Wind Powered Mobile Phone Charger
Wind Powered Mobile Phone Charger
Wind Powered Mobile Phone Charger
design spec
charge phones for 4 hours a day with 1 week in between battery being charged
protect the battery and blades from too much power with a dump load
protect the battery from too much drain with a switchable 5v output
1. if the voltage output is below 13.8V, the control circuit is active and the NiCad battery is
charging through the LM334 current source. The lead-acid battery is not being charged.
2. if the voltage output is between 13.8V and 15.1V, the 12V lead-acid battery is being
charged at about 1-amp/hour rate (limited by the power FET).
3. if generator voltage exceeds 15.1V (a condition caused by excessive wind speed or when
the 12V battery is fully charged), the a fixed load is connected, which limits the generator
rpm to prevent damage.
This wind powered charger can be used as a remote source of power where wind energy is
plentiful, such as on sailboats or at remote radio repeater sites. Unlike solar-powered
panels, this system will function in bad weather and at night.
A simple wireless sensor network using Arduino and Xbees. Built as a project for CPE 400(Computer
Figure 1 schematic
Figure 2 remoteNodes
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An electric meter or energy meter is an essential device that goes with consumption of commercially
distributed energy. It enables systematic pricing of energy consumed by individual consumer as it
measures the amount of electrical energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically powered
device [1]. They are typically calibrated in billing units, the most common one being the Kilowatts hour,
which is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one kilowatt over a period of one hour, or
3,600,000 joules. Some meters measured only the length of time for which charge flowed, with no
measurement of the magnitude of voltage or current. These were only suited for constant-load
applications. Neither type is likely to be used today. In addition to metering based on the amount of
energy used, other types of metering are available. Meters which measured the amount of charge
(coulombs) used, known as ampere-hour meters, were used in the early days of electrification. These
were dependent upon the supply voltage remaining constant for accurate measurement of energy usage,
which was not a likely circumstance with most supplies. Generally, electricity meters operate by
continuously measuring the instantaneous voltage (volts) and current (amperes) and finding the product
of these to give instantaneous electrical power (watts) which is then integrated against time to give energy
used (Joules, Kilowatt-hours etc.). Meters for smaller services (such as small residential customers) can
be connected directly in-line between source and customer. For larger loads, more than about 200 amps
of load, current transformers are used, so that the meter can be located other than in line with the service
conductors [2]. The meters fall into two basic categories, electromechanical and electronic. This paper
dwells on the electronic meter (i.e. the digital meter) An example of a traditional electromechanical meter
is shown in figure 1. It has a spinning disc and a mechanical counter display. This type of meter operates
by counting the revolutions of a metal disc that rotates at a speed proportional to the power drawn
through the main fuse box. Nearby coils spin the disc by inducing eddy currents and a force proportional
to the instantaneous current and voltage. A permanent magnet exerts a damping force on the disc,
stopping its spin after power has been removed. This class of meters has a number of limitations that has
made it grossly irrelevant for use in smart energy initiative environment which include but not limited to its
degree of accuracy. There are many methods of error correction in digital electricity meters which are
usually based on the known methods of A/D converters error correction, [5]. Most of these methods use
software correction based on calibration process. While in digital electricity meter, percentage error could
be as low as 0.01%, in analogue meters it is usually above 0.05%. Secondly, the orientation problem
associated with electromechanical energy meter is completely a nonissue in a digital energy meter.
Hence installation is made easier. Thirdly, the user friendly display in the digital meters makes energy
reading from time to time very easy. The fourth and the most serious setback of the electromechanical
energy meter is its no-interface capability to external devices. This very set back is very serious in smart
grid technology application.
Electronic meters measure energy using highly integrated components or other customized integrated
circuits. These devices digitize the instantaneous voltage and current via a high-resolution sigmadelta ADC.Computing the product of the voltage and current gives the instantaneous power in watts.
Integration over time gives energy used, which is usually measured in kilowatt hours (kWh).The design
technique for digital meters is influenced by three major factors namely; desired device cost,efficiency and
overall size. While the cost is influenced by users general affordability, the efficiency and size must
strictly comply with standard.
The block diagram for a digital meter. Here, two basic sensors are employed. These are voltage and
current sensors. The voltage sensor built around a step down element and potential divider network
senses both the phase voltage and load voltage. The second sensor is a current sensor; this senses the
current drawn by the load at any point in time. It is built around a current transformer and other active
devices (such as voltage comparator) which convert the sensed current to voltage for processing. The
output from both sensors is then fed into a signal (or voltage) conditioner which ensures matched voltage
or signal level to the control circuit, it also contain a signal multiplexer which enable sequential switching
of both signal to the analogue input of the peripheral interface controller (PIC). The control circuit centered
on a PIC integrated circuit. The PIC is selected because it contain ten bit analogue to digital converter
(ADC), very flexible to program and good for peripheral interfacing.
The ADC converts the analogue signals to its digital equivalent; both signals from the voltage and current
sensors are then multiplied by the means of embedded software in the PIC. Here the error correction is
taken as the offset correction by determining the value of the input quality with short-circuited input and
storing this value in the memory for use as the correction value device calibration. The PIC is
programmed in C language. Such that apart from the multiplier circuit it simulates, it is able to use the
received data to calculate power consumption per hour, as well as the expected charges. These are
displayed on the liquid crystal display attached to the circuit.
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