Configuracion Plus Tools SAS PDF
Configuracion Plus Tools SAS PDF
Configuracion Plus Tools SAS PDF
System Overview 1
SICAM SAS Basic Operating Instructions 2
Installation and Deinstallation 3
Configuration System
SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS Getting Started 4
Substation Controller 5
Bay Device / Substation Connection 6
Control Center Connection 7
Information Routing and Distribution 8
Information Processing
in the Monitoring Direction 9
Information Processing
in the Control Direction 10
Downloading the Project Data
to the Target System 11
Archiving / Project Documentation 12
Appendix A
References, Glossary, Index
Release: 03.12.01
Notes on Safety This manual does not constitute a complete catalog of all safety measures required for
operating the equipment (module, device) in question because special operating conditions
might require additional measures. However, it does contain notes that must be adhered to
for your own personal safety and to avoid damage to property. These notes are highlighted
with a warning triangle and different keywords indicating different degrees of danger:
means that death, severe injury, or substantial damage to property will occur if the
appropriate safety measures are not taken.
means that death, severe injury, or substantial damage to property can occur if the
appropriate safety measures are not taken.
means that minor injury or damage to property can occur if the appropriate safety measures
are not taken.
is important information about the project, handling the product, or the part of the
documentation in question, to which special attention must be paid.
Qualified Personnel
Commissioning and operation of the equipment (module, device) described in this manual
must be performed by qualified personnel only. As used in the safety notes contained in this
manual, qualified personnel are those persons who are authorized to commission, release,
ground, and tag devices, systems, and electrical circuits in accordance with safety
Use as Prescribed
The equipment (device, module) must not be used for any other purposes than those
described in the Catalog and the Technical Description. If it is used together with third-party
devices and components, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens.
Correct and safe operation of the product requires adequate transportation, storage,
installation, and mounting as well as appropriate use and maintenance.
During operation of electrical equipment, it is unavoidable that certain parts of this
equipment will carry dangerous voltages. Severe injury or damage to property can occur if
the appropriate measures are not taken:
Before making any connections at all, ground the equipment at the PE terminal.
Hazardous voltages can be present on all switching components connected to the
power supply.
Even after the supply voltage has been disconnected, hazardous voltages can still be
present in the equipment (capacitor storage).
Equipment with current transformer circuits must not be operated while open.
The limit values indicated in the manual or the operating instructions must not be
exceeded; that also applies to testing and commissioning.
Purpose of This manual is a guide and reference work for planning, configuring, and
this manual parameterizing the SICAM SAS substation automation system using the
SICAM plusTOOLS configuration system for SAS.
In Chapter Getting Started, the manual guides the user step by step
through operating the system software using an example. The
knowledge acquired here is then broadened in the other chapters.
Target group This manual is mainly aimed at customers and their employees whose
job it is to configure and parameterize substation automation systems.
Standards This document has been created according to the ISO 9001 quality
Further If you have any questions about the SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS
support system, please contact your Siemens sales representative.
Training courses If you are interested in our topical training program, please contact our
training center:
Siemens AG
Power Transmission and Distribution
PTD SE Training Center
Humboldtstr. 59
90459 Nuremberg
Phone: ++49 - 911 - 4 33 70 05
Fax: ++49 - 911 - 4 33 79 29
Documentation Overview
This overview will give you a rough idea of which information or guideline
can be found in which manual.
Measured and Which functions are offered by the SICAM SAS system?
metered value
Which data volumes can be stored in which format?
Which types of evaluation are possible?
/16/ SICAM SAS Overview
/19/ SICAM SAS, Manual Human Machine Interface SICAM WinCC
/20/ SICAM SAS, Manual Measured/Metered Value Processing Utility
SICAM Valpro
/6/ SIMATIC WinCC Documentation V5.0
Online help system
Evaluation of fault Which functions are offered by the SICAM SAS system?
How do I configure the function?
Which types of evaluation are possible?
/22/ SICAM SAS, Manual Fault Record Processing Utility SICAM Recpro
1 System Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.1 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3 Deinstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4 Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.5.4 DI Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.5.5 CO module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.5.6 CR module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.5.9 IM module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.4.4 Transfer the DIGSI 4 project to the SICAM plusTOOLS project . . . . . . . . 227
9 Information Processing
10 Information Processing
A Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
A.1 Data types of the SICAM SAS process data structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
1.1 General
Overview SICAM plusTOOLS is a versatile and powerful system solution that will
assist you with configuration and parameterization of SICAM SAS
(SICAM Substation Automation System).
SICAM SAS is an open substation automation system of modular design
that combines specific telecontrol functions with the versatility of a PLC-
based automation system.
This system is based on SICAM Substation Controller SC, which builds
on the automation system SIMATIC M7.
SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS is based on the Microsoft Windows
operating system. Thus, as a user, you are dealing with a known system
environment. You can rely on the already familiar and convenient
functionality of Windows technology.
SIM Table The SIM Table is used to configure the distribution of the
SAS information items within the system. To do that, you can specify the
source and target of the SAS information items or change automatically
preset values.
MIM Table The MIM table enables assignment of information items stored directly in
SICAM SC to SAS information items.
Station The station identification container contains all status information items
identification of the SICAM SC modules, the bay devices, and the communication links
of a station.
SIM Browser The SIM Browser is used to structure and organize the SAS information
items in user-specific hierarchies (folder structures). It also enables you
to create and manage SAS information items.
You can use data from SIPROTEC units that you have configured and
parameterized using DIGSI 4 directly in SICAM plusTOOLS.
System expansion The SICAM substation controller (SICAM SC) consists of a central rack
and up to 6 expansion racks for a maximum of 95 input/output modules
or 6 MCP assemblies.
Distributed To connect bay devices and substations, you have the following options:
information points
G Up to 96 bay devices via a maximum of 4 PROFIBUS FMS interfaces
with CP modules
G Up to 96 bay devices / substations via a maximum of 4 MCP
G Bay devices with PROFIBUS DP interface via an interface module of
the CPU module. The information volume of these devices is entered
linearly in the process image PII. The number of devices that can be
connected is therefore limited by the PII.
Overall, up to 10,000 distributed information points can be
Control centers Via 2 MCP assemblies, you can communicate with up to 3 higher-level
control centers.
Central and distributed information points can be combined in one
configuration. The number of possible information points is determined
by the expansion of the substation controller (central rack with maximum
6 expansion racks), the number and expansion of the configured
communication modules, the input/output modules, the size of the
process image, and the performance of the system.
The SICAM substation controller can be fitted with the modules listed
The basic modules must be installed, all others are configured,
depending on the concept and expansion of your SICAM SAS substation
automation system.
Control center/node
PS 20A
DC 48/20
CP xxx
CP 443-5 MCP
X X3
45 X
34 X
CP xxx 6MD1010-0BA00
34 X
CP xxx &MD1010-0BA00
CP xxx
34 X
34 X
CP xxx 6MD1010-0BA20
CP xxx
34 X X2
CP xxx P P
Substation contro
Archive R3
R4 R4
X1 X1 X1
R5 R5
T6 T6
X2 X2 X2
5...15V DC
Substation SIPROTEC 4 devices 6MB525 with Protection units with IEC 60870-5-10
via PROFIBUS FMS IEC 60870-5-103 (optical fiber cable)
(copper cable)
The configuration example in Kapitel 4, Getting Started is based on this
configuration example. The example is supplemented by a
PROFIBUS FMS interface.
Further configuration options are explained in the SICAM SAS Technical
Description /12/.
Interfaces G The MCP communications processor and the expansion module XC2
in the MCP assembly are each equipped with two serial interfaces
that are used for connecting SICAM SC to higher-level control
centers or for the connection of bay devices / substations. They
can be parameterized as an RS232 or RS485 interface.
The X21 interface is operated in the same way as the RS485.
If you are using an RS232 interface with TCP/IP, you require an
additional LAN / WAN converter.
G The XF6 expansion module of the MCP assembly has 6 fiber optic
cable (FO) interfaces for connecting bay devices.
G The MCP communications processor has an interface for external
time signal reception (DCF77 or GPS).
G The CPU is equipped with one MPI interface for connection of
external devices (programming device, PC, etc.).
G The CP 443-5 Basic module enables connection of bay devices
G The interface module IF964 enables connection of bay devices
with the PROFIBUS DP interface.
Protocols The MCP communications processor processes the data of the external
interfaces through six internal channels.
If required, the following protocols can be parameterized for these
G IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), up to 57.6 Kbps, X21
G TCP/IP (for IEC 60870-5-104), up to 115.2 Kbps or X21
(only channels 1 to 4)
up to 1200 bps for PDM, up to 38.4 Kbps for PCM
(only channels 1 to 4)
G DNP V3.0 (COM TC), up to 38.4 Kbps
G TELEGYR 800 (COM TC), up to 38.4 Kbps
G IEC 60870-5-101 (COM IED), up to 57.6 Kbps, X21
G IEC 60870-5-103 (COM IED), 9.2 Kbps and 19.2 Kbps
G DNP V3.0 (COM IED), 9.6 Kbps and 19.2 Kbps
You will find detailed information about the function and technical data of
the modules of the SICAM substation controller in the manual
SICAM SAS Technical Description /12/.
2.4 Projects 30
2.1 General
2.1.1 Functions
Tab cards Dialog boxes are divided up according to different topics to enhance
clarity. These topics are represented by tab cards.
Click on the tab of a tab card to switch between the tab cards of a
dialog box.
Group box The content of tab cards is divided into group boxes. The different group
boxes are also surrounded by a border to make the grouping immediately
Check boxes Check boxes are used to enable or disable optional functions. On screen,
check boxes appear as rectangles that contain a checkmark (cross)
when enabled.
Click on an empty check box to enable the function.
Click on a check box with a checkmark to disable the function.
Buttons Using buttons, the user can call additional dialog boxes or enable certain
functions. The buttons either have self-explanatory labels or are
represented by clear symbols and are enabled by clicking. Once the
corresponding operation has terminated, you will automatically return to
the original dialog box.
Click on the button (for example, Parameterization).
The subsequent function is called.
Drop-down Drop-down lists are linked to text boxes that can only be assigned preset
lists values. Proceed as follows:
Click on the text box with the mouse pointer.
The drop-down list opens.
Select the desired variable. The chosen variable is written into the text
Drop-down A drop-down combo box combines the characteristics of a text box with
combo box those of a drop-down list box. You can either enter data manually or
select them from a drop-down list.
Spin box Spin boxes are text boxes where you can either enter values manually or
increase or decrease the displayed values by predefined increments.
Click on the up arrow to increase the value.
Click on the down arrow to decrease the value.
Selection boxes You can use selection boxes to enter preset data in the individual cells of
assignment tables. Proceed as follows:
Move the mouse pointer to the table cell you want to edit.
Press the right mouse button. A context-sensitive list appears.
Click on the variable you require.
Off-line / on-line SIMATIC Manager can be operated either in the off-line view (standard
view setting) or on-line.
Select the mode you want using the View menu.
The off-line view is used to configure and parameterize and download
data to the target system.
The on-line view allows you to perform a functional and data test.
Context menu In SICAM plusTOOLS, the user is often guided by context menus. They
are used for opening containers, starting applications, defining object
properties, linking information, etc.
Proceed as follows:
Move the mouse pointer to the object you want to edit.
Press the right mouse button. The associated context menu appears.
Click on the operation you want to be performed.
SAS 201.gif
Opening / closing (Data) containers can be opened both from the navigation pane and from
(data) containers the data pane. Proceed as follows:
Double-click on the symbol of the container in the navigation pane.
The hierarchical levels of the container are represented in the
navigation pane, while its contents are displayed in the data pane.
Double-click on the symbol of a container in the data pane to open it.
Applications SICAM plusTOOLS applications can be called from the data pane of
Calling SIMATIC Manager as follows:
applications from
Select the application in the data pane, press the right mouse button,
and open it by choosing Open Object from the context menu.
Calling up From the application SIM, open the SIM Browser, the application MIM,
applications from the application COM IED, the COM TC, and the status table, as follows:
Select MIM in the Source column of the SIM Table and open the
MIM Table using the context menu.
Select COM IED in the Source column of the SIM Table and open the
COM IED application using the context menu.
Double-click on an entry in the SIM Table in column TCCx. The
COM TC is opened.
Double-click on entry RTC-IED or RTC-IO in the SIM Table, tab card
Status information. The status table is opened.
Drag-and-drop Using the drag-and-drop function, you can group objects from different
function data areas quickly and reliably.
By drag and drop, you can:
G copy data areas (e.g. from catalogs)
G move data areas (e.g. when generating your station topology in the
SIM Browser).
Proceed as follows:
Select an object.
Place the mouse pointer on the selected object.
Press the left mouse button and hold it pressed.
Drag the mouse pointer into the target window to the desired position
and release the mouse button.
In the target window, a copy of the data area is inserted, or the data area
is moved to the selected position. During this operation, application-
specific plausibility checks are performed.
Multiple selection For different control functions (e.g. the delete function), multiple selection
of information is possible.
Select the first information item (e.g. an SAS information item in the
SIM Browser).
To select more than one information item, press and hold CTRL and
successively click the information items required
to select multiple sequential items of information, press and hold
SHIFT and click the last item of information of the area.
Perform the control function (e.g. deleting using the context menu) for
all selected information items.
Links To link data manually (e.g. when you have created an SAS information),
proceed as follows:
Select an information item.
Select Link to... from the context menu.
The shortcut icon of Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 is attached to the
mouse pointer.
Double-click on the linked information.
The shortcut icon disappears from the mouse pointer.
Press the ESC key, if you want to cancel the shortcut function.
Transferring table Using the standard Windows functions Copy and Paste, you can also
contents transfer table contents from SICAM plusTOOLS applications to EXCEL
to an EXCEL file files. That way, your parameterization data are available for further
internal evaluation, for example, user-orientated documentation
The copying function to EXCEL is also used to transfer data from
substations to the COM IED. If the substation is a SICAM product, e.g. a
SICAM RTU, you can copy information items of the substation directly
from the COM TC of the substation to the COM IED of the SICAM SC.
The following is a list of all the icons and symbols of SICAM plusTOOLS
together with their functionality.
Icon Function/meaning
Deletes the selected objects and puts them into the Clipboard.
Icon Function/meaning
Station identification
Icon Function/meaning
Documentation on Docpro
Icon Function/meaning
Icon Function/meaning
Icon Function/meaning
Tab cards This window is used to set the language and the mnemonics. Proceed as
Language follows:
Click on the Language tab card.
Select the language in which you want to work.
All installed languages are displayed in the list.
Select the SIMATIC mnemonics.
Confirm your settings with OK.
Tab cards This tab card allows you to choose your working folders. When you save
General your projects or libraries, SIMATIC Manager automatically opens the
folders entered here.
Proceed as follows:
Click on the General tab card.
Enter the complete path of the working folder in the Storage
Location for Projects or Storage Location for Libraries text box or
select the folder you want using the relevant Browse button.
Enable or disable the required options.
Confirm your settings with OK.
Tab cards This tab card allows you to set the various view options of a project in
View SIMATIC Manager.
Proceed as follows:
Click on the View tab card.
Enable or disable the required options.
Confirm your settings with OK.
