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Name Change 2

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Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD
God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not
eat from any tree of the garden '?" 2The woman said to the serpent, "From the
fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3but from the fruit of the tree which is
in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or
you will die

Tis the Seisin

Seisin = Delivery

In the United States, a conveyance by deed executed

and acknowledged, and properly recorded according to
law, and the descent cast upon the heir are, in general,
considered as a seisin in deed without entry; and a grant
by letters-patent from the commonwealth has the same
effect. 4 Mass. R. 546; 7 Mass. R. 494; 15. Mass. R. 214
1 Munf. R. 17O. The recording of a deed is equivalent to
livery of seisin. 4 Mass. 546.
8. In Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts and
Ohio, seisin means merely, ownership, and the distinction
between seisin in deed and in law is not known in

Psalms 107:6 - Then they cried unto the LORD in their

trouble, [and] he delivered them out of their distresses.

Seisins Change

"Livery" (or delivery) by "seisin in law" occurred when the

parties to the transaction went within sight of the land to be
conveyed and the transferor declared to the recipient that
possession had been granted. This constituted however only
an incomplete conveyance.

Seisin in law

Seisin in deed

By physically entering onto the land the transferee converts or

"delivers" his seisin in law into seisin in deed. Instead of a
physical entry on to the land, sometimes a token of the land
(e.g., a turf, or similar) would be handed over ceremoniously,
(see "turf & twig"; cf. the handover of "earth and water" by
political entities subjecting themselves to the Persian Empire,
which thereafter considered their rulers its vassals). A tenant
seised in deed as well as in law thus had obtained the best
legal title to his tenure available.
What is TOKEN?

Livery of seisin is an archaic legal conveyancing

ceremony, formerly practiced in feudal England and
in other countries following English common law,
used to convey holdings in property. The term "livery"
is related to, if not synonymous with, the word
"delivery" as used in modern contract law. The
common law in those jurisdictions once provided that
a valid conveyance of a feudal tenure in land
required the physical transfer by the transferor to the
transferee, in the presence of witnesses, of a piece
of the ground itself, in the literal sense of a hand-tohand passing of an amount of soil, a twig, key, or
other symbol.

The Free Dictionary / Legal Definition


KEY. An instrument made for shutting and

opening a lock.
2. The keys of a house are considered as
real estate, and descend to the heir with the
3. When the keys of a warehouse are
delivered to a purchaser of goods locked up
there, with a view of effecting a delivery of
such goods, the delivery is complete. The
doctrine of the civil law is the same.

Biblical Keys
Revelation 1:18
and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am
alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of
Isaiah 22:22
"Then I will set the key of the house of David on his
shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he
shuts no one will open.
Matthew 16:19
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

6 Pointed Star


Cay, also spelled key, a small, low-elevation, sandy

island formed on the surface of a coral reef
Key (cryptography), a piece of information that controls
the operation of a cryptography algorithm
Key (engineering), a type of coupling used to transmit
rotation between a shaft and an attached item
Key (lock), device used to open a lock such as in a
Key (map), a guide to a map's symbology
Key, a guide to colours and symbols used in a data
chart, graph, plot or diagram

cestui que trust

n. (properly pronounced ses-tee kay, but lawyers popularly
pronounce it setty kay) from old French.

CESTUI QUE TRUST, A barbarous phrase, to

signify the beneficiary of an estate held in
trust. He for whose benefit another person is
enfeoffed or seised of land or tenements, or is
possessed of personal property. The cestui
que trust is entitled to receive the rents and
profits of the land; he may direct such
conveyances, consistent with the trust, deed
or will, as he shall choose, and the trustee
(q.v.) is bound to execute them: he may
defend his title in the name of the trustee.

1. (n.) A place or building in which stores of wealth are deposited;

especially, a place where public revenues are deposited and kept,
and where money is disbursed to defray the expenses of
government; hence, also, the place of deposit and disbursement of
any collected funds.
2. (n.) That department of a government which has charge of the
3. (n.) A repository of abundance; a storehouse.
4. (n.) Hence, a book or work containing much valuable knowledge,
wisdom, wit, or the like; a thesaurus; as, Maunder's Treasury of
5. (n.) A treasure.

(Mark 12:41; Luke 21:1) a name given by the rabbins to
thirteen chests in the temple, called trumpets from their
shape. They stood in the court of the women. It would
seem probable that this court was sometimes itself called
"the treasury" because it contained these repositories.

