4002 Soil Fertility PDF
4002 Soil Fertility PDF
4002 Soil Fertility PDF
The Basics
of Soil Fertility
Shaping our relationship to the soil
This publication results from the Organic Knowledge Network Arable project
funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.
Why Talk About Soil Fertility?
In cultivating the land, we live from and with soil
We feel that in many areas, simple
fertility. An ecologically vital soil is continuously
cause-and-effect observations do not
restoring its productivity. If we neglect its needs,
match up to our actual living environment.
it suffers as a result. The soil loses vitality, and
This is why it is more timely and necessary
becomes more sensitive to weather and erosion;
than ever to see the soil as a complex organ-
harvests decline. In organic farming, damage can
ism instead of a simple chemical-mechanical
not be offset by purely technical means. This is why
an exhausted or degraded soil requires recovery
Thomas Fisel, advisor Bioland
by means of ecologically sensitive actions, which
help the soil to regenerate on its own. Despite the
practical constraints and problems, many possible
actions are available enabling us to act according CONTENTS
to our responsibility as farmers for a living soil. It is PART 1: PRINCIPLES OF SOIL FERTILITY 3
worth it, not only financially. 1.1 The soil of pioneers 3
In the 1960s, scientist Ernst Klapp defined soil 1.2 Soil fertility A term undergoing change 4
fertility in a practical sense as "the natural, sus 1.3 What does soil fertility mean in organic
tainable ability of a soil to produce plants". He farming? 5
described it as the ability of the soil to provide 1.4 The invaluable contribution of soil
everything for stable yields without external aid. organisms 7
Since then, agricultural science has widely been 1.5 Using the potential for gentle soil
replacing the comprehensive term soil fertility with cultivation 9
a multitude of physical, chemical and biological
variables. One of the current tasks of science is PART 2: PERCEIVING SOIL FERTILITY 11
to render such detailed knowledge applicable to 2.1 Direct observations 11
farming practice. 2.2 Observation with the help of
Many practitioners have developed their own stra instruments 12
tegies and techniques for the care of soil fertility.
They have learnt through observation, and relied PART 3: PRESERVING AND IMPROVING
on their intuition. Such experience and the know SOIL FERTILITY 14
ledge gained via scientific experiments and obser 3.1 Soil organic matter management 14
vations complement each other well. This booklet 3.2 Organic matter-preserving crop rotations 15
aims to stimulate the practice of a truly sustainable 3.3 Organic fertilisers 17
culture of a fertile, living soil, based on well-tried 3.4 Green manure 20
fundamentals, as well as on the testing of new 3.5 Promoting wild plants instead of
possibilities. fighting weeds? 22
The editors 3.6 Soil compaction and how to avoid it 24
3.7 Soil erosion and how to avoid it 26
The microsphere is a wonderful habitat. In the centre of the picture: a single-celled organism.
There are many perspectives and definitions of soil fertility in agriculture. Are we assessing the soil itself (biocentric) or that which we
demand from it (functional)? Do we measure soil fertility on the basis of the yield or of different properties of the soil itself?
Scientific analysis of fertile soil 1.3 What does soil fertility mean in
As an alternative to purely nutrient chemistry, for a organic farming?
long time there were efforts to detect the funda
mentals of soil fertility with organic matter chemis For organic farming, 'soil fertility' primarily means
try, attempting to elucidate and classify organic a characteristic of the living soil. As soil fertility is a
matter directly via its chemical structures. Such feature of the never quite transparent soil organism,
attempts were unfruitful. Today we focus on other we may never fully understand it on an intellectual
properties: the availability of nutrients, the carbon/ level, nor fully quantify it by measurements alone,
nitrogen (C/N) ratio of organic matter, as well as similar to our understanding of human beings. This
the transforming and recycling activity and the is why we talk about soil fertility in the context of a
organic matter quality of the soil. They all serve as holistic acknowledgement of the soil and its impact
a measure for on plants, as well as the analysis or measurement
nutrients directly available to plants. Which ele of individual characteristics.
ments are to be found in a heated-water extract The diagnoses and measures in this booklet are
of the soil? concerned with possibilities of observing the soil
readily available nutrients in the life cycle. What and describing it with regard to individual qualities:
is the size of microbiological biomass, and what Physical qualities can be recognised e.g. via a
is its C/N ratio? spade test. A physically sound soil offers living
organic matter stability (stable organic matter and working space for all soil animals and plant
is heavier and immature organic matter). How roots, with sufficient air for respiration. It is the
complex are its molecular assemblies, and what farmer's responsibility to stabilise the soil struc
is its density? ture with plant roots, to make it viable and to
Paul Mder avoid compaction by gentle use of machines.