Settings The Columns tab card allows you to specify object by object which
Columns columns are to be visible.
Tab cards This tab card allows you to configure the archiving program. Proceed as
Archive follows:
Select the WinZip archiving program from the drop-down list.
Activate or deactivate other options in the Options box.
Decide whether you want to use the default folders or select another
folder using the Browse... button.
Open the configuration window using the Configuring... button.
Enter the complete path of the archive program or select a path using
the Browse... button.
Activate or deactivate other options in the Options box.
Confirm your settings with OK. This closes the Configure - Archive
Confirm your settings with OK.
The only compression program permitted with SICAM plusTOOLS is the
compression program WinZip! WinZip is included in the scope of
2.4 Projects
Folder names must not exceed a maximum of 8 characters.
The navigation pane of the project window contains an icon for the
project and the Devices folder. As well as the Devices folder, the data
pane also displays the objects Global Title Block, Documentation, and
MPI(1). The folder and the objects are automatically generated when
creating a project.
MPI(1) is the interface for connecting external devices to the SICAM SC,
e.g. a parameterizing device (PG or PC).
In Global Title Block you can define protocol formats for the station
In the Documentation application, you can log the station configuration
using the optional system component
The Devices folder is for inserting the protection units into the project.
All data that belong to a project are stored in a project folder, which is
divided into subfolders. This data structure ensures consistent data
management and archiving. All projects are managed in the project list.
The contents of the project list can be processed manually, i.e. the last
project processed is automatically entered in the list. If a project has not
been called up for some time, you might find it has been removed from
the list.
To edit the entries in the project list, proceed as follows:
Select the File Manage function from the menu bar.
The Manage dialog box appears.
Select a project and click on the Hide button if you want to remove the
project from the list.
Click the Display button if you want a project folder to reappear. The
Browse dialog box appears first.
Locate the appropriate project folder, select it, and confirm with OK.
The project folder opens.
Select the project file <project name> and confirm with OK. The
project is re-included in the project list.
When copying a whole project, no consistency checks are performed.
Please note that the name of the project file always corresponds to the
name of the original project, i.e. a change of name in SIMATIC Manager
is not automatically updated at the DOS/Windows level.
If the data of your projects has been acquired with a SICAM plusTOOLS
version V4.0, the data can be converted and further processed.
Open Station within the project.
The converter is started and provides information on the type and scope
of any changes made.
Depending on the parameterization of the projects, new SAS information
items are created during conversion of the project data. These are not
linked and will cause fault indications during the plausibility check during
compilation. The SAS information items are highlighted in red in the SIM
Table. Link these data and repeat compilation (siehe Kapitel 11.1.2).
You can use hardware templates to define SICAM SAS demo stations.
These can be used more than once in projects.
The advantage of the sample stations is that the project data are stored
in Catalog S7 and comments are displayed when the data is entered, in
a similar way to the catalogs of the hardware components.
Generally speaking, the data of the projects that are stored in folder
S7Proj can also be copied. However, in this case the comment function
is not available.
Click on OK. The demo station is copied to the project complete with
all the parameterized data.
If necessary, customize the parameters to suit the individual
Each component of SICAM plusTOOLS has its own data area. These
data areas are organized in containers and are seen as folders in a
hierarchical tree structure. SIMATIC Manager always displays the data/
folder structures in a split window.
G The navigation pane on the left shows the structure.
G The data pane on the right shows the contents.
Switching To switch between the hierarchical levels within the data structure of a
hierarchical levels project, proceed as follows:
In the navigation pane, click on the plus sign in front of the symbol of
a hierarchical level. The lower hierarchical level opens and is
displayed as a tree structure. The plus sign turns to a minus sign.
Click on the minus sign to close the lower hierarchical level again.
Editing an Select the application or container in the data pane, press the right
application or mouse button and perform one of the operations offered in the context
container menu, e.g. Copy, Delete, Insert, Object Properties, etc.
3.2 Installation 41
3.3 Deinstallation 47
3.4 Authorization 48
Operating system Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1 or
Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6
During the installation under Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and
Windows 2000, you require administrator rights.
MPI (multipoint SICAM plusTOOLS communicates with external devices through an MPI
interface) (Multi Point Interface). This interface can be implemented using:
G a PC/MPI cable for the serial port of the PC, or
G an MPI PC plug-in board (ISA/PCI or PCMCIA).
The scope of supply of the components for SICAM plusTOOLS can be
found in the enclosed product information and the
SICAM SAS/RTU Planning and Design /15/.
3.2 Installation
Installation The components included in the scope of supply must be installed in the
sequence following order:
2. SIMATIC STEP7 Hotfix2
3. Borland C++ V5.01
4. M7-SYS V5.00
5. CFC V5.2 and Hot-Fix 3.
7. SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS V4.0
8. SICAM SAS runtime components V4.0
9. DIGSI V4, optional (siehe Kapitel 3.2.2)
10.DOCPRO V5.0, optional (siehe Kapitel 3.2.3)
To enable recognition of the adjusted information volume of
SIPROTEC 4 devices in SICAM plusTOOLS, SICAM plusTOOLS, and
DIGSI 4 must be installed on your computer.
Start the installation with the Install button and follow the on-screen
instructions of the setup program of the individual components.
A message is output on successful completion of each installation.
During installation of STEP 7 V5.1, CFC, and SICAM plusTOOLS, you
will need to enter a license number. Use the license numbers of the
authorization disks.
Before using STEP 7 V5.1, you must restart Windows. Only then will all
Microsoft Windows entries be activated. If you do not restart Windows,
STEP 7 V5.1 will not run in its full version and you might incur a loss of
SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS can only be installed when the full version
of STEP 7 V5.1 is installed.
SICAM plusTOOLS registers itself in Microsoft Windows system files.
With Microsoft Windows tools like the Explorer you must not move any
files or folders or alter SICAM data in the Windows registry in the
...\SIEMENS directory. Such modifications might prevent the program
from running correctly.
Manual start of the If the setup menu does not open automatically, proceed as follows:
installation routine
Click on the Windows Start menu and select menu item Run....
Enter x:\Digsi_4\Setup.exe in the input field.
(x stands for the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive).
Click on OK.
Follow the further installation instructions (see above).
If you want to install SICAM plusTOOLS again, proceed as follows:
Uninstall DIGSI 4
Install SICAM plusTOOLS
Install DIGSI 4
If DIGSI 4 has not been uninstalled for any reason, you can install it gain
after you have installed SICAM plusTOOLS DIGSI 4. We recommend
proceeding as described above.
Installing Place the Borland C++ V5.01 CD in the CD-ROM drive of your
PC/PG and start the SETUP program as follows:
Start Run X:\SETUP.EXE, where X is the letter of your CD-ROM
In the Borland C++ Development Suite 5.01 window, click on
Borland C++ V5.01 to start installation of these components.
Make a note of the path of the Borland C++ folder BC5, as you will be
required to enter it subsequently when installing CFC.
Selecting User-Defined as the installation configuration for the
settings described below will enable you to save about 200 MB of
hard disk space during installation.
Select 32-bit Windows as the target platform.
Software products must be deinstalled through Microsoft Windows:
Select Start Settings Control Panel Add/Remove Programs to
open the Add/Remove Programs Properties window.
Select the product you want to uninstall.
Select Uninstall.
After deinstallation of Borland C++ V5.01, Microsoft Windows must be
That is the only way of uninstalling under Microsoft Windows.
After uninstalling, the system might still contain some files dynamically
created by Borland C++ V5.01. This is detected by the uninstall tool and
the following message is displayed: Some elements could not be
removed. You should manually remove items related to the
application. You can choose whether to delete or leave these
dynamically created files.
3.3 Deinstallation
If you are using the parameterization system for DIGSI V4 protection
units in conjunction with SICAM plus TOOLS, you will need to uninstall
these components before installing a new version of SICAM plusTOOLS.
This ensures problem-free transfer of parameters between the two
Installation or deinstallation are performed in Standard Windows
functions. The deinstallation program does not remove any files you
created. Directories containing your own files might therefore remain
3.4 Authorization
To use SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS, CFC, and STEP 7, you require
appropriate authorization on your computer, that is, usage rights. The
authorization with associated software are contained on the authorization
disks (installation counter = 1).
Before you can work with SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS, CFC, and
STEP 7 , you will need to transfer the authorizations from the
authorization disks to your computer.
Install the authorization by starting the authorization program
AUTHORSW.EXE using the Windows Start menu.
For STEP 7 V5.1, the authorization must be installed on target drive C:
If C: is a compressed drive (for example, with DBLSPACE/DBLDRIVE),
select the associated host drive.
Please observe the notes in the README files on the authorization
Directory C:\AX NF ZZ contains hidden files. These files and the
directory must never be deleted, moved, or copied. The files contain data
that is required for authorization of your software! If you do not observe
this warning, you might lose the authorization irretrievably.
The authorization diskette must not be write-protected. As the
authorization disk is used without write protection, there is a danger of
transferring a virus from a hard disk to the diskette. Therefore, before
installing or deinstalling an authorization, check your PG or PC for
So as not to lose the authorization irretrievably, please observe the
following points:
When using an optimizing program (Scandisk/Defrag) that allows
fixed memory blocks to be move, you must only use this function if you
transfer the authorization back from the hard drive to the authorization
diskette before you use the function.
The authorization creates a cluster on the target drive that is marked
as defective. Do not try to restore this cluster.
Before formatting, compressing, or restoring your hard disk drive
or before installing a new operating system, deinstall the
4.1 Overview
This chapter is intended to give you a basic idea of how to configure the
SICAM SAS substation automation system. This will be done by means
of an example, with very concise explanations.
When working with SICAM plusTOOLS for the first time, we recommend
you to stick to the order proposed here.
The open system architecture of SICAM plusTOOLS makes it possible
to proceed individually, permitting an almost any order of the individual
operating steps.
To highlight the logical structure, emphasis has purposely been placed
on the sequence of operations, that is, the default settings of the system
parameters are accepted wherever possible.
The following chapters provide details on how to change and set these
Our example is based on configuring a SICAM substation automation
system, as depicted in chapter 1, picture 1-1.
procedure SIMATIC Manager
Starting the
Creating a project /
defining a station
Hardware Configuration
Configuring the SICAM
Creating network
nodes for PROFIBUS
Inserting bay
devices Defining the information
automation functions
and command
Compiling the data
Dloading to target sys.
SAS 400.gif
Station structure The station hierarchical level comprises the following containers:
G Hardware
This folder is automatically created by the system when a
SICAM SAS station is generated and it contains the parameterization
of the module racks and the plugged modules after the Hardware
G CP 443-5 Basic(x)
This folder contains the system data block for parameterizing the
Profibus interface.
G CPU 4xx-y
This folder holds the SIMATIC programs (CFC blocks) and the
defined links to the communication modules.
G COM IED (Communication to Intelligent Electronic Devices)
This folder is used to store the bay device and substation parameters.
It is generated as soon as a SICAM SAS station is inserted.
Creating an Select File New. The New dialog box appears offering a list of
SAS project projects already included in the project list.
SAS 001.gif
Folder names must not exceed a maximum of 8 characters.
SAS 002.gif
After you have created the project, the project window contains:
G Icon for the overall Project.
G Global Title Block object.
The tab cards of the Global Title Block object allow you, for example,
to define the layout for printout of your station documentation.
G MPI(1) object.
Interface of the SICAM SC for loading the configured data.
G Devices folder.
Folder for inserting the protection units into the project.
G Object documentation
Object-specific documentation of the project parameterization using
the optional system component DOCPRO.
SAS 003.gif
The standard designation SICAM SAS for the newly created station can
also be changed on exiting the Hardware Configuration in the
SIMATIC Manager.
Opening the In the navigation pane of SIMATIC Manager, the station is displayed as
station a folder. To open it, proceed as follows:
Click on the name On the Hill. The lower-level containers Hardware,
COM IED, COM TC, MIM, SIM and Station Identification are
displayed in the data pane.
Once the project and the station have been defined, the next step is to
configure the hardware of the SICAM substation controller using the
Hardware Configuration application.
Overview of
Hardware Configur Hardware Configuration Tab cards
SAS 004.gif
Pic. 4-7 Hardware Configuration dialog box with the Hardware Catalog
First insert the module racks into the empty dialog box:
Open the Hardware catalog folder
Double-click on UR1 to insert the central rack into the
Hardware Configuration dialog box. The system will assign the
designation (0)UR1 to the central rack.
Insert another UR1 rack. The system will assign expansion rack
status to it and label it (1)UR1.
SAS 005.gif
Plausibility checks monitor the consistency of the assembly. Please also
observe the assembly rules, see chapter 1.3 and SICAM SAS Technical
Description /12/.
Start equipping the racks with the basic modules, the communication
modules, and the interface modules:
Open the
SIMATIC-400/SICAM-400/PS-400 folder.
Insert PS 24-60V DC power supply modules 1 of both the central and
the expansion rack.
The PS module occupies 3 slots.
Open the
SIMATIC-400/CPU-400/CPU M7 folder.
Insert the CPU 488-3 V5.0 in slot 4 of the central rack. The
CPU module occupies 2 slots.
Open the
SIMATIC-400/SICAM-400/MCP-400 folder.
Insert an MCP1 assembly in slot 6 and an MCP2 assembly in slot 8 of
the central rack.
The MCP1 occupies 2 slots, the MCP2 occupies 3 slots.
Open the
SIMATIC-400/CP-400/PROFIBUS/CP443-5 Basic folder.
Insert the PROFIBUS FMS communication processor CP 443-
5 Basic 6GK7443-5FX01 V3.2 into slot 17 of the basic rack.
The Properties - Profibus Interface CP 443-5 Basic window is
displayed. Parameterize the PROFIBUS interface on the Parameters
tab card:
Select Address 2.
In the Subnet section, click on the New... button.
The Properties - New Subnet PROFIBUS window is displayed.
On the Network Settings tab card, select
Baud rate 187.5 kbps and under Profile , select Universal (DP/
Open the
SIMATIC-400/IM-400 folder.
Insert the IM460-0 send interface module into slot 18 of the central
Insert the IM461-0 receive interface module into slot 18 of the
expansion rack.
The functionality and the technical specifications of each module are
described in:
G the SICAM SAS Technical Description /12/,
G the SICAM SAS/RTU Planning and Design /15/ and
G the manuals of each module.
Demo The complete Hardware Configuration of the demo station On the Hill:
PS For the PS power supply module, the default parameter settings are
accepted without exception.
SAS 218.gif
MCP assembly During the hardware configuration of the communication modules of the
MCP assemblies, the communication interfaces with higher-level control
centers and bay devices are parameterized.
This specifies the transmission protocol and assigns the external
interfaces of the modules to the internal channels of the MCP
communications processor (see chapter 5.6).
An MCP assembly always consists of the MCP communications
processor and a maximum of four XC2 and/or XF6 expansion modules.
The MCP communications processor has an interface for external time
signal reception (DCF77 or GPS).
We recommend using the GPS receiver specified in the SICAM SAS/
RTU Planning and Design /15/.
It does not occupy any of the internal channels nor any external interface
of the MCP communications processor.
On the Time parameters tab card, under Using of SYNC input, select
the entry DCF77 for this GPS receiver.