Name Change Part 2


Luke 2:2 In those days a decree went out from

Caesar Augustus that all the world should be
Psalm 87:6 The LORD records as he registers the
peoples, This one was born there.
Nehemiah 7:5 So my God put it into my heart to
assemble the nobles, the officials and the common
people for registration by families. I found the
genealogical record of those who had been the first
to return. This is what I found written there:

Registered Security

Dead Pledge

Christ's purchasing redemption for us implies

that our sins mortgaged and sold us. Had
there not been some kind of mortgaging
there had been no need of redemption:
redimere rursus emere. Jerome. When we
were thus mortgaged, and sold by sin, Christ
purchased our redemption.


As soon as the assignment becomes effective

the assignor ceases to be the creditor and the
assignee becomes the creditor in relation to
the claim assigned."

Bible Hub - Assignment


1. (n.) An allotting or an appointment to a particular person or

use; or for a particular time, as of a cause or causes in court.
2. (n.) A transfer of title or interest by writing, as of lease,
bond, note, or bill of exchange; a transfer of the whole of
some particular estate or interest in lands.
3. (n.) The writing by which an interest is transferred.
4. (n.) The transfer of the property of a bankrupt to certain
persons called assignees, in whom it is vested for the benefit
of creditors.

The party who borrows the money and gives the mortgage (the
debtor) is the mortgagor; the party who pays the money and
receives the mortgage (the lender) is the mortgagee. Under early
English and U.S. law, the mortgage was treated as a complete
transfer of title from the borrower to the lender. The lender was
entitled not only to payments of interest on the debt but also to the
rents and profits of the real estate. This meant that as far as the
borrower was concerned, the real estate was of no value, that is,
"dead," until the debt was paid in fullhence the Norman-English
name "mort" (dead), "gage" (pledge).

Two Witnesses Revisited

The mortgage must be executed according to the formalities

required by the laws of the state where the property is located. It
must describe the real estate and must be signed by all owners,
including non-owner spouses if the property is a homestead. Some
states require witnesses as well as acknowledgement before a
Notary Public.
Section 3, United States Constitution
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war
against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and
comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the
testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession
in open court.

Two Witnesses

And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for
1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.
Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes
up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.

Revelation 19:20
But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had
performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded
those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its
image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of
burning sulfur.

Interested Witnesses

Recent judicial decisions underscore the need to have wills

prepared by, and executed under the supervision of, lawyers
who are experienced in such matters. It is, of course,
essential to have a proper will-signing ceremony, but other
dangers lurk beneath the surface, particularly problems
presented by the use of interested witnesses
This article examines cases which have dealt with issues that
arise when (a) the will execution ceremony is not conducted
properly, or cannot be shown to have been conducted
properly, or (b) one or more of the attesting witnesses is


Transfer on Death
[Nontestamentary Transfer on Death.]
(a) A transfer on death resulting from a registration in
beneficiary form is effective by reason of the contract
regarding the registration between the owner and the
registering entity and this part and is not testamentary.
(b) This part shall not limit the rights of creditors of security
owners against beneficiaries and other transferees under
other laws of the commonwealth
( Non-testamentary trusts are called living trusts or inter vivos
trusts. These are trusts created during the life of the grantor;
they are effective when created or upon the occurrence of a
specific event stated within the trust document).

Who is the Beneficiary

In everyday usage, a beneficiary is the

designated recipient of benefits specified in a
legal document, such as wills, trusts, pension
plans and insurance policies. If you are named
as the sole beneficiary, you are entitled to all
of the benefits that pass to you in such

Transfer On Death Definitions

(1) ''Beneficiary form'', a registration of a security which indicates the

present owner of the security and the intention of the owner regarding the
person who will become the owner of the security upon the death of the

(2) ''Register'', including its derivatives, is to issue a certificate showing the

ownership of a certificated security or, in the case of an uncertificated
security, to initiate or transfer an account showing ownership of securities.
(3) ''Registering entity'', a person who originates or transfers a security title
by registration, and includes a broker maintaining security accounts for
customers and a transfer agent or other person acting for or as an issuer
of securities.
(4) ''Security'', has the same meaning as provided in clause (k) of section
401 of chapter 110A and includes a security account.
(5) ''Security account'', (i) a reinvestment account associated with a
security, a securities account with a broker, a cash balance in a brokerage
account, cash, interest, earnings, or dividends earned or declared on a
security in an account, a reinvestment account, or a brokerage account,
whether or not credited to the account before the owner's death, or (ii) a
cash balance or other property held for or due to the owner of a security as
a replacement for or product of an account security, whether or not
credited to the account before the owner's death.

Origination of Registration in
Beneficiary Form.

A security, whether evidenced by certificate or

account, is registered in beneficiary form when
the registration includes a designation of a
beneficiary to take the ownership at the death
of the owner or the deaths of all multiple


[Form of Registration in Beneficiary Form.]

Registration in beneficiary form may be shown
by the words ''transfer on death'' or the
abbreviation ''TOD'', or by the words ''pay on
death'' or the abbreviation ''POD'', after the
name of the registered owner and before the
name of a beneficiary.

