Online Social Network and Their Influence
Online Social Network and Their Influence
Online Social Network and Their Influence
Alaniz S. Aguilar
Code Name
Bread and Pastry Production
Charmaine Marie V.Parian
Date Submitted:
January24, 2017
Our lives have been radically changed since the advent of computers. They have become a crucial part
of our daily lives. We depend on computers now more than ever. Computers have made many of our jobs
easier. We no longer need to rely on inefficient systems for our work.Technological innovations have
left their mark on every aspect of human lives. The latest technologies have promised to make
life that much easier for the humans while providing them with new avenues of interacting with
fellow humans and conducting business. Thus, technological advancements are unique in the
sense that they have had almost similar impact on both the social, as well as, corporate lives of
their developers. The gadgets these days have become more efficient in supporting internet,
which has been at the forefront of changing the lifestyles of its users. Thus, technological
revolution and gadgets that have come to manifest this change have been at the center of intense
scientific studies worldwide because of their effects on their users and the larger human
civilization as a whole.
Social networking is a tool used by people all around the world. Its purpose is to promote
and aid communication. However, this type of technology might be doing more harm than good.
It is not only changing how we communicate, but how we interact with each other in daily life.
Sarah Zay, of USA Today, stated that With the rise of websites such as Facebook, social
networking may be on the verge of replacing traditional personal interactions for the next
generation. Traditional interactions will continue to be at risk if we dont realize the effects of
our social media. Social networking affects our lives in many ways, including our
communication, self- expression, bullying, isolation, friendships, and even our very own sense of
Social networking sites (SNSs) have created a new social dimension where individuals can
increase their social awareness by keeping in touch with old friends, making new friends,
dispensing new data or products and gathering information in other aspects of everyday life. The
influence of social media on adolescents and teenagers is of particular importance, not only
because this particular group of children is developmentally vulnerable but also because they are
among the heaviest users of social networking.While social networking undoubtedly plays a vital
role in broadening social connections and learning technical skills, its risks cannot be
overlooked. The lack or difficulty in self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure makes
adolescents vulnerable to such evils as Facebook depression, sexting, and cyberbullying, which
are realistic threats. Other problems such as social network-induced obesity, Internet addiction
and sleep deprivation are issues that continue to be under intense scrutiny for the contradictory
results that have been obtained in various studies.
The Internet is more than just a means of seeking information. People have discovered that
the Internet can be used to connect with other people for business or commercial purpose, to
make new friends, or to reawaken old friends and long lost relatives. The emergence of social
networking sites (SNSs) simplifies the process because they do not require advanced internet
knowledge or experience and are made up of a wide array of different formats and topics. This
means that anyone can connect through SNSs. With such extensive acceptance, it is no surprise
that SNSs have impacted the way people live and socialize.
The majority of SNSs users are young people, who have been called Digital Natives
The most common users are students in higher education. They often use SNSs to stay in touch
with their friends or bolster existing connections rather than developing new connections.This
usage exposed the potential for SNSs to be a medium for online learning that would be more
valuable than conventional e-learning platform if the activities of e-learning could be closely
integrated into the features of SNSs. While social networking undoubtedly plays a vital role in
broadening social connections and learning technical skills, its risks cannot be overlooked. The
lack or difficulty in self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure makes adolescents
vulnerable to such evils as Facebook depression, sexting, and cyberbullying, which are realistic
threats. Other problems such as social network-induced obesity, Internet addiction and sleep
deprivation are issues that continue to be under intense scrutiny for the contradictory results that
have been obtained in various studies.
Cyberbullying appears easy to the bully because they do not see their victims reactions in
person, and thus the impact of the consequences is small. In reality, however, the consequences
can be life altering to the extent that the victims could go as far as taking their lives or become
psychologically distressed enough to require medical intervention. The ironically individualistic
nature of social networking activities makes it difficult to recognize a victim of cyberbullying,
but tell-tale signs include avoiding or being anxious around the computer or cell phone and
sudden change in behavior patterns.
Sexting, the action of sending sexually revealing pictures of themselves or sexually explicit
messages to another individual or group, is another common activity among the teen community
in social media.While teenage boys resort to sending sexually explicit or suggestive messages,
teenage girls are more likely to send inappropriate photos of themselves, mostly to their
boyfriends. Beyond the personal trauma and humiliation sexting may cause, there are judicial
ramifications as well; some states consider such activities as misdemeanors while many group
sexting under felony.