Fungal hyphae
Chemical qualities are determined through Earthworms Master builders of fertile soils
measuring individual nutrients and possibly With a single generation and a maximum of eight
also pollutants, and e.g. the pH value (calcium cocoons per animal and year, earthworms repro
oxide/acid levels). A chemically well-appointed duce at a rather slow rate. With a life expectancy
soil-plant organism has all necessary chemical of five to eight years they are however the most
elements and organic compounds available for long-lived soil animals, and play a prominent role
its nourishment. Complex metabolites of dif in the soil.
ferent organisms enhance the plant's immune Earthworms produce 40 to 100 tonnes of valua
response. By returning extracted nutrients, we ble worm casts per hectare and year in Central
are trying to support these qualities in a healthy European soils. This is equivalent to a soil growth
balance. In the case of previous overexploitation, of 0,5cm for arable land, and 1,5cm for grassland.
the soil first needs to be balanced out. The valuable material contains on average five
Biological qualities of the soil we are able to times more nitrogen, seven times more phospho
see in its transforming/recycling activity, the rus, and eleven times more potassium than the
occurrence and visible evidence of life forms surrounding soil.
in the soil. The cohabitations are robust and An intensive mixing of organic substance with
active at the right time. Within the self-regulating mineral soil particles, microorganisms and mucous
ecological balance, all the animals, plants and secretions of earthworms leads to stable crumb
microorganisms are working symbiotically. It is structures. The latter help to prevent the soil from
our job as cultivators to understand soil ecology silting up, and promote its cultivability as well as
well enough to be able to create or restore the
conditions for a robust balance.
As a cumulative effect of its activities, cultivated fer Learn to love your worm; it's the best
tile soil can produce good yields again and again. livestock investment you will ever
If this does not happen, we should observe the make on your farm.
aforementioned soil qualities closely in order to
identify irregularities. Iain Tolhurst, organic grower near Reading, UK
The editors
The more intensively the soil is cultivated, the higher the losses. In springtime and autumn losses are highest.
Paul Mder
Step 4: Now cut off the soil brick at the back and
carefully lift out the test sample. Resting the
sample on a waist-high support will facilitate the
Taking spade tests requires a lot of care. The soil brick should not be damaged during digging. During What form do carefully uncovered roots have? Are fine and side
lift-out, the soil brick needs to be held, to prevent it from breaking apart. roots abundant? Does the root length correspond to the season?
Do the roots stand out of the soil brick's bottom (which would
be a good sign)?
pH meter
The pH level indicates the acid/base condition of
the soil. It has a significant effect on the plant avail
ability of the nutrients, as well as on the soil life.
The Hellige pH-Meter is a good choice for meas
uring pH. Readings should not only be made on
the soil surface. It is recommended to know the
pH values also at the depths of 10 and 20 cm.
The pH can vary significantly between different soil
layers. Fertiliser input, rock dusts and limings influ
ence the pH. The Hellige pH-Meter combines the soil with an indicator solution, and the level is shown on a colour
Stefan Weller scale.
Liquid manure Manure (+ 1,0) Hairmeal pellets Manure
(+ 0,6) Liquid manure (+ 0,6) (+ 0) (+ 1,0)
Balance: Grass-clover Winter wheat Maize Grain legumes Potatoes Spelt
1,3 organic (+ 1,8) ( 1,0) ( 2,1) (+ 0,4) ( 2,8) ( 1,0)
matter units1 Freezing green manure (+ 0,2)
Organic matter-exhausting crop rotation: This crop rotation only makes use of stacked manure (muck heap) and has only single-year
grass-clover. As manure is needed for maize and spelt, the farmer has to use organic commercial fertiliser for potatoes. In combination
with a single frost-kill green manure (e.g. mustard), organic matter is depleted because of the root crops.
Liquid manure Rotted manure (+ 1,4) Manure
(+ 0,6) Liquid manure (+ 0,6) compost (+ 2,0)
Balance: Grass-clover Grass-clover Winter wheat Maize Grain legumes Potatoes
+ 2,8 organic (+ 1,8) (+ 1,4) ( 1,0) ( 2,1) (+ 0,4) ( 2,8)
matter units1 Overwintering green manure (+ 0,3) Freezing green manure (+ 0,2)
Organic matter-promoting crop rotation: This crop rotation comprises two years of grass-clover which contributes significantly to the
formation of organic matter. Adding rotted manure and manure compost brings much stable organic matter into the soil. The two
green manures (e.g. grass-clover, green oats) provide much fresh biomass. Despite two very exhausting crops (potatoes are simply an
example), the organic matter balance of this crop rotation is positive. Farms lacking animal manure may improve their organic matter
balance with generous additions of plant-based compost.
