Medicographia115 PDF
Medicographia115 PDF
Medicographia115 PDF
2, 2013
A Ser vier publication
Osteoarthritis: a story of
close relationship between
bone and cartilage
139 Osteoarthritis: new approaches
Arthrose : nouvelles approches
M. C. Hochberg, USA
145 Epidemiology of osteoarthritis
C. Cooper, E. Dennison, M. Edwards, A. Litwic, United Kingdom
203 Can normal age-related changes in cartilage be distinguished from early
osteoarthritic changes?
216 Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis
E. Kon, Italy
221 Long overlooked: the role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis
pathophysiology and pain
D. M. Findlay, Australia
228 Clinical research in osteoarthritis: whats new?
X. Chevalier, F. Eymard, France
237 Cinema, science, and medicine in France
C. Rgnier, France
by M. C. Hochberg, USA
steoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the total joint, not just the articular car-
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, and is a major cause of
morbidity, activity limitation, physical disability, excess health care utilization and re-
duced health-related quality of life, especially in people aged 45 and above in de-
veloped countries.2 The incidence (risk of developing the disease) and prevalence
(proportion of persons with the disease) of OA increase with advancing age in both
sexes. In general, women have a higher incidence and prevalence of symptomatic
radiographic OA, particularly in the hands and knees. There are ethnic and racial
differences in the occurrence of OA that may be due to genetic and/or lifestyle fac-
tors; these include the lower prevalence of hand and hip OA in Chinese and the
higher prevalence of hip and knee OA in African Americans compared with whites.3
It is now recognized that OA is not only a cause of pain and physical dysfunction,
but is also associated with excess mortality.4,5 Losina and colleagues reported that
the presence of knee OA, especially when combined with the presence of obesi-
Address for correspondence:
ty, was associated with the loss of 3 to 4 quality-adjusted years of life.4 Neusch
Professor Marc C. Hochberg, and colleagues, in analyzing data from a 15-year prospective cohort study in the
MD, MPH, c/o Division of United Kingdom, reported that persons with symptomatic hip and/or knee OA had
Rheumatology, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, 10 S. Pine St., a 50% increase in all-cause mortality compared with that expected based on their
MSTF 8-34, Baltimore, Maryland age and gender distribution.5 Risk factors for all-cause mortality included not only
21201, USA (e-mail: mhochber@
the presence of comorbid conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
diabetes, but also the presence of walking disability. This suggests that an approach
Medicographia. 2013;35:139-144.
to reducing walking disability in patients with symptomatic lower limb OA might not only improve quality of life, but also prolong survival.
Osteoarthritis: new approaches Hochberg MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 139
Much research has focused on the role of obesity, joint injury, of the spinal cord underlying both primary and secondary hy-
and genetic predisposition as risk factors for the development peralgesia. In addition, there is central sensitization, manifest-
of OA.6-8 Metabolic syndromethe phenotype characterized ed by lower pressure pain thresholds and higher pain sum-
by abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and type 2 mation scores. The mechanisms of central sensitization in OA
diabetes mellitus due to insulin resistanceis associated with may be due to spinal hyperexcitability coupled with defective
OA; this association may be mediated by the production of descending inhibitory noxious control pathways. Functional
circulating adipokines and accumulation of age-related gly- MRI studies in patients with chronic OA pain have demon-
cation end products in articular cartilage.6 While the heritability strated atrophy in the thalamus and gray matter of pain-re-
of OA has been recognized for over 60 years, only in the past lated cortical areas, which is partially reversible after total joint
decade, with the development of commercially available geno- arthroplasty.
typing platforms, have scientists been able to perform genome-
wide association studies examining the association of sin- The management of patients with OA continues to evolve with
gle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with OA.8 The largest more evidence supporting the efficacy of nonpharmacologic
consortium to investigate the association of SNPs with radio- modalities as well as the approval and study of newer phar-
graphic and clinical OA is Translational Research in Europe macological modalities, including biologic agents.16 The Amer-
Applied Technologies for OsteoArthritis (TreatOA); indeed, the ican College of Rheumatology published new recommenda-
TreatOA website ( tions for the medical management of OA of the hand, hip, and
currently lists more than 50 peer-reviewed articles on the re- knee in 2012.17 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
sults of genetic studies in OA. remain the cornerstone of oral therapy for pain in patients with
OA, despite their association with potential serious adverse
The interplay between the articular cartilage and subchondral events including gastrointestinal bleeding from complicated
bone in the pathophysiology of OA has been increasingly rec- ulcers and small and large bowel lesions, and cardiovascular
ognized over the past decade and is a major focus for current thrombotic events, especially myocardial infarction. Patients
research into the development and progression of OA.9-11 In who have an inadequate response to or are unable to toler-
early phases of OA, there are anabolic changes in both artic- ate oral NSAIDs may be treated with intra-articular agents
ular cartilage and subchondral bone. In the former, there is in- such as glucocorticoids and hyaluronates and/or centrally act-
creased synthesis of matrix molecules while, in the latter, there ing analgesics such as tramadol, duloxetine, and opioids. The
is activation of the bone remodeling cycle. With progression efficacy of duloxetinea serotonin norepinephrine reuptake
of OA, catabolic changes dominate in the articular cartilage inhibitor that can be used either alone or as an adjunct to acet-
with increased synthesis of tissue-destructive enzymes in- aminophen or NSAIDssupports the observations summa-
cluding matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), and disintegrins and rized above that demonstrate the role of central sensitization
MMPs with thrombospondin motifs. Accompanying changes in chronic OA pain due to loss of diffuse inhibitory noxious
in the subchondral bone include trabecular thinning leading to control.
relative osteopenia below areas of sclerosis due to thickening
of the cortical plate. These changes are mediated, in part, by There remains an unmet need for both more efficacious treat-
the diffusion of small molecules between bone and cartilage, ments for pain and agents that are capable of modifying the
including cytokines, angiogenic growth factors, and MMPs. rate of structural progression in OA. Tanezumab, a monoclon-
al antibody directed against nerve growth factor, has demon-
Another component of the OA process that has received in- strated efficacy in patients with hip and knee OA with mod-
creasing recognition is the role of synovitis.12,13 Studies have erate-to-severe pain.18 However, the development of this agent,
demonstrated increased expression of genes that encode cy- and of other compounds in its class, has been placed under
tokines (such as interleukin-1 and 15), chemokines, and MMPs clinical hold by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
in synovial fibroblasts. Synovitis, as measured on magnetic res- because of reports of osteonecrosis adverse events that were
onance imaging (MRI) and/or ultrasound, is associated with eventually adjudicated to be rapidly destructive OA involving
both pain and structural progression; it is not known, howev- not only index joints such as the hip and knee, but also non-
er, whether specific anti-inflammatory therapy is more effica- index joints such as the shoulder. Further studies of the mech-
cious in patients with synovitis than in those without it.
Synovitis is but one feature of OA that is associated with pain;
others include the presence of moderate-to-large bone mar- MMP matrix metalloprotease
row lesions and joint effusions. Studies of the mechanisms of MRI magnetic resonance imaging
pain in OA have increasingly explored the nature of OA pain NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
and the role of peripheral and central sensitization superim- OA osteoarthritis
posed on peripheral nociception.14,15 Peripheral sensitization SNP single nucleotide polymorphism
has a spinal component with signal amplification in neurons
140 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis: new approaches Hochberg
anism underlying these joint-related serious adverse events width compared with placebo in subjects with knee OA fol-
are needed to assess the risk-benefit relationship of this prom- lowed for a mean of 30 months.19 Similar results were noted
ising treatment for pain in patients with OA. when subjects were classified as progressors based on a
decline in joint space width of at least 0.5 mm.20 Another ap-
There have been many studies involving potential disease- proach to disease modification is the application of principles
modifying OA drugs (DMOADs); however, there are no agents of regenerative medicine with endogenous stem cells.21 It is
that are approved at this time by either the FDA or European hoped that the results of basic biomedical, clinical, and trans-
Medicines Agency (EMA) for this indication. Recent data sug- lational research will provide new approaches to the manage-
gest that oral strontium ranelate, at doses of either 1 or 2 g ment of patients with OA during the remaining years of this
per day, significantly reduced the rate of decline in joint space and future decades. I
1. Lane N, Brandt K, Hawker G, et al. OARSI-FDA initiative: defining the disease symptoms of osteoarthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2010;6:625-635.
state of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011;19:478-482. 13. Scanzello CR. Pathologic and pathogenic processes in osteoarthritis: the ef-
2. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of fects of synovitis. HSS J. 2012;8:20-22.
arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Arthritis Rheum. 14. Mease PJ, Hanna S, Frakes EP, Altman RD. Pain mechanisms in osteoarthritis:
2008;58:26-35. understanding the role of central pain and current approaches to its treatment.
3. Jordan JM: Impact of race/ethnicity in OA treatment. HSS J. 2012;8:39-41. J Rheumatol. 2011;38:1546-1551.
4. Losina E, Walensky RP, Reichmann WM, et al. Impact of obesity and knee 15. Schaible HG. Mechanisms of chronic pain in osteoarthritis. Curr Rheumatol
osteoarthritis on morbidity and mortality in older Americans. Ann Intern Med. Rep. 2012; 14:549-556.
2011;154:217-226. 16. Hochberg MC. Osteoarthritis year 2012 in review: clinical. Osteoarthritis Carti-
5. Nuesch E, Dieppe P, Reichenbach S, Williams S, Iff S, Juni P. All cause and dis- lage. 2012. 20:1465-1469.
ease specific mortality in patients with knee osteoarthritis: population based 17. Hochberg MC, Altman RD, April KT, et al. American College of Rheumatology
cohort study. BMJ. 2011;342:d1165. 2012 recommendations for the use of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic
6. Zhuo Q, Yang W, Chen J, Wang Y. Metabolic syndrome meets osteoarthritis. therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;
Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2012;8:729-737. 64:455-474.
7. Muthuri SG, McWilliams DF, Doherty M, Zhang W. History of knee injuries and 18. Lane NE, Schnitzer TJ, Birbara CA, et al. Tanezumab for the treatment of pain
knee osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Osteoarthritis from osteoarthritis of the knee. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:1521-1531.
Cartilage. 2011;19:1286-1293. 19. Reginster JY, Chapurlat R, Christiansen C, et al. Structure modifying effects of
8. Hochberg MC, Yerges-Armstrong L, Mitchell BM. Osteoarthritis susceptibility strontium ranelate in knee osteoarthritis. Osteoporos Int. 2012;23(suppl 2):
genes continue trickling in. Lancet. 2012;380:785-787. S58-S59.
9. Lories RJ, Luyten FP. The bone-cartilage unit in osteoarthritis. Nat Rev Rheu- 20. Reginster JY, Chapurlat R, Christiansen C, et al. Strontium ranelate reduces the
matol. 2011;7:43-49. number of radiological or radioclinical progressors in patients with primary knee
10. Goldring MB. Articular cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis. HSS J. 2012;8:7-9. osteoarthritis. Osteoporos Int. 2012;23(suppl 2):S366-S367.
11. Weinans H. Periarticular bone changes in osteoarthritis. HSS J. 2012;8:10-12. 21. Marini JC, Forlino A. Replenishing cartilage from endogenous stem cells. N Engl
12. Sellam J, Berenbaum F. The role of synovitis in pathophysiology and clinical J Med. 2012;366:2522-2524.
Osteoarthritis: new approaches Hochberg MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 141
arthose est une maladie qui affecte la totalit de larticulation, et non pas
seulement le cartilage articulaire. Le Groupe de travail de lOARSI (Osteoar-
thritis Research Society International, la Socit internationale de recherche
sur larthrose) a dfini larthrose de la faon suivante : maladie progres-
sive correspondant une incapacit de rparation des lsions articulaires qui, dans
la majorit des cas, ont t dclenches par des stress intra-articulaires anormaux .1
Il a t observ que tous les tissus de larticulation sont touchs, non seulement le
cartilage articulaire, mais galement los sous-chondral, les ligaments, les structures
priarticulaires et les mnisques lorsquils sont prsents. Le processus arthrosique
conduit une dgradation du cartilage et un remodelage osseux ; ces caract-
ristiques sont associes au dveloppement de symptmes douloureux, de raideur
et dincapacit fonctionnelle. Dans ce concept actuel de larthrose, les altrations
structurelles reprsentent la maladie, tandis que les symptmes type de douleur
sourde, gne, douleur et raideur constituent la pathologie pour laquelle les patients
consultent un mdecin. Ce concept a dimportantes rpercussions sur le traitement :
alors que certains mdicaments sont actuellement autoriss pour le traitement de
la pathologie de larthrose, il nexiste actuellement aucun traitement approuv ra-
lentissant la progression structurelle de larthrose.
Il est dsormais tabli que larthrose provoque non seulement une douleur et un dys-
fonctionnement physique, mais quelle est galement associe un excs de mor-
talit.4,5 Losina et coll. ont indiqu que la prsence dune arthrose du genou, en
particulier en cas dobsit concomitante, tait associe une perte de 3 4 an-
nes de vie ajustes sur la qualit de vie.4 Neusch et coll., qui ont analys les don-
142 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Arthrose : nouvelles approches Hochberg
nes dune tude de cohorte prospective de 15 ans mene le premier type de tissu se produit une augmentation de la
au Royaume-Uni, ont montr que les personnes prsentant synthse des molcules de la matrice tandis que dans le se-
une arthrose symptomatique de la hanche et/ou du genou cond se droule une activation du cycle du remodelage os-
prsentaient une augmentation de 50 % de la mortalit de seux. Au fur et mesure de la progression de larthrose, les
toute cause par rapport celle prvue sur la base dune dis- changements cataboliques dominent dans le cartilage articu-
tribution par tranche dge et sexe.5 Les facteurs de risque laire, avec une augmentation de la synthse denzymes des-
de mortalit de toute cause comprennent la prsence de co- tructrices des tissus, notamment les mtalloprotinases de la
morbidits, notamment les maladies cardio-vasculaires, le can- matrice (MMP), ainsi que des dsintgrines et des MMP mu-
cer et le diabte, mais galement la prsence dune incapa- nies de motifs thrombospondines. Les changements conco-
cit la marche. Cela suggre quune approche permettant mitants dans los sous-chondral comprennent un amincisse-
de rduire lincapacit la marche chez les patients atteints ment trabculaire provoquant une ostopnie relative sous
darthrose symptomatique des membres infrieurs pourrait les zones de sclrose, lie lpaississement de la plaque cor-
non seulement amliorer leur qualit de vie, mais galement ticale. Ces changements sont assurs en partie par la diffu-
prolonger leur dure de vie. sion de petites molcules entre los et le cartilage, notamment
des cytokines, des facteurs de croissance angiogniques et
Un grand nombre de recherches ont port sur le rle de lob- des MMP.
sit, des lsions articulaires et de la prdisposition gntique
comme facteurs de risque du dveloppement de larthrose.6-8 Un autre composant du processus arthrosique de mieux en
Le syndrome mtabolique un phnotype caractris par une mieux identifi est le rle de la synovite.12,13 Des tudes ont
obsit abdominale, une dyslipidmie, une hypertension et un dmontr une augmentation de lexpression des gnes co-
diabte de type 2 d une insulinorsistance est associ dant pour les cytokines (notamment les interleukines 1 et 15),
larthrose ; cette association pourrait tre due la produc- les chimiokines et les MMP dans les fibroblastes synoviaux.
tion dadipokines circulantes et laccumulation de produits ter- La synovite, mesure par imagerie par rsonance magntique
minaux de glycation lis lge dans le cartilage articulaire.6 (IRM) et/ou chographie, est associe la fois la prsence
Si la transmission hrditaire de larthrose est reconnue de- de douleurs et une progression structurelle ; il na cepen-
puis plus de 60 ans, ce nest quau cours de la dernire d- dant pas t tabli si un traitement anti-inflammatoire sp-
cennie que les scientifiques, grce la disponibilit dans le cifique tait plus efficace chez les patients atteints de syno-
commerce de plates-formes de gnotypage, ont t en me- vite que chez ceux qui ne ltaient pas.
sure deffectuer de larges tudes dassociation sur lensemble
du gnome, en examinant lassociation des polymorphismes La synovite est lune des caractristiques de larthrose as-
nuclotidiques (single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNP) avec socie la douleur ; les autres comprennent la prsence de
larthrose.8 Le plus large consortium ayant explor lassocia- lsions modres importantes de la moelle osseuse et
tion des SNP avec les preuves radiographiques et cliniques dpanchements articulaires. Les tudes des mcanismes de
darthrose est TreatOA (Translational Research in Europe Ap- la douleur dans larthrose explorent de plus en plus souvent
plied Technologies for OsteoArthritis) ; en effet, le site Internet la nature de la douleur arthrosique et le rle de la sensibilisa-
de TreatOA ( com- tion priphrique et centrale associe la nociception pri-
porte actuellement une liste de plus de 50 articles valus par phrique.14,15 La sensibilisation priphrique a une compo-
des pairs sur les rsultats dtudes gntiques dans larthrose. sante rachidienne saccompagnant dune amplification des
signaux dans les neurones de la moelle pinire, qui sous-tend
Linterconnexion entre le cartilage articulaire et los sous-chon- une hyperalgie primitive et secondaire. En outre, il existe une
dral dans la physiopathologie de larthrose a t confirme au sensibilisation centrale, qui se manifeste par labaissement
cours de la dernire dcennie, et constitue lun des sujets ma- des seuils de douleur la pression et une augmentation des
jeurs des recherches actuelles sur le dveloppement et la pro- scores totaux de douleur. Les mcanismes de la sensibilisa-
gression de larthrose.9-11 Dans les phases prcoces de lar- tion centrale dans larthrose peuvent tre dus une hyperex-
throse, des changements anaboliques interviennent aussi bien citabilit rachidienne couple un dficit des voies de contrle
dans le cartilage articulaire que dans los sous-chondral. Dans descendantes inhibitrices des stimuli nociceptifs. Des tudes
dIRM fonctionnelle menes chez des patients prsentant une
douleur arthrosique chronique ont mis en vidence latrophie
des zones corticales lies la douleur dans le thalamus et la
MMP matrix metalloprotease (mtalloprotinases de la matrice) substance grise, partiellement rversible aprs une arthroplas-
IRM Imagerie par rsonance magntique tie articulaire totale.
AINS Anti-inflammatoires non strodiens
SNP single nucleotide polymorphism (polymorphisme nuclo- La prise en charge des patients atteints darthrose ne cesse
tidique) dvoluer au fur et mesure que les preuves confirmant lef-
ficacit des modalits non pharmacopidmiologiques sac-
Arthrose : nouvelles approches Hochberg MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 143
cumulent, mais galement avec lautorisation de nouvelles mo- modre svre.18 Cependant, le dveloppement de cet
dalits pharmacologiques, notamment les agents biologiques, agent et des autres composs de sa classe a fait lobjet dune
et les tudes qui sont menes dessus.16 L Acadmie amri- suspension clinique de la part de la Food and Drug Adminis-
caine de rhumatologie (American College of Rheumatology) tration (FDA), cause dvnements indsirables type dos-
a publi en 2012 de nouvelles recommandations sur la prise toncrose finalement confirms comme constituant une ar-
en charge mdicale de larthrose de la main, de la hanche et throse rapidement destructrice affectant non seulement les
du genou.17 Les anti-inflammatoires non strodiens (AINS) articulations de rfrence comme la hanche et le genou, mais
restent la base du traitement oral de la douleur chez les pa- galement dautres articulations, notamment lpaule. Dau-
tients arthrosiques, malgr leur association des effets ind- tres tudes sur le mcanisme li ces vnements indsi-
sirables potentiellement graves, notamment des hmorragies rables articulaires graves sont ncessaires pour valuer le
gastro-intestinales provenant dulcres compliqus et de l- rapport bnfice-risque de ces traitements prometteurs de
sions de lintestin grle et du gros intestin, ainsi que des v- la douleur chez les patients atteints darthrose.
nements cardio-vasculaires thrombotiques, en particulier lin-
farctus du myocarde. Les patients prsentant une rponse De nombreuses tudes ont t menes sur les traitements de
inadquate ou ntant pas en mesure de tolrer les AINS fond de larthrose ; cependant, aucun mdicament na jusqu
oraux peuvent tre traits par des agents intra-articulaires, prsent t approuv par la FDA ou lAgence europenne
notamment les glucocorticodes et les hyaluronates et/ou des des mdicaments (EMA) dans cette indication. De rcentes
analgsiques centraux, par exemple le tramadol, la dulox- donnes suggrent que le ranlate de strontium par voie orale,
tine et les opiacs. Lefficacit de la duloxtine un inhibiteur des posologies de 1 ou 2 g par jour, rduit de manire signi-
de la recapture de la srotonine et de la noradrnaline pou- ficative le taux de dclin de lpaisseur de linterligne articu-
vant tre utilis seul ou en complment du paractamol ou laire par rapport un placebo chez des sujets prsentant une
des AINS confirme les observations rsumes ci-dessus, arthrose du genou suivis pendant une dure moyenne de 30
dmontrant le rle de la sensibilisation centrale dans la dou- mois.19 Des rsultats similaires ont t recueillis lorsque les su-
leur arthrosique chronique provoque par la perte du contrle jets ont t classs comme progresseurs sur la base dune
inhibiteur diffus induit par la nociception. diminution de linterligne articulaire dau moins 0,5 mm.20 Une
autre approche de lvolution de la maladie est lapplication
Il reste sur ce plan un besoin non satisfait de traitements plus des principes de la mdecine rgnrative avec des cellules
efficaces de la douleur et dagents capables de modifier la vi- souches endognes.21 Les rsultats de recherches biom-
tesse de progression structurelle de larthrose. Le tanzumab, dicales fondamentales, cliniques et translationnelles suscitent
un anticorps monoclonal dirig contre le facteur de croissance lespoir de fournir de nouvelles approches pour la prise en
nerveuse, a dmontr son efficacit chez les patients atteints charge des patients atteints darthrose vers la fin de cette d-
darthrose de la hanche et du genou prsentant une douleur cennie et dans les dcennies venir. I
144 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Arthrose : nouvelles approches Hochberg
b y C . C o o p e r, E . D e n n i s o n , M . E d wa rd s ,
and A. Litwic, United Kingdom
steoarthritis is a global degenerative joint disease involving the car-
tilage and many of its surrounding tissues. Prevalence and incidence
estimates of osteoarthritis in different populations may vary consid-
erably due to different diagnostic classifications; in general, radiographic case
definition produces the highest estimates, with self-reported and symptomatic
osteoarthritis definitions producing similar estimates. The World Health Orga-
nizations Scientific Group on Rheumatic Diseases estimates that 10% of the
worlds population aged 60 years or older have significant clinical problems
that could be attributed to osteoarthritis. The highest osteoarthritis prevalence
estimates are found in the hand joints, with women more commonly affected
than men.
Cyrus COOPER,a,b MA, DM,
FRCP, FFPH, FMedSci Medicographia. 2013;35:145-151 (see French abstract on page 151)
Elaine DENNISON,b MB BChir,
Definition and classification
steoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease involving the cartilage and
IHR Musculoskeletal Biomedical many of its surrounding tissues. In addition to damage and loss of articu-
Research Unit lar cartilage, there is remodeling of subarticular bone, osteophyte formation,
University of Oxford, UK
ligamentous laxity, weakening of periarticular muscles, and, in some cases, synovial
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology
inflammation.1 These changes may occur as a result of an imbalance in the equilib-
Unit, (University of Southampton)
Southampton General Hospital rium between the breakdown and repair of joint tissue. Primary symptoms of OA in-
Southampton, UK clude joint pain, stiffness, and limitation of movement. Disease progression is usually
slow but can ultimately lead to joint failure with pain and disability.
There have been many attempts to accurately identify and grade radiographic dis-
ease in OA. Of these, the classification by Kellgren and Lawrence (K&L) is the most
widely accepted and used. Overall, grades of severity are determined from 0 to 4
and are related to the presumed sequential appearance of osteophytes, joint space
loss, sclerosis, and cysts.2 The World Health Organization (WHO) adopted these
criteria as the standard for epidemiological studies on OA. Cross-sectional imaging
methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can visualize joint structures
Address for correspondence: in more detail and continue to undergo evaluation to determine if they will provide
Professor Cyrus Cooper, Director
and Professor of Rheumatology, a means by which the definition of OA can be refined.
MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit,
(University of Southampton),
Southampton General Hospital,
Many studies now report the prevalence of self-reported or symptomatic OA; these
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK differing approaches may go some way toward explaining part of the heterogeneity
(e-mail: in OA estimates.3 A recent systematic review3 attempted to understand the differ- ences in prevalence and incidence of OA according to case definition in knee, hip,
Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 145
Radiographic OA
age of 50 years. A leveling off or decline occurs at all joint sites
around the age of 80 years. For example, the age- and sex-
standardized incidence rate from the Fallon Community Health
Plan in Massachusetts (USA) was highest for knee OA (240/
100 000 person-years), with intermediate rates for hand OA
(100/100 000 person-years), and lowest observed rates for
hip OA (88/100 000 person-years) (Figure 3).6 The incidence
rates found by the Dutch Institute for Public Health (RIVM)
Figure 1. Relationships between osteoarthritis (OA) classifications.
After reference 3: Pereira et al. 2011;19:1270-1285. 2011, Elsevier Ltd.
in 2000 were similar. For hip OA, the reported prevalence was
0.9 and 1.6 per 1000 per year in men and women, respec-
and hand joints and concluded that radiographic case defi- tively, and for knee OA the corresponding figures were 1.18
nition afforded the highest estimates, while self-reported and and 2.8 per 1000 per year in men and women, respectively
symptomatic OA definitions presented similar estimates. The (Figure 4).7
interrelationship between the different classifications used is
shown in Figure 1. N Hand OA
The prevalence of radiographic hand OA varies greatly and
Epidemiology has been reported to range from 27% to over 80%.8,9 In a
OA may develop in any joint, but most commonly affects the study from the Netherlands, 75% of women aged between
knee, hip, hand, spine, and foot. In 2005, it was estimated that 60 and 70 years had evidence of OA in the distal interpha-
over 26 million people in the USA had some form of OA.4 langeal (DIP) joints, and 10% to 20% of subjects aged below
Self-reported physician-diagnosed OA data from the 2004- 40 years were reported to have OA radiological changes in
2005 Australian National Health Survey is shown in Figure 2.5 their hands or feet.7 In a rural sample from the former Soviet
The incidence of hand, hip, and knee OA increases with age, Republic of Turkmenia,10 all males over the age of 65 years had
and women have higher rates than men, especially after the at least one affected hand joint. Symptomatic hand OA, as
defined by the American College of Rheuma-
tology (ACR) criteria, is, however, far less com-
35% mon. Its prevalence was found to be 8% in
the US National Health and Nutrition Exam-
30% Males
Females ination Survey (NHANES III).11 Data from the
25% Framingham cohort demonstrated a preva-
lence of 13.2% in men and 26.2% in women
aged 70 years, with at least one hand joint
15% with symptomatic OA.8 A study from Teheran
10% showed that the prevalence of hand OA in
people aged 40 to 50 years was 2.2%, ris-
ing with age to 22.5% in people aged >70
0% years.12 As with many studies, including the
0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Framingham cohort, differentiation by sex in
Age group (years) this population showed that women were
more frequently affected than men.12 Interest-
Figure 2. Age-specific prevalence of osteoarthritis in Australia in 2004-2005 (Aus- ingly, data from China based on thirteen sur-
tralian Institute of Health and Welfare analysis of the Australian Bureau of Statistics veys involving 29 621 adults demonstrated
2004-2005 National Health Survey).
After reference 5: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2007. Arthritis series no 5. Cat no. PHE
that symptomatic OA of the hand was rarely
93. Canberra: AIHW. 2007, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. observed, irrespective of age or sex.13
146 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others
Men Women
1200 1200 Figure 3.
Incidence of
Incidence (per 10 5 patient-years)
Men Women
80 80
DIP Figure 4.
Prevalence of osteoarthritis (%)
of clinical
60 60
of the hand,
knee, and hip
40 40
in a Dutch
Knee population.
20 20 with permission
Hip from reference
7: van Saase
0 0 JL et al. Ann
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Rheum Dis.
Age (years) Age (years) 280. 1989,
BMJ Publishing
Group Ltd.
Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 147
Nguyen US et al. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:725-732.
35.1 2011, American College of Physicians.
36.5 35.4
fect the forces applied to the joint. Risk
Women factors are discussed individually below;
Men the varying prevalence of some, such as
20 obesity and nutritional factors, may part-
ly explain the differing rates of OA seen
11.8 16.1 in different populations.
7.8 Symptomatic knee OA N Age
The prevalence and incidence of radi-
0 ographic and symptomatic OA consid-
1983-1985 1992-1995 2002-2005 erably increase with age. The relation-
Original Original Offspring and ship between age and the risk of OA is
Examination period likely multifactorial and is probably the
consequence of numerous individual fac-
tors that may include oxidative damage,
knee pain in rural (13.0%) than in urban (8.1%) communities.17 thinning of cartilage, muscle weakening, and a reduction in
Furthermore, in China, men aged 60 years and above from a proprioception. Furthermore, the basic cellular mechanisms
rural community had approximately double the prevalence of that maintain tissue homeostasis decline with age, leading to
symptomatic knee OA than their urban counterparts.16 an inadequate response to stress or joint injury and resultant
joint tissue destruction and loss.
N Hip OA
Hip OA is less common than either hand or knee OA. The N Sex
mean prevalence of primary radiographic hip OA in studies The incidence of knee, hip, and hand OA is higher in women
from Asia and Africa is 1.4% and 2.8%, respectively.17 These than men and in women it increases dramatically around the
levels are much lower than those seen in Europe and North time of menopause. The latter finding has led investigators to
America. In the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures, the preva- hypothesize that hormonal factors may play a role in the de-
lence of radiographic hip OA was analyzed in women over the velopment of OA, but the results of clinical and epidemiolog-
age of 65, using eleven different definitions. Excluding the def- ic studies have not universally corroborated this.20-22 A recent
inition of minimum joint space of less than 2.5 mm, the preva- systematic review of 17 studies found that there was no clear
lence ranged from 1.0% to 6.2%, depending on the defini- association between sex hormones and hand, knee, or hip
tion used.18 OA in women, although single analysis of the studies was not
possible due to study heterogeneity.23
Risk factors
OA is referred to as primary in the absence of an extrinsic N Ethnicity and race
cause. The proportion of individuals with primary OA within a The prevalence of OA and patterns of joint involvement vary
specific OA population varies greatly. As age increases, the among different racial and ethnic groups. Both hip and hand
likelihood of an individual having primary OA increases. There OA were much less frequent among Chinese in the Beijing
are also differences by sex; in the Queensland Aboriginal com- Osteoarthritis Study than in whites in the Framingham Study,
munities it was found that 88% of women had primary OA, but interestingly, Chinese women had a higher prevalence of
whereas 82% of men had secondary OA.19 knee OA, which may be explained by excessive knee loading
from squatting.24 Indeed, prolonged squatting and kneeling
The risk of developing OA is determined by both systemic and has been associated with an increased risk of moderate to se-
local factors. Several systemic factors have been identified; vere radiographic knee OA.24 Results from the Johnston Coun-
these may act by increasing the susceptibility of the joints to ty Osteoarthritis Project have shown that the prevalence of
injury, by direct damage to joint tissues, or by impairing the hip OA in African American women was similar to that in white
process of repair in damaged joint tissue. Local factors are women, but that the prevalence was slightly higher in African
most commonly biomechanical in nature and adversely af- American men (21%) than in white men (17%).25
148 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others
Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 149
quent increased OA risk. This risk is greater still if the sub- load is transmitted through the medial compartment. Any shift
ject has OA in another joint. The repetitive and excessive joint in either a valgus or varus direction affects load distribution.
loading that accompanies specific physical activities increas- Abnormal increases in compartmental loading are thought
es the risk of developing OA in the involved joints. Workers to increase stress on the articular cartilageand other joint
whose jobs require repeated pincer grip have an increased structuressubsequently leading to degenerative change.
risk of hand OA, particularly in the DIP joint.42 Similarly, pro- A systematic review has confirmed that knee malalignment is
longed squatting and kneeling stresses the larger joints and an independent risk factor for the progression of knee OA.45
is consequently associated with increased risk of moderate
to severe radiographic knee OA. Conclusion
OA is the commonest joint disease worldwide and mainly
There have been conflicting results in studies examining the occurs in later life. It tends to be slowly progressive and can
relationship between sporting activities and subsequent OA. cause significant pain and disability. Symptoms and radio-
There is some evidence that elite long-distance runners are graphic changes are poorly correlated and thus defining OA
at high risk of developing knee and hip OA.43 Other studies for research purposes is challenging. Established risk factors
suggest that in the absence of joint injury, moderate recreation- include obesity, local trauma, and occupation. These, in ad-
al running and sports participation do not appear to increase dition to genetic factors, may partly explain geographic varia-
the risk of hip or knee OA.44 The mechanical alignment of the tions in OA prevalence. There is conflicting evidence regard-
knee influences load distribution across the articular surfaces. ing the roles of nutrition, smoking, and sarcopenia, with the
In a normally aligned knee, 60% to 70% of the weight-bearing results of further studies awaited. I
1. Hutton CW. Osteoarthritis: the cause not result of joint failure? Ann Rheum Dis. 16. Fransen M, Bridgett L, March L, Hoy D, Penserga E, Brooks P. The epidemiol-
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2. Kellgren J, Lawrence J. The epidemiology of chronic rheumatism: Atlas of stan- 17. Haq SA. Osteoarthritis of the knees in the COPCORD world. Int J Rheum Dis.
