Unscared 01
Unscared 01
Unscared 01
Music Issue
Pack the Music Exercise
Scars Exhibition
My Private Africa
Al’ Dat Jazz
The Rise of the Independents
Fashion Talk
anti stress lifestyle design magazine
Published by Like to take a cement fix Unscared.Net is an electronic magazine and is available for free
AlphaDesigner/Subrecords Be a standing cinema private download and use. Any other use, such as, but not limited to
Art Direction/Design Dress my friends up just for show duplication, redistribution, printing, as a whole or in part, must be
Yanko Tsvetkov (YGT) See them as they really are allowed by the authors of the works.
Illustrations/Photography Put a peephole in my brain ©2004 by AlphaDesigner.
Yanko Tsvetkov (YGT) Two New Pence to have a go
Victor Zahariev (VGZ) I’d like to be a gallery Unscared.Net is taking full responsibility for any of the authors’s
Text Put you all inside my show... opinions shared here. We would bear testimony to it in court.
Yanko Tsvetkov (YGT)
D. Bowie “Andy Warhol”
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Hardware: Olympus Camedia 2500L, Nikon 995E; Sofware: Adobe Photoshop, hosted by CULT.BG
Adobe After Effects, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Adobe Illustrator, Server for Art and Culture
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dpi; Original size: 30x15 cm; Original color space: sRGB IEC61966-2.1; Typefaces:
Myriad, Minion, Garamond, Jenson Cover: Master and Servant; illustration/photography: YGT; model: VGZ
do you want to see me down on my knees
or bending over backwards now would you be pleased
unlike the others i’d do anything
i’m not the same, i have no shame
i’m on fire
burning up
Few people can make me cry. I am cynical, twist- in my nutshell and I become human again, tiny Most of the contemporary art is individual, intro- It is not easy to be an artist. You can never get
ed, and egocentric, just like every modern man as a piece of sand. Cynical bastards will never ad- spective, but also cynical, just like the men who enough sleep. You don’t have enough time to
these days. For example, I don’t have compassion mit such masochism, but I call it meekness. There create it. If you are a part of its public, you can nev- brush your teeth either…
to people shown on TV. I watch the news, they re- is one thing about this feeling that the theory of er identify yourself with it, because it is so person- It’s a lot worse to be a big artist, because big art-
port of an airplane crash and I just switch to the masochism cannot explain – I feel much stronger alized you can barely capture its message. I don’t ists have a large audience. They seek self esteem in
next channel. when I am obeying something I can trust. know if this is only a 20th century’s issue, but it’s the words of critics and they finally fall in the trap
Even when I feel compassion, I prefer to hide it. And then the picture clarifies – anything you do wrong in all cases. of the public opinion.
As if compassion can disappear so painlessly! But becomes less worthy if you do it with a mask on Sometimes I think that long time ago art had a Once they fall, they are expected to repeat them-
as every ordinary cynical bastard, it just so hap- your face. task to do, but we forgot what task it was and now selves and that’s the point where art becomes a
pens that there are some things that can dig deep As an artist, I am well acquainted with my ego. art is here for the art of it. deal. It becomes the impossible art of the crowds.
The worst thing about this art is that it brings tainment gets filled with all this shit. It may be al- I got vibe, you got vibe, and they got vibe. You all that’s left is a tiny whisper you can barely hear.
you nothing. The mirror image gets foggy; the air cohol, joints, heroin, cocaine… And really, don’t don’t believe it because you haven’t been silent for There is no other way to become a member of the
gets full of dust, sometimes it sparkles, but it is still tell me most of the biggest songs were written un- a single moment in your life. Small, not pressed by society, isn’t it? Actually there is. It is called trust. It
dust. And in a blink of an eye, we have crowds cry- der the influence of drugs. What a shame to rely on expectations, not involved with an attitude, just is a hard, thorny road. On the left there are croco-
ing over something they never experienced for such things! Why should I stick something in your you and the world around in private, like children diles, on the right – tigers and lions. Above is the
real. If this makes them sensitive…I don’t know ass to make you creative? I may not be the greatest do. You forgot how high the roof was when you sky. In front of you – mystery.
what this world is about! artist in the world, but as Madonna said when they went to sleep, the fear of darkness, the victory of And everybody walks alone, at least until the
Then you have drugs of course, because every asked her about her singing, I am not interested in the rising sun. next restaurant:)
crap looks exciting when you are on drugs. The that. I am interested in pushing people’s buttons. All these things are still living deep in your heart,
hole left by the absence of real art and real enter- I rely on vibes. but the so-called society has shut the door and
Whenever I sit my ass down to work,
I always start with the music player. This is
the most important program. I don’t care how
much RAM it devours. Some people find this
disturbing, especially when they work with
larger files, but how many of them make such
Pack the Music Exercise
amazing magazines? Honestly! Good music
is like a fresh air. It gives you the emotional
foundation: it creates specific landscape,
sometimes it even makes your body move by
instinct, and I hope you know how important
is body stretching when you work on a chair!
