Atlantis The Second Age - City Guide To Atlantis
Atlantis The Second Age - City Guide To Atlantis
Atlantis The Second Age - City Guide To Atlantis
“Defend Atlantis”
The guide to
the city of Atlantis
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Contents BYRSA 32
1. he Harbor Master’s Tower 33
THE CITY OF ATLANTIS 1 2. he Scorched Grove 33
he City of Orichalcum and Lapis 4 3. he Pweza 34
How to Use his Book 4 4. he Black Lamprey 35
Do I Need any Other Books? 4 5. he Seafarer’s Guild 35
Foreigners In Atlantis 4 6. he Public Baths 36
Daily Life In Atlantis 5 7. he Mujunali 37
Culture In Atlantis 5 8. he Teeth 37
Language 5 9. he Warehouses 38
Birth And Funerary Rites 6 10. he Bazaar 39
Art 6 11. Manor Of he Golden Palm 39
Schooling 6 GRAMBULA 40
Gladiatorial Games 6
1. he Bleeding Lotus 41
Slavery 7
2. he Hatua 42
Marriage 7
3. Mosi’s Place – Fine Dining Tavern And Hostel 43
Religion 7
Food 8 THE HOLLOW 44
Fashion 8 1. he Trench 45
Jewelry 8 2. he Pits 46
Cosmetics 8 3. he Panjara 47
Seasonal Events 9
he Weather 10 INANDA 48
Time 11 1. Nestor’s Stables 49
Travel in the City 11 2. House of the Shrinking Violet 49
Water Travel 11 3. he Cataclysm Groves 51
Land Travel 11
Typical Atlantean Meals 12
Typical Atlantean Breakfast 12 1. he Bloodletter’s Guild 53
Foods consumed at Breakfast Include: 12 KARTHAGO 54
Typical Atlantean Lunch/dinner 12
1. House of the Hoary Harlots 55
Atlantis City Campaigns 14
2. he Trough 57
Upbringing 15
Childhood Encounter 16 KARTHOA 58
he Enemy 18 1. he Military Shipyards 59
New Professions 18 2. he Ngome 60
he Slayers 18 3. he Tower Of he Bird Goddess 60
he Takers 19 4. he Sheban Prison Circus 61
Shapers 19
Teachers 19 KITTIM 62
New Talents 20 1. he Charnel House 63
EXPANDED SKILL USE 21 2. Sharyanavat 64
3. he Great Topiary 65
Lore (streetwise) Skill (Speciic) 21
Graiti 21 MAQUATAM 66
Street Level Movement 21 1. Prison Of he Untamed Gods 67
Underworld Socializing 21 2. he Jandara 68
Local Street Gangs, Nefarious Cults, and Guilds 22 3. he hroat 69
Anatomy Of The City 30 4. he Ketenangan 69
Blood Harbor 30 1. Belot’s Hostelry 71
Great Harbor 31 2. he Seekers’ Guild 72
Royal Harbor 31 3. he Citadel Of he Crimson Sword 73
Voyager’s Harbor a.k.a he Heroes Harbor 31 4. he Bulatan 74
5. Najeela’s Sanctuary 74
6. he Wall 75
City of the God-Kings
1. he Menagerie 77
2. he Tree Of Woe 78
3. Hill Of he Orixa 78
4. he Temple Of Orixa 79
5. he Tower Of he Sea Lord 80
6. he Lesser Palaces 80
7. he Angry Sisters 81
8. Ambrosia’s Salon 82
9. he Garden 83
10. Shrine Of he Nameless God 84
11. Palace of the Sea Lord 85
12. Tower of the High Council 87
1. Yssachar’s Emporium 89
2. he Colloquium 90
3. he Nepentheum 91
1. he Avenue Of Miracles 93
2. he Shamba 94
3. he Tombs 94
4. he Dueling Bridge 96
5. he Black Tower 96
6. he Harrowing Pit 97
1. Zorikos’ Emporium 99
1. he Sedekai 101
2. he Perfumers Guildhall 101
A. he Canals 102
B. he Elephantine Bridges 102
C. he Undercity 103
D. he Guard Posts 103
Routine 104
Strange 104
Skullduggery 105
Sublime 106
Intrigue 107
Adetokunbo (ire) 108
Amadi (earth) 109
Ekundayo (water) 110
Gbemisola (air) 111
Lanre (empyrean) 112
Mojisola (Void) 113
Step One 114
Step Two 114
Step hree 114
Step Four 115
Presenting Others 115
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he city of Atlantis is the jewel of the antediluvian world. Even after the disaster that ended the
First Age, the city of Atlantis shines brighter than any city on earth and is a utopia where jewels and
gold literally line the streets. he city is known by many epithets, among them:
► City of the God-Kings—as it is known by the Atlanteans who travel abroad
► he City of Orichalcum and Lapis—because the streets are lined with orichalcum and
have many deep-blue canals that surround them
► Hy-Brasyl—as it is known by the people of Iber and Alba
► Axis Mundi—a term used in a bygone age to describe Atlantis as the center of the civilized
Of course, there are things that
even Ambassadors in the most he City Guide to Atlantis is a source book for ATLANTIS: he Second Age. It is intended to
cosmopolitan city in the world be used as a background resource and a plot hook generator for games set in the most fabulous city
cannot easily access or do publicly. the world has ever known.
Always capable of inding a niche, In the book you will ind expanded rules for city adventures, including:
human merchants, rogues, and ► Expanded rules for commerce and trade
those with professions less easy to ► Plot-laden city locations that will expand the boundaries of a sword-and-sorcery game
pin down have slipped into society ► Details on the local gangs and guilds
to take care of such needs. One day, ► Life Paths and Hero professions for adventures set in the city of Atlantis
they may be inding a new source he book is a wealth of information for both the Game Master and players alike, and is a
of narcotics; the next, tasked with valuable addition to any fantasy game.
inding a very speciic slave in the
employ of an Atlantean noble.
Foreigners In Atlantis
Living in the largest city of the world, no matter how cosmopolitan, most Olokunians are
unwilling to consider that other cultures might be, in any way, superior to their own. Prejudice
against the other races is exceptionally common. Many Atlanteans consider foreigners to be little
more than savages who should be grateful that they were not killed outright and who should
be pleased with their rightful lot of servitude. When faced with powerful, eloquent, or wealthy
members of other races, few Atlanteans feel any kinship with them, but most will at least grudgingly
I once had my head patted
admit to a modicum of respect and occasionally envy the physical prowess others possess. Non-
when visiting Olokunia…I’m
Atlanteans who have grown up in the Empire are aforded a bit more respect and tolerated just a bit
now barred from entering the
more, as long as they are loyal in their service to the state and its masters.
city again. The Olokunian Tritons
are a very tolerant lot. My Ambassadors and other important dignitaries are treated extremely well by everyone of
people provide the Atlantean importance, but comments, jokes, rumors, and insults commonly follow them in private. Amongst
navy with an edge that no other the non-noble Olokunians, reactions to outsiders such as Andamen and Lemurians are a mixture
group outside of the Makara can of curiosity, distrust, and bigotry. he only non-Atlanteans who are sheltered in any way from such
match. prejudices are the Tritons.
halmia, Triton Sorceress Atlantean sailors consider all Tritons to be good-luck charms and are willing to share drinks
with them, as well as rough up anyone who speaks ill of, insults, or harms a Triton in their presence.
his closeness has given rise to a tradition of dockside bars in Atlantis known locally as “wet and
drys”, owing to their accommodation of both human sailors and Tritons. Built right up against the
docks, some as far as a block from the harbor, and situated above tunnels or narrow canals that
end in small, elongated pools inside the taverns, these establishments are one of the places where
it is possible to ind members of several races, even several nations, all joined in conviviality. Still,
it is worth noting that many True Atlanteans consider the Tritons to be little more than intelligent
lapdogs or well-trained aquatic animals who serve an important function to the Empire.
City of the God-Kings
Olokunians make little distinction between foreign races and foreign cultures. A human from
Khemit, a Jinn from Ys, or an Nemean from Hyperborea: they are all odd-looking foreigners
with strange, exotic, and barbaric customs. During the Golden Age, Atlantean scholars, explorers,
and priests carried civilization to what they saw as the far reaches of the globe. After the Great
Cataclysm, Atlantean refugees left behind in these lands were eventually absorbed by the native
populations. hus, many people have borrowed Atlantean myths and legends as well as customs
and mannerisms. Perhaps unsurprisingly, modern True Atlanteans consider such cases as “lesser”
and highly derivative versions of their own past glories, and are often subtly, sometimes openly,
patronizing to such people. hose people from regions that were never conquered nor colonized
by the Atlanteans are often considered to be little more than savages who lack all traces of proper
civilization. Many Olokunians are knowledgeable about the history of their land and regularly
talk as if the Golden Age never truly ended. Foreigners must learn to ignore the subtle common
prejudices; those who do not frequently gain a reputation for being uncivilized or at least ungrateful
for all the wonders that Atlantis has bestowed upon the world.
Not all Olokunians, nor even all Atlanteans, are necessarily so closed-minded. here are many
who are deeply interested in foreign cultures and all that they ofer: foreign dress, religions, exotic
foods. From rebellious youths to erudite scholars, there are always a few Atlanteans who have a deep
respect for foreign customs, but even they put such mores second to those of their home.
he language of the Atlanteans is taken very seriously and its most formal versions are never
spoken in the manner of the other races. here is very little slang or colloquialism in the Atlanteans’
native language. It is a direct and subtle lexicon of words that build upon one another in complex
grammatical constructions. Other races that have learned the Atlantean tongue sometimes make
the mistake of thinking that since they speak the language of their masters, such skill is appreciated.
However, many Atlanteans would rather speak in the tongues of savages and barbarians instead of
hearing their native words butchered by the swollen tongues of slaves.
When speaking to those of a higher station, most Atlanteans will use the High Atlantean
tongue while using the common version when speaking to equals. Non-native speakers (those
with the Atlantean Language skill at 9 or less) will be looked down upon and sufer a -3 to all
social interaction rolls with Atlanteans. he highest compliment that can be paid to an Atlantean
by a foreigner is to speak the language of the Sea Kings as if they are native-born. Similarly, to be
addressed in High Atlantean is a great honor aforded to few foreigners.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Birth And Funerary Rites
At birth, all Atlanteans are presented with the seed of a great blackwood tree. hese trees live
for over a thousand years and grow to immense size. Upon the child’s irst birthday, his or her seed
is planted in the city of his or her birth, in a great plaza or in groves within the city’s walls. As the
child ages, so does his or her tree. Some Atlanteans maintain great pride in the tree that bears their
name, seeing its life and health as a signiier of their own achievements. Upon death, Atlanteans are
buried in ornate sarcophagi made from the wood of their birth tree.
The Cataclysm
When the Cataclysm struck, Art
and on occasion during the Dark Atlantean homes of any merit all contain painted murals, either fresco or secco, in a style
Ages, there were simply not enough known as adrar. his style always uses the same three colors: a stark harsh black, a golden- and
morticians or cerements to perform ochre-inluenced orange, and a vibrant blue reminiscent of the sea or sky. Usually depicted are
all of the necessary burials. As such, stories and scenes of the household’s ancestors. he murals are usually simple, showing dynamically
there are large groves of blackwood drawn igures in proile with borders of repetitive keys surrounding the work. Atlantean homes
trees dotting the islands of Atlantis that can aford it have walls carved with relief sculptures and then painted in the adrar style. Some
and occasionally in lands where sculptures are also gilded with orichalcum and encrusted with lapis or obsidian for a greater efect.
the Atlanteans once ruled. Some he Atlanteans are great appreciators of poetry and song. Most homes have at least an
say that these ancient groves are instrument or two for entertaining both household members and guests. All children are taught to
haunted by the shades of Atlanteans sing as part of their schooling and the arts are held in high regard. Even art produced by the lesser
angry at never having received the races are held up as examples of what others can accomplish. Operas in particular are important
proper funerary rites. to the Atlanteans, and there are two long-running and constantly evolving operas—“he House of
Atreyu” and “Klytus the Fool”—that have been performed nightly for the past ive decades. hose
who miss an evening’s operatic performance rarely have to worry, for the events are retold and
embellished by criers in the plazas of major cities the next day, and sometimes for weeks after. It
is not uncommon to ind a pair of Atlantean men debating the iner points and minutiae of their
favorite works. In the Great Library in Atlantis, there is an ever-expanding volume of examples of
the latest operas as well as critiques to accompany them. While any of the learned may borrow them
for reading, there is currently an extensive waiting list.
All Atlanteans who can aford it are allowed to attend public universities. From the age of
reasoning, around ive years old, any Atlanteans without criminal record or extensive debt may
learn and are given access to the great libraries and Atlantean masters that teach there. his privilege
is only provided to Atlanteans, and in some areas it is considered a crime to allow non-Atlanteans to
learn at one of these centers of knowledge. However, given that many Atlanteans bring their slaves
with them, it is hard to say how much knowledge is the preserve of Atlanteans alone.
Gladiatorial Games
Although there are successful free men and women who become gladiators for the chance at
The Symbol of
wealth and fame, the vast majority of gladiators in Atlantis are indentured servants and slaves.
here are a few who remain gladiators after their term of indenture is over, but most gladiators
It is known far and wide that
rarely emerge unscathed from the sands of battle. Nethermen and Andamen make up the majority
the great black bull with the sun
of gladiatorial slaves, but gladiators can be of any race and from nearly any nation, although
blazing between its large upturned
Atlanteans and Jinn are exceedingly rare.
horns represents Atlantis. he
A few critics decry the games as cruel, but the vast majority of Atlanteans ind them both
bull is known as Osorapis and
exciting and trendy, occasionally exceeding chariot races and opera in popularity. Some events even
represents the virile and strong
combine these other pastimes, featuring combats on the sands of the arena while singers perform
island nation of Atlantis, while
on raised stages above the fray. Most games ostensibly involve two or more individuals ighting to
the sun disk represents the power
the death, but in practice the games are far less lethal. Gladiators are taught to avoid killing blows
and might of Olódùmarè residing
and will give quarter to a fallen gladiator, allowing all to live to ight another day. Truly lethal games
overhead. When the sun shines on
do occur with some frequency as convicted criminals, slaves taken in battle, or those who have
the great obsidian mirrors, every
amassed massive debts each gamble their lives on a shot at the freedom of a one-way passage from
aspect of Olódùmarè can be seen in
the shores of the Empire. he ostensible winners of such blood sports, scarred and wounded, are
the relection of Orixa’s light.
allowed passage to some foreign port, though they are usually chained for the duration.
City of the God-Kings
Slavery is a part of the natural order of the world as far as the Atlanteans view it. hose that are
born to serve or who allow themselves to serve should be provided a place to work in the manner
that the world intended. Why should an Atlantean do the work that a beast can do? If that beast
happens to be an Andaman or a human, then so be it. he Atlanteans do not consider themselves
to be cruel with their slaves; in fact, most grow fond of a long-serving slave or three that are treated
as part of the family, in the same way that others would consider a beloved pet as being part of
the household. Slaves can be freed if they serve their house well, and some are awarded with some
amount of wealth on their own. It is not uncommon for an Atlantean approaching death to free a
favored slave. here are tales that one of the Atlantean kings of the Golden Age gave an entire island
kingdom in Elysium to a favored slave.
Slaves in Atlantis are given rights under Atlantean law and masters who treat their slaves with Atlantean Slavery
cruelty are frowned upon. A slave may be beaten for a transgression, but never in excess. Killing a Slavery in the Atlantean
slave is only justiiable if the slave committed egregious acts against his master or his kingdom, or kingdoms may be traditional,
if an Atlantean child was harmed. Many Atlanteans who sire children with slaves may claim the and the Atlanteans may speak
children as their own or allow them to be raised by their non-Atlantean parent. Slave children are with fondness of specific slaves,
never considered True Atlanteans because Atlantean law states that it is illegal for Atlanteans to be but the life of a slave for many is
slaves. In any case, most of these children more closely resemble their non-Atlantean parent. no life at all. There are horrors in
Indentured servitude also exists in the city of Atlantis. In order to pay of debts, to gain a the Atlantean slave pens that are
moderate sum of money, or as punishment for certain crimes, citizens of Olokunia can temporarily rarely spoken of by light of day,
place themselves into indentured servitude for a period of up to seven years. For the duration of and many Atlantean criminals
this time, the individual can be bought and sold as freely as slaves are in other parts of the world. are only called such because
However, since tradition prevents Atlanteans from being slaves and many view indentured servitude escaping to freedom is a crime
as little more than legal slavery, the majority of indentured servants are criminals, impoverished against the state.
crafters, or former soldiers seeking a way back out of poverty. Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
Most Atlantean marriages are arranged by the heads of the family to ensure that the bloodlines
stay true. Family names and lineage are important to the Atlanteans, and some among them claim
that they can trace their lines back to the shores of Gondwana. Many Atlanteans take a husband or
wife, but then also indulge in many afairs on the side. A blind eye is turned to this practice as long
as the unions do not sire non-Atlantean children that dilute the bloodline or endanger inheritance.
All wealth and inheritances are passed on to the irstborn Atlantean child no matter the gender.
In the case of twins, common for Atlantean births, the one with the brightest eyes inherits the bulk
of the family fortune. Most marriages try to produce as many children as possible, and a large family
is looked upon with great esteem. If for some reason one of the members of the marriage cannot
produce children, a divorce is frequently granted. Otherwise, Atlantean marriages are forever.
hose children who do not immediately inherit are encouraged to make their own fortune. he
world is wide and there is nothing that the Atlanteans cannot build from it.
he Orixa (uh-REE-shuh) are seen as the only thing greater than the Atlanteans, and are paid
their due in tribute in the great, dark temples built to house their mirrors. Every home has a small
shrine to the gods, usually with a particular Orixa given a place of prominence as a household
patron. Mirrors are ubiquitous in an Atlantean home, with gilded obsidian mirrors found in
virtually every room. Most foreigners who do not worship or understand the Orixa believe the
Atlanteans are just vain because of the number of mirrors.
All of the gods are given a place of honor at their table, and in religious houses a portion of every
meal is given to the gods as a votive. On holy days, the entire country pays homage to the Orixa
with great public oferings of animal sacriices.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Atlanteans love a variety of foods, and are very cosmopolitan in their eating habits. Having once
ruled the world, and still enjoying trade with ports across the seas, the Atlanteans have imported
many exotic dishes from distant lands. All Atlantean food tends to be spicy, hot, and full of potent
lavors. An Atlantean diet mostly consists of diferent types of seafood, seasoned with powerful
herbs and salts. Many types of beans and lentils are often eaten and most meals inish with several
exotic pastries lavored with chocolates, honey, and spices.
Honey steeped in water is the preferred drink of the island, sometimes augmented with other
spices or teas. Atlanteans prefer wines, shunning meads and beer as drinks for lesser races. Atlantean
wines are often sweet, sometimes tart, and most are made from the large, red cranberries found on
the northern part of the island.
For the Atlantean, cloth and clothing is an important indicator of wealth and status. Most
Atlantean clothes are made from cotton or silks and make use of muted colors with white, pale
Many an adventurer has made blue, and faint orange dominating the color palate. At least one garment of any ensemble will have
his name providing a rare or an intricate pattern unique to the family upon it. his pattern is woven with orange thread, or
unusual delicacy to an Atlantean actual gold or orichalcum thread if the family is wealthy. Most clothes consist of long, layered robes,
lord. There are treasures other divided at the waist with a large embroidered belt, and a light shawl that can be worn as a cloak.
than gold and good steel. Women dress simply, but do not wear the belt as it is considered masculine.
halmia, Triton Sorceress Footwear usually consists of simple sandals or slippers made from leather or hemp and tied with
leather or hemp laces.
All Atlanteans, no matter their status or wealth, wear earrings. hese tend to be gold, but
wooden or obsidian jewelry is not unheard of. Glass and pearl beads are commonly woven into the
hair along with brightly colored wooden loops. Women adorn their heads with strings of gold or
amber beads infused with bright colors. hese beads hang from the tops of their heads, dangling in
the center of the forehead, usually in conjunction with a large jewel. Nose rings or hoops and lip
piercings are also commonly seen.
Atlanteans adorn their ingers with as many rings as possible, some even topping their ingertips
with golden caps. Many of these rings carry some signiicance to their owners, purchased or given
after notable successes or victories.
he only metal that an Atlantean will never wear is silver, as it is the metal most often worn by
Nethermen and therefore closely associated with the reptilian races. While it is used as wealth, it is
never used for adornment.
Male and female Atlanteans wear cosmetics, primarily around their eyes. he palette is typically
black, blue, or orange, with wealthier Atlanteans mixing in metallic lakes of gold or orichalcum.
he eyes are heavily adorned with the colors, painted mask-like around the eyes with a single stripe
running down their noses.
Arms, hands, and feet are frequently decorated with henna in dots and swirling lines reminiscent
of ocean waves.
City of the God-Kings
he city of Atlantis has many unique events that are exclusive to its character and culture. Below are several events that happen seasonally
in the city of Atlantis.
Date Event
Nisanu 2 Night of a housand Tears
On this sad night all the mothers of Atlantis are expected to shed tears for the Boy King Gobus’ passing. he 8-year old king ruled
for only one day before he was assassinated 167 year ago. Since that time, all mothers weep for the king and any children they
have lost. Above the Vril pyramid, the boy’s ghost is said to moan in response to the wailing in the city.
Ayaru 14 Respite Day
he one day of the year when the slave population is allowed to rest and not work. During this day the slaves are expected to
perform a ceremony to Ochumare.
Simanu 20 he Spring Bloom
On the Avenue of Kings is where young lovers propose marriage oaths. During this time parents gather with their children to
celebrate and haggle over dowry prices.
Du’uzu 13 Day of Forgiveness
From sunrise to sunset anyone may ask forgiveness from someone they’ve transgressed against and expect clemency. he day is
also celebrated with the ofering of gifts and strong drink while a hatchet is ritually buried in the head of a goat.
Du’uzu 15 Maidens Walk
An auspicious day when young women of Atlantis try to conceive children. It is said children conceived or born on Oba Day will
bear her mark and are destined for great things.
Abu 7 – 12 Dis Pater Week
Since children conceived on during this week are most likely to be born near or around the month of Wayeb, most women abstain
from lovemaking. Women ritually bind their legs together at the knees during the week with red ribbons and men wear tightly
trussed loincloths with large belts.
Conversely, during this week the local brothels make a fortune.
Ululu 13 Gifts to the Sea King
Olukun, the river in which Atlantis sits, loods during this month, raising the water levels in and around the city. During this
time, sacriices and votives are wrapped in seaweed paper and thrown into the river to be washed out to sea. Triton priests of
Olukun make sure the gifts are not taken by opportunists and that they make the complete journey to the sea loor where they
will rest until Shabatu 25.
Arakhsamna 6 Presentation Day
he day when Atlantean children become adults in the eyes of their elders. he ritual is held for children at the age of ifteen, or
sixteen if their birthdays fall after the sixth day of Arakhsamna.
At sunrise the children are ritually stripped of all their clothing, bathed and presented with a robe of orange or blue representing
the twin Orixa gods. On this day the children swear an oath of allegiance to the Orixa, Atlantis, and their families and are given
a bracelet of orichalcum and lapis lazuli. At the end of the day at sundown the children are presented before the obsidian mirrors
of the twin gods and are blessed and received into adulthood. Depending on the family’s inancial status, the ceremony is either
very simple and quiet or consists of elaborate festivals involving the entire neighborhood.
Kislimu 15 Conjugal Feast
A day when Atlanteans indulge in any and all vices openly and freely. he festival starts at midday after prayers and oferings are
given to all the gods. Until midnight of that night Atlanteans fulill all their wildest fantasies. Atlanteans have been known to
prepare for years for the Day of Indulgence and pursue all sorts of depraved vices.
Tebetu 24 Day of Vengeance
On this day from sunset to sunrise ritual vengeance may be taken against anyone who has transgressed against you. he
punishment must it the crime and usually on this day the Black Guard turns a blind eye. he priests of Obatala and Orunmila
walk the streets and oversee the taking of vengeance. If the vengeance is too extreme the person is noted on a scroll used in a curse
of judgment later. he overly zealous revenge-taker is usually found dead the next day.
Shabatu 25 Day of the Open Heart (Sea Day)
During this day the priesthood of Olukun walks the streets giving the gifts taken from the sea loor from the Gifts of the Sea King
Day to the less fortunate in the town. Many paupers ind themselves in possession of wondrous and valuable artifacts originally
given to the Sea King.
Adaru 27 he Feast of the Flesh
Two nights of drunken debauchery that happen days before the Hour of the Black Humors in which participants drink their
livers into ruin. Many strong drinks and psychotropic drugs are imbibed during the day and carousing follows beginning at
sundown. Many have forgotten the original intent of this holiday was to commemorate the ending of the last Beast War and the
kings decree that the Empire grow through new births.
Adaru 30 he Hour of the Black Humors
Not an oicial holiday but a moonless night every summer when the Cult of Ba’al breaks into homes, ritually removing the livers
of healthy young men and women for some dark ritual. he people of the city have begun to buy the livers of beasts to leave at
their doorsteps on this night in the hopes that they will be spared. he wealthiest actually leave the livers of unfortunate slaves at
their doorsteps to assure their safety.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
At the height of the First Age, the sorcerers of Atlantis created devices to control the weather that were installed all over the city, thereby
making the city a pleasant place to live all year long. During the Cataclysm the devices failed and the locations of these devices were lost.
Since the disaster, the weather patterns mostly follow the normal patterns for the season, but strange events do occur, making predicting
the weather in the Golden City a guessing game at the best of times.
hese unusual weather events might be caused by the now-lost Vril matrices, and inding one and shutting it down can be grounds for
an entire adventure.
he chart below is broken up into the four seasons and the weather that can be expected on any given day. he chart can be modiied
by the local area’s Wonder Attribute, found under each area’s detailed description.
City of the God-Kings
Standardized time is measured in two twelve-hour periods—one period for the daytime hours and the other for nighttime ones. he
Atlanteans and most of the modern world use this method of telling time. In most instances, however, it is simply good enough to know if
it is morning, midday, or sunset.
he daytime hours are broken into three periods.
Daytime Hours
Sunrise Hours 1–4 (7am–10am) Breakfast happens at second hour and the traders’ shops open at the third hour. Low tide
occurs during the fourth hour.
Midday Hours 5–8 (11am–2pm) Lunch happens at the sixth hour, followed by a midday rest until the eighth hour, then
back to work.
Sunset Hours 9–12 (3pm–6pm) Work ends at the tenth or eleventh hour. Evening meals occur at the twelfth hour. High
tide occurs during the tenth hour.
he nighttime hours are broken into four periods called watches.
Nighttime Hours
First Watch Hours 1–3 (7pm–9pm)
Second Watch Hours 4–6 (10pm–12am) Low tide occurs during the irst hour of the Second Watch.
hird Watch Hours 7–9 (1am–3am)
Fourth Watch Hours 10–12 (4am–6am) High tide occurs during the irst hour of the Fourth Watch.
In the main trading square of every district stands a water clock called the Clepsydra. he ornate clocks keep time to the hour and
minute and have replaced most First Age clocks that told time to the second, along with details of the month, day, and year. People usually
meet at the Clepsydra to socialize and hear the crier bring news during the midday period.
This is just way too
weird, or not weird
T RAVEL IN THE C ITY he weather chart, like
everything in the book, is used to
Water Travel add a small detail or element to
Because of the nature of Atlantis, most travelers use small boats called abyts at one time or the game when you play and isn’t
another. he abyts are commonly made from the golden tangala reeds that grow on the banks of expected to be used all the time—
the Canal of Olukun. Most abyts are one to two meters wide and three to ive meters long with a it’s just there if you need it. If this
set of oars for propulsion and a large steering pole in the rear for guidance. section isn’t weird enough you can
Abyt (water Taxi) modify the roll on the chart by the
Wonder Attribute of each district.