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3. Pereira D, Peleteiro B, Araujo J, Branco J, Santos RA, Ramos E. The effect of Defining incident radiographic hip osteoarthritis for epidemiologic studies in
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4. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of Aboriginal community in North Queensland, Australia. A WHO-ILAR COPCORD
arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Part II. Arthritis survey. J Rheumatol. 2004;31:965-972.
Rheum. 2008;58:26-35. 20. de Klerk BM, Schiphof D, Groeneveld FP, et al. No clear association between
5. AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). A picture of osteoarthritis in female hormonal aspects and osteoarthritis of the hand, hip and knee: a sys-
Australia. 2007. Arthritis series no 5. Cat no. PHE 93. Canberra: AIHW. tematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2009;48:1160-1165.
6. Oliveria SA, Felson DT, Reed JI, et al. Incidence of symptomatic hand, hip, and 21. Spector TD, Nandra D, Hart DJ, Doyle DV. Is hormone replacement therapy
knee osteoarthritis among patients in a health maintenance organization. Ar- protective for hand and knee osteoarthritis in women? The Chingford Study.
thritis Rheum. 1995;38:1134-1141. Ann Rheum Dis. 1997;56:432-434.
7. van Saase JL, van Romunde LK, Cats A, Vandenbroucke JP, Valkenburg HA. 22. Cirillo DJ, Wallace RB, Wu L, Yood RA. Effect of hormone therapy on risk of hip
Epidemiology of osteoarthritis: Zoetermeer survey. Comparison of radiological and knee joint replacement in the Womens Health Initiative. Arthritis Rheum.
osteoarthritis in a Dutch population with that in 10 other populations. Ann Rheum 2006;54:3194-3204.
Dis. 1989;48:271-280. 23. Srikanth VK, Fryer JL, Zhai G, Winzenberg TM, Hosmer D, Jones G. A meta-
8. Zhang Y, Niu J, Kelly-Hayes M, Chaisson CE, Aliabadi P, Felson DT. Prevalence analysis of sex differences prevalence, incidence and severity of osteoarthritis.
of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis and its impact on functional status among Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2005;13:769-781.
the elderly: The Framingham Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2002;156:1021-1027. 24. Zhang Y, Hunter DJ, Nevitt MC, et al. Association of squatting with increased
9. Kloppenburg M, Kwok WY. Hand osteoarthritisa heterogeneous disorder. prevalence of radiographic tibiofemoral knee osteoarthritis: The Beijing Osteo-
Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2011;8:22-31. arthritis Study. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:1187-1192.
10. Kalichman L, Ling L, Kobyliansky E. Prevalence, pattern and determinants of ra- 25. Nelson E, Braga L, Benner J, et al. Characterization of individual radiographic
diographic hand osteoarthritis in Turkmen community-based sample. Rheu- features of hip osteoarthritis in African American and White women and men:
matol Int. 2009;29:1143-1149. the Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. Arthritis Care Res. 2010;62:190-197.
11. Dillon CF, Hirsch R, Rasch EK, Gu Q. Symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in the 26. Spector TD, MacGregor AJ Risk factors for osteoarthritis: genetics. Osteoar-
United States: prevalence and functional impairment estimates from the third thritis Cartilage. 2004;12:S39-S44.
US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1991-1994. Am J Phys 27. Kerkhof HJ, Lories RJ, Meulenbelt I, et al. A genome-wide association study
Med Rehabil. 2007;86:12-21. identifies an osteoarthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 7q22. Arthri-
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Iran Study. J Rheumatol. 2008;35:1467-1468. levels of vitamin D to progression of osteoarthritis of the knee among partici-
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radiographic and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in African Americans and 129-136.
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of knee pain and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: survey and cohort data. Ann 31. Chganti RK, Parimi N, Cawthon P, Dam TL, Nevitt MC, Lane NE. Association of
Intern Med. 2011;155:725-732. 25-hydroxyvitamin D with prevalent osteoarthritis of the hip in elderly men: the
150 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others
Larthrose est une maladie dgnrative articulaire mondiale touchant le cartilage et la plupart des tissus environ-
nants. Sa prvalence et son incidence varient considrablement dune population lautre selon les classifications
diagnostiques utilises pour les estimer; la dfinition radiologique de larthrose donne gnralement les estimations
les plus leves, tandis que les dfinitions symptomatiques et auto-rapportes donnent des estimations peu prs
quivalentes entre elles. Daprs le groupe scientifique des maladies rhumatologiques de lOMS, 10% des gens gs
de 60 ans ou plus ont des problmes cliniques significatifs pouvant tre attribus larthrose. Larthrose a une plus
forte prvalence au niveau des articulations de la main, et touche plus volontiers les femmes que les hommes.
Epidemiology of osteoarthritis Cooper and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 151
b y L . I . A l e k s e e va
a n d E . L . N a s o n ov, R u s s i a
steoarthritis (OA) is the most common disorder of the musculoskele-
tal system and the leading cause of functional incapacity and disabil-
ity in adults. A significant number of studies have demonstrated that
patients with OA are at significantly higher risk of developing comorbid con-
ditions than people without the disease. OA is most commonly associated with
cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension, as well as obesity,
diabetes mellitus, and pulmonary diseases. The combination of various chron-
ic diseases with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially with OA,
will be observed more and more frequently, and will affect not only health care
systems, but also the quality of life. The relation between OA and comorbid dis-
orders may be explained, to some extent, by common etiologic and patho-
Eugeny L. NASONOV, MD, PhD
Director, National Scientific genetic mechanisms, or may be related to the biological processes of aging,
Research Institute of Rheumatology which can lead not only to the development, but possibly also to the mainte-
(Russian Academy of Medical
nance of comorbidities. The data presented in this article suggest that OA is
Sciences), Moscow
RUSSIA a disease that is pathogenetically related to cardiovascular diseases, obesity,
Lyudmila I. ALEKSEEVA, and other metabolic conditions. As a consequence, the examination of OA
MD, FACPh patients should not be limited to the assessment of their articular disorder, but
Research Institute of Rheumatology
rather should be comprehensive, with particular attention paid to the state of
(Russian Academy of Medical
Sciences), Chief of Department their cardiovascular system. This article highlights the importance of using
Department of Metabolic Disorders an integrated approach when considering treatment options.
of the Musculoskeletal System and
Medicographia. 2013;35:152-157 (see French abstract on page 157)
Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
Laboratories, Moscow
steoarthritis (OA) is the most common disorder of the musculoskeletal
O system: about 15% of the world population suffers from OA and 65% of
them are aged 60 years and over. Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of func-
tional incapacity and disability in adults1 and reduces the quality of life of patients.
Moreover, patients with OA were found to have higher all-cause mortality rates than
the general population.2 The analysis of 617 lethal outcomes in osteoarthritic pa-
tients, compared with a population of similar age and sex, has shown that almost
40% of deaths were caused by atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) and
gastrointestinal tract disorders.3
Address for correspondence:
Professor Eugeny L. Nasonov,
Institute of Rheumatology, Russian In 1990, in a study of 2384 people aged 55 to 74 years, Lawrence et al showed that
Academy of Medical Sciences,
34 A Kashirskoye shosse,
patients with radiographic evidence of knee OA had higher mortality rates than sub-
115522 Moscow, Russia jects without radiographic abnormalities (38.9% vs 31.6% in men; 30% vs 17.7%
(e-mail: in women, respectively).4 Haara et al found an association between the presence of OA in any finger joint and increased cardiovascular mortality, and in women the
152 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis and comorbidities Alekseeva and Nasonov
risk of death was higher in the presence of radiographic evi- in the period from 1966 to July 2004 revealed that hyperten-
dence of OA of the distal interphalangeal joints of both hands.5 sion is present in 48% to 65% of patients with OA and in more
Although there is a discrepancy between the presence of pain than 65% of patients over 80 years of age with OA requiring
and the radiographic signs of OA, which are observed togeth- knee arthroplasty.11 Rosemann et al showed that osteoarthrit-
er in 15% to 76% of cases,6 higher mortality rates are found ic patients of both sexes have similar rates of hypertension
both in patients with symptomatic OA and in those with only (53%), high cholesterol (36%), heart failure (19%), diabetes
radiographic evidence of the disease.5 This suggests that OA mellitus (17%), and CAD (13%).12 Women with OA were found
is not only the most common disease of the joints, but also to have a lower quality of life and lower mood (P<0.01), a high-
the most urgent problem in general practice. Osteoarthritis er degree of disability (P<0.01), and to feel more pain (P<0.01).
along with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), degenerative dis-
eases of the nervous system, and osteoporosisis an age- In the large-scale AMICA study (Atrial Fibrillation Management
related disorder. Moreover, joint dysfunction and pain and the in Congestive Heart Failure With Ablation) in Italy, which in-
resulting reduction in physical activity are destabilizing factors volved 3080 physicians and 29132 patients with OA, hyper-
in the course of various somatic disorders. In patients with un- tension was found in 53% of study participants, type 2 dia-
derestimated concomitant somatic diseases, OA is associ- betes in 15%, and history of myocardial infarction or angina in
ated with a high rate of drug-related complications, especially 6%. The degree of hypertension correlated with pain inten-
when nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used.7 sity, joint dysfunction, and worsening quality of life.9 Danish
researchers found CVD in 54% patients with hip OA aged be-
Many studies have demonstrated that patients with OA are tween 50 and 85 years.1 In Russia, a 1-year study of the rates
at significantly higher risk of developing comorbid conditions of concomitant diseases associated with knee OA in an out-
than people without the disease. In their 18-month follow-up patient clinic also revealed twice higher rates of CAD, AH, and
study of 1026 patients with OA, Kadam et al revealed a clear obesity, compared with patients without OA from the same
correlation between the number of concomitant conditions clinic.13
(morbidity count) and a patients physical function. Almost
half of the patients with OA (49%) were diagnosed with more The increase in life expectancy has resulted in an aging popu-
than 5 conditions other than OA (high morbidity count), 28% lation. Therefore, the combination of various chronic diseases
had 3 or 4 conditions (medium morbidity count), 25% had 1 with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially with
or 2 conditions (low morbidity count), and only 3.7% of the OA, will be observed more and more frequently, and will affect
patients had OA alone.8 In osteoarthritic patients, high mor- not only health care systems, but also the quality of life. The re-
bidity counts were associated with reduced physical function lation between OA and comorbid disorders may be explained,
(after adjusting for age, sex, and socioeconomic parameters). to some extent, by common etiologic and pathogenetic mech-
anisms, or may be related to the biological processes of ag-
Osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease ing, which become more prevalent with age (such as cartilage
OA is most commonly associated with CVD, including arteri- degeneration, insulin resistance, weight gain, dyslipidemia, etc),
al hypertension (AH), as well as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and and lead not only to the development, but possibly also to the
pulmonary diseases.8-10 An analysis of publications in Medline maintenance of comorbidities.
Osteoarthritis and comorbidities Alekseeva and Nasonov MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 153
tive disease of the joints, but accumulating evidence suggests capsule of atherosclerotic plaques, and elevated levels of
that nonspecific inflammation is also important in its patho- inhibitor of plasminogen activator-1 (PAI-1) are implicated in
genesis.19,20 In OA, there are no classical macroscopic signs the process of thrombogenesis.28
of inflammation and no severe infiltration by inflammatory cells
in joint tissues. However, elevated levels of proinflammatory Another aspect of the association of vascular disease with OA
cytokines, interleukins (IL)-1, and tumor necrosis factor relates to changes in the blood vessels of subchondral bone.
(TNF-) are observed in the synovial fluid of osteoarthritic pa- The occurrence of OA and its subsequent progression are
tients. IL-1 stimulates the chondrocytes, thereby increasing thought to be a consequence of atheromatous disease in
the production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)prote- these vessels.29,30 Bone is a highly vascularized tissue, and its
olytic enzymes that degrade collagen and cartilage proteo- vasculature is involved in all aspects of the growth, recovery,
glycans. Increased levels of MMP-3 were found in the syn- and metabolism of bone tissue. It is possible that in the con-
ovial fluid and blood of patients with OA of the knee and hip text of vascular disease, episodic circulatory disorders take
joints. Moreover, serum levels of MMP-3 and MMP-9 were place in the subchondral bone, resulting in the development
significantly higher in patients with hip OA compared with of OA. Subchondral bone ischemia, on the one hand, may
those with less severe OA.21 Therefore, MMP-3 and MMP-9 lead to impaired nutrition and gas exchange in the articular
levels can serve as diagnostic markers of rapidly progressive cartilage, and thus trigger degenerative changes; on the other
OA. In addition, the chondrocytes of osteoarthritic individuals hand, it may promote osteocyte apoptosis in the subchon-
overexpress COX-2; this induces the synthesis of proinflam- dral bone, thereby inducing osteoclastic resorption.31,32
matory prostaglandins and the inducible form of nitric oxide
synthase (iNOS), an enzyme that regulates the formation of The association of OA with CVD is probably determined not
nitric oxide and exerts a toxic action on the cartilage. only by common pathogenetic mechanisms, but also by oth-
er external factors. Thus, the limitation of physical activity in
Epidemiological and immunopathological data suggest that patients with OA is a significant aggravating factor for car-
inflammation is the major manifestation of atherosclerosis and diovascular disease. By inducing a neuroendocrine response,
is associated with dyslipidemia and chronic immune dysreg- chronic pain is often the cause of complications in CVD pa-
ulation.22,23 Proinflammatory cytokines and cell adhesion mol- tients. Pincus and Sokka have found that reduction in life ex-
ecules expressed by vascular and blood cells play an impor- pectancy in older people is determined, to a great extent, by
tant role in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Prospective the severity of pain.33 They assessed the survival rates of 1525
epidemiological studies have shown an association between patients, of which 24% (370 patients) had OA, 16% (246 pa-
the clinical manifestations of atherothrombotic disease and tients) had CVD, and 7.1% (109 patients) had OA and CVD.
systemic markers of inflammation, including white blood cell The results showed that the relative risk of death among pa-
count and various hemostatic proteins that reflect acute in- tients with OA and a pain intensity of more than 40 mm on the
flammation, such as fibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor visual analog scale (VAS) was higher than in patients with a
(PAI), and von Willebrand factor.20,24 C-reactive protein is di- pain intensity of less than 40 mm, without any significant dif-
rectly involved in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis and ferences according to age or sex.
stimulates the production of tissue factor by the macrophages.
Osteoarthritis and obesity
Tissue factor is the main inductor of coagulation in vivo and Obesity is among the most urgent health care and social
its local concentration in the arterial wall is associated with problems of contemporary society. It is a risk factor not only
the development of events resulting in coronary thrombosis.25 for OA, but also for many other diseases associated with meta-
In patients with a high risk of vascular complications, elevated bolic disturbances. OA, in turn, through the dysfunction and
levels of other markers of inflammation, such as IL-6, intracel- limitation of physical activity leads to an increase in body mass
lular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), macrophage inhibitory index (BMI) that can result in the development of CVD and
cytokine-1 (MIC-1), and soluble CD40 ligand are also ob- diabetes. The risk of developing these conditions increases
served. Experimental studies have shown that the vascular progressively with increasing BMI. In overweight patients with
endothelium and the smooth muscle cells of the arteries pro- a 40% excess in body mass, the risk of premature death is
duce IL-6. At the same time, the IL-6 gene is expressed in twice that of people of average weight. In Russia, a study of
areas of atherosclerotic lesions in man; therefore, IL-6 may 298 patients with overt OA of the knee and hip joints showed
also have procoagulant properties.25,26 Metalloproteinases a marked increase in the prevalence of CVD and diabetes
take part in the remodeling of blood vessels and increase the with increasing BMI.34
rigidity of the arteries with age.27 Matrix metalloproteinase-3
(MMP-3) has been associated with lipid structures in arte- Many studies have demonstrated an association between
riosclerotic plaques and MMP-3 genotype may be an impor- obesity (BMI >30) and OA of the knee, for both symptomatic
tant determinant of age-related vascular remodeling and ar- and radiographic OA.35,36 Moreover, the risk of OA of the knee
terial stiffness.27 MMP-9 is involved in the rupture of the fibrous increases progressively with increasing BMI. Prospective stud-
154 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis and comorbidities Alekseeva and Nasonov
ies have revealed that excess body mass contributes to the of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and transforming growth
progression of the radiographic manifestations of knee OA.37 factor-1 (TGF-1).46 Leptin, IGF-1, and TGF-1 can be found
In a prospective cohort study, Wang et al found that both in the cartilage of osteoarthritic patients (in osteophytes), but
central obesity and the amount of fat mass represent risk not in the cartilage of disease-free patients.47 Moreover, os-
factors for arthroplasty of the knee and hip joints.38 Interest- teophytes are associated with increased TGF1 expression.
ingly, not only is increased body weight associated with an TGF1 induces fibrotic changes in the synovial membrane,
increased risk of OA, but it was also shown that weight loss bone sclerosis, and the differentiation of stem cells from the
causes a decrease in the risk of OA. A 2-kg/m2 decrease in periosteal layer, resulting in the formation of osteophytes.48
BMI was shown to reduce the risk of OA development by more An experimental study showed that injections of leptin into
than 50% at 10 years.39 the joints of healthy rats caused symptoms of OA.45 In addi-
tion, Miller et al showed that a decrease in serum leptin levels
There is also some evidence of an association between obe- may be one of the mechanisms by which weight loss slows
sity and OA of the joints of the hand. A study in female twins down the progression of OA.49
has shown that obesity is an important risk factor for the
development of OA of the knee and carpometacarpal joints, Treatment of OA
with a significant 9% to 13% increase in the risk of OA per The data presented above suggest that we can consider OA
each additional kilogram of body weight.40 A recently pub- as a disease that is pathogenetically related to cardiovascular
lished systematic review confirms the existence of a posi- diseases, obesity, and other metabolic conditions. As a result,
tive association between body weight and OA development the examination of OA patients should not be limited to the
in the hands.41 assessment of their articular disorder, but rather should be
comprehensive, with particular attention paid to the state of
There is some controversy in the data published on the rela- their cardiovascular system. This highlights the importance of
tionship between obesity and OA of the hip. Some researchers having an integrated approach when choosing a treatment,
identified a clear correlation between BMI and the risk of hip which should ideally combine nonpharmacological and phar-
OA,42 while others did not find any correlation at all.43 macological therapy. Patients should be informed about their
condition, its main symptoms, and what may cause its pro-
However, a majority of studies have demonstrated an asso- gression. Patient education is, therefore, required in order to
ciation between OA and obesity. Excess weight increases the teach patients to follow an exercise regimen at work and at
load on the skeleton and causes lesions in bone and mus- home and to perform regular aerobic exercise. Physical ex-
cle tissue. Pressure-sensitive mechanoreceptors capable of ercise regimens should be individualized, taking into account
triggering a signaling cascade were found on the surface of the presence of comorbidities and their severity. Patients should
chondrocytes.17 Activation of these mechanoreceptors can clearly understand that overweight, especially of the viscer-
lead to the expression of cytokines, metalloproteinases, pros- al type, is a confounding factor for the disease and, there-
taglandins, and nitric oxide.19 Experimental data show that, fore, the target is not only to prevent weight gain, but also to
under certain conditions, overload can trigger the inhibition reduce it. In addition, information should be provided on the
of matrix synthesis and degradation of cartilage.44 Obesity can use of orthopedic devices that facilitate the reduction of the
potentially induce cartilage damage through activation of the load applied to the joints.
The main goals of pharmacological therapy in OA are effec-
Available data not only suggest an effect of overweight on tive pain relief, suppression of inflammation in the joint, im-
the development of OA in the knee joints, but also confirm provement in functional capacity, and prevention of disease
the existence of other mechanisms related to obesity that can progression. When treating the clinical manifestations of OA
change the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue and lead in patients with obesity and other metabolic diseases (AH,
to the development of OA. Adipose tissue is an active meta- CAD, etc)or who are at high risk of their development
bolic and endocrine organ producing hormones and bioac- doctors should thoroughly think through their choice of ther-
tive substances, such as adipokines (also known as adipo- apy. In the presence of comorbidities, the excessive and un-
cytokines), that have various biological effects and underlie reasonable prescribing of drugs without first considering the
the association of obesity with concomitant diseases. Thus, particularities of their interactions can lead to a sharp increase
leptin and adiponectin can have an influence on cartilage, in the risk of adverse effects and a worsening of the disease.
bone tissue, and vascular walls. Adipokines, including lep-
tin, are involved in the local modulation of articular cartilage NSAIDs are commonly used to relieve pain in osteoarthritic
metabolism.45 Elevated levels of leptin were found in both the patients, in accordance with the European League Against
synovial fluid and subchondral bone of osteoarthritic patients. Rheumatism (EULAR), Osteoarthritis Research International
Mainard et al demonstrated the importance of leptin in the (OARSI), and American College of Rheumatology (ACR) treat-
pathogenesis of OA by showing its impact on the synthesis ment guidelines. However, despite their being the most com-
Osteoarthritis and comorbidities Alekseeva and Nasonov MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 155
monly prescribed drugs for the treatment of OA, NSAIDs were nally, it should also be borne in mind that NSAIDs can reduce
shown to cause a significant proportion of side effects in phar- the efficacy of drugs used in the conventional therapy of CVD
maco-epidemiological studies, especially due to their improp- (-blockers, diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhib-
er use in elderly patients with comorbidities. Both selective itors, and, to a lesser extent, calcium channel blockers).
and nonselective NSAIDs have pronounced anti-inflammato-
ry and analgesic effects, but in patients with OA and metabol- Conclusion
ic diseases (obesity, AH, CAD, etc), or at high risk of develop- Current data suggest that OA is a disease that is pathogenet-
ing them, they may cause a number of side effects that can ically related to cardiovascular diseases and other metabol-
aggravate the course of cardiovascular conditions. An in- ic conditions. The problem of comorbidity in patients with OA
creased risk of cardiovascular accidents (myocardial infarc- has clear prognostic significance. Early recognition of the
tion, stroke, and sudden cardiac death) can be considered to comorbid conditions associated with OA and their compre-
be a class-specific side effect for all NSAIDs.50 NSAIDs can hensive treatment with well-evidenced therapies will substan-
cause the destabilization of AH and progression of heart fail- tially reduce cardiovascular risks and improve patient prog-
ure and it was found that NSAID treatment in patients with a nosis. I
history of heart disease increases the likelihood of hospitaliza- Acknowledgements. Professor Eugeny L. Nasonov is chief editor of
tion due to heart failure by 10 times (odds ratio=10.5), com- Scientific-Practical Rheumatology (Russia) and on the editorial board of
pared with patients not taking NSAIDs (odds ratio=1.6).51 Fi- Clinical Rheumatology (EULAR).
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Keywords: arterial hypertension; cardiovascular system; comorbidity; metabolic disorder; obesity; osteoarthritis; pathogen-
esis; treatment goal
Larthrose est la pathologie la plus courante du systme musculosquelettique et la cause principale de handicap et
dincapacit fonctionnelle chez ladulte. Daprs un nombre significatif dtudes, les patients arthrosiques ont un
risque nettement plus important de dvelopper des comorbidits que ceux qui nont pas darthrose. Larthrose se re-
trouve le plus souvent associe aux maladies cardiovasculaires, dont lhypertension artrielle, lobsit, au diabte
et aux maladies pulmonaires. Lassociation de diverses maladies chroniques avec des pathologies du systme mus-
culosquelettique, en particulier larthrose, va devenir de plus en plus frquente et cela aura des consquences non
seulement sur les systmes de soins de sant, mais aussi sur la qualit de vie. Les liens entre larthrose et les trou-
bles comorbides peuvent sexpliquer, en partie, par des mcanismes tiologiques et pathogntiques communs, ou
peuvent tre lis aux processus biologiques du vieillissement, qui peuvent conduire non seulement au dveloppe-
ment, mais peut-tre aussi au maintien des comorbidits. Les donnes prsentes dans cet article suggrent que
larthrose est lie pathogntiquement aux maladies cardiovasculaires, lobsit et dautres troubles mtabo-
liques. Ainsi, lexamen des patients arthrosiques ne devrait pas se limiter lvaluation de leur pathologie articulaire,
mais devrait tre plus complet, en faisant particulirement attention leur systme cardiovasculaire. Ceci souligne
limportance de lusage dune approche globale lors du choix des traitements dans larthrose.
Osteoarthritis and comorbidities Alekseeva and Nasonov MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 157
steoarthritis (OA) is a disease not only of the cartilage, but also of the
whole joint. In osteoarthritis and chronic inflammatory arthritides, the
intensity of the inflammatory response of the joint determines juxta-
articular bone loss. Thus, in rheumatoid arthritis, the intense synovial and car-
tilage inflammation, pannus formation, and systemic bone loss induce in-
creased subchondral bone turnover with subsequent juxta-articular bone loss.
By contrast, the mild and patchy synovitis seen in osteoarthritis results in low-
er subchondral bone turnover and less subsequent bone loss than in rheuma-
toid arthritislike conditions. Angiogenesis and sensory nerve growth also
contribute to joint damage to different extents in these arthropathies. How-
ever, the main underlying pathogenic mechanisms may be common among
these joint diseases. A better understanding of the biological events involved
in inflammation-induced bone loss in these diseases could lead to the iden-
Bone and Joint Research Unit
Rheumatology Service tification of novel therapeutic strategies for the prevention of bone loss and
IIS Fundacin Jimnez Daz also potentially progression of joint damage.
Universidad Autnoma
Medicographia. 2013;35:158-163 (see French abstract on page 163)
Madrid, SPAIN
O cartilage, but also the whole joint. The involvement of subchondral bone in
OA is of great relevance and interest, as are changes that occur in the syn-
ovial membrane, tidemarks, and periarticular structures in the course of the dis-
ease.1,2 Thus, acquired or genetically conditioned biomechanical and biochemical
alterations affecting any joint tissue may cause anomalous intra-articular stresses
and subsequent tissue damage associated with a failure of repair.3 OA is charac-
terized by pain, stiffness, and functional impairment ultimately resulting in chronic
disability and significant economic burden, especially in the elderly.
Subchondral bone
The bone underlying joint cartilage is composed of several specific anatomical re-
gions, including the subchondral cortical plate, subchondral trabecular bone, and
subarticular bone.4 Each region is likely to contribute to cartilage pathology in a dis-
Address for correspondence:
Professor Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont, tinct manner. Current imaging techniques show unclear anatomical boundaries be-
Bone and Joint Research Unit, tween these tissues, generating some confusion with regard to their study.5 Bone at
Fundacin Jimnez Daz,
Avenida Reyes Catlicos, 2,
the joint margins is markedly active and is frequently the site of osteophyte develop-
28040 Madrid, Spain ment in primary OA or bone erosion in inflammatory arthritis. The close relationship
(e-mail: between subchondral bone and joint cartilage, two tissues that are adjacent to one another as well as mechanically and biologically intertwined, makes them a function-
158 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 OA pathophysiology vs other rheumatological diseases Roman-Blas and Herrero-Beaumont
al unit that contributes significantly to normal joint function. of estrogen deficiency.10 Lastly, in an ovariectomized mouse
Changes to either the mechanical or biological properties of model, use of either estrogen supplementation or bisphos-
subchondral bone may alter the corresponding state of artic- phonate treatment resulted in inhibition of tibial and patellar
ular cartilage, and vice versa.6 When both tissues are damaged, subchondral cortical thinning.11 Taken together, these studies
the relationship between them changes, thereby posing an as- demonstrate a relevant and negative effect of systemic OP on
yet-unanswered question that has valuable therapeutic impli- the structure and metabolism of subchondral bone.
cations in the setting of chronic joint diseases.
