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POST Reading Strategies

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The key takeaways are different reading comprehension strategies for scaffolding adolescent readers including concept definition mapping, word splash, reciprocal teaching, KWL chart, and directed reading-thinking activity.

Some pre-reading strategies discussed are concept definition mapping, word splash, reciprocal teaching, and KWL chart.

Some during reading strategies discussed are think aloud, questioning the author, three-minute pause, and semantic feature analysis.




1. Concept Definition Mapping

This strategy is the extension of knowing the dictionary-
defined meaning of the word. It is mappings out of concepts words
to help students better understand the meaning of a word as it
pertains to a reading selection.
The Southwest Educational Development Laboratory or SEDL is a
nonprofit organization that does educational research to help improve teaching.
Their mission is to solve significant problems facing educational systems and
communities to ensure a quality education for all learners.

Building reading proficiency at the secondary level: a guide to

resources. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.sedl.org/cgi-

2. Word Splash
This is a strategy that provides a framework for obtaining the
student’s prior knowledge before reading a selection. It develops the
student’s prediction skills.
VELS provided other many reading strategies that was useful
models to help when teaching reading.

Vels level 4 – teaching reading using the four resources model: code
breaking. (2009, December 16). Retrieved from

3. Reciprocal Teaching
The use of predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing
is four strategies used to perform reciprocal teaching. Best when
used as a small group activity. It is a way for students to interact
with teacher about the selected reading.
Buzzle is a great site that provides articles, newsletters, and
just information to the general public about various topics.

Reciprocal teaching strategies . (2010). Retrieved from


4. KWL
KWL is the strategy that works for pre, during, and post
reading. K is what the students know. It focuses on the background
knowledge the student possess. W is what the students want to
learn. It focuses on what the student expects to learn. L is what the
student learned. KWL is an organizer that builds on scaffolding and
support of the reader.
This site was very informative. It gave an in depth explanation
of the strategy as well as examples of the organizational chart.

Study guides and strategies . (n.d.). Retrieved from


5. Directed Reading-Thinking Activity

This strategy can be used in pre, during, and post reading. In
pre-reading the reader can survey the text to look for clues about
the content they are about to read. This helps the reader make
predictions and establish a purpose for reading. They can prove
their prediction of the text as they read.
Lifestyle is a great site that provides articles, newsletters, and
just information to the general public about various topics such as
shopping, parenting, and education.

Hembree, D. (2008, December 23). Drta: a specific reading strategy .

Retrieved from

This strategy is exactly what it is titled. Thinking aloud helps
students to come up with ideas to solving problems. By verbally
stating the problem they somehow link the information they have to
be able to approach situations and come up with problem solving
strategies. It is useful when targeting skills of reading
This site was too plain but is focused on the Think Aloud
strategy. It served as an instructional guide for how a teacher would
implement this reading strategy.

Reading strategies scaffolding students' interactions with texts .

(n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/6-

2. Questioning the Author

This reading strategy takes place during reading period when
student begin to form questions for why the author writes what he
Literacy Matters is a site focused on improving literacy
development of students in middle school. This site is geared to
assist those students by first reaching out to teachers, parents, and
the adolescent reader.

Questioning strategies during reading . (2008). Retrieved from


3. Aniticipation Guide
This reading strategy works on building comprehension skills
by using the reader ’s prior knowledge and experiences to
understand concepts read. The use of statements instead of
questions is employed in this strategy. The statements may not
come straight from the text but can be inferred this allows students
to really read and think about the story.
Just Read Now is a site based from Florida Standards. It is
produced by project Beacon Learning Center which started in 1997
to give resources to teachers with the use of technology.

