Free PMP Exam Sample Questions
Free PMP Exam Sample Questions
Free PMP Exam Sample Questions
The PMP exam consists of mostly situational questions that tests knowledge of project
management best practices. Questions tend to be of varying levels of difficulty. These sample
questions are from the PMP certification training classes in Singapore conducted by
Read each answer
A. Marketplace conditions
B. Government standards
C. Organizational infrastructure Use process of
D. Historical information
elimination on lengthy
2. The optimal organization structure for the project manager who wants a high level of
independent authority is: answer choices. Rule
6. All of the below are likely criterion for making phase gate decisions except
A. Project Status
B. Alignment to strategic objectives
C. Interpersonal issues between project team members Take short breaks
D. Risks
after attempting every
7. You have joined a new company as a Project Manager. In the new company, a
feasibility study is treated as routine pre-project work. In your previous company, this was 50 questions
treated as a standalone project. Your team members in the new company recommend that
this work be treated as the first phase of a project. Which of the below statements
regarding project phases in your new company are false
A. Phases could depend on the nature of the specific project and the style of the Get a good night sleep
B. Phases could depend on the nature of the specific project and the style of the project before your exam
C. The project could be divided into two phases where a different project team might
choose to manage all the work as a single phase
D. It is always better to standardize all projects instead of allowing the project
management team to choose the most appropriate for their individual project
8. Which of the below can achieve the combined goal of obtaining authorization to close
current phase and start the subsequent one
A. Planning Phase
B. Phase end review Answers:
C. Phase start review
D. Activity Audit
6. C
9. Your customer has called for an emergency meeting to voice his concern over the status
of the project. The project is near the end and deliverables are being transitioned. The 7. D
customer now wants the manual to be available in 17 languages wherein the original
agreement was to have the manual only in English. This situation is a BEST reflection of 8. B
which of the below phase characteristics:
9. C
A. Phases are marked by completion of a deliverable
B. Phase end decisions are typically made by the sponsor
C. Cost of making changes increases from the early phases to the later phases
D. Staffing is generally low at the early phases
Read the last
question carefully to
IKOMPASS determine whether a
10. Which of the below statement regarding project stakeholders is false true statement or a
11. Cookie Inc is considering launching a new phone product that is expected to change
the way people communicate. Senior management is not sure about the profitability of
this initiative. To get more details and do a thorough analysis, a project is being
conceived. When a project is first conceived, who generally champions the project and
acts as a spokesperson to higher level management and promotes the benefits that the Always answer
project will bring:
questions from a best
A. Project Manager
practice perspective
D. Sponsor
and not based on how
12. Tiara works in a company that has staff members grouped by specialty, mainly,
you implement a
production, marketing, engineering and accounting. Which of the below statements is
likely to be true in Tiaras company
A. The accounting department will do its project work independent of other departments
B. Engineering department cannot further be divided in mechanical and civil engineering
C. A Marketing staff has to report to both the production as well as accounting
department Answers:
D. Role of the project manager in the production team is full time
13. Athena Inc is an aircraft design company. It has organizational units such as HR, 10. A
Training, and Procurement. These units are called departments and all these departments
provide support services to the various projects. These groups also report directly to the 11. D
project manager. All of the following statements regarding Athena is likely to be false
except 12. A
difference between
IKOMPASS process groups and
14. Sarah is responsible for a project involving ship building. Sarah is determining the phases
duration of building the berths, the smoke tower, kitchen and anchor. Sarah is likely to be
performing processes in which knowledge area and process group
17. Processes that identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and Answers:
initiate the corresponding changes fall under which process group
14. D
A. Executing Process Group
B. Planning Process Group
15. A
C. Integrated Change Control
D. Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
16. D
18. The project charter is signed off by:
17. D
A. Project Manager
18. D
B. Program Manager
C. Customer
D. Project Sponsor
Questions do not have
19. Outputs from many of the planning processes are integrated to create the _________. Questions will be from
20. You are meeting with a new project manager who has taken over a project that is in
the middle of executing. The previous project manager has left the company and the new
project manager is upset that change requests are streaming in from numerous sources Do not try to memorize
including his boss, the customer, and various stakeholders. The project manager is not
even aware of how to process all of these incoming change requests. Where would you the inputs and outputs.
refer him?
