FIR Filter Using FFT Algorithm
FIR Filter Using FFT Algorithm
FIR Filter Using FFT Algorithm
PROPONENTS: boribor,brucal
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In this project we present a FIR filter using FFT algorithm or
Fast Fourier Transform. In its filtering application, the forward FFT transforms the data
array to the frequency domain where, by using some predefined mathematical
function, the noise frequencies are truncated. In the frequency domain, the noise
frequencies occupy a different region from the signal frequencies. A truncating
function is chosen to remove the noise frequencies. The inverse FFT is then used to
convert the convoluted frequencies back to the time domain with increased S/N
ratio. As soon as the signal, noise and frequency truncation range parameters are
modified, Matlab updates results and redraws graphs, allowing the user to see the
effect of filtering on a noisy signal.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A certain amount of noise is found in all
measurements along with the desired signal. Sometimes the signal is so large
compared with the noise amplitude that its presence is hardly noticed. However, in
other experiments the noise is so large that the signal cannot be found at all
OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the effectiveness of FFT in eliminating sources of noise.
MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: PIC18, signal generator, Matlab, oscilloscope
REFERENCES: (Digital Filtering by means of the Fourier Transform Using Mathcad,
J.L. Guinon*, E. Ortega, J. Garca-Antn, V. Prez-Herranz, July 2010)