Influence of osteoporosis in the remodeling of
Effect of systemic osteoporosis on subchondral subchondral bone in osteoarthritis
bone structure and remodeling It is increasingly acknowledged that articular cartilage home-
Systemic osteoporosis (OP) alters the microstructural and bi- ostasis is dependent on the integrity of the underlying bone.12-15
ological properties of subchondral bone. Compared with nor- Several studies have identified specific changes that occur to
mal and osteoarthritic femoral heads, the femoral heads of the architecture and turnover of subchondral bone in OA.16,17
patients with OP show the least stiff and dense subchondral The study of the influence of OP on subchondral bone remod-
bone plates (OA femoral heads show values in between nor- eling could reveal relevant mechanisms involved in the devel-
mal and OP femoral heads). Although osteoporotic bone has opment of OA. Thus, our group developed a rabbit model of
been found to contain less mineral, its organic and water con- surgically-induced OA preceded by OP, and demonstrated
tents have been found to be proportionally higher, suggesting that microstructure impairment in subchondral bone asso-
no change in the relative amount of organic matrix.7 Studies in ciated with increased remodeling increases cartilage dam-
different animal models have reported that OP has a negative age.9 Indeed, compared with control and OA knees, OPOA
effect on subchondral bone integrity.8-10 In an experimental knees demonstrated diminished subchondral bone area/tissue
model of OP in rabbits, which was induced by glucocorticoid area, trabecular thickness, and polar moment of inertia, as
administration and ovariectomy, subchondral bone mineral well as a pronounced decline in subchondral plate thickness.
density was significantly lower compared with controls.8 This Compared with controls, the subchondral bone of OA, OP,
experimental model also showed a decrease in subchondral and OPOA knees showed a decrease in alkaline phosphatase
plate thickness and only a negative tendency in bone area expression and OPG/RANKL ratio as well as an increase in
fraction and trabecular thickness values, while the microar- the fractal dimension and MMP-9 expression. In addition, the
chitecture index fractal dimension was increased. The de- severity of cartilage damage was increased in OPOA knees
crease in subchondral plate thickness would indicate that versus controls. Remarkably, good correlations were observed
this experimental model of OP exhibits a much more profound between structural and remodeling parameters in subchon-
effect on subchondral cortical bone than subchondral tra- dral bone, and furthermore, between subchondral structural
becular bone. Increased remodeling in favor of subchondral parameters and cartilage Mankin score.
bone resorption has also been reported in osteoporotic rab-
bits, as determined by reduced alkaline phosphatase expres- In line with our results, a decrease in subchondral plate thick-
sion and increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)9 expres- ness was also reported in an ovariectomized murine model
sion, also supported by a decrease in the osteoprotegerin of intra-articular iodoacetate-induced knee OA,11 as well as
(OPG)/receptor activator of nuclear factor-B ligand (RANKL) in experimental models of OA evaluating the early disease
ratio compared with healthy controls.9 In ovariectomized sheep, stage.13,14,18-20 Thinning and porosity of the subchondral plate
bone volume fraction was found to be reduced in subchon- were only present in the medial compartment and were relat-
dral bone compared with controls. Trabeculae were also sig- ed to superjacent cartilage damage, while in the canine ante-
nificantly thinner in these animals, with reduced connectivity rior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT)medial meniscectomy
density, and significant alterations observed in the trabecu- model of OA,20 trabecular bone changes were mostly found in
lar architecture under the tibial plateau following 12 months the lateral compartment and were related to mechanical un-
loading. Thickening of the subchondral plate has, however,
been described in animal models of surgically-induced OA cor-
responding to late-stage disease.13,19,21 Remarkably, in some
ACLT anterior cruciate ligament transection of these studies, the early decrease in subchondral plate thick-
AIA antigen-induced arthritis ness was followed by late plate thickening.13,19 Furthermore,
BML bone marrow lesion in the rat ACLT and meniscectomy models of OA, increased
MMP matrix metalloproteinase mRNA levels of cathepsin K and tartrate-resistant acid phos-
OA osteoarthritis phatase were found in subchondral bone at week 2 postsur-
OP osteoporosis gery, as well as invasion of cathepsin K+ osteoclasts into the
OPG osteoprotegerin articular cartilage from the subchondral region. These events
RANKL receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand thus confirm that bone resorption is an early event in the dis-
ease course of OA. Upregulation of the osteoanabolic mark-
OA pathophysiology vs other rheumatological diseases Roman-Blas and Herrero-Beaumont MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 159
ers runx2 and osterix was observed from week 4 to 6 post- Effects of systemic osteoporosis in osteoarthritis
surgery, which is thought to constitute the pathophysiolog- A complex and paradoxical relationship seems to exist be-
ical basis for late events in the disease course of OA such as tween OA and OP, although there is increasing evidence to
subchondral sclerosis and osteophyte formation. Local and support a close biomolecular and mechanical association be-
temporal regulation of matrix degradation, differentiation, and tween subchondral bone and cartilage.15 Indeed, microarray
vascular invasion markers was seen in articular cartilage in a profiles have identified a number of genes differentially ex-
manner consistent with the aforementioned changes in sub- pressed in osteoarthritic bone that are key players in the struc-
chondral bone.22 ture and function of both bone and cartilage. These include
genes involved in the Wingless-type mouse mammary tumor
In human knee OA, cartilage damage is frequently associat- virus/-catenin (Wnt/-catenin) and transforming growth fac-
ed with thickening of the subchondral plate and osteophyte tor/mothers against decapentaplegic (TGF-/SMAD) sig-
development.16,23 Aside from this hypertrophic OA, some au- naling pathways and their targets.30 Furthermore, aggrecan
thors consider that there is another variant, the atrophic form, production, as well as SOX9, type II collagen, and parathyroid
which is characterized by a lack of osteophytes and loss of hormonerelated protein mRNA expression, were inhibited in
subchondral bone volume in OA patients with compromised sclerotic but not nonsclerotic osteoblasts, while expression
hip and knee.24 This atrophic form probably shares several of MMP-3, MMP-13, and osteoblast-specific factor 1 by hu-
etiopathogenic mechanisms and phenotypic features with OA man OA chondrocytes was augmented in a coculture system.
associated with OP (Table). Furthermore, the correlation ob- Thus, sclerotic osteoarthritic subchondral osteoblasts may
served in hypertrophic OA between serum levels of C-propep- contribute to cartilage degradation and chondrocyte hyper-
tide and type II collagenase has been found to be lost in atroph- trophy.31 In addition, in our animal model of OA preceded by
ic OA, the latter showing reduced type II collagen synthesis.25 OP, improvement in subchondral bone integrity was shown
This could contribute to the absence of osteophyte formation to reduce the progression of cartilage damage, suggesting a
as well as the increased subchondral bone turnover seen in direct relationship between these two conditions.32 On the oth-
rapidly progressive hip and knee OA. Of note, the presence er hand, several cross-sectional studies have demonstrated
Role of osteoporosis
Subchondral Systemic Cartilage in disease progression Table.
Disease type bone remodeling osteoporosis inflammation (cartilage degradation) Etiopathogenic
Atrophic OA* ++ (toward resorption) ++ ? ++ ++ (predominantly joint and phenotypic
space narrowing) features of
atrophic osteo-
Hypertrophic OA ++ (toward formation) +/
arthritis (OA),
Rheumatoid arthritis +++ ? +++ +++ ++ hypertrophic OA,
and rheumatoid
* Atrophic OA probably shares common development events with OA associated with osteoporosis. arthritis, and the
+/ presence or absence; + mild; ++ moderate; +++ severe. involvement of
of subchondral bone attrition in knee OA, defined as flatten- an inverse relationship between OP and OA,33,34 although oth-
ing or depression of the osseous articular surface, is strong- ers have produced opposite results.35 Confounding variables
ly associated with subchondral bone marrow lesions (BMLs) such as race, obesity, and physical activity could explain the
on magnetic resonance imaging. In turn, BMLs reflect the pres- mutually exclusive relationship between OA and OP, whereby
ence of active remodeling processes due to chronic overload.26 overweight individuals and/or those who undertake exces-
Cartilage loss occurs in the same knee subregions as sub- sive physical activity could have a higher risk of developing
chondral bone attrition.27 In addition, it is possible that in post- OA and having a higher bone mass.
traumatic OA, trabecular microarchitecture changes differ from
those in primary OA. Indeed it has been proposed that during Recently, we proposed that high as well as low bone mass
the early postoperative period in the canine ACL-deficient knee, conditions can result in OA induction and/or progression.5
disuse osteopenia can potentially occur due to decreased Thus, both bone mass phenotypes may be considered risk
loadbearing.28 Likewise, subchondral bone in animal models of factors for OA initiation. The presence of other risk factors such
OA with early stages of the disease has shown both decreased as skeletal shape abnormalities, joint overload, or obesity may
volume and stiffness and increased remodeling.29 The impact have a synergistic effect regarding OA initiation. In addition,
of these subchondral bone changes in OA is still a matter for inflammatory mediators released by the articular cartilage in
debate, in part due to the heterogeneity of the disease. OA may lead to subchondral bone loss through increased
160 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 OA pathophysiology vs other rheumatological diseases Roman-Blas and Herrero-Beaumont
bone remodeling. Accordingly, treatment goals for OA must growth,43 acting in a paracrine manner on the subchondral
consider improvement of subchondral bone integrity. This bone plate. We have also shown that RANKL synthesized by
therapeutic approach should be individualized according to prostaglandin E2stimulated mature articular chondrocytes
the patients bone mineral density status and OA pheno- is also biologically active and is responsible for the mononu-
type, and the use of drugs should also subsequently be in- clear cell differentiation into osteoclast in the absence of ex-
dividualized for each patient. Recent findings suggest that ogenous RANKL.41
the same drugs could be useful for treating both processes
simultaneously, at least in a subgroup of patients with OA and By contrast, in OA, mild synovial hyperplasia is predominant-
concomitant OP.32 ly present, with proliferation and activation of lining cells as-
sociated with fibrosis-related changes.44-46 Synovial inflamma-
Effect of chronic synovitis on subchondral tory infiltrates are composed of mononuclear cells that appear
bone remodeling in far less abundance than in the synovium in rheumatoid arthri-
Juxta-articular bone loss is related to the intensity of the in- tis, and they are distributed in a patchy pattern, mostly con-
flammatory response in the affected joint.36,37 This fact is ob- fined to areas adjacent to sites of damaged cartilage, there-
served not only in rheumatoid arthritis, but also in other arthri- by increasing OA severity throughout the disease course.47,48
tides associated with a high degree of inflammation.38,39 Juvenile The inflammatory synovial changes are associated with in-
idiopathic arthritis, seronegative spondyloarthropathies, sys- creased production of proinflammatory cytokines and medi-
temic lupus erythematosus, as well as septic arthritis, are all ators of OA joint damage.49 The Krenn synovitis score was
rheumatic diseases in which intense inflammation is associ- found to be well correlated with subchondral bone structural
ated with skeletal pathology. Although some of the mecha- parameters in an experimental model of OA preceded by OP.46
nisms of skeletal remodeling are shared among these dis- Furthermore, rabbits with surgery-induced knee OA showed
eases, each disease has a unique impact on articular bone or a lower synovial inflammatory response and less subchondral
the axial or appendicular skeleton.39 bone loss than rabbits with AIA.41 Remarkably, RANKL ex-
pression in OA cartilageparticularly in calcified cartilage
Various hormones, cytokines, and chemokines produced by was less than in AIA cartilage, suggesting that the relevant
the inflamed synovial membrane have been reported to be involvement of this osteoclastogenic molecule in subchondral
involved in juxta-articular osteoporosis in these diseases.36 bone loss in OA is smaller in degree than in chronic inflamma-
The inflammatory mediators modulate the expression of the tory arthritis.41
crucial factor RANKL, in whose presence macrophages dif-
ferentiate into bone-resorbing osteoclasts in zones of contact In addition, inflammation drives synovial angiogenesis through
between the inflamed synovium and subchondral bone, as macrophage activation, which in turn perpetuates inflamma-
described in rheumatoid arthritis.40 In addition to membrane- tion and synovial hyperplasia, inducing pannus formation to
bound RANKL in osteoblasts, RANKL secreted by synovial variable extents. This is a well-recognized pathogenic mech-
cells actively promotes bone destruction in chronic inflamma- anism in the rheumatoid arthritis joint. Novel studies, howev-
tory arthritis.37 Hence, high local RANKL concentrations lead er, have identified the presence of increased angiogenesis in
to increased osteoclastogenesis at the bone-pannus interface. the synovium, osteophytes, menisci, and osteochondral junc-
tion in OA patients.50 Channels extending from subchondral
We have recently described that RANKL expressed by chon- bone into noncalcified articular cartilage provide the anatom-
drocytes also contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of ical basis for angiogenesis and sensory nerve growth through
the juxta-articular bone loss associated with chronic arthritis the osteochondral junction. Thus, to different extents, angio-
in a rabbit model that develops a more intense and destruc- genesis also contributes to structural damage in chronic joint
tive version of the well-established antigen-induced arthritis diseases.50
(AIA).41 This experimental arthritis was found to be accom-
panied by severe juxta-articular bone loss, as estimated by In summary, the intensity of the inflammatory response of the
x-ray and bone mineral density measurement. The increase in joint determines the juxta-articular bone loss in OA and
RANKL expression in the cartilage of AIA rabbits was linked chronic inflammatory arthritides. In articular conditions such
to the particular presence of extracellular RANKL in the cal- as rheumatoid arthritis, the intense synovial and cartilage in-
cified cartilage. Previous results from our group have also flammation, pannus formation, and systemic bone loss will
shown that RANKL is localized in the extracellular matrix of lead to high production of key biological mediators such as
human OA cartilage and could reach the subchondral bone RANKL, which are involved in increased subchondral bone
through the calcified cartilage.42 These results indicate that turnover with subsequent juxta-articular bone loss. By con-
chondrocyte-synthesized RANKL acts on subchondral bone trast, during the OA disease process, mild and patchy synovi-
cells, stimulating juxta-articular bone loss. Other studies have tis will occur with less RANKL expression in cartilage, resulting
demonstrated that soluble RANKL produced by hypertrophic in lower subchondral bone turnover and subsequent bone
chondrocytes is a biologically active molecule during bone loss than in rheumatoid arthritislike conditions. In addition,
OA pathophysiology vs other rheumatological diseases Roman-Blas and Herrero-Beaumont MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 161
angiogenesis and sensory nerve growth also contribute to the biological events involved in inflammation-induced bone
joint damage to varying extents in these arthropathies. How- loss will potentially lead to the identification of novel thera-
ever, the main underlying pathogenic mechanisms may be peutic strategies for the prevention of bone loss, and poten-
common among these joint diseases. Further elucidation of tially joint damage progression, in these diseases. I
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OA pathophysiology vs other rheumatological diseases Roman-Blas and Herrero-Beaumont MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 163
b y A . G u e r m a z i , F. W. R o e m e r,
and H. K. Genant, USA and Germany
steoarthritis is a highly prevalent joint disorder primarily affecting eld-
erly people worldwide. The importance of imaging for assessment
of all the structures of the joint such as cartilage, meniscus, subartic-
ular bone marrow, and synovium for diagnosis, prognostication, and follow-
up has been well recognized over the past decade. Conventional radiography
is still the most commonly used imaging technique for evaluation of a patient
with a known or suspected diagnosis of osteoarthritis. However, recent MRI-
based knee osteoarthritis studies have begun to reveal the limitations of ra-
diography. The ability of MRI to image the knee as a whole organ and to di-
Ali GUERMAZI,a MD, PhD rectly and three-dimensionally assess cartilage morphology and composition
Frank W. ROEMER,b MD plays a crucial role in understanding the natural history of the disease and in
Quantitative Imaging Center the search for new therapies. Use of the appropriate MRI pulse sequences is
Department of Radiology crucial to assess the various features of osteoarthritis, and support from ex-
Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston, USA perienced musculoskeletal radiologists is necessary for study design, image
Department of Radiology acquisition, and interpretation. This article describes the roles and limitations
Klinikum Augsburg of conventional radiography and MRI in osteoarthritis imaging, and also pro-
Augsburg, GERMANY vides some insight into the use of other modalities such as ultrasound, nuclear
medicine, computed tomography, and computed tomography arthrography
in clinical practice and research in osteoarthritis, with a particular emphasis
on the assessment of knee osteoarthritis in the tibiofemoral joint.
Medicographia. 2013;35:164-171 (see French abstract on page 171)
O creasingly common, posing major health and economic challenges for ag-
ing industrialized societies. Despite various surgical and symptom-oriented
approaches, there is still no definitive disease-modifying therapy, other than total
Harry K. GENANT, MD joint replacement, for this complex and heterogeneous disease.
Department of Radiology
University of California
San Francisco, USA
Most research studies of knee OA involve acquisition of conventional radiographs
and magnetic resonance images, including the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI,, one of the largest epidemiological OA stud-
Address for correspondence:
Professor Ali Guermazi, Department ies.1 The OAI is an ongoing 4-year observational study of approximately 4800 par-
of Radiology, Boston University ticipants, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, and targeted at identify-
School of Medicine, 820 Harrison
Avenue, FGH Building, 3rd Floor, ing the most reliable and sensitive biomarkers for evaluating the development and
Boston, MA 02118, USA progression of symptomatic knee OA. Data from baseline through the 48-month
(e-mail: follow-up visit for the entire cohort were made publically available in 2011. This ar- ticle aims to describe the current role of radiography and magnetic resonance im-
164 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others
Conventional radiography
Radiography is the simplest and least
expensive imaging technique. It can
detect OA-associated bony features
including marginal osteophytes, sub-
chondral sclerosis, and subchondral
cysts.2 Radiography can also deter- Figure 1. Multitissue contribution to joint space narrowing.
(A) Baseline anterior-posterior radiograph showing doubtful joint space narrowing in the medial tibiofemoral com-
mine joint space width (JSW), an in- partment (arrowheads). (B) Follow-up image at 24 months showing a definite increase in joint space loss medially
direct surrogate of cartilage thickness (arrows).(C) Corresponding baseline intermediate-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing normal
and meniscal integrity, but precise cartilaginous tibiofemoral surface and no relevant meniscal extrusion. (D) MRI at 24 months showing definite menis-
cal extrusion (arrows) likely to be responsible for the joint space narrowing on the radiograph.
measurement of each of these artic-
ular structures is not possible by x-ray.3 Despite this, slowing The severity of OA can be estimated using semiquantitative
of radiographically detected joint space narrowing (JSN) is the scoring systems. Published atlases provide images that repre-
only structural end point currently recommended by the reg- sent specific grades.2 The most widely used system, the Kell-
ulatory bodies in the United States (US Food and Drug Ad- gren and Lawrence (K&L) classification,5 has limitations, espe-
ministration [FDA]) and in Europe (European Medicines Agency cially as K&L grade 3 includes all degrees of JSN, regardless
[EMA]) to prove the efficacy of disease-modifying OA drugs of the actual extent. In contrast, the Osteoarthritis Research
in phase-3 clinical trials. OA is defined radiographically by the Society International (OARSI) atlas2 classification grades tibio-
presence of osteophytes.4 Progression of JSN is the most femoral JSW and osteophytes separately for each compart-
commonly used criterion for the assessment of OA progres- ment of the knee. Compartmental scoring appears to be more
sion and the complete loss of JSW characterized by bone- sensitive to longitudinal radiographic changes than K&L grading.
on-bone contact is one of the indicators for joint replacement.
Methods of JSW measurement can be manual or semiauto-
mated using computer software. However, previously held be-
liefs that JSN and its changes are the only visible evidence of
BML bone marrow lesion cartilage damage have been shown to be incorrect. Recent
CE-MRI contrast-enhanced MRI studies have demonstrated that alterations in the meniscus,
CT computed tomography such as meniscal extrusion or subluxation, also contribute to
DESS double-echo steady state JSN (Figure 1).3 The lack of sensitivity and specificity of radi-
dGEMRIC delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage ography for the detection of the pathologic features associ-
FLASH fast low-angle shot ated with OA, and the poor sensitivity to change at follow-up
GRE gradient-recalled echo imaging, are inherent limitations of radiography.
JSN joint space narrowing
JSW joint space width Interestingly, an older methoddigital tomosynthesishas
K&L Kellgren and Lawrence lately experienced a revival. Tomosynthesis generates an ar-
MRI magnetic resonance imaging bitrary number of section images from a single pass of the x-
OA osteoarthritis ray tube. Using 3T MRI as a reference, Hayashi et al found
OAI Osteoarthritis Initiative that tomosynthesis depicted more osteophytes and subchon-
PET positron emission tomography dral cysts than radiography.6 The clinical availability of these
SPGR spoiled gradient echo systems is currently limited, but the potential of this tech-
nique for OA research may be worth exploring.
Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 165
Figure 3. Development of a focal cartilage defect over two years as visualized with 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
(A) Coronal intermediate-weighted image showing a small superficial cartilage defect in the weight-bearing part of the medial femoral condyle (arrow). (B) Follow-up
MRI at 12 months reveals extension of defect to the subchondral bone, now representing a full-thickness focal lesion (arrow). (C) MRI image at 24 months showing
a slight increase in the size of the focal full thickness defect.
166 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others
Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 167
In healthy cartilage, T2 values increase from deep to super- index over 12 months in the medial but not in the lateral tibio-
ficial cartilage layers.28 It has been shown that T2 values are femoral compartment. This finding supports the notion that
related to age and activity levels and that they are associated body weight affects disease progression and emphasizes the
with OA severity.29,30 T2* relaxation measures have also been role of weight loss in clinical and structural improvement.38
tested for their ability to depict the collagen matrix. T2* map-
ping was shown to be a reproducible process that can differ- Novel compositional techniques have been reported. Raya et
entiate between OA and non-OA subjects.31 al studied the feasibility of in vivo diffusion tensor imaging at
7T MRI and demonstrated better discrimination of OA ver-
T1rho is also sensitive to the interactions of water with macro- sus non-OA knees than with T2 mapping.39 Although this tech-
molecules. It has been shown to correlate with the proteogly- nique shows promise, it will have to be more practical and
can concentration in cartilage,32 and is also sensitive to col- widely available for use with standard MRI systems before it
lagen.33 Although T1rho has been shown to have a larger can be applied in broader clinical research settings.
dynamic range than T2,34 it is more complex to implement, N Quantitative cartilage morphometry
and is limited by radiofrequency power deposition. It has been Quantitative analysis of knee OA features has been applied
reported that T1rho and T2 values show different spatial dis- mainly to cartilage morphology, where the three-dimensional
tributions and may provide complementary information on car- nature of MRI data can be exploited to assess tissue param-
tilage degeneration.35 eters such as volume, thickness, or other continuous vari-
ables. The real strength of quantitative measurements is that
Sodium MRI and the delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of they are more objective and less observer-dependent than
cartilage technique (dGEMRIC) are designed to measure fixed semiquantitative scoring methods and that relatively small
charge densities in cartilage and, by implication, its proteo- changes in cartilage thickness or volume can be detected over
glycan content (Figure 6).36 These techniques are based on time.40 Correctly segmenting the cartilage requires well-trained
the premise that mobile ions will distribute themselves in car- users, working either manually or with segmentation software.
tilage in relation to the concentration of the charged proteo- Most investigations have focused on measuring cartilage vol-
glycan molecules; in MRI, the mobile ions are the naturally ume, but volume has its limitations. Discrimination of patients
abundant sodium, or the negatively charged MRI contrast with OA from healthy subjects is limited because men in
agent Gd(DTPA)2 (Magnevist, Berlex, NJ, USA). general, and anybody with large bones, will have larger joint
surfaces and more cartilage volume, so there is a wide over-
In the dGEMRIC technique, Gd(DTPA)2 is injected intravenous- lap between groups.41 While this problem can be mostly over-
ly, and images are acquired typically around 90 minutes af- come by adjusting the analysis for the bone surface area in
ter injection. The negative charge on the Gd(DTPA)2 molecule each subject, a new analytic strategy called extended ordered
causes it to disperse into the cartilage in inverse relation to values has been proposed.42 The extended ordered values
the negatively charged glycosaminoglycan molecular concen- approach sorts changes in subregional thickness in the me-
tration.37 A recent interventional study evaluating the effect dial and lateral tibial and femoral cartilage plates in ascending
of weight loss on articular cartilage showed an improvement order. This analytic method enables more efficient measure-
in cartilage quality reflected by an increase in the dGEMRIC ment of changes in cartilage thickness, independently of their
168 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others
anatomical locations, and shows better sensitivity for de- tenuation difference between the cartilage and the contrast
tecting differences in longitudinal rates of cartilage loss than medium within the joint make focal morphologic changes con-
anatomical subregions and radiography.42 spicuous. Limitations of the technique are its insensitivity to
changes of the deep layers of cartilage without surface alter-
Ultrasound ations and its invasive nature.
Ultrasound is a technique that enables multiplanar and real-
time imaging at a relatively low cost, without radiation expo- Nuclear medicine
sure. It has the ability to image soft tissue and to detect syn- Scintigraphy uses radiopharmaceuticals to visualize skeletal
ovial pathology without the need for contrast administration. metabolism, to contribute to the localization of disease, and
Limitations of ultrasound are primarily that it is an operator-de- to assess the severity of pathologic changes in OA. 99mTC-hy-
pendent technique and that the physical properties of sound droxymethane diphosphate scintigraphy shows increased
hinder its application to deeper articular structures and the activity during the bone phase in the subchondral region in
subchondral bone. The ability to detect synovial pathology is nodal hand OA.49 This finding can be observed before the typ-
perhaps the major advantage of ultrasound over radiography. ical radiographic changes and reflects the osteoblastic activ-
Ultrasound-detected grey-scale synovitis has been validated ity of early cartilage loss. A study comparing MRI with scintig-
against arthroscopy, MRI, and histology in large-joint OA, and raphy in patients with chronic knee pain demonstrated good
ultrasound has been demonstrated to be more sensitive than agreement between MRI-detected subchondral BMLs and
clinical examination in detecting synovial hypertrophy and joint radionuclide uptake, but generally poor agreement between
effusion.43 Additionally, color-coded Doppler signal has been increased bone uptake and cartilage defects or osteophytes.50
validated as an indirect measure of histological synovial vas- A prospective study showed that a normal bone scan at base-
cularity in large-joint OA.44 Tissues other than synovium have line was highly predictive of a lack of progression of knee OA
also been studied using ultrasound. Saarakkala et al com- over a 5-year period.51 Two other recent studies showed that
pared knee ultrasonography to arthroscopic grading for de- scintigraphy may predict JSN, but no better than baseline ra-
tecting degenerative changes in articular cartilage.45,46 The au- diographic or pain status.52,53
thors concluded that positive findings on ultrasound are strong
indicators of degenerative changes in cartilage, but also stat- Positron emission tomography (PET) demonstrates metabol-
ed that negative findings do not rule out degenerative cartilage ic changes in target tissues and can detect foci of inflamma-
alterations. A study by Kawaguchi et al used ultrasound to tion, infection, and tumors. PET utilizes 2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxy
look at medial radial displacement of the meniscus in the D-glucose (FDG) and reflects glucose metabolism. A recent
supine and weight-bearing positions and showed that the pilot study in knees with medial OA showed increased uptake
medial meniscus was significantly displaced radially by weight in periarticular regions, the intercondylar notch, and also in
bearing in control knees and in knees with K&L grades 1-3.46 areas of subchondral bone marrow corresponding to MRI-de-
Its use with dynamic and weight-bearing conditions is one tected BMLs.54 A recent animal study showed increased up-
of the inherent strengths of ultrasound and warrants further take of FDG after experimentally induced knee OA in rats,
exploration. suggesting that PET could be useful for early detection of OA
changes.55 However, whether FDG-PET will have a role in the
Computed tomography assessment of OA in a clinical and research setting remains
CT is a valuable tool for the characterization of OA, particular- to be seen. Limitations of PET include its limited availability,
ly when imaging of osseous changes or detailed presurgical high radiation exposure, and costs.
planning is required. Helical multidetector (MD) CT systems
enable acquisition of isotropic voxels and multiplanar recon- Conclusion
structions in any given plane with quality equal to the original Conventional radiography is still the first and most widely used
plane. Cortical bone and soft tissue calcifications are better imaging technique for evaluation of a patient with a known or
depicted than on MRI. CT has an established clinical role in suspected diagnosis of OA. In research and clinical trials it is
assessing facet joint OA of the spine.47 Drawbacks are its low the only EMA- and FDA-recommended imaging modality for
soft-tissue contrast and the relatively high dose of radiation it defining the inclusion criteria and efficacy end points of a clin-
delivers. CT arthrography is an alternative method for indirect ical trial. However, radiography has its limitations and well-de-
visualization of cartilage and other intrinsic joint structures, fined MRI-based diagnostic criteria of OA are needed. MRI
especially in the knee joint. CT arthrography may be relevant plays a crucial role in understanding the natural history of the
especially where access to MRI facilities is limited or when disease and in guiding future therapies due to its ability to
MRI is contraindicated. Spiral CT arthrography of the knee image the knee as a whole organ and to directly and three-
and shoulder enables excellent imaging of the articular sur- dimensionally assess cartilage morphology and composition.
face.48 Penetration of contrast medium into the deeper layers Ultrasound and contrast-enhanced MRI play important sub-
of the cartilage surface indicates an articular-side defect of the sidiary roles in the diagnosis and follow-up of treatment of OA-
chondral surface. The high spatial resolution and the high at- related synovitis. I
Imaging of osteoarthritis Guermazi and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 169
1. Eckstein F, Wirth W, Nevitt MC. Recent advances in osteoarthritis imagingthe System (HOAMS): reliability and associations with radiographic and clinical find-
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b y C . R o u b i l l e , J . M a r t e l - Pe l l e t i e r,
a n d J . P. Pe l l e t i e r, C a n a d a
steoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and results in pain
and reduced quality of life. Although a structure-modifying treatment
remains the greatest unmet need in osteoarthritis, several sympto-
matic treatments are available. This article will review the nonpharmacolog-
ical approaches and pharmacological treatments currently available for os-
teoarthritis management, as well as the surgical treatments available for the
condition. At present, a multimodal approach combining nonpharmacologi-
cal and pharmacological treatments is still the best option for the manage-
ment of osteoarthritis, as recommended in the guidelines of Osteoarthritis
Research Society International and the American College of Rheumatology.
Camille ROUBILLE, MD Nonpharmacological management mainly relies on patient education, exer-
cise, prevention of injuries, weight loss in overweight patients, and use of or-
thotic devices. Pharmacological symptomatic treatments include a number
of analgesic options such as acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, duloxetine, topical NSAIDs, capsaicin, lidocaine patch-
es, intra-articular corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid injections, and slow-
acting drugs including glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, diacerein, and
avocado soybean unsaponifiables. When the combination of nonpharmaco-
logical and pharmacological approaches becomes unsuccessful at managing
symptoms, surgical treatment may be considered.
Medicographia. 2013;35:172-180 (see French abstract on page 180)
Nonpharmacological management
Osteoarthritis Research Unit
he combination of patient education, improved muscle strength, and reduced
University of Montreal Hospital
Research Centre
University of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
T body mass index has been reported to be joint protective. Recent guidelines
from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) strongly recommend weight
loss for overweight patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis, as well as cardiovascu-
lar and/or resistance land-based exercises and aquatic exercise.1 No preference
is made regarding aquatic versus land-based exercise, as the choice will depend
Address for correspondence: on individual ability. As to date there have been very few high-quality randomized
Professor Jean-Pierre Pelletier, controlled trials reported in the literature, the ACR conditionally recommends self-
Osteoarthritis Research Unit,
University of Montreal Hospital management programs, manual therapy in combination with supervised exercise,
Research Centre (CRCHUM), psychosocial interventions, use of thermal agents, walking aids if needed, tai chi,
Notre-Dame Hospital,
1560 Sherbrooke Street East,
Chinese acupuncture, and transcutaneous electrical stimulation. For hand os-
Montreal, Quebec H2L 4M1, teoarthritis, assistive devices, joint protection techniques, thermal modalities, and
Canada (e-mail: trapeziometacarpal joint splints are also conditionally recommended by the ACR guidelines.1
172 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others
Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 173
Table I. Adverse effects of different pharmacological options for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Abbreviations: GI, gastrointestinal; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
cus on controlling pain and improving function and quality es, acetaminophen can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver
of life while minimizing therapeutic toxicity (see Table I for an enzymes in healthy people.24 The implications of this remain
overview of the adverse effects of the different pharmacolog- unclear, but it is recommended that acetaminophen should
ical treatments available).2,3,17 For hand osteoarthritis, the re- not be used in patients with existing liver dysfunction or re-
cent ACR guidelines recommend topical capsaicin, topical lated risk factors. On the basis of the aforementioned infor-
NSAIDs, oral NSAIDs including cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 in- mation, it is recommended that the lowest effective dose of
hibitors, and tramadol.1 They also advise against the use of acetaminophen be used for pain relief.
opioids or intra-articular treatments for this condition. For knee
and hip osteoarthritis, acetaminophen, oral NSAIDs, topical NSAIDs are generally recommended for patients who are un-
NSAIDs (except for hip osteoarthritis), tramadol, and intra-ar- responsive to appropriate dosages of acetaminophen. These
ticular steroid injections are recommended.1 should be prescribed at the lowest dose and for the shortest
possible duration,17 and preferentially for inflammatory flares.
N Symptomatic treatments According to the new ACR guidelines,1 NSAIDs should be
N Oral analgesics used for the initial management of hand, hip, and knee os-
Acetaminophen remains the first-line therapeutic agent for teoarthritis, as with acetaminophen and tramadol. Moreover,
mild-to-moderate pain2,3,17 because of its low cost and its ef- for patients aged over 75 years, rather than prescribing oral
ficacy and safety profile for doses not exceeding 4 g per day NSAIDs, guidelines recommend the use of topical NSAIDs,
(although a maximum of 3 g is more advisable, in line with US duloxetine, tramadol, or intra-articular hyaluronan injections.
