The Baby Lung'' Became An Adult: Review
The Baby Lung'' Became An Adult: Review
The Baby Lung'' Became An Adult: Review
DOI 10.1007/s00134-015-4200-8
Luciano Gattinoni
John J. Marini
Antonio Pesenti
Michael Quintel
Jordi Mancebo
Laurent Brochard
L. Gattinoni A. Pesenti
Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia
Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti,
Universita` degli Studi di Milano,
Via Francesco Sforza 35,
20122 Milan, Italy
J. J. Marini
Department of Medicine, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, MN,
e-mail: John.J.Marini@HealthPartners.Com
M. Quintel
Department of Anesthesiology, Emergency
and Intensive Care Medicine, Georg-August
University of Gottingen, Gottingen,
J. Mancebo
Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, Hospital de
L. Gattinoni ()) A. Pesenti
la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Dipartimento di Anestesia, Rianimazione ed e-mail:
Emergenza Urgenza, Fondazione IRCCS Ca`
GrandaOspedale Maggiore Policlinico,
L. Brochard
Milan, Italy
Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing
Knowledge Insitute, Critical Care
Tel.: ?39-02-55033232
Department, St. Michaels Hospital,
Toronto, ON, Canada
A. Pesenti
L. Brochard
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care
Medicine, Toronto, ON, Canada
Abstract The baby lung was originally defined as the fraction of lung
parenchyma that, in acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS), still
maintains normal inflation. Its size
obviously depends on ARDS severity
and relates to the compliance of the
respiratory system. CO2 clearance
and blood oxygenation primarily
occur within the baby lung. While the
specific compliance suggests the
intrinsic mechanical characteristics to
be nearly normal, evidence from
positron emission tomography suggests that at least a part of the wellaerated baby lung is inflamed. The
baby lung is more a functional concept than an anatomical one; in fact,
in the prone position, the baby lung
shifts from the ventral lung
regions toward the dorsal lung
regions while usually increasing its
size. This change is associated with
expiratory pressure (PEEP), stress and strain, and spontaneous breathing may be considered according to the
Several diseases may produce the syndrome called acute baby lung model, as we explore in this paper.
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The symptoms
involved are impaired gas exchange, decreased lung
compliance, increased lung weight and widespread
involvement of the lung parenchyma. Whatever the cause Baby lung: anatomical characteristics
of ARDS, the treatment of symptoms is mandatory to buy
time for the resolution of the underlying process, such as The concept of baby lung originated from observations
pneumonia or sepsis. Possible harm from mechanical on the first CT scan images obtained in ARDS patients,
ventilation is understandable if the ARDS lung is modeled which showed that densities were preferentially distributed
in two regions, one nearly normal and having dimensions in the dependent lung regions while the non-dependent lung
similar to those of a healthy baby (Fig. 1). The restricted regions were relatively spared. This view deeply contrasts
capacity of this baby lung is primarily responsible for with the common belief, derived from antero-posterior
the mechanical characteristics described in ARDS. The imaging, that ARDS homogeneously involves the entire
second region, consolidated and collapsed, is primarily lung parenchyma. Quantitative analysis of the CT scan (see
responsible for the impairment of oxygenation. This Fig. 2) [1] showed that the patho-anatomy of the ARDS
concept evolved over several decades: the baby lung, lung is not homogeneously distributed but comprised of
rather than an anatomical reality, became a functional regions totally deprived of air and regions normally (or
status. Studies relating to prone positioning, positive end- almost normally) aerated. Only a small proportion of the
lung is ventilated, and this small (baby) lung has to fulfill
the physiological needs of an adult body.
