Parents and Reading
Parents and Reading
Parents and Reading
Talk it up. Talking with your kids about what you 781.3136
read lets them know that reading is an important
part of your life. Encourage your kids to ask ques-
tions about what you read and to talk about their
Make reading more fun in the summer. When Some current ideas about kids
kids don’t have classes, they have time to read all
kinds of other things for fun. Let kids choose and reading:
books for fun. And let them stay up a little later if
they want to keep reading. A lot of experts think that reading shouldn’t
be a chore that’s imposed on kids, and that
Have plenty of different things to read kids who see reading as fun make better
around. Not just picture books and fiction, but readers. Experts suggest having a straight-
non-fiction, newspapers, and magazines. forward conversation with your kids about
summer reading.
Read aloud with kids. And practice reading
by reading aloud wherever you are. Read Lynne Vallone of Texas A&M University says
billboards and traffic signs from the car, read to ask your kids “what goals they have for
the menu in a restaurant, or anything else you reading this summer. The parent and child
see. can together set goals, and then the parent
can reward the child for reaching those
Read the same book your child is reading goals." She thinks a good reward is to set
and discuss it. This is a great way to enjoy read- aside a budget to buy books for your home.
ing together. Ask your librarian for books that will This makes kids feel like books are a natural,
work well for different ages and genders. valuable and important part of your life.
Let kids choose what they want to read, and Finding books your kids will like and which
don't turn your nose up at popular fiction. will motivate them to want to read is easier
if you talk to your kid’s teacher and a librar-
Try a book on tape for a change. Your library ian. A teacher can tell you what reading level
can order some for you to try; your child can just your child is at, and what kind of subjects
listen, or can also get the book and read along. s/he responds to in class. A librarian can
recommend and provide books that match
Read a book and see the movie made from your kid’s reading level and interests.
it together.
If you think a book might be too hard for
Share your favorite childhood books with your kid, ask them to read a paragraph out
your kids. aloud. If they’re reading aloud pretty confi-
dently, they should be fine reading it to
Make a library area in your house with a themselves. If your child wants to read a
shelf to keep track of library books. book that is above their reading level, it’s an
opportunity to work with them to help them
Fill a backpack with books for your kids and improve their skills.
take it anywhere they might want to b
read. If you think your child is choosing books that
aren’t challenging them, try choosing more
Write a list to take to the library, so your difficult books for the two of you to read to-
librarian can order the exact books you want for gether. There are no grades in summer read-
your next visit. ing and it’s a good time for kids to explore
both easy and hard books and ideas.