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English Assignment

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Practice 1.

Independet and Dependent Caluses

Remember that an independent clause by itself a complete sentence, but a dependent clause
by itself is an incomplete sentence. Write Indep. next to complete sentence dan put a period
(.) after them. Write Dep. next to incomplete sentences. The first two have been done for you
as examples.
Indep. 1. Globalization means more travel for businessmen and women.
Dep.__ 2. As business executives fly around the globe to sell their companies' products
and services
Indep._3. Jet lag affects most long-distance travelers
Dep.__ 4. Which is simply the urge to sleep at inappropriate times
Indep._ 5. During long journeys through several time zones, the body's inner clock
is disrupted
Indep._ 6. For some reason, travel from west to east causes greater jet lag than travel from
east to west
Indep._ 7. Also, changes in work schedules can cause jet lag
Dep.___8. When hospital nurses change from a day shift to a night shift, for example
Dep.___9. Although there is no sure way to prevent jet lag
Indep._10. There are some ways to minimize it
Dep.__ 11. Because jet lag is caused at least partially by loss of sleep, not just a change in
the time of sleep
Indep._ 12. A traveler should plan to arrive at his or her destination as late as possible
Indep._ 13. Upon arriving, he or she should immediately go to bed
Indep._ 14. Then the traveler should start to live in the new time zone immediately
Dep.__ 15. Even when the traveler arrives early in the morning and cannot go to bed

Practice 2 (Simple Sentences)

Use a separate sheet of paper for this exercise
1. One subject and one verb
a. My sister reads the magazine
b. The manager came late today

2. One subject and two verb

a. Ronaldo and Messi is dribbling the ball very well
b. My parents and I visited the Disneyland
3. Two subject and one verb
a. Budi goes to Supermarket and buy some meats.
b. The President of Indonesia read the newspaper and smoke at Istana Negara.
4. Two subject and two verb
a. Budi and Faizin go to the library and borrow some books
b. Aditya and Veblin take the photo and print this photo

Practice 3 : But versus Yet.

Which coorninator would you use to connect the two clauses in these sentences? Where
either but or yet in the blank space.
1 a. Too much sun damages the skin, yet many people still do not use sunscreen.
b. Too much sun damages the skin, but too little sun also causes health problems.
2 a. The company's sales increased last year, yet its profits declined.
b. The company moved its marketing division to Phoenix, but the operations division
stayed in Boston.
3 a. Population growth has slowed in most developing countries, but it has not slowed
enough to avoid serious problems.
b. The fertility rate in India has decreased from 6 to 3 births per female, yet India's
population is expanding at the rate of 18 million per year.
Practice 4 : Compound Sentences with Coordinators.
A. Form compound sentences by adding another independent clause to the following
independent clauses. Be sure to write a complete clause containing a subject and a verb.
Circle the coordinator and add punctuation. The first one has been done for you as an
1. The college campus is located in the center of the city, so it is very easy to get there by
public transportation.
2. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe began expanding about 13.7 billion
years ago and it still believed by everyone until nowadays
3. Does the universe have an outer edge or isn't there such a thing?

4. Scientists predict that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe but they don't
know about that.
5. Mars probes have photographed rocks with water markings on them yet they are unreal
photos for many people
6. We may not be able to communicate with other life forms for they may have another
7. Instead of taking the psychology final exam, we can write a l0 page research paper or
we take a difficult test
8. I want to write a research paper yet I don' t find the title about it
9. Three weeks before the end of the term, I had not started my paper nor had I started
searching some reference.
10. I needed help choosing a topic so I will ask about advice from my Professor
B. For each pair of the following sentences form a compound sentence by joing the two
independent clauses with a coordinator that best fits the meaning. Use each FAN BOYS
coordinator once. Write your new sentences on a separate sheet of paper, and punctuate
them correctly. The first one has been done for you as an example.
1. Nuclear accidents can happen, so nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
2. The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States
created fears about safety of this energy source, and the disaster at Chernobyl in the
former Soviet Union confirmed them.
3. Solar heating system are economical to operate, but the cost of installation is very high.
4. Energy needs are not going to decrease, nor are energy sources going to increase.
5. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet, so we need to develop other
sources of energy.
6. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone, yet people continue
to do it
7. Developing nations especially will continue this harmful practice, for they do not have
the money to develop 'clean' energy sources.
8. All nations of the world must take action, or our children and grandchildren will suffer
the consequences.
C. Write seven cmpound sentences of your own, using each coordinator once.