Food and Drug Administration recommendations). If found to In patients suffering from upper gastrointestinal ulcers with-
be successful at alleviating pain, it is recommended that acet- out any gastrointestinal bleeding in the prior year, for cases
aminophen be the preferred long-term oral analgesic.2 It has where the physician chooses to prescribe an NSAID, the ACR
been reported that acetaminophen is less effective at reliev- and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI)
ing osteoarthritis pain than NSAIDs19 but more effective than guidelines recommend the use of either a COX-2 inhibitor
placebo.20 However, this result was not confirmed by a study rather than a nonselective NSAID, or a nonselective NSAID
using WOMAC and the Lequesne index to assess efficacy.20 combined with a proton-pump inhibitor.1,17 For patients with
The use of analgesics in osteoarthritis should take into account reports of gastrointestinal bleeding within the past year, the
the clinical context, however. Significant adverse effects have use of a COX-2 inhibitor in association with a proton-pump
been reported with acetaminophen, including gastric ulcera- inhibitor is recommended.1 Although NSAIDs are known to
tions and bleeding, increased risk of mild loss of renal function be superior to acetaminophen for pain relief,19 their use is lim-
with long-term consumption, and hypertension with doses of ited by a number of adverse effects, including gastrointestinal,
up to 3 g per day.21-23 Furthermore, even at therapeutic dos- renal, and cardiovascular adverse effects, which increase with
174 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others
age.25-27 The risk level varies according to the drug and dosage. has been shown to involve centrally-mediated pain pathway
COX-2 inhibitors were shown to be as effective as convention- dysfunction, which has led to the study of drugs that have a
al NSAIDs for pain relief, with fewer gastrointestinal compli- centrally-mediated action. Duloxetine is a selective serotonin
cations,28 but with a potential cardiovascular risk27which is and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor with central nervous sys-
also shared by conventional NSAIDs. Physicians should there- tem activity that is already used in three chronic pain condi-
fore take into account their patients comorbidities and as- tions: diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and
sess their individual global risk before prescribing NSAIDs. chronic low back pain. Recently, duloxetine was found to im-
prove pain as well as function in knee osteoarthritis, as eval-
In recent years, opioids have become a widely prescribed uated by clinically relevant outcomes in two 13-week trials.33
class of drugs, especially for osteoarthritic patients who either
have contraindications or an intolerance to NSAIDs or who The drugs effect is related to a direct analgesic effect, inde-
have failed to respond to both acetaminophen and NSAID pendent of improvement of depression and anxiety. The main
treatment.2,17 Opioids are recommended by the new ACR adverse events reported included nausea, constipation, and
guidelines for patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis hyperhidrosis. Duloxetine is recommended by the ACR guide-
who have not had an adequate response to nonpharmaco- lines as an alternative treatment for patients with symptomatic
logical or pharmacological modalities and are either unwilling knee osteoarthritis who have failed to respond to both phar-
to undergo or are not candidates for total joint arthroplasty.1 macological and nonpharmacological options.1 Controlled
However, opioids are not recommended for the management trials to compare duloxetine with other interventions in os-
of hand osteoarthritisrelated pain.1 It is common to start with teoarthritis and to evaluate its efficacy in combination with
a weak opioid such as codeine or tramadol, often in combi- other therapies may be useful to potentially enhance treat-
nation with acetaminophen, and if ineffective or not tolerated, ment options.
to use a stronger opioid like hydrocodone, oxycodone, mor-
phine, or transdermal fentanyl. However, adverse events are N Topical treatments
frequent and significant, and include sedation, constipation, Adjuvant topical therapies are interesting treatments that can
urinary retention, nausea and vomiting, respiratory depression, be used to decrease the consumption of analgesics. Topical
and confusion. Impaired coordination and judgment can lead NSAIDs, such as diclofenac and ketoprofen, seem to be as
to falls, particularly in older adults who are more susceptible effective as oral NSAIDs34,35 but with a lower risk of systemic
to opioid-related effects as a result of renal insufficiency and/or exposure and gastrointestinal complications. Their principal
lower lean body mass. In elderly people, opioids may cause reported adverse effect is local skin reactions. They are rec-
severe injuries from falls, such as hip fractures, or even death. ommended as alternative or adjuvant therapy,17 although ACR
Fracture risk appears to be greater with opioids than with guidelines recommend them for the initial management of knee
NSAIDs in older people, and the risk increases with higher opi- osteoarthritis and prefer them to oral NSAIDs for patients old-
oid dosage, especially during the first 2 weeks after initiating er than 75 years of age.1
short-term opioid therapy.29 Moreover, it seems that opioids
do not improve patient functioning30 or quality of life. Capsaicin, the active principle ingredient of hot chili peppers,
can cause depletion of substance P from sensory nerve end-
Patients with osteoarthritis have been shown to have higher ings and reduce or abolish the transmission of painful stimuli.
mortality than the general population, particularly because of However, its effectiveness and safety in pain relief remains con-
cardiovascular events. This appears to be strongly related to troversial.36 A burning sensation is the most common adverse
walking disability and reduced physical activity.31 Thus, im- effect, particularly during the first week of application.36 It is
mobility resulting from osteoarthritis may shorten lifespan. One still unclear if long-term capsaicin treatment can cause per-
may wonder if opioids, by reducing patient mobility, may re- sistent desensitization of the skin that may not be totally re-
duce life expectancy by increasing cardiovascular risk. How- versible. Capsaicin is recommended by guidelines for the
ever, this relationship has not yet been established.31 The use initial management of hand osteoarthritis, but not knee os-
of opioids in a chronic and painful disease such as osteoarthri- teoarthritis.1,2
tis is still controversial for many reasons. It is recommended
that opioid treatment be started at a low dose and gradually Lidocaine patches, which are approved for postherpetic neu-
adjusted upwards, taking into account renal function, age, and ralgia, have also been reported to reduce neuropathic pain as-
other relevant risk factors. Long-term opioid use should be sociated with moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee,
avoided or at least regularly reevaluated.32 The benefits of us- without any reported treatment-related adverse effects.37
ing opioids should be weighed as judiciously as possible.
For the past few years, antidepressants have been used in N Injectable therapies
chronic pain management because of their reported analgesic Intra-articular injection of a long-acting corticosteroid is rec-
action, which is independent of their antidepressive effect. In ommended for relief of pain from osteoarthritic flares, especial-
recent years, the chronic pain often observed in osteoarthritis ly if accompanied by effusion and when NSAIDs are ineffec-
Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 175
tive.2,17 The ACR guidelines recommend intra-articular cortico- sible.43 This explains why in the latest ACR guidelines, these
steroid injections for the initial management of knee and hip agents were not recommended for treatment of osteoarthritis.1
osteoarthritis.1 Short-term pain reduction in knee osteoarthri- Glucosamine sulfate was found to be effective as an osteo-
tis occurs after 2 to 3 weeks, but has no significant effect on arthritic pain relief treatment and for improvement of func-
function. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews re- tion.42 Recommendations using the Grading of Recommen-
ported that after 4 weeks, there was no effect on pain, phys- dations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
ical function, or stiffness.38 However, repeated injections of in- system concluded that glucosamine sulfate demonstrated
tra-articular corticosteroids every 3 months for 2 years showed pain reduction and improvement in physical function with very
pain relief efficacy after 1 year but not after 2 years.38 The long- low toxicity and with moderate-to-highquality evidence.44 The
term safety of repeated intra-articular steroid injections in latest OARSI guidelines recommend the use of glucosamine
symptomatic knee osteoarthritis has been demonstrated, with sulfate and chondroitin sulfate for osteoarthritis treatment, as
improvement of osteoarthritis symptoms for up to 2 years.39 they demonstrated pain relief with a moderate to large effect
Comparisons between corticosteroids have revealed that tri- size (0.58 and 0.75, respectively).3 When a purified preparation
amcinolone hexacetonide is superior to beta-methasone.38 of glucosamine sulfate is used, it appears to be safein partic-
ular, with no induction of glucose intolerance in healthy adults.46
Viscosupplementation could have a significant benefit for knee The protective effect of glucosamine sulfate on structural pro-
osteoarthritis, despite some reported local acute reactions gression of knee osteoarthritis was reported in two studies ex-
such as transient pain and swelling at the injection site.40 Vis- ploring the radiological progression of knee osteoarthritis af-
cosupplementation is recommended by guidelines for knee ter daily administration of glucosamine sulfate for 3 years.47-51
osteoarthritis,2 and compared with intra-articular corticos- Chondroitin sulfate has been shown to improve knee joint
teroids, it shows delayed but prolonged efficacy.40 The OARSI swelling and delay radiographic progression in patients with
guidelines consider that intra-articular hyaluronate injections knee osteoarthritis evaluated by x-rays,51,52 and more recent-
may be useful for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis and have ly a magnetic resonance imaging study reported that chon-
a beneficial symptomatic effect.17 Moreover, the ACR guide- droitin decreases cartilage loss and the progression of bone
lines conditionally recommend viscosupplementation for pa- marrow lesions.53 A recent post-hoc analysis of an osteoarthri-
tients who have had an inadequate response to initial ther- tis clinical trial reported a trend favoring chondroitin sulfate
apy.1 By contrast, a single injection of hyaluronic acid in hip versus placebo for delayed occurrence of total knee replace-
osteoarthritis seems to be no more effective than placebo.41 ment at 4 years.54 However, the structural effects of glucos-
More data are needed on the structural effect of viscosup- amine and chondroitin sulfate remain under debate, and these
plementation. treatments are not registered as structure-modifying agents.
N Symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis Diacerein, an inhibitor of interleukin-1, is a slow-acting agent
Disease-modifying agents that not only reduce joint pain but with pain-relieving symptomatic effects in patients with knee
also slow progression of the disease are of interest for allevia- osteoarthritis,55 and which also reduces the progression of
tion of the manifestations of osteoarthritis over the long term. hip osteoarthritis.56,57 Diacerein provides sustained pain relief
For the past 10 years, chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine for several weeks after discontinuation, suggesting a long car-
sulfate have been widely prescribed and used by osteoarthri- ry-over effect,55 and an analgesic-sparing effect. Moreover,
tis patients for symptom relief. They are safe, and have pos- the effect of diacerein has been found to be additive to that
sible structure-modifying effects.17 Glucosamine is a naturally of NSAIDs. Interestingly, it does not inhibit cyclooxygenase
occurring amino monosaccharide, and chondroitin sulfate be- or prostaglandin E2. Loose stools and diarrhea are the most
longs to the group of glycosaminoglycans and is a major com- frequent adverse events. It is safer for the upper gastrointesti-
ponent of the articular cartilage. nal system than NSAIDs55 and has a good overall safety pro-
file, and it is therefore an alternative option to NSAIDs for the
In osteoarthritis clinical trials, the symptomatic effect size of treatment of osteoarthritis.
glucosamine varies and is considered controversial. Howev-
er, the results of studies have greatly depended on the differ- Avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) are fractions of un-
ent products used, the study population, and study design and saponifiable avocado and soybean oils. The symptomatic
quality.42-45 Formulations of glucosamine that result in lower efficacy of ASU has been assessed in patients with hip and
plasma concentrations and potential low bioavailability, as well knee osteoarthritis.58 ASU seems to be effective at pain reduc-
as study populations with a low baseline level of pain, may tion and has shown some beneficial effects on clinical symp-
have contributed to the controversy.45 Glucosamine sulfate toms of knee and hip osteoarthritis, with a carry-over effect
and chondroitin sulfate have been approved as drugs for the that persists after treatment discontinuation.59 A recent study
treatment of osteoarthritis in Europe, but not in North America, reported that in hip osteoarthritis, a 3-year treatment with ASU
where they are regulated not as drugs but as nutraceuticals. reduced the percentage of joint space width progressors, in-
As a consequence, substantial variation in their content is pos- dicating a potential structure-modifying effect.60
176 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others
Acetaminophen, NSAIDs,
Figure 1. Multimodal management of osteoarthritis. SYSADOA, opioids, duloxetine
Abbreviations: COX, cyclooxygenase; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug; SYSADOA, symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis.
NSAIDs, capsaicin, lidocaine patches
Surgical treatment
Initial treatment of osteoarthritis should be conservative. How-
ever, when pain and loss of function persist after the use of Education, exercise, prevention of injuries,
appropriate nonpharmacological and pharmacological treat- weight loss, orthotic devices
ments, surgery should be considered to reduce disease mor-
bidity. Surgical options for knee osteoarthritis are arthroscopy,
including lavage and debridement (the efficacy of which is Figure 2. Multimodal management of osteoarthritis: initiate with non-
controversial), cartilage repair surgery (bone marrow stimulat- pharmacological approaches (blue), follow with pharmacological
treatments (pink), and if ineffective, culminate in surgery (green).
ing techniques, transplantation of osteochondral grafts), osteo- Abbreviations: NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
tomy with axis correction, and arthroplasty (unicondylar knee SYSADOA, symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 177
*An effect size of 0.2 is considered small, while 0.5 is considered moderate, and >0.8 is considered large.
Table III. Multimodal management of osteoarthritis and effect size of the different components of the 2010 guidelines from Osteoarthritis
Research Society International (OARSI).
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COX, cyclooxygenase; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; THR, total hip replacement; TKR, total knee replacement;
UKA, unicondylar knee arthroplasty.
Based on data from reference 3: Zhang et al. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010;18:476-499. 2010, Osteoarthritis Research Society International.
tears, in whom it can be used to remove the degenerative when knee osteoarthritis is associated with valgus or varus
fragments and alleviate mechanical symptoms. Bone mar- deformation. It transfers load-bearing from the pathological
row stimulation through the use of a microfracture technique compartment of the knee to the normal compartment in or-
induces subchondral injury and bleeding that may promote der to reduce pain and delay joint replacement. Nevertheless,
chondrogenesis by mesenchymal stem cells in the defective its longevity is limited, and conversion to total knee replace-
area. Its efficacy is uncertain, however, because of variability ment often occurs within the following few years. UKA seems
in the volume of cartilage repair that has been achieved, as to be as safe and effective for pain relief and functional im-
well as possible functional deterioration.62 provement as TKA, as well as high tibial osteotomy in patients
with unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis.63 Long-term sur-
Patients with unicompartmental osteoarthritis of the knee can vival rates with UKA are variable but are reported to be around
be treated with a correction osteotomy17 or unicondylar or to- 90% at 10 years, which is less than for TKA (up to 98% at 15
tal knee arthroplasty (TKA). Osteotomy can be considered years), except in younger patients.61 TKA remains a success-
178 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others
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Keywords: analgesic; chondroitin sulfate; exercise; glucosamine sulfate; guideline; intra-articular; osteoarthritis; weight loss;
180 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Osteoarthritis treatments: where do we stand at the moment? Roubille and others
steoarthritis (OA) affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide and
is responsible for a huge burden of pain, functional limitations, and
loss of quality-adjusted life expectancy. OA of the knee accounts for
more than 90% of total knee replacements (TKR). By 2030, the incidence of
TKR in the US is expected to increase by more than 6-fold. Pain and difficulty
walking limiting participation in daily activities are the primary reasons for un-
dergoing TKR. However, among patients with disabling OA, only a minority are
willing to consider TKR. Reduced willingness to undergo TKR is associated
with increasing age, being black (in the US), overestimation of the pain and
disability needed to warrant TKR, and rejection of the medicalization of OA.
L. Stefan LOHMANDER, MD, PhD The perception of the benefits of TKR is less positive among women and those
Department of Orthopedics of lower socioeconomic status. TKR is one of the most cost-effective medical
Clinical Sciences Lund
Lund University, SWEDEN interventions. Data from joint registries show that the 10-year reoperation rate
Research Unit for Musculoskeletal for TKR is less than 5%. However, between 10% and 30% of patients under-
Function and Physiotherapy going TKR report little or no improvement following surgery, or are not satis-
Department of Orthopedics fied. Patients expectations of joint replacement are relief of pain and improved
and Traumatology
University of Southern Denmark mobility. Following TKR, the expectations regarding pain relief, walking abil-
DENMARK ity, and the ability to perform daily activities are fulfilled to a greater extent
than the expectations of being able to perform more physically demanding ac-
tivities. To ensure optimal patient satisfaction, health professionals should
provide sufficient information so that patients have realistic expectations of
the results of TKR.
Medicographia. 2013;35:181-188 (see French abstract on page 188)
Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 181
BMI body mass index Oral NSAIDs and paracetamol (acetaminophen) are often used
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug by patients with OA. However, gastrointestinal, renal, and car-
OA osteoarthritis diovascular side effects are of particular concern with NSAIDs,
TKR total knee replacement since many patients with OA are elderly and have comorbidi-
YLD year lived with disability ties, and thus are at increased risk of some or all of these side
effects. These concerns add complexity to the task of pre-
182 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander
scribing pain relievers for patients with OA. The utility of opi- Practice variations in the use of knee replacement
oids for OA is limited by their side effects. Corticosteroid in- and future projections for TKR use
jections are frequently used, but their benefit is short-lived (1 Joint replacement for OA of the knee may be the only inter-
to 4 weeks). In addition to these treatments, patients with knee vention with a large effect size, but it is only appropriate for
OA use a wide range of alternative therapies. patients with advanced disease or substantial symptoms that
do not respond to other treatments. This group is but a minor-
The surgical management of knee OA commonly includes ity of all those with knee OA, but still represents a very sub-
arthroscopic surgery of the knee upon suspicion of a menis- stantial number of patients. Rates of TKR are increasing world-
cus tear or cartilage derangement amenable to surgical treat- wide, and in 2010, more than 600 000 procedures were carried
14 000 A 180 B
OA 160 Females
12 000
RA Males
Posttraumatic 140
10 000
Yearly incidence of knee
arthroplasty/100 000
6000 80
0 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Year of operation Year of operation
Figure 2. (A) Annual number of knee replacements in Sweden for osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and posttraumatic os-
teoarthritis between the years 1975 and 2010. (B) Annual incidence of knee replacements (all replacements) for men and women.
Reproduced with permission from reference 24: Annual report 2011. 2011, Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register.
ment. However, high-quality trials comparing arthroscopic sur- out in the US alone, with rates tripling over the last decade in
gical debridement (including meniscus resection) with sham those aged between 45 and 64.9,21 At over $20 000 per pro-
surgery, medical care as usual, or exercise programs found no cedure, the annual cost of TKR in the US now exceeds $13
difference between the groups compared,15-18 thereby show- billion.5,22,23
ing that arthroscopic surgery is of no added benefit for these
patients. Over the age of 35, meniscus lesions are often part National knee replacement registry data from the Scandina-
of the early stages of the osteoarthritic process, and the di- vian countries, UK, and Australia also confirm the continuous
agnosis of a meniscus tear by magnetic resonance imaging and rapid increase in the incidence of knee replacement for
(MRI) of the osteoarthritic knee does not correlate with the OA. For example, results from the Swedish Knee Arthroplas-
presence of symptoms.19 ty Register show that the annual rate of primary TKR for OA in
Sweden doubled between 2000 and 2010 (Figure 2), while
Valgus osteotomy of the tibia can provide long-lasting pain the annual rate of TKR in those younger than 55 increased
relief and functional improvement in physically active pa- 5-fold.24,25 The dramatic increase seen in younger patients may
tients of less than 60 years of age in whom OA is mainly lim- in part reflect a change in surgical practice from the use of os-
ited to the medial knee compartment. If and when needed, teotomy and unicompartmental knee replacement to TKR
the osteotomy can later be converted to a knee replacement. in younger patients.25
In a large national Swedish series of about 3000 patients who
had undergone tibial osteotomy for knee OA at a mean age of The mean age for TKR has changed over time, and in Swe-
52 years, the 10-year conversion rate to TKR was 30%.20 den it now shows a decreasing trend, being about 69 years
This suggests that osteotomy should remain a viable option for for both women and men (Figure 3, page 184).24 Reflecting
patients in this group, thereby delaying or obviating the need the current routine widespread use of TKR as a procedure to
for knee replacement by more than 10 years in most cases. treat severe knee OA, 1 in 14 elderly women in Sweden has
Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 183
74 A 110 B
Females 100 Females 2010
Males 90 Males 2010
Females 2000
70 80 Males 2000
Prevalence /1000
Mean age
64 30
60 0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 50 60 70 80 90 100+
Year of operation Age
Figure 3. (A) Temporal shifts in the mean age at primary total knee replacement surgery for women and men in Sweden between 1975
and 2010. (B) Comparison of the 2000 and 2010 prevalence rates of knee replacement according to age for women and men in Sweden.
Reproduced with permission from reference 24: Annual report 2011. 2011, Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register.
now had a TKR.24 Similarly, nearly 1 in 20 Americans over 50 tifactorial. Population growth, the increasing number of elder-
years of age have had knee replacement surgery, which rep- ly people, and the increase in average body mass index (BMI)
resents more than 4 million people.9,21 are, no doubt, important factors.
Direct comparisons of the rates of TKR for OA between dif- The increase in the age-standardized prevalence of knee OA
ferent countries are hindered by the limited availability of high- (for which there is limited evidence) may be driven by the
quality specific data for OA procedures, as well as by differ- now global epidemic of overweight and obesity (for which
ences in population structure. The 2007-2009 estimated rates there is strong evidence), and by an increase in joint injury
of primary TKR for all diagnoses per 100 000 people varied rates. These two environmental risk factors may together
between 9 for Romania and 213 for the USA.26 Even between be responsible for up to 50% of knee OA cases in some so-
countries with seemingly similar socioeconomic conditions, cieties.21 The importance of overweight and obesity in the risk
national health care systems, and population structures, the of severe knee OA leading to TKR was investigated in a pros-
TKR rates per 100 000 varied greatly, ranging from 188 for pective population-based cohort study (Figure 4); a mean BMI
Germany, 178 for Finland, 112 for Sweden, to 98 for France.26 of 30 was associated with an 8-fold increase in TKR risk when
The reasons for these wide variations in usage are not clear, compared with a normal BMI of about 22.28 Even an increase
but are likely to be due to differences on both the supply side in BMI from 21-22 to 24-25 (ie, within a BMI range that is con-
(health care services) and the demand side (patients). sidered normal) was associated with a 3-fold risk increase in
the rate of TKR for OA. In fact, in this large population-based
Time-related trends in TKR use study, very few TKR procedures were carried out on patients
The projections for future TKR rates have regularly been out- in the lowest BMI quartile (Figure 4). In the US, the major im-
done by reality. In the US, the demand for primary TKR was, pact of obesity on the risk of knee OA and TKR can also be
in 2005, expected to grow by more than 600%, to reach 3.48 illustrated by estimating the number of TKRs averted by re-
million procedures by 2030.27 The growth of total knee revi- versing the prevalence of obesity to the levels of 10 years ago.
sion surgeries was projected to be proportional, with the de- This would correspond to a mean BMI reduction of 0.6 or a
mand for revision procedures expected to double between reduction in body weight of less than 2 kg for a person of av-
2005 and 2015. If these predictions hold true, both health erage height. This means that more than 100 000 TKRs would
care infrastructures and the training of orthopedic surgeons be averted over the remaining life span of this population.2
will need to expand accordingly. The dramatic increase in TKR
rates inevitably leads to questions about financial feasibility in Population growth, aging, and an increase in BMI all seem
the future: who will pay? So what are the possible reasons to result in an increase in the demand for TKR, even if these
for the steeply increasing demand for TKR seen over the last factors do not fully explain the recent steep increase in de-
decade? The reasons for this increase are most certainly mul- mand.21 However, increased availability on the supply side
184 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander
Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 185
average good to excellent, and it is particularly pertinent in function following TKR may not be the same in all studies.51,54
comparison with most nonsurgical treatments for severe OA. The most important expectations of patients undergoing joint
The Scandinavian national joint registries have for many years replacement surgery are pain relief and improved mobility. It
reported on the continuous improvement of outcomes over appears that at 5 years following TKR, patients expectations
time as a result of improved surgical, anesthesiological, and of pain relief, walking ability, and ability to perform the activi-
care procedures and materials.45 In Sweden, the 10-year re- ties of daily living are fulfilled to a greater extent than their ex-
vision (reoperation) rate is now estimated to be less than 5% pectations of being able to perform more physically demand-
for patients operated with TKR for OA at the beginning of this ing activities.50 For example, 41% of patients expected to be
century.24 This means that for more than 95 out of 100 patients able to perform activities such as golfing and dancing follow-
undergoing TKR for OA, the patient will be survived by the im- ing TKR, while only 14% were in fact able to perform these
plant. Reoperation rates from other countries have general- activities 5 years after undergoing TKR. To ensure optimal pa-
ly been somewhat higher, perhaps because of the choice of tient satisfaction, it is important that health care profession-
implants, surgical techniques, and other factors.26 However, it als provide adequate information before surgery so that pa-
is well-known that the risk of reoperation is considerably high- tients have realistic expectations of the results of TKR.
er for younger patients operated with TKR, than for older pa-
tients.24 Higher revision rates for younger patients operated Conclusion
with TKR are expected in light of the changing demograph- The expectations, results, and patient satisfaction with TKR
ics of TKR surgery, with rapidly increasing numbers of younger surgery for OA summarized above reflect the current case
patients undergoing joint replacement.46 The Swedish nation- mix of patients with regard to disease severity, expectations
al registry reports no difference in revision rates between men of outcome, age, and active life expectancy. TKR stands out
and women operated with TKR for OA in the 2000s.24 as one of the most effective and cost-effective medical inter-
ventions. However, whether this outstanding record will be up-
When considering these excellent results, it should be noted held or not given the changing demographics of patients un-
that they represent reoperation rates, not patient-reported out- dergoing this type of procedure, with those aged between 45
comes. In fact, between 10% and 30% of patients undergo- and 64 years being the most rapidly increasing group, remains
ing joint replacement report little or no improvement follow- to be seen. Innovations and new implant designs have at times
ing surgery, or are not satisfied with the outcome.47-50 been introduced before evidence of their efficacy and safety
could be established. Improved regulatory and clinical process-
Factors associated with a less than optimal patient-reported es for the introduction of new devices are badly needed.
outcome of TKR at 6 months include worse preoperative
pain and function, increased anxiety/depression, and living Another pressing question is that of health economics. The
in poorer areas.51 Multiple joint involvement negatively influ- projected dramatic increase in TKR use, if it becomes a real-
ences the outcome after TKR,52 while severe obesity results ity, will demand increased orthopedic and hospital resources,
in slower recovery after surgery, but with no difference at 3 among others, and this will result in sharply increased costs
years.53 It should be noted that the determinants of pain or for patients and society. I
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domised trial. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007;15:393-401. 37. Suarez-Almazor ME, Souchek J, Kelly PA, O'Malley K, Byrne M, Richardson M,
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Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 187
188 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Knee replacement for osteoarthritis: facts, hopes, and fears Lohmander
steoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and represents
a huge burden on individuals and health economies. The mainstay
of current therapy involves a combination of nonpharmacological and
pharmacological interventions aimed at reducing pain and improving func-
tion. Current treatments do not inhibit structural deterioration of the OA joint;
yet, the unmet need for this type of treatment is immense. The current defi-
nition of a disease-modifying OA drug (DMOAD) is that of a drug that inhibits
structural disease progression and ideally also improves symptoms and/or
function. There are currently no licensed DMOADs but there are many prospec-
tive agents under investigation. The challenges of DMOAD development in-
Andrew J. BARR, MBBS, MRCP clude the establishment of appropriate preclinical animal models that reflect
human OA, the limitations of the current radiographic standard for structural
assessment, and the lack of stratification of patients in trials by phenotype or
tissue involvement. Furthermore, DMOADs should probably be used in early
disease before irreversible molecular and biomechanical pathology is estab-
lished, as is commonly present at the time of diagnosis. DMOADs are likely
to be prescribed for long periods in this chronic illness of an aging popula-
tion, which demands excellent safety data in a target population with mul-
tiple comorbidities and the potential for drug interactions. Issues in DMOAD
development, potential DMOADs, magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers,
and lessons learned from the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are briefly dis-
cussed in this review.
MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FRCP Medicographia. 2013;35:189-196 (see French abstract on page 196)
Division of Rheumatic and
Musculoskeletal Disease
University of Leeds and NIHR
steoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and represents a
Leeds Musculoskeletal
Biomedical Research Unit, UK
O huge burden on both individuals and health economies. It is character-
ized by changes involving all the joint tissues. Affected individuals suffer
pain, functional limitation, and poor quality of life. We can predict a dramatic in-
crease in the burden of OA in aging and increasingly obese Western populations.
OA represents whole joint failure and occurs when the homeostatic equilibrium of
Address for correspondence:
Professor Philip G. Conaghan, joint tissue repair and breakdown becomes unbalanced. Risk factors for disease
Division of Rheumatic and initiation and progression vary according to anatomical site and include age, obe-
Musculoskeletal Disease, Chapel
Allerton Hospital, Chapeltown Road,
sity,1,2 anthropometric and anatomical characteristics, joint malalignment, and trau-
Leeds LS7 4SA, UK ma.3 A genetic predisposition also contributes to OA risk; OA is a polygenic disease
(e-mail: whose susceptibility results from the interaction of many genes.4,5 The mainstay of current therapy involves a combination of nonpharmacological and pharmacologi-
DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 189
cal interventions aimed at reducing pain and improving func- order to adequately power a clinical study. Furthermore, the
tion. The pharmacological interventions include paracetamol, sensitivity of this measure to change may be reduced by knee
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and opiate analgesics. repositioning variability in serial radiographic measurement of
Their utility is limited byat bestmoderate effect size,6 or by JSW, so great care must be taken in repositioning methods.12
significant toxicities, especially as OA is most prevalent in the
elderly where comorbidities are more common. Current treat- Conventional radiography does not detect early (preradiograph-
ments do not appear to inhibit the structural deterioration of the ic) OA changes in the subchondral bone, cartilage, or menis-
OA joint; the unmet need for such a treatment is immense. ci.13 Typically, inclusion criteria for research trials have includ-
ed patients with radiographically detectable JSN (Kellgren and
What are disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs? Lawrence grade 2). While this selects a group of patients
A disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) is a drug who no doubt have OA, multiple large MRI studies suggest
that inhibits the structural disease progression of OA and that these patients have complex multiple tissue pathologies,
ideally also improves symptoms and/or function. There are with gait studies suggesting a high probability of abnormal
currently no licensed DMOADs. There are draft guidelines from biomechanical features, meaning that these may be patients
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Euro- in whom pharmacological intervention alone and aimed at a
pean Medicines Agency (EMA) both requiring that a DMOAD single tissue would be unlikely to modify structural deterio-
should not only slow or halt radiographic structural disease ration. A preradiographic patient cohort with milder disease
progression, but also achieve patient-reported long-term clin- may be more likely to respond. Treatment of rheumatoid arthri-
ical benefit.7,8 Historically, attempts at developing DMOADs tis according to the concept of early disease has certainly rev-
have focused primarily on preventing hyaline cartilage loss, olutionized the management of rheumatoid arthritis.
thereby providing putative chondroprotective agents. How-
ever, and perhaps appropriately, as typical clinical OA involves N Magnetic resonance imaging as a potential end point
multiple tissues, more recent attempts have been made at tar- Conventional radiography cannot capture the extent of the
geting other tissues including the subchondral bone, which multi-tissue involvement in OA joints. Typically, patients with
plays an important role in OA pathogenesis. Kellgren-Lawrence grade 2 are recruited for DMOAD trials,
but these patients may lack uniformity in terms of joint tissue
There are a number of issues to consider in developing ther- involvement, and this is clinically indistinguishable. Stratifying
apies that modify structural disease progression. and monitoring these tissue changes among patients would
require MRI.