SPD +2 Crew 1–2 his could help explain why some
Hit Points 20 Passengers 1–6 of the areas get cutting sleet while
Size 3–5m in length others are balmy and unbearable.
WR To Hire -1 to +0 for a luxury abyt
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Below is a small sample of the types of meals Atlanteans enjoy.
NOTE from Jerry: he foods presented below are almost all Nigerian in origin (with some
embellishment) and an ambitious GM could easily ind the recipes for these on the Internet and
prepare them for his players. Never again will a tavern have to serve grog and a lamb shank.
Banga: a soup made from palm nuts.
► Omi Ukpoka: a soup made with ground dry corn and blended with smoked ish.
► Okoroenyeribe: a soup made from okra or melon seeds cooked until they thicken.
► Efo Riro: a stew made from spinach, onions, and cow tripe.
► Egusi: a soup made with ground melon seeds, leafy vegetables, red palm oil, and meat.
► Maafe: a stew made from peanut, tomatoes, and onions as the base, and can be ininitely
varied with chicken, beef, or ish and diferent leafy vegetables for subtle lavors.
► Rice Stew: a stew made from goat, beef, or chicken and cooked with a tomato, onion,
pepper, and groundnut sauce.
► Ogbono Soup: a soup made with ground mango nuts, spinach, onions, crayish, okra,
and ish stock. Ogbono is also eaten with many dishes, such as iyan, amala, funkaso, etc.
City of the God-Kings
Yam Dishes
► Iyan: mashed yams mixed with butter and ground vanilla orchid.
► Amala: a thick paste made from yams, which have been peeled, cleaned, dried, and then
blended; similar to iyan but normally darker (brown) in color.
► Asaro: made by boiling and lightly mashing yams in rich tomato, chili, and big red pepper
sauce with palm oil. It can be garnished with ish, meat, or crayish as desired.
Side Dishes
► Injera: a sourdough-risen latbread with a unique, slightly spongy texture.
► Dodo: plantains fried in vegetable oil or palm oil.
► Funkaso: millet pancakes.
► Mosa: mashed overripe plantains mixed with dried black pepper, fried, and then sprinkled
with sugar.
► Asaro: boiled and lightly mashed yams mixed into tomato, chili, red pepper sauce, and
palm oil. he dish is garnished with ish, meat, or crayish as desired.
► Chin Chin: a fried cookie made from honey, wheat lour, and butter.
► Puf Puf: fried sweet-dough balls.
► Kuli-Kuli: fried sticks of peanut and sugar paste.
► Kokoro: deep fried maize lour, cassava, and sugar.
► Wara: soft cottage cheese made from fresh cow’s milk.
► Dun Dun: roasted or deep-fried slices of yam.
► Ogur: date palm wine.
► Kunu: a milky-brown drink made from fermented yams, ginger, and germinated sorghum.
► Rossele Juice: made from hibiscus and sweetened with honey.
► Vril Spice: a very rare and expensive spice
made from alchemically infused Vril stone.
he secret to making the Vril stone was lost
during the Cataclysm; therefore, the existing
store of the spice is very rare and expensive.
Vril Spice enhances the palate of those who
eat it, making lavors more potent and
► Kem Dust: made from the Red Lotus of
Dabba, the dust is sprinkled on foods and
into soups to expand the consciousness of
the eater. he dust not only increases the
taste sensation of meal but adds a physical
aspect as well.
► Twilight Powder: made from the crushed
carapaces of the ubuze bugs, the powder gives
food laced with it a faint bitter aftertaste and
bluish glow. Twilight is primarily used for
cosmetic purposes.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
hose who wish to generate characters for a city-centric campaign can use the following Life
Path character generator charts (Upbringing, Childhood Encounter, and Enemy) instead of the
ones found in the ATLANTIS: the Second Age core book.
he characters generated may have had adventures beyond the city walls but have decided to
make the city their home. Characters generated using the guidelines below are fully integrated
members of Atlantis society and not travelers who may have stopped here for a time only to move
on when adventure calls—the city is the adventure!
NOTE: It’s suggested that the following guidelines ONLY be used if the group plans on
playing city-centric games. Although the Heroes generated will be playable beyond the city
walls, they will be more narrowly focused for games involving the grand city of Atlantis.
Heroes created using the following charts will be part of the city and have a better chance to
know one another, since sometime in their life they may have encountered one another.
Any race can be selected.
Only the Atlantean cultures can be selected.
All professions exist in Atlantis as well as all traditions of magic.
Life paths
Upbringing—Use the City Of Atlantis version of the Life Path chart.
Childhood Encounter—Use the City Of Atlantis version of the Life Path chart.
Enemy Chart—Use the City Of Atlantis version of the Life Path chart.
City of the God-Kings
How and where was the Hero raised? Was she born in the squalor of the Skotos slums? Was she privileged and groomed to become a
noble, or was she the daughter of an artisan eking out a living selling wares to merchants?
First, the Hero receives two skills that are common to the upbringing and then she will roll on the chart below. Players are encouraged
to embellish and create stories surrounding their upbringing to further bring the Hero to life.
Noble Tradesman Impoverished
Base Literacy Skill +2 (Atlantean), Language Handicraft +2, Trading +3 Unarmed Fighting +2, Instinct +3
+3 (Atlantean)
1–2 Parents were sorcerers. Gain +1 Mode Parents were teachers. Gain +1 Lore Reared in the undercity. You were
trained to steal food from above. +1
Sleight of Hand
3–4 Wealthy land owners. Gain +1 Ride Reared by physicians. Gain +1 Medicine Parents were slaves. Gain +1 Resolve
5–6 Raised by ambassadors. Gain +1 Parents farmed for a living. Gain +1 Raised by the Golden Palm. Gain +1
Inluence Animal Handling Stealth
7–8 Parents were generals or admirals. Gain Raised on merchant ships. Gain +1 Rat catcher’s child. Gain +1 Instinct
+1 Instinct Pilot (large ships)
9–10 Parents were wealthy merchants. Gain Born the child of merchants. Gain +1 Child of a professional beggar. Gain +1
+1 Trading Trading Inluence
11–12 Reared by a great artist. Gain +1 Parents were city guards. Gain +1 Melee Raised by thieves. Gain +1 Disable
Perform Weapon Mechanism
13–14 Parents are minor royalty. Gain +1 Lore Parents were priests. Gain +1 Resolve Apprenticed to a paid murderer. Gain
(etiquette) +1 Weapon skill (player’s choice)
15–16 Parents were court functionaries. Gain Child of courtesans or panderers. Gain Child of prostitutes. Gain +1 Inluence
+1 Investigate/Search +1 Inluence
17–18 Parents were guild masters. Gain +1 Child of performers. Gain +1 Perform Conscripted into a child army by an
Trading (player’s choice) unsavory crime lord. Gain +1 Weapon
skill (player’s choice)
19–20 Parents were great physicians. Gain +1 Parents were adventurers. Gain +1 in Child of cesspool cleaners. Gain +2
Medicine any skill Resolve
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Childhood Encounter
Someone visited the Hero or he encountered some special event in the city of Atlantis as a child. he encounter touched the child in a
lasting way that changed his life forever and set him on the path of the Hero.
Roll D20 twice.
(1–7) You met someone (8–13) You saw something (14–20) You did something
1 Met an ancient ancestor when she awoke Watched as the dead woke and shambled Robbed the grave of a prince and stole a
from her sleep. She strained to sup on your down the street in the month of Wayeb. One inger bone. You made a necklace and gave
soul but was pushed away by your parents at of the dead looked like you. it to a loved one. he next night they died,
the last moment. strangled in their sleep.
2 Met a saint who traveled from a distant land. Saw a saint perform a miracle that helped Anointed the feet of a great saint with water
You listened to his words and he inspired those in need. Since you stood beside him as and fragrant oil, and begged your parents to
you to greatness. If you take the Priest Life the miracle happened you were blessed too. allow him to stay in your home for a night.
Path, automatically roll on the Priest Special (Reroll any one unfavorable roll of another Your kindness was rewarded with blessings.
Event chart. he number of years spent is PC on any of the Life Path charts.) (Reroll any one unfavorable roll on any of
the minimum you may have. his bonus the Life Path charts.)
lasts for one roll.
3 You were introduced to your great aunt, a Sneaking around your neighbor’s estate, You spoke the truth to an oicial about a
woman it is said that lived in the heavens you spied a giant Netherman chained to a high-ranking merchant in the Brotherhood
with the gods. She showered you with stake in the ground. As you watched, your of Orunmila. he insult to their reputation
afection and spoke highly of you to neighbor’s wife approached the giant with a was so great that for a season their proits
everyone she met. One day she cried openly basket on her arm. From her basket she drew sufered. Now anytime a season’s earning
and walked back into the sky. chunks of raw meat and tossed them at the is poor it is known by your name. Most
man. She shouted insults as she did so. merchants shun you when they know who
you are.
4 Met a great thief who traveled from a distant Saw a thief crawl from the topmost window Took the fall for a thief ’s actions. he
land. She allowed you to drink and smoke of the king’s tower. He saw you, smiled, and Golden Palm guild noticed your actions and
her lotus pipe. Over the course of a week she put his ingers to his lips. For your discretion rewarded you with connections any cutpurse
taught you unimaginable things. If you take he came to you several nights later and would kill for. (Reroll any one roll on the
the Rogue Life Path, automatically roll on rewarded you well. He gave you his lucky Rogue’s Life Path charts.)
the Rogue Special Event chart. he number medallion in thanks and was captured as
of years spent is the minimum you may soon as he left your home. (Reroll any one
have. his bonus lasts for one roll. unfavorable roll on any of the Life Path
5 Met an Atlantean noble and high priest Saw a family of merchants killed because Stole clothing dye from an absentminded
who took a liking to you and allowed you an Atlantean noble was displeased with the merchant who later had none to sell for a
to represent one of the twin gods during a color of their garments during a festival. he religious festival. he gods were displeased
religious festival. He gave you the honor of family was gored to death by a bull before it with you.
performing the ritual sacriice of the bull. was sacriiced.
6 A wandering band of players sets up shop Watched a farce about the Beast Wars put A wandering band of players begged you
in your neighborhood for several weeks. on by a band of traveling players. You saw an to take part in their play. Shy, you refused.
hey cast you as Zu, Queen of the Oluka, ethereal aspect of a regal Oluka descend onto he players grew enraged. hey took on the
in a farce about the Beast Wars. You felt one of the players. You looked around to see aspects of rabid, predatory beasts. You led,
so exhilarated by the experience, you can’t if the adults would act, but none seemed to escaping to safety; though you suspect only
remember much of the evening; you still notice. As you looked back, the player in the just.
have the feathered mask. owl mask winked at you.
7 An old Atlantean with silver eyes approached Witnessed a furious battle between a great On an alley wall you found a story
you in the market while you were playing hero, a three-legged dog, and a headless accompanied by pictures drawn on a wall.
war with your friends. He took your stick statue of an ancient fertility goddess. When Each day the story and art changed but
and adjusted your stance. He told you that the battle was over the hero bestowed the always told the adventures of a great warrior
you would be a great warrior. After he left, three-legged dog to you because he liked wearing jet and gold. From the stories you
an old drunk told you he was a sleeping hero the dimple in your cheek. (Reroll any one gleaned useful ighting skills. (Reroll any
from a bygone time. If you take the Warrior unfavorable roll on any of the Life Path one roll on the Warrior’s Life Path charts.)
Life Path, automatically roll on the Warrior charts.) You also gain the three-legged dog
Special Event chart. he number of years as a traveling companion; the dog has not
spent is the minimum you may have. his aged a day since you received her.
bonus lasts for one roll.
8 Met a withered slave who told you that all Saw a slave being killed and watched as a Unshackled the chains of slaves during a
people should be free. He died at the hands revolt erupted, killing the Atlantean slave revolt, allowing them to ight and defend
of his master and started a slave revolt. lord. he story you told that day sparked themselves. Slavers tried to kill you and
revolt in other areas of the city. the slaves protected you. To this day you
are known as the “the Key” by all slaves in
9 Met another PC’s Hero during a festival and Saw another PC’s Hero cry and he was Beat up another PC’s Hero behind a
played together all night. punished by his parents. he parents merchant’s stall when you were children.
presented you as an example of how to
City of the God-Kings
10 Met a prince of Atlantis and was given a You witnessed a prince of Atlantis strip the Made a prince of Atlantis smile with a great
candy treat for a joke that made him smile. lesh from a foreign noble as punishment for humorous and infantile joke. he prince was
He remembers you as the one that humored a slight cast upon his Atlantean-born slave. so taken by the joke that he had it written in
him. the city annals.
11 While watching a contest at the Dueling Watched a contest on the Dueling Bridge. Was the sword-bearer at a duel upon the
Bridge, you encountered a man who he ight suddenly stopped and the Dueling Bridge. When the ight was over
claimed to be Shango the Red God. He held combatants professed love for one another. you were asked to cut the inger that would
you on his shoulder to watch the ight and To celebrate they gave all in attendance a be tribute. You were given a small jewel as
afterwards gave you a silver dagger. Gain +1 special gold coin. Gain +1 Treasure. payment. Gain +1 Treasure.
12 As a child you were introduced to a captured While “exploring” the city, you found your Served tea for a day in the tent of a
sea serpent. he beast was intelligent and way to the Vril caverns beneath. You found Jinn merchant. He wore multicolored,
spoke with a quick tongue. He cursed you a vast room with black walls. Pinpoints of voluminous robes. A spirit of frantic
and the city and swore that his brothers and light blinked into life above and around you, innovation took over that part of the city
sisters would have vengeance on Atlantis by as if you stood in the night’s sky. Something for the following week. Later, you pieced
making the canals unsafe to travel. began to whisper black and terrible secrets together that the only ones taken by the
into your brain, and then you passed out. inventive spirit were the merchant’s guests;
You woke up near your home with a piece of the ones who drank your tea.
paper in your pocket. It bore a single black
13 A ish you caught in a canal begged for At a feast, you watched a noblewoman eat A man in a fox mask asked you to hold a
its life. he ish gave you his name and a a Benu bird as a rare delicacy. Once the last bundle wrapped in heavy cloth for him at
promise to aid you in the future. When you morsel was eaten she burst into lames and a a festival. A cadre of guards approached
threw it back in the water your family was beak tore open her belly from the inside. A from the other end of the street. You ran
blessed with good fortune. large iery bird lew from the hall, leaving a for blocks, eluding capture. When you
smoldering corpse. unwrapped the bundle, you saw only a half-
carved block of wood. As you stared down,
belly laughter echoed out over the rooftops.
14 Given meat on a stick by a grizzled Watched as a noble begged Girg the Misdirected the Black Guard as they hunted
Netherman named Girg. he meat was Netherman for his life in an alley. Girg’s only for the Netherman known as Girg. For that
succulent and tender. (See the Cannibal response was to disembowel the man with small kindness he thanked you with a set of
Kings gang.) a pack of ravenous rats. (See the Cannibal golden teeth strung on a piece of gold twine.
Kings gang.) (See the Cannibal Kings gang.)
15 A young girl learning from a sleeping Watched a sorcerer make a circle and Carried the manuscripts of a sleeping wizard
Atlantean told you secrets about the summon a spirit at a festival. You watched to and from the Great Library for a summer.
nightmarish dreams of reality. Every night as he painstakingly drew his containment During your lunch break, the drunken mage
before bed she would come to your window hexagon and inscribed the runes. When you served would allow you to recite the
and whisper terrible realities. If you take the the time came to cast his spell, he misspoke poems inscribed in the margins. (Reroll any
Mage Life Path, automatically roll on the and was consumed by the cosmic horror he one roll on the Mage’s Life Path charts.)
Mage Special Event chart. he number of enticed. You swore never to make the same
years spent is the minimum you may have. mistake if you learned magic. (Reroll any
his bonus lasts for one roll. one unfavorable roll on any of the Life Path
16 Met the love of your life. he love belonged Saw one PC’s Hero steal the love of another Stole the love of another PC’s life away in a
to Chamkosee and she forbade him/her PC’s Hero away from him/her. he lover was night of passion. he next day you became
from ever seeing you again. so heartbroken at what he/she had done that bored with her/him and dumped her/him.
days later he/she dove of a bridge into the
waters below and died.
17 Spoke at length to a woman cruciied on While in the main square near your home A rich Atlantean noble paid your parents
the Tree of Woe. She admitted her crime you saw the ritual execution of a foreign god a great sum to take you as his spear-bearer
of being a willful slave but felt no guilt at performed by your uncle. When the eigy of during a hunt of freed slaves. For every slave
her act. She explained she would die and this god was burned, your uncle burst into he murdered he gave you one of their toes as
soon be free of Atlantis and all its sufering. lames and was horribly scarred. a gift. If you found the act repugnant, you
She asked you to take her name home to a told the noble so and gain +10 Renown. If
faraway land and give it back to her family. you accepted the cruelty as a harsh fact of
Atlantean life, gain +3 Resolve.
18 Met an old Lemurian priest named Kongolo. Saw a nameless god deliver an aspect of his Helped an old priest named Kongolo ind a
He gave you a small idol of a foreign god soul to a foreign priest named Kongolo for child with an unblemished soul. Once the
and told you to keep it safe until the time safekeeping. he god told the priest to ind child was found, the priest gave the child
has come. (See Shrine of the Nameless God.) a soul unblemished by the world to hold it. a piece of a foreign god’s soul housed in a
(See Shrine of the Nameless God.) wooden idol. (See Shrine of the Nameless
19 You snuck out on the eve of a festival. Saw a mage cast a spell and gain the notice of A Jinn gave you a silver coin and recited a
Wandering near the Scorched Grove, you the Elder Gods! Starting with his hand, the joke into your ear. He told you to ind a
met a red-eyed Jinn. He sang you a song mage consumed himself until his body was particular merchant and whisper the joke to
that seemed to last until morning. When turned inside out. He was said to have lived him. You did as you were asked and when
you returned home, your parents wept with for two weeks in this state until he burst into you inished the merchant erupted into
relief; you had been gone three days. lames and died. riotous laughter and could not stop. He died
hours later from burst lungs and a torn jaw.
20 You returned the dropped scarf of the Blessed by a priest of the Orixa. You gained Ripped the jewels from the neck of an
Atlantean king. His touch blessed you with sun-kissed hair and +1 CHA. ancient sleeping Atlantean. he audacity
+1 MR. of the act was smiled upon by the god of
thieves. Gain +1 DEX.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The Enemy
Along the way, every Hero will meet new friends and make black-hearted enemies. his enemy
will do almost anything to see you ruined in some way, and in some cases they will want you dead.
he Hero may now take the enemy as a disadvantage that reoccurs during the course of play. She
has complete authority as to what priority she wants to assign to the enemy.
1 Chamkosee the Hungry
2 Folami, Mistress of the Moon of the Palace of the Sea Lords (see the Royal District)
3 A Parent
4 War Master Bano (see Shango’s Auxiliary)
5 Lord Agyenim the Small (see the Royal District)
6 Adetokunbo (see Ruling Council)
7 Akshasa the Wolf (see the Skotos District)
8 Karlas of the Kindly Ones (see Local Street Gangs, Nefarious Cults, and Guilds )
9 Bosede Golden Arm of the Palace of the Sea Lords (see the Royal District)
10 he Karamat Saints
11 he Scions of Mosi
12 Mojisola of the Ruling Council
13 Belly Punch Talia of the Sedekai (see the Zamalek District)
14 Girg of the Cannibal Kings (see Local Street Gangs, Nefarious Cults, and Guilds )
15 he Shai Twins (see the Skotos District)
16 Quai Xing (see the Byrsa District)
17 All four Princesses of the Hoary Harlots (see the Karthago District)
18 Alatious of the Public Baths (see the Byrsa District)
19 he Relationship Disadvantage of the player to the left of you
20 he dread King of Atlantis!
he following professions are found in Atlantis speciically, but all professions exist in Atlantis
as well as all Traditions of magic.
The Slayers
he elite guard of Atlantis and the shining exemplars of Atlantean prestige and might. Or so
they would have you believe. he Black Guard, as they are more commonly known, is at best the
highly trained, elite protectors of the city, and at their worst they are brutish thugs who exploit
their authority. Either way, the guards are imposing igures in the city of Atlantis and none take
their appearance lightly.
Skills Evade +5, Inluence +7, Language (Atlantean) +3, Lore (Streetwise) +3, Parry
+4, Profession (City Guard) +10, Unarmed Fighting +6, Weapon (player’s
choice) +7, Weapon (player’s choice) +8
Bonus Talents Shock and Awe
Starting Gear Medium full suit of armor, two weapons of choice, and horse,
Black Osorapean cloak and helmet
Starting WR +1
City of the God-Kings
The Takers
he lowest of the low. he dispossessed of the golden city of Atlantis make their way surviving
on the good graces and alms of others. Most are the unfortunate who luck has dealt a bad hand,
but there are those who use the façade of the destitute to ply their trade as a thief. No one stops to
take look at a beggar and most will turn a blind eye to the plight of the vagrant, allowing them to
pilfer unseen.
Skills Evade +9, Inluence +8, Language (Atlantean) +3, Parry +4, Profession (Bum)
+10, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +10, Weapon (player’s choice) +4
Bonus Talents Inconspicuous
Starting Gear Medium full suit of armor, one weapon of choice, assorted
knickknacks worth +3 treasure, ragged clothes and a hash pipe
Starting WR +1
During the early days of Atlantis, the Atlanteans had at their disposal very powerful magics and
pacts with elemental lords that allowed them to place lesser elemental spirits under their thrall. his
permitted the Atlanteans to enchant items at a whim. he potent charms lasted for years—sometimes
centuries. hose days ended with the Cataclysm; now only a handful of magicians enchant items
and the process is long and hard. Some still practice the old methods with diminished results. his
new breed of enchanter enhances existing pieces or coaxes elemental spirits into trinkets that last
for a day or so. he trinkets are sold mostly to those who want a luck charm for a wedding, or
an enchanted blade for an assassination. Unfortunately, the potent magic infused in the items is
actually leached from the Vril pyramid and the trinkets do not work when not in close proximity
to a pyramid or ley line.
Skills Handicraft (Artisan) +10, Handicraft (player’s choice) +4, Language
(Atlantean) +3, Lore (player’s choice) +5, Mode (player’s choice) +10, Mode
(player’s choice) +8, Mode (player’s choice) +3, Profession (Enchanter) +10
Bonus Talents Elemental Enchantment
Starting Gear Artisan supplies, baubles to enchant, various wands, 12 bottles of
vintage wine (to enchant as potions)
Starting WR +1
Atlantis is full of dangerous individuals and the most deadly are usually the most learned. he
mastermind is the brains of any operation, knowing the logistics, tactics and general operating
procedures of their targets. Most armies defer to the wisdom of the mastermind and all criminal
organizations have one.
Skills Inluence +7, Instinct (Intuition) +10, Language (Atlantean) +3, Lore
(Tactics) +10, Lore (History) +5, Profession (Strategist) +10, Resolve +4,
Weapon (player’s choice) +4
Bonus Talents Tactician
Starting Gear Spy glass, one weapon of choice, noble robes, a journal of historic
events in the city of Atlantis, and a rod that you use to gesture with
as you give commands
Starting WR +2
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
New Talents
Elemental Enchantment
he Hero has the ability to briely infuse an elemental spirit into an item, giving it a temporary
magical efect.
Beneit: he Hero must be able to cast the spell to create the magical efect and must successfully
cast the spell into the item. he process takes a number of hours equal to twice the spell level. Once
used, the magic in the item will be expended. he quality of the item enchanted will determine the
level of the spell that can be infused into it.
Below quality: Level 3 spell
Average: Level 3–5
Excellent: Level 5–8
Superior: Level 8–10
Masterwork: Level 10–13
If the spell level exceeds the quality of the item, the magic will work as normal. However,
afterward the item will explode, doing 2x the excessive spell level in damage to the enchanter in
backlash from the elemental spirits used to make the item function. he Hero must be within range
(33km) of a Vril pyramid or equivalent when using this talent. he Hero may enchant a number of
items a week equal to his MR+3 (minimum of 3).
he Hero has the ability to blend into the crowd and go unseen in metropolitan areas. When in
the urban element, the Hero is able to use the natural lora and fauna to remain unnoticed.
Beneit: he Hero receives a bonus equal to his INT+3 or PER+3 (whichever is higher, player
chooses, minimum of +3) to any Tracking/Stealth or Investigate/Search rolls.
You have studied the tactics and strategies of the battleield.
Beneit: he Hero receives his PER (minimum of +1) to augment his side’s Initiative rolls. If
the Hero spends an action for the round, he may also coordinate attacks against a single foe and
all under his command (using the Inluence + INT with a DoD equal to the target’s Evade Skill
Rating), receive a +2 to all attack or defense rolls (chosen when the talent is used and may be
changed from round to round). All under his command must go on his Initiative or after to gain
this bonus.
City of the God-Kings
Lore (streetwise) Skill (Specific)
he Lore (streetwise) skill is very valuable to the urban adventurer. With Lore (streetwise), the
Hero can navigate the dangerous social customs of the underbelly of any large urban area. Money
and wealth will always be king, but a noble-born Atlantean who inds himself lost in the slums of
the undercity will be quickly stripped of all his wealth, graces, and even his life if he doesn’t know
how and to whom to pay respect.
Although Atlantis is a grand and beautiful city, it has its share of street artists who communicate
and gossip using graiti. he street art is used to spread gossip, community threats or warnings, or
give general information about an area.
Lore (streetwise) can be used to read the vibe of the underworld and even pick up pieces of
pertinent information. Below are some types of information that can be gleaned from the colorful
artwork and depraved scribbling left on the walls of Atlantis.
Information DoD
What gangs are in the area or general warnings -2
What is the name of the gang(s) that controls the neighborhood or warnings to stay
Who is in charge of a gang -5
Names of the leaders of a local gang
General gossip -3
What people think of important people in the community. Who is involved with
whom? Who is on the upswing and who is on their way out?
Speciic information -7 or more
Who is the power behind the throne or an important person’s weakness
Find goods -2 to -7
he information needed to ind particular black market goods like drugs or poisons
Underworld Socializing
Lore (streetwise) + CHA
he Lore (streetwise) skill can be used in place of
the Inluence skill when dealing with the people of the
underworld, such as gang members and criminals.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Below is a list of some of the better known street gangs, nefarious cults, and guilds
that roam the streets of Atlantis.
Each organization is listed below with the following format:
Name: he name of the organization.
Sigil: he mark used by the organization to show ailiation or to mark property.
Racial Makeup: What races are the members composed of? Are they one homogenous
organization made up of one race or are they a mixed group of members?
Location: What district/location does the organization call home?
Number of Members (#Mem): he number of active members.
Agenda: he reason why the organization exists.
History: A brief history of the organization.
Members of Note: he leaders or notable members of the group.
Kindly Ones
Racial Makeup: Atlanteans
Sigil: A single golden star
Location: Odeon and Tophet
#Mem: 5–12
Agenda: To indulge any and all of their dark desires and appetites. he group lives to satiate their depraved hedonistic
lifestyles at the expense of others.
A group of bored noble-born Atlantean teenagers who enjoy dabbling in black magic and thrill killings. Armed with the station and
power of their families, these youths set out to terrorize their peers and to prey upon the poor. his small group of Atlantean youths
belongs to some of the wealthiest families in the city and recruits from among their most trusted friends. he gang is nothing more than
a diversion from what they call the “benign existence of being bored and wealthy”.
Members of Note:
► Karlas (Atlantean male): he 19-year old ringleader and the greatest sorcerer of the group. He indulges in many vices, but has
found the Dark Arts to be the most alluring. He recently found a book in his father’s library that speaks of a massive human
sacriice that will bring the group untold power.
► Deroshia (Atlantean female): A drug-addled diva who wishes nothing more than to see those more attractive than her scarred and
brutalized. She has totally given herself over to demons and the worship of dark things. She is rumored to wear a vial that holds a
tear of an Elder God around her neck.