When using another GPS receiver, COM1 and channel 6 of the MCP
communications processor are occupied by the system.
Parameterizing the In our example, the MCP1 assembly is used for communication with two
MCP assemblies higher-level control centers. Connection is implemented with dual-
channel redundancy with the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) transmission
The MCP assembly consists of the MCP communications processor and
the XC2 expansion module.
The MCP2 assembly is used to communicate with bay devices. It
consists of the MCP communications processor and two XF6 expansion
Bay devices with RS485 interface are connected to the COM1 and
COM2 serial interfaces of the MCP communications processor, bay
devices with fiber optic interfaces are connected to the COM1 to COM6
interfaces of the XF6 expansion modules.
IEC 60870-5-103 (COM IED) is chosen as the transmission protocol.
MCP1 time tab card Open the Time parameters tab card.
Select DCF77 from the drop-down list of text box
Using of SYNC input.
Confirm with OK.
SAS 050.gif
sas 008.gif
Channel 1
Creating a Click on the Create button and select the remote terminal interface
connection to a TCC IEC 60870-5-101 as the connection to a higher-level control
control center center.
Accept the default settings of the Protocol and Channel info tab
cards by confirming with OK.
Repeat the last five steps for channels 2 to 4.
Basic parameters Open the Basic parameters tab card of the MCP1.
tab card of MCP1
Enable the Diagnosis alarm release function in the
Alarm settings group box.
In the Connection definition group, assign internal Channel 1 to the
COM 1 interface of the MCP communications processor in the
Assigned channels text box (drop-down list).
Assign internal Channel 2 to the COM 2 interface.
In the Hardware extensions group box, select XC2 for slot 1 from
the drop-down list of the Expansion modules.
SAS 009.gif
Parameterizing Open the Properties tab card of the XC2 expansion module by
the XC2 module pressing the Parameterization button.
In the Assigned channels text boxes of the Connection definition
group box, assign internal Channel 3 to the COM 1 interface and
internal Channel 4 to the COM 2 interface (with the drop-down lists).
Confirm with OK.
SAS 010.gif
Parameterizing the Open the Properties tab card of the XF6 expansion module in slot 1
XF6 module by pressing the Parameterization button.
In the Assigned channels text boxes of the Connection definition
group box, assign
internal Channel 3 to the COM 1 to COM 3 interfaces and
internal Channel 5 to the COM 4 to COM 6 interfaces
(via drop-down lists).
Confirm with OK.
SAS 011.gif
Open the Properties tab card of the XF6 expansion module in slot 2
by pressing the Parameterization button.
In the Assigned channels text boxes of the Connection definition
group box, assign
internal Channel 4 to the COM 1 to COM 3 interfaces and
internal Channel 6 to the COM 4 to COM 6 interfaces
(via drop-down lists).
Confirm with OK.
Confirm with OK on the Basic parameters tab card.
4.5.4 DI Modules
SAS 012.gif
SAS 131.gif
4.5.5 CO module
For the CO module, parameterize the Alarm Settings and the Output
type on the Basic Parameters tab card. The output type determines
tripping of the downstream load disconnecting relays.
When setting the output type, you must take into consideration whether
the CO module is operated together with the CR module or not, as the
CR module acts additively on the output type (see chapter 5.10).
Slot 14 The CO module in slot 14 is used in our example for the output of digital
setpoint values and persistent commands.
For this reason, the module is operated in S7 standard mode (digital
During hardware configuration, only the status messages are created for
this module.
The SAS information items required for these command outputs are
created manually (see chapter 4.9.2).
Enable the Diagnosis alarm release function in the
Alarm settings group box.
Select Digital output as the output type (default setting).
Confirm with OK.
SAS 212.gif
4.5.6 CR module
The value of the start addresses for the inputs must correspond to the
value of the start addresses for the outputs. The system permits input of
unused addresses only.
SAS 015.gif
SAS 166.gif
SAS 215.gif
4.5.9 IM module
The connection between the central rack and the expansion racks is
established using the Interface modules IM.
G For the IM461-0 receive interface module (in the expansion rack), the
default parameterization is accepted.
G The connection of the expansion rack is established on the
Connection tab card of the IM460-0 send interface module in the
central rack.
SAS 400.gif
To connect bay devices with the PROFIBUS FMS network, you need to
create a network node for each bay device.
Parameterizing Click on the inserted network node 6MB525 (FMS) and select the
network nodes Properties 6MB525window under Object Properties in the context
The SAS information items of the bay devices of the SICAM SAS
substation automation system connected with
G IEC 60870-5-103 (COM IED),
are created and managed using the COM IED application.
In the data pane of SIMATIC Manager, select COM IED and open the
application with Open Object in the context menu.
Open the Bay Device Catalog with Options Catalog.
Parameterizing Select F1_7SA511 and open the Properties tab card by choosing
7SA511 Object Properties from the context menu.
On the Parameters tab card in the Device group box, select V03.2x
from the drop-down list of the Version number text box.
Enter 1 in the Device number text box.
On the Connection tab card, select the MCP2 assembly from the
drop-down list of the Module text box.
Select internal channel 3 (IEC 60870-5-103) from the drop-down list
of the Channel text box.
Select the external interface XF6 (Subslot1): COM1 from
the drop-down list of the Interface text box.
SAS 221.gif
Parameterizing the Select 6MB525 Var 6 (T103) and open the Properties tab card by
6MB525 Var 6 choosing Object Properties from the context menu.
On the Parameter tab card, under Device, Version, select Standard
from the drop-down list.
Enter 20 in the Device number text box.
Pic. 4-36 6MB525 Var 6 (T103) bay controller, Parameters tab card
On the Connection tab card, select the MCP2 assembly from the
drop-down list of the Module text box.
Select internal channel 1 (IEC 60870-5-103) from the drop-down list
of the Channel text box.
Select the external interface Basic module: COM1 from
the drop-down list of the Interface text box.
Confirm with OK.
SAS 022.gif
Pic. 4-37 Bay controller 6MB525 Var 6 (T103), Connection tab card
Parameterizing the Select 6MB525 Var 6 (FMS) COM IED and open the Properties tab
6MB525 Var 6 card with Object Properties in the context menu.
On the Parameter tab card, under Device, Version, select Standard
from the drop-down list.
Pic. 4-38 6MB525 Var 6 (T) bay controller, Parameters tab card
Pic. 4-39 6MB525 Var 6 (FMS) bay controller, Connection tab card
Use the Select button to choose the Select Device dialog box.
Upon saving the parameterization, all telegrams of the bay device are
imported into the system, and names for the telegrams are created and
automatically linked to an SAS information item.
The SAS information is stored in groups below the bay device name.
You can gain an overview of the information volume by displaying the
SAS information in a sorted view:
Double-click on F1_7SA511 in the COM IED navigation pane.
The COM IED table is displayed with the alphabetically sorted SAS
information items of the bay device (General tab card).
Sort the information by hierarchical name, name, type, function type,
or info number by clicking on the corresponding column header.
You keep number the SAS information items of the bay devices down to
the information volume actually required.
Switch to the Indications tab card.
Select all items of SAS information of the bay device that you do not
need (multiple selection is possible).
Delete the information by choosing Delete from the context menu.
Repeat the delete operation on the Commands, Measured values,
and Metered values tab cards.
Save your changes by choosing Station Save.
SAS 239.gif
Select the 6MB525 Var 6 (T103) bay device and repeat the delete
Save your changes by choosing Station Save.
Select the 6MB525 Var 6 (FMS) bay device and repeat the delete
Save your changes by choosing Station Save.
Quit the COM IED application with Station Exit.
Creating groups Click on the On the hill symbol in the navigation pane of
SIMATIC Manager, select the SIM symbol in the data pane, and open
SIM Browser from the context menu.
Select the On the Hill folder.
Create a new group with Insert Group and change its name to
20 kV.
Create a further group with the name 6 kV.
Select the folder 6 kV and use
Insert Group to insert the folders F1, F2 and F3.
Structuring Select F1_7SA511 and drag-and-drop the bay device onto the F1
Move the 6MB525 Var 6 (T103) bay device to F2.
Move the 6MB525 Var 6 (FMS) bay device to F2.
Move the modules of the substation controller as shown in picture 4-
Select CO\0\13 in the navigation pane and then output O03_0 in the
data pane. Drag the output to the 20 kV symbol and rename it
Move DI\0\11, input I3_2 to the 20kV symbol and rename it V1_I3_2.
Save by selecting Station Save.
SAS 026.gif
Creating a Select the empty row and keep the cursor on the row number.
Select Insert Setpoint Value Digital (SE_D) 8 from the
context menu.
A new table row is inserted into the Standard output tab card. The
red color of the characters indicates that the link is not yet complete.
Select the empty row and keep the cursor on the row number.
Select Insert Command Single Persistent (SC_PER) from
the context menu.
Another table row with red text is inserted into the Standard output
tab card.
Select the Rack cell in the newly inserted table row and select
Rack 0 from the context menu.
Select the Slot cell in the newly inserted table row and select Slot 14
from the context menu.
The rack type is now displayed in the Rack type column. At the same
time, the SIM Table is updated.
Select the Connection cell in the line with the newly inserted
information of the type SC_PER and select the value O1_0 from the
drop-down list.
The color of the text changes to black.
Save by selecting Station Save.
The outputs of the CR module are operated in S7 mode only and can
also be used for outputting persistent commands. The necessary
SAS information must be created explicitly.
You can also output setpoints and persistent commands using SIMATIC
standard modules DO. You will have to create additional status
indications for these modules:
To do that, insert a single-point indication SP (modules not plugged) and
two fleeting indications SP_F (module faulty, wrong module) from the
Insert Indication context menu.
Creating and Select the Hierarchical name cell in rows 1 and 2 of the MIM Table
linking SAS and select Create SAS informationfrom the context menu. The
information Hierarchical names are entered.
Manually created SAS information can be further processed by the CFC,
HMI, or COM TC in the same way as information that has been created
automatically by configuration of SICAM SC and the bay devices.
SAS information for which distribution is not yet configured in the system
is highlighted in red. The color of the text changes to black as soon as a
plausible link is entered.
Commands tab Select the Commands tab card in the SIM Table.
In the With CR (command release) column, select the row with the
hierarchical name 6kV\F3\CO\0\13\O01_0.
Choose Yes from the context menu. This defines the software link of
the double command of the DC_PUL (double command) of the CO
command output module with the CR command release module and
at the same time, parameterizes a 1 1/2-pole safe command output.
The color of the text changes to red until you create the associated CFC
variables that are necessary for command output
In theHMI1 List column, select Yes from the context menu (or double-
click on the cell). This establishes the link to the Human Machine
Interface. This link forms the basis for control of an item of switchgear
from a detailed diagram.
Repeat the above steps for all information items or table rows that
belong to the 6kV\F3\CO\0\13 module.
Status information For the hierarchical name, select on the Status information tab card:
tab card Status\DI\0\11\Module_unplugged
with Yesfrom the contact menu in the HMI1 List column in each case.
This establishes the connection to the Human Machine Interface and
creates the basis for logging these single-point indications in event
and alarm lists.
sas 229a.gif
Indications Select on the Indications tab card for the hierarchical name
tab card 20kV\Group-ind1 in the HMI Display column and the HMI1 List
columns with Yes from the context menu. Then the Group-ind1
group indication can be included in reports by the Human Machine
Interface and displayed in a diagram.
Measured values For the measured values of the AI modules, select Yes from the
tab card context menu of the HMI Display column. These measured values
can then be displayed by the Human Machine Interface.
Metered Values tab For the metered value, select Yes from the context menu of the
card HMI Display column. This metered value can then be displayed by
the Human Machine Interface.
Status information\DI\0\11\Module_unplugged
Status information\DI\0\12\Module_unplugged
Status information\CO\0\13\Module_unplugged
Status information\CO\0\14\Module_unplugged
Status information\CR\0\15\Module_unplugged
To select more than one hierarchical name, press and hold
the CTRL key and click on the required names.
Create the CFC variables in the CFC column by selecting Create from
the context menu:
After you have assigned CFC as the source to the Group-ind1 group
indication and have created the CFC variables for all inputs and outputs
that are involved in the link in the SIM Table, all requirements for CFC
parameterization will have been fulfilled.
Calling CFC Open the container CFC Charts and insert a CFC chart with Insert
New Object CFC from the context menu.
Preparing CFC Before you configure the CFC charts, the SICAM CFC blocks must be
imported, the required priority classes configured, and the standard
priority class defined for the project/station. These steps have to be
performed once when generating a new station.
Import the SICAM CFC blocks into the block catalog by choosing
Options Block Types.
Enable Project in the Source group. An overview of the blocks that
can be imported is displayed in the left selection box.
Pic. 4-62 Catalog of CFC blocks after installation has been successfully completed
During graphic configuration with SICAM CFC blocks, the blocks are
assigned to certain priority classes.
As CFC blocks are imported they are assigned to a priority class straight
away. You can automate this procedure by defining a priority class as
default priority class. In our example, we have chosen the SW_Interr1
priority class.
Open the Execution Order dialog box by choosing
Edit Execution Order....
Select the SW_Interr1 priority class.
Select Edit Predecessor for installation position.
The following example shows you how to create a group indication from
several items of status information.
Inserting a block Open the container of the SICAM_COMMAND block family in the
into the chart block catalog.
Select the PC block and drag-and-drop it into the configuration
window of the CFC chart. The newly inserted block is highlighted.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Block
Object Properties dialog box opens.
Switch to the I/Os tab card.
Display the RELCTRL input by deactivating the check box in the Not
displayed column.
Interconnecting Select Connection to Operand... from the context menu. The Insert
a block Interconnection to Address dialog box opens.
Inserting a block Open the container of the SICAM_COMMAND block family in the
into the chart block catalog.
Select the PC block and drag-and-drop it into the configuration
window of the CFC chart. The newly inserted block is highlighted.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Block
Object Properties dialog box opens.
Switch to the I/Os tab card (see picture 4-72).
Display the RELCTRL input by clicking on the check box in the Not
displayed column (see picture 4-72).
Close the Block Object Properties dialog box with OK.
Parameterizing Switch to Sheet view display mode. The default setting of the
blocks RELCTRL input is 0. That means that no command release is
parameterized through a CR module.
Select the PROC_FB input.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Properties -
Connection dialog box opens (see picture 4-77).
Parameter changes in CFC blocks become effective immediately. It is
not necessary to save them explicitly!
To configure the telegrams in the control direction for IEC 60870 5-101,
proceed as follows:
In the data pane of SIMATIC Manager, open the SIM Table with Open
in the context menu.
Switch to the Commands tab card and, in the TCC column, select all
the information that you require for communication with the control
center by clicking on Yes in the context menu.
For error-free compilation of the example shown, you must complete the
configuration as follows:
Select the SIM symbol in the SIMATIC Manager. Open the
SIM Table by choosing Open Object from the context menu.
Open the Indications tab card in the SIM Table.
Create a link to the Human Machine Interface for all information items:
For example, enter Yes from the context menu in the HMI2 List
column for all information items.
Open the Commands tab card in the SIM Table.
Create a CFC variable for all information items in the CFC IN column
by choosing Create from the context menu. The system adds the
associated CFC variables in the CFC OUT column.
