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Oracle Commerce: Content Acquisition System Installation Guide Version 11.1 - July 2014

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Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Version 11.1 July 2014

About this guide..........................................................................................................................................................7
Who should use this guide.........................................................................................................................................7
Conventions used in this guide..................................................................................................................................7
Contacting Oracle Support.........................................................................................................................................8

Chapter 1: Before you install..............................................................................9

Overview of the Content Acquisition System.............................................................................................................9
Prerequisite Oracle Commerce components.............................................................................................................9
System requirements.................................................................................................................................................9
CAS Document Conversion Module..........................................................................................................................9
Recommended reading............................................................................................................................................10

Chapter 2: Installing the Content Acquisition System...................................11

Installing on Windows...............................................................................................................................................11
Creating a user for the Endeca services on Windows......................................................................................11
Installing CAS on Windows...............................................................................................................................12
Installing CAS silently on Windows...................................................................................................................13
Updating the Deployment Template to use the WSDL client stubs and the CAS Deployment Template component.14
Installing on UNIX.....................................................................................................................................................15
Installing CAS on UNIX.....................................................................................................................................15
Adding the Endeca CAS service to inittab on UNIX..........................................................................................16
Installing only the CAS Console on UNIX.........................................................................................................16
Installing CAS silently on UNIX.........................................................................................................................17
Integrating CAS with the Deployment Template on UNIX................................................................................18
Installing a plug-in into CAS.....................................................................................................................................18
Web Crawler installation...........................................................................................................................................19
Package contents and directory structure................................................................................................................19
About changing the role used for the CAS Console extension................................................................................22

Chapter 3: Uninstalling the Content Acquisition System..............................23

Uninstalling CAS on Windows..................................................................................................................................23
Uninstalling CAS Console on UNIX.........................................................................................................................23
Uninstalling CAS on UNIX........................................................................................................................................24
Uninstalling a plug-in from CAS...............................................................................................................................24
Uninstalling CAS Console if its extension configuration was changed....................................................................24


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Oracle Commerce

Oracle Commerce Guided Search is the most effective way for your customers to dynamically explore your
storefront and find relevant and desired items quickly. An industry-leading faceted search and Guided Navigation
solution, Guided Search enables businesses to influence customers in each step of their search experience.
At the core of Guided Search is the MDEX Engine, a hybrid search-analytical database specifically designed
for high-performance exploration and discovery. The Oracle Commerce Content Acquisition System provides
a set of extensible mechanisms to bring both structured data and unstructured content into the MDEX Engine
from a variety of source systems. The Oracle Commerce Assembler dynamically assembles content from any
resource and seamlessly combines it into results that can be rendered for display.
Oracle Commerce Experience Manager enables non-technical users to create, manage, and deliver targeted,
relevant content to customers. With Experience Manager, you can combine unlimited variations of virtual
product and customer data into personalized assortments of relevant products, promotions, and other content
and display it to buyers in response to any search or facet refinement. Out-of-the-box templates and experience
cartridges are provided for the most common use cases; technical teams can also use a software developer's
kit to create custom cartridges.

About this guide

This guide describes how to install the Content Acquisition System and set up CAS components after installation
on Windows and UNIX.
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, whenever this document specifies UNIX, it applies to Linux and

Who should use this guide

This guide is intended for application developers who are building applications using the Endeca CAS
components and are responsible for installation tasks.

Conventions used in this guide

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
Code examples, inline references to code elements, file names, and user input are set in monospace font. In
the case of long lines of code, or when inline monospace text occurs at the end of a line, the following symbol
is used to show that the content continues on to the next line:
When copying and pasting such examples, ensure that any occurrences of the symbol and the corresponding
line break are deleted and any remaining space is closed up.

| Preface

Contacting Oracle Support

Oracle Support provides registered users with answers to implementation questions, product and solution
help, and important news and updates about Guided Search software.
You can contact Oracle Support through the My Oracle Support site at https://support.oracle.com.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Chapter 1

Before you install

This section provides an overview of the Content Acquisition System, system requirements, and other information
you need to know before installing.