► Fellana (Atlantean female): he youngest member of the group at nine years old, she is the most outwardly impressionable and
the most unlike the others. Because she is underestimated by her older peers she has managed to secretly wrest control from Karlas
and is actually the power behind the throne. She is moving the group to assassinate (for proit) enemies of a secret high-ranking
Atlantean noble.
Racial Makeup: Humans, Ahl-At-Rab
Sigil: A black snake
Location: Maquatam
#Mem: Estimated at 10–15
Agenda: he secretive Cult of Set funds its nefarious activities with smuggling, slavery, and unsanctioned assassinations. he
group rules by fear and savagery, and those who it cannot bribe it kills.
he small gang started four years ago as a Cult of Set, but soon blossomed into something greater. he secretive Ahl-At-Rab leader
hails from Khem, where he was reportedly run out of town for “depraved acts of blasphemy against the natural order”.
Members of Note:
► Ahmose the Black (Ahl-At-Rab male): he leader of the Blackadders and a high priest of Set. He is wanted with a huge price on his
head. Some say Ahmose is able to perform dark miracles to help his small gang defend itself from the other larger gangs in the area.
City of the God-Kings
Cannibal Kings
Racial Makeup: Mixed, but mostly Nethermen
Sigil: A crudely drawn crown
Location: he warrens of the undercity
#Mem: Estimated at 50–75
Agenda: To spread their inluence into all parts of the city and eventually eat the hearts of the princes of Atlantis.
During a famine sufered by Atlantis 20 years ago, a group of indigents living in the undercity catacombs of Atlantis turned to
abducting healthy residents from the surface to subsidize their meager existence below. As the yearlong famine progressed, the small
group became stronger until at the end of the famine all that was left in the warrens was a group of well-fed ghoulish cannibals. he Black
Guard soon eradicated the group over the course of several months—or so it thought. Some members of the group retreated and reformed
deeper in the caves below the city. Now the gang roams the catacombs beneath Atlantis, treating people there as if they are livestock or
chattel. Most under-dwellers pay extortion to be left in peace. Younger members have begun wearing iron or golden teeth to show their
status and ailiation in the gang.
Members of Note:
► Girg (Netherman): An old and weathered Netherman who became a beggar on the streets when he was thrown out of the military,
Girg has sworn to eat the hearts of all nobility and charges his group to do the same. Eating the poor is acceptable, but now he
pushes them to go above and kidnap the wealthy for their macabre feast.
► Aakin (Human): A native of Jambu and an escaped convict from the island prison of Hallow, Aakin is a cold-blooded murderer
who lives for nothing but the screams and whining moans of others. He loves to leave his prey alive, allowing them to watch as he
consumes them little by little.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Racial Makeup: Any women
Sigil: A bird feather
Location: Byrsa
#Mem: Estimated at 25–35
Agenda: To protect men and women prostitutes (for a cost) and to acquire wealth and prestige through force and extortion.
he gang was originally an angry mob that formed to seek vengeance on the Shango’s Auxiliary when one of their members killed a
prostitute over a minor ofense. he prostitute in question was the lover of Stracha, a foreign-born mercenary, who aroused the ire of the
women and men who had fallen victim to the brutal gang. he murderer was hunted for several days, found, skinned alive, and hung by
his genitals from a lag pole. After that day, Stracha and her small group of vengeful prostitutes were looked to for protection and to settle
grievance between prostitutes and the whoremongerers they work for. Over the years, the Harpies have evolved into a vigilante group,
extortionists of prostitutes, panderers, and outright thieves.
Members of Note:
► Stracha (Anubim female): Stracha is from the islands of Gargos but made her way to Atlantis during her days as a mercenary.
Stracha fell in love with a young Asena prostitute who was murdered by a local gang (Shango’s Auxiliary) and against whom she
vowed revenge. Now Stracha is the strong leader of the Harpies and has amassed a fortune selling protection to her neighborhood.
► Flowers (Jinn male): A blind sex worker and fortune teller who was taken in by Stracha and given a position in her gang. He is a
seer who uses his skills and abilities with magic to protect Stracha from the frequent assassination attempts perpetrated by Shango’s
► Togo (Lemurian female): A brothel owner and keeper of the club that Stracha and many of the other Harpies call home, Togo was
an Elysium slave who bought her freedom from her master by slitting his throat. She now uses her business acumen to run a brothel
and smuggling operation inside the brothel.
City of the God-Kings
The Karamat Saints
Racial Makeup: All races
Sigil: An open circle
Location: Zamalek
#Mem: Not known. Maybe 20–30
Agenda: To heal the sick and keep those they deem worthy from their fate.
he Karamat Saints is a small group of ascetic holy people that live apart from others in Atlantis but perform spiritual healing for
those in need. he group travels quietly through the city and ritually eats the sins of those they choose as worthy. Members of the Karamat
Saints are said to be able to see the fate of an individual and have the ability to eat the sins that will lead a person there. Many try and pay
for these services but the Karamat Saints only eat the sins of those who have great destinies to attain.
It has become a custom to leave bowls of soup outside one’s door in hopes that the Karamat Saints will be lured there to eat sins.
Members of Note:
► Tasso Teotl (Human female): he head of the group and chief holy woman. his ancient woman has skin the color of burnished
bronze and hair the color of ivory. Like all Karamat Saints, she does not speak but will guide those worthy to their destiny. She has
the ability to eat sin like no other Saint and may take Fate Points from a Hero when she ritually eats their sins.
► Poogy (Netherman male): An old shriveled Netherman, blind and scared from years of wandering in the most inhospitable places.
Poogy is a shaman of great power and renown from the savage deserts of Turan. During his younger days, Poogy adventured with
many great heroes and performed many wondrous deeds. He was ofered kingdoms several times but turned away to adventure. It
is said that many great spirits owe a debt to Poogy.
► Smapas Tigoga (Triton male): Smapas is the oddest and most horriic of the Saints and is always accompanied by two young blind
boys. Smapas is a disembodied head in a large jar of briny water carried on a simple wooden litter. he entirety of Smapas’ head is
covered in ancient writing of a forgotten language and he is reported to be the wisest and most holy of the Karamat Saints. Some
say a drink from the briny bowl he rests in will cure any ailment.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The League of Sun and Moon
Racial Makeup: Various races
Sigil: he sun and moon as one
Location: Skotos
#Mem: 20–30
Agenda: he accumulation of wealth through theft and other nefarious means.
he League is composed of con artists, thieves, and fences in the Skotos District. Most of their activity is concerned with the
laundering of stolen goods and the resale or procurement of unique and valuable items. he League abhors the traicking of slaves for the
purposes of labor or sex and will occasionally put some of their wealth aside to buy the freedom of those they deem worthy. he League’s
biggest rival is Quai Xing and his smuggling operation. Most in the organization knows of Shai’s hatred of the man and all loyally believe
in their cause to bring the smuggler to ruin.
Members of Note:
► Shai, he Lonely Twins (Khemite human two-gender conjoined twins): he masterminds behind the League’s success are joined
at the hip and united in their goals. he two are said to be the most compassionate criminals in Atlantis and any who present
themselves before the pair and swear allegiance are granted a small boon for their loyalty.
► Kobal (Khemite human male): he large black man is covered in the ritual scars of the slaves of Khem. Free now, the Khemite
serves the siblings out of love and devotion. Kobal is known for killing with the large steel pinga he carries in right hand.
► Hunsker (Hesperian Ahl-At-Rab female): Hunsker is a Settite priestess whose freedom was purchased by the siblings. She now
serves the twins and the organization as a whole with her dark magics and arcane knowledge.
Chamkosee’s Brood
Racial Makeup: Mixed, all children
Sigil: A crudely drawn chain with a broken link
Location: Hollow
#Mem: Estimated at 30–40
Agenda: To bring down the rich and leave them in ruin.
A gang comprised of dispossessed street youths, Chamkosee’s Brood is led by an old female harshesian thief known only as
Chamkosee. he children are selected at an early age from orphans found on the streets of Atlantis and taken in to do Chamkosee’s
bidding. hey are schooled for many months in the art of thievery and then sold into slavery as house slaves. Once inside the homes of
the wealthy, they set about stealing and funneling the goods back to Chamkosee. After a few weeks the children are helped to escape and
are free to work the streets as “foot soldiers” in Chamkosee’s “war against the wealthy”. he word “Chamkosee” is now slang meaning
“unruly or untrustworthy child”.
Members of Note:
► Chamkosee the Hungry (Human female): A slightly built woman with a single ragged scar around her neck left from a hangman’s
noose; she hates anyone born into wealth and will work hard to bilk them of it.
► Heddi (Balam female): A young Balam girl adopted by Chamkosee as her own and the second in command of Chamkosee’s Brood.
She is almost 18 now and has been with Chamkosee for almost 10 years. he gang’s rules say she must leave in a few months and
this pains her very much.
City of the God-Kings
Shango’s Auxiliary
Racial Makeup: Humans, Nemeans, Nethermen, Taurans
Sigil: A red handprint
Location: Karthoa
#Mem: Estimated at 30–50; ive times as many if counting the members of the “stable”
Agenda: To prove they are the best through open war against all that oppose them. To fuel this war machine the members
have turned to pandering and each member is judged by the size of the “stable” of men and women working under
Shango’s Auxiliary started as a sort of neighborhood watch for the impoverished districts located in Karthoa. To protect the area and
the people who live there, Shango’s Auxiliary was formed and named after the god they wished to bless them. Over the years the group
has preyed increasingly on those they originally wished to protect, until today they are a group of hardened youths who live only to ight
and take what spoils they can from whomever they can.
To subsidize their martial lifestyles, its members turned to extortion and to running brothels. Each member is expected to form a
stable to provide for his living expenses. Most prostitution in Karthoa is in some way connected to Shango’s Auxiliary.
Members of Note:
► War Master Bano (Human male): Bano has only been War Master for three months after his uncle was killed in a street skirmish
with the Cannibal Kings from the undercity. So far it has been diicult on Bano, hardening his soul and making him more vicious
than any who have held his position in the past 30 years. he only grace that keeps his humanity intact is his secret love for his
First Slayer, Pacha. He feels he can never show the weakness of love, but desperately want to hold this woman in a gentle embrace.
► Soul Master Drish (Human male): he younger brother of Bano and the spiritual advisor and resident priest of Shango, Drish is
blessed with the largest stable of the gang, boasting over 23 men and women.
► First Slayer Pacha (Netherman female): Pacha is Bano’s most trusted ally and second in command under him. She secretly loves
Bano but doesn’t have the words to express her feeling. She kills in his name and seek his favor. In recent months, Drish has taken
advantage of this fact and manipulates her to do his bidding in hopes of gaining Bano’s favor for himself.
Racial Makeup: Mixed
Sigil: A black talon
Location: he Trench
#Mem: Unknown
Agenda: Abide until the time when the Great Enemy reveals itself.
Although the Pembuhnu survives by fulilling murder contracts, its ancient purpose is far more complicated. Deep within the warrens
of the Trench, in Vril-lit caves, this ancient order of spies and killers consults astrological charts and awaits the fulillment of an obscure
prophecy that has been passed down over the centuries. he Pembuhnu awaits the day when an ancient and maleic deity will reveal itself
and attempt to destroy the world. When this day arrives, this ancient order will cast aside its mantle of secrecy and confront this menace
to prevent it from devouring the planet.
Members of Note:
► Osiah the Blade (Human male): Osiah is the current leader of the Pembuhnu. His origins are obscure, but most believe that he is
a native of Jambu. Osiah is charismatic, wise, and capable of moving as gently as a whisper. He wields a pair of short-bladed swords
fashioned from some unknown alloy, and teaches the rest of his order sacred rites that have been preserved for at least a thousand
years. Although he has led the Pembuhnu for close to 75 years, he does not appear to be a day older than 40.
► Mala (Balam female): Mala is a sleek, black-haired Balam who was indoctrinated into this ancient order of killers when she was
still quite young. She is attractive, keen-witted, and fanatically loyal to Osiah. It is said that he rescued her from slavery, but the
truth of their relationship is unknown.
► Kali (Human female): Kali is the newest member of the Pembuhnu. She is a thin youth with aquiline features, a compact build,
and is extremely overweening. Although arrogant and impetuous, Kali has taken to her training with a dogged determinism.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The Gatekeepers
Racial Makeup: Atlanteans
Sigil: A barbed gate
Location: Inanda
#Mem Unknown
Agenda: Prevent foreigners from living in Inanda.
he Gatekeepers are a relatively new phenomenon within Inanda. Stories conlict regarding the founding of this group, but most
ascribe its creation to the murder of a prominent family that had lived in Inanda for generations. Although the perpetrators were never
brought to justice, the grisly crime was blamed upon the inlux of foreigners who had recently arrived in Atlantis. Accordingly, the
Gatekeepers appeared and drove out all foreigners who had moved into their district, and they now patrol the streets on a nightly basis.
Members of Note:
► Janus Escoriades (Atlantean male): Janus Escoriades is a middle-aged man with a thick paunch and a shaved head. He is the
founder of the Gatekeepers, and an out-and-out xenophobe. He is particularly suspicious of anyone from Jambu. More to the
point, Janus has recently aspired to become involved in politics, for he hopes that he will be able to remove the scourge of foreign
inluence from the rest of Atlantis.
City of the God-Kings
District Key
Byrsa 32
Grambula 40
he Hollow 44
Inanda 48
Kardasa 52
Karthago 54
Karthoa 58
Kittim 62
Maquatam 66
Odeon and Tophet 70
Royal District 76
Shubra 88
Skotos 92
hapsus 98
Zamalek 100
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
How To Use The
District Attributes
Anatomy Of The City
Each district in Atlantis is a separate entity and uses Attributes and statistics to help deine it
he Attributes can be used in
from its neighbors.
a number of ways to modify rolls.
Below are a few examples of how Wonder: he Atlantis of the First Age left behind many strange and wondrous devices that
they can be used to make areas either don’t work or work incorrectly now. his Attribute is used to modify the Strange Random
more distinct. Encounter chart.
Wonder: Anyone immersed Danger: Used to modify the Skullduggery Random Encounter chart.
in the wonders of the First Age Grandeur: Used to deine how awesome a part of the city is and to modify the Sublime Random
are inspired to emulate what they Encounter chart.
see. Areas such as these excite the Reticence: his Attribute represents the level of friendliness of the people who live in the area
mind and allow people to dream and is used to modify both the Intrigue Random Encounter chart and to modify positive social
of what can be. No one brushes interaction skill rolls (such as Inluence (command), Inluence (diplomacy), Lore (etiquette), and
away a question of “what if ” in a Performance) when dealing with people in the area. NOTE: he modiier only applies to non-
place where any dream can become Atlantean races and cultures.
a reality. Conversely, places that Skill Bonus: Some areas allow for better skill use within them because of their nature and the
are bereft of any sense of wonder people who populate that area. his has nothing to do with magic or some strange property of the
are drab, grey places where the area, only a general mindset of the people there.
imagination is narrowly focused on Example: If the Hero is in an arts district and has the Handicraft (artisan) skill, he will
how to survive the day or ill one’s do better work there because of the advice/competitive nature of his peers and the local “vibe”.
belly. Handicraft and Lore rolls he Hero must have a relevant skill to use this Attribute bonus and cannot beneit with an unskilled
are modiied by the area’s Wonder use.
Attribute. Random Encounter: here are ive diferent potential Random Encounter types for each area,
Danger: Maybe the toughs who with some being more likely depending on where you are. When the GM decides to have an
frequent that part of town are just encounter, he may use the Random Encounter chart listed under each area for determining which
a little bit meaner than the ones type is encountered. he ive categories are Strange, Skullduggery, Routine, Sublime, and Intrigue.
two blocks over, or perhaps the After rolling on the area chart and determining the Random Encounter type, the GM will then
people who live there are malicious need to roll on the relevant Random Encounter chart to which they are directed based on the type
and want to see interlopers beaten. they rolled.
he Danger Attribute can be used
to modify the Ability Level of any District Attribute example:
opposition or used as a modiier
A group of Heroes have come to Atlantis in the course of their adventures and are planning
to any damage done while in the
to go into the district of Byrsa. he GM looks at the Random Encounter chart for Byrsa and
area—never ight a gang on their
rolls, getting a result of 16 — Sublime.
home turf.
he GM now rolls on the Sublime Random Encounter chart and modiies the result by
Grandeur: he more
-4 (for Grandeur), since Byrsa isn’t known for its wondrous delights and is more of a gray
comfortable surroundings make
commercial warehouse district.
people more amiable or perhaps put
he Sublime Random Encounter chart roll is a 12, which, when modiied by the -4, results
them more at ease. his Attribute
in a total of 8.
can be used when someone makes
an Inluence (diplomacy) or he Heroes get the following result: “A goat in a cage will tell the Hero with the highest
Inluence (intimidate) roll used to Water Ātman a secret that will help him in his quest”.
inspire or persuade any Trading
rolls, as well as any Perform rolls.
Reticence: Asking
information in an area where the
citizens are afraid of outsiders Below are descriptions of the major harbors of the city of Atlantis.
is a lot more diicult than an
area that greets strangers with
open arms. his Attribute can be BLOOD HARBOR
used to modify any Deception, Blood Harbor is home to the Atlantean Empire’s greatest naval war machine. he harbor is
heavily fortiied and guarded by naval ships and a legion of marines that are kept in a constant state
Inluence, Investigate/Search, Lore
of readiness. he din of marines practicing their trade reverberates across the harbor. Although
(streetwise), or Trading rolls made ostensibly safe, Blood Harbor is riddled with crime and violence. A notorious cluster of taverns,
while in the area, modifying the brothels, and gambling dens sprouts from the rotting docks like fungus. hese establishments are
DoD to illustrate the diiculty or some of the meanest and most dangerous locales within Atlantis. he harbor earned its name from
ease of dealing with people in the the bloody ights that erupt in these dens of iniquity and spill into the waters. he city leaders
area. have threatened to raze the docks to remove the scourge from the harbor, but they have yet to do
so—despite the fact that the violence persists—and the docks are so decayed that pilings often tear
loose and entire portions topple into the water.
City of the God-Kings
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–18 19–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
he Great Harbor is by far the busiest of all of Atlantis’ harbors, and it is often argued that the
city’s existence is sustained by the commerce that transpires there. Although the Great Harbor is
viewed as place of opportunity, it is also viewed with suspicion and trepidation. A vast smuggling
enterprise operates with relative impunity in this thriving mercantile district. Competition is
cutthroat, and there are those who will stop at nothing to outmaneuver their competitors. here is
a reason why the harbor has been nicknamed “Shark Harbor”.
1–4 5–8 9–12 13–16 17–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
+1 +0 +0 +2 Deception, Trading
Royal Harbor is exclusive of everyone but the wealthiest Atlantean nobility. his body of
water bristles with the elegant sails of private yachts, and is policed by the Black Guard and hired
mercenaries. he water is treated with a fragrant spice. Controversy abounds about the Royal
Harbor, for it is larger than all the other harbors combined, and would be the most advantageous
mercantile route in Atlantis. Additionally, many argue that the city’s resources are squandered by
stationing so many of the Black Guard upon this tranquil body of water.
1–8 9 10–15 16–18 19–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
+3 -5 +5 -5 Inluence, Mode
+3 +0 +0 +2 Language, Trading
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The Districts of Atlantis
Below are descriptions of the major districts of the city of Atlantis.
Byrsa is the commercial hub of Atlantis. his district boasts scores of warehouses, taverns,
brothels, and stalls. It is said that one may ind just about anything one desire’s in Byrsa—including
a fair share of trouble. Scores of thieves, beggars, con-artists, and wastrels prowl this district’s
1. he Harbor Master’s Tower 33
crowded streets and prey upon the vulnerable.
2. he Scorched Grove 33
3. he Pweza 34 Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
4. he Black Lamprey 35 1 2–10 11–15 16 17–20
5. he Seafarer’s Guild 35 Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
6. he Public Baths 36 Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
7. he Mujunali 37
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
8. he Teeth 37
9. he Warehouses 38
10. he Bazaar 39 +1 +5 -4 +5 Deception, Trading
11. Manor Of he Golden Palm 39
City of the God-Kings
1. The Harbor Master’s Tower
he fang-like tower of the harbor master is one of the most prominent landmarks in Atlantis’
Great Harbor. he harbor master is appointed by the Sea Lord and is tasked with inspecting cargo,
checking manifests, etc. It is, in some ways, a thankless job.
O Titos The harbor master in Atlantis
Titos is the current harbor master of Atlantis. Young and idealistic, Titos inherited a steaming is a man almost universally
pile of chaos from his predecessor, who was removed from his post after it came to light that he’d hated; smugglers, dockworkers,
accepted bribes from the smuggling ring that runs rampant in the harbor. shipmasters, and merchants—all
revile his name and curse his fees,
his slowness, and his ineptitude.
O he Gaunt Mistress Few realize that his oversight
his large ship sits moored at the end of a dilapidated pier where no man or animal will go and keeps things moving and provides
has sat in the Great Harbor since before the Cataclysm. here are no records of the ship or what some measure of safety in what
it was used for but rumors abound of a great treasure inside. Any who attempt to claim the ship may be the world’s busiest port.
are never seen again. At night, some say, shadowy shapes move on the deck and others whisper the Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
Gaunt Mistress will move away under its own power as a harbinger of Atlantis’ inal day.
p A particularly shady sailor hires the PCs to pick
up some contraband cargo from a vessel that has
recently arrived in the Great Harbor. He provides
the PCs with an address, and ofers to pay them a
handsome amount of Gold Lotuses to deliver the
cargo. Everything goes according to plan, until the
PCs have the cargo in their possession. hen they
ind the odd stench that’s wafting from the crate is
diicult to ignore, as are those darkly clad strangers who’ve been following them ever since.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
p Some say that the Scorched Grove is much more
than it seems to be. Scholars assert that it is both a way out
and a way in. hat is to say, in some forgotten epoch, the Jinn
crossed through the Scorched Grove to a primal realm and
cavorted with the Old Gods in their perverted dimension. It
is said that Jinn might still know the secret words required
to open those gates that have remained shut since the
world was young.
3. The Pweza
he Pweza is a large square within the Great Harbor
that is built around an ancient statue of a deity that
resembles a cross between a cephalopod and a shark. It
is a gathering place for rifraf, protesters, beggars, and
enterprising men and women looking for employment.
O Prince Neero
Prince Neero is not actually a prince, but he certainly aspires to live like one, whether he has
the means to do so or not. his prince is the captain of a sleek vessel called Zephyr. Neero often
The ancient statue in the spends his time within the Pweza haggling and carousing in seedy taverns. His stalwart companion
Pweza plaza is an Eronka’iseju–a is a massive, bald Netherman named Vrusk.
fearsome creature of the deep. Prince Neero is always on the lookout for enterprising Heroes who are eager to join him on his
Thalmia will not speak of where mad adventures. Any Hero foolish enough to accompany Prince Neero and his taciturn psychopath
they come from, nor elaborate sidekick will quickly realize that Neero
on why there is a statue seemingly is creature of the moment, and
dedicated to the mother of all that his adventures seldom
Eronka’iseju at Great Harbor, but turn out as planned. More
the sight of the thing fills me with to the point, Neero has
dread every time I look upon it. acquired enemies in every
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar port.
O Vrusk
It is said that the sun
hides behind the nearest
cloud when Vrusk appears.
he Netherman is seven
feet of scars, muscle, and
sharpened teeth. He wears
a long cloak that is fashioned
from the tanned hide of the opponents that he’s killed in battle. A lattice of luted
bone dangles from his neck and spills over his chest. He speaks little, but his sunken eyes seem to
smolder with hate. It is hard to fathom why he travels with a dandy such as Prince Neero, but he
seems to like the little popinjay, and he is willing to prove it by shearing of limbs with the massive
sword that’s bolted to his back.
p he dread statue that lurks within the Pweza leaps from its pedestal one fateful day and begins
killing anything living within its proximity. his unfortunate event might occur while the PCs
are in the vicinity, or they may hear about how the shark-faced demon statue killed a score of
people before it dashed like a leopard into the back alleys of the Wharf District. hey may be
eager to collect the sizeable reward that is ofered by the Black Guard to anyone who either
kills or captures the foul creature.
City of the God-Kings
4. The Black Lamprey
he Black Lamprey is an infamous gambling den nestled within the rotting precincts of the
Great Harbor. It is a hub for all manner of illicit commerce, in addition to high-stakes games of
dice and cards.
O hanos the Fat Thanos is a cold-hearted killer
he Black Lamprey is owned and operated by a former Black Guard named hanos the Fat. who would slit his grandmother’s
throat if he thought there was
True to his name, hanos is as round as he is tall and his girth belies his physical prowess. Numerous
rivals, as well as civic-minded politicians, have attempted to quash hanos, but his sagacity, deep money in it for him. His one vice
pockets, and his association with Quai Xing have enabled him to survive and prosper. is food; bring him a rare delicacy
and you’ll get off on the right foot
with him. Thanos owns a great
O Kaia number of businesses around the
Kaia, hanos’s beautiful young daughter, is proud, conident, and sheltered. She is secretly in city; you’d be surprised at the
love with Jeru, an idealistic young Black Guardsman who aspires to topple hanos. Jeru’s father was places he has his claws into.
ruined by hanos. halmia, Triton Sorceress
hanos the Fat ofers the PCs a fair amount of coin if they’re willing to pay a visit to Sepho, a
merchant and degenerate gambler who owes him a substantial amount of money. here may or may
not be more to the story than that. Sepho may have a story of his own to complicate the afair, or
the PCs might have misgivings about breaking bones for pay. Whatever the case, if the PCs prove
their worth to hanos, he will undoubtedly provide them with valuable information about the
seedier side of Atlantis, and he will often ofer them more morally ambiguous tasks to complete.
p he PCs are approached by a guild member and
ofered a risky, but nonetheless lucrative, job. he guild
member asserts that one Captain Nafaris is suspected
of smuggling slaves to Atlantis. he guildsman ofers
the PCs a tempting sum of money if they will work as
crewmembers about the captain’s vessel and investigate
on the guild’s behalf.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
6. The Public Baths
he public baths are located within the Great Harbor, and they are popular among Atlanteans
and foreigners alike. he baths are reputed to have medicinal value. he bathhouse contains a
series of underground caves sitting under the surface of a great marble building. he building is
partitioned into locked stalls where patrons may disrobe and store their items. On the irst level is
where patrons are anointed with oils and massages can be purchased. Stairs lead down to the next
level where the fragrant humid waters of the baths are located. he caverns are a series of hidden
As a bit of advice to travelers, grottoes and shallow alcoves where patrons engage in relaxation and other activities.
though the baths are open to
Below the water-illed cavern is another level illed with hellish ires that heat the upper levels.
the public, it is advisable to visit
Slaves work night and day to keep the pools above warm. Slaves that die from the work are thrown
them either in a large group
in the great furnaces and disposed of; their inal act of servitude for their masters.
or when you are sure that no
native Atlanteans are going to be
present. While the least that can
happen is a loud argument and
derision heaped upon you for
your base nature, the worst can
include spiteful vendettas that
last for years.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
O Alatious
he manager of the baths is an Atlantean man of undetermined age. He is tall and slender and
always well kept. Alatious speaks only in High Atlantean and looks down his nose at any non-
Atlantean that visits the baths.
City of the God-Kings
7. The Mujunali
he Mujunali is an ancient dolmen located within
the vicinity of the Great Harbor. It is comprised of
three massive slabs of stone that are blue in color and
are of unknown origin. he stones are engraved with
indecipherable sigils.
Another strange mystery of
Personas the sea. I press Thalmia for
O Neria details but am seldom satisfied. I
Neria is a beautiful young scholar of feel that there is another world
Atlantean and Nubian descent who currently entirely hidden from our sight. If
studies at the Colloquium. She has dedicated only one could traverse beneath
herself to solving the mystery of the the waves in comfort, and see as
Mujunali. More importantly, she strives the sea creatures do.
to protect the ancient structure from Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
p Certain individuals who pass within the proximity of the Mujunali may hear a pleasant voice
from the shadow of the stone structure that begs to converse. he voice will latter them, and
hint of grandeur that lies beyond mortal comprehension. hey will learn eventually that the
voice belongs to a being that transcends time and space and has existed within the dolmen’s
shadow for thousands of years.