Create a link to the Human Machine Interface for all information items:
For example, enter Yes from the context menu in the HMI2 List
column for all information items.
Open the Measured Values tab card in the SIM Table.
Create a link to the Human Machine Interface for all information items:
For example, enter Yes from the context menu in the HMI Display
column for all information items.
Open the Metered Values tab card in the SIM Table.
Create a link to the Human Machine Interface for all information items:
For example, enter Yes from the context menu in the HMI Display
column for all information items.
Open the Status Information tab card in the SIM Table.
Create a link to the Human Machine Interface for all information items:
For example, enter Yes from the context menu in the HMI2 List
column for all information items.
Save all entries in the SIM Table by choosing
Station Save and quit the application with Station Exit.
When compiling the data of your station, you must keep to the following
G Compile in Hardware Configuration to specify the configuration of
G Compile in SIM, to specify
G Bay devices connection,
G Control center connection,
G Distribution of information to HMI,
G Distribution of information to CFC and
G Distribution of information to I/O modules.
G Compile in CFC, to specify
G CFC functions in the command direction (command output) and
G CFC functions in the monitoring direction (e.g. derived information).
To create system data blocks (SDBs) for the PROFIBUS FMS interface
of CP 443-5 Basic, proceed as follows after compilation in SIM:
Select the project in SIMATIC Manager and double-click on
PROFIBUS FMS Network in the data pane.
That opens the NETPRO application.
In the graphical representation of the network, select CPU.
Click on Network Save and Compile.... The Save and Compile
window appears.
Select the Compile and check all option and then click on OK. The
compilation and check is started.
Exit NETPRO by clicking on Network Exit.
Compiling At the end of your demo configuration, carry out the following steps:
In the data pane of SIMATIC Manager, select SIM and start
compilation with Compile from the context menu.
Use NETPRO to create the system data blocks for the
PROFIBUS FMS communications processor.
Compile the CFC configuration.
In our example, the data of SICAM SC was already compiled during
hardware configuration.
The exact procedure for loading the data into SICAM SC is described in
chapter 11.3.
Preliminary steps Before starting configuration, you should define the quantity listing, the
functionality, and the spatial distribution of the information items of your
substation automation system. That will determine the type and number
of modules required for your SICAM SC (for example, input/output or
communication module).
These definitions will serve as a basis for configuring and parameterizing
the Substation Controller using SICAM plusTOOLS.
Please note that the message number range 0 to 20000 is set by default.
Overview of
Hardware Configur Hardware Configuration Tab cards
ation Inserting a rack Defining
Pic. 5-3 Hardware Configuration dialog box with the Hardware Catalog
The default settings for Display Configuration Tables are only valid for
racks that will be newly inserted afterward.
Already configured module racks will always be display with the size with
which they have been created when HW Config is called up.
However, you can adapt the size of the configuration tables individually
by dragging them with the mouse pointer.
G Insert a rack
G Save object names in the target system
G Save Window Arrangement on Exit
When you reopen Hardware Configuration the window
arrangement appears as it did during your last session.
G Update hardware diagnosis cyclically.
The standard tab cards General and Adresses are identical or similar for
various types of module.
General tab card In addition to the general information about the module, the General tab
card contains an text box Commentar for a description of eych module
of your SICAM SC.
SAS 104.gif
Addresses tab card The Addresses tab card lets you define start addresses for specific
module signals (for example, inputs). These start addresses are
originally generated by the system, but can subsequently be modified by
the user. Automatic plausibility checks ensure the consistency of these
manually entered addresses.
Please make sure that the start addresses for the inputs and outputs are
identical for the CR module.
SAS 105.gif
Module- The Basic Parameters tab card is available for various modules. It
specific contains not only the Diagnostic alarm release but also module-specific
tab cards settings, such as parameterization of the signal inputs and outputs.
The Diagnosis alarm release must always be activated for function
modules DI, CO, CR, and AI so that SAS information items can be
created for the status indications of modules.
SAS 054.gif
Context menu Use the context menus provided by the user interface for the
Hardware Configuration application.
Moving You can move modules from one slot to another or from one rack to
another using the drag-and-drop function.
Deleting Select a module from the rack and delete it via the context menu.
Please note that in each SICAM SC only:
G one CPU and
G one CR module can be plugged and
G one MCP assembly can be parameterized as the clock master. If
necessary, disable this function in the copied MCP assembly.
Please also ensure that each expansion rack is equipped with an
IM receive interface module and the central rack with an
IM send interface module!
Plausibility checks monitor the consistency of the assembly. Please also
observe the assembly rules, see chapter 1.3 and SICAM SAS Technical
Description /12/.
All the modules described in the SICAM SAS Technical Description /12/
are permitted with the maximum quantities of multiply pluggable modules
stated there. Each module is briefly described in the following sections.
Please observe the assembly rules for the modules as specified in:
G SICAM SAS Technical Description /12/ and
G SIMATIC S7/M7, Manual S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Logic
Controller Assembly, Module Data /2/.
Interface The interface modules (SIMATIC 400 \ IM-400 folder) are used to
modules IM connect up to 6 expansion racks to the central rack. A send IM must be
plugged with a receive IM of the same type. The following types are
G IM460-0 (transmitter) and IM461-0 (receiver) for a local link
G IM460-3 (transmitter) and IM461-3 (receiver) for a remote link
Both the send and the receive interface modules have two front
interfaces that are used to set up the connecting lines to the partner
modules. The following types of connection are possible for the individual
connecting lines:
G up to 4 expansion racks in series on one line
G each expansion rack through a separate send interface module
G a combination of these types.
Up to 6 send interface modules can be plugged into the central rack,
beginning with the last slot. The receive interface modules are plugged
into the last slot of each expansion rack.
Pay attention to the overall connection length of the individual connecting
loops. That determines which interface modules are required:
G up to 3 m local link
G up to 120 m remote link
Power supply Two modules are available for the internal power supply PS
(SIMATIC 400\SICAM-400\PS-400 folder):
G PS DC 24-60 V
G PS UC 120-230 V
Each rack must be equipped with a power supply module of its own. It
must always be plugged into slot 1 and has a width of three slots, which
means that slots 2 and 3 are then no longer available.
CPU A SICAM SC cannot accommodate more than one CPU (SIMATIC 400
\ CPU-400 folder), which must be plugged into the central rack at the slot
in addition to the PS module. The CPU covers two slots.
The following CPU types are permissible:
G CPU 486-3 with Pentium 75
G CPU 488-3 with Pentium 120
IF964 To connect bay devices with PROFIBUS DP interface, you can insert an
interface module IF964 in one of the two submodule slots of the CPU.
The number of connectable bay devices depends on the information
CP 443 In SICAM SC, you can insert up to four PROFIBUS FMS interface
modules CP 443-5 Basic. The module is one slot wide and can be
inserted into any slot in the central rack.
MCP assembly In the SICAM SAS substation automation system, communication of the
Substation Controller with higher-levelcontrol centers, bay controllers,
and substations is implemented with communication modules that form a
single hardware unit, the MCP assembly.
An MCP assembly always consists of the MCP communications
processor and XC2 and/or XF6 expansion modules, if necessary.
The MCP communications processor and the XC2 expansion module
each have two external interfaces that can be operated with telecontrol,
bay device, or substation protocol.
The XF6 expansion module has six optical fiber cable interfaces that can
be operated using the bay device protocol.
A maximum of 6 MCP assemblies can be inserted in a substation
controller. Using 4 MCP assemblies, you can connect a maximum of
96 bay devices, 2 further MCP assemblies are provided for dual-
channel communication with up to 3 control centers.
Choose between:
You can combine the two expansion modules in one MCP assembly. An
MCP assembly occupies 1 to 5 slots.
Input/output After plugging the basic modules, the input/output modules must be
modules configured. The SIMATIC 400\SICAM 400 folder of the
Hardware Catalog offers the following modules:
G AI module
Analog Input, folder: SIMATIC 400\SICAM-400\AI-400
G AI-C 16x12bit
16 x 12 bit current inputs
G AI-C 32x12bit
32 x 12 bit current inputs
G AI-V 16x12bit
16 x 12 bit voltage inputs
G AI-V 32x12bit
32 x 12 bit voltage inputs
G DI module
Digital Input, folder: SIMATIC 400\SICAM 400\DI-400
G DI 32xDC24/60V
32 inputs DC 24/60 V
G DI 32xDC110/125V
32 inputs DC 110/125 V
G CO module
Command Output, folder: SIMATIC 400\SICAM-400\CO-400
G CO 32xDC24/125V
32 single-pole commands or 16 double-pole commands/bit patterns
G CR module
Command Release, folder: SIMATIC 400\SICAM-400\CR-400.
G CR DC 24/60V
with output circuit monitoring, 8 inputs/8 outputs
G CR DC 110/125V
with output circuit monitoring, 8 inputs/8 outputs
You will find detailed descriptions of the modules in the SICAM SAS
Technical Description /12/ and in the manuals of each module.
SICAM standard In the SICAM SC, all standard SIMATIC modules that are listed in the
modules SIMATIC 400\SM-400 folder can be used.
For a description of the standard SIMATIC modules, please refer
to the following documents:
SIMATIC M7, Technical Overview: The S7-400 Programmable Controller
- Configuration and Application /3/ and
SIMATIC S7/M7, Manual S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Logic
Controller Assembly, Module Data /2/.
Message numbers
On insertion of the CPU and the associated creation of the M7 program,
a number range from 1 to 20000 is assigned for the configured
indications. At the beginning of configuration, this range can be changed
as follows:
Select the CPU, M7 Program in the navigation pane of
SIMATIC Manager and then select Special Object Properties,
Message numbers from the context menu and enter the new number
As soon as a message number has been used during parameterization,
it will no longer be possible to change the number range!
However, should you subsequently need more indications after
configuration, for example, due to implementation of additional bay
devices, please contact our hotline. You will then be told how to extend
the number range.
For complete parameterization of the CPU, the following tab cards are
G General
The MPI button lets you define external interfaces to a PC/PG or a
programming device or parameterize simple subnetworks.
G Startup
Defines the startup behavior of the SICAM SC on a cold and a warm
G Cycle / Clock Memory
Cyclic behavior of the CPU, such as cyclic updating of the process
G Retentive Memory
Retentive memory ranges on power failure
G Protection
Access protection for certain data ranges
G Diagnostics/Clock
Defines the system diagnostics options, for example, displaying the
cause of a STOP.
Set the type of synchronization to As Slave on the Diagnosis/Clock tab
card because time synchronization of the SICAM SC is effected through
the MCP.
On the other tab cards, you can accept the default settings.
G Main memory
Main memory capacity of the CPU 16 Mbytes.
We recommend using the GPS receiver specified in the
SICAM SAS/RTU Planning and Design /15/.
It does not occupy any of the internal channels nor any external interface
of the MCP communications processor.
In the Time parameters tab card, under Use SYNC input, select the
entry DCF77 for this GPS receiver.
When using another GPS receiver, COM1 and channel 6 of the MCP
communications processor are occupied by the system.
When parameterizing the MCP assembly, please stick to the
following order:
G Time parameters tab card
G Protocols tab card
G Ports tab cards
G Basic Parameters tab card
This avoids conflicts during the parameterization of
the communication interfaces.
The Time parameters tab card defines the parameters of the interface
for external time signal reception of the MCP communications processor.
SAS 203.gif
Using the
SYNC input
G Without Without set time telegram
G DCF77 DCF77 signal of the German Federal
Institute of Physics and Metrology in
G GPS GPS signal via satellite
G Ext. SYNC pulse 1 Min Edge change of the input signal at 1-
minute intervals
G Ext. SYNC pulse 10 Min Edge change of the input signal at 10-
minute intervals
Clock control must not be assigned to more than one MCP assembly
within the SICAM SC.
In the Basic Parameters tab card of the MCP assembly, you can
G the external interfaces of the MCP communications processor and
G type and number of the expansion modules
in the MCP assembly.
SAS 207.gif
Enable Diagnosis alarm release if you want the fault events of the MCP
assembly to be evaluated by the CPU.
The Reaction to CPU STOP text box lets you specify if, in the event of a
CPU STOP, the communications processor will also be set to STOP
(entry STOP) or whether it should continue operating
(entry Continue).
The Define Connection section lets you specify the parameters of the
two external interfaces, COM1 and COM2.
With protocol IEC 60870-5-103 the MCP channels 5 and 6 cannot be set
to interface standard RS485.
module XC2
SAS 208.gif
modules XF6
SAS 209.gif
You will find a description of each module of the MCP assembly
in SICAM SAS Technical Description /12/.
Always select the highest possible baud rate to ensure optimum system
IEC 60870-5-101
Pic. 5-14 Properties of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Protocols tab card
Use the Create button to select the remote terminal interface to a higher-
level control center. You will find further instructions on how to
parameterize the control center connection in chapter 7.
Pic. 5-16 Advanced parameters of the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC)
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog box require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog box require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
Pic. 5-19 Properties of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Channel info tab card
Pic. 5-20 Properties of SINAUT 8-FW (COM TC), Protocols tab card
Use the Create button to select the remote terminal interface to a higher-
level control center. You will find further instructions on how to
parameterize the control center connection in chapter 7.
Pic. 5-21 Properties of the physical layer SINAUT 8-FW (COM TC)
Pic. 5-22 Advanced parameters of the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog box require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
Pic. 5-23 Properties of the data link layer SINAUT 8-FW (COM TC)
TCP/IP protocol If communication with the higher-level control center is performed using
the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol, set the TCP/IP protocol on the Protocol
tab card of your MCP assembly for the channel in question.
Create the associated remote terminal connection on the Ports tab card
of the MCP assembly (see chapter 5.6.4).
The following example shows the dual-channel configuration with the
appropriate address settings for channels, subnetworks, routers, and
Uart Uart
Subnet Subnet 2
Router 1 Router 2
The structure of the Channel info tab card is identical with the channel
info tab card of the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) protocol (see Properties
of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Channel info tab card page 165.).
In the Protocol layers, Bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
group box, click on the Parameter button.
Pic. 5-27 Properties of the TCP/IP, advanced parameters for physical layer (for
protocol IEC 60870-5-104)
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog box require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
Enter the IP addresses of the channel and the partner and modify the
advanced parameters if necessary.
Pic. 5-29 Properties of the TCP/IP, advanced parameters for data link layer (for
protocol IEC 60870-5-104)
Click on the Add button. Use the Standard route, confirm the default
setting for the Subnet address and Subnet mask with OK.
Click on the Add button again if you want to parameterize a second
network or change the default settings.
DNP V3.00
Pic. 5-32 Properties of DNP V3.00 (COM TC), Protocols tab card
The structure of the Channel info tab card is identical with the channel
info tab card of the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) protocol (see Properties
of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Channel info tab card page 165.).
Pic. 5-34 Advanced parameters for the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
DNP V3.00 (COM TC)
Pic. 5-35 Bit transmission layer (= physical layer) DNP V3.00 (COM TC),
Profile transmitter tab card
Pic. 5-36 Advanced parameters for the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
DNP V3.00 (COM TC),
Profile transmitter tab card
Pic. 5-38 Advanced parameters for the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
DNP V3.00 (COM TC),
Profile receiver tab card
Pic. 5-40 Properties of TELEGYR 800 (COM TC), Protocols tab card
The structure of the Channel info tab card is identical with the channel
info tab card of the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) protocol (see Properties
of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Channel info tab card page 165.).