Overview of the Content Acquisition System

The Endeca Content Acquisition System is a set of components that add, configure, and crawl data sources
for use in an Endeca application. Data sources include file systems, Content Management System crawls,
Web servers, and custom data sources. The Endeca Content Acquisition System crawls data sources, converts
documents and files to Endeca records and processes them for use in an MDEX Engine.

Prerequisite Oracle Commerce components

CAS Console depends on Oracle Commerce Workbench. Tools and Frameworks, which includes Workbench,
must be installed on the machine where you install the CAS Console.

System requirements
See the Oracle Commerce Supported Environments Matrix document in the My Oracle Support knowledge
base at https://support.oracle.com/ for information on supported operating systems and Web browsers.
Hard disk capacity must be sufficient to store the records written to the Record Store or to record output files.
Please contact your Oracle representative if you need more information on hardware sizing.
Minimum hardware requirements:
x64 processor, minimum 1.8 GHz
2 GB of RAM
At least an 80 GB hard drive, depending on the size of your application data set

CAS Document Conversion Module

In CAS 3.0.1 and later, the CAS Document Conversion Module is installed and enabled as part of the CAS


Before you install | Recommended reading

For a list of supported file formats, see "Appendix B File Formats Supported by the CAS Document Conversion
Module" in the Endeca CAS Developer's Guide.

Recommended reading
Before installing, Oracle recommends that you read the following documents for important information about
the release.
Getting Started Guide
The Oracle Endeca Commerce Getting Started Guide gives an overview of Oracle Endeca components and
includes information about configuration scenarios. After installing all the components in your deployment,
read this guide for information on verifying your installation. You can download the Oracle Endeca Commerce
Getting Started Guide from the Oracle Technology Network.
Release Notes
Refer to the release notes for information about new features, changed features, and bug fixes for this release.
The release notes (README.txt) are part of the CAS documentation download. After installation, release
notes are also available in the following location:
Windows: CAS\<version>
UNIX: CAS/<version>
Migration Guide
Refer to the Endeca CAS Migration Guide for information about migrating your implementation from a previous
version of Endeca software. You can download the Endeca CAS Migration Guide from the Oracle Technology

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Chapter 2

Installing the Content Acquisition System

This section contains installation procedures and describes the contents of the installation directory. Although
the CAS Console extension for Oracle Endeca Workbench is distributed in a single package with the CAS
Server, it can be installed without installing the CAS Server.

Installing on Windows
This section provides instructions for installing the Endeca Content Acquisition System on Windows.

Creating a user for the Endeca services on Windows

You must run the Endeca services as a specified user, for which you can control permissions.
You are asked to provide information about this Endeca services user during the installation process. Oracle
recommends that you create a user account called endeca that has the proper file and directory permissions
to access all necessary files for your application, and that you set up your Endeca Tools Service to run under
this account. However, you can use any user that you prefer, as long as it meets these requirements.
To create the user endeca:

Ensure that you have administrator privileges on the local machine.

From the Windows Control Panel, select Computer Management > Administrative Tools.
In the tree pane of the Computer Management window, select System Tools > Local Users and Groups.
Right-click Users and select New User.

5. In the New User dialog box, do the following:

a) Enter endeca for both the User name and the Full name.
b) Optionally, enter a description.
c) Set a password for user endeca.
Note: The user must have a non-blank password, because the installer will not accept a blank
password for the services user.
d) Uncheck User must change password at next logon.
6. Click Create to create the new user, and then Close to exit the dialog box.
7. Close the Computer Management window, but do not exit Administrative Tools.


Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on Windows

8. From Administrative Tools, do the following:

a) Open Local Security Policy.
b) In the Local Security Settings window, select Local Policies > User Rights Assignments.
c) From the list of policies on the right, open Log on as a Service.
d) Add user endeca to the list of users that can register a process as a service.
e) Close the dialog box and exit Administrative Tools.

