The Known World
The Known World
The Known World
Cultures of the
Post-Cataclysmic World
Alba and Iber
These are savage lands plagued by monsters and barely touched even in the Golden Age
due to their lack of natural resources. The native peoples lack knowledge of iron and many
cannot even make bronze. Iber is home to dangerous Jinn with a small human kingdom
in Uallach to the north. The few humans in the south are tribal warriors called Picts. The
Tharshi have a colony at Tara that is constantly under siege.
Alba is home to the barbaric Abor, the pirate nation of Cymbri, and the Druids of Havar.
Dont bring Andamen to Havar, they are locked in a war with the Asena that populate the
land and dont trust any Andamen.
The Skara and Ska are sophisticated stoneworkers but lack the knowledge to craft bronze
and iron. The Ska have taken to piracy while the Skara are known as land-bound raiders.
A fallen Atlantean kingdom sunk beneath the waves during the Cataclysm. Antilla is home
to dozens of Triton tribes who passively resist Atlantean rule. Avoid the Sargasso Sea; it is
held by powerful Makara tribes.
Elysium Ocean
An expanse of ocean dotted with islands and said to be home to a thousand tribes. The people
here are crude, uncouth, and lack even basic metallurgy.
The Ogata peoples practice farming though they lack metal implements. The Ogata resist
Manuan expansion, but they might be fighting a losing battle. The Tora islanders are nearly
all exiles, either political refugees, taboo breakers, or the children of such people. The Tora,
despite their origins, are a paranoid and xenophobic people.
The Munark tribes wander the ocean, never staying too long in a single place. They know
more secret places and hidden islands than anyone, except perhaps the Elysium Tritons.
The Vanuan Nethermen slay all who dare to set foot on their island home why they do
so is unclear, but who needs a reason when you are a mindless brute?
Beware the fierce Manuans, warriors unconquered by even the lords of Atlantis! The
Manuan tribes are the largest military force in the region and are almost fearless when it
comes to battle. Their crude shortbows are made with human sinew, no other animal in the
region being large enough to provide the required material.
More savages, never considered important enough to fully place under Atlantean control, or
intelligent enough to share our technology with. The people lack metal implements except for what
they have managed to steal or trade for.
The Akelan people are nomadic hunters who follow their bison herds. Horse masters who
live in the saddle.
The Kutchin and Seal-Hunter peoples of Akwatuk are a study in contrasts. The Kutchin
are pragmatic and xenophobic while the Seal-Hunters are warm and welcoming.
The Aquagan tribes are mostly hunter-gatherers but some do practice agriculture. They are
suspicious of strangers (particularly those tribes living near the sea) but warm to visitors
with time.
The Azlek people rule over the only Atlantean city on the continent. The former Atlantean
masters were overthrown around the time of the Cataclysm and replaced by native warlords.
The Azlek are a powerful people with magic and knowledge of metallurgy. They could one
day be a threat to Atlantis itself.
The Aesir people of Gava are no-doubt related to the peoples of the North Sea region.
Vik Shade (order #5422084)
Europa is a small region, yet its rich lands have led to dense
populations. In ages past, Atlantis kept the Europan peoples firmly
under its boot but today these savages run wild with little regard for
their former masters.
The Aragani are olive-skinned barbarians with limited
technology and a druidic religion. They are fiercely
xenophobic and rarely trade with outside groups. The
mysterious humans of the Citadel of Namtu provide the
Argani with a few of the metal tools and weapons they crave.
The Arac of Galacea worship the Orixa Anansi; these
bronze-using people are the self-proclaimed defenders of the
ruins that dot the Galacean landscape. Their spider-worship
is the source of rumors of spider-folk living in the region.
The Hellenes are concentrated in their city-states and
It is said that Gondwana birthed the Atlantean people countless
while they share a common culture they cant seem to
agree on anything. Wars are common but their culture and millennia ago. Since then nothing much of note has occurred on
technology is such that they could control most of Europa this continent.
