Bibliografia Mitos
Bibliografia Mitos
Bibliografia Mitos
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Anthologies & Encyclopedias
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Mythography & Myth Theory
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Selected bibliography[edit]
Arvidsson, Stefan, Aryan Idols. Indo-European Mythology as Science and Ideology. 2006.
University of Chicago Press.
Clifton, Dan Salahuddin, The Myth Of The Western Magical Tradition. 1998. C&GCHE
Dickson, K. "Bibliography-in-Progress of Texts on Myths & Comparative Mythology". 11/12/09.
Purdue University. 17 December 2009
Doniger, Wendy, The Implied Spider: Politics and Theology in Myth. 1998. New York: Columbia
University Press [An introduction to comparative mythology]
Doniger, Wendy, Splitting the Difference: Gender and Myth in Ancient Greece and India (Jordan
Lectures in Comparative Religion, 1996-1997: School of Oriental and African Studies University of
London). 1999. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Dumezil, Georges The Destiny of the Warrior. 1983. Berkeley: University of California Press
Dumezil, Georges, The Plight of a Sorcerer. 1986. Berkeley: University of California Press
Dumezil, Georges, Mitra-Varuna: An Essay on Two Indo-European Representations of
Sovereignty. 1988. New York:Zone Books
Friedrich, Paul, The Meaning of Aphrodite. 1978. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Girard, Ren, Violence and the Sacred. 1977. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
Jamison, Stephanie, The Ravenous Hyenas and the Wounded Sun: Myth and Ritual in Ancient
India . 1991. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
Jamison, Stephanie, Sacrificed Wife / Sacrificer's Wife: Women, Ritual and Hospitality in Ancient
India. 1996. New York: Oxford University Press
Lvi-Strauss, Claude Myth and Meaning. 1995. New York: Schocken Books
Lvi-Strauss, Claude, The Raw and the Cooked (Mythologiques Volume One). 1990. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press
Lvi-Strauss, Claude, From Honey to Ashes (Mythologiques Volume Two). 1973. New York:
Harper and Row
Lvi-Strauss, Claude, The Origin of Table-Manners (Mythologiques Volume Three). 1978. New
York: Harper and Row
Lvi-Strauss, Claude The Naked Man (Mythologiques Volume Four). 1990. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press
Lincoln, Bruce Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship. 1999. University of Chicago
Patton, Laurie; Doniger, Wendy (eds.), Myth and Method (Studies in Religion and Culture). 1996.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia
Puhvel, Jaan, Comparative Mythology. 1987. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
van der Sluijs, Marinus Anthony, Traditional Cosmologies. The Global Mythology of Cosmic
Creation and Destruction (4 Volumes). 2011. London: AllRound Publications (Table of Contents)
White, David Gordon, Doniger, Wendy, Myths of the Dog-Man. 1991. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press
Witzel, Michael, The Origins of the World's Mythologies. 2010. New York: Oxford University Press
Wise, R. Todd, A Neocomparative Examination of the Orpheus Myth As Found in the Native
American and European Traditions, 1998. UMI.
Journals about comparative mythology:
Comparative Mythology,
New Comparative Mythology / Nouvelle Mythologie
Studia Mythologica Slavica,
Mythological Studies Journal,
The Journal of Germanic Mythology and Folklore,