Jurnal Tentang Mekanika Statistik
Jurnal Tentang Mekanika Statistik
Jurnal Tentang Mekanika Statistik
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11340
Calorimetry of a BoseEinstein-condensed
photon gas
Tobias Damm1, Julian Schmitt1, Qi Liang1,w, David Dung1, Frank Vewinger1, Martin Weitz1 & Jan Klaers1,w
1 Institut fu
r Angewandte Physik, Atominstitut, Institute of Quantum Electronics, Universitat Bonn, Wegelerstrasse 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany. w Present
addresses: Atominstitut, TU Wien, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria (Q.L.); Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1, 8093
Zurich, Switzerland (J.K.). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.K. (email: jklaers@phys.ethz.ch).
D0=q /2
Figure 1 | BoseEinstein condensation of a two-dimensional photon gas. (a) Photons are captured inside a microcavity consisting of two spherically
curved mirrors and get repeatedly absorbed and re-emitted by the embedded dye medium, leading to a thermalization of the photon gas to the temperature
of the resonator (room temperature). (b) The short cavity length causes a large frequency gap between the longitudinal resonator modes (free spectral
range) of order of the emission bandwidth of the dye molecules. In this situation, the resonator becomes populated by photons of a single longitudinal
mode number only, here q 8. However, the photons may still populate a multitude of transversally excited cavity modes (TEM8xy sub-spectrum), which
effectively makes the photon gas two-dimensional. Above a critical photon number, the photon gas undergoes a BoseEinstein condensation, leading to a
massive population of the cavity ground mode (TEM800). Thermodynamic information is obtained by spectroscopically analysing the photon energy
distribution across the phase transition.
n0 /N
Signal (a.u.)
Nc p =3kB T= O ;
Wavelength (nm)
Temperature T/Tc
Entropy S/NkB
Energy U/NkBTc
Temperature T/Tc
Temperature T/Tc
Temperature T/Tc
Figure 3 | Caloric and entropic properties. (a) Internal energy (per photon) U normalized to the characteristic energy kBTc as a function of the reduced
temperature T/Tc. In the classical high-temperature regime, energy scales linearly with temperature as is expected from MaxwellBoltzmann-like statistics.
The formation of the condensate is signalled by a change in slope close to T Tc. For an ideal two-dimensional trapped Bose gas, which is realized in our
experiment in good approximation, the internal energy of the photon gas can moreover be linked to its pressure P by P (1/2)O2U, see axis on the righthand side and the main text for details (O is the trapping frequency). Experiments are carried out at constant temperature T 300 K and photon numbers
ranging from NE30,000 to NE550,000, whereby an increase of the photon number corresponds to a decrease in the critical temperature Tc Tc(N) of
the system. s.e.m.s are smaller than the point size. (b) Specic heat (per photon) versus the reduced temperature T/Tc, showing a cusp singularity at
criticality (circles). In the high-temperature (classical) regime, the specic heat reaches a limiting value of 2kB per photon. At criticality T Tc, the heat
capacity reaches a maximum value of C(Tc)/N (3.80.3)kB. The solid lines give the specic heat of the two-dimensional harmonically trapped ideal Bose
gas for varying total particle numbers. The error bars indicate s.e.m. (c) Entropy per photon as a function of the reduced temperature T/Tc (circles), along
with the theoretically expected ideal Bose gas behaviour (solid line). The data are derived from a numerical integration of the specic heat curve of b (see
text for details). The entropy monotonically decreases for decreasing temperatures, reaching a minimum value of E0.2kB per photon at the lowest
achieved temperature. s.e.m.s are smaller than the point size.
Microcavity set-up. In our experiment, photons are stored inside a microcavity
build up from two gyro-quality mirrors. The dielectric, spherically shaped mirrors
have a reectivity in excess of rE0.99997 in the relevant wavelength region of this
experiment (l 530590 nm), providing a cavity nesse of order of FE105 for the
empty cavity. Both the mirrors share the same radius of curvature of R 1 m and
are typically separated by D0E1.7 mm, corresponding to a free spectral range of
order DlFSRE100 nm, which is comparable to the spectral width of the dye
emission. In this situation, the dye emission is restricted to cavity modes with the
longitudinal wave number q 8, effectively reducing the thermalization dynamics
of the photon gas to the remaining two transversal mode numbers. The effective
mass and trapping frequency introduced in equation (1) depend on the cavity
geometry and typically take values of mE6.7 10 36 kg and OE2p 36.5 GHz in
our experiment. The cavity geometry is stabilized passively, by mechanical contact
of the two mirrors that strongly damps fast mechanical oscillations, as well as
actively utilizing a piezo translation stage that counteracts long time drifts of the
As a heat bath for the photon gas, we use a ltered solution of 10 3 mol l 1
rhodamine 6G ethylene glycol (uorescence quantum yield ZE0.95, index of
refraction of the solvent n 1.43). This dye fulls the KennardStepanov law
B21(o)/B12(o)Eexp( (o oZPL)/kBT), relating the Einstein coefcients of
absorption B12(o) and emission B21(o) at a given frequency o to the Boltzmann
factor of that frequency (oZPL is the zero-phonon line of the dye), which is essential
for the lightmatter thermalization process. The optical medium is spatially
homogeneously pumped by a spectrally off-resonant laser system at a wavelength
of lexc 532 nm under an angle of E45 with respect to the optical axis exploiting
the rst reectivity minimum at higher angles of incidence. To avoid excess
population of long-lived dye triplet states and photobleaching two AOM are used
to chop the pump light to pulses of 400 ns length with a repetition rate of 400 Hz.
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We thank James Anglin and Henk Stoof for valuable discussions. This work has been
nancially supported by the DFG (We1748-17) and the ERC (INPEC).
Author contributions
All authors contributed extensively to the ndings presented in this paper.
Additional information
Competing nancial interests: The authors declare no competing nancial interests.
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How to cite this article: Damm, T. et al. Calorimetry of a BoseEinstein-condensed
photon gas. Nat. Commun. 7:11340 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11340 (2016).
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