a. Indonesian country can interest a lot of tourist from many foreign countries, for it have
many good natural view.
b. Indonesia country have many culture each regions and it also have friendly people
c. Today Rizky isnt a good healthy, nor is he doing anything
d. Fast and Forious 7 is amazing, so i like it most.
e. I will to study about grammar today, but I forgett to put my dictionary.
f. We have to care about our healthy, or we will have sick in the future
h. I am told to finish my book until tomorrow, yet i still havent got this book.

Practice 5 : Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs

A. Form compound sentences by adding a second independent clause to each independent
clause. Be sure to add a complete clause containing a subject and a verb. Circle the
conjunctive adverb and add punctuation. Some of these sentences are from practice 4A
on page 167. The first one has been done for you as example.

1. The college campus is located in the center of the city; therefore, it is very easy to get
there by public transportation.
2. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe began expanding about 13.7 billion
years ago; moreover, it formed from extra solid materials.
3. Students must pay their tuition and fees before they register for classes; otherwise they
cannot get any classes.
4. Scientists predict that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe; however there is
not any facts to support their opinion.
5. Mars probes have photographed rocks with water markings on them; nevertheless there
is not any creature
6. My roommate scored high on the English placement test; as a result he can choose
topic of discussion easily.
7. Tuition and fees increase every year; for example it is Rp. 9.000.000 and Rp. 9.500.000
for last year.

8. The class thought the teacher would give a test last Friday; instead we did not
understand the materials.

B. On separate sheet of paper, combine the pairs of sentences in terms 3,5,6 and 8 from
practice 4B on page 168, using conjunctive adverbs instead of coordinators. Punctuate
your new sentences correctly. The first one has been done for you as an example.
1. Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
Nuclear accidents can happen; therefore. nuclear power plants must have strict safety
2. Solar heating system are economical to operate; however, the cost of installation very
3. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet; therefore, we need to develop
other sources of energy.
4. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer; nevertheless,
people continue to do it.
5. All nations of the world must take action; otherwise, our children and grandchildren will
suffer the consequences.
C. Write five compound sentences, using each of these conjunctive adverbs once: in
addition, nevertheless, on the other hand, therefore, and for instance.
a. Sentence-based Writing trains students how to arrange a good sentence; in addition, it
improves students confidences in writing their ideas.
b. I like listening english conversation; nevertheless, I got a bad score in the TOEFL
c. Many people support to the new rules about education; on the other hand, a lot of
people disagree with it.
d. Tomorrow, I will have English quiz; therefore, I will study harder to face it.
e. There are a lot of rules that not allowed for football players; for instance, they cannot
hit against players.

Practice 6 : Compound Sentences with Semicolons

A. Place a semicolon between the two independent clauses in the following compound
1. The practice of yoga strengthens the body and promotes flexibility; it also strengthens
the mind and refreshes the soul.
2. Motherhood causes some women to quit their jobs; others con1inue working despite
having young children to care for.
3. Three hundred guests attended his wedding; two attended his funeral.

B. On a separate sheet of paper, write three compound sentences of your own, using a
semicolon to join the independent clauses.
1. Suramadu bridge is the longest bridge in Indonesia; It gives great effect about
economical trade between Java Island and Madura Island
2. English is an international language; its use as a access to world scholarship and world
3. Indonesian country have a lot of island; its also have many culture and language.

