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Pillars of Islam

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Islamic core values/beliefs

The ninety-nine Attributes of Allah represent the Islamic values and beliefs. Abu
Hurairah R.D.U.H narrated that the Prophet S.A.W said “Allah has ninety-nine
Names, i.e. one hundred minus one, and whoever believes in their meanings and
acts accordingly, will enter Paradise; and Allah is Witr [one] and loves 'the Witr'
[i.e., odd numbers].

The basic Islamic values include:

• Honesty (Al-Mu’min)
• Responsibility (Al-Wakil)
• Discipline (Al-Matin)
• Cooperation (Al-Jami’)
• Fair (Al-‘Adl)
• Future Orientated (Al-Akhir)
• Care (Al-Wahhab)

Six Pillars of Imaan - building mental strength:

1. Faith in Allah
Taaqwa is the remembrance of Allah. It is the act of righteousness and God
Fearing and it is the most effective method to increase the imaan. Taaqwa is
recommended during the day so one may rest at night rather than acting like a
kafir (disbeliever) during the day and repenting at night. The Prophet S.A.W said:
“people will not sit remembering God without the Angels surrounding them,
Mercy [Allah] covering them and peace descending on them.” [Muslim]
Having faith in Allah is to have integrity and confidence, to feel secure and
motivated and most importantly to have an ikhlas intention. Every time the Azan
is called treat it as Allah’s direct motivation to pray, to renew one’s taaqwa and
come back to Allah leaving the materialistic world and its temptations and
corruption behind.

2. Faith in Angels
To believe in Allah is to believe in His creations such as the Angels. His Angels
are firm and obedient, and are selfless and generous. The idea of reciting
Bismillahi rahmani rahim (in the name of Allah the Most Compassionate Most
Merciful) before an act enforces that sense of humility and gratefulness. People
are then consciously seeking Allah’s mercy as they work in the name of Allah-
Most Gracious Most Merciful. Saying Assalaamu’alaikum (peace be upon you) to
other Muslims creates that mutual trust and a promise to keep loyal and help
each other. It creates trustworthy people and Allah Ta’ala loves His truthful
slaves who fulfill their promises (See Qur’an 5: 89).

3. Faith in Prophets and Messengers

A believer believes in all the Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah. A true
leader is someone who is compassionate and attentive to others and is loved in
return. Muslims are leaders and leaders have strong integrity that provokes
trust. Leaders guide and teach, their personality is strong and consistent but
most importantly they lead based on pure conscience (inner voice directing to

4. Faith in Al Qur’an
A believer accepts the Qur’an whole heartily as a miracle from Allah. Acquire the
habit of reading books and situations carefully. Always analyse, think deeply and
critically and most importantly be open to PERFECTION. The Qur’an is guidance
to perfection in character and it is encouraged to develop the will to learn and to
progress (See Qur’an 10: 57).

5. Faith in the Last Day

A believer is future orientated so develop a strategic game plan to successfully
achieve those goals. The objectives are aspects of the targeted goal while the
strategies are the steps in achieving each aspect. The awareness of life after
death is a means of control to avoid from going astray from Allah Azawajal. The
overall goal could be ‘to our Rabb is the final return!’ or one may have the goal
‘to keep away from the torment of Hell-Fire’ or to reach Jannah whichever
motivates the individual on to the straight path of Islamic Monotheism.

6. Faith in Allah’s decisions

A believer relies totally on Allah and relates everything back to Allah (as
whatsoever occurs has already been decreed by Him). Allah likes those who are
clean and organised and understand how to maintain a formed system i.e.
shari’ah of Islam (See Qur’an 2: 177).

5 pillars of Islam- building physical/social strength:

1. Shahadah
This is the powerful mission statement in Islam: “Laillaha illAllah Muhamma-da-
Rasullallah” (there is no god besides Allah and Muhammad S.A.W is His final
This statement is of great value as it is the complete and true meaning of life.
The shahadah gives individuals the confidence when in hardship, it is an energy
booster in order to achieve goals, and it instigates courage and optimism and it
maintains a peaceful soul. This powerful statement is the actual key to Paradise
and without it one will not been given entry because the shahadah is a witness
for or against a person on their deathbed. The ability to recite the shahadah on
one’s deathbed is the affirmation for the obedient servant of Allah that they will
receive Paradise, but for those that did not apply the shahadah into their daily
routine and they do not have any actions or deeds to prove their case, they will
find it extremely difficult to utter what supposedly is a couple words of faith.
So declare that Allah is the One God and whoever hopes to meet Allah, let them
do good deeds and join no other deity in the worship of Allah.