Installing CAS on Windows

Before installing, ensure that you have met the following pre-requisites:
Ensure you have administrator privileges on the local machine.
Close all running programs and, if you previously had CAS installed on this machine, refer to the "Upgrading"
section of the CAS Migration Guide for information on migration procedures.
If you are installing CAS Console, the ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT and ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF environment
variables must be set on the machine running Oracle Endeca Tools and Frameworks before running the
CAS installation program. Setting these variables happens automatically when you restart the machine
that has Oracle Endeca Tools and Frameworks installed.
Note: Even if you are installing on a drive other than the C drive, you should have approximately 400
MB of space available on the system drive before installing. This space is needed temporarily for the
installer files that are unpacked on the C drive during the installation regardless of the drive you specified
for your installation. The space is cleared after the installation process completes.
To install CAS on Windows:
1. In your local environment, locate the Endeca CAS software that you downloaded from the Oracle Software
Delivery Cloud.
2. Double-click the installer file OCcas-version_x86_64pc-win32.exe to start the wizard.
3. Click Next to begin the installation process.
4. In the Important Information screen, read the copyright and then click Next.
5. In the Custom Setup screen, all installation items except CAS Samples are selected by default. These
samples contain code and configuration file examples.
Select the program features you want to install and then click Next. This guide assumes that you selected
all the options listed:

Content Acquisition System

CAS Samples
CAS Console as a Workbench Extension
CAS Deployment Template Integration

6. In the Destination Folder screen, select an installation location or accept the default location of
C:\Endeca\CAS and then click Next.
7. In the Endeca CAS Service Information screen, specify the user name, password, and domain information
for the user who will run the CAS Service and then click Next. (This is typically the endeca user you created
in the previous procedure. )
8. In the CAS Server Information screen, enter the CAS Server port and CAS Server shutdown port, or
accept the default values of 8500 and 8506.
9. In the Completing the Setup Wizard screen, click Next.
The CAS Service starts automatically after installation.
Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on Windows


Related Links
Installing CAS silently on Windows on page 13
The silent installer is useful if you want to add the CAS installation to an install script, or push out the
installation on multiple machines. The silent installer is not interactive.
Updating the Deployment Template to use the WSDL client stubs and the CAS Deployment Template
component on page 14
This task is optional. It may be necessary if you did not integrate the CAS Deployment Template
component into the Deployment Template during the installation process and then later found that
you need the Deployment Template to manage crawling operations.
Creating a user for the Endeca services on Windows on page 11
You must run the Endeca services as a specified user, for which you can control permissions.

Installing CAS silently on Windows

The silent installer is useful if you want to add the CAS installation to an install script, or push out the installation
on multiple machines. The silent installer is not interactive.
The syntax to run the silent installation is the following:
start /wait OCcas-<version>-arch-OS.exe /s
/l=full path to the installer log file\installer.log
[CASHOST=localhost] [CASPORT=8500] [CASSTOPPORT=8506]
where the options have the following values:



Required. Specifies the installation program to run in silent mode.


Required. Specifies that the CAS installer runs in silent mode.


Optional. The logging option (/l=) provides useful information from

silent installer failures. The specified directory must be a full path.


Optional. Specifies the host name of the machine where you want
to install and run CAS. If the omitted, the default value is local


Optional. Specifies the port on which CAS Service is listening. If

the omitted, the default value is 8500.


Optional. Specifies the port to stop the CAS Service. If the omitted,
the default value is 8506.


Optional. You can replace C:\Endeca with the location to which

you want to install. However, if you set the install location to a drive
that does not exist, the silent installation fails with a non-zero status


Optional. Specifies whether to install CAS without the CAS Console

and the Deployment Template integration. If omitted, the default
value is TRUE.


Optional. Specifies whether to install CAS Console as an extension

to Oracle Endeca Workbench. If you do not want to install CAS

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on Windows


Console specify FALSE for this option. If omitted, the default value
is TRUE.