Practice 7 : Editing Practice

Use what you have learned about forming compound sentences to improve the following
mini-essay, which contains many short, simple sentences. Combine sentences wherever
possible. Try to use each of the three methods at least once. There are many possible ways
to combine sentences.


A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and difficult tasks.

First of all, robots can perform repetitive tasks without becoming tired or bored. 3They are

used in automobile factories to weld and paint. 4Robots can also function in hostile
environments. 5They are useful for exploring the ocean bottom as well as deep outer space.

Finally, robots can perform tasks requiring pinpoint accuracy. 71n the operating room,

robotic equipment can assist the surgeon. 8For instance, a robot can kill a brain tumor. 9It
can operate on a fetus with great precision.

The field of artificial intelligence is giving robots a limited ability to think and to make

decisions. 11 However, robots cannot think conceptually. 12Robots cannot function

independently. 13Humans have to program them. 14They are useless. [Use othelWise to
combine sentences 13 and 14.] 15 Therefore, humans should not worry that robots will take
over the world at least not yet.

A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and
difficult tasks. First of all, robots can perform repetitive tasks without
becoming tired or bored; therefore, they are used in automobile
factories to weld and paint. Robots can also function in hostile
environments; as a result, they are useful for exploring the ocean
bottom as well as deep outer space. Finally, robots can perform tasks
requiring pinpoint accuracy. 1n the operating room, robotic equipment
can assist the surgeon. For instance, a robot can kill a brain tumor, and
it can operate on a fetus with great precision.
The field of artificial intelligence is giving robots a limited ability to think
and to make decisions. However, robots cannot think conceptually, nor
can they function independently. Humans have to program them;
otherwise, they are useless. Therefore, humans should not worry that
robots will take over the world at least not yet.

Practice 8 : Complex Sentences

A. Step 1 Underline the independent clause of each sentence with a solid line

Step 2 Underline the dependent clause with a broken lin. One sentence has two
dependent caluse
Step 3 Write sub. Above the subordinator. Refer to the list of subordinators on page
The first one has been done for you as an example.
1. Because the cost of education is rising, many students must work part-time.
2. When students from other countries come to the United States, they often suffer from
culture shock.
3. Because financial aid is difficult to obtain, many students have to work part-time.
4. Please tell me where the student union is.
5. Engineers, who have an aptitude for drafting and mechanics, must also be artistic and
6. While the contractor follows the blueprint, the engineer checks the construction in
7. Since the blueprint presents the details of the engineer's plans, it must be interpreted
accurately by the contractor.
8. Students should declare a major by their junior year unless they have not made up their
9. Even though students declare a major now, they can change it later.
10. The government says that inflation is holding steady.
11. Economists are concerned that the rate of inflation will double if the government does
not take immediate steps to control it.

B. Step 1. Add a logical independent clause to each of the dependent clauses.

Step 2. Punctuate each sentences correctly.
The first one has been done for you as an example.
1. I cannot register for classes until I pay my tuition.
2. Unless I take 12 units each term, I will fail in my Mathematics examination.
3. I and you know that computer engineering is a popular major.
4. Rina is asking the question to Dani who taught this course last term?
5. Because I had to look for a part-time job , so I had less time for my studying.

6. I have to get up early, if I want to get to school on time.

7. I dont know whether I should take advanced calculus.
8. This is a beatufiul girl, Siska, whom I met at the math club meeting last week.
9. When I left my country , I missed my wife very much.
10. I have to study hard to get the scholarship that my college adviser recommends.

Practice 9 : Punctuation
Step 1 Underline the independent clauses with a solid line and the dependent clauses with
a broken line.
Step 2 Add commas and/or semicolons as necessary
1. Information and communication technology is reaching out to help people in the poorest
countries improve their lives; for example, fishermen on the Bay of Bengal can now
receive online weather reports that tell them when it is safe to go out.
2. Furthermore, when the fishermen bring in a boatload of fish, they can find out the
current market prices for their fish, which will help them bargain with the middlemen to
whom they sell their catch.
3. The cost of the cheapest computer is at least $200, and since this is more than an
individual fishennan can afford, several fishing villages together can pool their money
and buy one to share.
4. The worldwide reach of the Internet is also providing employment opportunities in
developing countries, and as greater numbers of people learn the technology, these
opportunities will expand.
5. When you call your U.S. bank, you may find yourself speaking to a customer service
representative who is sitting in the Philippines or Puerto Rico, and when you need
technical support for your home computer, you will probably get help from a
programmer in New Delhi.