So where the hell are my headphones!
Pack the Music is something truly intimate
and I still have doubts if I really have to include
it here, because it is about some of the music I
listened to when I made this issue.
It’s a kind of gratitude. Neither Prince, nor
Björk are obliged to inspire me, but they do.
And how they do it! Sometimes I feel I owe
them about 50% of everything I did, especially
when I worked with my instincts, not with my
thoughts. Just think about it! Usually I am not so
smart and definitely not so creative, my English
is bad, what else… Of course, I am humble!
And therefore - as an old Bulgarian proverb
says - beautiful. But enough about me.
~ he demands a closeness ~
~ we all have earned a lightness ~ carry my joy on the left ~ carry my pain on the right ~
Medúlla by Björk
I will not waste your time preaching about Björk’s ancient blood. No problem. Then I had to find an alien written like 心の琴線, but that was (and still is) a mix
unique talent and vision, because you already read element, no need to tell why… I took a flower. It was of many alphabets, therefore I had to use different
that before, but this album is the weirdest thing in metallic, with razorblade-like blossoms. Something fonts in one word and it appeared really bad, so I took
pop music! When I started with the making of the had to cut the flesh for the inky blood to come out, you the romaji transcription こころのきんせん.
cover, I already had plenty of information about know… Then came the cutting and pinching process, I
almost everything – the core idea (and what Osama got really mad, because I was thinking about her face I had the oxymoron – symmetry and Japanese. Nice
had to do with it), the collaborators (Rahzel is a beast, and how the cover could not be completed without it. combination, if Björk herself wasn’t so asymmetrical –
man!), the visuals (Mathias Augustyniak and Michaël She’s a pop star after all. attitude, singing, composing. I must have gone crazy.
Amzalag, Lynn Fox… nasty gang). The problem was Back to work! Why it had to be so hard? Well, that
with Björk’s complexity, it was extremely hard to find No, she’s not actually. I should be aware of clichés was Björk man, what did I expect?
a way to express everything that went trough my when I handle with that. At the end I left the face and
mind. There was an ever growing chaos and the only I saw the composition – my God, it looked like what I had only one chance left – to shake the symmetry.
person that could put things together was her, but I I was searching for! I had fully symmetric flowers And the ink came out, God bless the liquify effect
forgot her phone number:), so I had to do it alone. overlapping each other. Symmetry is boring most of in Photoshop! Then I made that out-of-focus lake-
the time, but it looked cool. like look, I didn’t want sharp borders, because it
She’s a real lady now, but she still looks childish. didn’t match the feel of the album. The music was
Like a grown teddy bear - I had the sketch in my The Romaji glyphs came when I tried to translate constructed like an onion – enormous amount of
mind, the mature elements, the naivety, the soft fur, medúlla to Japanese. The closest match I was able noises layered one over another, so when you hear
the blinking eyes, the oxymoron, but when I tried to to find was a word pronounced kokoronokinsen and a track twice, you can switch to different parts in its
put all that together, it sucked. So I decided I should it meant heartstrings, innermost soul, a very poetic construction and even recompose it by giving priority
follow her idea. Ink, she said in an interview, like approach actually. According to the dictionary, it was to the layer you left behind at first.
~ hurricane annie ripped a ceiling of a church ~
~ and killed everyone inside ~ you turn on the telly and every other story ~ is telling you somebody died ~
r S
Approach less
a l p h a d e s i g n e r . c o m
My Pr ivate Afr ica
photogr aphy b y G e or gi Ts v e tk ov, Stefan Yan e v, YGT
My Private Africa
Common illusions and
personal realities
choose the standards, or the lack of standards, audio collections to mp3s, we found the way to that could be played only on one sound system? attractive. And it is a shame, because together
for our media products. Microsoft may be willing share them with each other without worrying For example, you play a song on your home CD we almost killed the industry that brought us so
to uglify MP3 with its “amazing” WMA standard, about any copyrights, because even the ripping system, without being able to play it in your car. much joy all over the years.