The Dabban people are a fallen breed; most of them are
if they took a mind to do so. The Orixi are known to take
hopelessly addicted to a drug created from lotus leaves.
an interest in Hellene women for some reason and divine
Those that arent addicts work as city administrators or highchildren are not uncommon.
ranking members of the lotus cults. The whole country is a
The Ku of Northern Europa are fishermen and miners who
hive of depravity.
trade amber, tin, and other goods all through Europa. They
people are simple farmers with a gift for pottery
seem blissfully unaware of the twin dangers of Draconea
it to an art form. Much of the economy is
and the Black Forest that lie waiting at their borders.
providing food to the Dardanus Institute. The
The Ogi of Oggia are a strange, clan-based culture that
central government and rely on the Dardanus
wander the wilds of their land and beyond. It is said that
and guidance.
they have sworn an oath to do no physical harm to others
The Gorgons of Gorgos are an offshoot of the Hesperian
but this hasnt stopped them from tricking their way into
culture; these warrior women are dangerous in the extreme,
vast fortunes. The Ogi seem to be a displaced people,
and have a history of attacking their neighbors. The cult of
perhaps refugees from some ancient war that never settled
Set flourishes openly here.
down again.
The Joktani people are tall and fair to behold, with light Otesium is home to the Otesti, a long-lived and peaceful
brown skin and straight, black hair. They have a strong
people whose extended lifespans have led many to their
agrarian economy and export strangely resilient clay that is
deaths seeking a well of youth somewhere within their lands.
so hard it can even be used for armor.
Saturnia is a land of thick forests and dark primordial terrors.
Mostly humans with reddish-brown skin, black hair, and
The few people who dwell here do so under the protection
dark eyes, the Khem emulate much of the architecture and
of their druidic masters and outsiders are discouraged. Ruins
customs of Atlantis. The nation traditionally has strong
of Atlantean cities lie deep in the forests but monsters and
Vik Shade (order #5422084)
Vik Shade (order #5422084)
Hidden amidst the western cliffs of Curracurrang are the
eyries of the winged Andamen, called the Uluka (Owlmen).
This area represents the only large Uluka settlement outside
of their flying city. The Andamen are a peaceful lot and
are markedly sensitive to the needs of the very young, old,
and infirm. The Uluka operate a hunter-gatherer existence
and are very careful in managing their food supply and
The Baluchi are light-skinned, dark-haired people, fierce
and known for attacking strangers on sight. They honor
bravery in battle above all else, believing that only those
strong enough to take what they need are worthy of life.
As such, many of the Baluchi tribes fight amongst one
another, raiding neighboring villages and lands. Amongst
the Baluchi, cowardice is a crime punishable by death.
Damalawans are somewhat short in stature with darkbrown skin and black hair. Despite their small size, they are
considered to be quite fierce and are known to engage in the
torture and mutilation of captured foes. The Damalawan
engage in the practice of chewing betel nuts that stain and
blacken their teeth. They are master woodworkers.
The Dravidians are a dark-skinned people whose villages
are hidden amongst the trees to provide some defense
against intruders. The Dravidians are ruled by Lemurians
who remained in the area after the Great Plague. Dravidian
architecture and villages are modeled after the Lemurian
style of building in trees high off the ground.
The Xinjiang are a reclusive people who practice an agrarian
lifestyle. The Xinjiang trade with outsiders sometimes and
are known to record their history in chanted poems.
The Kazak are skilled horsemen who are fond of strong
drink, wrestling, and games of chance. Their culture is
similar to the Mongalan horse-lords, though the Kazaks
tend to be more aggressive.
The Himvati typically live along the foothills, but they
preserve knowledge of all of the passes across the mountains,
keeping records of when certain passes are open and
watching for the coming of ice and snow. The Himvati see
themselves as a noble people with ancient traditions.
Khitai is the largest and most powerful nation on the
continent of Jambu. They are ruled by an emperor that
traces his lineage back to the dragon kings of old. The
Noted for their shamans, the Chono tribes are made
up largely of taupe-skinned Nethermen who live fairly
harmoniously with nature. Clever and talented, the shamans
of the Chono create large rock-wall paintings as part of their
worship of the New Gods. The Chono defend themselves
against invaders from the mainland, but by and large they
Vik Shade (order #5422084)
Vik Shade (order #5422084)
Vik Shade (order #5422084)