Challenges in DMOAD development
N The current standard for structural assessment: The advantages of MRI include the ability to examine the pres-
conventional radiography ence and extent of pathology in all of the individual joint tis-
Conventional radiography is widely available and radiograph- sues in OA.14 There is good evidence of the reliability and re-
ic joint space width (JSW) is the traditionally used surrogate sponsiveness of MRI cartilage morphometry in knee OA and
for assessing cartilage thickness. JSW can be used for both there is some evidence of its predictive and construct valid-
defining and measuring structural disease progression. Man- ity.15,16 This includes quantitative loss of cartilage volume be-
ual and semiautomated methods can be used to quantify JSW ing a potential predictor of total knee replacement. The assess-
from a conventional radiographic image, providing different ment of subchondral bone marrow lesions and synovitis in
measures such as minimum, mean, or location-specific JSW. knee OA has also demonstrated good responsiveness for
Joint space narrowing (JSN) is used as the primary end point
in DMOAD trials in OA. Although JSN is a predictor of total
joint replacement,9 the limitations of radiographic JSN should
be appreciated. Indeed, while JSN is used to define cartilage BMP-7 human bone morphogenetic protein 7
loss in knee OA, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies DMOAD disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug
have shown that it measures a complex construct including DMARD disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug
meniscal degeneration, meniscal extrusion, and hyaline car- iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthase
tilage loss.10 IL-1 interleukin 1
JSW joint space width
The annual rate and variability of JSN in the natural history of JSN joint space narrowing
OA is well described, which facilitates powering in clinical tri- MRI magnetic resonance imaging
als.11,12 However, the average annual change in JSN is approx- MMP matrix metalloproteinase
imately 0.1 to 0.2 mm per annum, with change occurring in a MSS musculoskeletal syndrome
small group of progressors. The relative insensitivity to change OA osteoarthritis
of this surrogate measure of hyaline cartilage loss means TIMP tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
that long trials with large numbers of patients are needed in
190 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan
semiquantitative MRI assessment.16 Further work is required cacy of existing analgesics has often not been clearly demon-
to investigate the predictive validity and quantification of these strated. Such long-duration trials are often associated with
noncartilage MRI pathologies. While MRI acquisition is, of patient drop-out, especially in an elderly population, and ro-
course, more expensive and time-consuming than plain radi- bust statistical modeling will be required to cope with miss-
ography, there are trade-offs in that increased responsiveness ing data.
should result in fewer patients being required to demonstrate
a structure-modifying effect. N DMOAD safety profile
Prospective DMOADs for use in established OA are likely to
MRI-based joint tissue measures of OA have not been rou- require long-term administration in an aging population with
tinely used as clinical outcome measures in structure-mod- significant comorbidities, and will thus be prescribed along-
ification DMOAD trials. However, following the last decade side a variety of medications. For that reason, prospective
of MRI-OA cohort studies and trials, a recent Osteoarthritis Re- DMOADs will be required to demonstrate a good safety pro-
search Society International (OARSI) working group recom- file with respect to both patient tolerance and drug interac-
mended that MRI cartilage morphology assessment be used tions. Long-duration trials will therefore be needed to achieve
as a primary structural end point in clinical trials and noted this.
the rapid evolution of quantitative MRI assessments of sub-
chondral bone and synovium.17 N Preclinical models
Animal models can mimic certain aspects of human disease.
N Novel end points: joint arthroplasty and virtual joint However, there is no single model that reflects all of the phe-
arthroplasty notypes and components of human OA. The marked differ-
While pain and function outcomes are common outcomes ences between animal models and human disease may result
that may be adapted for DMOAD studies from symptom-mod- in dismissing drugs that may be viable DMOADs in humans
ifying trials, less frequently used measures such as quality of due to preclinical failure in animal models. Existing models
life and delay in time to joint replacement may also provide include primary idiopathic and secondary experimentally in-
important information about the value of a putative agent. Rate duced disease. Small animal models may provide us with a
of joint arthroplasty has been used as an end point reflecting clearer understanding of the molecular pathways involved in
the severity of symptoms and structural damage, but many the pathogenesis of OA and the effects of prospective
variables influence both the decision to perform and the tim- DMOADs on these pathways.23 Although large weight-bear-
ing of this outcome measure. These include the surgeons or ing models may be more relevant, they are less frequently
physicians opinion and the patients comorbidities and will- used. Animal models generally achieve adequate severity of
ingness to undergo surgery, in addition to local and national OA but some may exceed that seen in humans. There is a
health system variations in surgical waiting lists. In an attempt general consensus of opinion that animal models of less se-
to overcome these confounding factors influencing the time vere OA will be better placed to establish the efficacy of pros-
to total joint replacement end point, an alternative has been pective human DMOADs. Furthermore, establishing animal
proposed. This is time to fulfilling criteria for total joint replace- models with relevance to human OA will require standardiza-
ment or virtual total joint replacement, which could be used tion of experimental techniques, disease severity, and treat-
to evaluate treatment response to DMOADs in clinical trials.18 ment responses.24
The criteria consist of a composite index of three domains:
physical function, pain, and structure19; its validity is currently Are there candidate DMOADs?
being assessed in an international study although provision- A number of prospective DMOADs are under investigation
al reports indicate that large patient numbers would be re- and some of those more advanced in development are sum-
quired to detect differences between groups in DMOAD ran- marized in Table I (page 192). The degradation of cartilage
domized control trials.20 and that of subchondral bone are closely linked in OA. Ta-
ble I describes the mechanism of action of the prospective
N Symptomatic improvement DMOADs on cartilage, although they may also structurally
The current regulatory approval standard for DMOADs requires modify subchondral bone.
that structural disease modification be linked with some clin-
ical benefit. However, in observational studies in OA there is N Calcitonin
generally a weak relation between pain and/or function and Calcitonin is responsible for regulating calcium homeostasis
JSN and radiographic structural change.21 Furthermore, car- and promotes osteoblastic bone formation. It inhibits bone
tilage is not directly attributable as the cause of the typical OA resorption by binding to calcitonin receptors on osteoclasts.
symptoms, including pain and stiffness.22 Importantly, most Calcitonin is indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis in
trials of symptom-modifying drugs have been of short dura- postmenopausal women. It can be administered orally, intra-
tion, often only 3 months long. DMOAD trials need to monitor nasally, or subcutaneously. Its inhibition of subchondral bone
pain over long periods of time (1 to 2 years), where the effi- turnover may be chondroprotective and, therefore, it may in-
DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 191
192 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan
DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 193
morbidities and concurrent therapies to treat them permits the The cornerstone of DMARD therapy has been effective tar-
use of agents with greater potential toxicity. DMOADs for es- geting of synovitis. While the synovium is only one of the tis-
tablished OA will require excellent toxicity profiles in light of the sues involved in OA pathogenesis, synovitis may contribute to
greater prevalence of comorbidities and potential for drug disease progression.59 Therapies that modify synovitis could
interactions. However, DMOADs, like DMARDs, are likely to re- therefore potentially modify OA structural progression. Stud-
quire chronic administration. OA affects a significantly greater ies in this area are ongoing.
proportion of the population than rheumatoid arthritis and,
therefore, its treatment may represent a significant burden to Conclusion
health services. Ideally, DMOADs should be inexpensive, pa- OA is the most common form of arthritis and is a chronic and
tient-administered, and require little or no monitoring in com- progressive disease of the whole joint with only moderately
parison with DMARDs such as tocilizumab and infliximab. effective treatment options currently available. There are a
number of prospective targets for structural and symptomatic
DMARDs are often prescribed in combination to improve the disease modification in patients with established OA, early
efficacy of treatment in terms of symptoms and structural dis- OA, or at the time of acute joint injury, with a view to prevent-
ease progression. Similarly, DMOADs may also need to be ing structural progression, improving symptoms and function,
prescribed in combination, particularly if a single joint tissue and avoiding the need for total joint replacement. DMOADs
is targeted by the DMOAD. It is important to recognize that are the highest unmet need in the field of OA and prospective
OA is a whole joint disease involving pathophysiological in- DMOADs will need to demonstrate excellent safety profiles in
teractions between subchondral bone, cartilage, synovium, view of their target population. However, DMOAD trials will
and ligaments and it is likely that an individual DMOAD will require improved biomarkers and clinical end points to ap-
only target a single tissue, thereby increasing the need for propriately demonstrate the construct of OA structure mod-
combination therapy. ification. I
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28. Hayami T, Pickarski M, Zhuo Y, Wesolowski GA, Rodan GA, Duong le T. J Biomater Appl. 2012;26(7):845-859.
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tis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010;62(2):198-203. 46. Hellio le Graverand MP, Clemmer R, Brunell RM, Hayes CW, Miller CG, Vi-
30. Hayami T, Pickarski M, Wesolowski GA, et al. The role of subchondral bone gnon E. Considerations when designing a disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug
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transection model. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50(4):1193-1206. 47. Baragi VM, Becher G, Bendele AM, et al. A new class of potent matrix metal-
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es biochemical markers of cartilage degradation but does not decrease symp- histologic and clinical efficacy without musculoskeletal toxicity in rat models.
toms or slow radiographic progression in patients with medial compartment os- Arthritis Rheum. 2009;60(7):2008-2018.
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structural arthritis study. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54(11):3494-3507. aggrecanase 1 (ADAM-TS4) and aggrecanase 2 (ADAM-TS5). J Biol Chem.
32. Spector TD, Conaghan PG, Buckland-Wright JC, et al. Effect of risedronate 2001;276(16):12501-12504.
on joint structure and symptoms of knee osteoarthritis: results of the BRISK 49. Sahebjam S, Khokha R, Mort JS. Increased collagen and aggrecan degrada-
randomized, controlled trial [ISRCTN01928173]. Arthritis Res Ther. 2005;7(3): tion with age in the joints of Timp3(-/-) mice. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56(3):905-
R625-R633. 909.
33. Hellio Le Graverand-Gastineau MP. OA clinical trials: current targets and trials 50. Tetlow LC, Woolley DE. Expression of vitamin D receptors and matrix metallo-
for OA. Choosing molecular targets: what have we learned and where we are proteinases in osteoarthritic cartilage and human articular chondrocytes in vitro.
headed? Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2009;17(11):1393-1401. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2001;9(5):423-431.
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in patients with knee osteoarthritis receiving risedronate: the Knee Osteoarthri- pants in the Framingham Study. Ann Intern Med. 1996;125(5):353-359.
tis Structural Arthritis randomized clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008; 52. Haque T, Nakada S, Hamdy RC. A review of FGF18: Its expression, signaling
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DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 195
196 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 DMOADs: what are they and what can we expect from them? Barr and Conaghan
b y M . H i l i g s m a n n a n d J . Y. R e g i n s t e r,
The Netherlands and Belgium
his article aims to describe the economic weight of osteoarthritis (OA)
in Europe based on published data and to underline the principal cost
headings and their respective weights for patients and governments.
This review suggests that OA has a significant economic effect not only on
health care budgets, but also on patients, their employers, and their caregiv-
ers. The average total annual cost of OA per patient in Europe ranges from
1330 to 10 452. When considering only direct medical costs, the annual
cost of OA ranged from 534 to 1788. In active patients, the indirect costs
were found to be much higher than the direct costs. European studies are,
however, not directly comparable with each other because of differences in
the approach taken, in patient characteristics, in health care systems, and in
the calculation of productivity losses. Our review confirms the immense bur-
a den of OA in Europe, which is expected to rise substantially further in the fu-
Department of Health Services
Research, School for Public Health ture with demographic changes and increasing obesity. Developing effective
and Primary Care (CAPHRI) and efficient treatment programs for OA is becoming increasingly important
Maastricht University
to reduce the clinical and economic consequences of this major public health
b problem worldwide.
Department of Public Health
Epidemiology and Health Economics Medicographia. 2013;35:197-202 (see French abstract on page 202)
University of Lige, BELGIUM
The economic weight of osteoarthritis in Europe Hiligsmann and Reginster MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 197
ities. In the United States, the annual medical care expendi- es attributable to the disease resulting from absence from
tures for OA were estimated at $185.5 billion (in 2007 dol- work and reduced effectiveness at work. These costs may
lars), of which $149.4 billion were insurer expenditures and be related to the patients themselves or to their caregivers.
$36.1 billion were paid directly by the patients. In Europe,
some data has been published over the last few years on the Cost of osteoarthritis in Europe
economic impact of OA on individuals, including those in the A literature review was conducted using PubMed to find ar-
workplace. The goal of this article is to review these publica- ticles assessing the burden of OA in European countries be-
tions so as to clarify the economic weight of OA in Europe tween January 2000 and July 2012. The bibliographies of the
based on available published data. Specific attention will be papers included were also analyzed to search for additional
devoted to describing the principal cost headings (visits to references. Published studies on the economic cost of OA
health professionals, drugs, loss of productivity, etc.) and were found in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Nether-
their respective weights for patients and governments. lands, and Spain. All of these studies, with the exception of the
French study, used a bottom-up approach.
Cost-of-illness evaluation
Burden-of-disease evaluation of OA aims to describe the im-
pact of OA on society, including its impact on health care sys- Informal care
Contact with
tems, patients, their caregivers, and their employers. Meas- health care
uring the burden of disease can be very helpful in guiding the professionals
setting of health research priorities.11
198 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The economic weight of osteoarthritis in Europe Hiligsmann and Reginster
Figure 1. Consultations with health professionals, medical ex- 58% on physiotherapy. Nonmedical costs (which represent
aminations, drugs, and hospital stays accounted for 23.70, 37% of the total costs) were mainly driven by temporary care-
8.70, 6.70, and 4.90 per OA patient-month, respective- givers. In contrast with the study of Rabenda et al in Belgium,13
ly. Of all these direct costs, 29.10 (65%) was covered by the which only included active patients, the indirect costs were
Belgian health care system and 15.40 (35%) was paid out found to be mainly due to informal care provided by primary
of pocket by the patients. The average number of sick-leave caregivers, which accounted for around 60% of the total in-
days was 0.8 per OA patient-month, yieldingfrom the pay- direct costs. The remaining indirect costs were due to loss of
ers perspectivea cost of 64.50 per OA patient-month. The productivity (31%) and to other caregivers (9%). Sensitivity
Belgian health care system covered 25.9% of all sick-leave analyses revealed higher costs for patients with comorbidities
payments, with employers covering the remaining 74.1%. In- and for women. Age was also shown to be a predictor of costs.
formal care was estimated to cost employers 1.80 per ac-
tive subject-month, based on a mean of 0.02 days off work N Netherlands
per active subject-month. Multiple regression analyses showed In the Netherlands, the productivity and medical costs of work-
that age was a significant predictor of direct medical costs ing patients with knee OA were recently assessed by Her-
and that poorer quality of life was a major determinant of di- mans et al.15 Loss of productivity and health care consump-
rect and indirect costs. tion were assessed by questionnaires in a sample of 117 knee
OA patients participating in a randomized clinical trial inves-
N Italy tigating cost-effectiveness (mean age, 52 years). Interest-
In Italy, the direct and indirect costs of knee OA were assessed ingly, this study included the measurement of reduced work
retrospectively in a sample of 254 patients (mean age, 65 productivity while present at work in addition to loss of pro-
years) over a period of 12 months in 2000-2001.14 The cost ductivity resulting from absence from work.
per patient per year was estimated at 2170, of which 43%
were direct costsincluding medical (hospitalization, diag- The average total monthly knee OArelated costs were es-
nosis, and therapies) and nonmedical costs (transport, tem- timated at 871 per patient. The productivity costs account-
porary caregivers, and auxiliary devices)and 57% were in- ed for 83% (722) and the medical costs accounted for 17%
direct costs (productivity losses and informal care). (149) of these costs. As observed in Figure 3, the medical
costs were primarily driven by visits to primary (62) and sec-
The distribution of costs is shown in Figure 2. Hospitalization ondary care (33), and by imaging (40). Reduced produc-
represented the largest medical cost, absorbing 25% of the tivity while present at work accounted for the majority (62%)
direct resources (mean annual cost, 233). The annual cost of the productivity costs. The inclusion of loss of productivity
of therapy was 136, of which 42% was spent on drugs and while being present at work, which represented around 50%
for work
Therapy in the
(7%) household
Loss of
Loss of absent from work
productivity (23%)
patient (17%)
Figure 3. Direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis in the Nether-
Figure 2. Direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis in Italy. lands.
Based on a sample of 254 patients with a mean age of 65 years. Total cost per Based on a sample of 117 active patients with a mean age of 51 years. Total cost
year = 2170. Direct costs are represented in red and indirect costs in blue. per year = 10 452. Direct costs are represented in red and indirect costs in blue.
Data from reference 14: Leonardi et al. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004;22:699-706. Data from reference 15: Hermans et al. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;64:853-861.
2004, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2012, American College of Rheumatology.
The economic weight of osteoarthritis in Europe Hiligsmann and Reginster MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 199
of the total costs (448 per patient-month), could explain the 4.7 billion, which represents 0.5% of the gross national prod-
relatively high cost of OA found in this study. Logistic regres- uct (GNP) of Spain. Using regression models, the authors also
sion analyses reported that increased pain during activity and found that higher costs were associated with comorbidity,
performing physically intensive work were significantly asso- poorer health status, and lower WOMAC score (Western On-
ciated with loss of productivity. tario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index).
N Spain N France
The direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis in Spain were In France, the direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis were
estimated by Loza et al in 2007.16 Based on a sample of 1071 estimated by Le Pen et al using the top-down approach with
patients aged over 50 years (mean age, 71 years) with symp- nationwide data from 2001 to 2003.17 The direct costs of os-
tomatic and radiologic knee and/or hip OA who were seen teoarthritis were estimated at 1.6 billion Euros (2002), rep-
at primary care centers in all provinces of Spain, data related resenting approximately 1.7% of the expenses of the French
to OA health resources utilization, patient and caregiver ex- health insurance system. Hospitalization represented 50% of
penses, and time lost in the previous 6 months were collect- the direct expenses. The costs of medication and physicians
ed in two separate interviews. The costs were divided into were estimated at 574 million (34%) and 270 million (16%),
direct costs, including medical costs (professional time [all respectively. A 156% increase in direct medical costs was re-
consultations], image, laboratory, and other tests, medications, ported compared with 1993, which was related to an increase
and hospital admissions); and nonmedical costs (help at work in the number of OA patients (+54%). The authors mentioned
and home, and self-care adaptive aids, devices, and assis- that the cost per patient increased by only 2.5% per year.
tive household equipment purchased), and indirect costs
including compensation payments for lost productivity and N Germany
housekeeping help costs if the patient was a homemaker.16 In a recent article, Sabariego et al aimed to determine the di-
rect medical costs in patients with osteoporosis, osteoarthri-
tis, back pain, or fibromyalgia in Germany.18 The mean direct
Help for housewives cost of OA was estimated at 1511 in a sample of 97 OA pa-
Lost labor/ at home (8%) tients. Medication, outpatient physician visits, nonphysician
(6%) Professional services, and inpatient services accounted for 699, 357,
time 171, and 175, respectively.
Transport (21%)
N Other European countries
devices For other European countries, no detailed estimations of the
Image and cost of OA have been published in any of the journals includ-
laboratory ed in the database we searched. In the United Kingdom, how-
tests ever, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has
reported that the burden of OA represents 1% of the GNP.19
(5%) Discussion
This review suggests that OA represents a significant eco-
Hospital nomic burden to patients and society in Europe. The annual
self-care help
(28%) cost of OA per patient ranges from 1330 to 10 452, de-
pending on the country and the approach taken (Table). When
Figure 4. Direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis in Spain. considering only the direct medical costs, the annual cost
Based on a sample of 1071 patients with a mean age of 71 years. Total cost of OA ranges from 534 to 1788. Drug therapies repre-
per year = 1502. Direct costs are represented in red and indirect costs in blue. sent between 5.3% and 24.8% of the total direct medical
Data from reference 16: Loza et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2009;61:158-165. 2009,
American College of Rheumatology. costs,13-16 while hospitalizations and visits to health care pro-
fessionals range from 15.2% to 39.6%,13,14,16 and from 35.5%
The average total annual cost of osteoarthritis was estimat- to 53.9%,13-16 respectively. Indirect costs range from 205 to
ed at 1502 per patient (2007). Direct costs accounted for 8664 per year, depending on patient characteristics and
86% of the total cost, mostly due to home, work, and self- the mode of calculation of productivity losses.13-16 The direct
care help (29%), professional medical time (21%), and hos- and indirect costs of OA were shown to increase with patient
pital admissions (13%) (Figure 4). Indirect costs represented age and with poorer quality of life in several studies.13,14,16
only 14% of the total cost, with the largest component relat-
ed to providing help for housewives at home. Assuming a Our review highlights the importance of indirect costs on the
prevalence of knee and hip OA of, respectively, 10% and 4% burden of OA. In particular, in studies assessing the burden of
in Spain, the authors estimated the national cost of OA at OA in active patients, indirect costs were found to be greater
200 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The economic weight of osteoarthritis in Europe Hiligsmann and Reginster
1. Felson DT, Lawrence RC, Dieppe PA, et al. Osteoarthritis: new insights. Part 1: 10. Nguyen US, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Niu J, Zhang B, Felson DT. Increasing preva-
the disease and its risk factors. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133:635-646. lence of knee pain and symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: survey and cohort data.
2. Reginster JY. The prevalence and burden of arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:725-732.
2002;41(suppl 1):3-6. 11. Hunsche E, Chancellor JV, Bruce N. The burden of arthritis and nonsteroidal
3. Helmick CG, Felson DT, Lawrence RC, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of anti-inflammatory treatment. A European literature review. Pharmacoeconomics.
arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Part I. Arthritis 2001;19(suppl 1):1-15.
Rheum. 2008;58:15-25. 12. Segel J. Cost-of-Illness Studies - A primer. RTI-UNC Center of Excellence in
4. Murphy L, Schwartz TA, Helmick CG, et al. Lifetime risk of symptomatic knee Health Promotion Economics. 2006.
osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;59:1207-1213. 13. Rabenda V, Manette C, Lemmens R, Mariani AM, Struvay N, Reginster JY. Di-
5. Murphy LB, Helmick CG, Schwartz TA, et al. One in four people may develop rect and indirect costs attributable to osteoarthritis in active subjects. J Rheu-
symptomatic hip osteoarthritis in his or her lifetime. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. matol. 2006;33:1152-1158.
2010;18:1372-1379. 14. Leardini G, Salaffi F, Caporali R, et al. Direct and indirect costs of osteoarthritis
6. Guccione AA, Felson DT, Anderson JJ, et al. The effects of specific medical con- of the knee. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004;22:699-706.
ditions on the functional limitations of elders in the Framingham Study. Am J 15. Hermans J, Koopmanschap MA, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, et al. Productivity costs
Public Health. 1994;84:351-358. and medical costs among working patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis
7. Nuesch E, Dieppe P, Reichenbach S, Williams S, Iff S, Juni P. All cause and Care Res. 2012;64:853-861.
disease specific mortality in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis: population 16. Loza E, Lopez-Gomez JM, Abasolo L, et al. Economic burden of knee and hip
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8. Arden N, Nevitt MC. Osteoarthritis: epidemiology. Best Pract Res Clin Rheu- 17. Le Pen C, Reygrobellet C, Grentes I. Financial cost of osteoarthritis in France.
matol. 2006;20:3-25. The COART France study. Joint Bone Spine. 2005;72:567-570.
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the risk for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in women. The Framingham Study. egories among patients with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, back pain or fibromyal-
Ann Intern Med. 1992;116:535-539. gia undergoing outpatient rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med. 2011;43:703-708.
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19. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Osteoarthritis: the care and province of Ontario, Canada. Arthritis Rheum. 2012;64:1153-1161.
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202 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The economic weight of osteoarthritis in Europe Hiligsmann and Reginster
A of secondary osteoarthritis
can readily be pinpointed,
the boundary between age-asso-
ciated changes in articular carti-
lage and the pathogenetic changes
Can normal age-related
related to primary osteoarthritis is
not so easy to define. Changes in
cartilage with age are likely univer-
changes in cartilage
sal, but development of osteoarthri-
tis is not. This article will discuss
the way to differentiate these two
be distinguished from early
fates of the joint.
osteoarthritic changes?
1. L. A. Alekseeva, Russia
2. J. P. A. Arokoski, Finland
4. S. Blkbai,
s Turkey
5. O. P. Bortkevych, Ukraine
7. A. El Maghraoui, Morocco
9. A. Migliore, Italy
10 . T. Pap, Germany
12 . C. A. F. Zerbini, Brazil
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 203
1. L. A. Alekseeva, Russia
On the other hand, articular cartilage has no innervation and
Lyudmila A. ALEKSEEVA, MD, PhD cannot be a direct cause of pain, but the reduction in its thick-
Department of Metabolic Disorders of ness and volume with OA results in a higher load on the sub-
Musculoskeletal System
Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Laboratories
chondral bone within the weight-bearing areas of the joint. Re-
Research Institute of Rheumatology modeling processes, which take place in these areas, lead to
(Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) the development of osteosclerosis, osteophytes, and micro-
34 A, Kashirskoye shosse
115522 Moscow, RUSSIA
fractures, and eventually to an increase in the stiffness of sub-
(e-mail: chondral bone that can cause significant syndromic pain. An-
other cause of pain is the formation of foci of bone marrow
edema and an increase in the intramedullary pressure.4
urrently, osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common of
all the musculoskeletal diseases, and this relates to
the general increase in life expectancy and the ac- In recent years, evidence has accumulated about the role of
cumulation of risk factors. The main symptom of OA and im- subchondral bone in the development of OA. Subchondral
mediate reason for seeking medical care is pain, and this re- bone has been found to be able to produce a large number
mains a permanent symptom over time. Despite traditional use of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors. Changes in
of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, most patients with its microarchitecture can influence the intensity of pain, and
OA continue to experience pain. the bone mineral density value in subchondral areas of the
tibia can be considered as a predictor of OA progression.
There are many reasons for the occurrence of pain in OA and All of this demonstrates the importance of investigating pain
many factors determining its severity. The proportion of pa- in OA, especially given the available information that pain can
tients with so-called painful or overtly symptomatic knee OA affect disease prognosis. As was described in the National
increases with age and reaches almost 80% in the oldest age Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)1 and by
group.1 Moreover, the individual perception of pain by each pa- Mazzuca and colleagues,5,6 the initial level of pain in the knee
tient cannot be ignored, and may depend not only on changes joint in OA is a risk factor for the development of functional
in the joint, but also on the emotional and social status of the impairment and radiological progression in the future. I
The source of pain in OA can be almost any structure of the 1. McAlindon TE, Cooper C, Kirwan JR, Dieppe PA. Knee pain and disability in the
community. Br J Rheumatol. 1992;31:189-192.
joint: the synovial membrane, bone, or soft tissues.2 Mecha- 2. Creamer P, Hunt M, Dieppe P. Pain mechanisms in osteoarthritis of the knee: ef-
nisms of pain perception may include activation and local re- fect of intraarticular anesthetic. J Rheumatol. 1996;23:1031-1036.
lease of pro-inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins 3. Sofat N, Ejindu V, Kiely P. What makes osteoarthritis painful? The evidence for
local and central pain processing. Rheumatology. 2011;50:2157-2165.
and cytokines. Clinically, however, there is often a disparity be- 4. Sowers MF, Hayes C, Jamadar D, et al. Magnetic resonance-detected subchon-
tween the degree of pain perception and the extent of de- dral bone marrow and cartilage defect characteristics associated with pain and
structive changes in the joint. A study with functional magnet- X-ray-defined knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2003;11:387-393.
5. Hassan BS, Doherty SA, Doherty M. Effect of pain reduction on postural sway,
ic resonance imaging revealed that numerous areas in the proprioception, and quadriceps strength in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Ann
brain are involved in the occurrence of pain in OA. This study Rheum Dis. 2002;61:422-428.
demonstrated that perception of pain in OA is a complex 6. Mazzuca SA, Brandt KD, Schauwecker DS, et al. Severity of joint pain and Kell-
gren-Lawrence grade at baseline are better predictors of joint space narrowing
mechanism involving local factors and the activation of cen- than bone scintigraphy in obese woman with knee osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol.
tral pain pathways.3 2005;32:1540-1546.
204 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
2. J. P. A. Arokoski, Finland
Cartilage in osteoarthritis
Jari P. A. AROKOSKI, MD, PhD OA is characterized by a deterioration and progressive loss
Clinical Lecturer and Adjunct Professor of articular cartilage, and it manifests clinically with pain that
(docent) of Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine, Department of Physical
does not occur in normal aged cartilage.1 In experimental mod-
and Rehabilitation Medicine els of OA, some of the first detectable abnormalities that can
Kuopio University Hospital be observed even before there is any deterioration visible on
P. O. B. 1777, FI-70211 Kuopio
the cartilage surface include a decrease in the superficial pro-
(e-mail: teoglycan concentration, increased water content, and the
separation and disorganization of the superficial collagen fib-
rils.1 In early OA, the synthesis of both type II collagen and
he etiology of osteoarthritis (OA) is not fully understood,
but there are known to be several predisposing risk fac- proteoglycans is increased. Advanced OA with fibrillation is
tors for the condition.1 These include obesity, injuries to accompanied by a net loss and damage to type II collagen
the joints, andmost importantlyold age. The prevalence fibrils, as well as a loss of proteoglycans. The loss of proteo-
and incidence of OA increases with age.2 However, although glycans and collagen results in diminished cartilage stiffness.
epidemiological studies seem to indicate that primary OA and
aging are interrelated, aging does not directly cause OA.3 Age- At the molecular level, OA is viewed as being a metabolically
related changes in the musculoskeletal system may contribute active process, including both cartilage destruction and re-
to the development of OA by making the joints more suscep- pair.5 This equilibrium is regulated by the complex interplay
tible to the effects of other OA risk factors.3 Several novel ag- between anabolic growth factors (especially TGF and IGF-1)
ing theories such as progressive apoptotic cell loss, mitochon- and catabolic proinflammatory cytokines (especially IL-1 and
drial degeneration, and cell senescence have been proposed TNF ). In a normal joint, these mediators are present at low
to account for the cartilage degeneration in OA.4 levels to maintain the homeostasis of cartilage, but in OA,
these processes become imbalanced, with the increased pro-
The pathogenetic changes in primary, and especially early, OA teolytic degradation being mediated by matrix metalloprotein-
are difficult to distinguish clinically from normal aging, but there ases, ie, collagenases and stromelysins.
are some differences discernible between these two fates of
the joint. The current research in this area focuses on artic- Early diagnosis of osteoarthritis
ular cartilage. The traditional diagnostic techniques, plain X-ray imaging or
arthroscopic examination, can only detect late and major tis-
Age-related changes in cartilage sue changes in OA and are incapable of differentiating early
Articular cartilage undergoes significant structural and me- cartilage OA changes from age-associated changes. How-
chanical changes with age.2 Articular cartilage collagen and ever, early diagnosis would be highly advantageous as initial
proteoglycan metabolism are relatively active during growth OA changes may still be reversible.6 Recent developments in
and adolescence, but in adult individuals, the metabolism with- quantitative imaging techniques, including magnetic resonance
in cartilage is more sluggish.5 There is evidence of an increas- imaging and ultrasound methods, as well as more sensitive
ing prevalence of articular surface fibrillation with age,2 and car- biomarkers, mean that diagnostic evaluation of cartilage in ear-
tilage also thins with age, suggesting a loss of the cartilage ly OA may in the future become reality.6 I
This might be due to the fact that chondrocytes become less 1. Arokoski JPA, Jurvelin J, Vtinen U, Helminen HJ. Normal and pathological
adaptation of articular cartilage to joint loading. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2000;
responsive to the proliferative and anabolic effects of growth 10:186-198.
factors with increasing age.3 Aggrecan, the major cartilage pro- 2. Martin JA, Buckwalter JA. Roles of articular cartilage aging and chondrocyte
teoglycan, decreases in molecular size and content,5 and this senescence in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Iowa Orthop J. 2001;21:1-7.
3. Loeser RF. Age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system and the devel-
would be expected to reduce cartilage stiffness and hydra- opment of osteoarthritis. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010;26:371-386.
tion.3 There is no major change in the content of total collagen 4. Aigner T, Richter W. OA in 2011: age-related OAa concept emerging from in-
and pyridinoline during aging, but there is a marked increase fancy? Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2012;10:70-72.