Optional. Specifies whether to integrate the CAS component into

the Deployment Template. Set this to FALSE if the CAS environment
does not require the Deployment Template to manage crawling
operations. If omitted, the default value is TRUE.


Optional. Specifies whether to install the sample CAS code and

configuration files. If omitted, the default value is FALSE.


Required. Species the user running the Endeca CAS Service. This
is typically the specified as the endeca user.


Required. Specifies the corresponding password for the USERNAME



Required. Specifies the domain of the USERNAME option.

To launch the silent installer:

1. From a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
2. Issue the start command and at a minimum specify the required options described above.
start /wait F:\endeca-installers\OCcas-<version>-x86_64pc-win32.exe /s
PASSWORD=endecapwd DOMAINNAME=eastcoast

Updating the Deployment Template to use the WSDL client stubs and the CAS
Deployment Template component
This task is optional. It may be necessary if you did not integrate the CAS Deployment Template component
into the Deployment Template during the installation process and then later found that you need the Deployment
Template to manage crawling operations.
To update the Deployment Template:
Copy the new CAS Deployment Template component into the Deployment Template:

On Windows, copy <install path>\CAS\<version>\lib\cas-dt\casStubs.jar to <install

config\lib\java and replace the existing JAR file.
On UNIX, copy <install path>/CAS/<version>/lib/cas-dt/casStubs.jar to <install

Both the WSDL client stubs and the CAS Deployment Template component (the ContentAcquisition
ServerComponent class) are packaged in casStubs.jar.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on UNIX


For details on upgrading applications deployed for a previous version of CAS, see the Endeca CAS Migration

Installing on UNIX
This section provides instructions for installing the Endeca Content Acquisition System on UNIX.

Installing CAS on UNIX

The Endeca software is distributed as a self-extracting tar file and install script. The script is named
OCcas-version_arch-OS.sh. CAS can be installed to any location, but this procedure assumes CAS will
be installed into /usr/local. CAS unpacks to approximately 400 MB. Because multiple versions may be
stored, a destination in a large partition is recommended.
To install CAS on UNIX:
1. Locate the CAS installation file that you downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. This procedure
assumes the location is in a downloads directory.
2. Run the Endeca installation script with the following command:
downloads/OCcas-version_arch-OS.sh --target /usr/local
[--skip_console_installation] [--skip_dt_integration] [--install_samples] [-endeca_tools_root full path to the Endeca Tools
root directory] [--endeca_tools_conf full path to the Endeca Tools /conf direc
If you use the --skip_console_installation flag, the installer does not attempt to install CAS Console
as an extension to Oracle Endeca Workbench. Use this flag if Workbench runs on a different server than
CAS. This procedure assumes you are running the installation script without the
--skip_console_installation flag.
If you use the --skip_dt_integration flag, the installer does not integrate the CAS component into
the Deployment Template. Use this flag if the CAS environment does not require the Deployment Template
to manage crawling operations. This procedure assumes you are running the installation script without the
--skip_dt_integration flag.
If you use the --install_samples flag, the installer includes samples of CAS code and configuration
3. Enter the CAS Service port.
4. Enter the CAS Service Shutdown port.
5. If ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT or ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF is not set in the environment, the installer prompts you
for these values.
If running the installation script with the --skip_console_installation flag, the installer does not
prompt for these values.
6. Enter the fully qualified CAS Server host name.
If running the installation script with the --skip_console_installation flag, the installer does not
prompt for a host.
Following installation:
To start the CAS Service, navigate to /usr/local/endeca/CAS/<version>/bin and run the following
script: cas-service.sh
Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on UNIX

If you chose to install the CAS Console, you must restart the Endeca Tools Service. See the Oracle Endeca
Tools and Frameworks Installation Guide.
Related Links
Installing CAS silently on UNIX on page 17
The silent installer is useful if you want to add the CAS installation to your own install script, or push
out the installation on multiple machines.
Updating the Deployment Template to use the WSDL client stubs and the CAS Deployment Template
component on page 14
This task is optional. It may be necessary if you did not integrate the CAS Deployment Template
component into the Deployment Template during the installation process and then later found that
you need the Deployment Template to manage crawling operations.