Pic. 5-41 Bit transmission layer (= physical layer) TELEGYR 800 (COM TC),
Basic Parameters tab card
The structure of the Profile transmitter and Profile receiver tab cards
is identical with the tab cards of the DNP V3.00 (COM TC) protocol (see
Bit transmission layer (= physical layer) DNP V3.00 (COM TC), Profile
transmitter tab card page 176.).
Make your parameter settings and click on the Advanced
Parameters button.
Pic. 5-42 Advanced parameters for the bit transmission layer (= physical layer)
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog boxes require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
IEC 60870-5-103
Pic. 5-44 Properties of IEC 60870-5-103 (COM IED), Protocols tab card
The structure of the Channel info tab card is identical with the channel
info tab card of the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) protocol (see Properties
of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC), Channel info tab card page 165.).
Pic. 5-45 Properties of DNP V3.00 (COM IED), Protocols tab card
Protocol IEC 60870- To connect substations to your SICAM SC use the IEC 60870-5-
5-101 (COM IED) 101 (COM IED) protocol.
Pic. 5-46 Properties of IEC 60870-5-101 (COM IED), Protocols tab card
The structure of the Physical layer tab card is identical with the channel
info tab card of the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) protocol (see Physical
layer IEC 60870-5-101 (COM TC) page 163.).
In group box Protocol layers, Data link layer, click on the
Parameter button to select the dialog box.
Pic. 5-47 Data link layer of protocol IEC 60870-5-101 (COM IED)
Switch to the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM IED) tab card in the Properties
dialog box.
Use the service-oriented protocol TCP/IP, define the port objets required
for it on the Ports tab card of the MCP assembly.
Only insert the PROFIBUS FMS interfaces CP 443-5 Basic into the
central rack of SICAM SC.
You will find further details on how to parameterize the PROFIBUS
CP 443-5 Basic in the documentation SIMATIC NET, Manual NCM S7
for PROFIBUS for STEP7 V5 /21/.
CP tab card
The procedure for inserting a bay device with
PROFIBUS DP interface is described in chapter 6.8.
The extension of the hardware catalog with additional bay device types
is described in chapter .
IF 964-DP
Tab cards To parameterize the Basic Parameters tab card, proceed as follows:
Basic Parameters
Activate the Diagnosis alarm release.
Assign the desired indication types.
SAS 210a.gif
With the Parameter button, you can open the tab cards for a detailed
definition of the input groups. A separate tab card is provided for each
indication type.
Disable unused inputs/outputs to minimize the data volume.
The inputs/outputs can be enabled again at any time without affecting
data already parameterized.
Indication types The 32 inputs of the DI module are combined in groups of 8 inputs each.
SAS 064.gif
Fleeting indication
SAS 065.gif
SAS 066.gif
Bit pattern
SAS 067.gif
Transformer tap
Metered value
SAS 068.gif
If the Freeze Triggering via CPU job option is enabled on the Metered
Value Capturing tab card, the associated freeze command for DI
modules with parameterized metered value capturing is automatically
generated when the hardware configuration is saved.
Status capturing
You will find further details on how to parameterize the various indication
types in the manual SICAM, Manual Digital Input Function Module DI32
SAS 211.gif
Output types The output type determines tripping of the downstream load
disconnecting relays. The following output types are available:
G Digital output
is selected for persistent commands and digital setpoint values.
The module is then operated in process image mode, that is, only the
status indications of the module, but no SAS information for command
outputs, are created using SICAM plusTOOLS (see chapter 10).
G 1-pole 32 outputs
G 2-pole 16 outputs
G 1 1/2-pole with internal release 32 outputs
When setting the output type, you must take into consideration whether
the CO module is operated together with the CR module or not, as the
CR module has an additive effect on the output type.
1-pole + CR 1-pole tripping of the downstream
load disconnecting relays with checks
1-pole without CR 1-pole tripping of the downstream
load disconnecting relays without checks
2-pole + CR 2-pole tripping of the downstream
load disconnecting relays with checks.
2-pole without CR 2-pole tripping of the downstream
load disconnecting relays without checks.
SAS 052.gif
To output transformer tap commands, define double commands.
You will find detailed explanations of the value ranges of the various
parameters in the manual SICAM, Manual Command Output Function
Module CO32 /10/.
If you use standard modules for the output of setpoint values or persistent
commands, you must create the status information for the modules as
well as the SAS information for the commands. Instructions on how to do
that can be found in chapter 10.
SAS 053.gif
With the Parameter button, you can open the tab cards for detailed
parameterization of the input groups. The registers are different for each
type of indication.
Disable all unassigned inputs.
The outputs of the CR module can be operated in process image mode
only. No SAS information items are created on parameterizing the
module. You need to create and link the information manually in der
MIM Table (see chapter 10.3).
SAS 070.gif
Fleeting indication
SAS 096.gif
State capturing
State capturing is the S7 default setting (process image mode). No
SAS information items are created.
You will find further details on how to parameterize the various indication
types in the manual SICAM, Manual Command Release Function
Module CR /11/.
AI-C module
SAS 054.gif
AI-V module
SAS 213.gif
Inputs For each input, you must specify the following parameters:
G Measuring range
G Zero point suppression
G Threshold value of the event buffer entry
must be activated, otherwise no SAS information will be created.
AI-C module
SAS 071.gif
AI-V module
SAS 214.gif
You will find further details on how to parameterize the inputs in the
manual SICAM, Manual Analog Input Function Module AI32/16 /8/.
Tab cards Each send interface module has two interfaces. These connectors are
Connection used to connect the expansion racks of the same type with star or
cascaded topology.
Parameterize the Connection tab card as follows:
Select a rack from the Unconnected Racks list and click the
Connect button of the desired interface.
SAS 055.gif
The parameterization data that have been compiled and prepared for
downloading to the target device are called system data blocks SDB 400.
6.1 General
Bay devices Use the COM IED application (Communication to Intelligent Electronic
Devices) of the SICAM plusTOOLS configuration system to integrate bay
devices with
G IEC 60870-5-103,
G DNP V3.00 (IED)
interfaces in the SICAM SAS substation automation system. To do that,
transfer the bay devices from a catalog and determine the functional
scope and information volume of the devices by parameterizing their
version numbers.
On SIPROTEC 4 units connected with PROFIBUS FMS, you will define
the scope of function and information with DIGSI 4 and import this
parameterization into SICAM plusTOOLS.
Bay devices with PROFIBUS DP interfaces are integrated and managed
in the hardware configuration (see chapter 5.8 and chapter 6.8).
Starting the
COM IED parameterizing
information in the
Defining control
SIM Browser Inserting and
Defining the parameterizing
information volume information in the
COM IED container After configuration has been completed, the COM IED container will
contain all the inserted bay devices. The scope of information is defined
on a case-by-case basis during configuration. It also contains all
configured items of information of the substation connections.
The catalog The catalog of the COM IED application contains the substation
connection TCS IEC 60870-5-101 and all bay devices that can be
The bay devices are grouped into hierarchically structured groups:
G Bay controllers (IEC 60870-5-103 (COM IED))
G Bay controllers (PROFIBUS FMS)
G Bay controllers (DNP V3.00 (COM IED))
G Protection units
G SIPROTEC 4 devices (only if DIGSI 4 is installed)
G Other devices (e.g. freely definable device)
Opening the Open the catalog with menu command Options Catalog.
SAS 073.gif
A short description is displayed for the selected bay device at the bottom
of the catalog.
The Catalog is updated with each new version of the SICAM plusTOOLS
configuration system.
Freely definable If you want to integrate a bay device with the IEC 60870-5-103 or
devices DNP V3.00 protocol that is not contained in the catalog, you can insert a
Freely definable device for which you can then insert and link all
necessary information manually.
Proceed as follows:
Insert a device from the folder of the Catalog Bay
devices\Other devices\Third-party manufacturer (IEC 60870-5-
103) (see chapter 6.2).
Parameterize the device (see chapter 6.3).
Create all the required SAS information (analog chapter 6.8.2).
Bay devices with Bay devices with a PROFIBUS DP interface are not contained in the
PROFIBUS DP Catalog. These bay devices are inserted during hardware
interface configuration. Instructions on how to do that can be found in chapter 5.8
and chapter 6.8.
If you want to use a device that is not yet contained in the Hardware
Catalog you can extend the catalog. The procedure for this is explained
using the example of a SIMEAS Q.
With the measuring block of the device, you will receive a DSF (device-
specific file) file that contains all the properties for a DP slave. By
integrating the DSF file for SIMEAS Q, you can extend the hardware
catalog in the SIMATIC Manager by the PROFIBUS slave SIMEAS Q.
The bay device is displayed at the hierarchical level below the COM IED
Change the designation of the bay device by giving it a project-
specific, unique name.
Proceed as follows:
Select the name of the bay device.
Open the Properties parameter sheet by selecting Edit Object
Parameters tab On the Parameters tab card, select the current version of your bay
card device from the drop-down list of the Version text box.
Depending on the version specified here, the SAS information of the
entire set of indications and commands of the bay device will be
imported into COM IED when you save the parameterization.
This procedure will take some time.
Enter a unique number between 1 and 254 in the Device number text
box. This number is also set on the bay device.
The device number must be unique for a transmission channel of the
MCP communications processor. Project-specific assignment of
these device numbers must be unique. This method provides the
greatest flexibility in the event of any subsequent rerouting.
Enter the specific transmission parameters of your bay
Confirm your inputs with OK.
If you change the version number, the current data will be overwritten
with the set of indications and commands of the new version.
Connection tab On the Connection tab card, select the MCP assembly you want
card your bay device to be connected to from the drop-down list of the
Module text box.
Select the internal channel of the MCP communications processor by
which the data of the bay device are to be processed from the drop-
down list of the Channel text box.
Select the external COMx interface of the MCP communications
processor or of the XC2 or XF6 expansion module to which the bay
device is to be connected from the Interface drop-down list.
Confirm your inputs with OK.
SAS 221b.gif
The parameters can be entered only in the order described above, as the
text boxes are enabled according to the entries. COM IED will offer only
parameters that are plausible in accordance with the hardware
configuration of the MCP assemblies.
To insert a SIPROTEC 4 unit into the COM IED and parameterize it,
proceed as follows:
If you change the interface volume or information names of the
SIPROTEC 4 device in DIGSI 4, you must transfer the changes to
Select the name of the device and open its
Properties with Edit Object properties....
The New information, Deleted information and Station-
relevant changes options in the Compatibility keys box of the
Parameter tab card show the changes made in DIGSI 4 that have
been recognized by SICAM plusTOOLS.
Click on OK.
In the SICAM Report, information about the current transfer of data
from DIGSI 4 is displayed.
The VD numbers of the externally parameterized SIPROTEC 4 device
are reassigned when it is inserted in the SICAM plusTOOLS project.
The new VD numbers are different from the VD numbers already
in the externally parameterized SIPROTEC 4 device.
It is now no longer possible to access the existing SIPROTEC 4 device
from the SICAM plusTOOLS project using DIGSI 4.
To be able to access the SIPROTEC 4 device again, you need to
initialize the device from the SICAM plusTOOLS project using DIGSI 4,
thus transferring the new VD numbers.
When saving the parameterization in COM IED, all information of the bay
device are imported into the system and names are created and
automatically linked to an item of SAS information. Freely definable
devices whose information is created and linked manually are an
The items of SAS information are combined to form groups that bear the
name you gave to the bay device when you inserted it.
You can obtain an overview of the information volume by displaying the
SAS information sorted.
In the navigation pane of the SIMATIC Manager, click on the
COM IED symbol.
Select the required bay device in the data pane and open the device
Object Open from the context menu.
The COM IED Table with the alphabetically sorted items of
SAS information (Hierarchical name column) of the bay device is
Sort the information, for example, by name, type, function type, or info
number by clicking on the corresponding column header.
SAS 023.gif
COM IED Table The COM IED Table is divided into tab cards depending on the type of
tab cards bay device. The following tab cards are displayed for a device with
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol:
G General
G Indications
G Commands
G Measured values
G Metered values
G Status information
For a device with a PROFIBIUS FMS interface, the COM IED Table is
divided into the tab cards:
G Generally used
G Generally not used
G Indications
G Commands
G Measured values
G Metered values
G Status information
For a device with the DNP V3.00 protocol, the COM IED Table is divided
into the tab cards:
G General
G Indications
G Commands
G Measured values
G Metered values
G Status information
Select the relevant tab card and reduce the information volume to the
number of single information items actually required in the project. That
helps improve system performance and relieves the transmission links.
For SIPROTEC 4 devices in DIGSI 4 only parameterize the information
that you actually want to process in SICAM SAS.
Devices with a PROFIBUS DP interface are not managed in COM IED.
You keep number the SAS information items of the bay devices down to
the information volume actually required.
Open the COM IED Table.
Select a tab card.
Select the information you want to delete.
Delete it by choosing Delete from the context menu.
Repeat the delete operation on the other tab cards.
Save your changes by choosing Station Save.
Deleted items of information can be manually recreated and relinked at
any time (see chapter 9 and chapter 10).
You can insert new information into the COM IED Table with
Options Expand IED.... The subsequent Expand IED dialog box lets
you enter Name, Type, Function type, Info number, and position.
The new telegrams still have to be linked to SAS information. For how to
do that, see chapter 9 and chapter 10.
Reproduce the SIPROTEC 4 devices under DIGSI 4 and insert the new
devices in COM IED (see chapter 6.4).
Properties Click on the device and select the Properties dialog from the context
The information of the bay device is linked through a SICAM CFC block
and processed through the process image.
For this purpose, you must first create the associated SAS information for
all indications and measured values of the device. For how to do that, see
also chapter 9.2.
Proceed as follows:
Click on Options SIM Browser to select the SIM Browser and
select the bay device SIMEAS Q.
Using the context menu, create all the indications and measured
values that you want to process.
Pic. 6-14 Creating a CFC variable, SIM, Analog values tab card
Parameterizing Open the CFC application and parameterize the CFC block for the
CFC blocks SIMEAS Q device.
For more on how to work with CFC see SICAM SAS, Manual
Configuration System SICAM plusTOOLS for SAS /17/ and
chapter 8.8, chapter 9.7 and chapter 9.8 of this manual.
6.9.1 General
Select TCS IEC 60870-5-101 and open the dialog box for
parameterizing the substation connection to an interface of the MCP
assembly with Object properties from the context menu.
Enter the address parameters of the transmission link and click on the
Advanced Parameters button on the IEC 60870-5-101 (COM IED)
tab card.
Changes in the Advanced parameters dialog box require special
knowledge of telecontrol technology and should therefore only be made
by appropriately qualified personnel.
A row is inserted for each item of information. Copy the information items
of the substation into these rows.
If the substation is a SICAM RTU or a SICAM SC, proceed as follows:
Select in the COM TC, control direction of the SICAM substation
all SICAM information items that you require to process the
commands from SICAM SC (columns Name, Type, and Telegram
address columns). Copy the selection into the COM IED, control
direction of the substation connection TCS in the SICAM SC.