Payable on Death (abbreviated

P.O.D.) is an American Christian metal
band formed in 1992.

Effect of Registration in Beneficiary

The designation of a transfer on death
beneficiary on a registration in beneficiary
form shall have no effect on ownership until
the owner's death. A registration of a security
in beneficiary form may be canceled or
changed at any time by the sole owner or all
surviving owners without the consent of the

The following are examples of registrations in

beneficiary form which a registering entity may authorize

(1) Sole owner-sole beneficiary: John S Brown

TOD (or POD) John S Brown Jr.
(2) Multiple owners-sole beneficiary: John S
Brown Mary B Brown JT TEN TOD John S
Brown Jr.
(3) Multiple owners-primary and secondary
(substituted) beneficiaries: (example 1)<\/ul>
John S Brown Mary B Brown JT TEN TOD
John S Brown Jr SUB BENE Peter Q Brown
(example 2)<\/ul> John S Brown Mary B
Brown JT TEN TOD John S Brown Jr LDPS

Second Death

He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the

second death. (Revelation 2:11).

Death Note

What is Real?

Real Etimology Dictionary

early 14c., "actually existing, true;" mid-15c., "relating

to things" (especially property), from Old French reel
"real, actual," from Late Latin realis "actual," in Medieval
Latin "belonging to the thing itself," from Latin res "matter,
thing," of uncertain origin. Meaning "genuine" is recorded
from 1550s; sense of "unaffected, no-nonsense" is from
Real estate, the exact term, is first recorded 1660s, but
in Middle English real was used in law in reference to
immovable property, paired with, and distinguished
from, personal.
"small Spanish silver coin," 1580s, from Spanish real,
noun use of real (adj.) "regal," from Latin regalis "regal"
(see regal).


Real Property Liens Must Be Recorded

A lien on real property must be created by a
mortgage deed. The promissory note is a
separate document detailing the nature of the
loan, the repayment terms, etc. The mortgage
is the lien, securing the promises made in the
promissory note. The exact legal nature of the
mortgage varies from state to state.

Name of the person who is acknowledging the affidavit by
signing it

Date when the signer is signing the affidavit

Name and address of the notary public department where
the affidavit is signed
Acknowledgement statement including the key description
and the name of the signer
Sworn statement by the signer that he is signing the
statement without any force or pressure from a third person
Signature of the individual and the notary public clerk

Last Name First

Individual Sec. 14. Individual includes the
guardianship estate of an incapacitated
person (as defined in IC 29-3-1-7.5), or the
estate of a decedent. -Indiana Code 23-1-2014
Self is a reference by an individual to the
same individual person.

Die Again

Matthew 20:16 So the last will be first, and the

first will be last.
As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, He took
the twelve disciples aside and said, 18 Look,
we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of
Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and
scribes. They will condemn Him to death 19
and will deliver Him to the Gentiles to be
mocked and flogged and crucified. And on the
third day He will be raised to life.


In financial markets T+3 is a shorthand for

trade date plus three days indicating when
securities transactions must be settled. T+3
means that when a security is purchased,
payment and the security's certificate must
change hands no later than three business
days after the trade is executed.

12 Apostiles

Hebrews 9:17
In the case of a will, it is necessary to
establish the death of the one who made it,

17 because a will does not take effect until the

one who made it has died; it cannot be
executed while he is still alive.
18That is why even the first covenant was not
put into effect without blood.

Dead Pledge
The Certificate Itself must be properly:





1a. In insurance, this is an added, special provision to an
insurance policy that improves or constrains its coverage. 1b.
In other types of contracts, this one or more addenda not part
of the original, yet is integral and legal when attached. Also,
refer to attachment and rider. 2. In Trading, this is the signing
of a legal document in a legal capacity. Signing any negotiable
instrument, be it a bill of exchange, bill of lading, delivery
order, or other document of title, means the signer (1)
guarantees to being the legal owner of the instrument, (2)
knows of no defect in it, (3) has received it for value received
in good faith, and (4) in the normal course of business, is
legally allowed to transfer it to another party. Signing a
contract confirms approval of its contents and terms. A thirdparty signing a promissory note means if the principal
borrower defaults the signer guarantees payment.


1. Agreements: Two parties agree to the terms of a
contract. If it is denied a counter off is made until the
agreement is reached. Upon agreement the contract
is legally binding when it is signed. 2. Commerce:
When a buyer accepts goods delivered. 3.
Documentary credit: Agreeing to pay a bill by signing
under the word accepted. 4. Legal: When an agent
officially authorized acts on an agreement. 5.
Shipping: The act of sending a good to a recipient.


Entered or recorded in some official register or

record or list.

Education is the Key

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