WEF AM17 Overview
WEF AM17 Overview
WEF AM17 Overview
Chief executives and chairs of our 1,000 Partner and Member companies actively engaged in our International Business
Council, Community of Chairman, Industry Governors, Regional Business Councils and System Initiative Stewardship
Political leaders from the G20 and other relevant countries and the heads of international organizations engaged in highlevel dialogues facilitated by the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL) programme
Members of our Global Future Councils, academic networks and Global University Leaders Forum collaborating with
spiritual and cultural leaders and representatives from important civil society, labour and media organizations
A new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs represented by communities such as the Technology Pioneers, the
Global Shapers Community, the Forum of Young Global Leaders and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
The objective in Davos is to engage these communities to advance multiple agendas such as:
The Global Agenda
To improve global governance through public-private cooperation by working in close collaboration with key international
organizations and providing substantial, yet informal, input into major multilateral processes related to the 14 System
The International Security Agenda
To convene public- and private-sector leaders together with defence, intelligence and public safety experts to prepare for
and respond to a rapidly changing security landscape and multiple humanitarian crises
The Economic Agenda
To support multistakeholder efforts to deliver sustainable and inclusive economic development in the face of slowing growth
rates, declining productivity and disruptive innovations
The Regional and National Agenda
To examine in depth the social and economic transformations occurring in all regions of the world through informal
interaction with over 250 political leaders on trade and investment-related issues in various national and regional contexts
The Industry and Business Agenda
To shape the evolution of industry ecosystems and business models, particularly in the context of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, by engaging industry leaders with their peers from government to better prepare for the future
The Future Agenda
To share ideas, innovations and discoveries that will reshape global systems by engaging those at the vanguard of change
from fields such as the arts, media, medicine, science and technology, as well as the next generation of future leaders
Advancing these agendas with bold ideas to consider in the year ahead are the insights of our Global Future Councils,
representing over 1,000 of the worlds leading thinkers. The Annual Meeting is also distinct in its development of new
digital technology such as TopLink, our digital interaction platform and our world-leading Knowledge App, which features
continuously updated contextual intelligence through our Transformation Maps. Traditional means will not lead to the
innovations required to address global issues; the only way forward is a multistakeholder approach in the true Davos Spirit.