Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
What happens to an FM signal that has been passed through a tuned circuit that is too narrow,
resulting in the higher upper and lower sidebands to be eliminated? What would the output of a
demodulator processing this signal look like compared to that of the original modulating signal?
Tuned or LC circuits are often used as filters; the L/C ratio is one of the factors that determines
their "Q" and so selectivity. For a series resonant circuit with a given resistance, the higher the
inductance and the lower the capacitance, the narrower the filter bandwidth.
Nigas ni sa Ilaha:
2.) A subcarrier of 70 kHz is amplitude- modulated by tones of 2.1 and 6.8 kHz. The resulting
AM signal is
then used to amplitude-modulate a carrier of 12.5 MHz. Calculate all sideband frequencies in
the composite signal, and draw a frequency- domain display of the signal. Assume 100
percent modulation. What is the bandwidth occupied by the complete signal?
When you modulate a carrier (or subcarrier) with a signal, you get the two original signals plus the sum of
them plus the difference between them. With 70kHz modulated with 2.1kHz you get 72.1kHZ and 67.9kHz
plus the two original frequencies. You would normally filter out the 2.1kHz and end up with 70kHz,
72.1kHZ and 67.9kHz.
Doing this with the 6.8kHz, we see that we end up with 70kHz, 76.8kHz and 63.2kHz.
Taking each of these 5 frequencies and modulating 12.5MHz with it will give us the following frequencies:
To get 100% modulation, each signal must be reduced so that the total amplitude would be 100%
modulation, which is the case when the carrier contains half the power and all of the other information (the
intelligence) is contained in the other frequencies. The carrier at 12.5MHz contains half the total power. Of
the other 50% power, the 70kHz subcarrier has half of that power, or 25% of the total power. The
subcarrier, after modulating the carrier, is found in two frequencies (12.43MHz and 12.57MHz), so each of
these frequencies contains 12.5% of the total power. The 8 other frequencies contain equal amounts of
power, or 1/8th of 25% of total, which is 3.125% of total power for each of the 8 frequencies.
So, the power in the 12.5MHz carrier is a 0dBc (0dB with respect to the carrier, or itself) and the power in
the other frequencies are as follows:
12.43MHz: -6.02dBc
12.57MHz: -6.02dBc
12.5721MHz: -12.04dBc
12.5679MHz: -12.04dBc
12.5768MHz: -12.04dBc
12.5632MHz: -12.04dBc
12.4279MHz: -12.04dBc
12.4321MHz: -12.04dBc
12.4232MHz: -12.04dBc
12.4368MHz: -12.04dBc
3. An SSB signal is generated by modulating a 5-MHz
carrier with a 400-Hz sine tone. At the receiver, the
carrier is reinserted during demodulation, but its
frequency is 5.00015 MHz rather than exactly 5 MHz.
How does this affect the recovered signal? How would
a voice signal be affected by a carrier that is not exactly
the same as the original?
It is necessary to introduce the carrier using the Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) or Carrier Insertion
Oscillator (CIO)on the same frequency relative to the SSB signal as the original carrier. Any
deviation from this will cause the pitch of the recovered audio to change. Whilst errors of up to about
100 Hz are acceptable for communications applications including amateur radio but in this case the
error is 150 Hz, if music is to be transmitted the carrier must be reintroduced on exactly the correct
frequency. This can be accomplished by transmitting a small amount of carrier, and using circuitry in
the receiver to lock onto this. Its effect on the voice signal that is affected by a carrier that is not
exactly the same as the original is it becomes not understandable due to the distortion it has