TC015 160407 PDF
TC015 160407 PDF
TC015 160407 PDF
The criminal trial of an embattled Douglass Township supervisor accused of stealing municipal property for personal use,
intimidating witnesses, forging a
subpoena and making false statements to law enforcement officials
has been delayed indefinitely.
Health concerns recently experienced by the defense attorney
representing Fredrick W. Ziegler
led to the continuance.
Vincent DiFabio will be laid
up until at least the middle of
April after doctors discovered four
blockages in his heart, according to
Rosemary Mascherino, a paralegal
at the attorneys Paoli law firm.
She said DiFabio could return
to work until the middle of April,
and that the trial in the Montgomery County Common Pleas
Court before Judge Gary S. Silow
might be rescheduled for June or
July at the earliest.
Jury selection in the case against
Ziegler, a former Douglass Township
police chief who has also worked
as an investigator for Montgomery
Countys Extradition Unit, was
scheduled to commence this week.
According to Mascherino,
the lawyers assistant, DiFabio
experienced chest pain during the
final full week of March and drove
Learning to Use Fire Extinguishers - Frontier Girls Troop #144 would like to thank East
Greenville Fire Company firefighters Shawn Shade, Rob Shafer and Hunter Snyder for coming
out to teach the girls how to use a fire extinguisher. Thank you to Bob Murphy for teaching about
compasses and the North Star. The training, which was held on Friday, April 1, 2016, is in conjunction with the earning of their Emergency Preparedness badge.