* Calculation basis: Organic matter units simplified according to Leithold and Hlsbergen, Journal kologie & Landbau, Edition 105,
1/1998, pages 3235. Assumption: Addition of liquid manure: 30m3; diluted 1:1; Addition of manure: 20t.
Compost contains organic matter, stabilised by rot
ting, which serves the production of organic matter.
It provides the soil with a phosphorus-emphasised
nutrient-mix. Time and again, studies have shown
that compost advances soil life and soil fertility one
step further than other organic fertilisers would on
their own: compost rebuilds the soil. While manure
compost also displays a good nitrogen effect,
green waste compost has rather little effect.
In practice, the communal composting of com
Long-straw varieties serve not only high straw production, but munity green waste and individual manure has
also the production of organic matter. proven effective, also economically; the costs of a
turning machine and labour can be paid for with
The challenge of soil fatigue the contributions from green waste composting.
If a plant species or a group of species cannot Each country has its own legal framework to be
be successfully cultivated in a soil after three to followed.
four years of cultivation break, the phenomenon When young, lignin-containing plant composts
is called soil fatigue. Apple trees, roses and legu are added to rapidly growing crops, it may lead to
minous plants are especially known for this. Soil a temporary nitrogen-block in the soil, especially
fatigue may be caused by an accumulation of in spring. In such cases, more mature composts
pathogenic microbes, by a one-sided impoverish already containing nitrate are more suitable. An
ment of the soils regarding essential nutrients, by auxiliary fertilisation with a readily available organic
toxins exuded by plants (allelopathy), by a bad soil source of nitrogen, such as liquid manure, can help
structure, or by a combination of these factors. lower the risk.
Legume fatigue can pose problems to an organ
ic farm. It manifests itself in a year-by-year decrease
in the vigour of grass-clover and grain legumes. It
is based on an ecological imbalance in the soil
(development of pests) and various possible caus
es are currently being researched. A cure is usually
individual to the farm and requires competent con
Producing a (micro-) biologically high-quality compost, which does not damage the environment and
boosts plants, necessitates good knowledge and experience.
This accompanying flora for oats, consisting of Camelina (false flax) and low-growing clover, will not
become weeds. Other wild plants like the creeping thistle, wild rye (wheatgrass) or the field bind-
weed should however be regulated in organic farming.
Various benefits not least for the soil
Field plants form the basis of existence for many a
beneficial organism, promote pollination rates, and
provide distraction feed for pests. They also pro
mote the soil's tilth (optimum soil condition), as
they root through the crop plants and protect them
from direct sunlight. On fields staying without plant
cover for longer periods, such as e.g. maize, they
can counteract erosion.
This very compact silt soil on a slope is physically moderately compacted. Was the compac-
tion caused by driving, or may we interpret it as a good natural carrying capacity for driving? After
decades of strong erosion, this soil has been cultivated without ploughing, but including the use of
glyphosate. The soil is permeable for earthworms and water; erosion has been stopped. However, the
dense bedding and the modest organic activity of the soil have led to a lack of mesopores as well as
to a relatively low water-retention capacity.
Harald Schmidt, SL
Nurse crops are an effective measure against erosion. The soil-covering vegetation absorbs the
impact of raindrops, and the near-surface rooting has a superior cohesion effect for the soil.
Gt = gigatons, C = carbon
CO2 in the atmosphere
780 Gt C
Emission Release
6,5 Gt C/year 90 Gt C/year
60 Gt C/year
120 Gt C/year Vegetation
Reduction currently
600 Gt C
more than
60 Gt C/year
Organic matter formation and
breakdown play an integral 60 Gt C/year Intake 92
part in climate-relevant carbon Gt C/year
flows. The CO2 content of the
atmosphere is currently increas-
ing by 3,3Gt C per annum. The
exchange of C with lime, the Fossil carbon Soil organic matter Ocean 39000 Gt C
greatest carbon reservoir by far,
4000 Gt C 1600 Gt C
works much more slowly and
thus does not appear on this Source: Heinz Flessa, adaptation by Gattinger and Editors
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ment > Soils and cropping systems: Information on research
Published by: Roesgen, Marc Emering, Thomas Fisel, Ernst ISBN Print 978-3-03736-337-9
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL Frischknecht, Christa Gr, Stephan Jaun, Tom ISBN PDF 978-3-03736-338-6
Ackerstrasse 21 , Postfach 219, CH-5070 Frick Kass, Amand Keiser, Martin Kchli, Stefan Kim
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Organic Research Centre Anja Vieweger (ORC)
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Fax +44 (0)1488 658503 Iain Tolhurst and Richard Gantlett editors involved with the utmost care. Never
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Chris Sinclair and Mark Measures any obligation or guarantee of the authors or
Authors: Alfred Berner (FiBL), Herwart Bhm editors. Both therefore do not assume respon
(vTI), Robert Brandhuber (LfL Bayern), Josef Design: Claudia Kirchgraber (FiBL) sibility and liability for any possible factual
Braun (organic farmer, Bioland), Uwe Brede Picture credits: Thomas Alfldi (FiBL): pages inaccuracies.