so may Apple Inc. with their “ground breaking” of a CD was considered an illegal action. They That’s what they did with their media files. The When Steve Jobs introduced iTunes, he proved
AAC, but all these are only suggestions to us. kept on saying mp3 had awful sound quality, re- same media files, created to be flexible and easy one thing that the majors could not: the cus-
Apple and Microsoft know that if they remove the lated to the brilliant Audio CD, as if we didn’t have to use. What followed? We fucked them again. tomers were still willing to buy music legally.
support to MP3 in their players nobody will install the ears to hear the difference. Bullshit! In the end, it became something like a disastrous Otherwise, how can you explain the 100 million
their software. Then, things went even worse. When majors love story with a smell of dirty sheets and rusty song sales? You can’t deny the solution was so
When the majors realized they lost the battle finally adopted the new formats, they tried in- dreams. We lost our belief in majors completely gracefully simple and easy to find. What Apple
over the new media, it was too late. We already stinctively to hinder the usage of their “legal” and the majors acted like dirty old homemakers, brought to the marketing policy was finesse and
did the work they had to do – we turned our own files. Have you ever heard about an Audio CD which they thought we still had to find sexually respect to the customer.
Suite for life, pleasure, rhythm, vibes, and what
Milcho Leviev has to do with it
I work in a university. Nothing special. As many young people
I am required to be a specialist in multitasking. Sometimes I am
angry about that. It’s distracting. One day you have to count the
students, the other day you have to be creative, and at the end
someone will ask you why the floor is not clean. I swear a lot. I
have the feeling I am losing everything – my real profession, my
enthusiasm, my comfort, in short – myself.
What is keeping me there, you may ask.
People. Yes, it is a hell of a place for meeting different people,
and I still don’t have the feeling I know everybody. Most of these
people are undistinguished and mediocre. But there are some
monsters, too. Some weird old motherfuckers who can wipe away
all your self esteem in a blink of their eyes. I like that feeling. It
reminds me that I have so much to catch upon, so much to learn,
and so much to understand.
Tell us about your way of teaching, is it more individual How do young people look like today?
or more complex? I can say, as time passes by, that new generations come
In a class like this, it’s always hard to have individual more prepared, they know more. When I was at their
approach, but I try to do my best. The methods are age, I didn’t know so much, or maybe the music itself
different, and they depend on the students and on the wasn’t so developed as art. The variety today seems to
moment, on what music is like at the moment. I don’t have a deep impact, they are well informed, but this is
think I can guide them to a particular fashionable trend, a natural process.
because jazz has nothing to do with fashion in opposite Can they really assimilate all the things you want to
to pop music, where fashionable trends are the leading teach them?
factor. Jazz has more constant styles, although there are
They are young, we should not expect that they can
renovations, new things, but they should be careful and
absorb everything in a blink of an eye, moreover -
choose only the valuable ones.
people are students for life. When a musician says he
Is talent the main factor? knows everything, he is already dead as an artist. He
Talent is of big importance, but there are other should be always open for the new things that come,
requirements as well, like acute hearing, sense of rhythm, because music changes all the time, just like human
their attitude to jazz music and to music in general. language. Actually there are no constants in art.
Talent is important, but it is only a background.
“You know, a hundred years ago, if you wanted to do
music you would probably be playing on street corners... Now,
with the internet, people are going to have to ask themselves
whether they want to go into music even if they may not become
Björk, interviewed by Valur Gunnarsson
I know that guy since 2000. Let us put These things are history now, but I still have
some nostalgia here: It was a wonderful the need to call him late at night and share
time, full of music, dial-up internet my latest ideas as if I won’t survive until the
connections and MPEG-1 videos. morning. It’s another question if I really do
it, because you know… When you consider
We were a small regional broadcast
someone a friend, you are more worried if
television with many die-hard fans, which
he gets enough sleep. And he doesn’t.
baked cookies and cakes and came to
visit us. There were no locked doors, and He’s a DJ. DJs always looked weird to me.
no busy schedules. We had small digital They work at night, and most of them smoke
cameras, dirty blue boxes, and lots of fun. like power station’s chimneys. At daylight,
they look tired and lazy. If they’re not sleeping, they have
headaches, stomachaches, or heartaches.
That is why I don’t consider djing a real profession. Sooner
or later, you have to quit, because you want a family, a home,
or just to talk to your friends with your eyes wide open. And
see them more often... But there are different types of DJs,
and with the rise of electronic music, things changed. When
you make music at home, and when you don’t have a label
behind you, the most convenient way to test your work is to
spin it on the table.
As a DJ, you can have the privilege that many artists don’t,
especially those working mostly in the studio. You can see
the crowd moving, and in the nightclubs, the crowd can be
outrageously straightforward, because in most cases your
name remains unknown. If people somehow manage to
remember it, it will last two or three days.
