The Dating Game Questions
The Dating Game Questions
The Dating Game Questions
1. If you would describe yourself as an animal, what kind of animal would you be?
2. What would you describe as a "perfect date"?
3. If you had to give yourself a nickname, what nickname would you give yourself?
4. What song best describes your life, and why?
5. What is your best pick-up line?
6. Which is more important: having a great sense of humor, having an intelligent
conversation, being active and sporty, or being passionate about life?
7. Who do you think should foot the bill for a dinner date?
8. If you were to propose, how would you do it?
9. What car would best describe your personality?
10. Say that money is no object. What kind of gift would you give your
11. If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?
12. You've won a lifetime award for doing something. What did you do?