8. The Teeth
he Teeth is a cairn of rocks that juts from the water less than a kilometer from the shore of the
Great Harbor. here are rumors that foul things lurk among those sea stacks. he most interesting
aspect of the Teeth is that it rises above the waves once every ten years, and remains so for one
complete lunar phase before disappearing below the waves again. he tallest cairn is approximately
six hundred meters tall.
I learned recently that there is a
spire constructed of stone similar
Personas to that of the Mujunali that
O Archimedes stands in an abandoned plaza in
Archimedes is an Atlantean scholar employed by the Colloquium to study the lora and fauna the wilds of Gondwana. I have
of of Atlantis’ shores. He is particularly interested in the Teeth, and he has devoted his energies to tried to convince my compatriots
solving its mystery. to undertake a journey there, but
so far they seem unwilling to do
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
p he Teeth have recently risen from the depths once
again, as predicted by Archimedes. he scholar
is eager to explore the rock formation while it is
visible. He is, however, poor, so it is diicult for
him to hire a vessel to convey him to the rock
formation. If the PCs possess a ship, he will
doubtless approach them and inform the
PCs that there are several tombs carved
into the rocks—tombs that are rumored
to contain vast stores of treasure and
gold-encrusted tomes of forgotten
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
9. The Warehouses
he Warehouses are several square blocks of structures in the Great Harbor that provide storage
space for merchant cargo. he cost per square meter of cargo is one Gold Lotus per day. A gang of
Khitian mercenaries guards the Warehouses night and day.
Many slave pens are rented here and at night the lamentations of newly acquired slaves can be
heard as a constant low whine. he oppressive pall of sufering is gut-wrenching at times as store
rooms are opened to reveal rows and rows of lowly slaves stacked like cordwood waiting to be
processed and sold.
I am told that the Warehouses Besides the common goods stored there, many exotic and illegal things are found in hidden
hold innumerable treasures, rooms among the complex.
goods, and artifacts from around
the entire world. I am also told Personas
that the system by which the
Warehouse workers sort and O Quai Xing
store such things is as arcane as a Quai Xing is an ageless, inscrutable Khitian who owns every square foot of the Warehouses. It
sorcerer’s own thoughts. is said that he purchased the Warehouses for a pittance, and that they are now the most expensive
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar pieces of real estate in the Great Harbor. No one knows how wealthy Quai Xing really is, or what
sort of ancient pleasures that he indulges in, but he is tremendously rich, and his inluence extends
far and wide.
p Smuggling is big business in Atlantis. Few people know that the operation is a smoothly
lubricated enterprise that is supervised and managed by one man: Quai Xing. In truth, the
operation is so complex that its network extends to just about every port on every continent,
and is managed by a cleptocracy comprised of Xing’s thirty sons and daughters, as well as
his brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. Although there are many other syndicates that are
responsible for selling and distributing opium and lotus throughout the city, the drugs arrive
through one port, and are stored in the Warehouses owned by one individual. he various
dealers buy their drugs at negotiated prices from Xing, and sell them throughout Atlantis.
p he PCs may end up working for Xing, either knowingly or unwittingly. hey may also earn
the ancient Khitian’s enmity if their own enterprises shrink his proits or complicate matters
for him. If the PCs wish to take Xing down, they will have a ight on their hands—a ight with
a man who may have lived as long as a thousand years.
City of the God-Kings
10. The Bazaar
he Bazaar is maze of pavilions located in the Byrsa District. It said that anything that one
wants can be procured within this maze of tents, pavilions, and stalls. he streets in the bazaar have
fully intact Vril glass in them, giving the bazaar a greenish glow.
O he Pavilion of 1,001 Delights
In the Bazaar, it is said, resides a tent called the Pavilion of 1,001 Delights that is never in the The Bazaar is not a place that
same place twice. he Pavilion is run by a hooded igure known only as Hage. No one knows if I particularly enjoy visiting.
Hage is male or female, but he/she is always at the center of the pavilion, which is larger on the The cacophonous sounds, the
inside than the outside. he tent is never seen by lesser mortals and only Heroes with some Renown innumerable scents… it is almost
can ind the tent (minimum of 50 Renown). too much for one person to bear.
Inside the Pavilion are all things any mortal can wish for, from extremely rare equipment to But, it must be said that if you
boundless wealth. Hage never accepts money for the things on display; rather the cost is weighed cannot find your desire there,
on a golden scale against the measure of one’s soul—what Hage takes can never be purchased with
then that desire is not fated to be
money. Hage will sell any Hero anything they want at a cost of Fate Points. he more impressive
the item the more Fate Points the Hero accrues in payment to Hage. yours.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
O Cassandro
Cassandro is a merchant who sells exotic birds for a tidy sum. Although he makes his living
by selling the birds that he keeps in wooden cages, he is loath to part with these colorful creatures.
O Illyria
Illyria is a green-eyed acrobat from Hellas. She is bright, vivacious, and can pick a pocket as
deftly as she can perform a back lip.
p Cassandro tells the PCs of the fabled irebird—a rare species of parrot that
inhabits the southern jungles. He is willing to pay the PCs handsomely
if they are willing to accompany him on a voyage into the depths of the
jungles to locate and capture one of these rare, mythical birds.
O Lashmo
A Netherman from the Black Forest is the groundskeeper for the manor house and
hears many secrets spoken in the gardens around the building. He is said to have been
won as a slave by Gungolo from the Erlking in a game of chance six years ago and given
his freedom. Lashmo is loyal to the guild and would never willingly betray it.
O Facha
A Tuaran woman and keeper of the house, Facha deals with all the management and
running of the great manor house. She has great knowledge of all the operations and is
in charge of handing out jobs the guild wants done. Facha has in recent weeks become
dissatisied with her standing in the guild and wants to take a more active role in the running
of the organization.
p Because of their unique talents, the Heroes are invited to join the guild. Only fools refuse….
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Grambula is large middle-class neighborhood populated by merchants, laborers, and aspiring
artists. It is a relatively safe place to live, but its demographics have begun to change. Many of its
older residents dislike the young entrepreneurs who’ve settled in droves next to their modest homes.
he artistic set dislikes the fact that prices on commodities and rent have gone up and forced them
to live in cheaper, poorer neighborhoods.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1 2–5 6–16 17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
1. he Bleeding Lotus 41 Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
2. he Hatua 42
3. Mosi’s Place 43 +3 +0 +0 +2 Handicraft (artist), Trading
City of the God-Kings
1. The Bleeding Lotus
he Bleeding Lotus is a raucous tavern that features the best live music within the city of
Atlantis. It is a favorite hangout of the city’s hippest set.
O hick as hieves
hick as hieves is a ive-member band that plays music on instruments fashioned from the The Bleeding Lotus may draw
bones of dead priests. heir front man is a seven-foot tall Nubian named Maakfan. Maakfan’s large crowds that spend copious
trademark move is to devour a hapless virgin upon stage during each performance. No one knows coin, but I prefer the more
how he makes the carnage look so real, and no one believes that he is hurting anyone. somber and melodious sound of
nearly any of the various opera
houses. For that matter, a pair
O Mantu of cats mating behind a tavern
Mantu is an Anubim who manages hick as hieves. He is a conniving, unctuous man with a can occasionally be more tuneful
slippery laugh and breath that suggests that he frequently dines on rotting lesh. than the noise that comes from
the Bleeding Lotus.
Hooks Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
p Many stories abound about how hick as hieves came to prominence so quickly. Rumor has
it that Maakfan, the founder of the group, was once a promising sorcerer, and that he made a
pact with a vile demon in exchange for wealth and fame. What few people know is that Mantu
is in fact an agent of that very demon, and that Maakfan realizes that the price that he and the
rest of the band paid for their fame was far more expensive than they realized.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Hatua
he Hatua is a large stone amphitheater located within Grambula, and is one of the oldest
landmarks within the city of Atlantis. City historians allege that the Hatua was once an oracle to a
long-forgotten god. Currently, the Hatua is used for dramatic and musical performances.
I once attended a performance O Pelakon
at the Hatua in my youth. The Pelakon is a Minoan playwright who arrived in Atlantis when he was a young man, and has
acoustics of the amphitheater are remained in the city for the last ifty years. Pelakon currently resides in a modest abode on the
wonderful and the scenery there grounds of the Hatua. He is the de facto groundskeeper, and he also teaches acting classes.
is impeccable. The playwrights
performed one of Lucarno’s most
famous plays. I have yet to see O Malika
the like anywhere else. Malika is a broad-shouldered human woman whom Pelakon has cared for since he found her
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar wandering the streets. She is unable to speak, nor can she read or write, but she is endowed with
prodigious strength, and she has an uncanny ability to paint the images that haunt her dreams.
p Malika’s dreams have become more violent and vivid during the last few weeks. Pelakon
observed that her nightmares coincided with the strange constellation that appeared in
the sky, as well as the discovery of a hidden staircase that leads down into a dark warren
of tunnels beneath the Hatua. Pelakon was at irst eager to explore those passages, but the
strange petroglyphs that cover the walls, as well as Malika’s drawings of some unspeakable
thing lurking within that darkness gave the old playwright pause. Pelakon resorts to hiring the
PCs to explore those tunnels in his stead.
City of the God-Kings
3. Mosi’s Place – Fine Dining Tavern And Hostel
In a modest neighborhood in Grambula sits a three-story building. he orange and blue building
holds a tavern on the irst loor (with a well-stocked gift shop), a large dining room on the second
loor, and, inally, a number of expensive hotel rooms on the third loor. here are several statues
commemorating the exploits of the hero, Mosi, along with tapestries and paintings of the heroic
Atlantean. For a few silver, a tour of the surrounding neighborhood can be had while listening to a
story of Mosi’s humble beginning there and his rise to greatness.
O he Blossom Sisters
Triplet sisters who work as whoremasters on the top loor of the building, the three Jinn women
keep all the men and women working in the tavern in line and expect that every silver piece earned
is accounted for. Although they are triplets, they are all considerably diferent in personality and
physical appearance. he sister known as Summer is a very shapely young woman no older than
twenty years in appearance and thinking. Fall appears to be in her mid-thirties, pleasantly plump
and the most reasonable. Winter looks the oldest and is a shriveled no-nonsense woman who
usually metes out any punishments. All three are practicing witches that tell the courtesans working
for them to secretly ilch items from their patrons to be used in their eldritch arts.
p Someone has stolen the famed sword, Orphan
Maker, from the display case in the tavern.
Mosi the Younger hires the Heroes to
retrieve the sword stolen by Chamkosee’s
p A young woman asks the Heroes to
retrieve her husband from the top
loor of Mosi’s Place. She says that
he is a prisoner of the sisters until he
pays his tab.
p Rosco needs a special ingredient only
found near the Orixa temple. He
needs bark from the Tree of Woe for a
broth called Dead Man’s Delight. He
will pay handsomely for the bark but
needs it right now.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he Hollow is situated adjacent to Blood Harbor, and holds the gallows and the Panjara—a
citadel-like prison. Many unsavory types make their home here, including transient adventurers
and individuals who wish to remain invisible for one reason or another. he Hollow is also home
to the largest slave market. here are, in fact, many would-be adventurers living here who are little
more than slavers and kidnappers.
here was recently a bloody slave revolt led by a man named Casturba. he ighting became so
savage that marines from the nearby Blood Harbor were dispatched to quell the revolt.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–3 4–14 15–16 17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
+1 +5 -4 +5 Deception, Investigate/Search,
1. he Trench 45
2. he Pits 46
3. he Panjara 47
The Hollow
City of the God-Kings
1. The Trench
he Trench is a section of the old city nestled within the Hollow. It is a particularly lawless
neighborhood of the district, and is seldom patrolled by the
Black Guard. Here, within this warren of Vril-lit caves,
prostitutes whisper from the shadows, beggars hold out
their ilthy cups, and Pembuhnu assassins hone their skills
until they are as sharp as the curved blades that they
O Mala
Mala is a Balam Pembuhnu. Her name
means “Night” in the cant of the Pembuhnu.
Unlike most Balam, Mala’s coat is black
as pitch, which aids her when she plies her
subtle trade. Mala inds work as hired muscle
but excels at assassination. She has worked
for many diferent criminal enterprises over
the years and has a unique perspective on
many of their inner workings.
O hespias
hespias is a louse-ridden human beggar
who has become a ixture within the Trench.
Although his clothes are rotting from his
body and he has only a few teeth left in his
mouth, he is strangely charismatic and he
always has some information to share with
charitable Heroes.
O Arcadias
Arcadias is an Atlantean panderer who controls a stable of prostitutes that cater to the darkest
delectations conceivable. He is perpetually guarded by a one-eyed Lemurian and a Cimmerian
mercenary. He has taken over one of the crumbling manses in the Trench and considers himself the
lord of this lawless cesspit.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Pits
Although most folk are content to watch the sanctioned gladiatorial matches that occur within
the Bulatan, the more bloodthirsty folk of Atlantis pay large sums to watch unsanctioned bouts
that occur within the shadows of the Hollow, in a crumbling, partially submerged lot known
colloquially as the Pits. he bouts are perverse, macabre, and never cease until someone dies.
If the Bulatan is vile, this place
is unspeakable. Those that fall O Kashtanga
in the Pits aren’t guaranteed a Kashtanga is an obese, balding Asena who promotes bouts within both the Bulatan and the
quick death; their bodies are Pits. His chief rival in the Bulatan is Olumidas the Tauran. He has connived to kill Olumidas and
often violated for the crowd’s his ighters on more than one occasion but his eforts have thus far been thwarted. His anger has
pleasure. I’ve heard tell of bouts been blunted by the recent success of the ights that he promotes in the Pits.
that lasted mere minutes while
the fallen fighter was tortured to
O Que Quaag
death over the course of hours.
This isn’t combat, it’s glorified Que Quaag is a massive Netherman warrior who has fought close to a hundred bouts in the
public execution by torture. The Pits against man and beast alike. His skills have been improved through sorcery, drugs, and even
worst thing is that these horrors demonic possession. He has fought with his eyes sewn shut, chained to a rock, and, literally, with
couldn’t exist without the tacit one arm tied behind his back. He is owned by Kashtanga, and he yearns to kill him—especially
agreement of the Atlantean when his master asks him what he deems best in life.
overlords. Makes you wonder
where they get the fighters. Hooks
halmia, Triton Sorceress p Rumor has it that Que Quaag is coming out of retirement to ight a demon, perhaps the shark-
faced demon that was recently awakened in the Pweza.
p he indigent and dispossessed on the street say that people are being stolen of the street to be
killed in the Pits for the sake of the depraved and rich.
City of the God-Kings
3. The Panjara
he Panjara is a tower of iron and stone that houses Atlantis’ convicted criminals. It is an austere
and imposing building that protrudes from the city’s ancient streets like a splinter.
O Makumu
Makumu is the current warden of the Panjara. His job is a thankless one, for various tiers of the
Panjara are run on the inside by members of the Dogs of Jhun and the Crimson Sword.
The Panjara extends
underground for ten or more
O Jharnek levels. An old prisoner once told
Jharnek is the leader of the Crimson Sword faction within the Panjara. His gang, a motley me that there are prisoners in
assortment of fellow Crimson Sword mercenaries, as well as an agglomeration of lesser gangs, the lowest levels that have not
controls much of the contraband that enters and leaves the Panjara. seen light in centuries. What
manner of creatures dwell in
O Cutlass the darkness I do not know but
Cutlass leads the Dogs of Jhun syndicate within the Panjara. Although the Dogs of Jhun are being cast down to the lower
slightly outnumbered, they are, nonetheless, a force to be reckoned with. Violence between the levels is a threat used to keep
Dogs of Jhun and the Crimson Sword is immanent. the gangs in line.
halmia, Triton Sorceress
p Several prisoners, many of them violent, escaped from the Panjara during a raid. he Black
Guard has asked the PCs to help apprehend these criminals and return them to the Panjara.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Inanda is a conservative bastion located within the northeast quadrant of the city. It is an
upper-middleclass neighborhood known for its ordered cleanliness and peace. he families that
reside in this district are able to trace their lineage back for centuries. Unfortunately, Inanda is
known primarily for its intolerance of foreigners of any sort. In point of fact, a gang known as
the Gatekeepers patrols the streets and ensures that any foreigners caught within the district are
“escorted” out as expeditiously as possible.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–3 4–5 6–17 18 19–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
City of the God-Kings
1. Nestor’s Stables
Nestor’s estate and stables are located on the outskirts of Atlantis. his venerable Atlantean is
known to raise the inest racing horses in Atlantis.
O Nestor
The famed horned horses of
Nestor the Atlantean once served in Atlantis’ cavalry. Although a long-forgotten scandal forced the Atlanteans are a noble breed,
the old soldier to retire from his beloved cavalry, Nestor earned renown when his horses consistently but they do not fare well in the
won the various chariot races. distant jungles. Still, better that
the Atlanteans bet upon horse
Hooks races than gladiatorial sport.
p Someone or something is killing Nestor’s prized horses. Nestor hires the PCs to guard his Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
stables and ind out whomever or whatever is murdering his beloved creatures.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The Arcanum Personas
Starting originally as a cabal
of scholars hoping to ind lost O Lord Lanre
Golden Age artifacts and lore, the A second cousin of the King of Atlantis, the chief architect of the Arcanum organization,
Arcanum has become much more. an alchemist, and scholar, Lanre is perceptive, able to see a situation for what it truly is. Years of
In the year 10 M.K. the Arcanum’s practicing magic and occasional alchemical disasters have taken their toll on his once-handsome
mandates were to ind the eldritch visage and now he hides his face behind a golden mask. Other Atlantean nobles believe that Lanre
knowledge lost in the Cataclysm traics with demons and hides his visage because of some sort of magical mutation. Lanre plays to
and to restore the island nation their fears and assumptions, and embellishes his role as a powerful decadent magus.
to its former stature. Some of that
found knowledge shocked and
O Salu
disturbed the scholars, who quickly
recognized that what was let loose Salu is a small, unassuming Atlantean woman with short coppery hair worn in tight braids
upon the world was far darker running down her back. he price of elemental magic has scarred her left hand as if burned by
than they had imagined. he wars ire and her eyes glow faintly with eerie, green Vril energy. Salu serves the agendas of the Arcanum
of the Atlanteans inadvertently in any capacity she can and is very helpful to young sorcerers that join the shadowy organization.
stirred the dreaming gods who
will soon awake and cleanse the O he Savant
world of their errant dreams. It was he Owlman known as the Savant had all of his memory extracted from him during an
evident that it had already started
expedition to the Nether Realm ten years ago. His mind was left as blank as a virgin piece of
with the new supernatural threats
papyrus. he Arcanum quickly realized that through eldritch means it could make the Uluka useful
that seemed to spring whole and
by illing his mind with every piece of information in its vast library; the Savant can easily call up
complete into the world. Many
new creatures crept from the any piece of information that a person can ask for as long as it has been “stored” in him. Now
wilderness and unspeakable power the Savant sits alone in a comfortable room lit by a single candle, staring into oblivion awaiting a
delivered by dark, half-dreamt question to answer.
voices was bestowed upon vile
necromancers. Compounded with Hooks
the machinations of both Ba’al and
Set, the world would be consumed p By its very nature, any hook could be used with the Arcanum. Its members are always sending
from both ends by cosmic horrors groups of explorers out to ind something, be it physical, ephemeral, or conceptual.
with agendas that could only spell he Savant speaks the Heroes’ names over and over while pointing at a position on a map. His
doom for the unsuspecting races of glassy eyes usually never move but he suddenly looks at a Hero and says the word “death”.
the world. p A courier with a book found in Khemit is late arriving at the house and was last seen in the
At irst they tried warning the Skotos District with a group of young toughs. he Heroes are asked to bring the courier to
populace of the impending dooms the house.
they had discovered but those
warnings fell on deaf ears. he cold p A group of men can be overheard planning an invasion of the House of the Shrinking Violet.
truth was that what they knew to heft and murder are on their tongues.
be true—no one would believe.
he scholars set in motion a
plan to save the world from itself
by recruiting from the varied
peoples of the world—the best
and brightest, not just scholars,
but warriors and sorcerers as well.
Realizing that the task of inding
and obtaining the lost lore, physical
or otherwise, was one better suited
for more rugged and adventurous
sorts, the Arcanum evolved into
what it is today.
his secret army operates in
the open under the disguise of a
university looking to restore the
grandeur of the Atlantean people,
but its real agenda is to ind the evil
that stirs in the shadows and root
it out.
he Elder Gods can never, must
never, wake.
City of the God-Kings
3. The Cataclysm Groves
A large copse of blackwood trees planted in ornate designs that can only be appreciated from
high above, the maze made by the trees and the path through them is cobbled with Vril glass,
giving the Groves an eerie green glow at night. he outer perimeter of the Groves is closed in with
a large eight-meter tall black basalt wall and a large orichalcum gate. At night, a pride of black
lions is allowed to roam the Groves freely
and are fed only the best meat money can
buy. During the day, the Groves can be
visited by the patrons of the Groves, who
all own trees purchased at birth for their
funerary sarcophagus.
Once a tree is culled for the use
of a dead Atlantean, another sapling
is planted in its place. he Groves is
exclusive and many Atlanteans wait on
a list to have their children’s birth tree
planted here.
O Ayo
he wiry, old Atlantean woman
tends the grove using tried and tested
horticultural techniques and alchemical
science. She keeps the Groves immaculate
with the help of her army of slaves and
artisans who manicure and shape the
trees to their owner’s whims. Ayo takes
her job seriously and will not hesitate to have
anyone she thinks threatens the Groves killed.
O Yola
A Scythian Nemean female, Yola and her pride of lions guard the Groves and keep out any
undesirables that may trespass. Yola came to Atlantis years ago in search of her brother; she found
out that he ran afoul of Stracha of the Harpies. She has sworn to one day have her vengeance, but
now works as a guard of the Groves.
O Dolgo
he simple brute known as Dolgo is a Turan from Khem who does all the menial tasks of the
Groves and is rewarded with a place to stay and ive square meals a day by Ayo. He thinks of the old
Atlantean as his mother; he is very loyal to her and will do her bidding without a thought.
p Someone is spiking and taking the thick amber sap from the blackwood trees and selling it in
the markets of Atlantis. he Heroes are tasked with inding who is responsible.
p Some of the blackwood trees are blighted with a rare alchemical disease. Ayo has seen the
malady before and may know who is responsible; she gives the Heroes a list of suspects.
p An adversary of one of the Heroes challenges him or her to a duel in the Groves at midnight.
Not only will the Hero have to ight his or her enemy, but also defend himself or herself against
the pride of roaming lions.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Kardasa is an aluent district of villas. Many nobles who wish to live outside of the city proper
reside here. Order and tranquility are maintained by a private constabulary funded by the families
residing in this district. Unlike Inanda, however, Kardasa is far more tolerant of foreigners.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–3 4–5 6–16 17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
+3 +0 +0 +4 Deception, Inluence
City of the God-Kings
1. The Bloodletter’s Guild
his crimson building is frequented by the city’s health-conscious citizens. Within this ancient
building, guild members ply their ancient calling of leeching, letting, and drilling. he medical
library here is said to have cataloged every aspect of the living Atlantean, human, Lemurian, and
Andamen body.
It is said that in a secret subbasement among other curiosities is a shackled immortal used for
experiments and to perfect medical procedures. he man, called Adapa, is rumored to be the irst
human to ever walk the Earth. Many young men and women come to the guild to apprentice and
learn the secrets of healing from the masters here.
O Nimah
I distrust the science of the
he Atlantean guild mistress and master of every discipline practiced by the organization,
Bloodletter’s Guild. Though I
Nimah is old, regal, exact, and compassionate to a fault in helping Atlanteans who are in need of
am certain that they are just as
help. he other races that come to the guild for help are treated for a price, but do not receive the
knowledgeable and competent
attention that Atlanteans do.
as any Atlantean scholar, I much
prefer the natural remedies of my
O Octavian own people.
Octavian is a Hellene who has practiced the ancient art of bloodletting for over a decade. He Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
is proud of his skill in the antiquated calling, and truly believes that he provides a valuable service.
p he blood that is released from the extremities of the guild’s patients is caught in runnels and
pipes that low through drains and empty into the canal. On moonlit nights, a tenebrous black
thing that appears to be made of smoke laps the blood from the lip of the rusted pipe. It is a
creature from another dimension—a vast, tentacled thing that has used the dark-knit streets to
its advantage. It follows the scent of blood as though it is guided by some sort of lodestone. It
has stalked the alleys and alcoves of the Foreigner’s Quarter for quite some time, but also sates
itself within the dank depths of the guild’s facilities.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Karthago Island is a haven for recreation and pleasures of the lesh. Here, the most exclusive
members of Atlantean society luxuriate in simmering bathhouses, or lounge on cushions within the
privacy of the island’s myriad pleasure houses. It is said that all manner of delights, no matter how
dark and perverse, may be purchased upon this island.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–9 10 11–15 16–18 19–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
City of the God-Kings
1. House of the Hoary Harlots
he large tavern is run by four Cymbrian sisters, all known to be pirates in their day. he
house is the premier establishment of debauchery in the district and is known for its ine men and
women courtesans. he exotic drink brings travelers from all over the world to sample the wares
of the Hoary Harlots and it is also known for its rare imports. Because the establishment provides
services to the high- and low-born alike, it has many discreet entrances in the block-long building.
he outer courtyard is covered in trees from every part of the world and the canopy obfuscates any
salacious activities within. A small band of guards patrols the perimeter keeping the area fairly safe
and the four sisters pay the local business authorities to turn a blind eye to the depravities they see
when the sun goes down.
O he Four Princesses
he four sisters are known as “princesses” by the clientele of the Hoary Harlots. Each is as
exotic and distinct as any Cymbrian and all wear extravagant and colorful clothing from around the
world. he “sisters” are not actually related, but share a common pedigree.
O Tira
Tall, lean, scarred, and covered in elaborate tattoos, Tira strikes an imposing igure. Born from
the original Sheban slaves, Tira is the loudest, most obnoxious of the princesses and will ofer any
man or woman who walks through the doors their irst drink on the house. She usually drinks a
toast to the patrons inside and yells belligerent, nonsensical obscenities to keep the party going.
O Seonaid
A tall, pale woman, bald and completely nude except for mounds of elaborate jewelry, Seonaid
prides herself on her exotic good looks and unlappable demeanor. Always by her side are two
albino asps that some say act as familiars in her practice of Dark Arts.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
O Enid
Short, portly, and discolored from a curse by a Hyperborean sorcerer many years ago, Enid is
shy and reserved. Enid does not hide her purple skin, but will not talk about what happened either.
Of all the princesses she is the one who will do whatever grisly act is called upon to keep the quartet
safe. On her belt is a notch for every person she has killed and when drunk she boasts that she
currently wears her seventh belt—the others were too marked to wear anymore.
O Nimu
he oldest of the princesses and the wisest, it was Nimu’s idea to come to Atlantis; some say she
and the others were leeing from a terrible enemy. Nimu is the most beautiful of the women and
has skin the color of coal and eyes the color of ice. Her left foot she keeps hidden under long gowns
because it is a deformed cloven hoof; some say she also has a leathery tail.
