A RC Filler Slab With Non-Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks For Sustainable Construction
A RC Filler Slab With Non-Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks For Sustainable Construction
A RC Filler Slab With Non-Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks For Sustainable Construction
Flyash is a major industrial waste which pollutes the atmosphere. The thermal plants in
India will generate about 100 million tonnes of flyash per year by the turn of the century.
Acres of usable land are wasted for dumping of ash. Transportation poses handling
problems; besides, the proposition is uneconomical. In this context, utilisation of this
waste material in building construction will go a long way in solving its disposal problem.
Towards this end, a technology has been developed at the Central Building Research
Institute (CBRI), Roorkee, India, to construct reinforced floor/roof slab with nonautoclaved cellular concrete filler blocks cast with flyash, lime, cement and a foaming
agent. Autoclaved cellular concrete blocks are being used in the building industry to some
extent in India. But as they require autoclaving for the production, they are costly. Hence
non-autoclaved units have been developed with a suitable proportion of the constituents.
The blocks are of size 260 x 560 mm, tapering down to 250 x 550 mm and are 110 mm thick.
The floor/roof slab is cast with cement concrete of grade Ml 5 with these blocks as fillers.
Reinforcement bars are provided in two perpendicular directions in the space between the
blocks. Room size filler slabs were tested for their structural and functional performance
at CBRI. Deflection recovery tests, failure load tests and impact load tests were conducted.
Functional properties like thermal performance index, sound absorption coefficient, leak
proofness etc. were also studied. The paper describes the experimental studies and results.
Housing shortage is a common problem in most of the developing countries and there
is a need for appropriate construction techniques which are economical and affordable.
The requirement of housing in India by the turn of the centuary is expected to be 39 million
units and even if 10 percent of the construction is done with this technique, it will result
in utilisation of 10 million tonnes of flyash. Compared to conventional insitu RC slab, this
technique is economical and will result in saving of cement and steel and is an ideal step
towards generation of affordable housing, for developing countries.
Keywords: Construction, filler slab, flyash, non-autoclaved cellular concrete blocks.
1 Introduction
Flyash is a major industrial waste and large scale use of this material in building
construction will go a long way in solving the disposal problem of this pollutant material.
Hence filler slab technology for flooring/roofing has been developed at CBRI. In this
technique, the slab is cast with non-autoclaved cellular concrete filler blocks, produced
from flyash, lime, cement and a foaming agent. Utilisation of flyash in large quantities for
the production of the blocks is an advantage and also the technique results in saving of
cement and steel and cost of construction, compared to conventional reinforced concrete
slab for floor and roof.
2 Construction technique
The floor/roof consists of a cast insitu RC filler slab with non-autoclaved cellular concrete
filler blocks as shown in Fig. 1. The filler blocks are 110 mm thick and 260 x 560 mm at
top tapering down to 250 x 550 mm at bottom. The slab is cast with cement concrete of
grade M15. Spanning in two perpendicular directions, the slab can be designed as a grid
with compression taken by the deck concrete at top and tension taken by the reinforcement
at the bottom in the rib portion. The cellular concrete blocks act as non-structural fillers.
The technique can be adopted for floor/roof in single and multistoreyed residential and
other types of buildings. Conventional roof/floor finish could be laid above the filler slab.
Ceiling plaster could be avoided in low cost constructions and also where better acoustic
performance is called for. In other situations the ceiling may be plastered.
Cone fete O f
Grade M - 1 5
Cone fete
F i Her B l o c k
450mm C/C
I- 6 m m 6 S t i r r u p s @
3 0 0 m m clc
42 v o f 1OR-Q 3 0 0 m m c/c.
E m 4@ 6 0 0 m m ck.
Fig. 1 RC filler slab (section)
Autoclaved cellular concrete blocks are being used in the building industry in India to some
extent. But as they require autoclaving for their production, they are costly. To make it
economical, non-autoclaved cellular concrete blocks have been developed using flyash,
cement, lime and a foaming agent. Several mix proportions were tried before arriving at
a suitable mix from considerations of density and strength to withstand the stresses to
which the blocks are subjected to, during construction. Quantities of materials required
per cu.m of concrete for the selected mix are given below :
Foaming agent
(Aluminium powder)
: 140 kg
.. 35 kg
: 528 kg
: 0.32 kg
Since flyash is available in fine particle state, it requires no further grinding. Cement
[ 1,2] lime [3] and flyash [4], as per the proportion mentioned above, are wet mixed in a
high speed mixer to a homogeneous slurry. Aluminium powder is then added and mixed
thoroughly. Hydrogen gas liberated by the aluminium powder, due to its reaction with
lime,aerates the slurry. The slurry is then poured into steel moulds of size 560 x 260 mm
tapering to 550 x 250 mm in plan and having a height of 110 mm. The slurry is filled only
to three fourth the depth of the mould. Due to aeration, it rises upto the top or slightly above
the top of the mould. Setting takes place in 10 to 12 hours in tropical climate. After setting,
the part of the concrete above the mould is trimmed off and demoulding is done 24 hours
after casting. The blocks are kept at casting platform for 2 days and after they have attained
strength to withstand handling stresses, they are shifted to curing yard and cured under wet
gunny bags for 14 days. The blocks are then allowed to air dry, for another 14 days.
The reinforcing bars for the bottom of the slab in two perpendicular directions are tied
together and placed over the shuttering with concrete cover blocks tied to them. Cellular
concrete blocks are then assembled over the shuttering in the space between reinforcement
bars, leaving a gap of 40 mm between adjacent blocks in the two perpendicular directions.