Adding the Endeca CAS service to inittab on UNIX

In a UNIX development environment, the Endeca CAS Service can be started from the command line. In a
UNIX production environment, however, Oracle recommends starting it from inittab.
In UNIX you run the CAS Server using cas-service.sh, located in
usr/local/endeca/CAS/<version>/bin. You can write a script that calls cas-service.sh and is
referenced in inittab.
When writing your script, it is recommended as a best practice that you run the Endeca CAS Service as a user
other than root.
This sample script (named start_cas_service.sh) sets the ENDECA_USER variable to the endeca user
and then issues an su command to change to the endeca user:
# change to user endeca
su $ENDECA_USER -c "cd $CAS_ROOT/bin; \
$CAS_ROOT/bin/cas-service.sh >> $CAS_WORKSPACE/logs/cas-service-wrapper.log
The start_cas_service.sh script is then referenced in inittab with an entry similar to this example:
When writing your startup script, keep in mind that it is server-specific, and therefore its details (such as paths
and user names) depend on the configuration of your server.

Installing only the CAS Console on UNIX

Use the configure_tools_and_frameworks_integration.sh script to install only the CAS Console:
If you installed CAS but did not install the CAS Console as a Workbench extension (using the
--skip_console_installation flag).
If you intend to install the CAS Console with more than one instance of Workbench
If you intend to run the CAS Service on a separate machine from the one that hosts the CAS Console
Workbench Extension
To install only the CAS Console on UNIX:

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing on UNIX


1. Stop Endeca CAS Service.

2. Open a command-line and issue the following:
[--endeca_tools_root full path to the Endeca Tools root directory]
[--endeca_tools_conf full path to the Endeca Tools /conf directory]
This registers the CAS Console with the specified Endeca Workbench installation.
Note: You may omit the flags for --endeca_tools_root and --endeca_tools_conf if these
variables are already set as environment variables.
3. Start Endeca CAS Service.

Installing CAS silently on UNIX

The silent installer is useful if you want to add the CAS installation to your own install script, or push out the
installation on multiple machines.
The silent installer is not interactive.
To run the silent installer:
1. Create a .txt file that contains rows to specify the response value for each prompt on its own line. The order
of prompts in the installer is:
CAS port
CAS shutdown port
CAS host
For example:
Important: The silent installer does not prompt for $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT or
$ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF, so if these variables are not set in the environment, or if you want to override
what is set, you must use the --endeca_tools_root and --endeca_tools_conf flags when
you run the silent installer (they must be specified after the --silent and --target flags).
2. From a command prompt, navigate to the location of the installer.
3. Run the install script with the --silent flag, the --target flag (which specifies the absolute path of the
target installation directory), any optional arguments, and the response file as an input. For example:


If $ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT and $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF are not set in the environment or you want to
override their values, specify their respective flags:

--silent --target /usr/local <

./OCcas-version-arch-OS.sh --silent --target /usr/local --endeca_tools_root

path to the Endeca Tools root directory --endeca_tools_conf /usr/local/ende
< silent.txt

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


Installing the Content Acquisition System | Installing a plug-in into CAS

To skip installation of the CAS Console, you must specify the --skip_console_installation flag:
./OCcas-version-arch-OS.sh --silent
--target /usr/local < silent.txt --skip_console_installation

To skip CAS integration with the Deployment Template, you must specify the --skip_dt_integration
./OCcas-version-arch-OS.sh --silent
--target /usr/local < silent.txt --skip_dt_integration

Use this flag if the CAS environment does not require the Deployment Template to manage crawling
To install samples of CAS code and configuration files, you must specify the --install_samples
./OCcas-version-arch-OS.sh --silent
--target /usr/local < silent.txt --install_samples

Following installation:
To start the CAS Service, navigate to CAS/<version>/bin and run the following command:
If you chose to install the CAS Console, you must restart the Endeca Tools Service. See the Oracle Endeca
Workbench Installation Guide.

