Assignment MK0018
Assignment MK0018
Assignment MK0018
Subject code & name
FALL 2016
MK0018 &
Roll No.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was based on conventions and
not considered as an international institution. It was set up in 1947. At that time, it
comprised only 23 countries. Negotiations for the GATT started in the late 1940s
with an aim to reconstruct a multilateral system of world trade through the
elimination of discrimination, the reduction of tariffs and the dismantlement of other
trade barriers. These negotiations were deliberated in order to increase the
economic activities to compensate the damages of World War II. The GATT was a
subsidiary agreement under the International Trade Organisation (ITO) Charter.
The most important GATTs round was the Uruguay Round on Multilateral Trade
Negotiations concluded in 1994, in which the scope of multilateral trade
negotiations on goods, services and intellectual property rights were discussed.
Even in goods, agriculture and textiles sector, which were outside the ambit of the
GATT, were brought into the fold of the multilateral trade negotiations. The basic
principle underlying these agreements was to have an open trading system based
on multilaterally agreed rules. Thus, the Uruguay Round led to the establishment of
the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 1995 as a successor institution to the GATT.
Evidently, the basic objective behind strengthening the rule-based system of the
world trade under the umbrella WTO is to ensure that the global markets remain
open and their market access is not restricted. Table describes the difference
between the GATT and the WTO.
the business of the franchisee in such areas as know-how and training and where the
franchisee operates under a common trade name, format and/or procedure, owned or controlled
by the franchisor and in which the franchisee has or will make a substantial capital investment in
his/her business from his/her own resources
In reality, franchising is a contractual agreement between a franchisor and a franchisee, which
allows the franchisee to conduct a given form of business under an established name. Usually,
the franchise agreement is more comprehensive than a regular licensing agreement, in as much
as the total operation of the franchise is prescribed. While licensing works well for
manufacturers, franchising is often suited to the global expansion efforts of service and retailing
Most food chains such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut and KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) are
expanding in the international markets through franchising. There could be various types of
franchising such as franchising for product, manufacturing, business, business format and
Benefits of international franchising are:
Name recognition and global branding
Reputation building
Economies on advertising
Support to various franchisers across the world
Rapid expansion with minimal investment
However, a major limitation of contract manufacturing includes reliance on external
manufacturers who may not fulfil their market commitment in terms of time and product quality.
Therefore, selection of the right partner to outsource product manufacturing is important. The
partner needs to possess both the capacity and resources to meet the requirements of the
international markets. However, contract manufacturing provides opportunities to small
manufacturers, especially from developing countries, to enter international markets.
Step 4: Identify any foreign barriers (tariff or non-tariff) for the product being
imported into the country.
Step 5: Identify any government incentives to promote export of the product or
Counter-trade is one of the oldest forms of trade wherein the buyer pays something
other than money for purchase of goods and services. It is a practice that requires a
seller as a condition of sale to commit contractually to reciprocate and undertake
certain business initiatives that compensate and benefit the buyer. Counter-trade
has been on the rise, primarily due to its inherent advantages vis--vis monetary
transaction, such as:
Types of counter-trade
There are several types of counter-trade such as barter, counter-purchase, buyback, offsets and clearing agreements. They are discussed below:
Barter Barter is the most ancient and simplest form of counter-trade. It is a
one-time direct and simultaneous exchange of products of equal value (one
product for another). By eliminating the need for money as a medium of
exchange, barter makes it possible for cash-tied countries to buy and sell.
Although price must be considered in any counter-trade, it is only implicit in
the case of barter.
Counter-purchase Under counter-purchase, there are two contracts or a
set of parallel cash sales agreements, each paid in cash. Unlike barter, which
is a single transaction with an exchange price only implied, a counterpurchase involves two separate transactions each with its own cash value.
Thus, the buyer pays with hard currency whereas the supplier agrees to buy
certain products within a specified period. Therefore, money does not need to
change hands. In fact, the practice allows the original buyer to earn back the
Sales promotion is an important tool of marketing communication because it is
directed at consumers, and it involves such activities like couponing, sampling,
premiums, consumer education and demonstration activities, cents-off packages,
point-of-purchase materials and direct mail. Sales promotion directed at
intermediaries known as trade promotion includes activities like trade shows and
exhibits, trade discounts and co-operative advertising. For example, attendance at
an appropriate trade shows is one of the best ways to make contracts with
government officials and decision makers, or to work with present intermediaries or
attract new ones.
Objectives of sales promotions
Promotion includes providing information about the attributes of the product and
communicating messages aimed at satisfying its shareholders, government dealers
and the like. The main objectives of sales promotion activities are as under:
To provide information about the product, its attributes, colour, size, design,
uses, price, packaging and so on to the customers and dealers.
To increase the companys sales.
To reduce seasonal decline by offering customers and middlemen attractive
discounts and gifts
To develop preferences and conviction of buyers in favour of the product.
To keep the memory of the product alive in the minds of the customers.
B. Personal Selling
In the early stages of internationalisation, exporters rely heavily on personal
contacts. The marketing of industrial goods, especially of highly priced items and
services requires strong personal selling efforts. In some cases, personal selling may
be truly international, for example Boeing. However, in most cases, personal selling
takes place at the local level. Personal selling can be developed in the same fashion
as advertising.
The selling process is typically divided into several stages. The first step, that is,
prospecting, is the process of identifying potential purchasers and assessing their
probability of purchase. Successful prospecting requires problem-solving techniques
that involve understanding and matching the customers needs and the companys
products in developing a sales presentation. The next two steps, the approach and
the presentation, involve one or more meetings between the seller and buyer. In
international selling, it is absolutely essential for the sales person to understand
cultural norms and proper protocol. During the presentation, the salesperson must
deal with objections. Objections may be of a business or personal nature.
However, a successful sale does not end there; the final step of the selling process
involves following up with the customer to ensure his/her ongoing satisfaction with
the purchase.
Packing list It is required mainly by the carrier and customs authority. This list
contains information regarding the packing of goods, contents of different boxes
and cartons, and details of weight and measurement of all the packets. This helps in
loading and handling of goods; it also helps the customs and the importer to check
the details of the goods in a consignment.
Air way bill (AWB)/air consignment note
The receipt issued by an airline company or its agent for carriage of goods is called
air way bill or air consignment note. It is not a document for title and it is not issued
in a negotiable form. The goods are delivered to the consignee mentioned in the
AWB after identifying himself/herself as the party named in the air way bill as
consignee/receiver against payment of charges, if any. It is, therefore, desirable to
consign the goods in the name of a foreign correspondent bank, as it will enable you
to retain control over goods until the payment is made/documents are accepted for
The air way bill consists of three originals and six to eleven copies. It is a nonnegotiable document. Original 1 (green) is retained by the carrier issuing AWB for
accounting purposes. Original 2 (pink) accompany the consignment to the final
destination. Original 3 (blue) is given to the shipper as proof of receipt of goods for
shipment. Another reason for processing the export documents is that they are
required for operational purposes. The customs authorities are entrusted with the
primary responsibility of verifying that all the requirements of the regulations in
force in the country have been complied with by the exporter.
Certificate of origin These certificates, as the name implies, are documents
which certify the place of origin of the merchandise. This certificate is required by
Commonwealth countries and also by developed countries that have offered
concessions to the developing countries under the Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP). This certificate can be obtained by the authorised agencies. The
Government of India has authorised Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (FICCI), the Export Promotion Councils (EPC) and various other trade
associations to issue certificates of origin.
Consular invoice This invoice is verified by the importing countrys
counsel/embassy present in the exporting country. For example Middle Eastern