The blocks are then aligned properly and reinforcement cage for the flange portion is tied
and placed over the cellular concrete blocks (Fig.2). Concrete cover blocks shall be tied
to the reinforcement in the flange also to ensure required cover. The blocks are sprinkled
with water repeatedly so that the surface is at a near saturation point. This is necessary to
ensure that the blocks do not absorb excessive quantity of water from the fresh concrete.
Concrete of grade M 15, made of coarse aggregate of maximum size 12 mm, is then laid
in the space between the blocks and compacted using a needle vibrator. Immediately, the
flange concrete above the filler blocks is laid and compacted using plate vibrator. The top
surface is then finished properly. A camber of 1 in 250 may be provided to the shuttering
in case of floor slab so that the ceiling of floor is level after removal of shuttering. In case
of roof, a slope of 1 in 60 may be provided to the shuttering so that the top of the roof will
have a slope of about 1 in 80 after the shuttering is removed. The concrete shall be cured
for 14 days byponding water over it. The shuttering shall be removed after that. The ceiling
may be plastered one month after removal of shuttering.
m -
3.60 m
-600 A 600
Cellddf Concrete
Filter E3L:ocks -
- -
honcrete Ribs
As the test slab was constructed as a one way spanning member, cracks had occurred
perpendicular to the span. Major cracks had occurred at the junction of filler blocks and
cast in-situ ribs, specially in case of three ribs in the middle. Other cracks had occurred
within the filler blocks and the cracks had passed through the ribs parallel to the span. The
cracks were wider at bottom and tapering down towards top. No cracks were noticed in
the flange portion
6.3 Impact load test
Though codes of practice do not suggest any procedure for testing slab against impact,
some tests were carried out to check the impact resistance of the slab. A gunny bag filled
with 40 kg of sand was dropped from a height of 1.5 m. No damage was observed. A 5
kg weight was dropped from a height of 1.2 m over an area of 700 mm2. Though
indentation of about 2 mm was noticed at the top of the slab, where the weight struck it,
no other damage was observed. The slab was also subjected to another type of impact test
by pounding turmeric, one of the hardest materials used in Indian kitchens, in a Hamam
Dasta (a heavy steel vessel), kept over the unfinished slab. No cracks or signs ofweakness
had developed during or after the tests. Hence filler slab is safe against impact expected
in residential and office buildings.
6.4 Thermal performance
The thermal performance [6] for the RC cellular concrete filler slab roof and the
conventional RC slab roof with same roof treatment above are given below.
Specification of roof slab
1 . 150 mm thick cellular concrete filler slab with 90 mm
thick lime concrete
2 . 100 mm thick RC slab with 90 mm thick lime concrete
3 . 150 mm thick filler slab with 75 mm thick mud-phuska
& 50 mm thick tiles
4 . 100 mm thick RC slab with 75 mm thick mud-phuska
& 50 mm thick brick tiles
It can be seen that with the same roof treatment, the filler slab is thermally superior to
conventional RC slabs.
6.5 Sound absorption
The sound absorption properties of cellular concrete and dense concrete are 0.27 percent
and 0.1 percent respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that, if the ceiling of the filler slab
is kept unplastered, it is superior to conventional RC slab in sound absorption and it is
suitable for class rooms, lecture halls, conference halls, auditorium etc.
7 Economy
A comparison of the consumption of materials and cost of construction of the filler slab
with conventional RC slab is given in Table 1. In case A, the comparison has been made
for a 3.6 m x 3.6 m two way spanning continuous slab and in case B for a one way spanning
simply supported slab of span 3.6 m.
Cement Steel
(kg/n?) (kg/m2) (Rs./n? 1
A. T w oway
s p a n n i n g a) Conventional slab 120 mm thick
continuous slab
b) Filler slab 150 mm thick
c) Savings (percentage)
B. O n eway
s p a n n i n g a) Conventional slab 120 mm thick
simply supported b) Filler slab 150 mm thick
c) Savings (percentage)
It can be seen that adoption of filler slab in place of conventional RC slab will result in a
saving of about 17 percent in cost. In addition, there is a saving of 16 to 33 percent in cement
and about 45 percent in steel.
8 Conclusion
This technique of construction can be easily adopted for the construction of all types of
buildings, once the cellular concrete blocks are available in the market. This is possible
if entrepreneurs set up production units near Thermal Power Plants, where they are given
flyash free of cost and space and facilities like power and water supplied at no-profit, noloss basis. The large scale production of the blocks will help in the problem of disposal
of flyash to a great extent. In addition, it will result in saving of cement and steel and will
lead to affordable housing
9 Acknowledgements
The paper is based on R&D work conducted at the Central Building Research Institute and is
published with the permission of the Director. The authors are thankful to their colleagues Dr.
M. Khalid, Mr. S.P. Tehri, Dr. K.N. Agrawal and Dr. P.S. Bhandari for their contributions.
10 References
1. IS:8112-1989,Specificationfor43GradeOrdina~PortlandCement,BIS,NewDelhi.
2. IS:12269-1987, SpeciJication for 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement, BIS, New
3. IS:712-1984, Specification for Building Limes, BIS, New Deihi.
4. IS:3812-1981, Specification for Flyash for use as Pozzolana, BIS, New Delhi.
5. IS:456-1978, Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, BIS, New Delhi.
6. Building Digest No. 94, Thermal Performance Rating and ClassiJication ofFlat Roofs
in Hot Dry Climates, 1971, CBRI, Roorkee.