Details of Construction
Brick Masonry
Masonry is the building of
structures from individual
units laid in and bound
together by mortar.
The common materials of
masonry construction are
brick, stone such as marble,
granite, limestone, concrete
block, glass block, and tile.
Masonry is generally a highly
durable form of construction.
However, the materials used,
the quality of the mortar and
workmanship, and the pattern
the units are put in, can
strongly affect the durability
of the overall masonry
Masonry work
Strength of brick masonry depends on
1. Quality and strength of bricks
2. Type of mortar used
3. The method of bonding adopted
3. Zig-zag bonds:
- similar to herringbone bond
- bricks are laid in a zig-zag fashion
- commonly adopted in brick paved flooring
English cross bond:
- similar to English bond
- QC are introduced next to quoin header
- each alternate stretching course has header
next to quoin stretcher
- sufficiently strong and bears good elevation
Dutch bond:
- modification of English cross bond
- each stretching course starts at the quoin
with a bat and every alternate stretching
course has header placed next to the bat
provided at the quoin
Dutch and English cross bonds
Dutch bond English cross bond
Silverlocks bond:
- headers and stretchers are laid in
alternate courses
- economical but weak in strength
recommended for garden or partition
Tools for brick-layer
Line and pin
Brick axe
Plumb rule
Spirit level
Masons square
Two feet four fold rule
Retaining wall and Breast wall
Retaining wall:
1. Wall built to resist the pressure of
liquid, earth filling, sand or other
granular material filled behind it after
it is built
2. It is commonly required in the
construction of hill roads, masonry
dams, abutments, and wing walls of
bridges and so on
Breast wall:
1. It is constructed to protect the slippage
of naturally slopping ground
2. Stone walls are provided to protect the
slopes of cutting in natural ground from
the action of weather
3. Section of wall depends upon the height
of wall, nature of backing and slope of
Conditions of stability of retaining walls