O Fen
A young boy brought from Cymbri with the princesses to guard the house. Fen is a ten-year
old, golden-haired boy with a passion to protect the women, all of whom he calls “mother”. On
his back is a magical Cimmerian steel blade called “Ice Cleaver”, named so after he killed a wizard
in the frozen north of Jotunland. Despite his youth, Fen is a formidable opponent who is never
without his wolf companion, Jayk; it is said the animal raised the boy from birth when his Vanir
tribe was killed by trolls.
p While enjoying themselves in the Hoary Harlots, the PCs are approached by Enid who asks
for their assistance. She needs a high-proile body removed from the establishment that expired
during a very depraved act. She pays them all in gold to lay the body in the gardens of the
Royal District.
p All the doors of the Hoary Harlots close and are sealed shut magically. A strange being manifests
from the smoke and ash of an unlit hearth and starts devouring the revelers inside. he PCs are
on the top loor when the screams start.
p A group of ornery Cymbrians disembark from a long boat in Voyagers Harbor and asks for the
location of the House of the Hoary Harlots. One member says he has a score to settle there
and brandishes an axe.
City of the God-Kings
2. The Trough
he smell of the building is
the only sign that the restaurant
exists and those who enter eat
themselves into oblivion. he long,
stone building is known for serving
every culinary delight and pleasure
imaginable. he seven stoves burn
with Vril and elemental ires as they
cook soups, roasted meats, and exotic
breads. he Turan chef and his Jinn
assistant make some of the inest meals
in the city and the waiting list to eat at
the Trough is sometimes a month long.
he building sits twenty humans
comfortably in the dining room. Above
the dining room loor on the second
level are the main kitchens. Trapped
elemental spirits ire orichalcum and Vril
glass cauldrons so that the chef known
as Bayan can work his alchemical magics
on the recipes handed down through his
family for generations.
O Bayan
A Turan from Mongala with alchemical
knowledge to make culinary delights, the chef
is old, portly, covered in golden rings, and wears
a wide belt of blue silk. Bayan takes his profession
seriously and will never forget an insult to his work.
O Hua
A female Jinn from Khitai, Hua was found by Bayan in his travels searching for ingredients six
years ago and the two have traveled together ever since. Hua uses her magical ability to provide
arcane enhancements to Bayan’s already prodigious, expertly prepared meals.
O Chuluun
he brutish Netherman is Bayan’s oldest friend and maître d’ of the Trough. In his younger
days, Chuluun was the most savage raider in Mongala but has since settled down. Now Chuluun
only kills a man if he doesn’t like the soup.
p Bayan wants the PCs to deliver a basket of sweet-smelling meats and breads to the Cannibal
Kings’ warrens, a very dangerous area of Atlantis. he note on the basket says “A token of our
p Hua wants the PCs to rough up a snobbish Atlantean critic of the restaurant and will pay
handsomely for it.
p he PCs are tasked by Bayan to gather ingredients from a gnarled tree in the courtyard of the
Charnel House in Kittim.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Karthoa, home to the naval harbor and shipyards, is also the central headquarters of the
Atlantean naval yards. It is a haven for sailors of all stripes, as well as the brothel and military camps
that cater to them. Mercenaries often travel to Karthoa to procure contracts within the island’s
maze of stalls, shops, and pavilions. Karthoa is also home to a large population of Gondwana
expatriates. It is said that law and order are tenuous at best. It is not uncommon for ights to break
out between various factions—especially when alcohol is consumed.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1 2–10 11–17 18 19–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
1. he Military Shipyards 59
2. he Ngome 60 +0 +3 +0 +2 Athletics, Instinct, Unarmed
3. Tower Of he Bird Goddess 60 Fighting
4. he Sheban Prison Circus 61
City of the God-Kings
1. The Military Shipyards
he Military Shipyards take up a sizeable portion of the Blood Harbor, which houses Atlantis’
great leet of warships. It is patrolled by an admiral afectionately referred to as Kraken, along with a
legion of bloodthirsty marines. In recent years the shipyards have increased their output of warships
and rumors suggest that a new campaign for global dominance is underway.
O Kraken I steer clear of the shipyards of
Kraken is an old salt who strides the deck of his vessel, Gidra, and ensures that the Military
the Atlantean navy. Though they
Shipyards function eiciently in both times of peace and war. He is diicult to miss for he wears
do not do so with frequency in
sea-green armor, a helm fashioned to resemble a sea squid, and an ornate sword anchored to his hip.
these years, it is not unheard
He is a stubborn, taciturn man with a ierce gaze and sizeable paunch. of for pressgangs to work the
surrounding areas by day or
Hooks night, free from punishment or
censure since they are essentially
p A ship under construction for almost ive years called Doom Bringer is almost complete. A
an arm of the government and
series of odd mishaps have pushed the date of its completion back, however. he PCs are
recruited to ind out why.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Ngome
he Ngome consists of twelve structures comprised of barracks,
stables, and training facilities for Atlantis’ standing army. It is
located within Karthoa.
O Nackrumah the Spear
Nackrumah is a Balam charioteer in Atlantis’ black-
The Atlantean military is like a greaved cavalry. She is friendly and quite proud of her
rockslide: slow to change course, skills.
unpredictable beginnings, but,
when active, crushing everything O Shavassah the Archer
in its path. If you cannot avoid it, Shavassah is a sullen, aquiline-faced archer of
you must endure it. unknown origin. She is rumored to have Gorgon
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar blood threaded through her veins. She is a lethal shot
with the longbow that she carries wherever she travels.
O Lieutenant Argentis
Lieutenant Jasperian Argentis is a young human
oicer within the ranks of the Atlantean infantry.
He is green and a bit naïve, but he is nonetheless
charismatic and well-liked.
p It said that followers of profane gods such as
Set have insinuated themselves into the ranks
of the Atlantean army, and that they aspire to
undermine and cripple it from within. he
PCs may be accused of being worshippers of
one of these profane gods, or they may in fact
be asked to keep their eyes out for anyone who
demonstrates overt allegiance to one of these foul
O Ch’Ka
An Uluka Andaman from southern Gondwana makes her home in the top of the abandoned
tower and claims the birds tell about the secret goings-on in the city. Her little spies detail all sorts
of titillating and depraved facts about the nobility of Atlantis and she brokers this information to
anyone who has the coin to pay her.
p A wounded crow with a message tied to its foot falls into a PC’s lap while he/she eats his/
her midday meal. he small creature has a single black arrow through it but has managed to
stay alive. he bird will croak the word “Ch’Ka” over and over, wanting to be returned to its
mistress. he note attached to the foot pertains to a PC’s Relationship Disadvantage in some
way and fate has delivered the bird to the group. Just as the PCs make this revelation, a group
of Balam with black bows shows up looking for the bird.
City of the God-Kings
O Gadirah
he oldest living member of the troupe, who was only a child when the sentence was handed
down against the circus, Gadirah is wise beyond any known earthly understanding and has the ear
of foreign gods. She and her people have amassed a great fortune, pilfered from the guests of their
nightly shows. She runs a lucrative underground moneylending operation from her wagon and
the warrens under the square.
p he PCs are asked back to one of the wagons to speak
with the Sheban matriarch named Gadirah. She says that
her visions have shown the deliverance of her people
from Atlantean bondage by a group of PCs that it their
description. She promises riches and a place of honor
in Sheba to any that can free her people.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Kittim boasts a large population of foreign-born Jambu. Accordingly, the architecture within
this ward of the city difers signiicantly from the rest of Atlantis. his is primarily attributable to
the wealthy merchants from Khitai who reside here. Graceful structures punctuate well-laid streets
of carefully laid tile. Many thieves have ventured into Kittim to steal from the wealthy merchants
who live there. None ever return.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–7 8–12 13–15 16–17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
1. he Charnel House 63
+3 +0 +0 +2 Investigate/Search, Medicine
2. Sharyanavat 64
3. he Great Topiary 65
City of the God-Kings
1. The Charnel House
he great stone building was once a mansion for Lemurian ambassadors during the First Age.
he building boasted a tower and stood three stories above ground and two levels below. A great
garden surrounded the building and every traveling Lemurian was allowed to call the building
home. During the Cataclysm, a great and virulent plague spread through the city and was blamed
on the Lemurians.
So extreme was the Atlantean’s fervor that the house was boarded up with every Lemurian
occupant inside. heir desperate pleas could be heard for several weeks emanating from inside the
mansion and stories of cannibalism were speculated in the inal days before the house went silent.
Since that time the house has stood as a reminder of those terrible days and is considered cursed.
No one enters or leaves the grayish building and nothing green will grow in the immediate area.
O Hirus Stink Foot
An Atlantean guard who patrols the area and looks the other way for a price when anyone
wants to enter the sealed building. He is called Stink Foot because his breath smells of a particularly
potent cheese that smells like feet.
p HooVovo believes that inside the home are ancient documents pertaining to the Vril pyramid’s
construction and maintenance. He will pay the PCs to enter and search the home.
p he clothes of missing children are found in a great pile behind the house.
p he gnarled Lemurian trees that grow in the courtyard are said to snatch passersby. hose that
wander too close to the walls are never seen again.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. Sharyanavat
he known world can be a taxing and bewildering place, and the psyche can be shattered in so
many ways. hose seeking respite from the day’s travails are welcome in the Sharyanavat. his is a
large circular building of brightly painted walls with geometric mandala designs. he building is
a place of quiet contemplation for all who enter. he large, single-roomed building is domed with
stained glass, casting a rain of colors on the intricately painted, mandala-inscribed loor. Above the
beaded doorway is a small piece of paper with “Om Mani Padme Hum” written in gold letters. At
the center of the room is a large fount of milky-white liquid.
he liquid known as Soma Pavamana is constantly replenished by Veddan priest in the small
yard out back and is made from a special plant brought from a sacred lake in the mountains of
Molodo. he drink is prepared by pounding the sacred plant into pulp with a large holy stone
that fell from the sky. he juice so gathered is iltered through lamb’s wool, and mixed with other
ingredients, including alchemical Bhūmi, Pavan, and sanctiied cow’s milk before it is drunk. When
imbibed, the mind is said to roar with the spirit of the gods as the psyche is expanded into cosmic
hose in such a state meditate on their personal inner microcosm and the greater universe in
which they inhabit. he goal is to become greater by shedding all desire and losing the self, thereby
achieving wholeness with the universe.
he building has become a place where rivals meet to reason with one another over a bowl of
Soma Pavamana in hopes of seeing the other’s point of view.
O Aadrika
he Triton priestess supervises the other nine priests who work and live in the Sharyanavat. She
is wise beyond the thirty years she has lived, and is said to sleep in a pool of the Soma, infusing
herself with its life-giving wisdom. Some say she is the most sanctiied priestess in Atlantis and her
foreign powers and gods rival that of the Orixa in their homeland. Many plots to kill this peaceful
woman have failed and many come to seek her guidance and blessing.
O Sun Wukong
A great and imposing Lemurian enthralled of Aadrika lives and work in the building. Said
to be the greatest and strongest ighter in Southern Jambu, he was also the wildest and most
destructive. To atone for his past sins, the Lemurian contemplates the large mandala on the loor of
the Sharyanavat and listens to the teachings of Aadrika. When needed, Sun keeps the peace inside
the building with his intimidating stature and weapon of choice—a great wooden staf. Some say
Sun Wukong can never travel beyond the large courtyard outside the building and is imprisoned
there with strong magics.
p he Heroes overhear a jealous priest of the Orixa planning a raid of the building. hey believe
Atlantis should be favored in the eyes of all who reside in Atlantis.
p Sun Wukong, from the gate of the courtyard, beckons the Heroes forth and asks them to
bring him the strongest wine they can ind. For this favor he says he will crush a stone into a
diamond. he drink he wants will cost the Hero a Wealth roll with a DoD-4.
p he Heroes are asked to escort a noble Atlantean as personal bodyguards to the Sharyanavat
for a mediation with a rival. While there, the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman will
catch the eye of Aadrika. She will sing a song of love to the Hero and declare him/her the
protector of the Sharyanavat.
City of the God-Kings
3. The Great Topiary
In the large wooded area of the Kittim district, hidden from the eyes of the casual passerby, is a
wondrous garden built by the Lemurians during the irst age. All but forgotten now, the topiary is
a marvel of Lemurian horticultural technology. he trees and bushes grow and shed branches and
leaves to conigure to a pre-programmed look and height. Seeds dropped from the trees behave as
siblings or children to their parents, making small versions of the original and assume a subservient
At the center of the topiary maze of trees and bushes is a great hole leading deep into the earth
under the district. It is said that there lives a large ancient beast that was old when the city of
Atlantis was built here. Somehow the Lemurians knew of the beast and made ageless pacts with the
thing that allowed them to come and go as they pleased; others have not fared so well. he outer
perimeter of the topiary is walled by a twisted fence of heavy, corded vines and colorful bramble
It is said that the wood here is best for preparing funeral pyres and burns bright and long,
making an extremely hot, blue lame that lasts from sunset to sunrise. Many denizens of Kittim
know of the sacred wood and hazard a trip in hopes of gather the dead wood for their funeral pyres.
Some do not return.
O Okul
An old Netherman and his family live in a modest shack next to the topiary. He and his
degenerate family pray to the thing that lurks inside, and sometimes ofers it food at the hole’s
entrance that disappears by the next morning. Okul has made many journeys into the topiary for
sacred irewood and makes modest living from the endeavor.
O he Lost
A group of children live in and around the topiary, eating the abundant fruit that grows on the
trees inside the walls. he children are never harmed by what lurks inside and they are allowed to
live in the tree hollows. he children speak and read Lemurian and all can recite passages from the
Lemurian Book of the Lawgiver. he children seems very helpful to any whom they ind inside and
will help travelers back to the entrance. hey ask for nothing in return for their kindness, and are
cheerful and well-mannered.
If any of the children are ever harmed, the topiary becomes even more foreboding. he trees will
rustle with hidden movement, the branches will move to create a canopy obscuring sky, making the
woods dark and menacing. Soon the hounded interloper will be attacked by a score of feral children
diving from the trees, wielding wooden weapons laced with powerful poisons. Invaders will be
driven away and if a death results from an attack, the children and the topiary will react in kind.
p Bow-makers sometime venture into the topiary to ind suitable living trees to harvest materials
for the making of bows. he Heroes are asked to accompany an expedition into the topiary as
p A young boy is lost in the maze and the parents know of the Heroes because of their renown.
hey are publicly begged to go into the maze and bring the child back. If they refuse, they lose
p An Atlantean noble wants the Heroes to bring a child from the topiary that she claims is her
son. She will pay a huge ransom for his safe return, but the boy does not want to leave and the
topiary will help him stay.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Maquatam, a poor district, is known as the District of Unknown Gods. It is here that scores
of foreigners worship obscure deities and conduct unknown rites. Although the more conservative
members of Atlantean society frown upon the level of tolerance that is aforded to this stewpot of
religions and obscure faiths, most individuals are left alone to honor whichever gods they choose. It
is feared, however, that the Cult of Set operates within the shadows of the Maquatam.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–2 3–10 11–12 13 14–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
1. Prison Of he Untamed Gods 67
2. he Jandara 68
-3 +5 -5 +5 Instinct, Resolve, Tracking/
3. he hroat 69
4. he Ketenangan 69
City of the God-Kings
O Bolanle
A priestess of Ochosi assigned to the prison who wants to see all the artifacts returned to their
rightful places. She is very reasonable and tries to stop the sacrilege committed by tourists who
come to see the “prisoners”.
p he Black Guard and the priesthood are frightened of the building at night and keep all portals
locked and barred. hey say that one of the stone statues roams the halls at night enlisting
the other imprisoned gods for an escape attempt. A Hero who is a magician or priest will be
approached for help in stopping the wandering god.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Jandara
he Jandara is a mortuary in the Maquatam. Tasked with disposing of the indigent and
forgotten, the black-robed Jand travel through the poorest reaches of Atlantis and carry out their
ancient calling. Many eigies of Exu line the walls of their otherwise drab building, where the skin
is layed from the corpses and ritually disposed of in a blue-lamed ire that incinerates it instantly.
he powder ground from the bones of the dead is mixed with pulverized obsidian and used to make
bricks. he bricks will be used to create a large domed room. When complete the Jand will use the
room to become the greatest psychopomps the world has ever known.
O Joba
Joba is a wizened Jand who has spent his life within the somber conines of the Jandara,
cremating the dead who pass through its ominous gate. He is surprisingly pleasant to talk to, and
One might expect the Jand to he knows a great deal about the misfortune of the folk relegated to the Maquatam.
be a hotbed of necromancy or
Dark Arts, but nothing could be Hooks
farther from the truth. Most of
these people are very dedicated p he Jand have gone on strike, and bodies are rotting in the streets of the Maquatam. he PCs
and make it their business to are asked to help remove the bodies from the streets, but there is a threat of reprisal from the
know about death rites from Jand. Worse still, there is a necromancer working behind the scenes who has taken advantage of
across the world so they can the chaos and has decided to animate as many corpses as she can, for some unknown purpose.
give their clients the best service. p Some say the Jand are selling certain bodies to the Cannibal Kings.
Sometimes the Jand come p A procession of spirits can be seen walking in odd patterns around the Jandara. All whisper the
across unusual objects or strange name Savosh, a boy whom they say will one day rule Atlantis.
injuries on their charges; in these
cases, the Sea Lord has set aside
funds for them to launch private
investigations if they deem it
halmia, Triton Sorceress
City of the God-Kings
3. The Throat
he hroat is a bottleneck within the warrens of Maquatam that is so downtrodden it is often
said that despair itself avoids it.
O Bruja
Bruja is an ancient Ahl-At-Rab shaman who rules the hroat through guile and grit. Although I’ve heard of the Throat and
she leans heavily upon a feathered staf made from the spine of an ancient and despised enemy, the old Animist who dwells
Bruja still gets around just ine. there. I too have heard that her
staff is made from the spine of
Hooks a Lemurian War Master. I have
never met the witch, but I would
p When she is deep in her cups, the old shaman will regale anyone who’ll listen with tales of the not seek out such a one. Though
sunken city of Karmaq. She will tell them that she is the daughter of the undying sorceress Thalmia often consorts with
queen who rules over the Pachamama, a matriarchal tribe of Ahl-At-Rab that has been at war nymphs and sylphs, what strange
with the cannibalistic Hoac for centuries. things that an Ahl-At-Rab might
p Bruja informs a PC that she has sufered visions of blood running through the sunken streets of confer with, I care not to think
Karmaq. Images of the Hoac feasting upon her mother’s remains have withered her heart. She of.
longs to gather an army and return to the home from which she was exiled and inally defeat Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
the Hoac, once and for all.
4. The Ketenangan
he Ketenangan is a charitable institution whose mission is to care for the impoverished living
within Maquatam. he men and women who staf this institution are known as Ketananga, a term
that describes the hempen robes their charitable order wears.
O Dadanthea
Dadanthea is a beautiful, human Ketananga who administers to the impoverished folk residing
within Maquatam. She is friendly, kind, and, above all else, deeply concerned about the plight of
the poor children with whom she comes into contact with each day. Dadanthea’s hands are severely
burned, as is most her body. She seems to harbor a secret that causes her tremendous sufering.
O Jaliel
A teenage boy living within Maquatam, he is a source of information about the odd goings-on
in the Foreigner’s Quarter. He is also the leader of an urchin gang that is currently at war with a
rival gang. He is secretly in love with Dadanthea, and has sworn an oath to protect her from harm. I have heard rumors that
orphans are being abducted,
smuggled out of Olokun to serve
as slave labor, or worse, on ships
p Dadanthea is concerned about the welfare of bound for locations as far off as
some children that have disappeared from the Khitai. Nothing has been proven,
Foreigner’s Quarter. She initially suspected that their but I suspect that is because
disappearances were easily explainable, but she is nothing has been investigated.
perturbed that the children have begun to chatter Orphaned children do not
about a thing that stalks that shadows and preys contribute to the kingdom’s
upon children that travel alone after dark. wealth.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he districts Odeon and Tophet are two of the oldest sections of Atlantis. Each district boasts
ancient First Age monuments, as well as Vril cannons to ensure that no one will forget the district’s
ancient nature. he cannons mounted on the large orange-painted granite walls that surround the
area have encouraged the nobles and ambassadors which reside here to take advantage of its ancient
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–8 9 10–13 14–17 18–20
1. Belot’s Hostelry 71 Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
2. he Seekers’ Guild 72
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
3. Citadel Of he Crimson Sword 73
4. he Bulatan 74 Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
5. Najeela’s Sanctuary 74
6. he Wall 75 +3 +0 +3 +2 Investigate/Search, Lore, Modes
1. Belot’s Hostelry
Belot’s Hostelry, a reputable inn and tavern adjacent to Voyager’s Harbor, caters to working-
class folk visiting Atlantis. It is known for its afordable rates and its comfortable accommodations.
O Belot
he namesake and owner of the inn is a fastidious man of indeterminate age, more obsequious
than friendly, and can be quite unctuous and unpleasant if he is in a foul mood. Ill manners
notwithstanding, Belot runs a tight ship, and works his staf so hard that turnover is quite common. There’s an old underwater
His patrons are generally satisied with the accommodations that he ofers—especially at the rates tunnel that leads from Belot’s
that he charges. Hostelry to Voyager’s Harbor.
Back in the Golden Age it was
used by smugglers to bring in
their goods unseen. I stumbled
p Lodgers have been known to disappear from Belot’s establishment during their stay. Recently, across the tunnel a couple of
one of Belot’s employees—a young girl named Ayo—disappeared. he girl’s brother, Osai, years ago (ugh, never drink and
showed up a day ago at the Hostelry to search for his sister. He seems to believe that Belot swim) and while it was empty,
knows far more about his sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. it was also completely clear of
debris and quite clean. I think I
heard something in the darkness;
maybe Belot has started up the
old smuggling racket again.
halmia, Triton Sorceress
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Seekers’ Guild
he Seekers’ Guild is located within a three-tiered tower in Voyager’s Harbor. he Seekers
are a semi-legal confederation of bounty hunters. heir relationship with Atlantis’ constabulary is
tenuous, but the service that they perform is grudgingly appreciated.
p he PCs could become members of the guild, or they might be stalked by a Seeker for
something that they may or may not have done. Additionally, the Black Guard could ask the
PCs to iniltrate the Seekers, and prove or disprove rumors that the Seekers are in fact slavers
in disguise.
City of the God-Kings
p he Dogs of Jhun and the Crimson Sword hate one another. No one knows exactly why, but
neither a Sword nor a Jhun will allow the other to live. Depending upon the circumstances,
the PCs could end up embroiled within a battle between these two hard-bitten mercenary
p he Crimson Sword is frequently in need of “fresh meat” and holds recruitment drives every
four months. While anyone can attempt to join at any time, the recruitment drives test the
mettle of those who are willing to push themselves. hose that succeed are given special honors
within the Citadel.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
4. The Bulatan
he Bulatan is a vast amphitheater in which sporting events are staged within the city of Atlantis.
Popular events include equestrian races and bloody gladiatorial events between Andamen warriors.
O Olumidas
The Bulatan can be flooded Olumidas the Tauran is a freed slave and former gladiator who spends his golden years training
to recreate ancient naval battles. gladiators and promoting contests between popular ighters.
Dozens of my people died
last year when the Sea Lord
sponsored a reenactment of the O Nera
Fourth Triton Rebellion. Aren’t Nera is a young Balam gladiator owned by Olumidas. She is one of the most popular ighters in
there enough true evils to fight Atlantis; she has won every contest in which she has participated.
in the world without inventing
more to slay? Hooks
halmia, Triton Sorceress
p Kashtanga, a rival ight promoter and trainer, believes that Olumidas is employing sorcerous
elixirs to enhance his ighters’ abilities. He has threatened to get even with Olumidas by killing
his champion ighter before her next bout. Olumidas hires the PCs to protect Nera while she
prepares for an upcoming contest. He does not know when his rival will strike, but he is certain
that an attack will occur.
5. Najeela’s Sanctuary
Many years ago, Sea Lord Kesedihan’s beloved daughter, Najeela, died of a sudden illness when
she was ten years of age. he entire city of Atlantis grieved for the young girl, but their collective grief
paled in comparison to her father’s agony. To commemorate the love of his daughter, Kesedihan
built for her a palatial tomb of iridescent glass and buried her in a pool of lilacs. he grave was sealed
over and covered with a mosaic likeness of her that is breathtaking to behold.
It was also known that Najeela’s most beloved companion was a white cat named Sedikita. he
cat seemed so heartbroken when Najeela died that it curled up within her tomb and refused to
leave. Kesedihan, moved to tears, decided to turn Najeela’s tomb into a sanctuary for Atlantis’ stray
cats. It is said that Najeela’s spirit moves through her tomb, and that a night spent within the glass
enclosure heals all wounds. here are hundreds of cats living within the glass-and-steel enclosure.
hey are nourished by fresh water that bubbles from an arboreal fountain and are fed ish on silver
trenchers. Although some lament the fact that the cats live more exuberantly than many Atlanteans,
no one has ever vocalized their opposition to the sanctuary.
City of the God-Kings
O Oolunga the Cat Master
Oolunga’s girth casts a long, thick shadow as
he wanders through the well-lit alcoves of Najeela’s
sanctuary and looks after the leet-footed cats that live
there. Despite his size, the man moves with the grace of
a panther. More to the point, he knows each of the cats’
names, and they are drawn to him like moths to a lame.
He seems to know their thoughts, and they, in turn, know
his as well.
p It is said that Najeela was entombed wearing a ruby
around her throat the size of her father’s ist. Many a
foolhardy thief has attempted to ind out, but none are
heard from again.he PCs could attempt to ind out if
the rumors are true, or they could be hired by Oolunga to help him protect the sanctuary from
a burglary attempt.
6. The Wall
I’ve heard it said that Oolunga
A wall of a partially collapsed First Age building painted in colorful graiti and expressive can hear the thoughts of Balam,
drawings can be found in Odeon. At sunrise the writing on the wall changes, giving cryptic, too. I’ve never seen one of
seemingly nonsensical messages, but to the right person their true meaning is very clear. For their kind anywhere near the
example, messages have said, “Agathon, go home to Mother” or “he goats cry loudly when the sanctuary.
enemy with sandaled feet approaches”. halmia, Triton Sorceress
O Hupper
Known as the “Cryptic Barker”, Hupper is an old Anubim that reads the fortunes of anyone
who passes the wall. He asks for a small donation and interprets the sigils, whorls, and designs on
the wall. He is said to be the only one that can ask the wall a question and receive an answer.
p In recent weeks the wall has “expressed” the same phrase over and over again, sometimes in
diferent languages, but the meaning is always the same. “God’s agenda is not our own”.
p A picture on the wall depicts a PC ighting a host of blood-covered women; at the back of the
line of women is the PC’s Relationship Disadvantage.
p A wealthy merchant wants the PCs to break of a large part of the wall and bring it to him in
harsheesh. he piece that’s taken will predict various misfortunes for the PCs that will always
come true and the section will act as a cursed item until returned.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he Royal District is dominated by the immense Vril pyramid that stands at its center and the
Great Temple of the Orixa, also known as the Temple of Mirrors, which sits in its shadow. here are
no grander buildings in the world than those built in this part of Atlantis. he architecture is exotic
and culled from every culture the Atlanteans have ever touched or dominated. he literal wealth
lying in the streets of this area is staggering to those unaccustomed to the gross opulence enjoyed
by the average Atlantean citizen. he wide Vril-paved avenues are canopied with foliage of the
great Blackwood trees and exotic shrubbery at their base. Animals and birds that have been trained
and domesticated over a thousand years to only live along the Avenue of Kings sing and mew for
1. he Menagerie 77 passersby and are fed diets that would be the envy of foreign nobles. he Great Tempe of the Orixa
2. he Tree Of Woe 78 sits in the temple district and is surrounded by individual shrines to the Orixa and various foreign
3. Hill Of he Orixa 78 gods revered by the Atlanteans.
4. he Temple Of Orixa 79 Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
5. he Tower Of he Sea Lord 80 1–4 5 6–10 11–15 16–20
6. he Lesser Palaces 80
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
7. he Angry Sisters 81
8. Ambrosia’s Salon 82 Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
9. he Garden 83 Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
10. Shrine Of he Nameless God 84
11. Palace of the Sea Lord 85 +5 -5 +5 +5 Inluence, Perform
12. Tower of the High Council 87
Royal District
City of the God-Kings
1. The Menagerie
he Menagerie is a small zoo located within the Royal District. he exotic animals that it
contains pace within pens enclosed in orichalcum bars. Some extinct animals exist in the menagerie
encased in amber, arranged in menacing poses to frighten the faint of heart. he most macabre
section is the one bearing amber-encased enemies of Atlantis; men and women who in the past
opposed Atlantis, deemed enemies of the state, and were captured, executed, and encased for public
viewing. his has not been done for years but does allow all to see that nothing that crawls, walks,
or swims can defy the might of the Orichalcum Empire. The great Menagerie of
Atlantis often will purchase
plants and animals from distant
lands, paying a premium for live
O Jafai specimens. They’ll pay for dead
Jafai is a golden-furred Lemurian and chief zookeeper. He is afable and deliberate in speech ones as well, for they catalog such
and movement. creatures and preserve samples of
their fur, feathers, and scales in
great iron-bound tomes. If you
O Amalthea need some creature identified,
Amalthea is an exhibit in the Menagerie held in a large tank of water that contains a small the Menagerie can likely do so.
outcropping of stone. he beast is strange, with the front end of a goat and the tail of a ish. She Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
was captured 800 years ago near the coast of Minoa. When she speaks, she says she is the last her
kind and claims to have suckled and cared for the young gods after the shattering of the Demiurge.
p Someone has let the animals out of their pens, and Jafai needs help rescuing them. He hires the
PCs to assist him as he tracks the animals down.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Tree Of Woe
An ancient black tree used for public executions stands in the shadow of the Great
Temple of the Orixa. he tree is rumored to be part of a thorn stabbed
into the side of Set when the dark god was cast down by the Orixa. A
piece of the thorn was planted in the ground and grew into a mighty
30-meter tall black tree that weeps sap the color and consistency
of clotted blood. Cruciixion on the Tree of Woe is done with
four brass spikes driven through the wrists and ankles. When
the body starts to rot, sacred vultures of Oya are released to
feast, taking the decaying lesh to the underworld.
he tree blooms every 21 years and the nuts that fall from the
tree are taken by the priesthoods of Oya, Exú, and Obatala for
ceremonies that are said to bestow strange and awesome powers.