Integrating CAS with the Deployment Template on UNIX

Use the configure_tools_and_frameworks_integration.sh script to integrate the CAS component
into the Deployment Template. This may be necessary if you installed CAS but did not integrate the CAS
component into the Deployment Template and then later found that you need the Deployment Template to
manage crawling operations.
To integrate CAS with the Deployment Template on UNIX:
1. Stop Endeca CAS Service.
2. Open a command-line and issue the following:
[--endeca_tools_root full path to the Endeca Tools root directory]
[--endeca_tools_conf full path to the Endeca Tools /conf directory]
Note: You may omit the flags for --endeca_tools_root and --endeca_tools_conf if these
variables are already set as environment variables.
3. Start Endeca CAS Service.

Installing a plug-in into CAS

After receiving a plug-in (a JAR or set of JAR files) from a plug-in developer, a CAS application developer
installs the plug-in into CAS.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Installing the Content Acquisition System | Web Crawler installation


The Content Acquisition System detects each plug-in and validates the extensions within it by checking the
uniqueness of extension IDs and by checking for the presence of an annotation of either @CasDataSource
or @CasManipulator for each extension.
To install a plug-in into CAS:
1. Stop Endeca CAS Service.
2. Navigate to <install path>\CAS\<version>\lib\cas-server-plugins and create a
plugin-name subdirectory for each plug-in.
For example: CAS\<version>\lib\cas-server-plugins\JDBCDataSourceExt
3. Copy the plug-in JAR or JARs, and any dependent JAR files, to <install
path>CAS\<version>\lib\cas-server-plugins\plugin-name .
4. Repeat the steps above as necessary for multiple plug-ins.
5. Start Endeca CAS Service.
You can confirm that an extension is installed by runing the listModules task of the CAS Server Command-line
Utility and specifying a moduleType of either SOURCE or MANIPULATOR. The task returns the installed modules.
For example, this task shows that a custom data source named Sample Data Source for testing is
C:\Endeca\CAS\<version>\bin>cas-cmd listModules -t SOURCE
Sample Data Source
*Id: Sample Data Source
*Description: Sample Data Source for testing
File System
*Id: File System
*Description: No description available for File System
*Binary Content Accessible via FileSystem
*Data Source Filter
*Has Binary Content
*Expand Archives

Web Crawler installation

The Endeca Web Crawler is installed as part of the CAS installation.
The Web Crawler startup script is in <install path>\CAS\<version>\bin (and in the equivalent path
on UNIX). The Web Crawler configuration files are in <install path>\CAS\conf\web (and in the equivalent
path on UNIX). See the Endeca Web Crawler Guide for details and usage.

Package contents and directory structure

The CAS directory is the root directory for the Content Acquisition System.
After installing the Content Acquisition System, you see this directory structure:

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


Installing the Content Acquisition System | Package contents and directory structure

The contents of the CAS directory are described here in detail.




Scripts to start the CAS Service (cas-service.sh for UNIX and

cas-service.bat for Windows).
Scripts to run the CAS Server Command-line Utility (cas-cmd.sh
for UNIX and cas-cmd.bat for Windows).
Scripts to run the Component Instance Manager Command-line
Utility (component-manager-cmd.sh for UNIX and
component-manager-cmd.bat for Windows).
Scripts to run the Record Store Command-line Utility
(recordstore-cmd.sh and recordstore-cmd.bat).
Scripts to run the Web Crawler (web-crawler.sh for UNIX systems
and web-crawler.bat for Windows).
Scripts to shut down the CAS Service
(cas-service-shutdown.sh for UNIX and
cas-service-shutdown.bat for Windows).
The executable that runs the CAS Service as a Windows service
Script to install CAS Console on UNIX
The casconsole.war file, which is the CAS Console application.
The casconsole.xml file, which is the context file for the CAS
The casconsole.properties file, which is the configuration file
for the CAS Console.
These files are copied to the Endeca Workbench installation and used
from that location.