For all other substations, for example, SINAUT LSA or stations or other
manufacturers, proceed as follows:
First copy the information into an EXCEL table and transfer it from
there to the COM IED, control direction TCS in the SICAM SC of the
substation by copying.
Save the parameterization by choosing Station Save.
Exit parameterization in the Control direction with Station Exit.
No CFC configuration is necessary for command output to substations!
A row is inserted for each item of information. Copy the information items
of the substation into these rows.
If the substation is a SICAM RTU or a SICAM SC, proceed as follows:
Select in the COM TC, monitoring direction of the SICAM
substation all SICAM information items that you want to transfer to
the SICAM SC (columns Name, Type, and Telegram address
columns). Copy the selection into the COM IED, monitoring
direction of the substation connection TCS in the SICAM SC.
For all other substations, for example, SINAUT LSA or stations or other
manufacturers, proceed as follows:
First copy the information into an EXCEL table and transfer it from
there to the COM IED, monitoring direction TCS in the SICAM SC
of the substation by copying.
Save the parameterization by choosing Station Save.
Exit parameterization in the Monitoring direction with
Station Exit.
7.1 General
Protocols The telecontrol link to the control centers is implemented using the
following protocols:
G IEC 60870-5-101
G IEC 60870-5-104 (through TCP/IP)
G DNP V3.00 (TC)
It is possible to combine two different telecontrol protocols for one MCP.
Parameterization in In the control direction, you can specify which SAS information items are
the control to be processed.
To keep the load on the communication line to a minimum, we
recommend only selecting those items of SAS information that will really
be exchanged with the control center when you configure the control
center connection with the COM TC in the SIM Table.
Opening COM TC
a control center
Configuration in
the control direction
Configuration in the
monitoring direction
Configuring the Telecontrol list
telecontrol lists catalog
and quitting
You will find details of the parameterization rules of each protocol in the
context-sensitive Help texts for COM TC.
You can create the link of the SICAM SC with the control centers either
G while parameterizing the MCP assemblies (see chapter 5.6)
G in COM TC using the Catalog.
IEC 60870-5-101
Define the interface of the MCP assembly through which you want to
connect your SICAM SC to the control center on the Connection tab
Configure the command output modes and the monitoring time for all
commands that are to be executed in this command output mode on
the Select before Execute tab card.
IEC 60870-5-104
The other tab cards have the same structure as those of the IEC 60870-
5-101 remote terminal connection.
The IEC 60870-5-104 standard does not contain a relative time. So make
sure that on the Basic Parameters tab card, the option
Full absolute timestamp is always active.
SINAUT 8-FW Define the interface of the MCP assembly through which you want to
connect your SICAM SC to the control center on the Connection tab
card. The tab card has the same structure as the Connection tab card
of protocol IEC 60870-5-101.
Switch to the Basic parameters tab card.
DNP V3.00
The other tab cards have the same structure as those of the IEC 60870-
5-101 remote terminal connection.
The other tab cards have the same structure as those of the DNP V3.00
remote terminal connection.
Pic. 7-26 COM TC, control direction, 1-Pole Commands tab card
Pic. 7-27 COM TC, control direction, Double-Pole Commands tab cards
Pic. 7-28 COM TC, control direction, Analog Setpoint Values - Normalized tab card
Pic. 7-29 COM TC, control direction, Analog Setpoint Values tab card
Pic. 7-32 COM TC, monitoring direction, Single-Point Indications tab card
Pic. 7-33 COM TC, monitoring direction, Double-Point Indications tab card
Pic. 7-34 COM TC, monitoring direction, Analog Values - Normalized tab card
Pic. 7-35 COM TC, monitoring direction, Analog Values - Short Floating Point tab card
Pic. 7-36 COM TC, monitoring direction, Protective Indications tab card
Basic cycle list The basic cycle list is used for the continuous transmission of the process
image. The telegrams are permanently transmitted according to
ascending address without a variation check.
There is only one basic cycle list. It is transmitted with minimum priority.
To guarantee that it is transmitted at least once, its priority can be raised
Subordinate basic The periodical list is subordinate to the basic cycle and only one of them
cycle list exists. The telegrams contained in it are transmitted permanently without
any variation check between two basic cycles, with a higher priority than
the basic cycle list. The periodical list mainly contains measured values
that only change slowly. The trigger for transmission is set by counters,
depending on the number of basic cycle telegrams sent.
Time-controlled list The time-controlled list is transmitted after a parameterizable cycle time
has expired. The list contains a parameterizable number of telegrams.
The trigger for transmission is set by the system clock.
Initiation buffer list Transmission is performed in telegram image mode without a time
stamp. Spontaneous process changes are written into the transmission
image and the trigger for spontaneous transmission is set. However,
quick, repeated process changes can get lost. For that reason, this list
type is suitable only for persistent indications.
Telegrams must only be assigned to one telegram buffer list.
Switch to the Assignment tab card and assign the information items
to teh lists with Yes from the context menu.
8.1 General
8.1.2 SIMTable
The SIM Table contains all items of SAS information that have been
created automatically or manually. This table lets you make assignments
to various system components and processing functions.
SIM Table The SIM Table is divided into the following tab cards according to
tab cards information type: All, Indications, Commands, Measured values,
Metered values, and Status information.
On the All tab card, the SAS information items are sorted alphabetically
in the
Hierarchical name column.
The MIM Table is the interface of the SIM to the hardware configuration
of the SICAM SC. When saving the hardware configuration
SAS information for the individual indications and commands of the
input/output modules is automatically created and entered in the
MIM Table.
Functions G Creating SAS information for output modules that are operated in
process image mode (Standard output tab card)
G Disconnecting links to SAS information
G Re-assigning SAS information to hardware addresses of the input/
output modules
G Filtering according to data types (tab cards)
G Table functions (sorting, cutting, pasting)
Creating groups To define your own individual station topology, first create groups with
unique names on the desired hierarchical levels.
Open the SIM Browser with
Options SICAM Informations-Browser.
Select a hierarchical level.
Create a new group by choosing Insert Group.
Enter the name of the group.
Repeat the procedure for all hierarchical levels.
SAS 225.gif
Structuring Once you have created the individual groups, assign the
SAS information to the relevant hierarchical level.
Select the SAS Information and drag-and-drop it onto the name of the
desired group.
Select the SAS information (multiple selection is possible) and click
on Cut in the context menu.
Select the target group and insert the SAS information and click on
Paste in the context menu.
Proceed in the same way to assign the following items to the hierarchical
G All items of information of an input/output module
G Individual items of information of the input/output modules
G All items of information of a bay device
G Individual items of information of a bay device
G All items of information of a bay device
G Status indications of the SICAM SC modules, bay devices, and the
communication links
G Manually created information
Assigning all In the navigation pane, select the required group, for example, of a
information hardware component, and drag-and-drop it onto the group to which
you want to assign the information.
Assigning In the navigation pane, click on the required group, for example, a
individual items of hardware component.
Select the individual items of information in the data pane and drag-
and-drop the information onto the group to which you want to assign
the information.
The source and the destination of an SAS information item are assigned
by SICAM plusTOOLS during configuration, depending on the origin of
the information. This default source or destination can be modified when
changes in processing the information become necessary.
Select the Source or Target column In the SIM Table and enter the
new specifications with the context menu.
Renaming Select the name to be changed in the SIM Browser and select
a group Rename from the context menu.
The edit mode is enabled for the chosen name.
Change the name and confirm by pressing the ENTER key.
Deleting in the In the SIM Browser, you can delete any SAS information, regardless of
SIM Browser its origin.
Select all SAS information not required in the data pane of the
SIM Browser.
Multiple selection is possible.
Delete the information by choosing Delete from the context menu.
Repeat the delete procedure as often as necessary.
Save by selecting Station Save.
The SIM, MIM, COM TC, and COM IED applications are updated.
Deleting in the The SIM Table contains all information of your SICAM SAS Station,
SIM Table regardless of its origin, for example, SICAM SC, bay devices,
substations, or information items manually created for CFC links.
To delete unused SAS information items, proceed as follows:
Open the SIM Table.
Select all SAS information items you want to delete.
Multiple selection is possible.
Delete with Delete from the context menu and save with
Station Save.
The SIM Browser, COM IED, and COM TC are updated.
Deleting in the The COM IED application lets you specify the information volume of the
COM IED bay devices of your station, whose entire information volume is imported
on inserting using the Bay Device Catalog.
To delete unused SAS information items, proceed as follows:
Open the COM IED application.
Select all SAS information items you want to delete.
Multiple selection is possible.
Delete with Delete from the context menu and save with
Station Save.
The SIM Table, SIM Browser, and COM TC are updated.
Deleting in COM TC The COM TC application contains all information items that marked Yes
in the TCCx column of the SIM Table.
To delete unused SAS information items, proceed as follows:
Open the COM TC application.
Select all SAS information items you want to delete from COM TC.
Multiple selection is possible.
Delete with Delete from the context menu and save with Station
The information items are deleted from COM TC and marked No in the
SIM Table in the TCCx column.
Open the SIM Table.
Select all SAS information items that you want to delete from the
COM TC in the TCCx column. Multiple selection is possible.
Select with No from the context menu and save with Station
The information items are only deleted from COM TC.
For each control center that you have configured, a TCCx column is
created in the SIM Table. In these columns, you can specify which SAS
information will be used for communication with the respective control
Select Yes from the context menu for information in column TCCx or
change the entry with a double-click. Multiple selection is possible.
Pic. 8-15 SIM Table, selecting information for COM TC, example
The link to the relevant items of SAS information is made using the
SIM Table. There you can create the appropriate CFC variables for all
items of SAS information you want CFC to process.
For information that is generated by CFC, you must enter CFC in the
Source column of the SIM Table (e.g. for derived information).
Calling CFC Open the container CFC Charts and insert a CFC chart with Insert
New Object CFC from the context menu.
Preparing CFC Before you configure the CFC charts, the SICAM CFC blocks must be
imported, the required priority classes configured, and the standard
priority class defined for the project/station. These steps have to be
performed once when generating a new station.
Import the SICAM CFC blocks into the block catalog by choosing
Options Block Types.
Enable Project in the Source group. An overview of the blocks that
can be imported is displayed in the left selection box.
Pic. 8-23 Catalog of CFC blocks after installation has been successfully completed
During graphic configuration with SICAM CFC blocks, the blocks are
assigned to certain priority classes.
As CFC blocks are imported they are assigned to a priority class straight
away. You can automate this procedure by defining a priority class as
default priority class. In our example, we have chosen the SW_Interr1
priority class.
Open the Execution Order dialog box by choosing
Edit Execution Order....
Select the SW_Interr1 priority class.
Select Edit Predecessor for installation position.
Double-click somewhere in the pane with the block. The sheet with
the block is displayed magnified.
All changes to a CFC function become effective immediately.
It is not necessary to save them explicitly!
For further information about configuring the automation functions using
CFC, please refer to:
G SIMATIC S7, Manual CFC V5.0/V5.1 /5/
G SICAM SAS, Manual SICAM plusTOOLS CFC Blocks /18/
9.1 General
The SAS information items linked in that way can be imported under
SICAM WinCC for further processing or assigned to the relevant CFC
blocks during CFC configuration.
In the SIM Browser, you can create the SAS information for:
G Result variables of derived information, for example, group
indications, which you generate using CFC blocks.
G Bay devices that are inserted using the Hardware Configuration
application and whose information is further processed using CFC.
G Deleted information of bay devices or SICAM SC modules that you
want to reinsert.
The SAS information is created in the SIM Browser on the chosen
hierarchical level.
Using the linking mode of the SIM Browser, the inserted SAS information
is linked into the following applications:
G MIM Table
Example COM IED Select the desired Hierarchical Name box in COM IED, and select
Link to... from the context menu.
The SIM Browser opens.
The Windows shortcut icon is attached to the mouse pointer to
indicate the SIM Browser's linking mode.
Double-click on the information you want to link in the SIM Browser.
The information is entered in COM IED in the selected
Hierarchical Name box.
Select the information in the SIM Browser and insert it into the
Hierarchical Name box in the COM IED using Create Link in the
context menu.
For all modules that are operated in process image mode, you must first
create the connections of the SAS information in the MIM Table.
Select MIM in SIMATIC Manager and open the MIM Table with
Open Object in the context menu.
Switch to the Standard output tab card.
Select the last (empty) row and keep the cursor on the row number.
Select the type of information you want to insert using the
context menu, e. g. Insert Indication Single (SP).
A new table row is inserted on the Standard output tab card.
The red color of the characters indicates that the information is not yet
fully parameterized.
The red color of the text on the Standard output tab card can also mean:
G Double assignment of pins
G Invalid block type
G Module not inserted.
Status indications For the standard SIMATIC modules, you can also
create the status indications of the modules.
To insert a single-point indication for status indications of a standard
module, choose
Insert Indication Single (SP) in the context menu, and
Insert Indication Fleeting (SP_F) to insert two fleeting
Select the Rack cell in the MIM Table and select the number of the
rack in which the module is inserted from the context menu.
Multiple selection of SAS information is possible.
Select the Slot cell and choose the slot number from the context
Multiple selection of SAS information is possible.
Select the Connection cell and choose the desired connection from
the context menu.
Select the Hierarchical name cell in the MIM Table and create the
corresponding SAS information for the defined connections by
choosing Create SAS Information from the context menu.
The hierarchical name is written into the MIM Table. The other
applications are updated.
If, for example, you replace a bay device whose information is already
configured in COM TC or in CFC, you can retain these configurations in
Proceed as follows:
First disconnect the links of the SAS information of the bay device in
COM IED by choosing Disconnect from the context menu.
Delete the old bay device in COM IED.
Insert the new bay device into COM IED.
Delete all items of SAS information of the new bay device in
Move the SAS information of the old bay device to the group of the
new bay device in the SIM Browser.
Delete the group of the old bay device in the SIM Browser.
Finally, relink the SAS information by choosing Link to... from the
context menu or by drag-and-drop.
You can disconnect and reestablish links of the SAS information of
SICAM SC modules in the same way as for a bay device (see
chapter 9.4.1).
For each control center that you have configured, a TCCx column is
created in the SIM Table. In these columns, you can specify which SAS
information will be used for communication with the respective control
Select Yes from the context menu for information in column TCCx or
change the entry with a double-click. Multiple selection is possible.
Bild 9-4 SIM Table, selecting information for COM TC, example
Select a field in the HMI1 List or HMI2 List column and enter Yes
from the context menu (multiple selection is possible) or you can
change the entry by double-clicking on the cell in question.
First you must create the corresponding CFC variable for all items of
SAS information you want CFC to process in the SIM Table.
For information generated by CFC, you need to enter CFC in the Source
column of the SIM Table (e.g. for derived information).
Select the SIM symbol in the data pane of the SIMATIC Manager.
Open the SIM table by choosing Object Open in the context
Select the SAS information you want to be the result variable of your
CFC link.
In the Source column, enter CFC from the context menu.
The associated CFC variable is created in the CFC column.
Repeat the entry for all the result variables required in CFC.
Save your inputs in the SIM Table by choosing Station Save.
Select the SIM symbol in the data pane of the SIMATIC Manager.
