What Is AEB?: Low Speed System - This Version Targets City Driving Where Crashes Often
What Is AEB?: Low Speed System - This Version Targets City Driving Where Crashes Often
What Is AEB?: Low Speed System - This Version Targets City Driving Where Crashes Often
Auto Emergency Braking (AEB) is a vehicle safety technology has the potential to
prevent a crash or reduce the impact speed of a crash.
AEB can:
Alert the driver to an imminent crash and help them use the maximum
braking capacity of the car and
Apply the brakes independently of the driver if the situation becomes critical
Low Speed system this version targets city driving where crashes often
occur at low speeds but can cause debilitating injury such as whiplash
injuries. Typically, these systems look for the reflectivity of other vehicles
and are not as sensitive to pedestrians or roadside objects.
Higher Speed system this version typically utilises long range radar to scan
further ahead of the vehicle (up to 200 metres) at higher speeds.
These three systems of AEB are not mutually exclusive and there are vehicles that
may have two or more versions. It is important to note that within each type of
system there will also be variation in functionality depending on the manufacturer
and even car model (in terms of warnings, braking function, time-to-collision etc.,).
TAC Auto Emergency Braking TV ad
Where can I get AEB?
Many manufacturers in Australia now have some form of AEB included on some of
their vehicles as standard or an option. Check out this list of vehicles with
AEB must be fitted to the vehicle at the time of purchase; AEB cannot be retrofitted
to a car.
Why should I get AEB?
The effectiveness of AEB has been investigated in a number of studies and a range
of effectiveness was found. But the overall trend is a reduced number of crashes for
vehicles equipped with AEB. There is limited real world performance data available
for AEB at the current time, particularly in Victoria and Australia. Of the real world
data available (Schittenhelm, 2013), the results indicate that:
In addition, an Australian AEB simulation project estimates that AEB has the
potential to reduce fatal crashes by 20-25% and injury crashes by 25-35%
(Anderson, Doecke, Mackenzie & Ponte, 2013). Research utilising insurance claims
data have also found that forward collision avoidance systems, especially those that
brake autonomously, showed the biggest claim reductions of 10-14% (Moore &
Zuby, 2013).
Alternative names for AEB
Does it work on different roads?
Yes, however, depending on the condition of the road, stopping distances may vary.
Will AEB work in all weather conditions?
AEB should work under most conditions however wet roads may increase stopping
distances and fog, or sun glare may impact on the technology's ability to detect
hazards. It is important to remember that the driver always has responsibility for
the vehicle and that they should drive to the conditions.
Does AEB work if you are reversing?
AEB is designed to avoid frontal crashes and will not brake for you if you are
reversing. There are other technologies available to help you avoid a reverse crash,
such as, reversing sensors and reverse cameras, however these technologies will
not brake the vehicle for you.
What speeds does AEB work at?
. Higher Speed AEB
What is Higher speed AEB?
Higher speed Auto Emergency Braking is a vehicle safety technology has the
potential to prevent a crash or reduce the impact speed of a crash. This verison
typically utilises long range radar to scan further ahead of the vehicle (up to 200
metres) at higher speeds.
AEB can:
Alert the driver to an imminent crash and help them use the maximum
braking capacity of the car and
Apply the brakes independently of the driver if the situation becomes critical
It is important to note that AEB systems are designed to support the driver only in
emergency situations and that the driver remains responsible for the vehicle at all
Alert the driver to an imminent crash and help them use the
maximum braking capacity of the car and
Depending on the type ofAEB, the system can detect cars, objects and/or
pedestrians. However, system functionality varies by manufacturer so we
encourage you to ask your dealer or check the user manual.
Does AEB work when towing?
Yes, however stopping distances may increase so AEB may not be able to avoid the
crash but it should still reduce the speed of impact.
Can you switch off AEB?
AEB systems vary by manufacturer but usually AEB can be switched off. Check with
your dealer or the user manual.
Can I get AEB installed after I've bought it?
AEB cannot be retrofitted so ensure that the vehicle you are purchasing has it as
standard or make sure you order it as an option at the time of purchase.
How much does AEB cost?
Cost will vary by manufacturer, check directly with your dealer or via the
manufacturers website.
What is the warranty on AEB systems?
This will vary by manufacturer, please check with your dealer.
Is Emergency Brake Assist the same as AEB?
No. AEB often works with other technologies in the car in order for the vehicle to
respond to an emergency situation as efficiently as possible. Emergency Brake
Assist specifically works to increase the braking pressure in order to assist the driver
to stop the car as quickly as possible. Emergency Brake Assist does not detect
hazards so it relies on the driver to detect the hazard and respond. Many AEB
systems will work with Emergency Brake Assist technologies to detect the hazard
and apply maximum braking force.
Is Adaptive Cruise Control the same as AEB?
No. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is similar to both AEB and Cruise Control. ACC
works like cruise control however it detects the speed and distance of the vehicle in
front and maintains an appropriate following distance. ACC requires the driver to set
the desired travelling speed and will accelerate or decelerate up to that speed
depending on the vehicle in front. AEB is always scanning (unless turned off by the
driver) and only comes into action in emergency situations.