Quantitatively, the baby lung includes the voxels
comprised in the interval between -900 and -500
Hounsfield units (HU) [2], which describe the densities of
the voxel, where -900 indicates 90 % gas and 10 %
tissue and -500 indicates 50 % gas and 50 % tissue. In
normal lungs, the voxels included in this interval (the
well-inflated tissue) correspond to a weight of about
600700 g, while in ARDS they may account for 1/3 or
even 1/5 of this value. Quantitative analysis of the CT
scan provided a powerful tool to compare the in vivo
anatomy with the physiological variables commonly
measured in the ARDS definition. The most important
finding was the discovery that the aerated ARDS lung was
not stiff but small, with near normal intrinsic mechanical
characteristics [2]. The ratio of the respiratory system
compliance to the residual healthy (baby) lung (expressed as a fraction of the expected healthy lung volume)
Fig. 1 A representative CT scan image of an ARDS patient is roughly 1:1, i.e. 20 mL/cmH O compliance corre2
showing that the ARDS lung can be modeled in one nearly normal
lung, 50 mL/
region (having dimensions similar to those of a healthy baby) and a
cmH2O to 50 %, and so on. The relationship between the
gasless region
Fig. 3 Representative images of cross-registered computed tomography (at mean airway pressure) and [18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-Dglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography from two patients
with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Positron emission tomographic images represent the 18FDG uptake and the color scale
represents radioactivity concentration. a 18FDG distribution parallels that of the opacities detected on CT. b Intense 18FDG uptake
can be observed in normally aerated regions (square 1), while
activity is lower in the dorsal, non-aerated regions of both lungs
(square 2). Reproduced from [13]
Fig. 4 Examples of widening the baby lung by prone position (a, b) and by increasing PEEP from 5 cmH2O (c) to 15 cmH2O (d). Note
that recruitment in general proceeds from dorsal to ventral regions in the prone position and from ventral to dorsal by pressure increase
The overall effects of PEEP on recruitability, however, are complex. The percentage of potentially
recruitable lung, as analyzed with CT scans performed up
to 45 cmH2O airway pressure, was highly variable in
acute lung injury/ARDS patients [42]. About 24 % of the
lung could not be recruited even at 45 cmH2O, and lung
recruitment occurring from PEEP 515 cmH2O correlated
well with the percentage of potentially recruitable lung.
Interestingly, patients with a high percentage of potentially recruitable lung had higher mortality rates than
those with a low percentage. As recruitability increased
with severity, it follows that the smaller the baby lung at
low pressure, the greater would be its relative increase
when PEEP is increased. A further analysis by Caironi
and coworkers [43], showed that, in patients with a higher
percentage of potentially recruitable lung, raising PEEP
from 5 to 15 markedly decreased the amount of opening
closing lung tissue, but PEEP did not produce any effect
in patients with a lower percentage of potentially
recruitable lung. Analysis of the association between
mortality and determinants of VILI showed that the
amount of openingclosing was independently associated
with an increased risk of death. A recent study [44] has
shown that, among different bedside PEEP selection
methods in ARDS patients, the one based on oxygenation
criteria was most closely related to lung recruitability.
Taken together, these data [4244] suggest high PEEP
levels should be used in more severe ARDS but not in
patients with a lower percentage of potentially
recruitable lung. In other words, the smaller the baby lung
at low pressure the greater the PEEP to be applied.
Recently, Cressoni et al. [45] showed that the greater
the ARDS severity, the greater the lung inhomogeneity.
Such inhomogeneities were mainly distributed at the
interface between lung regions with high and normal CT
density, i.e. at the boundary zones of the baby lung,
which were more numerous in non-survivors than in
survivors and were always inflamed, as shown by PET
[15]. The authors proposed that lung inhomogeneity acts
as a stress raiser, and they calculated that these regions are
exposed to a stress which almost doubles the transpulmonary pressure applied. Such a mechanism (stress
raising) can further magnify VILI. Interestingly, the
extent of inhomogeneity was associated with the fraction
of poorly aerated lung tissue, and it decreased when PEEP
was increased.
Are there clinical data to suggest which PEEP level is
most appropriate in ARDS? In the ExPress study [46], the
use of low VT with high PEEP (about 15 cmH2O, individually titrated to reach a Pplat of 2830 cmH2O) tended
to increase mortality in acute lung injury patients when
compared to low VT and moderate PEEP. Conversely, the
low VT/high PEEP strategy decreased mortality in sicker
ARDS patients. A secondary post hoc analysis of randomized PEEP trials further supports the selective use of
high PEEP levels in severe ARDS patients, i.e. those with
The size of the baby lung determines tissue compliance
and directly dictates the mechanical properties of the
ARDS lung. For a given tidal volume, therefore, stress
and strain relate to baby lung size. Physical characteristics
such as mechanical homogeneity and dimension of the
baby lung may be deeply affected by PP and PEEP. The
positive effects of these two maneuvers appear inversely
related to the baby lung size. Although less well documented, these same rules are likely to apply when
spontaneous breathing efforts are made. The baby lung
concept may help to understand and implement safe
mechanical or spontaneous ventilation during the different stages of ARDS.
Acknowledgments We thank Prof. Giacomo Bellani (Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universita` degli Studi di Milano
Bicocca, Milan, Italy) and Eleonora Carlesso (Dipartimento di
Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti, Fondazione
IRCCS Ca Granda-Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Universita`
degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy) for their invaluable support in
the preparation of this manuscript.
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