Fetter CH 4 - Ground-Water Flow 4.1 - Introduction
Fetter CH 4 - Ground-Water Flow 4.1 - Introduction
Fetter CH 4 - Ground-Water Flow 4.1 - Introduction
4.1 - Introduction
GW possesses energy in mechanical, thermal, chemical forms.
Flow of GW is in response to outside forces. Let's look at 3:
1. Gravity, pulling water downward
2. External pressure, both atmospheric and due to weight of overlying
3. Molecular attraction of water to solid surfaces
There are shear and normal forces acting as well.shear is tangential to
surface of solid, normal is perpendicular to it. These are external frictional
forces. Internal frictional force resisting flow by shear is "viscosity". Think
of molasses as high viscosity.
4.2 - Mechanical energy
here we consider kinetic energy, gravitational poten. energy, and fluid
pressure energy
Ek = mv2
W = mgz
The water mass now has "acquired" potential energy equal to the amount
of work done to elevate it:
Ep = mgz
Htot = Hp + z
Let's do problem 2 on p.117.
qx + qy + qz) dx dy dz
assuming fully saturated porosity, the mass of the water is
density , (g ) x volume of porosity, n (cm3) = mass, M (g)
we can describe this change in mass with time
M = ( n dx dy dz)
this equation is tweaked and substituted, then set equal to the partial
diff equation above.
Transmissivity and storativity is also introduced, yielding an equation
for 2D flow with no vertical z component:
2 h
2 h
S h
T t
2 h
2 h
this essentially says that the rate of change of head in the x,y, and z
directions is zero, which is true in steady state conditions.
The general equation for flow, 2 dimensions (the horizontal plane),
including consideration of leakage, becomes:
2 h
2 h
+ e = S h
T t
with an unconfined, water-table aq, the actual water table surface itself
gets drawn down
the general flow equation is known as the Boussinesq equation, which
is not solvable with calculus in this form
BUT, we make a simplifying assumption that the drawdown is very
small relative to saturated thickness (that is, it LOOKS saturated for the
most part), and we can re-write the equation in terms similar to the one for
confined aquifers:
2 h
2 h
Sy h
Kb t
Water Table
Well screen (water entry)
Sea Level
In fig 4-11, note that no-flow boundaries are on top and bottom, high head
constant head boundary is on left, low head constant head boundary on
right. This means flow lines will move from high head on left to low head
on right.
Let's look at example flow tube problem on p.136.
note the units are in ft2 per sec, not feet per sec
Important to think about the unitsvisualize the plate of water coming out
of the aquifer
Use Fig 4.18 to put the equation to work
More manipulation leads to equations that can determine elevation of
water table between any two points (Eq 4.70, 4.71)
And discussion also of determining position of a water table divide.
Let's do a problem or two before leaving this chapter.