Just Read now: anticipitation/ reaction guide . (n.d.). Retrieved from


4. Selective Underlining
Have you used a highlighter and noticed that most the text is
colored on? Well selective underlining is the strategy used to
prevent the over highlighting of text. This strategy gets the readers
to only underline main words or phrases that may be the main idea
of that reading. It is a very helpful strategy in which it helps readers
focus and pay attention more on just the essential parts needed.
The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test or FCAT is a site
with valuable insight on various strategies and resources for

Fcat express: selective underlining . (2009). Retrieved from


5. Two-column Notes
The two column notes strategy works on organizing the
information. Students can identify the key concepts and the
supporting details. This during reading strategy also works on make
most of what the reader interacts with the text.
This is a site is made through a grant from Florida Department
of Education it is titled For-PD. For-Pd produces monthly
newsletters with information about reading strategies.

For Pds reading strategy of the month . (2004, March). Retrieved

from http://forpd.ucf.edu/strategies/stratCol.html

1. Question Answer Relationship

QAR is the strategy that concentrates on the relationship between
the questions and answers. This strategy has 4 basic types of
relationships. First the “Right There” type in which the answers are
found in the text and the question is formed with similar words from
answer. Second the “Think and Search” type in which the answers
are found in the text, however; the question is formatted with
dissimilar words in the answer.
Third is the “Author and Me” type which consists of an answer
that is not in the text. Answer is found from what is read and what
reader already knows. Fourth is the “On My Own” type which the
answer is found from within the reader ’s opinions and experiences.
I like this site because it was very straight forward with explaining
the relationships between questions and answers. The site also
provides various links for further description and practices of this

Qar question answer relationship . (2007, Novemeber 14). Retrieved


2. Three-Minute Pause
Three-minute pause is a strategy for students to just take a
breather from their reading and collect their information obtained
from reading. This will enable students to process new information.
Steps to performing Three-Minute Pause is to first summarize keys
ideas; next add their thoughts; and lastly pose clarifying questions.
Reading Quest is an organization that provides tips and
instructions for various reading strategies.

Strategies for reading comprehension three-minute pause . (n.d.).

Retrieved from http://www.readingquest.org/strat/3mp.html

3. Frayer Model
This strategy for eading uses vocabulary building graphic
organizers. Students need to define the vocabulary words as well as
use the information to make examples. The information they have is
placed on visual chart which is in 4 parts. When using Frayer Model
the entire class of small groups can be involved.
This site is a resource for both teachers and parents. It offers
strategies and actual documents that you can download and print for
use in classroom.

Classroom strategies frayer model . (2008). Retrieved from


4. SQ3R
This strategy helps readers to get a clear and organized
picture of the information in what they read. The acronym SQ3R
stands for survey, question, read, recall, and review. The stages
should be done in
Mind tools is a site that offers leadership skills, problem
solving, decision making, project management, practical creativity,
time management, stress management, information skills,
communication and career skills.

Sq3r increasing your retention of written informatio . (2010).

Retrieved from

5. Semantic Feature Analysis

Semantic Feature Analysis makes connections of student’s predictions

and what is read. Comprehension and vocabulary skills are improved.Reading
Rockets is a very resourceful site. Is a site for parents and
educators. Their mission is to assist the one in five children who
have difficulty reading in order to be successful in school and in
their life.

Reading rockets teaching kids to read and helping those who

struggle. (2010). Retrieved from
Guided reading. (n.d.). Retrieved from

8 strategie for post reading . (2008, December 9). Retrieved from

Reading strategies . (n.d.). Retrieved from



Minskoff, E, & , D. (n.d.). Academic success strategies for
adolescents with learning disabilities and adhd . Retrieved from

Strategies for teaching students with behavioral disorders . (2007,
April 20). Retrieved from

Pressley, M. (2000). Comprehension instruction: what works .
Retrieved from http://www.readingrockets.org/article/68
Rubenstein, G. (2010). The New drill: teaching educators how to
improve reading levels . Retrieved from

Self-monitoring strategies and vocabulary games . (n.d.). Retrieved
from http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/lessonplan.jsp?id=201

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