O Asta
An old woman who tends and prunes the tree,
keeping in presentable for its next resident, Asta has
served the Orixa for over seventy years and is the only
one known to be shown mercy by the tree. he tree
would not allow the brass nails to be driven through the hands of the woman and the Atlanteans
spared her life. She now serves the tree and honors it by giving advice to those that come to see the
p An acquaintance of the Hero is cruciied on the tree and begs the Hero to deliver a message to
his uncle Naul who lives in the undercity.
p he Heroes are asked by Asta to take a shriveled seed that fell from the highest branch of the
tree and plant it in the Harrowing Pit of Skotos. She believes the roots will grow and strangle
whatever evil lives there. here are, of course, those who want the seed for their own nefarious
p he Hero with the highest Earth Ātman is chosen to drive the spikes into the hands and feet
of the latest victim to be cruciied on the tree. he honor is bestowed by Adetokunbo of the
city’s High Council. he old man begs for mercy and says the punishment is not just and his
only crime was to disagree with the old woman.
O Vovo
his eccentric Anubim engineer deals with the day-to-day maintenance of the Vril pyramid.
here is nothing Vovo does not know about maintaining the pyramid, but unfortunately much
knowledge about the technology was lost during the Cataclysm. Vovo is constantly on the lookout
for new caches of information and will pay handsomely for any text about forgotten lore related
to the Vril pyramids.
City of the God-Kings
Known as Lord Small behind his back, this corpulent Atlantean is in charge of the large security
detail that polices the pyramid. Lord Agyenim is never without an orichalcum suit of armor, inely
made Vril weapons, and a train of young boys and girls carrying his many meals as he feasts during
the day. Lord Agyenim loves two things—food and the honor of his station as High Guard of Orixa
The Great Temple is truly a thing
p he PCs witness a group of thieves absconding with a small device from over the large wall
of beauty, an architectural marvel
around the pyramid. Minutes later, Lord Agyenim conscripts the PCs to help ind the culprits,
supported by mathematics, skill,
promising a big reward and all the roast fowl they can eat.
and a convergence of Vril. The
p Clay drawings of Lord Agyenim have been showing up in frequently traicked areas. he clay gods themselves occasionally
tablets depict a comically overweight man in bumbling situations. Lord Agyenim wants the manifest in a myriad number of
culprit brought to justice. ways in the temple, or so I am
p he PCs are introduced to Vovo at a dinner party and, once he inds out that the PCs are told.
adventurers, his eyes light in delight. Vovo wants the PCs to explore a newly discovered Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
doorway into the pyramid.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
O Tempi
A small, dark, and bald boy who does all the odd jobs for the priests and priestesses as he tends
to the temple, Tempi’s presence always lights up a room. When no one is around, Tempi draws
pictures of what he sees in the temple on slabs of clay. Some say the drawings are divinely inspired.
O Dijuas
Dijuas is the chief attendant of the Tower of the Sea Lord. He manages the staf which maintains
the interior and exterior of the tower. He limps prominently, but he is close-lipped about the origin
of his injury.
O Ahmose
City of the God-Kings
A young orphan boy from Gondwana who makes his home in an unused servant’s house
behind the Eudean prince’s palace. Ahmose lives in luxury there by night and ventures forth by day,
pretending to be a distant cousin of the royal family.
O Zari
A very attractive Atlantean servant that tends to the home of the Mnesean prince, Zari is privy
to many secrets but would never intentionally betray her master. She is being wooed by a very
charming young man, Zori, youngest son of Zorikos, but cannot leave the service of her prince for
fear of his wrath at losing such a valued piece of property.
The Black Guard is harsh, but
Hooks there is still some nobility left in its
p Obeda approaches the PCs and informs them that someone plans to kidnap Aurimbaba, a members. They will occasionally
member of the Grand Council, to prevent it from obtaining the two-thirds majority necessary look the other way when dealing
to countermand a controversial edict proposed by the Lord of All Seas. His edict concerns the with minor offenses like public
slave trade, which, along with the narcotics trade, has lourished in recent years. he individual drunkenness or outbursts against
behind the kidnapping is Quai Xing, the foremost smuggler residing within Atlantis. the Crown, but can only truly do
so in cases where there are few
p Zari wants the PCs help to elope with Zori during a banquet held by the Mnesean family. noble witnesses.
p he PCs are employed by the young “Lord” Ahmose to escort him through the city. he young Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
“lord” is out to impress a young noble lady and depends on the PCs’ help to do so.
O Callidus
Callidus is the commander of the Osorapeans. He is a broad-shouldered Atlantean with a
scarred, aquiline face and a shining bald pate. Callidus is regarded as an efective and pragmatic
commander, but some have begun to whisper that age has inally caught up with him, and that it is
time for him to step aside and allow someone to replace him.
O Jeru
Jeru is a handsome young lieutenant eager to make his name in the world. he men under his
command mutter behind his back that his inlexibility and his rectitude are too onerous to endure.
O Iago
Iago is a young sergeant within the ranks of Sea Lord’s guard. He is bitter because Jeru, a fellow
Black Guardsman, was promoted instead of him (see he Angry Sisters). Iago was recently hired by
hanos the Fat (see he Black Lamprey) to spy upon Jeru.
p It is common knowledge that Jeru is determined to extirpate the criminal element that lurks
in Atlantis. He is focused primarily upon ridding the city of hanos the Fat. Few know that
hanos the Fat was partially responsible for his father’s demise. Accordingly, Jeru may attempt
to hire or coerce the PCs into assisting him with taking down hanos the Fat, by spying on
him or implicating him through some nefarious activity.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
8. Ambrosia’s Salon
Ambrosia’s salon perches within the Royal District and has catered to wealthy Atlantean women
for as long as people can remember. She has successfully made the young look ravishing, and has,
through natural and preternatural means, cleverly concealed the ravages of old age. Her elixirs and
tonics have made her quite wealthy.
O Ambrosia
Ambrosia is an attractive Atlantean woman of indeterminate age, but unequivocal beauty. No
one knows exactly who she is, or where she comes from, but rumors abound. She often alludes to
former lovers, husbands, and suitors. She seems to have proited from these relationships, and she
Ambrosia’s nymphs are the has used them to build a small empire for herself. She harbors an irrational fear of cats, and she will
subject of many stories and go out of her way to avoid Najeela’s sanctuary.
wild tales. Their “prowess” is
legendary and they are rarely O Balthazar
seen outside of the salon. Some Balthazar is a eunuch hairdresser, and manages the day-to-day operations of Ambrosia’s salon.
claim they are demons in disguise He is a somewhat bitter character, and his acerbic wit has often worked for and against him. Like
or actual nymphs. The truth is Ambrosia, he is far more than he seems, and he has served her forever.
probably a lot less wholesome.
halmia, Triton Sorceress
O Ambrosia’s Nymphs
With the exception of Balthazar, Ambrosia’s salon is stafed by exotically beautifully women
whom she colloquially refers to as her nymphs. In addition to administering Ambrosia’s elixirs to
her eager, deep-pocketed clients, the nymphs are available to the men and women willing to pay
exorbitant rates for their companionship.
p Ambrosia is a master alchemist. In addition to concocting cosmetic elixirs, she is also quite
adept at manufacturing poisons. She is so good, in fact, that no one ever suspected that her
husbands died of anything other than natural causes. She is, furthermore, far older than anyone
p She has poisoned many people, including Najeela, the daughter of the one man who stole her
p Worse still, no one knows the horrible price that Ambrosia pays to remain young. he price is
infernal in nature, and requires copious amounts of blood.
City of the God-Kings
9. The Garden
he Garden is a two-square-kilometer park within the city of Atlantis that boasts some of the
most beautiful lora and fauna in the world. It is also a popular destination for young couples. At
the center of the Garden is a large hot spring said to have therapeutic and curative powers. he
pool’s heat comes from a star that fell from the sky 400 years earlier. At night the green glow of the
fallen star lights the Garden, giving it an otherworldly appearance.
I have spent many nights in
the Garden as a bodyguard for
O Carnelias a young prince or princess, and
Carnelias is an Anubim who has spent the last forty years looking after the park. He is tall, thin, the things I’ve seen in the hidden
and possesses an endearing smile. He has, on many occasions, ibbed to an angry parent who has areas are sometimes wondrous
visited the park looking for their son or daughter. and blasphemous at the same
time. There are also hidden
tunnels in the copses of trees
O Kekantican used by kidnappers to spirit away
Kekantican is a jilted young man in love with a girl named Kekasih who frequents the Garden. young lovers.
Kekantican has been chased from the Garden several times by Carnelias. Perhaps Kekasih has a new Donobey of Nubia
p Someone or something is attacking young lovers in the Garden. Carnelias thinks it’s a deranged
man or woman, but he is uncertain. Although there are patrols in the Garden and a curfew,
young men and woman are still dying. he PCs may be hired to help locate whatever it is that
menaces the Garden.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
10. Shrine Of The Nameless God
he small dilapidated shrine has sat near the Garden since before the Cataclysm and holds a
simple eigy to a forgotten and nameless god. Covered by a rickety, wooden awning, the roughhewn
rock is believed to be one of the many gods of a Jambu pantheon long forgotten or abandoned. he
shrine is cared for by a lone blind Lemurian who sleeps behind it in a makeshift lean-to and subsists
on the alms of passersby.
O Kongolo
his old blind Lemurian sits in the sun all day behind his alms bowl and ofers advice to
whomever shows generosity. His answers are sometimes cryptic and the advice is often about
subjects or situations that have yet to occur.
p As a PC walks past the shrine, Kongolo stands up and blocks their path. He mentions the PC’s
Relationship Disadvantage and ofers them an old brass key, a map to a distant land, and an
empty wooden box.
City of the God-Kings
11. Palace of the Sea Lord
he compound is impressive, standing three stories high with two towers that rise another ive
stories. Each tower is crowned by a green Vril lame that burns eternally. he entire building is made
of white stone, gilded in orichalcum and blue-hued Vril glass. he doors are made of brass inlaid
with polished obsidian and the loors throughout the palace are made of multi-colored Vril glass,
creating a mosaic depicting the power of the Sea Kings.
he palace is guarded by 500 Atlantean men and women—no other race may guard the palace.
he palace boasts over 1500 rooms but only a handful of men and women are ever allowed inside the
palace and only the King or Queen of Atlantis may walk the halls freely; all others wear ceremonial
yokes of gold to mark their servitude to the ruler of the greatest nation the world has ever known.
At any given time, there are 20 to 30 people in the palace and ten times as many servants and slaves
to look after their needs; most of the palace is empty and unused. Under the palace are several levels,
including the royal treasury and the ancestral tombs, and deeper still are levels known only as the
Sea Lord’s Shame (none know what lies in these chambers).
he current king, Agesilaus, has not left the palace in 50 years and only holds court every 10
years. he latest court was postponed and is two years past due. Many rumors about the death
of the king ran rampant, but were squashed last year when the king appeared in a tower window
and proclaimed he would never die. Since then no one visits the tower and only half-sane servants
perform duties there, minds shattered by what they’ve witnessed inside.
O Agesilaus, King of Atlantis
he old and secretive king of the greatest empire the world has ever known is rumored to have
almost pure Atlantean blood and be over 131 years old. None of his relatives or other princes have
seen the man in over 11 years and many believe he either sleeps longer and longer or is involved in
a very elaborate summoning ritual that consumes all his time. None know for sure.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
O Bosede Golden Arm
he captain of the elite guards that patrol the palace grounds, and 54th in line to the actual
throne, Bosede lost his arm in the last Beast War a year ago. he alchemical sorcerers of Atlantis
itted him with a mechanical arm manufactured from gold, steel, and orichalcum. Bosede takes his
job very seriously and is known as the most honorable man in Atlantis—leading some to believe he
is not actually Atlantean.
p he king calls for the PCs personally and they are rounded up by the king’s elite troops and
brought to his tower. he king has not been seen in eleven years; why would he ask for the PCs?
p Bosede is found drugged and bleeding to death in an alley by a PC. He informs the group that
he has escaped imprisonment from a cell deep underground where he has been held for almost
three weeks. he odd part is that one of the PCs remembers seeing Bosede just the other day
acting on the king’s business.
p Lekan discreetly has the PCs brought to his private chambers in the palace to speak about
urgent matters. He takes them to a room piled with the—freshly—dead bodies of Atlantean
lords and ladies. Lekan tells the PCs that something crawled from the king’s tower and fed on
the nobility collected there and is still on the prowl. He wants the creature brought to him alive
and will pay the PCs handsomely for their discretion.
p Folami wants the PCs to escort her through the city to the Skotos District where she will
duel with a man that she believes has insulted the king. Unfortunately for the PCs, a band of
demons wants revenge upon the woman for her past transgressions against their brother.
City of the God-Kings
12. Tower of the High Council
he three-story building surround ing the taller tower is built with black basalt stone and
detailed with lapis, orichalcum, and brass. he dome of the tower is made of multicolored stained
glass. he inside walls boast friezes created using colorful precious stones. he irst loor is dedicated
to the infrastructure needed to run the building, with many slave quarters, kitchens, and baths. In
the center of the ive-story tower, a great elevator runs the entire length.
he second and third loors of the squat building are dedicated to libraries detailing the private
history kept by the council, and each year a new volume is added recording the agendas and laws
he fourth loor, situated in the tower, contains private suites for every council member and
their retinue.
he ifth loor is a single chamber dedicated to the council who sit and govern over the city of
he building has a garrison of 40 elite guards protecting the building and 80 support personnel,
such as slaves, cooks, and scribes, to facilitate the needs of the council.
O Mung
he human cook for the council building is a hunched, old man of 80 years. He has served the
council since he was a slave boy and won his freedom when he was in his thirties. His entire life has
revolved around the building and he has never traveled beyond the Royal District.
O Higlo
An Anubim scribe that keeps the minutes of the council. He is privy to all the secret meetings
and agendas in the council tower.
O Kumi
he Atlantean matron of the tower. Kumi manages all the support staf in the building and
makes sure that every need of the council members is fulilled. She takes her job seriously and rides
the slaves hard to keep the tower at peak eiciency.
p Higlo becomes drunk (or drugged) in a local tavern and loses a satchel
full of scrolls. He will pay handsomely for their safe return. Mosi was
seen in the tavern as well, in possession of a satchel that its the
p Kumi must fulill the wishes of one of the council members
and hires the Heroes to retrieve the odd delicacy, from a lotus
den in Skotos.
p Mung is nearing the end of his life and wants the Heroes
to show him a good time in Atlantis. He wants to spend
the night as a truly free man before the gods claim
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he Shubra District is also known as the District of Sages. he streets of this area of the city are
lined with alchemical shops and bookstores. Cafes teem with scholars engaged in spirited debate, as
well as students of the Shubra’s seven exclusive colleges. Adventurers are often found here as well,
bearing artifacts that require identiication.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–12 13 14–15 16–17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
1. Yssachar’s Emporium 89
2. he Colloquium 90 +5 +0 +0 +5 Investigate/Search, Lore, Modes
3. he Nepentheum 91
City of the God-Kings
1. Yssachar’s Emporium
Yssachar’s Emporium is an institution within Atlantis. his shanty is crammed full of all
manner of bric-a-brac. Many of the citizens will spend entire days trawling through its endless store
of curios.
O Yssachar
Yssachar is an old Sheban who has been selling curios for as many years as there are grains of
sand. Although most folk regard him as little more than an ancient eccentric who charges too much
for too little, the older folk know that Yssachar was once a preeminent scholar, and that he saved This place is part rubbish
the city from certain peril a long time ago. dump and part treasure trove.
You never know what you are
Hooks going to find in the teetering
piles of paper, metal, and stone.
p If one can endure the tedium of Yssachar’s remembrances, it is quite possible that the old sage
You can also expect to pay well
will inadvertently reveal the location of a partially explored tomb, or some overlooked corner
for whatever you get…if you
of the city that has a lurid tale associated with it. Additionally, Yssachar will buy anything, no
choose to pay in coin. Yssachar
matter how hot. He doesn’t ask any questions, either.
loves ancient lore and if you
offer histories, old books, or lost
scrolls you often get a very good
halmia, Triton Sorceress
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Colloquium
he Colloquium, Atlantis’ premier learning institution, is located in Shubra—the District of
Sages. As the name implies, the institution was started by a colloquy of scholars from diverse
disciplines who met with the intention of sharing knowledge. Today, the Colloquium is a Vril-
powered ediice that is maintained by public revenue, donations, and the exorbitant tuition paid by
the families of the students that attend the college.
O Ajax
Ajax is a massive Lemurian scholar who has spent the last thirty years teaching students with a
The Colloquium is indeed a
proclivity for engineering about the wonders of Vril-powered technology.
wonder. Though Ajax is an aging
scion of Lemuria, he is known
to be just as strong of arm as O Cassander
he is of mind. A prodigious Cassander is a thin Atlantean linguist who works in the Great Library, the Colloquium’s
feat, indeed. I believe that he labyrinthine library—an institution unto itself.
is the same Ajax who once led
a band of saboteurs against the Hooks
Ophidians in Tamoanchan, but if
here are secrets buried in the library that ought to remain forgotten. Be that as it may, a curious
that is true, then he has benefited
student named Anaxathos approaches the PCs and informs them that he has discovered an ancient
greatly from Atlantean anti-aging
map gathering dust in the library, which contains directions to the tomb of a forgotten god. he
scholar ofers to share whatever riches they discover within the tomb if the PCs accompany him and
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
protect him from harm. What could go wrong?
City of the God-Kings
3. The Nepentheum
his elegant tower of orichalcum and glass is a massive greenhouse powered by the sun, as well
as a massive Vril crystal. Within, the eccentric members of the Alchemist’s Guild brew potions,
poisons, and palliatives. Some of their concoctions are utterly inimical to life, and they are closely
guarded. When magic went mad
following the Cataclysm, the
Personas people of Atlantis turned to
alchemy to take its place.
O Racun Alchemy was never a massively
Racun is an aged alchemist who has spent the entirety of his adult life creating concoctions from popular art, however; it requires
a myriad of lora, fauna, and the elements. His garments, beard, and even his lesh are stained with tremendous patience and skill.
unknown substances, and noisome odors often billow from his person. The greatest researchers were
often renowned for poisoning
themselves or blowing up their
O Rylo
accommodations. When the Vril
A young apprentice who runs errands for the members of the Nepentheum, Rylo is a handsome
flows stabilized a few decades
boy of ten years, but with the acumen and genius of someone three times his age. He has not yet
after the Cataclysm, the people
been allowed to oicially concoct an actual potion by the masters yet, but in secret he pores over
turned back to magic to solve
their documents and sometimes corrects imperfections in their formulas.
their problems and alchemy once
again became an art of scholars
Hooks and madmen.
p he Alchemists’ Guild has been known to brew some volatile concoctions. In point of fact, the halmia, Triton Sorceress
recent invasive plant species choking the life out of the canals is rumored to have germinated
within the phials and the alembics of the guild’s laboratory. No one is certain, however, if the
noxious weed was intended for the canal, or if it accidently ended up in the water.
p A powerful formula carried all the way from Sheba by the young apprentice, Rylo, is stolen
by common thieves. he bone- and gold-wrought scroll case was then given as tribute to the
leader of the hieves Guild. he Heroes are asked by Rylo to ind the Guild and bring back the
formula before the thieves realize the true value inside the case.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he slums of Skotos, also known as the Haunted Ward, are said to be prowled by lean, hungry
shades that seem to remember when this area of the city was once a prosperous mercantile hub.
Presently, Skotos is a haven for gangs, secret cults, and a cadre of assassins willing to murder anyone
or anything if the price is right.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–5 6–13 14–16 17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
1. he Avenue Of Miracles 93
2. he Shamba 94 Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
3. he Tombs 94 Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
4. he Dueling Bridge 96
5. he Black Tower 96 -3 +5 -5 +5 Investigate/Search, Lore, Modes
6. he Harrowing Pit 97
City of the God-Kings
1. The Avenue Of Miracles
A dilapidated section of the city populated by criminals, lepers, beggars, and the inirmed,
the avenue is called a “pus-illed wound” on the otherwise grand face of Atlantis, avoided by most
folk and ignored by all. he area gets its name from pre-Cataclysm times when priests from many
religions gathered along the street to heal the sick and perform charitable works. he sick from all
over the Atlantean Empire would come to the street seeking help and with them came many con
men and thieves. After the great disaster, the priests no longer came to heal but the criminals and
the inirmed stayed. Now the avenue is a ruined neighborhood illed with the city’s lowest human
refuse. A miasmic yellow smoke hangs in the air along the avenue, giving the already drab buildings
a sickly hue. he avenue is ruled by vicious street gangs and a legion of beggars who adhere to their
own laws and customs.
O Macha, King of Beggars
Macha is known as the King of Beggars and lives in a two-story building just behind the avenue’s
main street. He is a sickly looking Netherman with weeping lesions on his face and a hunched back.
From the avenue he is said to control all the beggars in the city and collects a tithe from the alms
they earn every week. As an added bonus, his beggars also bring back information that he brokers
to other unsavory types. For the most part he accepts payment in coin, but sometimes enjoys the
hearts of high-born men.
O Ife
A short, plump woman with a smile made of pure sunshine and a voice that can carry a soul
to the seven heavens, Ife is a devout follower of Oba and helps the women and the children of the
avenue wherever she can. She believes that someday she will be rewarded for her great work and
blesses the kind and unkind alike.
O Meat Hooks
A crazed old Turan, blind in one eye and with hooks where his hand once were, Meat Hooks is
the most brutal enforcer in the area, but has a soft spot for any child under the age of ten.
p Ife sits on a stoop in front of a building, crying that a group of Nethermen erupted from
underneath the home’s basement and
kidnapped all the people inside (see the
Cannibal Kings). She says that her prayers
have delivered the PCs to her and their
help is needed.
p Macha wants to hire the PC with the
highest CHA and Inluence skill to
attend a party in order to provide
intelligence as to the layout of the
home. He will pay handsomely
for the information.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
2. The Shamba
he Shamba is a ield on the outskirts of Atlantis that is used to train fresh recruits eager to
enter the Black Guard. he Shamba includes barracks and stables for the housing of recruits and
their mounts.
he training is said to be the best in the world, with many seasoned Atlantean warriors teaching
there. he basic training to become a Black Guardsman lasts for three months and culminates with
a rite of passage inside a small abandoned neighborhood called the Crucible, which is walled on all
sides with a single gate for entry.
he initiation rules dictate that the recruit must go inside the enclosure and hunt three men and
subdue or kill them. he men are chosen from the gallows and given the promise of freedom and a
pardon if they can kill the guard trainee. hose that survive this last test are given their greaves and
initiated into the Black Guard as a full member.
O Akshasa the Wolf
Akshasa is one of the many sergeants responsible for training Atlantis’ future guards. Her lithe
frame is sheathed in scars and supple muscle. She keeps her hair shorn, wears a patch over one eye,
and habitually drills and exercises alongside her recruits. Akshasa is called “he Wolf ” because of
her penchant for howling when she trains her recruits.
O Hina
When this Balam was awarded her freedom, she requested to stay and sometimes enters the
Crucible as a participant; in the past 10 years, she has managed to walk freely from the gates
whenever she has entered. No one knows why she stays or how she chooses when to enter the
The Shamba is frequented by
Crucible. Some say she enters at the behest of the Black Guard to cull undesirable recruits while
a number of smaller merchants
others say she does so when the trainee is an ex-lover—no one knows for sure. he one thing that
peddling everything from water
is certain is that if she enters, the recruit will leave on his back.
to wine, from bread to dried
meats, from whores to gambling
marks. The merchants flow out Hooks
to the Shamba between drills, p A noble Atlantean wants his son to pass the Crucible and pays the PC with the best ighting
ebbing back to the city walls skills to take the place of the boy in the initiation rite.
when the soldiers begin to march
once more. From the walls, it is
not unlike watching the tide shift
3. The Tombs
to and fro.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar he Tombs were once crammed with the bodies of Atlantean nobility, but those graves have
long since been looted, and the bodies have turned to dust. he Tombs stand two stories above
ground and countless levels below—none know for sure how deep they go beneath the surface.
Many forgotten or abandoned corpses encased in amber litter the catacombs and crazed
whispers can be heard from dark alcoves. In a courtyard overrun with kudzu sits a large crystal
bowl illed with quicksilver and blood. It is said that on the full moon of every month, the souls of
the dispossessed and forgotten still residing in the Tombs coalesce into a single gestalt being that
rises from the bowl. Composed of animated blood and quicksilver, the entity leaves the area to
visit vengeance on the ancestors of those that have forgotten them. his is considered an old wives’
tale told to scare children, since no evidence of a bowl itting that description has ever been found
anywhere in the Tombs.
O Shai, the Lonely Twins
hese conjoined twins welded together at the hip are an exquisitely beautiful pair—one boy and
one girl from fabled Khemit. hey were brought to Atlantis in a cage while still very young after
their family sold them to a slaver. It was believed that their condition was a divine curse for some
transgression that occurred either just before or just after their birth. Between them they share one
name and the same appetite for men, but the two could not be more diferent.
he Lonely Twins haunted the brothels and pleasure palaces of Karthago for many years.
hrough guile, charm, and brute determination, the Twins procured their freedom for themselves,
City of the God-Kings
and they have built for themselves a sanctuary within the forgotten tombs of Atlantis’ founding
fathers. hey have jointly become the co-leaders of a crime syndicate called the League of Sun and
Moon that rivals the smuggler Quai Xing’s in power.
