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Spoken Word Poetry Rubric

Grade: 5 x 4 = /20

Level 4
Entire poem shows reflection and
expression of a particular theme.
Supportive ideas are relevant &
original throughout.
Poem gives real insight into the
writer's character and point of


All lines and stanzas are carefully

chosen to reinforce rhytmn.
The poem is organized in a way
that naturally lends itself to
spoken word.
Utilizes numerous effective poetic
devices or figurative language.
Uses vivid, detailed images and
rich, imaginative language.



Body Language

Excellent use of pitch, pacing and

Voice is loud and clear.
Fluent and coherent delivery.
Excellent use of facial expression,
gestures and body language.
Body language adds meaning.

Level 3
Poem shows some evidence of the
author's reflections on a particular
Supportive ideas are mostly relevant
& original.
Parts of the poem might be offtopic but most of the poem
expresses some depth and insight.
Most Lines and stanzas are carefully
chosen to reinforce rhytmn.
The poem is organized in a way that
lends itself to the spoken word.

Level 2
Poem is basic and shows very
little reflection on a theme.
Supportive ideas are mostly
irrelevant & unoriginal.
The poet's feelings are not

Level 1
Theme is unclear.
Supportive ideas are missing or

Lines and stanzas do not

effectively reinforce rhytmn.
Most of the poem is ineffectively

The organization of the lines or

stanzas is not apparent.

Utilizes more than one effective

poetic devices or figurative
Uses images and imaginative
Good use of pitch, pacing and
Voice is mostly clear and audible.

Utilizes a poetic device and

figurative language.
Uses some images.
Language is mundane.

Utilizes either a poetic device or

figurative language.
Uses everyday language with no

Some use of pitch, pacing and

Voice is sometimes clear and

Little use of voice qualities to

enhance performance.
Voice is too quiet to be heard.

Good use of facial expression,

gestures and body language to
enhance poem.

Some use of facial expression,

gestures and body language to
enhance poem.

Minimal use of body language to

enhance poem.

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