The reference documentation (Javadoc) for the CAS Server, the

Component Instance Manager, the Record Store, the CAS Extension
API, the CAS Deployment Template Component, and the Web
The Endeca Licensing Guide.


The Web Service (WSDL) files for the CAS Server, the Component
Instance Manager, and the Record Store.


The JDK used to run the CAS components (except CAS Console, which
runs in the Endeca Tools Service).


Oracle Commerce

Libraries for the CAS command-line utilities including: the CAS Server
utility, the Component Instance Manager utility, the Record Store
Libraries for the CAS APIs including: the CAS Server API, the
Component Instance Manager API, the Record Store API, and the
CAS Extension API.

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Installing the Content Acquisition System | Package contents and directory structure




CAS WSDL client stub files for the Deployment Template.


version\lib\cas-server-plugins Libraries for CAS plug-ins including CMS connectors and custom
extensions (if applicable).

The CAS Document Conversion Module libraries.


The library for the Forge Record Store adapter.


The Web Crawler libraries.


Directories for the sample applications and sample extensions. The

sample applications are documented in the CAS Developer's Guide and
also in the CAS Extension API Guide.


The root.war file, which is the CAS Server and Component Instance
Manager applications.

version\workspace_template The template for the workspace directory that contains configuration

The working directory for the CAS Server and the Web Crawler.
The commandline.properties file, which contains the CAS
Service settings necessary for the CAS command-line utilities to run.
Three logging configuration files
(cas-service.log4j.properties for the CAS Service,
recordstore-cmd.log4j.properties for the Record Store,
and cas-cmd.log4j.properties for the Command-line Utility).
The Jetty configuration files.


The default configuration files for the Web Crawler, including the
log4j.properties logging configuration file.


Sample crawl configuration files for non-polite crawls. As with the polite
version, the settings in these files will override the default settings.


Sample crawl configuration files for polite crawls. The settings in

site.xml will override the same property settings in the default.xml
file, while the crawl-urlfilter.txt file will also override the default
version of the file.


The cas-service.log file, which contains the CAS Service log output,
and includes log messages from all crawls managed by the CAS Server.


Default destination directory for the crawl output from the Web Crawler.
The output directory is not present upon installation. It is created when
the Web Crawler writes to output records for a crawl.


State files for the CAS Service components. State files can include
Record Store instances, state directories for data source extension
information, and state directories for manipulator extension information.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


Installing the Content Acquisition System | About changing the role used for the CAS Console extension

Note: There is no logs directory for the Web Crawler, because by default the Web Crawler sends its
standard output to the console. However, you can modify the log4j.properties file to send the output
to a file.

About changing the role used for the CAS Console extension
By default, only users with administrative rights can view the CAS Console extension in Oracle Workbench.
However, you can also make this extension visible to non-administrative users.
See the Oracle Endeca Workbench Administrator's Guide for details on changing the visibility of the CAS
Console extension for different user roles.
Note: If you change a user role in Workbench, you must manually remove the CAS Console extension
if you choose to unregister it.
Related Links
Uninstalling CAS Console if its extension configuration was changed on page 24
If you need to uninstall the CAS Console extension for Oracle Endeca Workbench and you have
manually edited its extension configuration (for example to assign the extension to a role other than
"admin"), you must manually uninstall the CAS Console as an Oracle Endeca Workbench extension.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Chapter 3

Uninstalling the Content Acquisition System

This section contains the procedures for uninstalling the Content Acquisition System.

Uninstalling CAS on Windows

Follow these steps to uninstall the Content Acquisition System from your Windows machine.
The installer creates a timestamped backup of your workspace prior to uninstalling the Content Acquisition
To uninstall the Content Acquisition System from a Windows machine:
1. From the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select the Endeca Content Acquisition System from the list of installed software.
3. Click Remove.

