 4 ; N, 21.9%). The base was soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol. and insoluble in other
organic solvents. The distillation residue (ca. 6 g.) was a dark brown resin, insoluble in hot water and organic solvents.
Hydrolysis. The base (0.11 g.), dissolved in hydrochloric acid (200/, 3 c.c.), was heated on the water-bath for 1 hour,
and the product evaporated t o dryness. The residue was dissolved n! a little water, and picric acid (0.5 g.) in water
(40 c.c.) added; dl-lysine dipicrate which separated had m. p. 186-188", not depressed by admixture with an authentic
specimen (Adamson, Zoc. cit.).
Hydrochloride. Dry hydrogen chloride was passed into a solution of the base (0.26 g.) in methyl alcohol (5 c.c.),
and the white crystalline hydrochloride which separated was filtered off, washed with ether, and dried in a vacuum;
m. p. 294-296" (decomp.) (Found : N, 16.5; C1, 21-2. C,H1,ON,C1 requires N, 17.0; C1, 21.6%). Data for the
" dl-Iysine anhydride dihydrochloride " of Fischer and Suzuki (loc. cit.) are recorded variously as " m. p. 270" "; " colours
at 225", then sinters and melts at a higher temperature with frothing."


Marsh : Some Yttrium-group Oxalates.

Pzcrate. Picric acid (0-3 g.) in water (30c.c.) was added to a solution of the base (0.17 g.) in water (5 c.c.) and set
aside for 24 hours. Recrystallisation of the resulting precipitate (0.33g.) from a little hot water gave long needles of the
picrate; it darkened a t 215,:, m. p. 233" (decomp.) (Found ;, N, 19.8. C,H,,ON,,C,H,O,N, requires N,19.6%). According to Fischer and Suzuki, dl-lysine anhydride dipicrate darkens a t 210",m. p. 230" (decomp.).
dl-3-Acetamidohomopzperidone.-The base (0.5 g.) was dissolved in acetic anhydride (1.2 g.) and heated a t 100' for
5 mins., excess of the anhydride then being removed by several evaporations with 5 C.C. portions of ethyl alcohol. The
solid residue was obtained as clusters of white needles, m . 162",by recrystallisation from acetone (Found : C, 56.4;
H,8-2; N,16-3. Calc. for C8Hl4O2Nz: C, 66.6; H, 8.2; $16-5%) (Wrede, Zoc. cit., gives m. p. 163").
base (1.65g.) in chloroform (10c.c.) was added to p-acetamidobenzenesulphonyl chloride (3-1g.) in chloroform (35 c.c.). The crystalline precipitate was washed with boiling
water (50 c.c.) and recrystallised from a large volume of alcohol. Yield, 1.85 g., m. p. 286-288" (decomp.) (Found :
C, 52-0;H, 5.9; N, 12.8; S, 9-8. Cl4Hl0O4N,Srequires C, 51.7; H, 5-9; N, 12.9; S,9.8%). A solution of 1.5 g. af
this compound in hydrochloric acid (12y0,10 c.c.) was refluxed for 2 hours. After neutralisation with ammonia, the solution
e x o i(0.85
was cooled t o 0" for 2 days, whereupon small prisms of E-amitzo-a-( p - a m i n o b e n z e n e s u Z ~ ~ ~ u ~ i d o ) - n - hacid
separated; recrystallised from a small volume of aqueous alcohol, these had m. p. 286" (decomp.) (Found : N, 13.9; S,
11.1. C,,HloO4N,S requires N, 14-0;S, 10.6y0).
1-3-AminopyrroZidone.-A suspension of d-ay-diamino-n-butyric acid dihydrochloride (25 g.) (Adamson, Zoc. cit.)
in methyl alcohol (750c.c.) was saturated with dry hydrogen chloride without cooling. After refluxing for 6 hours, the
methyl alcohol and hydrogen chloride were removed by evaporation under reduced pressure at 30". The residual gum
(26.3 g.) was dissolved in hot methyl alcohol (50 c.c.), cooled, and sodium (6-1g.) dissolved in methyl alcohol (200c.c.)
added. Ether (700c.c.) was added, sodium chloride filtered off, and the ether and alcohol removed by evaporation a t
30". The solid residue was heated a t 100" for 40 mins. and finally distilled, 1-3-aminopyrroZidone (8.9 g., 68% yield)
-31-7" (c, 6-69in water) (Found : C,48-4; H, 7-8;
being collected a t 175"/20mm. ; white needles, m. p. 106-108",
N , 28-0. C,H,ON, requires C,48.0; H, 8.0; N,28.0y0). The base quickly absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, is very
soluble in water, moderately soluble in alcohol and chloroform, and only sparingly soluble in ether and light petroleum.
Hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid gave d-ay-diamino-n-butyric acid dihydrochloride, m. p. 193-195", characterised by
conversion into the dipicrate, m. p. 188" (Adamson, Zoc. cit.).
The hydrochloride was precipitated as fine white crystals when hydrogen chloride was passed into a solution of the base
in alcohol ; m.p. 198-200' (Found : N, 20.1 ; C1,25.7. C,H,ON,Cl requires N , 20.5 ; C1, 26.0%). The picrate, prepared
by mixing picric acid and the base in alcoholic solution, was obtained as prisms by recrystallisation from aqueous alcohol ;
Acetylation by means
m. p. 185-187" (darkened at 170") (Found. : N,21.3. C,H80N,,C,H30,No requires N, 21.3%).
of acetic anhydride gave 3-acetamidopyrrolzdone; recrystallised from hot acetone, this had m. p. 176' (Found : C, 50-8 ;
H, 6-8;N, 19.8. C,H,,O,N, requires C, 50-7; H,7.0; N , 19.7%).
3-(p-AcetamddobenaenesuZ~honamido)pyvvolidone.-Thebase (1-5g.) in hot acetone (20 c.c.) was added t o 9-acetamidobenzenesulphonyl chloride (3-4g.) in hot acetone (20c.c.). The solid which separated was filtered off and recrystallised
several times from hot water; m. p. 222-224" (decomp.) (Found : C, 48.8; H,5.2; N, 14.4; S, 11.0. C %HI
requires C, 48.5; H, 5-1;N, 14.1; S, 104%). A solution of this compound (2.5 g.) in hydrochloric acid (l&!-,,
112 c.c.)
was boiled under reflux for 2 hours. The cooled solution was neutralised with ammonia, and the precipitate of y-aminoa-(p-aminobenzenesuZ~ho~umido)-n-butyric
acid (2.1 g.) recrystallised from much hot water, m. p. 259-260" (decomp.)
(Found : N, 15-4;S, 11.8. C,,H,,O,N,S
requires N, 15.4; S, 11.7%).


The author thanks Sir Robert Robinson, F.R.S., and Dr. James Walker for their interest in the work, and I.C.I.
(Dyestuffs) Limited for permission to publish the results.
[Received, November 17th, 1942.1

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