5. Goldring MB, Goldring SR. Osteoarthritis. J Cell Physiol. 2007;213:626-634.
in the formation of advanced glycation end products, includ- 6. Chu CR, Williams AA, Coyle CH, Bowers ME. Early diagnosis to enable early treat-
ing pentosidine crosslinks, making the cartilage more brittle.3 ment of pre-osteoarthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012;14:212.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 205
he short answer is yes. However, interest and a degree
of controversy derive from the techniques that are avail- However, probably the most definitive current technique for
able to discriminate between the two and considera- distinguishing OA from age-related change alone in cartilage
tion of whether osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease restricted to is gene expression profiling. A recent study by Loeser et al 5
cartilage alone or should more correctly be considered a dis- has shown that there are quite different profiles in young ver-
ease of the whole joint. sus aged mice, with 493 genes showing differential expres-
sion and an age-related decrease in matrix gene expression
The main techniques used to investigate cartilage include im- and increase in immune and defense response gene expres-
aging, histology, and gene expression profiling. Clinically, the sion. Thus, there is a characteristic aging gene profile signa-
most useful test would be one that is noninvasive and read- ture in mice. Replication in humans will provide us with an in-
ily available. Unfortunately, plain radiographs usually provide vasive tool for discriminating age-related change: arguably
no direct visualization of cartilage, unless chondrocalcinosis a controversial answer to the controversial question.
is present, and the indirect evidence is limited by difficulties
in interpreting joint space, which is affected by positioning, A growing appreciation of OA as a disease of the whole joint
and the variable interposition of other low-density tissues such suggests that a narrow focus on cartilage alone is, however,
as menisci. High-resolution musculoskeletal ultrasound and probably counterproductive. Ongoing longitudinal studies will
magnetic resonance imaging can directly visualize cartilage, but allow us to define which changes in and around the joint are
there is a lack of true population data on age-related changes, associated with progression and response to treatment. We
even with magnetic resonance imaging. Large studies, for ex- should increasingly use these predictors and regard cartilage
ample Osteoarthritis Initiative, sponsored by the National In- changes as just one of several key outcomes of OA. I
stitutes of Health in the United States,1 have focused on a sin-
gle joint (the knee) and used convenience sampling.
Histological techniques include macroscopic examination of 1. Osteoarthritis Initiative. Available at: Accessed
cartilage sections for thinning and fibrillation and microscopic November 21, 2012.
2. McNulty MA, Loeser RF, Davey C, Callahan MF, Ferguson CM, Carlson CS.
examination with stains for proteoglycans (such as Safranin O). Histopathology of naturally occurring and surgically induced osteoarthritis in
While grading systems for cartilage are discriminating for ad- mice. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2012;20:949-956.
vanced disease, early OA changes may be difficult to discrim- 3. Neogi T, Felson D, Niu J, et al. Association between radiographic features of
knee osteoarthritis and pain: results from two cohort studies. BMJ. 2009;339:
inate from age-related change using grading systems for car- b2844.
tilage alone.2 Three other approaches to discriminate early 4. Milner JM, Patel A, Davidson RK, et al. Matriptase is a novel initiator of cartilage
OA changes are: microscopic examination of the whole joint, matrix degradation in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62:1955-1966.
5. Loeser RF, Olex AL, McNulty MA, et al. Microarray analysis reveals age-related
measurement of specific enzymes upregulated in OA, and differences in gene expression during the development of osteoarthritis in mice.
gene expression profiling. Pathological changes around the Arthritis Rheum. 2012;64:705-717.
206 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
4. S. Blkbai, Turkey
arthritis is a multifactorial disease and age is the major (but not
only) risk factor, it is difficult to determine whether cartilage
degradation and cartilage aging are different processes.
Department of Orthopedics
and Traumatology In an experimental study, the accumulation of advanced gly-
Gazi University School of Medicine cation end products (AGEs) was investigated in relation to os-
06500 Besevler
Ankara, TURKEY
teoarthritis.3 AGEs adversely affect the formation of cartilage,
(e-mail: lead to the formation of osteoarthritis, and increase with aging.
In this study, the accumulation of AGEs was found to cause a
urrently, it is not possible to give an exact answer to tendency to develop osteoarthritis. The results showed that
this question. In order to begin to answer the ques- higher AGE levels in the cartilage increased the severity of os-
tion, one must first elucidate whether or not aging of teoarthritis, and they provided the first in vivo molecular ev-
the cartilage is the same process as cartilage degradation. idence to demonstrate the role of aging in the development of
As the role of mitochondria is known in degenerative diseases,
a study was conducted to investigate mitochondrial function With the development of microarray technology, studies have
in healthy chondrocytes and osteoarthritic chondrocytes, as emerged suggesting that gene expression analysis of sub-
well as age-related changes in mitochondria. The study showed chondral bone can be conducted in early experimental os-
that mitochondrial mass was increased in osteoarthritic chon- teoarthritis and can be used in its diagnosis and treatment.4
drocytes, but no correlation was found between mitochon- However, it is currently impossible to obtain suitable subchon-
drial function and age in normal and osteoarthritic chondro- dral bone and cartilage samples from humans and animals
cytes.1 This result suggests that cartilage aging and cartilage in order to study the beginning and early stages of osteo-
degradation are two separate processes.1 arthritis.4 Another study indicated that by measuring certain
biomarkers of bone, cartilage, and synovial metabolism (sC2C,
In another study, the matrix homeostasis of a healthy human uCTX-II, sCPII, uNTx, and sHA), changes in cartilage matrix
ankle was evaluated.2 Type I collagen synthesis and denatu- and early structural changes in cartilage could be identified.5
ration were found to be associated with the pericellular ma- This and many similar studies show that biomarkers may be
trix, and the type II collagen (CII) and proteoglycan content in important indicators of early-stage osteoarthritis. With such
the matrix were determined as remaining constant through- biomarkers, it could be possible to differentiate early osteo-
out life. Age had an important effect on the denaturation of CII, arthritis from cartilage aging.
which decreased as age increased, relative to collagenase-
mediated cleavage.2 These observations suggest that carti- To date, studies have not been able to clearly reveal the dis-
lage aging and the osteoarthritic process are two separate tinction between osteoarthritis and cartilage aging. It is there-
processes, since the aging of the ankle cartilage bore no re- fore difficult to distinguish primary osteoarthritis in its early
semblance to the molecular degenerative changes of osteo- stages from cartilage aging, hence the need for further stud-
arthritis.2 Thus, a clear difference emerges between aging and ies in this area. I
On the basis of the two aforementioned studies, new inves- 1. Manerio E, Martin MA, Andres MC, et al. Mitochondrial respiratory activity is al-
tigative molecular studies could in the future be used routine- tered in osteoarthritic human articular chondrocytes. Arthritis Rheum. 2003;48:
ly to help differentiate the early stage of osteoarthritis from car- 2. Aurich M, Poole R, Reiner A, et al. Matrix homeostasis in aging normal human
tilage aging. Currently, however, the results of studies such ankle cartilage. Arthritis Rheum. 2002;46:2903-2910.
as these are not completely clear and remain to be clarified. 3. De Groot J, Verzijl N, Wenting-van Wijk MJG, et al. Accumulation of advanced
glycation end products as a molecular mechanism for aging as a risk factor in
osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:1207-1215.
Additionally, contrary to the aforementioned results, aging is 4. Zhang Y, Fang H, Chen Y, et al. Gene expression analyses of subchondral bone
one of the most important risk factors in the development of in early experimental osteoarthritis by microarray. PloS One. 2012;7:1-19.
5. Ishijima M, Watari T, Naito K, et al. Relationships between biomarkers of carti-
osteoarthritis, and more than 50% of the population over the lage, bone, synovial metabolism and knee pain provide insights into the origins
age of 60 years have osteoarthritic joints.3 Because osteo- of pain in early knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2011;13:R22.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 207
5. O. P. Bortkevych, Ukraine
Normal aging involves a marked increase in the formation of
advanced glycation end products, including pentosidine cross-
links. The resultant increased crosslinking of collagen mole-
Department of Clinical Rheumatology
cules can alter the biomechanical properties of cartilage, re-
National Scientific Centre M. D. Strazhesko sulting in increased stiffness and susceptibility to fatigue.
Institute of Cardiology
5, Narodnogo Opolcheniya St, 03151
A highly prevalent change in aging cartilage is deposition of
(e-mail: calcium-containing crystals due to increased pyrophosphate
production by chondrocytes. Calcium crystals may stimulate
steoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the joint affecting all chondrocyte production of inflammatory mediators and extra-
joint tissues. Similarly, joint aging is systemic. Age is cellular matrixdegrading enzymes, contributing to the onset
the most prominent risk factor for OA, and although and progression of OA, and may play a role in erosive OA, a
the relationship between aging and OA is well known, its mech- more destructive form of OA most commonly seen in the dis-
anisms are not fully understood. tal interphalangeal joints in elderly women.
Joint changes that are both intrinsic and extrinsic (sarcope- Age-associated cellular changes in articular cartilage include
nia, altered bone remodeling, reduced proprioception) con- cell depletion and impaired responses to extracellular stimuli
tribute to OA development. The concept that aging contributes resulting in abnormal gene expression and cell differentiation.
to, but does not directly cause OA, is consistent with the mul- In full-thickness cartilage, cell density decreases with aging. In
tifactorial nature of the condition and the joints most com- OA-affected cartilage, chondrocyte proliferation in the form
monly affected. OA normally develops after long periods of of cell clusters or cloning has been observed in areas of
exposure to risk factors such as obesity, joint trauma, joint fibrillation. Cells in these clusters express progenitor cell mark-
malalignment, or abnormal shape and leg length inequality. ers and a wide spectrum of proteins associated with abnor-
Age-related changes occur in the joint tissues of all individu- mal chondrocyte activation and differentiation. This represents
als, most notably in articular cartilage. However, symptomatic, a tissue repair response of progenitor cells. The activation pat-
radiographic, macroscopic, or microscopic signs of OA do not tern of the cluster cells also underscores the notion that aging
manifest in all individuals, even at an advanced age. This sug- does not uniformly affect all cells in cartilage and that certain
gests that aging does not necessarily cause OA, rather age- cell subsets in aging and OA-affected cartilage are capable
related changes provide a basis upon which OA can develop. of proliferation and activation.
Individuals with OA risk factors may undergo an accelerated With increasing age, chondrocytes become less responsive
rate of change similar to that associated with aging, consis- to the proliferative and anabolic effects of growth factors,
tent with the concept that aging results from an imbalance be- which may contribute to an imbalance between anabolic and
tween stressors causing damage and mechanisms that re- catabolic activity. Altered cell signaling in response to growth
pair or protect against damage. factors may also account for the reduced anabolic response
with age.
In both aging and OA, changes occur in the total amount and
composition of articular cartilage extracellular matrix, which Conceptually, age-related pathologies originate from limitations
also undergoes proteolysis and other modifications. The su- in the maintenance and repair mechanisms of DNA, anom-
perficial zone is where the earliest age-related changes occur alies in the antioxidant mechanisms that contribute to the de-
in human articular cartilage. In OA, increased proteolytic ac- toxification of reactive oxygen species, or abnormalities in
tivity in cartilage and synovial fluid causes cartilage matrix mechanisms for removal of abnormal proteins and organelles.
changes and increased degradation of collagen molecules. A clear distinction between aging and OA has not always been
There is also a decrease in fixed charge density due to degra- provided, so that it can be difficult to differentiate primary age-
dation and loss of aggrecan. related changes from those that are part of the OA process. I
208 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
steoarthritis (OA) is a slow-developing disease of the homeostasis. Chondrocyte senescence reduces the ability
diarthrodial joints associated with progressive car- to respond to growth factor stimulation, contributing to an
tilage damage, soft tissue and subchondral bone imbalance in cartilage formation and degradation, as well as
changes, bony osteophytes, and joint inflammation. OA is most decreased chondrocyte anabolic activity. Furthermore, senes-
common in the hands, causing significant pain and function- cence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) may negative-
al loss, but involvement of the knees or hips is usually more ly affect the local environment. Cells exhibiting SASP pro-
disabling. Aging is the most important risk factor, followed duce proinflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases
by obesity, previous joint injury, female sex, and genetic dis- very similar to those in OA. Another cell senescence factor,
position. Two fundamental mechanisms lead to OA: normal high-mobility group box protein 2, regulates gene transcrip-
load on abnormal cartilage (primary OA) or abnormal load on tion and decline in the superficial zone of aging chondro-
normal cartilage (secondary OA). Although cartilage aging is cytes and is associated with increased chondrocyte death in
universal, OA is not found in all elderly people; a proportion of OA models.
them are free of symptomatic and radiographic OA, indicat-
ing the presence of additional risk and/or protective factors. Current findings support the view that cartilage aging usually
occurs before overt primary OA. In many cases, it is impossi-
There are several theories explaining the pathogenesis of pri- ble to distinguish the senescent chondrocyte from the osteo-
mary OA. The oldest theory, wear and tear of the cartilage ma- arthritic chondrocyte because cell senescence is the number
trix, emphasizes the effect of mechanical load over a lifetime. one precondition for OA. There is some evidence of increased
The extracellular matrix theory links OA to intrinsic changes chondrocyte proliferation during the development of OA, and
in proteoglycans, the collagen network, and chondrocyte bi- chondrocyte death has also been observed, with reduced
ology that are caused by advanced glycation end products numbers particularly in the superficial regions of cartilage.
and oxidative stress. The apoptotic theory views OA as the However, it is not clear if the cell damage and reactivity rep-
result of chondrocyte apoptosis or other types of cell death. resent changes associated with the aging process, early OA,
The mitochondrial theory emphasizes the role of mitochon- or a continuum from aging to OA.
drial DNA damage, which may be advanced by inflammato-
ry cytokines, contributing to chondrocyte energy failure and A better understanding of the role of senescence biology in OA
death. A recent theory on cell senescence describes OA as development may translate practically into the development
the increasing inability of the chondrocytes to keep up with of new strategies to delay the onset of chondrocyte senes-
mechanical or inflammatory attacks leading to failure in main- cence and prevent the development or progression of OA. I
taining cartilage integrity.
The causes of cell aging remain unclear, but it is increasingly Further reading
accepted that there are a limited number of cell replication 1. Aigner T, Richter W. Age related OAa concept emerging from infancy? Nat
Rev Rheumatol. 2012;8:70-72.
cycles, culminating in replicative senescence. Replication is 2. Horton Jr WE, Bennion P, Yang L. Cellular, molecular, and matrix changes in
limited by telomere exhaustion. Telomeres are eroded by each cartilage during aging and osteoarthritis. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact.
division cycle, eventually down to the minimum length for DNA 2006;6:379-381.
3. Loeser RF. Aging and osteoarthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2011;23:492-496.
replication, resulting in cycle arrest. 4. Anderson AS, Loeser RF. Why is osteoarthritis an age-related disease? Best
Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2010;24:15-26.
In adults, subchondral bone isolates cartilage from the vas- 5. Martin JA, Buckwalter JA. Aging, articular cartilage chondrocyte senescence
and osteoarthritis. Biogerontology. 2002;3:257-264.
cular system, resulting in no influx of progenitor cells into car- 6. Loeser RF. Age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system and the devel-
tilage. Chondrocytes are postmitotic, with little or no cell turn- opment of osteoarthritis. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010;26:371-386.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 209
7. A. El Maghraoui, Morocco
mechanical stress on joint cartilage (arising from a number of
factors, including altered gait, muscle weakness, degenera-
tion of ligaments, changes in proprioception, and changes in
Professor of Rheumatology
body weight), and changes within the joint (including cell and
Rheumatology Department matrix changes in joint tissues, thickening of the subchondral
Military Hospital Mohammed V bone, variable degrees of synovial inflammation, loss of menis-
cal tissue, and hypertrophy of the joint capsule contributing
(e-mail: to joint enlargement) contribute to the development of OA
when other OA risk factors are also present.3 The patholog-
steoarthritis (OA) is a common age-related disorder, ical changes noted in the other joint tissues also contribute
often described as a chronic degenerative disease to the loss of normal joint function, and because, unlike carti-
and thought by many to be an inevitable conse- lage, they contain pain fibers, these tissues are responsible
quence of growing old. Epidemiological studies show that age for the pain experienced by people with OA.
remains the most prominent risk factor for the initiation and
progression of primary OA in susceptible joints.1 The preva- Thus, it is very important to question how to distinguish nor-
lence of OA increases with age: radiographic surveys of mul- mal age-related changes in cartilage that do not progress to
tiple joints (hands, spine, hips, and knees) reveal the pres- OA from early changes that reliably do progress to OA. In this
ence of OA in at least one joint in over 80% of older adults.2 regard, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown
However, not all older adults with symptoms of joint pain have promising results. New methodological approaches for quan-
radiographic evidence of OA in the painful joint, and only about titative assessment have been introduced, and an MRI-based
half of people with radiographic OA experience significant definition of OA has been suggested.4 A recent study using
symptoms. Moreover, it is well-known that not all older adults MRI methods sensitive to cartilage matrix composition demon-
develop OA and not all joints in the body are affected to the strated that subjects at risk for OA have both higher and more
same degree. It is also well-known that radiographic OA heterogeneous cartilage T2 values than controls, and that T2
changes, particularly osteophytes, are common in the aged parameters are associated with morphologic degeneration.5
population, but symptoms of joint pain are frequently inde- One could speculate that the development of these kinds of
pendent of radiographic severity. Consequently, due to the dis- techniques could help to distinguish age-related changes in
crepancies between osteoarthritic pain and radiographic ev- cartilage that predispose patients to OA from those that do
idence of OA, most current epidemiological studies define OA not. More information is needed to better understand how
through a combination of clinical and radiographic criteria. aging changes in the bone, meniscus, and ligaments con-
tribute to the development of OA. I
The current concept is that OA is a disease of the whole joint,
which involves a complex series of molecular changes at the
cell, matrix, and tissue levels and complex interactions be- References
tween the tissues that make up the joint. Aging is the major 1. Aigner T, Richter W. OA in 2011: age-related OAa concept emerging from in-
risk factor, and it contributes to, but does not directly cause fancy? Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2012;8:70-72.
2. Loeser RF. Age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system and the develop-
OA. This is consistent with the multifactorial nature of the con- ment of osteoarthritis. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010;26:371-386.
dition and the differing joints most commonly affected. Be- 3. Heijink A, Gomoll AH, Madry H, et al. Biomechanical considerations in the patho-
sides age, the common risk factors for OA include obesity, genesis of osteoarthritis of the knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;
previous joint injury, genetics, and anatomical factors includ- 4. Hunter DJ, Arden N, Conaghan PG, et al. Definition of osteoarthritis on MRI: re-
ing joint alignment. These risk factors appear to interact with sults of a Delphi exercise. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011;19:963-969.
age to determine which joints are affected by OA and how 5. Joseph GB, Baum T, Carballido-Gamio J, et al. Texture analysis of cartilage T2
maps: individuals with risk factors for OA have higher and more heterogeneous
severe the condition will be. Thus, there are important differ- knee cartilage MR T2 compared to normal controlsdata from the osteoarthri-
ences between an aged joint and one with OA. Age-related tis initiative. Arthritis Res Ther. 2011;13:R153.
210 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
rticular cartilage is a unique tissue from the perspec-
tive of aging, in that chondrocytes and the majority This ultimately increases cartilage stiffness and brittleness, in-
of the extracellular matrix proteins experience little creases chondrocyte-mediated proteoglycan degradation,
turnover, thus resulting in a tissue that must withstand years reduces resistance to matrix metalloproteinasemediated de-
of use and can also accumulate years of aging-associated gradation, and decreases proteoglycan synthesis by chon-
changes. It has been known for a very long time that aging drocytes. Articular cartilage becomes more prone to damage
is the most prominent risk factor for the initiation and progres- and development of osteoarthritis.4
sion of osteoarthritis. This might be related to continuous me-
chanical wear and tear and/or time/age-related modifications In addition, an age-associated reduction in growth factor sig-
of cartilage matrix components. In addition, a mere loss of vi- naling and an increase in oxidative stress may also play an im-
able cells over time due to apoptosis or any other mechanism portant role in the age-osteoarthritis connection.5
might contribute. More recent evidence, however, supports
the notion that stressful conditions for the cells might pro- Although different studies have shown that age is inversely as-
mote chondrocyte senescence and be particularly important sociated with cartilage volume, cartilage turnover, and aggre-
in the progression of the osteoarthritic disease process.1 can expression in healthy individuals, the exact differentiation
between aged cartilage and early osteoarthritic cartilage seems
In animal models, aging predisposes articular cartilage to difficult, and age-related changes leading to failure of human
changes in viable cell density and to expression of specific pro- articular cartilage to resist damage are considered to be OA. I
apoptotic genes. Also, fetal and young (but still skeletally ma-
ture) bovine chondrocytes behave similarly, while aged chon-
drocytes display diminished proliferation, slightly reduced References
proteoglycan accumulation, and significantly less collagen ac- 1. Aigner T, Haag J, Martin J, Buckwalter J. Osteoarthritis: aging of matrix and
cumulation per cell compared with the younger cells. Histo- cellsgoing for a remedy. Curr Drug Targets. 2007;8:325-331.
2. Tran-Khanh N, Hoemann CD, McKee MD, Henderson JE, Buschmann MD.
logical observations and mechanical properties support these Aged bovine chondrocytes display a diminished capacity to produce a colla-
findings, and a particularly significant reduction in the tensile gen-rich, mechanically functional cartilage extracellular matrix. J Orthop Res.
stiffness produced by aged chondrocytes compared with 2005;23:1354-1362.
3. Dozin B, Malpeli M, Camardella L, Cancedda R, Pietrangelo A. Response of
younger cells has been observed.2 young, aged and osteoarthritic human articular chondrocytes to inflammatory
cytokines: molecular and cellular aspects. Matrix Biol. 2002;21:449-459.
In humans, chondrocytes from normal but aged subjects dis- 4. DeGroot J. The age of the matrix: chemistry, consequence and cure. Curr Opin
Pharmacol. 2004;4:301-305.
play biochemical properties closer to osteoarthritic-derived 5. Loeser RF Jr. Aging cartilage and osteoarthritiswhat's the link? Sci Aging
cartilage than to normal young cartilage, as indicated by cell Knowledge Environ. 2004;pe31.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 211
9. A. Migliore, Italy
cretory phenotype has some features in common with the OA
chondrocyte phenotype, including increased production of
cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases.
Alberto MIGLIORE, MD The age-related increase in ROS levels could play an impor-
Director UOS of Rheumatology tant role in OA. The various inflammatory mediators that are
Hospital Villa S. Pietro
increased in OA, including IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-, and other
(e-mail: cytokines, can all stimulate additional production of ROS. Ex-
cess ROS production can directly damage intracellular pro-
ging is the main risk factor for primary osteoarthritis teins and DNA, as well as the extracellular matrix, by stimu-
(OA) and OA is the disease most strongly correlated lating matrix metalloproteinase production and activity, thus
with aging. Both in humans and other animals, OA playing a significant role in stimulation of cartilage degrada-
development seems to be not rigorously time-dependent, but tion in OA.
to hold pace with the aging process. Despite older age being
the greatest risk factor for OA, OA is not an unavoidable con- The extracellular and cellular changes in aging compound each
sequence of growing old. Moreover, radiographic changes in- other, leading to biomechanical dysfunction and tissue de-
dicative of OAmainly osteophytesare frequent in the aged struction. Some of these changes differ from those seen in OA,
population, but symptoms of joint pain may not correlate with which is also characterized by cell activation with increased
the severity of radiographic findings in many older subjects. proliferation and gene expression. Disruption of the articu-
lar surface or superficial zone (SZ) seems to be a key trigger-
OA is a degenerative disease characterized by structural ing event for the chronic and progressive extracellular ma-
changes to joint tissues that include synovial inflammation, trix degradation process leading to OA. The SZ contains the
catabolic destruction of articular cartilage, alterations in sub- majority of mesenchymal stem cells in adult cartilage. The
chondral bone, and decreasing muscle strength. presence of stem cells endows the SZ with the capacity for
self-renewal, which may be required to respond to mechan-
This article will only address differences between cartilage ical stress. However, the SZ can be compromised by acute
changes caused by OA and those caused by aging. The ef- or chronic mechanical stress and by age-related cellular dys-
fects of aging involve the whole articular cartilage. Major ex- function. Once the SZ is disrupted, cartilage cells are acti-
tracellular matrix changes comprise reduced cartilage thick- vated, and through the production of matrix-degrading en-
ness, proteolysis, advanced glycation, and calcification. Cellular zymes, lesions enlarge causing joint inflammation, pain, and
changes consist of decreased cell density, cellular senes- dysfunction. Loss of cells (eg, via apoptosis) is among the ma-
cence with reduced chondrocyte survival, decreased mitotic jor changes that occur in the SZ due to aging and exposure
and anabolic activity, anomalous cytokine excretion, and im- to mechanical stress.
paired cellular resistance.
Cartilage degradation results in the production of fragments of
One of the most pronounced age-related changes in chon- extracellular matrix molecules. Some of these molecules may
drocytes is a senescent phenotype, which is caused mainly be detected in blood, serum, synovial fluid, and urine, and
by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and can act as useful biomarkers. The ability to detect biomarkers
advanced glycation end products. Senescent chondrocytes of cartilage degradation may enable clinicians to differentiate
display an impaired ability to respond to many mechanical the appearance of subclinical OA from natural joint aging. Bio-
and inflammatory insults. Protein secretion is also altered in markers indicating early phases of degeneration would be
aging chondrocytes, as demonstrated by a decrease in an- useful in detecting preradiographic OA changes. Proteomic
abolic activity and increased production of proinflammatory techniques have the potential to improve our understanding
cytokines and matrix-degrading enzymes. The senescent se- of OA pathophysiology. I
212 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
steoarthritis (OA) is the most frequent joint disease suggest that while the program appears to be similar, the
and an important cause of disability in the Western triggers and mechanisms of cartilage remodeling during en-
world. It involves all parts of articular joints and is dochondral ossification and OA may be distinct.
characterized primarily by the progressive, irreversible loss of
articular cartilage. Given that the incidence of osteoarthritic Given that during endochondral ossification, deposition of ba-
changes increases with age, the question of whether OA is a sic calcium phosphate crystals is an important part of bone
mere aging phenomenon or as with cardiovascular disorders, formation, calcification of articular cartilage during OA is an-
cancer, or neurodegenerative diseases, becomes more fre- other indication of similarities between both conditions. Our
quent during aging because of the cumulative effects of path- group found that the calcification of hyaline cartilage is a reg-
ogenic factors (which in principle can affect individuals at any ular event in human OA and is strongly associated with the
age), is a controversial, yet important, one. hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes.5 The mechanisms
involved in pathological cartilage calcification during OA, and
One main reason for the difficulty in answering this question particularly the pathways that link chondrocyte differentiation
is that the processes that lead to and characterize normal to the calcification of the surrounding matrix, are not com-
cartilage aging remain largely unknown. While it is well accept- pletely understood. However, changes in the synthesis and
ed that the composition of the extracellular matrix changes transport of inorganic pyrophosphate, as well as in extracel-
with aging, aside from the loss of proteoglycans, disease-spe- lular pyrophosphate metabolism, have been found to be as-
cific alterations in osteoarthritic cartilage are poorly charac- sociated with this process.6
terized and understood. Also, OA most likely does not con-
stitute a uniform disease, but rather an initially complex yet Collectively, these data indicate that while mechanistically sim-
ultimately narrow path of how cartilage responds to different ilar and part of a rather uniform program, the developmental
types of stress. In this context, it has been suggested that in- processes that occur either during embryogenesis or during
flammation is a distinguishing factor between normal aging aging can be distinguished from the pathological changes
and OA.1 However, the role of inflammation as a trigger and seen in OA. Distinguishing factors appear to include the na-
accelerating force of osteoarthritic changes remains contro- ture, strength, and duration of underlying stimuli. I
versial, and while some recent data suggest a key role for
inflammatory signals, the most recent studies have failed to References
demonstrate a key role for IL-1mediated inflammation in 1. Furuzawa-Carballeda J, Macip-Rodriguez PM, Cabral AR. Osteoarthritis and
murine models of OA.2 Of interest, several lines of evidence rheumatoid arthritis pannus have similar qualitative metabolic characteristics and
pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2008;26:554-560.
indicate that osteoarthritic changes are linked to the reex- 2. Bougault C, Gosset M, Houard X, et al. Stress-induced cartilage degradation does
pression in chondrocytes of molecules and pathways that not depend on NLRP3 inflammasome in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2012;64:
are characteristic of different stages of endochondral ossi- 3972-3981
3. Saito T, Fukai A, Mabuchi A, et al. Transcriptional regulation of endochondral os-
fication during embryonic development.3 sification by HIF-2alpha during skeletal growth and osteoarthritis development.
Nat Med. 2010;16:678-686.
Members of the syndecan family of transmembrane heparin 4. Echtermeyer F, Bertrand J, Dreier R, et al. Syndecan-4 regulates ADAMTS-5 ac-
tivation and cartilage breakdown in osteoarthritis. Nat Med. 2009;15:1072-1076.
sulfate proteoglycans, particularly syndecan-4, are prominent 5. Fuerst M, Bertrand J, Lammers L, et al. Calcification of articular cartilage in hu-
examples in this respect.4 We were able to show that syn- man osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2009;60:2694-2703.
decan-4, which is expressed prominently in hypertrophic chon- 6. Bertrand J, Nitschke Y, Fuerst M, et al. Decreased levels of nucleotide pyrophos-
phatase phosphodiesterase 1 are associated with cartilage calcification in osteo-
drocytes of developing joints in the embryo, is reexpressed arthritis and trigger osteoarthritic changes in mice. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012;71:
both in human OA and in animal models of the disease, and 1249-1253.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 213
steoarthritis (OA) is probably the most common oxygen species, and this may contribute to cell death and
chronic joint disorder. It is defined by focal lesions matrix degeneration.5
of the articular cartilage, a hypertrophic reaction in
the subchondral bone, and new bone formation. OA is often There is no clear frontier between the features of articular car-
considered a chronic degenerative disease, with degradation tilage in aging and OA, and both share some common char-
of articular cartilage attributed to wear and tear. Although ag- acteristics. Senescent and osteoarthritic chondrocytes share
ing is a known risk factor for OA, the condition is not a con- a secretory phenotype. Cell death has been observed during
sequence of growing old, but involves a destructive chronic the development of OA as well as in aging cartilage. Age-re-
active inflammatory mechanism mediated by cells within the lated loss of autophagy, a protective mechanism for normal
articular cartilage.1 chondrocytes that protects cells during the stress response,
is associated with cell death and OA development.6 Age-re-
In OA, there is a change in the normal adult chondrocyte state lated changes in cartilage matrix could also be important in
characterized by cell proliferation, cluster formation, and in- contributing to the development of OA. The increased ac-
creased production of matrix proteins and matrix-degrading cumulation and expression of AGEs that occurs in aging
enzymes. Chondrocytes in OA cartilage express cytokine and chondrocytes is associated with enhanced sensitivity to cy-
chemokine receptors, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tokines and chemokines, which trigger expression of MMPs.
other proteins that enhance or modulate inflammatory and The increased production of reactive oxygen species could
catabolic responses. MMPs such as aggrecanases and col- also play an important role in OA.
lagenases are found in the osteoarthritic joint. In early OA,
MMP-3 and ADMTS-5 degrade aggrecan.2 Next, collagenas- The relationship between aging and OA is well known, but
es degrade type II collagen and the collagen network. As the the mechanisms by which aging predisposes the joint to OA
articular cartilage matrix proteins are degraded, fragments development are not fully understood. Age-related changes
of matrix proteins such as fibronectin and small leucine-rich observed in cell and cartilage matrix may increase the sus-
proteoglycans are produced, which can feed back and stim- ceptibility to OA, but they do not directly cause it in older
ulate further matrix destruction. This early stage may reflect an adults. More information is needed to better understand how
effort by the hypertrophic chondrocytes to repair cartilage dam- aging changes in the bone, meniscus, and ligaments con-
age. As OA progresses, the proteoglycan level eventually tribute to the development of OA. I
drops very low, causing cartilage to soften and lose elastic-
ity, thereby further compromising joint surface integrity.