Practice 10 : Combining Sentences in Different Ways

A. Improve this paragraph, which contains too many compound sentences. Change
compound sentences into complex sentences, using one of subordinators listed. Use
each subordinator once. Rewrite the paragraph on a separate sheet of paper.
Equal Rights for Women
Russian women started to gain equality earlier than women in the United States. The
concept of equal rights and responsibilities for women was part of communist philosophy,
so Russians of both sexes had equal access to education and jobs from the beginning of the
Soviet Union. The 1937 Soviet constitution declared that women and men had equal rights
and responsibilities, but women in the United States do not have legal equality even today.
An admendment to the U.S. Constitution giving women equal rights has never been
approved. Before World War II, few U.S. women worked outside the home.
Millions of men left to become soldiers during the war, and women took over their jobs.
Suddenly, women discovered that they could do anything. The men returned home, and
women began to demand the equality that they had earned.
Equal Rights for Women
Russian women started to gain equality earlier than women in the
United States. Because the concept of equal rights and responsibilities
for women was part of communist philosophy, Russians of both sexes
had equal access to education and jobs from the beginning of the Soviet
Union. Althought the 1937 Soviet constitution declared that women and
men had equal rights and responsibilities, women in the United States
do not have legal equality even today. An admendment to the U.S.
Constitution giving women equal rights has never been approved.
Before World War II, few U.S. women worked outside the home. When
millions of men left to become soldiers during the war, women took
over their jobs. Suddenly, women discovered that they could do
anything. Aftre the men returned home, women began to demand the
equality that they had earned.


B. Use what you know about the different kinds of sentences to improve this short essay,
which contains too many simple sentences. Use different methods of combining the
sentences. Rewrite the essay on a separate sheet of paper.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication, or body language, is used everywhere in the world. It is a

very powerful means of communication. It communicates much more than spoken words.

One example of nonverbal communication is what occurs between parents and child.

Parents smile at their child. They communicate love, acceptance, and reassurance. The
child feels comfortable and safe. The smile signifies approval. The child is happy and well

Another example of nonverbal communication is the image a person shows in public. A

woman is walking alone on an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous street. She wants to
appear confident. She walks quickly. She may be tired. She walks with her shoulders
straight and her head held high. Her eyes are focused straight ahead. Someone is looking
at her. She returns the glance without hesitation. In contrast, a nervous woman appears
afraid. She walks Slowly with her shoulders and eyes down.

Indeed, body language can express more than spoken language. Merely by raising an

eyebrow, clenching a jaw, or softening the eyes, a person can express disapproval, anger,
or love. It is a very strong method of communication.
Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication, or body language, is used everywhere in the
world. It is a very powerful means of communication, for it
communicates much more than spoken words.
One example of nonverbal communication is what occurs between
parents and child. When parents smile at their child, they communicate
love, acceptance, and reassurance. The child feels comfortable and safe
ince the smile signifies approval; therefore the child is happy and well


Another example of nonverbal communication is the image a person

shows in public. When a woman is walking alone on an unfamiliar,
possibly dangerous street and wants to appear confident, she walks
quickly even though she may be tired. She walks with her shoulders
straight, her head held high, and her eyes are focused straight ahead. If
someone is looking at her, she returns the glance without hesitation. In
contrast, a nervous woman appears afraid if she walks Slowly with her
shoulders and eyes down.
Indeed, body language can express more than spoken language. Merely
by raising an eyebrow, clenching a jaw, or softening the eyes, a person
can express disapproval, anger, or love. It is a very strong method of


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