Open the SIM table by choosing Object Open in the context
Select the SAS information you want to be the input variable of your
CFC link.
Click on the text box of the CFC column and create a CFC variable by
choosing Create from the context menu.
Repeat the above steps for all items of SAS information you need for
your automation function in CFC.
Save your inputs in the SIM Table by choosing Station Save.
Bild 9-6 Creating CFC Variables SIM Table, Status Information tab card
First create the organizational structure for the CFC configuration. The
procedure for inserting CFC charts and importing CFC blocks is
described in detail in chapter 8.8.
Then you can start parameterization of the selected chart.
The following example shows you how to create a group indication from
several items of status information.
All changes to a CFC function become effective immediately.
It is not necessary to save them explicitly!
For further information about configuring the automation functions using
CFC, please refer to:
G SIMATIC S7, Manual CFC V5.0/V5.1 /5/
G SICAM SAS, Manual SICAM plusTOOLS CFC Blocks /18/
10.1 General
You can configure the distribution of the SAS information in the control
direction to other system components using the
SICAM Information Manager SIM application of the
SICAM plus TOOLS configuration system.
In the SIM table you can specify which commands will be triggered by
the SICAM WinCC Human Machine Interface.
In addition, you can define the necessary CFC variables for all
commands to be triggered by the CFC application.
The SAS information items linked in that way can be imported under
SICAM WinCC for further processing or assigned to the relevant CFC
blocks during CFC configuration.
For details, please refer to the following manuals:
G SICAM SAS, Manual Human Machine Interface SICAM WinCC /19/
G SICAM SAS, Manual SICAM plusTOOLS CFC Blocks /18/
In the SIM Browser, you can create the SAS information, for example, for:
G Result variables of derived commands that you generate with the help
of CFC blocks.
G Bay devices that are inserted using the Hardware Configuration
application and whose information is further processed using CFC.
G Deleted information of bay devices or SICAM SC modules that you
want to reinsert.
The SAS information is created in the SIM Browser on the chosen
hierarchical level.
Using the linking mode of the SIM Browser, the inserted SAS information
is linked into the following applications:
G MIM Table
Example COM IED Select the desired Hierarchical Name box in COM IED, and select
Link to... from the context menu.
The SIM Browser opens.
The Windows shortcut icon is attached to the mouse pointer to
indicate the SIM Browser's linking mode.
Double-click on the information you want to link in the SIM Browser.
The information is entered in COM IED in the selected
Hierarchical Name box.
Select the information in the SIM Browser and insert it into the
Hierarchical Name box in the COM IED using Create Link in the
context menu.
For all modules that are operated in process image mode, you must first
create the connections of the SAS information in the MIM Table.
Select MIM in SIMATIC Manager and open the MIM Table with
Open Object in the context menu.
Switch to the Standard output tab card.
Select the last (empty) row and keep the cursor on the row number.
Select the type of information you want to insert using the
context menu, for example, Insert Setpoint Value
Digital (SE_D) 8.
The red color of the text on the Standard output tab card can also mean:
G Double assignment of pins
G Invalid block type
G Module not inserted.
For the SIMATIC standard modules, you can also create the status
indications of the modules (see chapter 9.3.1).
Select the Rack cell in the MIM Table and select the number of the
rack in which the module is inserted from the context menu.
Multiple selection of SAS information is possible.
Select the Slot cell and choose the slot number from the context
Multiple selection of SAS information is possible.
Select the Connection cell and choose the desired connection from
the context menu.
Select the Hierarchical name cell in the MIM Table and create the
corresponding SAS information for the defined connections by
choosing Create SAS Information from the context menu.
The hierarchical name is written into the MIM Table. The other
applications are updated.
Application If, for example, you replace a bay device whose information have already
example been configured in COM TC and/or in CFC, you can retain these
configurations in SICAM plus TOOLS.
Proceed as follows:
First disconnect the links of the SAS information of the bay device in
COM IED by choosing Disconnect from the context menu.
Delete the old bay device in COM IED.
Insert the new bay device into COM IED.
Delete all items of SAS information of the new bay device in
Move the SAS information of the old bay device to the groups of the
new bay device in the SIM Browser.
Delete the groups of the old bay device in the SIM Browser.
Finally, relink the SAS information by choosing Link to... from the
context menu or by drag-and-drop.
You can disconnect and reestablish links of the SAS information of
SICAM SC modules in the same way as for a bay device.
For each control center that you have configured, a TCCx column is
created in the SIM Table. In these columns, you can specify which SAS
information will be used for communication with the respective control
Select Yes from the context menu for information in column TCCx or
change the entry with a double-click. Multiple selection is possible.
Select a field in the HMI1 List or HMI2 List column and enter Yes
from the context menu (multiple selection is possible) or you can
change the entry by double-clicking on the cell in question.
The link to the relevant items of SAS information is made using the
SIM Table. There you can create the appropriate CFC variables for all
items of SAS information you want CFC to process.
Open Object Open in the context menu to open the SIM Table.
Create a CFC variable for all items of SAS information destined for
command outputs by choosing Create from the context menu of the
CFC-IN column.
At the same time the system writes the associated CFC variable into
the CFC-OUT cell.
Save by selecting Station Save.
First create the organizational structure for the CFC configuration. The
procedure for inserting CFC charts and importing CFC blocks is
described in detail in chapter 8.8.
Then you can start parameterization of the selected chart.
Inserting a block Open the container of the SICAM_COMMAND block family in the
into the chart block catalog.
Select the PC block and drag-and-drop it into the configuration
window of the CFC chart. The newly inserted block is highlighted.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Block
Object Properties dialog box opens.
Switch to the I/Os tab card.
Display the RELCTRL input by deactivating the check box in the Not
displayed column.
Interconnecting Select Connection to Operand... from the context menu. The Insert
a block interconnection to operand dialog box opens.
Inserting a block Open the container of the SICAM_COMMAND block family in the
into the chart block catalog.
Select the PC block and drag-and-drop it into the configuration
window of the CFC chart. The newly inserted block is highlighted.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Block
Object Properties dialog box opens.
Switch to the I/Os tab card (see picture 10-10).
Display the RELCTRL input by clicking on the check box in the Not
displayed column (see picture 10-10).
Close the Block Object Properties dialog box with OK.
Parameterizing Switch to Sheet view display mode. The default setting of the
blocks RELCTRL input is 0. That means that no command release is
parameterized through a CR module.
Select the PROC_FB input.
Select Object Properties... from the context menu. The Properties -
Connection dialog box opens (see picture 10-15).
Parameter changes in CFC blocks become effective immediately. It is
not necessary to save them explicitly!
For further information about configuring the automation functions using
CFC, please refer to:
G SIMATIC S7, Manual CFC V5.0/V5.1 /5/
G SICAM SAS, Manual SICAM plusTOOLS CFC Blocks /18/
Before the project data are downloaded to the target system, they must
be compiled into system data blocks that can be read internally.
Data compilation must be effected in the order stated below because
each compilation procedure is based on the previous one:
1. Compile and save in Hardware Configuration.
2. Compile for the target system in SICAM Information Manager.
3. Create system data blocks for PROFIBUS FMS interface.
4. Compile in CFC.
During the compilation for the target system, the data for
G Bay devices connection
G Control center connection
G Information distribution and
G For the HMI, CFC, and input/output module interfaces
are preprocessed.
Start compilation as follows:
Click on SIM in the data pane of SIMATIC Manager and select
Compile from the context menu.
Open the SIM Table.
Select Options Compile for Target System. That opens the
Compile for Target System window.
SAS 109.gif
Click on Start.
Compilation is logged in the SICAM Report.
Message numbers
Prior to compilation, check that the message number range 1 to 20,000
is sufficient. If necessary, extend the range as follows:
Select the CPU, M7 Program in the navigation pane of
SIMATIC Manager and then select Special Object Properties,
Message numbers from the context menu and enter the new number
It will no longer be possible to change the number range once
compilation has been carried out in SIM!
However, if you do subsequently need more indications, for example,
because you are using additional bay devices, please contact our hotline.
You will then be told how to extend the number range.
To create system data blocks (SDBs) for the PROFIBUS FMS interface
CP 443-5 Basic, proceed after compilation in SIM as follows:
Select the project in SIMATIC Manager and double-click on
PROFIBUS Network in the data pane.
The NetPro application opens.
Confirm the Open Network window with Yes. The data are
transferred and the network is opened.
In the graphical representation of the network, select CPU.
Pic. 11-2 NetPro, creating system data blocks for PROFIBUS FMS
For further information on how to generate the CFC system data blocks,
please refer to the following manuals:
G SICAM SAS, Manual SICAM plusTOOLS CFC Blocks /18/
G SIMATIC S7, Manual CFC V5.0/V5.1 /5/.
SICAM Report The SICAM Report is subdivided into the following tab cards:
tab card
G Overview
G SICAM Update Manager
G SICAM Runtime Components
G Information distribution
G I/O modules
G Connection
G Bay device import
G Plausibility check
SICAM Report The status of each line of the report is indicated visually by different
status symbols symbols:
Standard information (white-blue), e.g. Begin, Without errors, End
Deleting You can delete the log texts of a tab card in the SICAM Report
SICAM Report irrespective of the contents of the other tab cards.
Open the relevant tab card in the SICAM Report.
Click on the Remove button.
SAS 301.gif
After all configured data have been compiled without any errors, the
system data blocks are ready to download to the target system.
Please stick to the following order when downloading to the target
1. Download the hardware configuration data.
2. Download the M7 program.
3. Download the firmware of the MCP assemblies.
4. Download the configuration of the MCP assemblies.
5. Download the configuration of the
PROFIBUS interface CP 443-5 Basic.
Switch your station OFFLINE using the mode selector switch of the CPU
before downloading data! For downloading, the mode selector switch
must be in the STOP position.
SAS 246.gif
The loaded configuration is effective immediately in main memory!
Download the configuration data of the MCP assemblies or the CP as
system data blocks directly from SIMATIC Manager interface. This
ensures that all MCP assembly parameters or CP assembly parameters
are downloaded together with the relevant connection data.
Select all objects in the Programming Device list and click on the
Install button.
The system data blocks are downloaded.
Restart the CPU to activate the changes!
SAS 093.gif
To replace firmware that is already loaded, proceed as follows:
Press Reset three times.
The STOP LED lights up, the LOAD LED flashes.
For details of how to install the operating system M7 RMOS32 and how
to load the Memory Card, please refer to SICAM SAS Technical
Description /12/.
After installing the operating system, it is necessary to reload the
programs and data.
To archive your projects, you need to quit all SICAM plus TOOLS
applications with the exception of SIMATIC Manager.
Select File Archive on the menu bar of SIMATIC Manager and the
Archive dialog box will appear.
Select the project to be archived from the project list and confirm with
WinZip starts. The Add dialog box opens.
Select the archive drive and archive folder in the Add to Archive box
and enter a name for the archive file. Activate the
Include Subfolders and Save Path Specifications options in the
Folder box.
Confirm your settings by clicking on the Add button. WinZip creates
the archive file.
Exit WinZip by selecting File Exit WinZip from the menu bar.
The only compression program permitted with SICAM plus TOOLS is
the compression program WinZip! WinZip is included in the scope of
User projects
Demo projects
DOCPRO is not included in the scope of supply of SICAM plus TOOLS.
In the SICAM SAS system, you can select individual print objects on
various hierarchy levels of your project. This can be a complete container
(e.g. MIM), an individual bay device (e.g. F1_7SA511) or PROFIBUS
Proceed as follows:
For the job list to which you want to add a new print object, select
Print Object from the context menu.
12.3.2 Layout
Layout templates
Tabelle A-1 The data types in the SICAM SAS PD structure and their use
Designation (in hardware SIM table CFC blocks CFC In CFC Out Comment
config) prefix prefix
Tabelle A-1 The data types in the SICAM SAS PD structure and their use
Designation (in hardware SIM table CFC blocks CFC In CFC Out Comment
config) prefix prefix
Tabelle A-1 The data types in the SICAM SAS PD structure and their use
Designation (in hardware SIM table CFC blocks CFC In CFC Out Comment
config) prefix prefix
AI The analog input module is available with 16 relay inputs or with 32 solid-
state inputs.
Application Application
Application The SICAM plusTOOLS configuration system is divided into the following
function-specific applications: SIM, COM IED, COM TC and Hardware
Application The SICAM SAS differentiates between the operating system of the CPU
program and the application system. The latter is connected with the programming
software STEP 7, for example, with CFC from blocks, and is stored in
the code blocks. Data are stored in the data blocks.
ASP Trigger (or initiation) buffer list: Telecontrol list that processes the
information necessary for communication with higher-level control
centers in the monitoring direction ( COM TC).
Back-up battery The back-up battery ensures that pre-defined data areas, flags, timers,
and counters are held retentively. SICAM RTU and SICAM SC function
without a back-up battery.
Bay device Protocol that is used for communication between the substation
protocol controller and bay devices, for example, IEC 60870-5-103.
Bit pattern A bit pattern indication is a processing function on the digital input module
indication that makes it possible jointly to acquire and process digital process-
related information that is present at several inputs in parallel. For bit
pattern size, you can choose between 1, 2, 3, and 4 bytes.
Central controller The central controller is the equipped rack that contains the SIMATIC M7
CPU of the SICAM SC or the SIMATIC S7 CPU of the SICAM RTU.
CFC Continuous Function Chart. CFC is a graphic editor that allows you to
configure a program using prefabricated blocks.
CFC blocks Blocks are parts of an application program that are self-contained in
function, structure, or purpose. With SICAM plusTOOLS you have
obtained a library of blocks specially developed for substation
Chatter blocking A bouncing input (for example, as a result of a relay contact fault) is
disconnected after a parameterizable monitoring time and cannot
produce any further signal changes. This function prevents the system
from being overloaded in the event of a fault.
Code block In a SIMATIC S7/M7 a code block is a block that contains part of the
application program (as opposed to a data block, which contains only
Commands Commands are safe process outputs with a defined output time. Before
the output voltage is switched through, a number of checks is performed
(for example, one-out-of-n monitoring, readback of the relay drivers,
impedance and electrical isolation of the load, and so on).
COMTRADE Common Format for Transient Data Exchange for Power Systems
CPU module Central processing unit of the SICAM SC and the SICAM RTU with a
control and arithmetic unit, memory, operating system, and interface for
programming devices.
Cycle time The cycle time is the time the CPU needs to execute the application
program once.
Cyclic interrupt Cyclic interrupts are tasks which are started at regular intervals, that is,
Data block Data blocks are data areas within the application program that contain
user data. There are global data blocks that can be accessed by all code
DB Data block
Diagnosis alarm Modules with diagnostic capability report system faults that they have
recognized to the CPU by means of diagnosis alarms.
Diagnostic buffer The diagnostic buffer is a buffered memory area in the CPU into which
the diagnosis events are written in chronological order.
Double command Double commands are process outputs that represent 4 process states
at 2 outputs: 2 determined states (for example, ON/OFF) and 2
undetermined states (for example, fault positions).
DP Double-point indication
Drag and drop Copy, move, and shortcut function that is commonly used on graphic
user interfaces. Objects are selected with the mouse, held, and moved
from one data area to another.