1. Goldring MB, Marcu KB. Cartilage homeostasis in health and rheumatic diseases.
Aging produces a gradual loss of cartilage matrix as well as Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11:224.
a decrease in cartilage hydration and cellularity. Aging carti- 2. Wang M, Shen J, Jin H, Im HJ, Sandy J, Chen D. Recent progress in under-
lage is characterized by an age-related loss in the ability of cells standing molecular mechanisms of cartilage degeneration during osteoarthritis.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011;1240:61-69.
and tissues to maintain homeostasis. Normal aging chondro- 3. Leong DJ, Sun HB. Events in articular chondrocytes with aging. Curr Osteo-
cytes are reduced in number, rarely divide, and exhibit no poros Rep. 2011;9:196-201.
cellular proliferation or hypertrophic cells. They show short- 4. DeGroot J, Verzijl N, Wenting-van Wijk MJ, et al. Accumulation of advanced gly-
cation end products as a molecular mechanism for aging as a risk factor in os-
ened telomeres characteristic of cellular senescence. Howev- teoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:1207-1215.
er, aging chondrocytes can exhibit a senescence secretory 5. Del Carlo M Jr, Loeser RF. Cell death in osteoarthritis. Curr Rheumatol Rep.
phenotype, characterized by increased production of cyto- 2008;10:37-42.
6. Goldring MB. Chondrogenesis, chondrocyte differentiation, and articular carti-
kines, MMPs, and several growth factors.3 As a result, in the lage metabolism in health and osteoarthritis. Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2012;
elderly, there is increased age-related cartilage catabolism. 4:269-285.
214 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes?
steoarthritis (OA) is considered a characteristic age- be features of chondrocyte senescence associated with de-
related disease. Its prevalence increases with age, af- velopment of SASP and may lead to cartilage matrix impair-
fecting 30% to 50% of adults aged over 65 years.1 ment and development of OA.
Although it is the greatest risk factor for OA, older age alone
is not responsible for its development. Age, obesity, female Aged and osteoarthritic chondrocytes have a reduced ability
sex, previous trauma (knee injury), and hand OA were report- to respond to transforming growth factor- and insulin-like
ed as consistent risk factors for knee OA in people aged 50 growth factor-1 (IGF-1) stimulation. This leads to a reduced
years and older.2 Risk factors for OA such as obesity, genet- capacity for matrix repair, and consequently, a degeneration
ics, anatomical abnormalities, and joint injury are well known, of the articular cartilage. The decrease in chondrocyte respon-
but how they interact with age to initiate and develop OA is siveness to IGF-1 is associated with increased ROS levels.5
still unclear. Recent advances in molecular biology are start-
ing to clarify the connection between cellular aging changes Autophagy is a mechanism used by the cell to degrade and
and the propensity to develop OA. recycle dysfunctional proteins. It is an important mechanism
by which cells are protected against stress. Autophagy de-
Chondrocytes are the only cell type in articular cartilage, and clines with age, and its loss has been associated with in-
they particularly suffer during aging. They are responsible creased chondrocyte death. Recent studies in autophagy have
for the synthesis and breakdown of the cartilaginous matrix attempted to clarify the possible role of this process in senes-
and are driven by signals from growth factors, cytokines, and cence and OA.6
the matrix itself. The chondrocytes of older cartilage are the
same cells present in the cartilage during youth. Chondrocytes Thus, to answer the question, we must determine if and when
rarely divide or die in normal adult articular cartilage, with the the aging process results in the development of SASP. Senes-
same cells remaining active for many years. Chondrocytes cent chondrocytes developing this phenotype are very sim-
have a very long lifespan, but in older individuals they may ex- ilar to chondrocytes found in osteoarthritic joint tissues. In
press changes characteristic of cell senescence. Cell senes- my opinion, development of this phenotype with its associ-
cence found in chondrocytes is called stress-induced or ated inflammatory cytokines, or lack of it, will determine how
extrinsic senescence, as opposed to replicative or intrin- much we can distinguish between normal age-related changes
sic senescence. Stress-induced senescence can develop in cartilage and early osteoarthritic changes. I
from stimuli including activated oncogenes, ultraviolet radia-
tion, and chronic inflammation. Stress-induced senescence
is associated with oxidative DNA damage, which results in References
telomere shortening (as in replicative senescence). Many age- 1. Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, et al. Estimates of the prevalence of arthri-
tis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States: Part II. Arthritis Rheum.
related changes in chondrocytes, particularly oxidative DNA 2008;58:26-35.
damage, may induce development of the senescence-asso- 2. Blagojevic M, Jinks C, Jeffery A, et al. Risk factors for onset of osteoarthritis of
ciated secretory phenotype (SASP).3 This phenotype when the knee in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoarthritis
Cartilage. 2010;18:24-33.
expressed in chondrocytes may link the articular aging process 3. Freund A, Orjalo AV, Desprez PY, et al. Inflammatory networks during cellular
with the development of OA. SASP is characterized by in- senescence: causes and consequences. Trends Mol Med. 2010;16:238-246.
creased production of inflammatory mediators such as cy- 4. Loeser RF. Aging and osteoarthritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2011;23:492-496.
5. Yin W, Park JI, Loeser RF. Oxidative stress inhibits insulin-like growth factor-I
tokines and matrix metalloproteinases, which may induce car- induction of chondrocyte proteoglycan synthesis through differential regulation
tilaginous matrix degradation and joint impairment and may of phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt and MEK-ERK MAPK signaling pathways.
also be found in osteoarthritic cartilage. SASP expression in J Biol Chem. 2009;284:3197231981.
6. Carames B, Taniguchi N, Otsuki S, et al. Autophagy is a protective mechanism in
chondrocytes may be linked to the production of reactive oxy- normal cartilage, and its aging-related loss is linked with cell death and osteoarthri-
gen species (ROS) by dysfunctional mitochondria, resulting in tis. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62:791-801.
Can age-related cartilage changes be distinguished from early OA changes? MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 215
I n t e r v i e w w i t h E . Ko n , I t a l y
he goal of this interview is to better understand the role of nonpharma-
cological treatments in osteoarthritis. A wide spectrum of treatment op-
tions is available, ranging from adaptation of activity levels, exercise,
and physiotherapy, to intra-articular injections, surgical unloading of the de-
generated joint compartment, and knee replacement. While the aim of all treat-
ments is to improve symptoms, function, and therefore quality of life, each has
its own advantages and disadvantages and is more suitable for certain specif-
ic phases of joint osteoarthritis. There is currently no agreement on the most
effective management of osteoarthritis, and none of the available treatment
options have been proven to produce better results over all others or have been
Elizaveta KON, MD clearly shown to have disease-modifying properties. In general, the optimal
III Clinic, Biomechanics Laboratory conservative management of knee osteoarthritis requires a combination of
Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Bologna, ITALY pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment modalities. Among non-
pharmacological treatments, a combination of different approaches is also
recommended. Aside from considering the treatment to be applied, one must
also consider that osteoarthritis is a chronic condition and that long-term dis-
ease management can be cumbersome. Thus, therapeutic education of pa-
tients with osteoarthritis is of major importance. Finally, prostheses produce
a high percentage of good results but require adaptation to the activity level
of the patient and also carry some important risks related to the surgical im-
plant. Thus, when treating a patient affected by osteoarthritis, it is important
to consider all the available options for improving the clinical condition of the
patient and keep prosthetic replacement as a last option for when functional
limitations and symptoms prove to be refractory to less invasive procedures.
Medicographia. 2013;35:216-220 (see French abstract on page 220)
216 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis Kon
Thus, nonpharmacological OA management should be start- International clinical guidelines recommend exercise as an ef-
ed even before the clinical onset of symptoms, with the aim fective approach in the management of knee OA. The aims of
of treating the predisposing factors. Early OA should be de- exercise in these patients are to reduce pain, improve physi-
tected. Clinical recurrence of pain and discomfort of the knee cal function and health status, and prevent progression of the
and/or short periods of stiffness, in between long periods with disease. While the optimal dosage (frequency, intensity, and
very few clinical manifestations, should set the stage for per- duration) has not yet been determined, good results have been
forming additional investigations such as radiographs, ultra- reported for different types of exercise.5 In general, physical
sound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or arthroscopy.2 activity is beneficial, rather than detrimental, to joint health, and
an MRI study showed that moderate exercise may also im-
Malalignment, loss of meniscal tissue, cartilage defects, and prove the knee cartilage glycosaminoglycan content in pa-
joint instability or laxity should be evaluated, and treatment (in- tients at high risk of developing OA, but long-term effective-
cluding surgery if appropriate) should be discussed with the ness still needs to be clarified.6
patient, taking into consideration their activity level and expec-
tations as well as the risks of failure and complications asso- As mentioned, injective treatments also play an important role
ciated with every procedure. in the management of OA, ranging from corticosteroids to vis-
cosupplementation and also to more innovative biological
In addition to its preventative use in the early phase, nonphar- procedures such as the use of blood derivatives to aid the
macological management should also always be considered restoration of joint homeostasis and tissue regeneration.7
when OA is clearly established. Of course, when considering
treatment options, one should also always take into consid- Moreover, although the degenerative OA environment is an ob-
eration the disease phase and the invasiveness of the pro- stacle to tissue regeneration, progress made in bioengineer-
cedure. ing and the development of new scaffolds seems to represent
a promising solution that may help to avoid, or at least delay,
Nonpharmacological management is a broad definition, rang- the need for more sacrificing metal resurfacing procedures.8
ing from physiotherapy to knee replacement. While noninva-
sive treatments such as exercise and physical therapy should How should cost, availability, or practicality
be started in the earlier phases, injective treatments should of delivery be taken into account?
be considered for the management of patients after noninva-
sive procedures have failed. Prosthetic replacement, which ost, availability, and practicality of delivery should al-
is an irreversible procedure, should of course be reserved as
a last option during the advanced and debilitating phases of
OA refractory to other treatments.
C ways be taken into account in the management of OA
patients, especially when one considers that there is
currently no agreement on the most effective management of
these patients and none of the available treatment options
What is the cornerstone of nonpharmacological have been proven to produce better results over all others or
treatment? have been clearly shown to have disease-modifying properties.
here is no cornerstone of nonpharmacological treat- Luckily, one of the nonpharmacological treatments proven to
Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis Kon MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 217
on the injection of platelet concentrate to encourage tissue Therapeutic education is also of fundamental importance af-
regeneration through the release of growth factors contained ter surgery in order to limit the risk of complications such as
in the platelet alpha-granules, has been recently gaining pop- infection, or even fatal events, and to optimize treatment. For
ularity as a promising therapeutic option for early OA. How- example, biological implants for tissue regeneration require a
ever, despite some promising clinical results, the beneficial maturation phase during which the healing structure has to
effect of this procedure is limited over time.9 Thus, it is im- be protected, and even after metal resurfacing, therapeutic
portant to consider that the high costs, the contraindications education is mandatory to ensure adaptation of life activities
for several comorbidities, and the need for specialist centers and preservation of the prosthetic joint over time.
are major limitations that favor more classic injective proce-
dures. Among these, viscosupplementation seems to offer a How long can nonpharmacological management
clinical benefit, albeit limited over time, without side effects on put off surgical intervention?
the joint tissues. However, in patients where the joint has al-
ready degenerated, corticosteroid injections can be consid- onpharmacological management can put off the need
ered as a cheap option that is easily and widely accessible.
herapeutic education in OA is of major importance. OA On the other hand, when there are no clear predisposing fac-
218 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis Kon
Surprisingly, the definition of OA has not changed since 1986. A further 8 recommendations cover pharmacological treat-
The diagnosis of knee OA can usually be made from the pa- ment modalities, and finally, 5 recommendations cover sur-
tient history and physical examination, and includes signs/ gical modalities: total joint replacements, unicompartmental
symptoms of knee pain with stiffness, joint crepitus and func- knee replacement, osteotomy and joint-preserving surgical
tional limitations, and typically an age above 50 years. Diagno- procedures, joint lavage and arthroscopic debridement in
sis is confirmed by radiograph demonstrating changes such knee OA, and joint fusion as a salvage procedure when joint
as osteophytes and joint space narrowing, subchondral bone replacement has failed.
sclerosis, and cysts, and is graded according to the classifi-
cation of Kellgren and Lawrence (Kellgren & Laurence grades These strategies can be combined according to the specific
II-IV). It appears clear that this definition of OA cannot distin- requirements of the patient with the aim of producing tailored
guish between the pathological changes in different tissues. treatment and thus more satisfactory clinical results.
Thus, study populations can be heterogeneous and can re-
spond differently to different treatments, even though they ap- What can you tell us about life after knee
parently present in the same disease phase. replacement surgery?
There is no agreement in the literature on the best treatment any options are currently available for knee replace-
option for OA, and this is reflected in clinical practice where
treatment is mainly empirical and based on the personal ex-
perience of the individual physician. Moreover, leaving aside
M ment, from focal metal resurfacing to total prosthet-
ic replacement of the affected joint.10 Of course,
functional improvement and limitations will depend strictly
the contradictory findings of the different studies, it is also dif- on the implant type as well as the specific characteristics of
ficult to translate the study results into clinical practice be- the patient, and also eventually on the presence of any sur-
cause the selected study populations are often a specific cat- gical complications.
egory of patients that is rare in the normal population. Patients
in clinical practice typically present with more complex clinical In general, this procedure offers a dramatic improvement in
situations and with comorbidities and combined treatments. the clinical condition. Most patients have minimal pain by 3
months (or sooner) after surgery and return to their normal
New imaging techniques are required to better assess the daily activities. It is not unusual to have occasional muscle
disease phase and to properly classify study populations, aches and persistent (but usually slight) swelling of the knee
and more randomized controlled trials are needed to prove and extremity for several months, and some patients require
which treatment approach is more suitable for each of the a longer time to achieve good and stable results. Depending
different phases of OA degeneration. on numerous factors, a persistent limp is usually expected,
but results tend to improve over time.
Can nonpharmacological treatment be combined
with pharmacological treatment? Unfortunately, 5% of patients will be unsatisfied because of
the persistence of pain or the onset of complications. More-
hile it is true that properly applied nonpharmaco- over, it has to be remembered that despite the technological
Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis Kon MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 219
1. Heijink A, Gomoll AH, Madry H, et al. Biomechanical considerations in the patho- glycan content in knee cartilage: a four-month, randomized, controlled trial in
genesis of osteoarthritis of the knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. patients at risk of osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2005;52:3507-3514.
2012;20:423-435. 7. Kon E, Filardo G, Di Martino A, Marcacci M. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat
2. Luyten FP, Denti M, Filardo G, Kon E, Engebretsen L. Definition and classifica- sports injuries: evidence to support its use. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Ar-
tion of early osteoarthritis of the knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. throsc. 2011;19:516-527.
2012;20:401-406. 8. Kon E, Delcogliano M, Filardo G, Altadonna G, Marcacci M. Novel nano-com-
3. Gomoll AH, Filardo G, de Girolamo L, et al. Surgical treatment for early osteo- posite multi-layered biomaterial for the treatment of multifocal degenerative car-
arthritis. Part I: cartilage repair procedures. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Ar- tilage lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2009;17:1312-1315.
throsc. 2012;20:450-466. 9. Kon E, Mandelbaum B, Buda R, et al. Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular injec-
4. Gomoll AH, Filardo G, Almqvist FK, et al. Surgical treatment for early osteo- tion versus hyaluronic acid viscosupplementation as treatments for cartilage
arthritis. Part II: allografts and concurrent procedures. Knee Surg Sports Trau- pathology: from early degeneration to osteoarthritis. Arthroscopy. 2011;27:1490-
matol Arthrosc. 2012;20:468-486. 1501.
5. Kon E, Filardo G, Drobnic M, et al. Non-surgical management of early knee os- 10. Marcacci M, Bruni D, Zaffagnini S, et al. Arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfac-
teoarthritis. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012;20:436-449. ing of the knee: surgical technique and preliminary results of 13 patients at 2
6. Roos EM, Dahlberg L. Positive effects of moderate exercise on glycosamino- years follow-up. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011;19:740-746.
220 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Nonpharmacological treatments in osteoarthritis Kon
b y D . M . F i n d l a y, A u s t ra l i a
steoarthritis was previously considered to be solely a disease of car-
tilage degeneration. However, it is now recognized that all structures
in the joint are affected by the disease, notably subchondral bone, in
which characteristic changes occur throughout disease progression. These
changes in the bone seem to parallel disease progression and are associat-
ed with joint pain. This article focuses on the role played by subchondral bone
remodeling in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and in the expression of pain
in this condition. It examines the evidence for altered osteoblast and osteoclast
function and the possible involvement of osteocytes in establishing changes
in the subchondral bone environment in osteoarthritis. It also explores the bio-
David M. FINDLAY, PhD mechanical and genetic influences that may lead to an altered interaction be-
Discipline of Orthopaedics tween bone and cartilage. A large number of genes have been found to be
and Trauma
University of Adelaide differentially expressed in subchondral bone in osteoarthritis compared with
Adelaide, South Australia osteoporotic or normal bone, and many of these changes persist in osteoblasts
AUSTRALIA derived from osteoarthritic bone. Relevant questions include how the cellular
and molecular changes give rise to structural changes in subchondral bone,
including bone marrow lesions; what the evidence is that bone marrow le-
sions are predictive or even causal of disease progression; and whether treat-
ments targeting the subchondral bone could have efficacy in delaying or re-
versing degeneration of the overlying articular cartilage.
Medicographia. 2013;35:221-227 (see French abstract on page 227)
The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 221
tion between articular cartilage and its underlying bone, al- sporting activity, being more prevalent in elite young basket-
tered events in the subchondral bone may have significant ball players than in age-matched controls.13 Similarly, the preva-
implications for cartilage health, which validates attempts to lence of flattening of the femoral head-neck junction was sig-
treat OA by directing treatment to the subchondral bone. nificantly increased in young male soccer players compared
with controls, and the presence of a convex prominence (cam
Bone shape and osteoarthritis deformity) was found only in the soccer players.14 These stud-
It is clear that shape deformities in bone are associated with ies highlight the responsiveness of bone to influences such as
OA and may either predispose to the disease, or result from loading, which has already been well described as a mech-
it.6,7 Malalignment of the knee, with varus or valgus alignment, anism by which bone strengthens in response to increased
has been thought to predispose individuals to knee OA. How- demand.15,16 They are also a reminder that bone is a dynamic
ever, as reviewed by Hunter et al,8 it is unclear whether mal- tissue that is constantly undergoing remodeling,17 thereby per-
alignment is a risk factor for OA or comes about as a result haps contributing to OA, but also offering potential points of
of the disease, and more longitudinal data are required to de- intervention.
termine the link. Congenital dysplasia or dislocation of the hip,
whether occurring as a result of perinatal dislocation or con- Microstructural changes in bone in osteoarthritis
genitally incorrect morphology of the acetabulum or femoral The microstructure of subchondral bone differs in osteoarthrit-
head, can give rise to hip OA because of the lack of congru- ic bone compared with nonosteoarthritic bone, particularly
ency of the joint and the concentration of load in a small re- with respect to the subchondral plate and adjacent trabec-
gion of the joint. Genetics may play an important role in OA ular bone, but also in regions more distal from the affected
that has bone deformity as its underlying cause. Waarsing et joint.18,19 For example, Kumarasinghe et al20 reported increased
al9 have described a range of shape modes for the proximal bone volume fraction in cancellous bone from the intertro-
femur, several of which predispose to OA, but apparently only chanteric region in individuals with OA compared with those
in carriers of susceptibility alleles of genes that associate with with normal or osteoporotic bone, with increased trabecular
OA. Haverkamp et al10 have obtained similar data for the knee, number and decreased trabecular spacing. Reduced hard-
suggesting that a larger tibial plateau area associates with OA. ness of trabecular bone from the femoral head was also not-
Pincer deformities of the acetabulum and cam deformities of ed in hip OA compared with normal subjects,21 probably due
the femoral neck,11 which result in various degrees of impinge- to decreased mineralization of the bone in OA.22 These changes
ment of the hip joint, are thought to lead to OA. Nicholls et combine to produce bone that is stiffer and stronger than
al12 examined the relationship between cam deformity and the normal or osteoporotic bone.22 It is not known at which stage
19-year risk of total hip arthroplasty (THA) for end-stage hip of human disease these changes appear, and whether they
OA. Their intriguing results showed that individuals with THA are, in some way, causative of the disease process or sim-
had a higher prevalence of cam deformity than their respec- ply describe it. For the most part, animal models show that
tive controls, although the study was limited by small num- changes in the subchondral bone occur in parallel with carti-
bers of subjects after exclusions. Further studies in this area lage degradation.23 Longitudinal mouse studies that used high-
are warranted given the prospect that it might be possible to resolution imaging to investigate joints in a mouse strain that
predict the risk of hip OA from hip shape. Two recent stud- spontaneously develops knee OA compared with one that
ies addressed the important question of whether such defor- does not showed that susceptible mice developed more tra-
mities are inevitable or whether they may be preventable. It becular bone in a region-specific manner, and particularly in
was found that cam deformity seemed to arise from vigorous the tibial compartment, in parallel with arthritic changes in the
articular cartilage.24
222 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay
also been found to disappear over a 2-year period.33 In a com- (RANKL), in mature bone.48,49 Osteocytes also produce scle-
munity-based population of older males and females, similar rostin, a Wnt inhibitor that negatively regulates bone forma-
proportions of BMLs were found to worsen and improve (as- tion.50 Individuals and animals deficient in sclerostin show bone
sessed by measuring maximal area).34 Importantly, a change overgrowth.51 Sclerostin appears to mediate the actions of a
in BML size was associated with changes in pain, perhaps number of factors that influence bone formation, so that load-
linking fluctuating knee pain to BML changes, at least in in- ing of bone, a known anabolic influence, decreases sclerostin
dividuals with early-stage disease. Enlargement of BMLs has expression in bone,52,53 and unloading of bone, which is cata-
been strongly associated with increased cartilage loss.5,31 Sub- bolic for bone, increases its expression.52 Both of these con-
chondral cysts, which are characteristic of established and ditions might apply at different times during the progression
severe OA, arise at the same sites as BMLs.35 A number of of OA. Interestingly, increased sclerostin expression has been
studies have indicated possible causal factors for BMLs, in- observed in cartilage overlying sclerotic bone, while the latter
cluding mechanical loading,36 dietary fatty acid intake,37 and by contrast shows decreased sclerostin expression.54,55 Since
total serum cholesterol and triglycerides.38 osteocytes have such a strong influence on bone metabolism
and turnover, it may be an important finding that in osteo-
Bone remodeling in osteoarthritis arthritic subchondral bone, osteocyte morphology was altered,
As stated, bone is constantly being remodeled, and this may showing rough and rounded cell bodies with fewer and disor-
have special significance in OA in ways that require more at- ganized dendrites compared with the osteocytes in control
tention.17 Understanding bone remodeling in the particular samples.56 In addition, and this has been particularly noted
context of OA is complex. The topic was recently the subject in BMLs, there is evidence of osteocyte apoptosis, which, as
of an excellent review by Burr and Gallant,39 who cited evi- stated, can be a stimulus for osteoclastic resorption and bone
dence for increased remodeling, accompanied by increased turnover.46
vascularity, in the subchondral bone in early OA. By contrast,
late-stage disease is characterized by reduced bone resorp- Differential gene expression in osteoarthritic bone
tion, with a bias toward bone formation. In addition to these The structural changes in osteoarthritic bone follow changes
temporal variations, it is likely that bone remodeling varies in bone cell activity, which are in turn driven by, and evidenced
spatially within the joint; for example, medially versus lateral- as, altered gene expression in osteoarthritic bone compared
ly in the knee. There is histological and biochemical evidence with bone from age- and sex-matched controls or osteoporot-
of increased bone remodeling in subchondral bone contain- ic individuals. The opportunity to investigate bone in OA is
ing BMLs.40 Increased subchondral bone remodeling as de- essentially limited to sampling during joint replacement sur-
tected by bone scans has been described in established OA, gery in end-stage disease, and the gene expression observed
where it has been reported to predict joint space narrowing.41 at this time likely represents the decrease in remodeling de-
In contrast, a report by Berry et al42 concluded that higher lev- scribed in late-stage OA. In fact, both the gene and protein
els of bone remodeling (assessed by serum bone turnover expression that have been described in human late-stage OA
markers) is associated with reduced cartilage loss (assessed are largely consistent with the reduced bone turnover, scle-
by MRI). It is difficult to determine whether changes in bone rosis, and lower bone mineralization that have been described
turnover are a cause or effect in human OA; however, work in in OA bone tissue at this time.39 Kuliwaba et al57 measured RNA
Hartley guinea pigs showed that subchondral cancellous bone extracted from the cancellous bone in the intertrochanteric
was fragile before the onset of cartilage degeneration.43 In the region of the proximal femur, a site distal from the articular sur-
rat anterior cruciate ligament transection model of OA, in- face of the femur, and compared patients with end-stage OA
creased subchondral bone resorption was associated with with age-matched autopsy controls. Differential gene expres-
early development of cartilage lesions, which preceded sig- sion was found in OA bone, which had the hallmarks of re-
nificant cartilage thinning and subchondral bone sclerosis.44 duced inflammatory cytokines and bone resorption markers
and increased bone formation. Messenger RNA species en-
At the level of the bone cell, remodeling is a function of the coding interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-11 and RANKL were signifi-
actions of osteoclasts, which resorb bone, and osteoblasts, cantly less abundant in the OA group, while osteoprotegerin
which are the bone-forming cells. The activities of both of (OPG) mRNA expression was no different from controls.58 In
these cell types are regulated by osteocytes embedded with- a separate study, an additional increase in the anti-osteoclas-
in the bone matrix.45 There is good evidence that osteocytes togenic cytokine interferon gamma was also observed in OA.59
detect damage within the mineralized bone matrix and di- Both RANKL mRNA levels and the ratio of RANKL:OPG mRNA
rect its repair by initiating targeted osteoclastic resorption of were strongly associated with eroded surface/bone surface
the affected bone,46 and in OA, there is evidence of increased ratio (ES/BS) and osteoid surface/bone surface ratio (OS/BS)
microdamage and microfractures in subchondral bone in over- in trabecular bone from control individuals; the former would
loaded areas of the joint.47 Recent evidence suggests that be expected for this cytokine, which is a potent driver of bone
osteocytes are the major source of the osteoclast differenti- resorption, and the latter is likely due to the fact that bone re-
ating cytokine, receptor activator of nuclear factor -B ligand sorption and formation are coupled in healthy adult bone.58
The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 223
Intriguingly, these relationships were not apparent in osteo- Massicotte et al66 performed measurements of conditioned
arthritic bone, suggesting that bone turnover is regulated dif- media from osteoblasts derived from osteoarthritic subchon-
ferently in OA. In terms of bone formation, osteocalcin mRNA dral bone, and reported two subgroups of cells based on
expression was significantly greater in OA and, curiously, in- production of IL-6 and prostaglandin E2, while TGF levels
creased significantly with age in the OA group but not in con- were increased in all osteoarthritic osteoblasts compared
trols.57 In addition, there was a significant positive correlation with normal osteoblasts. Kumarasinghe et al20 performed an
between the osteocalcin mRNA levels and OS/BS in OA bone, extensive analysis of gene expression in primary osteoblasts
which was not seen in the control cohort. Work by the same derived from OA and control femoral bone. They found that
group showed elevated alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, os- the dysregulated expression of TWIST1 (twist-related pro-
teopontin, and COL1A1 (collagen, type I, alpha 1) and COL1A2 tein 1), TGF1, and SMAD3 (mothers against decapentaplegic
(collagen, type I, alpha 2) mRNA in osteoarthritic bone com- homolog 3) mRNA observed by Hopwood et al62 in OA bone
pared with control,60 which the authors suggested reflects an is also present in OA osteoblasts when these cells are cul-
increase in osteoblastic biosynthetic activity in OA. tured ex vivo, and they proposed that at least part of the eti-
ology of OA is due to altered intrinsic properties of the os-
Hopwood et al61,62 performed gene microarray analysis on teoblasts.
bone from the same region of the femur, and identified a large
number of differentially expressed genes in OA compared with Directing treatments for osteoarthritis to the
control or osteoporotic bone. A substantial number of the top- subchondral bone
ranking differentially expressed genes are known to play roles It is clear that changes in subchondral bone parallel the pro-
in bone formation, and many of these genes are targets of gression of OA and may even be causally involved. The sub-
either the Wnt or transforming growth factor (TGF)/bone chondral compartment may therefore be a treatment target to
morphogenetic protein signaling pathways. These findings are delay or prevent progression of the disease. Since this com-
consistent with the increased amounts of insulin-like growth partment is richly innervated, and cartilage is devoid of nerves,
factor types I and II and TGF protein measured in osteoarthrit- bone is also a legitimate treatment target for joint pain. How-
ic bone from the iliac crest.63 This latter result, and the findings ever, treatments designed to normalize the bone changes in
from bone derived from the intertrochanteric region, are con- OA are controversial, largely because the promise of efficacy
sistent with both increased anabolic stimulus in osteoarthritic seen in animal models has not been matched by human stud-
bone and the notion that bone metabolism may be system- ies. It would seem reasonable that treatment with antiresorp-
ically disturbed in OA. tive agents in early disease might be effective, since this phase
of the disease is characterized by increased bone remodel-
Osteoblasts from osteoarthritic bone ing. Accordingly, in two rat models of knee OA, the bispho-
Gene expression has also been explored in osteoblasts taken sphonate alendronate suppressed both subchondral bone
from osteoarthritic subchondral bone. Interestingly, these cells resorption and the later development of OA symptoms in the
appear to retain their phenotypic differences from control cells knee joint.67 Similarly, calcitonin reduced the levels of circu-
in culture. Thus, one group showed that cultured OA osteo- lating bone turnover markers and the severity of OA lesions
blasts produced a similar degree of mineralization to control in the dog model of anterior cruciate ligament transection
cells, but with dramatically variable calcium:phosphate ratios (ACLT).68 Kadri et al69 used OPG to block RANKL-mediated
compared with control osteoblasts and normal bone (ap- bone resorption and remodeling in a mouse menisectomy
proximately 1.6).20 A second group showed that mineraliza- model of OA, and observed protection from meniscectomy-
tion by OA osteoblasts was reduced compared with control related bone loss, lower OA scores, and reduced ADAMTS-4
osteoblasts, which they found to be due to a threefold higher and ADAMTS-5 expression following meniscectomy. In a high
COL1A1:COL1A2 mRNA ratio in the OA cells.64 This finding in bone turnover version of the same mouse model, pamidronate
cells was similar to the differential expression of these genes dramatically preserved the bone mass and reduced the Os-
in osteoarthritic bone.60 Alkaline phosphatase and osteocal- teoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) score
cin levels were also found to be elevated in OA osteoblasts while at the same time almost normalizing the expression of
compared with normal osteoblasts, whereas osteopontin lev- ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 in the overlying joint cartilage.70
els were similar.64 In this study, the authors obtained evidence
that TGF1 levels are approximately fourfold higher in OA os- Such marked effects of antiresorptive agents have not been
teoblasts than in normal osteoblasts, and that inhibiting TGF1 consistently observed in human trials of antiresorptive agents
in OA osteoblasts corrected the abnormal COL1A1:COL1A2 in OA subjects, where symptom relief, radiographic joint space
ratio and increased cell mineralization. It was subsequently narrowing, or Western Ontario and McMaster Universities
shown that the increased TGF in OA cells induces increased Arthritis index (WOMAC) were used as end points,71 and it
Dickkopf-related protein 2 (DKK-2), and that silencing of either has been argued that such agents are unlikely to show effi-
TGF or DKK2 in these cells normalized the OA phenotype, in- cacy in late-stage OA because bone resorption is already sup-
cluding the decreased mineralization of OA osteoblasts.65 pressed at this stage.39 Interestingly, results of a trial in which
224 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay
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54. Power J, Poole KE, van Bezooijen R, et al. Sclerostin and the regulation of ther. 2012;13:637-646.
bone formation: effects in hip osteoarthritis and femoral neck fracture. J Bone 75. Glorieux FH. Experience with bisphosphonates in osteogenesis imperfecta. Pe-
Miner Res. 2010;25:1867-1876. diatrics. 2007;119(suppl II):S163-S165.