Try to understand the
A. Project scope statement
B. Project management plan essence of the
C. The previous project manager
D. Project charter process and then
21. Work performance information is used for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: determine the inputs
22. You are a project manager, and your team is executing the work to produce a medical
records archive and retrieval system. Two of the project's customers have just asked for Answers:
changes that each says should be the number one priority. What would be the BEST
thing to do?
19. A
A. Have the project team meet with the customers to decide which would be easiest and
20. B
prioritize that one first
B. Assign someone from the team to prioritize the changes.
21. D
C. Prioritize the changes
D. Deny both changes since you are in project execution
22. C
While there are many
handle a particular
IKOMPASS situation, focus on the
23. Your organization has a policy that any project changes that increase the project's first thing you would
budget by more than 1.5% must be signed off by the project office. You have a change
that was requested by the customer that will increase the budget by 3%; however, the do
customer has offered to pay for all of this change and does not want to slow it down.
Which option represents the BEST choice?
A. Approve the change yourself and take it to the project office after the work is underway
B. Ask the customer to take the change to the project office and explain the situation
C. Do not allow the change since it increases the budget by over 1.5% Know the content of
D. Take the change to the project office
the project charter,
24. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the project charter?
project management
A. The project charter justifies why the project is being undertaken
B. The project charter assigns the project manager plan and project scope
C. The project charter specifies any high-level schedule milestones
D. The project charter specifies what type of contract will be used statement well
25. Mark is a Project Manager in a construction firm. Mark is in the process of preparing
the scope of his work with his team members. One of the deliverables in his project is a
10 meter hole. During the discussion of how to complete this deliverable, one of his team
members says that 5 people digging the hole will complete the task in 2 days. Another
member says that if we add another 5 more people, the task could be completed in 1 day.
To this, Mark responds by saying that adding 5 more people may not work and tells his
team members to think outside the box. Marks response is aims to get his team members
to apply:
A. Halo effect
B. Lateral Thinking
C. Brainstorming
D. Interviewing
26. The Project Manager for a Software Project has prepared a document containing the 23. D
deliverables, acceptance criterion and project objectives. The project manager has invited
his team to help create a graphical representation of the deliverables. The document that 24. D
helped Mark create the document capturing the key deliverables and acceptance criterion
is: 25. B
you spend in
preparing for the
exam. Rather, it is
IKOMPASS about how you are
spending that time.
27. Primary reason for a Project Manager to include his team members when creating a
graphical representation of the work decomposed in a hierarchical manner is: You can spend hours,
and achieve only a
A. To establish the level 1 of a WBS
B. To determine the duration of the activities fraction of how much
C. To determine duration and costs of the activities you hope to. On the
D. To capture 100% of all the work that needs to be done
other hand, even if
28. A WBS for a R&D Project has 16 levels. Some of the team members voice concern you spend 45 minutes
about the vagueness of the 16th level stating that it needs to be further broken down. The
project manager feels that the number of levels is already detailed and any more in the zone, you can
decomposition will not justify the effort. Which of the following statements regarding achieve far more. The
decomposition is false?
key is to set a realistic
A. Excessive decomposition can lead to non-productive management effort objective, and also
B. Excessive decomposition can lead to inefficient use of resources
C. Excessive decomposition can result in better sequencing of activities in the WBS determine the time
D. Excessive decomposition in the WBS could decrease efficiency in performing the work frame you can achieve
29. Nicole has completed documenting the components and work packages for her WBS
that result in
for her new phone project. Each descending level in her WBS represents an increasingly
detailed definition of the project work. Which of the below is most likely to finalize the
WBS before moving to time related activities:
iKompass is a Project Management consulting and training company dedicated to enhancing skills for anyone
involved in project activities. iKompass has the highest recorded independently audited pass rate for the PMP
certification training in Singapore. With its main Asia office in Singapore, iKompass runs PMP certification classes
in Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. iKompass is a registered Global Education Provider for the
Project Management Institute USA.