(Adam Schlecter) Book
(Adam Schlecter) Book
(Adam Schlecter) Book
The True Story of Melania Trump First Edition
Copyright Runge Enterprises, Inc. 2016
ISBN: 978-1530674701
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Young Melania
The Truth
Melanija Knavs, Germanized to Melania Knauss, was
born on April 26,1970, in Sevnica in Slovenia, which
was then part of Yugoslavia. Sevnica was a small poor
Communist village dominated by factories.
Melania's father was a card carrying member of the
Communist Party.
Melania and her parents now attempt to back away
from the fact that they were Communists, declaring
that they are Christians with a deep belief in God.
But this is not true. They can try and deny it but the
fact is they are atheists.
Proof of their Communist affiliation was found in a
document from the Slovenian State Archives.
This document shows that Melania's father was a
member of the Communist party.
The document showing proof of their Communist
Samples of
Melania's Skin Care Line