Electrical fast Procedure for testing interference immunity (for example, of the process
transient (burst) inputs/outputs). The type of coupling and the physical magnitudes are
defined in the IEC 608014 standard.
Error task Error tasks make it possible to react to certain errors that are recognized
by the runtime system during runtime. There are three error classes: I/O
access errors, processor errors, and time-out errors.
ESD protection ESD protection encompasses all means and measures used to protect
electrostatically sensitive devices.
Event buffer The event buffer of the inputs (German abbreviation: EPE) is used to
buffer preprocessed process events. Each event is made available in a
data block. The event buffer is organized on the first-in-first-out
principle. If there is at least one data block in the EPE, a hardware
interrupt is issued to indicate that it is ready for collection.
Expansion The XC2 and XF6 modules are designed as expansion modules of the
module MCP communications processor. They can only be used in
conjunction with the MCP module MCP assembly) to increase the total
number of process-end interfaces. XC2 offers two serial interfaces
RS232 or RS485. XF6 provides six interfaces for connecting fiber optic
Expansion Rack
Fleeting indication Fleeting indications are single-point indications that are present only
for a very short time, where only the rising edge of the process signal is
acquired and processed in real time.
Floating Isolated
Front connector Process-end 48-way module connector. Can be obtained with screw,
crimp, and spring-loaded contacts. Wire cross-sections up to 1.5 mm2,
The available cable space must be observed.
Function According to IEC 1131-3, a function (FC) is a code block without any
static data. A function offers the possibility of handing over parameters in
the application program. Therefore functions are suitable for
programming frequently recurring complex functions (for example,
General On system startup, the state of all process inputs, of the status and the
interrogation (GI) fault image is checked. This information is used to update the system-
end process image. It is also possible to check the current process state
after data loss by means of a GI.
Global data Global data are data that can be addressed from each code block.
That includes inputs I, outputs O, and data blocks DB. Global data can
be accessed either absolutely or symbolically.
GPS Satellites with atomic clocks on board revolve around the earth twice a
day on different orbits at an altitude of about 20,000 km. They broadcast
signals that include the GPS universal time.
The GPS receiver determines its own position on the basis of the signals
received. It can derive the delay time of the satellite signal from the
position and thus correct the GPS universal time broadcast.
Ground The conductive soil whose electric potential can be equated with zero at
any point.
Grounding system Grounding system encompasses all means and measures used for
Grz Basic cycle list: Telecontrol list that processes the information necessary
for communication with higher-level control centers in the monitoring
direction ( COM TC).
Hardware Configuration
Hardware filter The hardware filter eliminates transient conditions of a digital process
The value 1 is only transmitted if the signal level reaches at least 80% of
the 1 level for the duration of the parameterized filter time.
Hardware interrupt Hardware interrupts are triggered by hardware interrupt signals. These
interrupt signals can be assigned to a task/an organization block in
order to respond to external process events.
Interrupt For the operating system, an interrupt is an event which controls the
execution of the application program. There are different classes of
interrupt. When an interrupt occurs, the operating system automatically
invokes an assigned organization block, in which the user can program
the desired reaction (for example, in an FB).
Hardware interrupt
Cyclic interrupt
ISO 9001 The ISO 9000 ff. standards define measures for assuring the quality of a
product from development to production.
IWV Indication with value, for example, a protection device indication which
contains the interrupted current or the fault location
Job buffer The job buffer of the outputs (German abbreviation: APA) is used to
buffer commands on the CO (command output) and CR (command
release) function modules. Only one command at a time can be written
into the APA. After the command execution, the APA is cleared again.
Load memory The load memory is part of the CPU. It contains the objects generated by
the programming device (PG) and is either implemented on a plug-in
Memory Card or as built-in memory.
Load power supply Power supply for powering the input/output circuits, the sensors and the
Main memory The main memory is a RAM on the CPU that the processor accesses
during program execution.
MCP assembly An MCP assembly consists of the MCP communications module and the
XC2 and/or XF6 expansion modules. These modules are linked by
means of lateral connectors and are plugged into the rack as one unit.
Memory card Memory cards are storage media in credit card format for the CPU. They
are implemented as RAM or FLASH-EPROM.
Metered value Metered values are a processing function that determine the total number
of discrete similar events (count pulses), usually as an integral over a
time period. In the power supply industry, electrical energy is normally
recorded as a metered value (energy import/export, energy
Module The MIM table shows all connections of the input/output modules that
information have been chosen in the Hardware Configuration as well as the SAS
manager information currently assigned to it.
Module Module parameters are variables that are used to determine the behavior
parameters of the module.
Moving contact An auxiliary contact on the transformer that indicates whether the tap
changing function on the transformer is activated.
MPI The multipoint interface (MPI) is the programming device interface of the
CPU. It is used as the interface for loading the system configuration
previously parameterized using SICAM plusTOOLS, and for connecting
the SICAM WinCC Human Machine Interface. Using an MPI, it is
possible to realize simple networks. Each station is identified by a unique
address (MPI address).
Operating system The operating system of the CPU organizes all functions and operations
of the CPU of the CPU that are independent of the control tasks of the application
Operational status The automation systems of the SIMATIC S7/M7 family make use of the
following operational statuses: STOP, STARTUP, RUN.
Organization block Organization blocks (OBs) constitute the interface between the operating
system of the S7-CPU and the application program. The organization
blocks define the order of execution of the application programs.
P-Bus The P-bus (I/O-bus) is a parallel backplane bus optimized for the rapid
exchange of I/O data.
Per Lower-level basic cycle list: Telecontrol list that processes the
information necessary for communication with higher-level control
centers in the monitoring direction ( COM TC).
PG Programming device
PII The process input image reflects the current status of the process inputs.
The input modules keep a PII for their inputs. These PIIs are read by the
CPU before each user program cycle and are combined to a system-end
process input image.
PIO The process output image reflects the current status of the process
outputs. After each user program cycle, the CPU copies the system-end
process output image kept in its main memory into the PIO of the output
modules. These output the contents of their PIO at the outputs.
Priority class In the M7 family, priority classes constitute the interface between the
operating system of the CPU and the application program. The tasks
define the order in which the application is executed. The priority classes
are mapped to RMOS tasks. A priority class corresponds to a task.
Process image Reserved areas in the RAM memory of the CPU module. Signal states of
the input and output modules are stored there.
Rack A rack consists of a flat aluminum extruded section and the backplane
PCB. The modules are plugged into racks.
Recpro Application for requesting, archiving, and evaluating fault records that are
connected to the SICAM SC via PROFIBUS FMS.
Runtime error Errors that occur during execution of the application program in the
automation system (that is, not in the process).
SAS information Items of SAS information are objects in the PG/PC that are used to
organize the distribution of individual items of information in the SICAM
runtime system. Each SAS information item represents a certain
indication or a certain command to be distributed within the system. This
distribution takes place both between modules and between the
connected devices and stations.
S-Bus Via the S-bus, the external interfaces of the MCP communications
module and its expansion modules XC2 and XF6 are assigned to the
interfaces of the MCP controller.
SICAM RTU Modular terminal unit based on the SIMATIC S7 automation system.
SICAM SAS Modular substation automation system based on the SICAM SC and
the SICAM WinCC Human Machine Interface.
SICAM WinCC The SICAM WinCC Human Machine Interface represents the state of
your power system graphically, visualizes interrupts and indications,
archives the power system data, enables you to intervene manually in the
process, and manages the system access rights of each employee.
Signal module Signal modules (SM) are signal converters without any intelligence of
their own that perform signal level adaptation between the process and
the automation system.
Signal status Signal status indications are the display elements (LEDs, light-emitting
indications diodes) on the front panel of the modules. They indicate the status of the
process inputs and outputs. For example, the signal status indicator of a
digital input module lights up if the input voltage is applied to the
corresponding input.
SIM The SICAM Information Manager application is used to manage the SAS
information of the system.
SIMATIC Manager The SIMATIC Manager is a tool used for configuring the hardware of the
Substation Controller. The SIMATIC Manager constitutes the platform
for SICAM plusTOOLS.
Single command Single commands are process outputs that represent 2 process states at
1 output (for example, ON/OFF).
SMC Marker command for setting a marker (flag) through the Human-Machine
SP Single-point indication
STARTUP STARTUP is the operational status passed through during the transition
from the STOP operational status to the RUN operational status. The
change of the operational status can be triggered by the mode selector
switch, after Power-ON or by operator input at the programming device.
Station topology Distribution of the system data over different hierarchical levels and
assignment of devices to these hierarchical levels.
Status/ Status and fault indications are LEDs that are located on the front panel
fault indications of S7-400 or M7-400 modules. They provide information about status of
the module.
STEP 7 STEP 7 is used as the basic software for SICAM plusTOOLS and for
CFC. STEP 7 incorporates the programming languages LAD and STL.
Substation SICAM SC
Substation SICAM SC
Surge voltage Procedure for testing the interference immunity (for example, of the
process inputs/outputs) according to IEC 602555. The type of coupling
and the physical magnitudes (peak voltage, rate of rise, and so on) are
defined in the IEC standard.
System data blocks System data blocks (SDBs) are data areas in the program that contain
the system data and that determine operational sequences.
System function A system function block (SFB) is a function block that is integrated in the
block operating system of the CPU. It can be invoked from the STEP 7
application program as required.
System function A system function call (SFC) is the invocation routine of a system function
call that is integrated in the operating system of the CPU. With function
modules, SFCs are used for reading out the event buffer of the inputs
(EPE), writing to the job buffer of the outputs (APA), and transferring
control commands.
System memory The system memory is integrated on the CPU and implemented as RAM.
The system memory contains the operand areas (for example, timers,
counters, flags) as well as the data areas used internally by the operating
system (for example, stack memory area).
Task Tasks constitute the interface between the operating system of the
M7-CPU and the application program. Tasks define the order in which
application programs are executed. A task corresponds to an OB (S7) or
a priority class (M7).
Time stamping Time stamping means assigning the real time to a process event. Time
stamping on the FMs is in milliseconds, seconds, and minutes. The hour
and the date are added on the CPU.
Transducer A transducer is an electrical device for the potential isolation and the
conversion of a wide variety of measured variables to standardized
measuring signals (for example, load-independent direct current).
TSPmZ Telegram buffer list with time stamp: Telecontrol list that processes the
information necessary for communication with higher-level control
centers in the monitoring direction ( COM TC).
TSPoZ Telegram buffer list without time stamp: Telecontrol list that processes
the information necessary for communication with higher-level control
centers in the monitoring direction ( COM TC).
Version identifier The version identifier allows the user to identify a module. It includes the
type, hardware/software release, and date of creation.
VFD number Virtual Field Device number, logical address of the applications
communicating through PROFIBUS FMS, for example, WinCC, Recpro.
To ensure unique identification, consecutive numbers are used, starting
with 1.
X-Bus The X-bus handles control of the serial multiplexer of the MCP
communications module and its XC2 and XF6 expansion modules.
XC2 Expansion module within the MCP assembly for connecting the
SICAM SC to higher-level control centers and for connecting bay
devices having serial interfaces.
Operating Instructions R
Buttons 14 Rack 8, 59, 148, 207
Check boxes 13 Receive IM 149
Drag-and-drop 17 Receive interface module 8, 62, 81, 146
Drop-down combo boxes 14 Remote link 149
Drop-down lists 14 Retrieving 367
Group box 13
Off-line/on-line view 15 S
Option buttons 13 Sample bay devices 232
Selection box 14 SAS information
Tab cards 13 Assigning 285
Operating system 40 Changing the source 286
Optical fiber cable 150 Changing the target 286
Optional products 41 , 43, 47 Creating 96 , 97, 307, 325, 327
Creating and linking 99, 311, 330
P Creating connections 97, 309, 327
Parameterization Defining connections 310, 329
AI module 79, 80 Deleting 289
CO module 76 Disconnecting links 312, 331
CR module 78 Linking 308, 326
DI module 74 Renaming 287
Substation Controller 143 Selecting for HMI 292, 314, 333
Parameterizing Structuring 95, 283
Command blocks 122, 125, 339, 342 Scan list 272
PROFIBUS interface 61 Selection box 14
PROFIBUS network nodes 83 Send IM 149, 207
SIPROTEC device 223 Send interface module 8, 62, 81, 146
Performance 161 Setpoint values
Persistent commands 198 Digital 198
Plausibility checks 12, 60, 147 SICAM Information Manager 4, 20, 53, 100
Power supply module PS 61 , 149 MIM Table 4
Preparing CFC SIM Browser 4
Configuring priority classes/tasks 114, SIM Table 4
299 SICAM plusTOOLS 3, 50
Defining the standard priority class 116, Applications 16
301 Basic hardware 40
Importing blocks 111, 296 Folder structure 37
Print 21 Icons 19
Process feedback 101, 102, 334, 335 Operating Instructions 13
Process image mode 198, 203, 282 Symbols 19
PROFIBUS SICAM Report 23, 351
Inserting an interface 61 SICAM SAS
Parameterizing an interface 61 Configuring 50
Parameterizing network nodes 83 Defining demo station 35
Project 19, 21 Insert demo station 36
Copying 33 SICAM SAS demo station
Creating 30 , 54 Defining 35
Managing 32 Inserting 36
Rearranging 32 SICAM WinCC 276, 292, 306, 314, 324, 333
Structure 52 SIM 289
Protection devices 86, 214
Protocols 9, 68, 72, 161
SIM Browser 22, 277, 307, 308, 325, 326 Substation connection 3, 150, 183, 214
Creating groups 95 Substation Controller 7, 56, 150
Creating SAS information 96 Configuring 59
Structuring 95 Switching between display modes 118, 318
SIM Table 100, 278, 292, 314, 333 Symbols 19
Assigning information 103 System expansion 5
SIMATIC Manager 3, 12, 15, 26, 37, 54, System Overview 1
Calling system components 16 T
Closing data containers 16 Tab cards
Language 26 Addresses 144
Opening data containers 16 Basic Parameters 145
Setting 26 General 143
SIMEAS Q 215 Module-specific 145
SINAUT 8-FW 9, 158, 161, 166 TCCx 100
SINAUT 8FW 158 TCP/IP 9, 158, 161, 169
Single command 200 TCS IEC 60870-5-101 214
Single-point indication 193, 202 Telecontrol lists 23, 248, 271
SIPROTEC 4 devices 214 Creating 131 , 273
SIPROTEC device Telecontrol protocol 68, 150, 161, 248
Inserting and parameterizing 223 Telegram buffer list with time stamp 272
Software Telegram buffer list without time stamp. 272
Overview 3 TELEGYR 800 9
Specifying the I/Os 118, 318 TELEGYR 800 (COM TC) 178
Spin box 14 Time 67, 72, 156
Standard modules 6, 152, 309, 328 Time signal reception 9, 67, 146, 156
Standard S7 modules 152 Time-controlled list 272
Station 21 Transformer tap positions 200
Creating 56 Transmission protocols 161
Opening 56 Transmission rate 9
Renaming 56
Structure 52 W
Station identification 4 WinZip 29, 364
Station topology 95 Working folder 27
Status indications 284, 309, 328
Status information 4
XC2 9, 71, 150, 159
Subordinate basic cycle list 271
XF6 9, 150, 159, 160
Substation automation system 50
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