B B B B Biiiiinnnnndu Du Du Du Du
B B B B Biiiiinnnnndu Du Du Du Du
B B B B Biiiiinnnnndu Du Du Du Du
Krr isishhna K
Kaa t hamr
Bi n du
Issue No. 38
3 October 2002
Circulation 1,037
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Translation and purport to Bhg. 3.29.8 by
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
abhisandhya yo his
dambha mtsaryam eva v
sarambh bhinna-dg bhva
mayi kuryt sa tmasa
Devotional service executed
by a person who is envious,
proud, violent and angry, and
who is a separatist, is considered to be in
the mode of darkness.
It has already been stated in the rmad
Bhgavatam, first canto, second chapter, that
the highest, most glorious religion is the
attainment of causeless, unmotivated
devotional service. In pure devotional service,
the only motive should be to please the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is not
actually a motive; that is the pure condition
of the living entity. In the conditioned stage,
when one engages in devotional service, he
should follow the instruction of the bona fide
spiritual master in full surrender. The spiritual
master is the manifested representation of the
Supreme Lord because he receives and
presents the instructions of the Lord, as they
are, by disciplic succession. It is described in
Amongst higher classes of people in society,
there are three main paths for traveling
through the kingdom of various beliefs
regarding transcendence. These are known
as the paths of karma (performance of
materially fruitive activity), jna (cultivation
of transcendental knowledge), and bhakti
(purely surrendered devotional service). The
path of karma involves arrangements for
obtaining temporary worldly benefits, which
are enjoyed by souls trapped in the bondage
of the materially conditioned platform of life.
The path of jna involves renouncing
impermanent material things as well as the
impermanent distractions related to patriotic
interests and the like; one then searches after
the undifferentiated spiritual reality of
impersonal Brahman. And the third path
involves positive activity that is
transcendental to karma, jna, and matter
altogetherit is the way of cultivating actions
favorable for serving the object most worthy
of service, Sri Krishna. This is called bhaktimrga, the path of pure devotion.
Along the path of bhakti there are three
distinct developmental stages. The first is
sdhana, devotional practice, followed by the
awakening of bhva, ecstatic emotion, and
finally culminating in prema-bhakti, eternal
devotional service performed in pure love.
During the stage of devotional practice there
are many impediments, and the process by
which these impediments are removed is
called anartha-nivtti. In this work, Sri
Siddhanta Saraswati (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Saraswati Thakur) describes this process,
based upon the wonderful and supremely
astonishing pastimes of Sri Gaurangasundara as well as in the opinions established
by the Goswamis, who are the Lords eternal
associates in those pastimes.
Srila Viswanath Chakravarti Thakurs
r Ka-bhvanmta
When Krishna came to the town gate
and Nanda Maharaja saw Him, Nanda
extended his arms and embraced Him.
Nanda Babas body was stunned and
studded with goose bumps of ecstasy as
he took Krishna on his lap. Together They
shone like a beautiful blue lotus flower in
a lake on Mount Kailasa. Nanda Baba
pulled back Krishnas turban to smell His
head, and showered Him with his tears
of love. He covered Krishnas face with
his face so that they looked like a spotless