Facebook depression, defined as emotional disturbance that develops when preteens and teens
spend a great deal of time on social media sites, is now a very real malady. Recent studies have
shown that comparisons are the main cause of Facebook depression; the study showed that
down-comparison (comparing with inferiors) was just as likely to cause depression as upcomparison (comparing with people better than oneself). However, there are contradictory
reports as well. Another study showed that Facebook makes us happier and increased social trust
and engagement among users. Given that our brains are wired to connect, it seems logical to
expect that social networks, by enabling sharing, could cause a self-reinforcing sense of
psychological satisfaction. These studies show that the effect of social network on well-being
hinges on how social networks are used whether to connect or to compare.
Other risks of extensive social networking among youth are loss of privacy, sharing too much
information, and disconnect from reality. The digital footprint is a permanent trail that users of
social media, indeed of the Internet itself, leave the moment they sign into any service. The
digital footprint, by its permanence, can have serious repercussions in future, in both professional
and personal areas of life. It is important to know that every activity online posts on social
media accounts, comments left on various sites, tweets, retweets and +1s through years can
contribute to the digital footprint. Another serious risk is the amount of information shared on
social network sites.
Adolescence is the time to spread wings and take the tentative first flight out into the world,
and parents and caregivers must be part of the process. In the domain of social networking, this
entails parents becoming educated about the advantages and disadvantages of social networking
and themselves joining social network sites, not to hover, but to be aware of the activities of their
teenage wards. It is essential that parents are aware of and monitor privacy settings and online
profiles of their wards. Open discussions about social network protocols and etiquettes would go
a long way in establishing global digital citizenship and healthy behavior.
Social network
A. Facebook
1. Advantages
a. Chatting or communicating
b. Updated to news
c. Make new friends
d. Upload pictures ang videos
2. Disadvantages
a. Cyberbullying
b. Sexting
c. Facebook depression
B. Twitter
1. Advantages
a. Self-expression
b. Upload pictures
2. Disadvantages
a. Blacklash
In this term paper I find out that social network is use to make our life easier. Social media
is a forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share
information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. The technology around us is evolving
at an exponential rate. At no point in human history have we had the capability as both
organisations and individuals to reach, engage and connect with so many people, locally,
globally and in real time. This has completely transformed modern marketing, making it more
critical than ever for businesses and organisations both large and small to have a voice within the
online sphere. Fortunately, it has never been easier to get your organisation online and reaping
the benefits.
When using any social media platform, take responsibility for your own safety and never join
a group just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it. In evaluating the advantages and
disadvantages of social networking, it's best to err on the side of caution and protect your
privacy. Be careful with what you post and treat others as if you were in a face-to-face situation.
Many social networking sites incorporate an instant messaging feature, which lets people
exchange information in real-time via a chat. This is a great feature for teachers to use to
facilitate classroom discussions because it lets them utilize the vast store of information available
on the Web. This can be a great time saver for the teacher as a students I am no longer need to
visit a library to conduct research.
School is not the only setting where this type of real-time information sharing can be
beneficial. Social networking can provide a tool for managers to utilize in team meetings, for
conference organizers to use to update attendees and for business people to use as a means of
interacting with clients or prospects. Some leaders are going so far as to include Tweets or other
social media updates during presentations. This approach can make events more interactive and
help the presenter reach a larger audience.
In this term paper its discuss about online social networks and their influence .
Social networking sites purpose is to let you interact with other people all over the world and
every site has some way of interacting. This could be photo sharing, chatting, messaging,
blogging or much more but some sites are targeted at specific groups of people. The first social
networking site was called BBS and it was set up in the 1970s. Facemash was founded in 2003
by a student called Mark Zuckerberg and in 2004 it was renamed Facebook and now it is the
biggest social networking site in the world with over 1 billion users. Twitter was established in
2005 and it already has over 170 million users.I covered the benefits of social networking for
example keeping in touch with far away relatives using sites like Skype and Facebook. Or people
looking for jobs through LinkedIn, and people being able to share information using Dropbox. I
also covered people following something that they are interested in like a sports team or a
Councils, companies and organisations use social networking to send out important
information quickly and easily and people can then receive this information on the move via
their smart phones and tablets. The media sometimes report that social networking sites have
been hacked into and suggest they are not safe, but actually, social networking sites have been
used to help fight crime. Police services check for any online crime and social networking sites
themselves use moderators to search for any signs of bad behaviour online and they then report it
to CEOP.Some campaigns have been performed through social networking sites to raise
objections, fight against something or appeal for new facilities.
There can be occasions where social networking sites are misused for example cyberbullying,
trolling stalking or criminal activity. The number of crimes and abusive messages on social
networking sites rose eight times between 2008 and 2012.Social networking sites can also be a
distraction from everyday life and there is the danger of becoming addicted to social
networking.It is really important that all individuals are aware of the risks and keep themselves
safe while using social networking sites.
Table of Content
Time Waster
Corporate Invasion of Privacy