If people don’t like your track, they usually leave the dance
floor, grab their drinks, and begin to talk with each other.
This is the nightmare of every single DJ in the Universe - the
social intercourse, when a group of people is communicating
verbally. So your duty is to tell a better story, pump up some
bass, lay down a rhythm, and form a catching melody, if any.
You see, it’s a real pain in the ass. That is why they think
of music as something serious. You won’t meet a real DJ who
determines himself as a fan of a particular group or musician.
That is why they are in the front line of the new media
revolution. The old super star system died when it entered the
electronic clubs, because DJs disassembled pop music to its
core – the music itself. It is not like “I have to play Spice Girls
once again!” it is like “This beat would tear the roof off!”
It is a total depersonalisation! But this, on the other hand,
is partially good.
Substatic is a special mix. There is one thing about him that
cannot be easily omitted. You guessed it folks - he’s one of the
dreamers! With the depersonalisation of contemporary music,
we got full of depersonalized people as well. He knows that
difference, and he knows how to deal with the fake ones. That
is the first reason why his name is on the posters for more
than two days. The second one is that I make the posters.
It is still showbiz, kid! But we didn’t run out of ideas.
People ask me many times why did we quit making videos.
The answer is simple – we didn’t. Because we didn’t actually
make videos back then, we made our dreams come true, this
is something different from a business strategy. We just moved
to the next level. You should follow us, too.
interview by Digital Nightmarez
Dj Hoodlum
1) When did you start djing? And what about producing?
I’ve started djing in 1992, practising with 2 copies of Soul II Soul’s Back to Life.
I loved the music. It took me a year to make contacts. When I select, I watch the
crowd, how it’s reacting. Some of the tracks I play are different and that’s why they
like it. I started playing with equipment in 1997, I made a few tracks, but I never
released them until 2002. When you say you’re a DJ, it’s more than the style and
what you play and if the people don’t like the track, you have to make it again.
2) What do you use for producing? Do you use any hardware or just software?
I use Protools made by Digidesign on the Mac and for the PC sound modules.
All software, no hardware. I’ve learnt from listening and watching Wickaman, he’s
taught me a lot of information on how to sequencing, the Eqing and getting the
right sound.
3) Do you like scratching?
Dj Hoodlum
I like listening to scratching, but I can’t do it.
4) What kind of DNB is popular in the UK at the moment?
Jump up and a bit of LFO, but in “Fabric” and “The end” you can hear some tech
step too.
5) Are the foreign DJs popular in the UK?
There are some label parties. In the UK the British DJs are more popular, the
American are slowly coming through - DJs like Clipz - clown step, he records for
“Full cycle”. Some new producers are coming through. I find interesting the fact
that they are playing their own stuff more and the crowd enjoys it too. Some of the
stuff I play is by those new producers and the people like it.
6) What about the British djs?
Overpriced. Djs charge too much money and don’t give a chance to the upper
coming DJs, who are also talented. Abroad it’s much better, because people are
more interested into who you are and what you’re doing.
I’ve been listening to the DJs for years, some of them are listening to the crowd
and they feel the vibe. It’s the same with “Fabric” and “The end” and the music is
more underground than in the big raves, where DJs play just popular music and in
“Fabric” they play their own stuff.
7) Which is the best party, that you have ever played at and which is the worst?
The best is when I play abroad and the worst- when I come back to the UK.
8) How do you like Bulgaria?
I love it. I find the people more interesting to talk to and I can talk to them.
Bulgarian people have more interesting stuff to talk about. I can’t say, it’s my
second time here, I meet lots of people. Everybody has to say something about
the music and the environment and I get treated very well.
Playing to a different kind of crowd is more interesting, because people are
more interested into music. When I play abroad people are dancing, in the UK
they are just arrogant.
Fashion Talk
assembled from the posts by Boby, Plamenski, AlphaDesigner, Jazz, and Sasho
source: PodigyZone Forum; web address: www.prodigyzone.com
adaptation by YGT
Special thanks to you for downloading and reading this magazine!
Thanks to Cult.bg for the excellent web hosting, to ProdigyZone.com for the support in their
forum, to the sites that made us popular around the globe: VisuellerOrgasmus.de, NewWebPick.com,
DesignLinks.org, FishBucket.net, Isolate.cz, GrooveManifesto.net, HowBizarre.Cult.bg, Gouw.nu and
all forgotten, because it is already midnight and I am tired. Immense inspiration came from sites like
NetDiver.net, Rasterized.org, SceyeLines.net, HeadMagazine.co.uk