O Kobal
Kobal is the Shai’s ruthless Khemite enforcer. He is also the lover of both twins, which has
caused a bit of friction and consternation among the threesome that sometimes becomes quite
public. These Tombs were looted
during the Cataclysm, but the
earthquakes and upheavals hid
quite a few of them beneath the
p he siblings were brought into Atlantis by smuggler kingpin, Quai Xing. Above all else, they earth. Every few years a noble
wish to punish him for the misery that he visited upon them during their voyage from their family will discover records
ancient city. hey will aid and reward any PC willing to help them in stopping Quai Xing. of a forgotten tomb in their
family archives and go looking
for their ancestor’s grave. The
Lonely Twins are only too happy
to provide protection for such
digs; after all, the old city can
be a dangerous place for those
without protection….
halmia, Triton Sorceress
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
4. The Dueling Bridge
In the District of Skotos spanning a canal is a bridge called the Dueling Bridge or the Bridge
of Blood. he bridge is painted bright red and yellow, and adorned with carvings representing
the god Shango. At the western side of the bridge is a large, meter-wide and two-meter-deep
brass bowl. Only on this bridge is it lawful for a foreigner to kill an Atlantean, and only during
a sanctioned honor duel. Duels fought on the bridge are said to be seen by Shango, and all who
ight honorable duels there are blessed by the god. hose killed on the bridge are left to rot in the
open and the victor must ofer the smallest inger of his left hand to the god as a price for the
privilege of being seen. he ingers left in the bowl over the years are never touched for
fear of reprisal by the god; priests tend and order the corpses so that traic can
pass freely across the bridge. In the last few years the bowl has become
almost full and no one knows what will happen when bones start
to overlow.
O Folami
A priestess of Shango and mother of Cassander of
the Colloquium, Folami is always present at a duel and
venerates those that die in the pursuit of honor.
O Obimpe
Obimpie is a very colorfully dressed Atlantean
who enjoys watching the battles that take place on
the bridge. If he inds righteous merit in the man or
woman who fought there and won, he will suggest
that he knows people who may be able to use his
or her talents in a virtuous cause. He will give
them a few Gold Lotus coins (+1 Treasure) and
tell him or her to talk to Salu at the House of the
Shrinking Violet in Inanda. Secretly, Obimpe is
Lanre of the Atlantean Ruling Council in disguise
(see he Atlantean Ruling Council).
p A rich noble asks the bravest and most renowned PC to ight an honor duel in the place of his
feckless son as his son’s champion. He will reward the PC with anything they wish, up to the
price of a small merchant ship. he opponent is the father of the young lover the son killed
in a it of passion. he father is blessed by the priest of Oya to win this day unless the son is
turned over for punishment.
p One of the PCs inds a blood relative dead on the bridge, killed in a duel. he duel was with
another PC’s Relationship Disadvantage.
City of the God-Kings
O Nigral
A northern Hyborean-born Lemurian vagrant roams the area around the tower and says she is
the voice of the Black hing. She is a foul, old woman covered in matted, mangy hair and smells
of bad wine and waste.
O he Goad
An old man with strange markings upon his face lingers within the vicinity of the Harrowing
Pit and engages anyone whom he encounters in conversation. “I have seen it”, he will say. “I once
attended to it in that cavernous dark. It must be rescued from its sufering”.
O Savosh
A small, crippled boy orphaned at birth during one of the many slave revolts, Savosh drags one
useless leg behind him as he begs for alms and does odd errands to survive. Savosh is rumored to
have a knack with spirit talking and has knowledge of the spirit world that rivals the great Atlantean
p One of the PCs sufers visions of a great beast
bound and chained beneath Atlantis. hey
feel the vast chains that coil about it like
steel serpents, as well as the jagged hooks
which perforate its lesh. hey shudder
when the audience presents itself and
the torturer administers pain by
manipulating a series of spidery levers.
hey watch those serrated hooks bite
and tear through the beast’s rubbery
hide and groan as it roars in agony
and its blood is caught in runnels and
gutters. Etiolated Atlanteans garbed
in the inest attire swoon as the beast’s
vast tentacles thrash through the
darkness and its agonies threaten to
grind the stone chamber to dust.
hen, as the creature’s fresh wounds
weep, they bend and lap its blood
with their ilthy tongues. he hooks
then retreat as the great creature
gurgles, and the spectators tear their
clothes from their bodies and reveal
the changes that have taken root
in their physiognomy. Perhaps the
drunken Goad will solve some of
the mysteries that perplex the PCs.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
hapsus is populated by artisans of all types who spend their waking hours honing their crafts
and selling the fruits of their labor. It is a commodious district of humble, hardworking individuals
who take pride in their work.
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–8 9 10–13 14–19 20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
+5 +0 +5 +0 Disable Mechanism,
Handicraft, Perform
City of the God-Kings
1. Zorikos’ Emporium
Anyone interested in procuring an exquisite blade will ind none better than the swords hanging
in Zorikos’ Emporium. Zorikos’ nondescript smithy is nestled within the artisan section of hapsus.
His bellows ire night and day, and it is not uncommon to see Zorikos cooling of outside the
doors of his establishment. Zorikos is a master blade-smith, and he is known to be quite a gifted
swordsman as well. he waiting list for one of Zorikos’ blades is long, but his patrons are willing to
pay exorbitantly high prices to obtain one of his exquisite swords.
Zorikos’ blades are worth the
Personas wait and the price. They seem to
be sharper than other blades and
O Zorikos easier to handle. However, one of
Zorikos is a handsome man with dark hair and keen, blue eyes. Despite his trade, he is his sons, I forget which, publicly
surprisingly slight and graceful. Anyone who has shaken his hand, however, will attest that his grip offered to buy back any of his
is as tight as a vice. blades that failed their wielder
in a duel. This led to a spate of
O Zorikos, Zorik, and Zori duels and assaults throughout the
Zorikos’ three sons have taken over more of the work, now that their father is starting to age and city and beyond as unscrupulous
the long days in the heat are starting to take their toll. Like their father, the three boys are handsome Atlantean louts tried to best one
and charismatic. heir father often chides them for spending too much time ogling the ladies who another and claim a Zorikosian
pass the entrance to their esteemed shop, but he is proud of them. blade. Pfagh. Fools, all of them.
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
p If the PCs visit Zorikos’ shop, they will ind Zorikos alone and distraught. It seems that his
three sons have all fallen for the same woman, and they have not ceased quarrelling with one
another as they strive to determine which of them will win the lady’s hand in marriage. What
Zorikos and his sons do not know is that the girl is a courtesan hired by a rival smith who
intends to put the old swordsman out of business.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Zamelek, a crisscross of narrow streets and teetering slums, is a haven for artists, musicians, and
poets. Although a fair amount of crime still occurs within this impoverished district, it has, over
the last few years, improved in many ways, and has started to attract young professionals who are
driving the cost of living up for the bleeding hearts that have lived there in relative obscurity for
Random Encounter Chart (roll for encounter)
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–17 18–20
Strange Skullduggery Routine Sublime Intrigue
Chart Modiiers (used to modify rolls on the chosen Random Encounter chart above)
Wonder Danger Grandeur Reticence Skill Bonus
City of the God-Kings
1. The Sedekai
he Sedekai, the dormitory of Atlantis’ brotherhood of beggars, is located in a moldering section
of Zamelek. he Sedekai practice their venerable trade openly, and quite proudly.
O Melum
Melum is a toothless, old beggar who has panhandled for as long as anyone can remember. His The Sedekai beggars also
skin is tanned and creased, and stretches across his bones so tightly that he resembles a skeleton. encompass a number of
charlatans who exaggerate, or
sometimes outright fabricate,
O Belly Punch Talia their injuries, illnesses, and
A ilthy foul-mouthed woman who begs loudly on the streets, Talia is very loud and obnoxious debilities. I have heard that in
and is never given alms out of pity but just to get her to go away. If she feels slighted in any way she addition to begging, they also
will ind some way to humiliate her target with a verbal lashing. do a brisk trade in blackmail, and
that the Sedekai dormitory is but
Hooks a façade hiding a treasure trove
of secret wealth.
p he beggars are the true eyes and ears of Atlantis. In point of fact, it is often asserted that the
Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
Sedekai were once informants working for the Sea Lord. Fact or iction, any Black Guardsman
worth his salt is friendly to the beggars he encounters during his patrols. One such beggar,
Hakim, swears that he’s spied strange creatures lurking in the passages beneath the city.
p Macha, the King of Beggars, wants the PCs to discredit the beggars of Sedekai.
O Jingo
Jingo is a human who frequently boasts that his nose is a match for any Andaman’s. While this
may be an exaggeration, his bargaining skill is beyond compare. Whether he is talking a noble out
of a fortune in gold, or convincing the harbor master into turning a blind eye to an illegal shipment,
the Perfumers Guild could not exist as a respected entity without his silver tongue.
O Metos
Metos is an Atlantean olfactologist who has made his life’s work the study of smell. He is a
master of distilling the essences of any plant; he frequently tries his hand at applying the same
principles to other materials, with some success. Perfumes made by his hand are said to be so
efective that their efects seem supernatural.
p he PCs are approached by a guild member who wishes to have the PCs
liberate some cargo from a guild ship before its contents are inventoried
by either Jingo or the harbor master. he box he wishes them to steal
is illed with lotus lowers pressed between sheets of translucent glass.
hey have been dipped in luid from the venom sacks of giant spiders,
which is not lethal when ingested or smelled, only when handled.
p A guild member wishes two of the PCs to stage a love story in the
market, extolling the virtues of a rare and expensive perfume he has
for sale as a form of “aggressive marketing”. A rich Atlantean is so
taken with their performance, and believes it so thoroughly, that he
spends a substantial fortune on the guild member’s entire supply. he
Atlantean noble is rejected by his love and wages war on the Perfumers
Guild. He enlists the PCs as allies if they confess it was only a job and
includes them in his wrath if they refuse to aid him.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
A. The Canals
he canals are marvels of megalithic construction. Each canal has its own private docking
facilities, as well as small harbors located within the middle of each canal. he harbor areas may be
utilized by small crafts. A toll of 1 Gold Lotus per meter in length of craft is levied upon all vessels
The canals are the only way entering a canal. Taxis in the form of gondolas may be hired as well.
to travel in Atlantis. The waters
are crystal-clear, purified by Personas
Vril matrices, and the mosaics
are regularly cleaned by city O Euthiphrus the Dragon
workers. Notably, there are no he Dragon is in charge of the constabulary that patrols the waters of the canals. his aged
fish or other aquatic life forms in Atlantean has overseen the traic on the canals for decades, and is revered and hated in equal
the city canals; the Vril energies measure.
that clean the waters also make it
unappealing to animal life. Hooks
halmia, Triton Sorceress
p he waters of the canals have recently been invaded by vegetation. his vegetation has begun
to crawl and climb from the dark waters and is starting to coil around buildings and stone
outcroppings. he city magnates have attempted to remove the vegetation, but the plants grow
back as fast as they are cut. Worse still, attempts to burn the vegetation produce a noxious odor
that sickens all who inhale it. Some in the city suspect the strange vegetation is possessed by
a malign intelligence, and that it intends to choke the life out of Atlantis. he PCs are asked
to seek out any references to this bizarre plant within the depths of the Colloquium, and, if
possible, help rid the city of its menace.
O Xerxemones
Xerxemones is the Lemurian engineer tasked with maintaining the bridges. He can be seen
propelling himself across the bridges’ Vril-lit canopies with his massive arms.
p Xerxemones has uncovered a plot to destroy one of the Elephantine Bridges, and suspects that
some rogue element within the Black Guard or some other group masterminds this conspiracy.
Consequently, Xerxemones asks the PCs for assistance.
City of the God-Kings
C. The Undercity
Part of the original city during the First Age, the undercity was originally used by slaves to run
errands so as not to be seen by “decent” folk. he warrens run the length of the city, with some
tunnels running under the harbors to outlying islands. Even during the First Age, the tunnels
were dangerous and looding or collapses were common. Food storage, livestock barns, vaults,
storerooms, and many workshops were housed below so that every piece of land in the city could
be used by the Atlanteans in their personal pursuits. Most First Age homes had an entryway into
the undercity, but after the Cataclysm most were walled over and forgotten. The Atlanteans pay the
Lemurians quite well to maintain
Today the tunnels are overrun with vermin, the disenfranchised, and unspeakable horrors of a
the architecture of their empire,
bygone age.
yet they heed not our warnings
concerning the Ophidians
Personas and the ultimate threat they
O Naul represent. One wonders exactly
Naul is the self-proclaimed protector of the poor and disenfranchised. A burly Atlantean that how far trust goes.
rumors say was a noble that turned his back on his station and all that it entailed, Naul is branded Caerwyn, Lemurian Scholar
with the sigil of Ochosi across his face and wears scraps of armor and noble robes. In his right hand
he holds a small wooden stick called the Will of Law, and anyone he smites with it burns with
divine judgment for their sins.
O Candy Kayode
A young thief that lives in the warrens and brags that he is the Prince of hieves, Candy grew
up in the undercity and knows all its ins and outs.
p he dispossessed and the indigent that live in the undercity are said to behave strangely. hose
that know these people say they are not the same as they were. Most have strange hungers and
cannot face the rays of the sun without screaming in pain.
p It’s rumored that a black obsidian mirror rests in a cave in the undercity and any who look into
the mirror will be transported to the Underworld.
p he Black Guard currently has its back to the wall. Rival gangs of child urchins are currently
at war. Someone or something recently attempted to burn down the Ketenangan. Worse still,
the guardsmen are beginning to hear rumors that children are being devoured in the dead of
night by a dark thing that lurks somewhere in the shadows.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Nothing extraordinary or particularly exciting happens today. Nothing further need be rolled.
Odd occurrences, encounters, and sights. he strange things the Heroes encounter are unique and should be tailored to the group. Going
back to the same location will not give the Hero the same encounters and are as mercurial as the Elder Gods’ dreams.
Roll Encounter
-0 Roll on the Sublime Chart.
1 All refuse and animal waste will move out of the Hero’s path, leaving the street clear and clean.
2 All Vril glass in the area will light up changing to the color to correspond with the highest Ātman the Hero has. he glass will only light up if
the Hero has 20 Renown or more.
3 A First Age parade device will activate. All lamps that the Hero passes will announce her name, land of origin, and occupation in the most regal
manner. his happens only to the Hero with the highest Air Ātman in the group.
4 he rooster on the tavern sign above the Hero will animate and jump from the sign to shoo the Hero away.
5 he Heroes walk through a fog. Ask the player whose Hero has the highest Void Ātman to make a Con roll versus a DoD-10. Whether or not
she is successful or fails, look at the chart and chuckle then carry on with the game. he Hero sufers no ill efect.
6 An old, dilapidated, First Age puppet-show box will start to work, showing the news of the day. People of note will be parodied by puppets that
look like them and anyone watching who makes a comment are answered with tinny sarcasm and playful insults.
7 he Hero with the highest Air Ātman sees a ghost standing behind him in any relection he looks at while walking through the area. he spirit
obviously wants or needs something.
8 A humble mouse will bring the Hero with the highest Earth Ātman something they lost in the past and have been searching for. If the mouse
is rewarded it will scurry away, but if it is not it will bite the Hero. he Hero catches a random disease.
9 A First Age street-cleaning device is running amok in the streets, consuming all the rifraf (not Atlanteans, but actual trash and ilth) and
depositing it in a nearby cesspool. he device has an Ability Level of 15, 50 Hit Points, and grapples opponents. It can make 4 simultaneous
attacks to “clean” and does so with a combination of tendrils and brooms. It can grab 6 human-sized things before it must return to the cesspool.
10 A man falls out of the sky dressed in a hair shirt. He dusts himself of, asks any Hero standing near for a drink, thanks them, and then walks
of mumbling about never doing that again….
11 A cistern will bubble and then overlow with wine as the First Age device at the bottom of it starts to work for a day. At the end of the day any
wine that’s left will turn into vinegar, ruining the water supply for a week.
12 Rats in the area will assist the Hero as needed for a day, but in exchange at the end of this time will swarm him and eat and drink all his
consumables (potions, food, poisons, and livestock…yes, his horse, too).
13 he Heroes walk through a fog that changes them for a day. he Heroes all have empyrean lames above their head (size determined by the
amount of Empyrean Ātman) and the Heroes gain Hero Points equal to ive times their Empyrean Ātman. he Hero Points must be used within
24 hours or they are lost along with the lame above their heads.
14 A First Age lamp in the area will malfunction, shooting bolts of Vril energy at any living creature within a 20-meter area. he bolts will be
attracted to the person with the highest MR Attribute, doing damage equal to DR10 + the victim’s MR. he bolts have a +10 to hit their targets.
15 An old mirror set in an alley wall will catch a Hero’s eye. he Hero gains +5 Hero Points that can only be used for social purposes. Anyone else
who looks into the mirror after the Hero gains the irst Hero’s External Disadvantage until the granted Hero Points are used.
16 he Hero with the highest Air Ātman will start to smell of fragrant lowers. In his or her footsteps, small colorful lowers will grow making him
or her easy to track. In addition, the Hero’s CHA will increase by +5. All efects last for a number of hours equal to the Hero’s CHA (minimum
of one hour).
17 Firelies will gather like a crown around the Hero with the highest Water Ātman. She will be regarded as an Atlantean noble no matter what
she really is. She will be given every courtesy and privilege aforded to her noble born status. his will last for a day and a night. he next day
the Hero will have a swarm of roaches carpet her feet and the area around her, and she will be regarded as the vilest thing on the Earth for those
24 hours.
18 he puddle in front of the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman starts to glow. If he steps into the puddle he will be transported to the edge
of the city, stripped of all his belongings. His belongings will fall to the ground at the original puddle.
19 A ghostly procession of nobles walks down the street, throwing ethereal lowers and coins at the common man. At the end of the procession,
the Heroes see phantom versions of their Relationship Disadvantages being dragged and logged. he phantoms scream and plead to the Heroes
for help.
20 he puddle in front of the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman starts to glow. If he steps into the puddle he will gain +3 to all his Attributes.
he beneit will last until he rolls a natural 1–5 on the dice or until the puddle dries in the midday sun, whichever comes irst.
21+ Hero rolls twice and combines the two results!
City of the God-Kings
he city of Atlantis can be a dangerous place to those that are always looking up at the impressive towers and the grand colonnades. Eyes
awed by the city’s wonders are unaware of the low men ready to bilk and plunder.
Roll Encounter
1 he Heroes witness the unlawful hanging of someone they know. Upon his body is a note full of lies and slander about the person. he letter
will be signed with one of the Hero’s names.
2 A gang of angry teenaged boys led by an old woman wants the Heroes to join its mob of children so that it can go show the woman’s
philandering lover a “lesson”.
3 he Hero with the highest Earth Ātman is ofered +2 Treasure to hold a youth still while a merchant chops of his hand for stealing. he youth
pleads his innocence and begs for mercy.
4 he Black Guard ines the Hero with the highest Water Ātman for some slight or imaginary infraction. hose that don’t pay in coin will pay
in blood.
5 he Hero with the highest Void Ātman encounters his or her Relationship Disadvantage and the encounter is not pleasant.
6 he Heroes round the corner and ind themselves in the middle of an ongoing gang war between two gangs.
7 A drunken man steps out of a tavern and into the streets. He rips of his shirt and ofers to ight anyone foolish enough to mess with Bion
“Boar Belly” Coal. If anyone takes him up on the ofer, he vomits and passes out before the ight begins.
8 A ilthy young man will ofer the Heroes a baby for money. He says he cannot take care of the child and wants a better life for her. No matter
the outcome he will leave and as soon as he is gone another man will round the corner looking for his newborn daughter!
9 he Heroes witness a man being dragged through an open grate by a wild-eyed humanoid with iled teeth. he man screams, “hey will eat
me alive!”
10 A pocket is picked if a PER + Sleight of Hand versus a DoD-10 is failed. Lose +1 Treasure. If the Hero possesses no Treasure, he has a -2 on
his next Wealth roll. his happens to the Hero with the lowest Void Ātman.
11 Members of Shango’s Auxiliary confront the Heroes in the street and ofer to spar. If the Heroes refuse they are assaulted with humiliating jeers
and lose 5 Renown. If they accept and beat the youths, the gang promises revenge of the most permanent kind.
12 A drunken Atlantean lord will stumble from a brothel and accuse the Hero with the highest Void Ātman of stealing his purse. he Black Guard
in the area will take action!
13 Several Black Guardsmen are beating a foreign child in the street for stepping on the hem of an Atlantean woman’s dress. For each “stripe” the
Black Guardsmen raise on the youth’s back, the guardsmen is given a gold coin by the noble.
14 A group of young men and women are awed by the Heroes and invite them to a feast in their honor. hey are invited to return the next night
as honored guests. he young men and women (see the Kindly Ones gang) seem genuinely enamored with the Heroes, and ofer them food
and wine over the course of a week. On the last day of the week, the wine will be drugged with a sleeping potion: CON versus a DoD-10 to
resist. hose that fail will awake in a large garden naked and without belongings. Above them on a wall will be the children all betting on who
will die irst. Just then a gut-churning growl will issue from the far trees….
15 Ambushed by a gang of 12 young children no older than 10 years; they mean to kill the Heroes and take their belongings. For each child that
is killed, all Heroes lose 10 Renown. If the children are reasoned with, they can be bribed with a Wealth roll DoD+0 to leave. he children
all have Ability Level 5 and 10 Hit Points.
16 he Heroes round a corner and see a press gang taking the poor of the streets and throwing them in a slave cart. hey say they get a silver
coin per able body they bring to the market.
17 A pocket is picked if a PER + Sleight of Hand versus a DoD-15 is failed. Lose +1 Treasure. If the Hero possesses no Treasure, he has a -2 on
his next Wealth roll. his happens to the Hero with the lowest Void Ātman.
18 A group of skeevy, hooded igures point gnarled ingers at the party’s magic user or priest and yell, “hat one. Take her alive!” he Blackadders
gang will target any magic-using or priestly Heroes and try to kidnap them for a dark sacriice.
19 A merchant noble is walking with several courtesans down the main avenue and is set upon by several assassins who disembowel him and
escape. he dismayed courtesans look at one another, then pull out small knives to each cut a ringed inger from the fat noble’s hands and
run of.
20 Assassins are sent by the thing in the Black Tower to kill the Heroes.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
he city of Atlantis is full of delights and wonders that ill the heart with happiness. he multicultural nature of the city allows many
diferent peoples to know and love one another.
Roll Encounter
-0 Roll on the Strange Chart.
1 Walk through a steady stream of blood running from the neighborhood butcher’s home. Where the stream touches the living,
butterlies appear and ly away.
2 Hit by the contents of a chamber pot as you walk by.
3 A beggar ofers the Hero with the highest Water Ātman the service of his young child as an assistant for a day. In return, the Hero
must pay the beggar +1 Treasure or use one Wealth roll. he child is clever and will allow the Hero to make one critical reroll.
4 he laughter of a child from an upstairs window gives everyone who hears it 2 Hero Points that must be spent before the sun
5 he Heroes walk through a spider web that smells like candy. All day children smile when they are near the Heroes.
6 he Heroes see a great warrior throw of his armor to become a man of peace. All his belongings he ofers to anyone he deems
7 he twinkle in an old man’s eyes ills the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman with delight. hat Hero gains Hero Points
equal to his CHA+3 and everyone he speaks to that day gains half as many. he Hero may only bestow this gift once on any given
person and all Hero Points must be used by the next sunrise or they are lost.
8 A goat in a cage will tell the Hero with the highest Water Ātman a secret that will help him in his quest. Once done speaking,
the goat’s owner will arrive and take the goat to the butcher for slaughter.
9 A street vendor selling spiced meat tries to sell some to a Hero. he irst one to buy it will have the most delicious kabob ever.
he meat is so tender and juicy that it heals 6 Hit Points of damage. Other kabobs bought from the vendor will be equally as
good but provide no other beneit.
10 A group of street performers surrounds the Heroes, throwing lower petals, glitter, and colorful streams of paper. hey dance and
perform in front of the Heroes for several minutes. At the end, a woman comes out of the crowd and asks the Heroes to name
her child.
11 he Heroes are ofered a meal in the home of an Atlantean noble. hey are treated with respect and aforded every courtesy.
12 he Hero with the highest CHA is given a golden laurel to wear in her head by a young blind girl. While she wears it she will
be protected by the goddess Oya and gains the Dominion Access Talent. he laurel will glow for a number of days equal to the
Hero’s CHA (minimum of one) and then its luster will fade and be worth +3 Treasure.
13 A young traveling minstrel follows the Heroes for several blocks, never confronting them or saying a word. he next time the
Heroes frequent a tavern they will see the minstrel singing a heroic ballad of their exploits. All Heroes gain Renown equal to
three times their CHA (minimum of 3).
14 he Hero with the highest DEX will catch a baby that accidently falls out of a three-story window. he mother will thank the
Hero profusely and ofer the group a hearty meal. Gain 4 Glory for the catching Hero and 2 for anyone with her.
15 he Hero will witness the ritual cleansing of several youths going into the priesthood of Obabtala.
16 A young man or woman gets the attention of the Hero with the lowest Void Ātman and ofers them a pouch they say dropped
from their belt. hat Hero receives +3 Treasure.
17 A cloud forms above the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman and rains gold down upon him. +2 Treasure for everyone
within the area.
18 An apple falls from a tree and hits the Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman on the head. hat Hero gains Hero Points equal
to twice his Empyrean Ātman. he Hero Points must be used within three days or they are lost.
19 he Hero steps in something that makes his footprints direct in the opposite direction.
20 A Hero is asked for alms by a beggar who turns out to be a god/goddess on holiday. If they give alms, they are given a magical
21+ Hero rolls twice and combines the two results!
City of the God-Kings
he city of Atlantis is full of secrets.
Roll Encounter
1 A street urchin sneaks a note into the pocket of the Hero with the highest Earth Ātman. he note is from the Hero’s Relationship
2 A Hero with the highest Void Ātman inds a note among her belongings asking for help in the recovery of a fabulous treasure.
he note includes a map but is dated two weeks ago.
3 A Hero with the highest Empyrean Ātman is revisited by an aspect of his Childhood Encounter.
4 he Heroes stumble upon two lovers arguing and one looks to the Hero with the highest Water Ātman to back them in a lie.
5 he Hero with the highest Air Ātman inds a large black pearl. In the moonlight, the pearl projects a map to a building that
doesn’t exist in the city of Atlantis. Suddenly a group of hooded men appears and one exclaims, “here! We’ve found the pearl!”
he men will stop at nothing to retrieve the pearl.
6 A group of young heroes are overheard complaining about being hired and not paid for their services. hey ask the Heroes for
advice and help in getting their rewards.
7 Someone is using the name of the Hero with the highest Renown to commit heinous crimes in the city.
8 he ghost of a former lover appears to speak against the current lover of a Hero. he secrets the ghost speaks are ruinous to the
new lover.
9 A rich, old noble mistakes the Hero with the highest CHA for their child. hey are asked to visit the palatial estate and are
lavished with gifts. he Major Domo of the home does not believe the Hero is the scion and will stop at nothing to prove the
10 he Hero with the highest Void Ātman is mistaken for another and given a scroll with a royal seal. he scroll holds information
of great importance to a foreign empire.
11 A stolen treasure map falls into the hands of the Hero with the highest Void Ātman. hose seeking the map are close behind.
12 A song about the Hero with the highest Earth Ātman is being sung in all the markets and squares. he songs tell of her exploits
(which are true) and how she embarrassed and stole from a wealthy crime lord (not true). he crime lord wants an explanation.
13 he Hero with the highest Void Ātman overhears someone talking about the demise of a wealthy Orixa priest.
14 he Hero with the highest Fire Ātman is knocked down by a leeing child. In a panic, the child asks the Hero to hold a small
pouch and as soon as it changes hands the child is arrested by guards who take the child away.
15 he Heroes overhear one of Chamkosee’s high-ranking members talking secretly to an oicial with the Brotherhood of Orunmila.
he Orunmila oicial hands the young man a bag of coins and both smile.
16 he Hero with the noblest heart has his good name besmirched in a public square.
17 A furious father is dragging his pregnant daughter through the street until they confront the Heroes. he one with the lowest
Void Ātman is pointed out by the weeping girl and the father draws his sword.