(organic farmer), Jean-Louis Colling-von Roes 7(1), 10(1), 13 (2), 18, 25 (1), 29; Amt fr
gen (organic farmer), Markus Demmel (LfL FiBL & ORC
Umwelt Kanton Solothurn: p. 6 (1); Michaela
Bayern), Hansueli Dierauer (FiBL), Georg Braun (Bioland): p. 11, 23(1), 24 (2), 31(1); This publication in its entirety is protected by
Doppler (organic farmer), Bernd Ewald (IBLA), Christophe David (Agropole-Isara, Lyon): copyright. Any use without the publishers'
Thomas Fisel (Bioland), Andreas Fliebach p. 27(3); Hansueli Dierauer (FiBL): p. 17(1); approval is punishable by law. This applies in
(FiBL), Jacques Fuchs (FiBL), Richard Gantlett Otto Ehrmann (Bildarchiv Boden): p. 1, 2, 4, particular to reproductions, translations, micro
(organic farmer), Andreas Gattinger (FiBL), 7(2), 30; Heinz Flessa (vTI)/Andreas Gattin filming, and the feeding into and processing
Hansueli Hberli (organic farmer), Jrgen He ger/Claudia Kirchgraber (FiBL)/ed.: p. 28; with any electronic systems.
(University of Kassel-Witzenhausen), Kurt-Jr Andreas Fliessbach (FiBL): p. 27(1), 27(2);
gen Hlsbergen (TU Mnchen), Martin Kchli Jacques Fuchs (FiBL): p. 14, 17(2), 19; Fritz First edition 2016
(organic farmer, Bioforum), Hartmut Kolbe Hni (private): p. 6(2); Theo Haslbeck (farm This guide was produced in the Organic Know
(LfL Bayern), Martin Koller (FiBL), Paul Mder er Geiselhring): p. 24(1); Martin Koller/ ledge Network Arable project.
(FiBL), Adrian Mller (FiBL), Peter Neessen Alfred Berner/Claudia Kirchgraber (FiBL): p.
(organic farmer), Nikola Patzel (FiBL), Lukas 16; Martin Koller (FiBL): pp. 20, 21(2); Lore The project has received funding from the Euro
Pfiffner (FiBL), Harald Schmidt (SL), Stefan Kutschera(): p. 31(2); Paul Mder (FiBL): p. 9; pean Unions Horizon 2020 research and inno
Weller (Bioland), Iain Tolhurst (organic farmer), Nikola Patzel (FiBL): p. 5, 21, 25(2), 26; Lukas vation programme under grant agreement No.
Melanie Wild (LfL Bayern). Pfiffner (FiBL): p. 23(2); Lukas Pfiffner/Claudia 652654. This guide only reflects the authors'
Editing of original German edition: Kirchgraber (FiBL): p. 8; Katharina Schertler view. The Research Executive Agency is not
Nikola Patzel and Gilles Weidmann (FiBL) (Bioland): p. 22; Soil Association: p. 3(5); Phil responsible for any use that may be made of
Sumption (Organic Research Centre): p. 7(3); the information provided.
Editorial collaboration: Annegret Grafen Anja Vieweger (Organic Research Centre):
(Bioland), Stephanie Klaedtke and Steffi Zimmer
p. 7(4), 10(2-4); Manfred Weller (Bioland):
(IBLA Luxemburg) p. 12(3, 6); Stefan Weller (Bioland): p. 12(1,
2, 4, 5), 13(1); www.oekolandbau.de,BLE,
Original edition reviewed by: Max Braun,
Michaela Braun, Jean-Louis Colling-von
Dominik Menzler: p. 15; cf. p. 3(1, 3, 4, 6). arable