Uninstalling CAS Console on UNIX

Follow this procedure to remove the CAS Console from Oracle Endeca Workbench without uninstalling the
Content Acquisition System.
To remove the CAS Console from Oracle Endeca Workbench:
1. Open a command-line prompt and run the following command:
--uninstall_console --uninstall_dt_integration
2. If you do not have ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT and ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF set in the environment, do one of
the following:

Enter the value for each at the prompt.

Run the /endeca/CAS/<version>/bin/configure_tools_and_frameworks_integration.sh
--uninstall_console script with the flags --endeca_tools_root full path to the Endeca
Tools root directory --endeca_tools_conf full path to the Endeca Tools /conf

3. Restart the Endeca Tools Service


Uninstalling the Content Acquisition System | Uninstalling CAS on UNIX

Uninstalling CAS on UNIX

Follow these steps to uninstall the Content Acquisition System from a UNIX machine.
Before you begin the uninstall process, back up any files that you want to retain from the CAS directory.
You must uninstall CAS Console for Oracle Endeca Workbench prior to uninstalling the CAS.
To uninstall the CAS from a UNIX machine:
1. Shutdown CAS Service by navigating to /usr/local/endeca/CAS/<version>/bin and running the
following command: cas-service-shutdown.sh.
2. In a command prompt, issue an rm command as in this example:
rm -rf endeca/CAS/<version>

Uninstalling a plug-in from CAS

Follow these steps to uninstall a plug-in from the Content Acquisition System.
Before you begin the uninstall process, back up any plug-in JAR files that you want to retain from the
CAS\version\lib\cas-server-plugins directory.
To uninstall a plug-in from the CAS:
1. Stop Endeca CAS Service.
2. Navigate to <install path>\CAS\<version>\lib\cas-server-plugins.
3. Delete the plugin-name/ subdirectory for each plug-in.
For example: <install path>\CAS\<version>\lib\cas-server-plugins\JDBCDataSourceExt
4. Repeat the steps above as necessary for multiple plug-ins.
5. Start Endeca CAS Service.

Uninstalling CAS Console if its extension configuration was

If you need to uninstall the CAS Console extension for Oracle Endeca Workbench and you have manually
edited its extension configuration (for example to assign the extension to a role other than "admin"), you must
manually uninstall the CAS Console as an Oracle Endeca Workbench extension.
To manually remove the CAS Console extension to Oracle Endeca Workbench:
1. Navigate to %ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF%\conf (on Windows) or $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/conf (on UNIX).
2. In ws-extensions.xml, remove the <extension> element with the id "casconsole".
3. In ws-mainMenu.xml, remove the <menuitem> element with the id "casconsole".
4. Delete casconsole.properties.
5. From %ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF%\conf\Standalone (on Windows) or
$ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/conf/Standalone (on UNIX), delete casconsole.xml.
6. From %ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT%\server\webapps (on Windows) or
$ENDECA_TOOLS_ROOT/server/webapps (on UNIX), delete casconsole-version.war.
7. Restart the Endeca Tools Service
Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide

Uninstalling the Content Acquisition System | Uninstalling CAS Console if its extension configuration was


Related Links
About changing the role used for the CAS Console extension on page 22
By default, only users with administrative rights can view the CAS Console extension in Oracle
Workbench. However, you can also make this extension visible to non-administrative users.

Oracle Commerce

Content Acquisition System Installation Guide


bin directory
contents of 20
location of 20

contents of 19
directory structure of 19
overview of 9
prerequisites 9

CAS Server API
location of 20
CAS Service
starting from inittab 16
cas-server.log4j.properties file 21
configuration files
for logging 21
for non-polite crawls 21
for polite crawls 21

a plug-in 24
CAS Console if extension configuration changed 24
CAS Console on UNIX 23
on UNIX 24
on Windows 23

Deployment Template
upgrading to use WSDL stub files 14

CAS Console on UNIX 16
on UNIX 15
on Windows 12
silently on UNIX 17
silently on Windows 13

overview of package 9

recordstore-server.log4j.properties file 21

system requirements 9

workspace directory
location of 21
WSDL files
location of 20
WSDL stub files
using with Deployment Template 14

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