18 he Heroes are approached on the street by Saprus, the chief lieutenant of the Golden Palm. He tells the Heroes that Dungolo
wants to speak to them about a recent artifact that has gone missing and is in their possession.
19 he Heroes accidently hear a conversation in an alleyway about the murder of the king. If the Heroes investigate, they see a
noble talking to a hooded Naga.
20 A very popular and high-ranking Atlantean noble is found in a compromising position by the Heroes and he will either buy
their secrecy or kill them. he noble has performed or been involved in something so blasphemous, vile, or criminal that it
would ruin him. If the Heroes agree to keep the secret, they will all be awarded +5 Treasure, but if they want to see justice done,
the next night assassins will prowl the streets with the Heroes’ names on their lips.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
The Powers of Atlantis
Adetokunbo (fire)
Atlantean Female Scholar
The Atlantean
Ruling Council
he city of Atlantis is ruled Adetokunbo is a small, bitter woman born to the noble house of Gadirea and great aunt to its
by a council of six who defer to Prince. he woman is known as the Iron Crone for her manic and insane tirades against anything
the Lord of All Seas A.K.A. the non-Atlantean, and how it is tainting and ruining Atlantean culture. She is a burning bag of
King of Atlantis. he council privileged hate and wants nothing more than to crush all lesser beings and put them in their proper
is appointed by ten Princes of place. Although she realizes the value and worth of the other races, she sees them as nothing more
Atlantis in a secret ballot and than tools to facilitate the Atlantean way of life. Adetokunbo is never seen without her two brass
members govern as long as they automaton, a scarab beetle painted blue and encrusted with lapis and a handsome male gilded in
are able or until they lose all favor orichalcum. he two constructs are family heirlooms and her personal and loyal bodyguards.
with the King or the Princes.
Adetokunbo wants to dominate the economics of Atlantis and, through that, its politics. Her
bigotry is insatiable and nothing would please her more than seeing all non-Atlanteans removed
from the Golden City and placed in ghettos outside. his would allow the Atlanteans to reclaim
every warren of the Golden City for Atlantean blood.
he Iron Crone is placing a stranglehold on foreign merchants, imposing unreasonable tarifs on
all goods not Atlantean. Her plan is to economically dominate the world and reclaim the position
of power Atlantis once held. She believes what was lost by the military can be salvaged through
economic power—“Choke them with good Atlantean coins!” she is fond of saying.
As for the problem of non-Atlanteans living in her wonderful and abundant land, she believes
that the wealth of the golden land only belongs to the Atlanteans whom the Orixa saw it to bless
there. No other race or nation can rival the strength and power of Atlantis and none should be
allowed to drink of its overlowing cup. he world was created by Olódùmarè to serve the Atlantean
people and only them—all other races and peoples are there to serve.
Adetokunbo is buying up orphaned human slaves and raising them on a large plantation south
of the city in hopes of breeding out any culture and creating a race of debased beings deprived of
any hunger for free will or self-expression. Her mad scheme is even too much for most Atlanteans,
and as she grows older and increasingly bitter she is alienating those who may once have agreed
with her.
he old woman hates the young poet Ekundayo, and believes his liberal talk of brotherly love
and strength through diversity is weakening Atlantis. She has openly told the young man that his
blood is weak and that she would relish the chance to eat his heart. As another afront to Ekundayo,
she has suggested in a public address to Atlanteans during the Gift of the Sea King festival that the
boy be washed out to sea and given as a gift to his beloved poor.
Gbemisola causes the old woman no end of consternation. A human sitting on the Ruling
Council raises her ire everywhere when the group meets. She is vexed that the human seems
unlappable and impervious to her verbal barbs and racial epithets. On several occasions, she has
tried to discredit the woman, even going so far as trying to have her son kidnapped and deported
to Ophir.
City of the God-Kings
Amadi (earth)
Atlantean Male Warrior
Known as the Sword of Dawn, Amadi is said to be the most beautiful man in Atlantis.
It is rumored he died the day he was born as his heart stopped two minutes after his
birth. he youth grew into a strong and handsome Atlantean who joined the military and
graduated at the top of his class at the Kadesh Military Academy in Diaprepea. he hero
prides himself on never having his skin split grievously or a scar to blemish his perfect
skin. Since his days as an active military leader, Amadi has retired to the Golden City
and become the chief overseer of the Osorapean Guard.
Amadi is known as much for his scandals as his ighting ability. he Sword of
Dawn has an appetite for handsome young men and many noble sons have fallen
prey to his amorous entreaties. His greatest scandal and the one that persecutes him to
this day involved a Tamoanchan dancer named Kybul Vayn who was touring Atlantis.
Kybul’s dancing abilities were god-like and he was soon the talk of Atlantis and asked
by the Atlantean nobles for many private performances. his was no small feat since
Kybul was a low-born human slave with no formal training. Amadi became infatuated
with the young man and the two fell in love; for several weeks the two were inseparable.
During a performance, the young man severely broke his leg and could never again
perform at the level he once could. Luckily he had amassed so much wealth that he no
longer needed to entertain. Without his dancing ability Amadi‘s love for him waned and
the youth was so heartbroken that he took his own life. he shocking news spread like
wildire through the Atlantean community, but Amadi found out weeks later after arriving
home from a debauch in Hesperia. Since then Amadi has tried to bury the guilt he feels
over Kybul’s death with one scandalous relationship after another.
Amadi’s most prevalent enemies are his free-wagging tongue, unsympathetic jibes at
others, and his hedonistic lifestyle. Although Amadi knows when to hold his tongue, he loves to
use his wit to make those around him feel like lesser beings or diminished in some way.
In his capacity as the chief overseer of the Black Guard, Amadi concerns himself with the safety
of the Atlantean people. He has an extensive network of informants throughout the city and uses
the information to keep all his enemies of balance.
hrough his many contacts, Amadi has recently discovered information concerning Gbemisola
and the reason she left Ophir. Although he could care less the reasons for her departure, he plays a
game to manipulate her. He has even gone so far as to ask for one of her more attractive sons as an
“indentured servant” once he reaches adulthood.
Amadi dislikes Adetokunbo because she is a bitter old woman. He admires her honesty but
hates the ugly way the bitter crone uses her wealth to manipulate policy. He believes that the former
glory of Atlantis will be found in the beauty of art and war.
Gbemisola he sees as an opportunist who has no business on the Ruling Council. He doesn’t
hate her but enjoys watching her panic and pushes her to see how far he can go before she breaks.
Mojisola is hated because he feels some unease around her, and although she is outwardly
beautiful she is rotten to the core. Of all the members of the Ruling Council, he inds her to be the
biggest threat. At every opportunity he will make remarks about her waning beauty and comments
on how pretty she must have been when younger.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Ekundayo (water)
Atlantean Male Saint
Ekundayo is the son of one of the wealthiest noble houses in Atlantis. His father was the owner
of the largest merchant leet before he was killed at sea by Makara near Sheba. At the age of eleven,
Ekundayo became lord of his household and by ifteen he had proved himself capable. Today, the
eighteen-year old man who sits on the Ruling Council of the city is quiet, compassionate, and a
poet without measure.
Ekundayo is loved for his small wisdom and enduringly empathetic spirit. he young man
champions the indigent and dispossessed of the city and feels a kinship with the downtrodden.
Ekundayo has been known to walk without guards in the most dangerous parts of the city,
unmolested and beloved.
Ekundayo seems to be a very sensitive young man who believes that the world can be a better
place. He uses his dwindling wealth to champion humanitarian causes and wants nothing more
than a city free of terror, murder, and deprivation. To this end, the young Atlantean uses his
monetary inluence to fund schools in the poorer districts. Ekundayo’s causes have made the man
unpopular with other Atlanteans who do not understand why he would spend his wealth to help
the poor and, more importantly, non-Atlantean. Some believe it is just a passing game that the boy
enjoys, while others see it as dangerous and are willing to kill him to see it stopped.
In recent months, Ekundayo has been searching for a young woman he met in the Hollows.
he Jinn woman touched his heart and when he has a spare moment he spends it in search of the
lovely young nymph. More and more of his time in the coming months will be spent looking for
the woman who stole his heart, and his humanitarian pursuits will dwindle.
Most rich nobles of Atlantis dislike the young man and some want to see his liberal agenda go
away. For his part, the only person that he feels any sort of anger towards is Adetokunbo, whom he
considers harsh and selish. He cannot understand her anger and destructive passions.
City of the God-Kings
Gbemisola (air)
Ophiran Human Female Emissary
he only human to sit on the Ruling Council hails from the city of Khair. Gbemisola
is a dark-skinned, white-haired woman with ebony eyes and a disarming smile. She is a
scholar who sat on the Ruling Council in her homeland, was exiled by her husband, and
found her way to the home of a distant Atlantean relative. In the twenty years that she
has lived in the city she has served as a minor functionary and through constant hard
work has become a member of the ruling body. During her time in Atlantis she is only
one of a very special few who has seen the king in the last twenty years and bears a
brand of the Osorapis Bull burnt into the center of her forehead from the encounter
(see page 326 of the core book – Symbol of Atlantis).
Gbemisola is an intelligent woman with a deep pool of knowledge and wonderful
speaking voice. She is a level-headed negotiator that works tirelessly to bring all sides of a
conlict to the table. he woman, who is also known as the Singing Finch for the singsong
way she speaks, seems to be able to ind reason in any argument and easily cuts to the core
of the problem.
Since her ascendance, her husband, Yaw, has tried to reconcile for political reasons but
Gbemisola has shown him nothing but scorn. She and the three young boys she brought to
Atlantis in her exile have secretly warred with the Ophirian scholar and made his life miserable.
he quiet war still rages between Yaw and Gbemisola to this day and some say it will soon come
to a head.
Even after all these years no one knows what scandal caused Gbemisola to lee Ophir with
her children, but whatever it was it must have been terrible. Some say she was secretly a Gorgon
practicing Settite rituals, while others say it was an inidelity with a relative.
Although Gbemisola projects an outward countenance of conidence and calm, she is terriied
to lose her position on the Ruling Council and the power and protection it brings. To prevent this,
she makes alliances in every quarter, playing powerbroker and facilitator to many diferent guilds,
factions, and special interests in the Golden City.
For herself, she hopes to amass enough wealth that her three sons will forever have a place in
Atlantis and the power to reclaim their birthrights in Ophir.
Having a large network of allies and associates helps her keep all the promises she makes.
Gbemisola is a clever woman who plays one group against another while she falls into the
background and ensures she achieves her goals.
Gbemisola openly wants to create dialog with the Hesperians to form an alliance in case the
climate drastically changes in Atlantis. Above all else, Gbemisola is a survivor who uses her wits and
verbal skills to keep her family safe.
Openly, Gbemisola claims she has no enemies and professes to enjoy the company of everyone
she meets. Secretly, Gbemisola keeps a list of those she considers friends, enemies, and pawns.
Her greatest enemy other than Yaw, her estranged husband, is Amadi, because he is the only other
who knows her secret. In the past he has used it against her as leverage to gain his many depraved
needs. Outwardly the two seem close and maintain a strong friendship, but Gbemisola seethes with
anger and fear at what she is forced to do to keep her secrets. She has recently considered talking
to an agent of the Pembuhnu in the hopes of having the problem taken care of once and for all.
Adetokunbo is a spiteful old woman who literally spat in the face of Gbemisola when she
was appointed to the Ruling Council. Gbemisola secretly works with merchants both foreign and
domestic to thwart any agenda Adetokunbo may have concerning the economics of the city. She
entertains dreams of having the old lady eaten by the cannibals living under the city.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Lanre (empyrean)
Atlantean Male Sorcerer
he highborn second cousin to the King of Atlantis sits on the Ruling Council wearing a
golden mask gilded with orichalcum and green Vril glass. Because of the abundant Vril energy in
the city, the mask is wreathed in bluish-green lame and coruscates with light as it races along the
orichalcum inlays. he man known as Lanre is imposing and respected.
Although not known as the greatest sorcerer in Atlantis, Lanre is probably the most respected
and approachable. It is said he practices obscene and dark rights, but somehow Lanre has managed
to remain free of the taint all sorcerers radiate. Whispers say the only thing touched by the elder
gods is hidden behind the gilded mask. Some gossip that behind the mask is a hollow void of
blackness populated with several blinking eyes and chattering teeth. Others say he is very beautiful
and his curse is the splendor of his face, which will turn you to stone. Lanre never comments on
the disigurement and will become quiet about it if pressed. No one has ever seen Lanre without his
mask since he was eighteen years old; at least, not that they know. He wears the mask to hide his
appearance, thereby giving him anonymity when walking the streets of Atlantis or traveling abroad,
or for situations when he often chooses not to wear the mask. Lanre has many personas he uses in
the city and they help him obtain information and inluence his enemies. He sometimes disguises
himself as the man known as Obimpe near the Dueling Bridge in Skotos.
Lanre is the most thoughtful of all of the Ruling Council members and thinks heavily on every
consideration the ruling body undertakes. His word is usually the last and his wisdom is absolute.
Of all the members, he is the fairest and most even-handed where Atlanteans are concerned. Lesser
races are given consideration, but only when it beneits Atlanteans and the city of Atlantis.
Secretly, Lanre does not hold the bigoted views of most Atlanteans and plays the role of the
typical Atlantean aristocrat. he university he founded secretly works as the headquarters of the
Arcanum, an organization hoping to stop the Elder Gods from awakening. Lanre is willing to work
with anyone and does discriminate based on their race, color, or creed.
Lanre has many ambitions, but chief among them is to root out the cancer that is consuming
the world and act as a bulwark against the machinations of both Set’s and Ba’al’s cults. he sleeping
Elder Gods will soon awaken and he hopes to prevent this.
Lanre also wants to know the secrets of his cousin, who sits upon the throne unseen. He believes
that dark and unspeakable things happen in the king’s towers, things that may sweep out of those
halls and consume the world.
Of all the Ruling Council members, Lanre looks at Mojisola with the most apprehension.
He knows that something foul lurks in her heart, but all his agents have yet to ind anything
incriminating. To this end he has started calling upon the woman in hopes of lowering her guard.
Adetokunbo he sees as a foolish old woman that will ruin what good relations Atlantis has with
the rest of the world. He manipulates her so that she funds his university all the while unknowingly
inancing his Arcanum project.
City of the God-Kings
Mojisola (Void)
Atlantean Female Priestess
Mojisola is the strikingly beautiful irst cousin of the Prince of Amphisea, but was raised abroad
in Khem where her mother served as liaison and ambassador to Atlantis. It is there she was corrupted
by a cult of Set and became high priestess of their cult. When her mother died of poisoning she
traveled the world searching for profane secrets, and when the time was right she arrived in Atlantis
to present herself to the nobility there, her two children in tow—a lovely and attractive daughter,
Pimsoli, and a sickly son, Valadanis. It was obvious that the children both had diferent sires (the
daughter’s was Atlantean, and the boy’s was northern Europan or Hyberborean), but the scandal
never touched Mojisola’s ears, or, if it did, she didn’t care.
Within a year Mojisola used her wiles and abilities to weave baroque plots to catapult her to the
upper ranks of the Atlantean aristocracy. She now sits on the Ruling Council of Atlantis, but some
say her ambitions go even further.
Mojisola is secretly working with the Gorgons to insinuate Set and the dark god’s agenda into
the workings of the city. Her eventual goal is to corrupt the king himself through her machinations,
dark magics, and great beauty.
To further her goals, she is the secret patron of the Cannibal Kings, giving them access to the
estates of nobles she wants destroyed, as well as fostering several secret cults in the city. hrough her
contacts at the port (Quai Xing, see the Byrsa District) she smuggles in other Gorgon women and
appoints them to seemingly minor but key positions in the city government.
Another minor agenda she is pursuing is the slow poisoning of Amadi for a callous remark he
made pertaining to her beauty. Each week she invites the man and all his retainers to dinner parties
and other functions, and poisons his food or drink. She takes delight in watching the man’s health
slowly diminish and looks forward to the moment she can visit him on his deathbed to tell
him of her deeds.
Every person with some political power in the city she considers
a threat.
On a more personal level, she dislikes Amadi for a slight
made about her beauty and Lanre for his inquisitive nature and
amorous pursuits.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
hose who wish to meet any noble or important Atlantean must follow certain protocols,
known as the Presentation. When meeting an Atlantean aristocrat for the irst time, the Heroes
must be presented in a ritualistic way. Aristocrats takes Presentation seriously and some have been
known to kill a person outright for an ofence, while others have invited the transgressor into their
home and poisoned them during dinner.
Each step of the process (except the purchasing of goods) requires a Skill roll with the following
Critical Failure: -4 penalty to the inal roll
Failure: -1 penalty to the inal roll
Partial Success: No bonus
Full Success: +1 bonus to the inal roll
Critical Success: +2 bonus to the inal roll
Step One
The Set Up.
he Hero must come dressed in their best clothing and without signiicant weapons or armor
(nothing larger than a dagger).
Step Two
The Giving of Gifts
hey must bring a gift to the home of the aristocrat they are meeting. he diferent echelons
of Atlantean society have diferent expectations. A gift suitable for a tradesman will not do for a
highborn noble.
Gift DoD Presentation Bonus Modiier
Freeman/tradesman -0 +1
Merchant -2 +1
Noble -5 +1
An enterprising Hero may decid to spend more on the gift. If he does, then the Hero receives
an additional +1 to the inal Presentation roll for every -2 DoD increase he takes.
Example: a Hero going to the home of a merchant decides to bring as a gift a inely made cloak
(WR-2). If he decides to bring a cloak made of Khemit lace and Jambu silk, he will have a better
chance at impressing the merchant (WR-4).
Step Three
The Feast of Compliments
Next the Hero must latter the Atlantean and show awe in their esteemed presence with an
Inluence or Performance roll DoD-4.
Critical Failure: he Hero is accused of coming to the house to insult the host! -5 Penalty
to the Presentation roll
Failure: he Hero ofends the host. -1 Penalty to the Presentation roll
Partial Success: he Hero latters the host with hollow platitudes
Full Success: he Hero has pleased the ears of the Host. +1 Bonus to the Presentation
Critical Success: he Hero’s words are like honey lowing from her lips and the sound
pleases the host to no end. +2 Bonus to the Presentation roll
City of the God-Kings
Step Four
The Presentation Roll
Finally, the Hero must introduce himself while speaking Atlantean with a DoD-10. he Hero
must recite his lineage as best he knows it. he bonus gathered from the previous steps may be
added to the roll at this point.
If the Hero decides to try to impress the Atlantean, she may do so by speaking the Ænochian
language (High Atlantean as it is commonly known). his will give the Hero an additional +3 to
his inal roll if successful.
Critical Failure: he Hero has ofended the Atlantean! he aristocrat will work to get
Ugh! These are
satisfaction from the Hero one way or another. A duel, monetary
horrible people! Why
restitution, or killing is in order
would I deal with
Failure: he Hero will be asked to leave the house them?
Partial Success: he Hero is accepted into the home of the Atlantean as a foreign You wouldn’t. These are all
barbarian and treated as such powerful people with agendas
Full Success: he Hero will be welcomed into the home of the Atlantean and that run at odds with a typical
presented with a gift equal to +2 Treasure adventuring party. They are
hateful, spiteful bigots who
Critical Success: he Hero will be welcomed into the home of the Atlantean and have wants that aren’t altruistic.
presented with a gift equal to +2 Treasure, plus they may ask a favor The aristocracy is presented
of the Atlantean. If the favor is within his or her power it will be given in the most unflattering light
for a reason: to reinforce
Once Presentation has satisfactorily been made, the Atlantean will talk to the Hero as an equal that the Atlanteans are jerks!
(as equal as Atlanteans will be with their lesser). The political elite presented
here can be used as powerful
patrons, plot hooks, or even
the focus of an entire campaign
PRESENTING OTHERS set in Atlantis.
Some heroes just aren’t as eloquent as others and may have a friend speak in their place. To do They do not have the best
this, the gift must be paid individually as normal but the other steps may be done by the speaker interests of the Heroes in mind,
with an additional penalty of -3. Failed rolls and all subsequent ofenses are assumed by the Hero and even the best of them are
and not the speaker. In the past, speakers have chosen to intentionally speak poorly in order to get fairly crummy and selfish. They
rid of the person they were speaking for. may befriend the Heroes and
even allow them into their
homes, but the Heroes should
feel that they can never truly
be Atlanteans and this goes for
the Atlantean Heroes as well,
since they travel and traffic
with the lesser races in such a
common and debased way.
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
City of the God-Kings
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Index Gangs, Cults, and Guilds 22 New Professions 18
Blackadders 22 Beggar 19
Cannibal Kings 23 Enchanter 19
A Chamkosee’s Brood 26 Mastermind 19
Harpies 24 Osorapean 18
Adetokunbo 108 Kindly Ones 22
Amadi 109 Pembuhnu 27 O
Ambassadorial Duties 4 Shango’s Auxiliary 27
The Brotherhood of Orunmila 28 Odeon and Tophet 70
Anatomy of the City 30
The Gatekeepers 28 Other Places of Interest 102
Danger 30
The Golden Palm 23 Canals 102
Random Encounter 30
The Jolly Revelers 24 Elephantine Bridges 102
Reticence 30
The Karamat Saints 25 Guard Posts 103
Skill Bonus 30
The League of Sun and Moon 26 Undercity 103
Wonder 30
Art 6 The Scions of Mosi 25
Gbemisola 111 P
Atlantean Meals 12
Breakfast 12 Gladiatorial Games 6 Pembuhnu 27
Lunch/dinner 12 Graiti 21 Personas
Typical Atlantean Breakfast 12 Grambula 40 Aadrika 64
Typical Atlantean Lunch/dinner 12 Great Harbor 31 Agesilaus, King of Atlantis 85
Atlantean Ruling Council 108 Guard Posts 103 Ahmose 80
Adetokunbo 108 Ajax 90
Amadi 109 H Alatious 36
Ekundayo 110 Amalthea 77
Gbemisola 111 Harbors 30 Ambrosia 82
Lanre 112 Harpies 24 Ambrosia’s Nymphs 82
Mojisola 113 Hatua 42 Arcadias 45
Atlantis City Campaigns 14 Heroes Harbor 31 Archimedes 37
Hollow 44 Asta 78
B Ayo 51
I Balthazar 82
Bazaar 39 Bayan 57
Birth And Funerary Rites 6 Inanda 48 Belly Punch Talia 101
Blackadders 22 Inconspicuous 20 Belot 71
Black Lamprey 35 Intrigue 107 Black Kadija 35
Bleeding Lotus 41 Blossom Sisters 43
Byrsa 32 J Bolanle 67
Bosede Golden Arm 86
Jewelry 8 Bruja 69
Caliban 33
Cannibal Kings 23 K Callidus 81
Cataclysm Groves 6 Candy Kayode 103
Kardasa 52
Chamkosee’s Brood 26 Carnelias 83
Karthago 54 Cassander 90
Cosmetics 8 Karthoa 58 Cassandro 39
Culture In Atlantis 5 Kindly Ones 22 Chuluun 57
King of Atlantis 85 Churvo the Firekeeper 36
Kittim 62 Cutlass 47
Daily Life In Atlantis 5 Dadanthea 69
Districts of Atlantis 32 L Dijuas 80
Dolgo 51
Language 5
E Enid 56
Lanre 112 Euthiphrus the Dragon 102
Ekundayo 110 Lore (streetwise) Skill (Speciic) 21 Facha 39
Elemental Enchantment 20 Lunch/dinner 12 Folami 96
Elephantine Bridges 102 Folami Mistress of the Moon 85
M Gadirah 61
F Gaunt Mistress 33
Manor Of he Golden Palm 39 Hauk the Impaler 73
Fashion 8 Maquatam 66 Hergas of the Hook 33
Food 8 Marriage 7 Higlo 87
Foreigners In Atlantis 4 Mojisola 113 Hina 94
Mosi’s Place 43 Hirus Stink Foot 63
Mujunali 37 Hokolesqua 72
City of the God-Kings
Honovi 45 Sun Wukong 64 he Canals 102
Hua 57 Tempi 80 he Gatekeepers 28
Hupper 75 Thanos the Fat 35 he Golden Palm 23
Iago 81 The Four Princesses 55 he Harbor Master’s Tower 33
Ife 93 The Goad 97
he Jolly Revelers 24
Illyria 39 The Lost 65
The Savant 50
he Karamat Saints 25
Jafai 77
Jaliel 69 Thespias 45 he League of Sun and Moon 26
Janus 103 Thick as Thieves 41 he Scions of Mosi 25
Jeru 81 Tira 55 he Scorched Grove 33
Jharnek 47 Titos 33 he Teeth 37
Jingo 101 Valeria 72 Time 11
Joba 68 Vovo 78 Travel in the City 11
Kaia 35 Vrusk 34 Travel in the City
Kashtanga 46 Wu the Bone Breaker 38
Kekantican 83 Xerxemones 102
Land Travel 11
Kobal 95 Yola 51
Water Travel 11
Kongolo 84 Yssachar 89
Kraken 59 Zari 81 U
Kumi 87 Zorikos 99
Lashmo 39 Zorikos, Zorik, and Zori 99 Undercity 103
Lekan Hollow Heart 85 Presentation 114 Underworld Socializing 21
Lieutenant Argentis 60 Public Baths 36 Upbringing 15
Lola 80 Pweza 34
Lord Agyenim the Small 78 V
Lord Lanre 50 R
Macha, King of Beggars 93 Voyager’s Harbor 31
Makumu 47 Random Encounters 104
Mala 45 Random Encounters W
Malika 42 Intrigue 107
Mantu 41 Routine 104
Warehouses 38
Meat Hooks 93 Skullduggery 105 Weather 10
Melum 101 Strange 104
Metos 101 Sublime 106
Monty 36 Religion 7 Zamalek 100
Mosi the Younger 43 Routine 104
Mung 87 Royal District 76
Nackrumah the Spear 60
Royal Harbor 31
Naul 103
Nera 74 S
Neria 37
Nestor 49 Schooling 6
Nigral 97 Seafarer’s Guild 35
Nimah 53 Seasonal Events 9
Nimu 56
Shango’s Auxiliary 27
Oba 35
Obeda 80
Shock and Awe 20
Obimpe 96 Shrine Of he Nameless God 84
Octario 73 Shubra 88
Octavian 53 Skotos 92
Okul 65 Skullduggery 105
Olumidas 74 Slavery 7
Oolunga the Cat Master 75 Strange 104
Pavilion of 1,001 Delights 39 Street Level Movement 21
Pelakon 42
Sublime 106
Prince Neero 34
Quai Xing 38 T
Que Quaag 46
Racun 91 Tactician 20
Rosco Wiggle Bone 43 Talents 20
Rylo 91 Elemental Enchantment 20
Salu 50 Inconspicuous 20
Savosh 97 Shock and Awe 20
Saya 36 Tactician 20
Seonaid 55 hapsus 98
Shai, the Lonely Twins 94
he Brotherhood of Orunmila 28
Shavassah the Archer 60
ATLANIS: City Guide to Atlantis
Based on the works of Stephan Michael Sechi, Vernie Taylor, and Ed Mortimer
Written by
Matthew Bottiglieri and Jerry D. Grayson
Additional Content By Doug Bramlett, Kieran Turley, and ISBN 978-0-9960952-5-9
Anthony Robertson KHP028
Proof Reading
he contents are TM and © 2015 Khepera Publishing. he
Jef Scifert Khepera Scarab and the Atlantis logo are ® Khepera publishing.
No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means without
Art written consent from the publisher, except for review purposes.
Nate Marcel, Yoann Boissonnet, David Arenas, Miguel Santos, Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental
and Jerry “Trashboat” Grayson or used for the expressed purpose of parody.
Cover art by “Omega System” and the Omega System logo are Trademarks
owned Khepera Publishing.
David Arenas,
Layout and design by Jerry D. Grayson
he Dalai Lama