2. Daily Prayer
Allah has instructed humanity to perform the five daily prayers in order to
preserve the pureness of their soul. It is a confirmation tool to acknowledge and
remember the true meaning of life and is a method of relaxation as well as
building positive experiences. Perform prayers with complete concentration and
discipline to Allah. The daily prayers increase the emotional and spiritual
intelligence bringing the person closer to Allah. Have trust in the prayer (and
du’a) like one trusts the decision of Allah. Allah reassures His believers saying:
“…I am indeed close [to them]: I respond to the invocations of the supplicant
when he calls on Me [without any mediator or intercessor]. So let them obey Me
and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.”
Qur’an 2: 186

3. Charity
The act of giving (from what one loves- wealth, property) with an ikhlas intention
to family and those less fortunate builds a strong synergy, relying on empathy,
trust, cooperation, openness and credibility values. Notice that if every Muslim
were to fulfil their obligatory zakat (charity) payments regularly there would not
be any poor and or hungry Muslims in the world SubhanAllah! how perfect is the
Shari’ah in regulating life and see how it benefits those that follow it; then does
Allah not deserve to be thanked and praised for His Mercy?
The giving principle (saying Bismillah) is the basis of all success as it builds one’s
social intelligence and strength. Also note that the wealth of a person has
already been ordained by Allah however one will not receive it while they
continue to go against Allah by committing sins (See Qur’an 13: 26). And a
person’s wealth is a trust from Allah, those who spend wisely and give much in
charity, be sure that Allah knows of it and will repay it in multitudes.

“Allah will destroy riba [usury] and will give increase for sadaqat [deeds of
charity, alms etc].
And Allah likes not the disbelievers, sinners.”
Qur’an 2: 276

4. Fasting
Fasting is an effective training method for self control, it weakens desires and
uncontrollable chains and it also improves one’s taqwa and remembrance in
Allah. The idea is to work with maximum power while enduring thirst and hunger
and uncontrollable emotions. Uphold one’s innate nature and values while
suppressing impure things like ego. The result is a golden heart, iron soul and
strong physique. Every act that a person performs is for themselves however
fasting is something which is just for Allah, and Allah will give multiple rewards
without measure for it as Allah says:”fasting is Mine and it is I Who give reward
for it.” [Bukhari] And it was also reported “whoever fasts one day for the sake of
Allah, Allah will keep his face seventy years distance away from the Hell-Fire
because of it.” [Muslim]

5. Pilgrimage
Hajj is required for those who are financially able and for women who can be
accompanied by their mahrem. It is the highest level of training for the imaan.
Treat it as a form of transformation of one’s principles/values into total action. It
is also a form of self evaluation and a visualisation of the future.
Before taking on the ultimate training or challenge (whatever it may be seen as
to the person), learn its meaning deeply to obtain the maximum benefits of this
pilgrimage. The result is an understanding of the true meaning of life (which is
already deeply engraved into a person’s heart) and it is also a confirmation of
the truth (Islamic Monotheism and the life of the Hereafter).

Mankind are dependent creatures. They depend upon their creator Allah (though
some may not even realise) for their own existence and their livelihood. Allah is
the sole protector against harm, worry and humiliation. It is He Who sends
blessings and wards off harm. Besides Him, there is no one through whom a
person could fulfill their needs. Those who do not realise the truth – of how much
they need Allah they will find themselves in a never ending battle, problem after
problem without any relief. Only if they begin to fulfill their obligations (5 pillars
of Islam and 6 pillars of imaan) and uphold the Islamic principles and values will
they come to realise the important of a solid and perfected structure such as the
Deen ul-Islam. The Deen of Allah is the only thing stable in life, while wealth and
family are not guaranteed and life itself is a struggle the person will find Allah
who is bountiful for them and their greatest defender.

And Allah wishes to distinguish those believers from the disbelievers, the
obedient from the rebellious, and the pious from the sinful therefore He will test
the imaan according to its level but He does not burden a person beyond their
scope. The Companions of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W would begin to worry when
they were not faced with some form of burden or adversity because with every
test passed brings one higher in rank and status (in Paradise) and these tests are
because of the Mercy of Allah. Therefore if one desires to be close to Allah then
expect tests and hardship, Allah likes those who are appreciative and sincere in
their obedience to Him.
The Prophets and Messengers endured a more advanced test then others
because of their status and elevated rank (in Paradise). The Prophet S.A.W said:
“the greatest reward in Paradise is with the highest tests that one is given.”[Tirmidhi]
And this Hadith is a good Hadith to encourage righteousness and perfection in
imaan and it is also encouragement to remain patient during the tests.

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