55. Chan BY, Fuller ES, Russell AK, et al. Increased chondrocyte sclerostin may 76. Sittig HB. Pathogenesis and bisphosphonate treatment of skeletal events and
protect against cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. bone pain in metastatic cancer: focus on ibandronate. Onkologie. 2012;35:
2011;19:874-885. 380-387.
226 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay
The role of subchondral bone in osteoarthritis pathophysiology and pain Findlay MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 227
ew therapeutic perspectives in osteoarthritis are focused on blocking
the degradative process by inhibiting tissue remodeling in the bone
and cartilage and inflammation of the synovial membrane. None of the
so-called slow-acting drugs that are currently available for the management
of osteoarthritis can be considered to be targeted treatments. A great hope
surfaced after initial trials with antinerve growth factor therapy showed a dra-
matic effect on pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, trials
were later stopped because of unexplained rapidly destructive arthropathies.
Biotherapies involving interleukin-1 blockers have been used in knee osteo-
arthritis, but so far have shown no efficacy on pain. Biotherapy for hand osteo-
arthritis involving the use of tumor necrosis factor blockers to slow down dis-
ease progression has failed. Nitric oxide inhibitors also failed to demonstrate
Florent EYMARD
a chondroprotective effect in a large trial involving patients with knee osteo-
Service de Rhumatologie
Hpital Henri Mondor arthritis. Inhibitors of enzymes involved in cartilage matrix degradation are in
Universit Paris XII UPEC a preclinical phase of development, but constitute an appealing approach.
Crteil, FRANCE
Targeting of subchondral bone is also a promising approach. Although pre-
vious chondroprotective trials using bisphosphonates have produced nega-
tive results, a recent large trial with strontium ranelate showed diminished joint
space narrowing over 3 years of follow-up. Another therapeutic approach cur-
rently under consideration is stimulation of chondrocyte anabolism. Intra-artic-
ular injection of growth factors is in the initial development phase. Finally, a new
lubricant called lubricin has shown very attractive results in animal models.
Medicographia. 2013;35:228-233 (see French abstract on page 233)
O people throughout the world, and it represents a major and recognized cause
of pain and disability, particularly in the elderly.1 The aim of this review is to
provide an update on potentially chondroprotective molecules, as well as disease-
modifying antirheumatic drugs in clinical trials. Other therapeutic approaches such
as chondrocyte transplantation, stem cells, gene therapy, and intra-articular injec-
tions of conditioned media or platelet concentrates are very interesting possibilities
Address for correspondence: for the future in terms of chondroprotection, but as they are still in the early stages
Professor Xavier Chevalier, Service of clinical development, they will not be discussed in this article.
de Rhumatologie, Hpital Henri
Mondor, Universit Paris XII UPEC,
Crteil, France Understanding the disease in order to treat it
(e-mail: Osteoarthritis is often wrongly considered to simply be the slow and inexorable wear of cartilage, hence the term degenerative disease. Actually, it is a disease of a
228 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Clinical research in osteoarthritis: whats new? Chevalier and Eymard
whole organ, the joint.2,3 The tissue changes observed in os- Targeting proinflammatory mediators and other
teoarthritis include not only cartilage degradation, but also players in osteoarthritis
sclerosis of subchondral bone, osteophyte formation, and N Biotherapy
to varying degrees over time and space, inflammation of the Biotherapy involves specifically blocking a molecule (cytokine
synovial membrane.3 The concept of osteoarthritis as organ or growth factor) involved in the inflammatory and/or painful
failure with multitissue damage opens up novel therapeutic process in osteoarthritis.11
perspectives whereby not only the cartilage damage can be
targeted, but also synovitis and remodeling of subchondral N Targeting pain by inhibiting nerve growth factor
bone, the latter two participating in a major way in the de- Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a molecule directly involved in
struction of cartilage.4,5 the pathways responsible for pain transmission.12 This mol-
ecule was first described in the nervous system. It acts by
Current treatments for osteoarthritis, as defined by the latest means of two tyrosine kinasetype receptors.12 By binding to
international consensus conferences, are essentially aimed at its receptor, it may modify the phosphorylation of vanilloid-
controlling the painful symptoms, thereby reducing the disabil- like pain receptors (nociceptors).12
ity that is essentially related to the pain in osteoarthritis.6,7 The
real therapeutic goal for osteoarthritis in the coming years will NGF has been identified in the joint, particularly the osteo-
be to find a treatment that can permanently reduce cartilage arthritic joint, and it is present at detectable levels in synovial
destruction. fluid.13 It was therefore logical to investigate the use of an in-
hibitor of NGF as a potential treatment. Tanezumab (TNZ) is
Data on the currently available treatments a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against NGF; it
For the purposes of slowing down the progression of osteo- was used in a randomized trial versus placebo that involved
arthritis, a therapeutic class of drugs known as slow-acting perfusions every 8 weeks at different doses in patients suffer-
anti-arthritic agents is used. These drugs include derivatives ing from painful knee osteoarthritis (n=450). The results at 16
of avocado and soya, diacerein, chondroitin sulfate and glu- weeks were impressive, with a very substantial reduction in
cosamine sulfate, and hydroxychloride salts. The status of pain of between 45% to 62% in the TNZ groups compared
some of these molecules is that of a nutrient rather than a true with 21% in the placebo group.14 Unfortunately, in addition to
medicine. These molecules have shown a favorable risk-ben- some adverse neurological side effects, phase 3 clinical trials
efit ratio in lower limb osteoarthritis, but their analgesic effec- revealed an increased number of rapidly destructive arthro-
tiveness remains modest and controversial.7,8 A recent trial pathies (similar to neurological arthropathies) that led to the
using 800 mg of chondroitin sulfate for osteoarthritis of the implementation of prostheses, resulting in the suspension of
fingers showed that it could significantly reduce the painful trials with this type of antibody.14 Use of nonsteroidal anti-in-
symptoms over a period of 6 months.9 In terms of chondro- flammatory drugs in conjunction with anti-NGF seems to in-
protection, these molecules have been shown in various trials crease this risk. Since the publication of a recent report by the
to slow the narrowing of the joint space by about 0.1 mm per US Food and Drug Administration, however, the use of NGF
year, especially in osteoarthritis of the knee, and to reduce the inhibitors under specific conditions and without the concomi-
number of patients defined as rapid progressors.8 Such a min- tant use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has again
imal annual slowdown still needs to be translated in terms been authorized.
of clinical relevance. The end point could be, for example,
whether this annual slowdown can delay the need for the im- N Biotherapies targeting proinflammatory cytokines
plementation of a total prosthesis of the treated joint.10 Osteoarthritis is in part an inflammatory disease, as indicated
by its name. The inflammation is localized mainly in the synovial
membrane, but also in the subchondral bone and cartilage,
and involves a cascade of proinflammatory mediators (frag-
DORA Digital Osteoarthritis in Refractory hand OA (study) ments of the matrix, cytokines, complement components).15,16
FGF18 fibroblast growth factor 18 These mediators not only contribute to the degradation of the
IL-1 interleukin 1 cartilage matrix during attacks of synovitis, but are also in-
MRI magnetic resonance imaging volved in pain transmission pathways.17,18
NGF nerve growth factor
NO nitric oxide Two proinflammatory cytokines play a major role in osteoarthri-
TIMP tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase tis: interleukin 1 (soluble form of interleukin 1[IL-1]) and tumor
TNF- tumor necrosis factor necrosis factor (TNF-).2,3,15 Through in vitro studies, and
TNZ tanezumab later with the use of animal models in vivo, it was demon-
WOMAC Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis strated that IL-1 is a key molecule favoring cartilage degra-
index dation, inhibition of chondrocyte synthesis, and apoptosis.15
Use of an IL-1 inhibitor through local intra-articular adminis-
Clinical research in osteoarthritis: whats new? Chevalier and Eymard MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 229
tration in experimental animal models of osteoarthritis showed no evidence of a decrease in the structural evolution of digi-
a slowdown in chondrolysis.19-22 Two randomized trials have tal osteoarthritis compared with placebo over a period of 1
been conducted on two different inhibitors of IL-1 versus pla- year.28 Only the subgroup of patients with clinically detectable
cebo in patients with knee osteoarthritis. We conducted the effusion at baseline at the interphalangeal joints showed a
first biotherapy trial in osteoarthritis using an IL-1 antagonist lower incidence of new erosions.28 In other words, it seems
(anakinra) administered by a single intra-articular injection (dose that anti-TNF may be active on the structural progression of
of 50 mg or 150 mg) versus a placebo injection of physiolog- the disease in a subgroup of patients suffering clinically from
ical saline.23 In this trial, there was no significant difference in a more inflammatory disease. The French study, Digital Os-
the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index teoarthritis in Refractory hand OA (DORA), aimed to assess
(WOMAC) global score or level of pain at 1 month, 3 months, the symptomatic effect of two injections of a monoclonal an-
and 6 months. However, at 4 days, there was a small but sig- tibody directed against TNF-.
nificant difference in the level of pain reported in the patient
group that received 150 mg of the IL-1 receptor antagonist.23 N Nitric oxide inhibition
In fact, pharmacokinetic studies have shown a very short half- Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that plays many physiological roles,
life of about 6 hours for IL-1 receptor antagonists in serum, particularly in terms of regulation of arterial vasodilation, but it
which is incompatible with having a residual effect on pain.23 may also play a deleterious role when produced in excess.
It has been demonstrated that NO produced in excess dur-
The second randomized trial compared repeated systemic ing osteoarthritis could contribute to cartilage destruction
injections (by subcutaneous injection) of a monoclonal anti- through protein nitrosylation, but could also favor apoptosis
body blocking the type 1 receptor of IL-1 with placebo.24 The of chondrocytes through combined action with free radicals.29
injections were administered monthly. Again, up to 3 months, It was therefore logical to consider that inhibition of NO could
IL-1 inhibition demonstrated no significant analgesic effect. reduce the progression of osteoarthritis. A recent randomized
In addition, constant neutropenia was reported and a case placebo-controlled trial used two doses of an inhibitor of NO
of death from severe pneumonia was also observed.24 On administered orally (50 mg and 200 mg). The trial investigated
the other hand, functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) chondroprotection in knee osteoarthritis, with the main out-
demonstrated changes in the subgroup of patients showing come criterion being evolution of radiographic joint space nar-
a beneficial effect from IL-1 inhibition.24 rowing observed at 2 years.30 This study showed no difference
in the overall study population at 2 years in terms of reducing
From these two trials, we can conclude that at present, in- progression of radiographic joint space narrowing. There was
hibition of IL-1 has not enabled observation of an analgesic only a trend favoring the molecule in the subgroup of patients
effect in knee osteoarthritis. However, IL-1 seems to be a good with a Kellgren-Lawrence grade superior to 2 at 48 weeks.30
therapeutic target. Thus, in the future, it will be necessary to To sum up, this trial does not allow us to conclude on the ef-
think about modes of administration, including the intra-ar- ficacy of NO inhibition in reducing the progression of knee os-
ticular mode, which can prolong the action of this inhibitor, teoarthritis.
and to see whether prolonged inhibition of this cytokine can
delay the progression of osteoarthritis. N Inhibition of metalloproteases and enzymes involved
in cartilage degradation
The second potentially interesting molecule to target is TNF-, Degradation of the extracellular matrix of cartilage is due to
which has an important proinflammatory effect and whose the increased activity of enzymes such as metalloproteases,
effect on cartilage degradation potentiates that of IL-1.15 A as well as aggrecanase enzymes and a number of serine pro-
recent study conducted in a rabbit model of osteoarthritis teases.3 These enzymes are activated in situ by the action of
involving cross-section of the medial meniscus showed that proinflammatory mediators such as cytokines. It seems log-
monthly intra-articular injections of infliximab (10 mg/kg or ical, therefore, to block these enzymes in order to slow the
20 mg/kg) over a 3-month period significantly decreased car- progression of osteoarthritis. The first trials to be conducted
tilage lesions compared with saline injections.25 In a case re- in this area used nonselective inhibitors with many side effects,
port, repeated subcutaneous injections of a blocking mon- including skeletal muscle disorders and tendinitis, which led
oclonal antibody against TNF (adalimumab) in a patient with to discontinuation of their production.31 Highly selective inhib-
congestive knee osteoarthritis was able to reduce pain and de- itors are currently available, however, including matrix metal-
crease subchondral edema observed with MRI at 6 months.26 loproteinase (MMP)-13 inhibitor. The major role of MMP-13 has
been well demonstrated in knockout mouse models of os-
TNF- is mainly used as a target in digital osteoarthritis, which teoarthritis.32 In an experimental model of osteoarthritis in dogs,
can involve a more painful and inflammatory condition called a selective inhibitor of this enzyme showed a convincing chon-
erosive osteoarthritis.27 Systemic administration of a TNF- droprotective effect.33 The use of these kinds of inhibitors could
inhibitor is logical in this polyarticular form of osteoarthritis. thus be tested clinically in future.34 Similarly, one can consider
Repeated subcutaneous injections of adalimumab produced the use of natural inhibitors of these metalloproteases, which
230 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Clinical research in osteoarthritis: whats new? Chevalier and Eymard
are designed as tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs). was negative; however, patients also underwent MRI. A sig-
Indeed, it has already been demonstrated that intra-articular nificant difference in cartilage volume favoring calcitonin was
injections of TIMP3 could slow the evolution of degenerative observed at 12 months compared with placebo. It is difficult
lesions in experimental animal models of osteoarthritis.35 to interpret the observed effect solely on the basis of MRI data.
Moreover, the rate of side effects observed with calcitonin was
Targeting subchondral bone very high and led to patient discontinuation on the grounds
There are many arguments in favor of a major role for subchon- of intolerance in nearly 20% of cases.41
dral bone in the genesis and progression of degenerative joint
disease (see article by Professor David Findlay in this issue). N Use of strontium ranelate
In animal models, there are early lesions of the subchondral The use of strontium ranelate for OA treatment has two ad-
plate (microcracks) in vivo, with accelerated bone remodel- vantages; on the one hand, there is an indirect effect on bone,
ing. In situ, there is a break in the bone-cartilage calcified di- but there is also a potential direct effect on cartilage. Indeed,
viding line, leading to neovascularization of the deep layers the use of strontium ranelate specifically (the same effect was
of cartilage and a change in chondrocyte phenotype under not observed with calcium ranelate) produced increased syn-
the influence of factors such as vascular endothelial growth thesis of proteoglycans in vitro, and a synergistic effect with
factor. In vivo, MRI has revealed subchondral bone lesions insulin-like growth factor-1 on the anabolism of chondrocytes
(bone marrow lesions) in the form of a hypersignal next to the in vitro.42 On the basis of this observation, the largest-ever
affected cartilage, which can predict the progression of knee chondroprotection study was conducted using two doses of
osteoarthritis. Finally, radiographs reveal late subchondral scle- strontium ranelate (1 g and 2 g) compared with placebo over
rosis.36,37 a period of 3 years in patients with symptomatic knee osteo-
arthritis.43 Over 1600 patients were recruited. The proportion
The use of treatments designed to slow remodeling of the sub- of patients who completed the study was approximately 55%
chondral bone appears appropriate in order to preserve the and 60%, respectively, which is consistent with what has been
adjacent cartilage. The use of parathyroid hormone (either in observed in previous trials.44 The results of this trial were pos-
a curative or preventive capacity) in an experimental model of itive, and showed an annual slowdown of 0.14 mm in the
osteoarthritis in mice has shown very promising results in terms group receiving 1 g of strontium ranelate and 0.10 mm in the
of chondroprotection.38 A few clinical trials have been con- group receiving 2 g of strontium ranelate. In addition, the group
ducted using various anti-osteoporotic drugs to examine their of patients defined as radiological progressors (ie, those with
possible chondroprotective effect. a loss of more than 0.5 mm over the 3-year period) was sig-
nificantly reduced in the strontium ranelate groups compared
N Use of bisphosphonates with placebo: 33% in the placebo group compared with 22%
The use of risedronate at different doses in a randomized tri- and 26% in the strontium ranelate groups, respectively.44
al versus placebo conducted over 2 years was not able to
demonstrate any chondroprotective effect.39 The poor pro- Finally, for the highest dose of 2 g, a combined effect on pain
gression in patients included in this study may account for was also observed, especially in patients experiencing a painful
the failure of bisphosphonates. However, decreased urinary condition as well as rapid progression of their disease.44 This
levels of collagen CTX2 (Human C-telopeptide of Type II Col- large-scale study opens up interesting perspectives, and could
lagen) were observed in this trial, perhaps indicating a reduc- eventually lead to the use of anti-osteoporotic agents such as
tion in joint remodeling.39 strontium ranelate for the prevention of cartilage loss.
A recent randomized placebo-controlled trial used a single Stimulating anabolism by the use of growth factors
perfusion of zoledronic acid in 30 patients with symptomatic There is another interesting therapeutic option whose aim is
osteoarthritis of the knee and subchondral edema revealed not to limit the destruction of cartilage, but rather to favor car-
by MRI.40 At 6 months, there was a significant decrease in tilage repair, even when it is naturally weak. The possibility of
pain and bone edema observed on MRI in the patients re- direct intra-articular injection of growth factors (bone mor-
ceiving zoledronic acid. However, at 12 months, there was no phogenetic protein-7 or fibroblast growth factor 18; FGF18)
longer any significant difference.40 is still in its early stages, and phase 1/2 trials are currently on-
going.45,46 One study, published only as an abstract, used in-
N Use of oral calcitonin tra-articular injections of FGF18 (either a single injection or
A large-scale trial involving nearly 1200 patients with knee os- two cycles of three intra-articular injections) in knee osteo-
teoarthritis compared the use of two doses of oral calcitonin arthritis.46 There was no evidence of a slowdown in the nar-
with placebo. Patients were followed up over a 2-year period. rowing of the joint space compared with placebo, but there
The main purpose of the study was to assess the ability of was a benefit in terms of cartilage volume gain as assessed by
oral calcitonin to slow joint space narrowing as assessed by a MRI at 1 year.46 With regard to local injections of either platelet-
standard knee x-ray.41 On the basis of this criterion, the test rich autologous plasma or autologous conditioned serum, the
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matrix formation. J Bone Miner Res. 2001;16:299-308. asymmetry by lubricin tribosupplementation in the rat following anterior cruci-
43. Cooper C, Reginster JY, Chapurlat R, et al. Efficacy and safety of oral strontium ate ligament transection. Arthritis Rheum. 2012;64:1162-1171.
Keywords: anti-osteoporotic drug; biotherapy; cartilage; metalloprotease; nitric oxide; osteoarthritis; strontium ranelate
Clinical research in osteoarthritis: whats new? Chevalier and Eymard MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 233
y inventing the film camera,
b y C . R g n i e r, Fra n c e
n the 1870s, a forerunner of the motion picture settled a bothersome ques-
tion. Does a galloping horse ever become airborne? More prosaically, are
all four of its hooves ever off the ground at the same time? It fell to the Eng-
lish photographer Eadweard Muybridge to find the answer. Hired by a former
governor of California and racehorse owner, Muybridge placed glass-plate
cameras along the edge of a race track. As the horse passed each camera it
All rights reserved
broke a thread and triggered the shutter, thus generating a series of photo-
graphs. Muybridge copied these as silhouettes onto a disc and, using his in-
vention the zoopraxiscope, showed that there was indeed unsupported tran-
sit, a fleeting moment when the horse was airborne. The zoopraxiscope later
Christian RGNIER, MD came to be regarded as an early movie projector, and with it Muybridge wrote
Praticien Attach Consultant a page in the history of early cinematography. So too did the French astron-
de lHtel-Dieu de Paris
Socit Internationale omer Jules Janssen, with his photographic revolver, which he used in Japan
dHistoire de la Mdecine in 1874 to record the transit of Venus across the face of the sun. And above
9 rue Bachaumont all there was tienne-Jules Marey, a French doctor and physiologist who de-
75002 Paris
(e-mail: veloped the chronophotograph and other instruments for pioneering analy- sis in humans and animals of locomotion and physiological processes like
blood flow, breathing, and the beating heart. These and other pioneers were
driven by their thirst for scientific understanding. Others, meanwhile, had their
eyes on the immense commercial and artistic potential of the new technique
of motion pictures. At the close of the 19th century, the American engineer
Thomas Edison, the French industrialists Louis and Auguste Lumire, and
the French illusionist Georges Mlis joined the adventure of the new cine-
matography. Industrial logic, the drive for profitability, and the lure of wealth
drove them, and led to clashes with scientists who saw cinematography pure-
ly as a research and educational tool. From its beginnings in the laboratories
of science, cinema had become a show, a leisure activity accessible to every-
one. Dubbed the seventh art (after architecture, sculpture, painting, music,
poetry, and dance) by the Italian film theoretician Ricciotto Canudo, the motion
picture was able to portray all aspects of life whether scientific or fictional.
Medicographia. 2013;35:237-245 (see French abstract on page 245)
Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 237
odays cinemagoers, accustomed as they are to com- their cinematograph, which combined a camera and projec-
238 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier
Left: Thomas Edison (1847-1931), inventor of the phonograph, the light bulb, and the motion picture camera, and holder of 1093
patents, in his laboratory, ca 1915. Bettmann/CORBIS. Right: Thomas Edisons first motion picture camera (1891). CORBIS.
other. The phenakistiscope, zootrope, kinetiscope, and prax- Sprinkler Sprinkled that December day was the illusionist
inoscope (the latter invented in France in 1877 by Charles- Georges Mlis. He quickly acquired a camera and in 1897
mile Reynaud) all created the illusion of movement, and in opened a film studio at Montreuil-sous-Bois, near Paris, where
1891 Thomas Edison patented his kinetoscope and a cam- he founded his company Star-Film. A pioneer in special effects,
era, the kinetograph, which used perforated 35-mm film. The Mlis made one thousand 125-meter (4-minute) films, and
kinetoscopes continuous lighting offered closed loop images won worldwide acclaim with his masterpiece Le Voyage Dans
for one viewer at a time. This wealth of ideas and inventions la Lune (A Trip to the Moon). Mlis trod not the cinematic road
knew no limit; nor, it should be added, did intellectual prop- of the quest for knowledge, but that of a storyteller making
erty disputes or wrangling over patent applications (nearly 150 films for the general public.1
in France in 1896).1
Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 239
Film still from A Trip to the Moon, a movie by Georges Mlis (1902), based on the novel From the Earth to the Moon, by Jules Verne.
Mlis directed 555 films between 1896 and 1914. Bettmann/CORBIS.
Industrialists, too, sought to exploit the potential of moving production company L. Gaumont et Cie, which manufactured
images. Georges Demen, Mareys assistant at the physiol- projection equipment and cameras. Demen fared badly in
ogy annex of the Collge de France, started out studying the the venture and his process was bought by Gaumont, thus
movements of the mouth during speech. In May 1892, at bringing to an untimely end this first marriage between sci-
the first International Exhibition of Photography in Paris, he ence and industry.1,3
presented thirty or so moving images mouthing the phrase
je vous aime (I love you). Demen also invented the phono- Birth of the French scientific film
scope, which recorded both images and sound, to teach In 1898, Dr Eugne Doyen, a well-known surgeon, paid some-
deaf-mutes how to speak. He soon recognized, though, the one to film him performing a hysterectomy and a craniotomy
commercial potential of his invention, changed tack, and set (his specialties) in his private clinic on the rue Piccini in Paris.
up a company (Socit Gnrale du Phonoscope) to focus When his surgeon colleagues of the Academy of Medicine
on the industrial exploitation of his process.3 balked at showing his films in public, Doyen himself paid for
their projection. They showed medium-close shots, with no
Using an improved version of his phonoscope, Demen then dcor, and were intended for teaching purposes, though
filmed short photograms, living portraits of people uttering Doyen did not hesitate to show them to an impressionable
a few words, and everyday scenes unrelated to his original sci- public. The surgeon Jean-Louis Faure, another pioneer of sur-
entific endeavors. The breach with Marey, who was opposed gical films, said of Doyens films that they were of great edu-
to the commercial exploitation of moving pictures, was not cational value, but tended to showiness, which, he felt, marred
long in coming, and in 1894 Demen was forced to resign from the demonstration of the surgical technique.
the Collge de France. Unfazed, Demen is believed to have
filmed the national funeral of Louis Pasteur on 5 October 1895 A few years later Doyen hired a camera operator to film his
using 6-mm film, and two years later invented the 35-mm ver- surgical separation of Doodica and Radica, conjoined twins
sion of his camera. Unversed in the ways of business, Demen who starred in Barnum and Baileys touring cabinet of curiosi-
sought help from Lon Gaumont, the founder of the French ties. The sober staging and style seemed to invite viewers to
240 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier
Then there was the question of copyright. Who exactly owned Using itinerant film shows to teach public hygiene
such films? The filmmaker or the surgeon? And what of the In 1917, as the United States of America joined forces with
patient, without whom there would be no film? The fifty or the Allies in World War I, the Rockefeller Foundation sent a
so films of Doyens surgical procedures were leased to the commission to France to aid that country in organizing a fight
clipse company, later transferred to
Gaumont, and then acquired by Doyens
heirs, only to go up in smoke during a
bombing raid in World War II.4-6
Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 241
242 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier
that educational films fall into two clearly distinct genres: erthe world of science scoffed at Painlevs eclecticism,
those used to illustrate a talk and to transmit understanding, unconvinced that cinema was a tool of scientific research.
and those shown in ordinary film theaters and intended to Painlev was one of the founders of the Institut de Cinma-
appeal to heart and soul. Education, Benot-Lvy believed, tographie Scientifique and of the Commission Suprieure de
speaks above all to the intellect in the first genre, and to the lImage et du Son, which allied science and cinema. He even
sentiments in the second, provided, that is, mind and heart acted in the film The Unknown Woman of Six Days direct-
can be partitioned so neatly.12,14 ed by Ren Sti to fund the anatomy and histology laborato-
ry of the Sorbonne. He gave talks illustrated by films at the
Making the transition to the talkies, Benot-Lvy produced French Academy of Sciences on the larvae of midges of the
two realistic filmsItto and Hlnein which the image of the Chironomidae family (which contains some 5000 species).
rebellious woman, mistress of her own destiny, contrasted Also a diver, Painlev made numerous scientific documen-
sharply with the silent images of Maternity.12 He also made taries of aquatic animal life, like the landmark documentary on
films for the teaching of surgery, as part of a medical-surgical sea horses LHippocampe ou Cheval Marin (filmed through
cinematographic encyclopedia, a project curtailed by the out- an aquarium!).
break of war in 1939.
Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 243
Painlev was friends with renowned film Doctor Albert Calmette (1863-1933), who,
directors like Jacques Prvert, Henri Lan- together with his assistant Camille Gurin,
glois, Georges Franju, Sergei Eisenstein, developed the BCG vaccine against tuber-
culosis. Wellcome Library, London.
Luis Buuel, Jean Vigo, and Abel Gance.
He used musicians in the making of his
documentaries like LHippocampe, for an uninterrupted series of science doc-
which Darius Milhaud wrote the music, umentaries and films, some of which won
and in The Vampire, in which the life of a awards: Beware of Vipers, Ultrasound,
vampire bat was illustrated by the music The Killer Mushroom, The True Culprit, a
of Duke Ellington, including Echoes of the drama commissioned by the French wel-
Jungle (Painlev was a jazz pianist too!). fare system to warn of the dangers of in-
duced abortion, The Question of Cancer,
In all, Painlev took part in the making of an encyclopedic review in thirteen reels,
almost 200 films, using the latest tech- and The Adventures of a Bluebottle. A
nologies: underwater filming, special ef- good number of Thvenards films were
fects, steadycam. In 1930, he made a set to music by Andr Jolivet, while pop-
militant four-minute film in which he de- ular actors and members of the Com-
clared his support for the use of citrate in die-Franaise did the voiceovers. After
anticoagulation to stem massive bleed- Thvenard joined the scientific cinema-
ing, as recommended by a physician with the rank of gen- tography laboratory of the Institut Pasteur, he was commis-
eral in the French military, but recently refused by the French sioned to make a documentary on Albert Calmette, co-dis-
Defense Health Service Authorities.17,18 Dr Pierre Thvenard coverer of the bacillus Calmette-Gurin, used in vaccination
started his career as a film scientific director in 1934 by mak- against tuberculosis. This and other films brought Thvenard
ing 35-mm films on urologic surgery and followed this up with international renown.8,19
In the early 20th century, a visit to the newfangled cinema which were stained and scratched, by celluloid of uneven
was a risky affair. Eighteen-year-old Miss R. of Bordeaux thickness and grain, by poor shots dotted with fuzzy and
paid for her cinematic passion with conjunctivitis after every indistinct details that force the viewers eye constantly to
show. And M. C., a barber of that same French city, was change focus (accommodation), and by deterioration of
unable to read his newspaper for days after every visit to the film perforations resulting in slippage of the film.
a film theater. What was happening? In 1909, local oph-
thalmologist Dr Ginestous provided the answer when he Cinemophthalmia had several clinical variants: simple eye
gave a paper on a new medical phenomenon he had dis- watering with photophobia, inflammatory erythema of the
covered: cinemophthalmia. eyelids and of the conjunctiva, problems focusing, exhaus-
tion of ocular reflexes, notably fatigue of the internal eye
In the early years of cinematography, the persistence of muscles, and retinal asthenopia without loss of visual acu-
luminous impressions on the retina was calculated to last ity or abnormal refraction. Despite this alarming list of dis-
2/25 of a second, and so filmmakers adopted a projection orders, Dr Ginestous sought to hearten, saying that in fact
speed of 16 images/second for 35-mm film. To produce ophthalmias of this type had a good prognosis and usu-
the cinematographic illusion, the succeeding images must ally resolved quickly, even without treatment. As for pro-
remain superimposed on the retina for long enough to phylaxis, Dr Ginestous had the answers: choose a better
give the impression of movement. Each projected image class of film theater where they use new reels of film (no slip-
requires an illumination phase and a phase during which page) and the correct projection speed; wear blue-tinted
the film is advanced at a fixed speed by one frame. The glasses; peer at the screen through fanned fingers or fi-
resulting scintillation of the image generated eye strain, par- brous palm leaves; use eyedrops containing cocaine or
ticularly as knavish film theater directors tended to slow adrenaline.
the projection speed so as to lengthen the show: a 1000-
meter film lasted 54 minutes when projected at 16 images/ Cinemophthalmia receded after World War I, like a fad-
second and 62 minutes at 14 images/second. This new ing retinal image, pushed into a footnote on the history of
ailment of cinemophthalmia discovered by Dr Ginestous medicine by improvements in cinema projection equip-
was believed to be triggered by the poor quality of films, ment, filming techniques, and celluloid film.21-24
244 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier
Movies have long depicted stories of medical practitioners fragile and vulnerable heart patient, the erratic mental patient,
in a bewildering array of guises: the hospital bigwig, a coun- the consumptive condemned to a slow death, loathsome mis-
try doctor, a physician and humanist, the doomed hero, the shapenness and disfigurement, the chilling diagnosis of can-
medic guilty of malpractice, a doctor in the colonies, murder- cer, traumatic childbirth. The sick and the lame have served
ers, cranks. Illness and the afflicted too have well served many as a mirror, a conceit, a vehicle for a social conception of dis-
an intrigue on the silver screen: the Machiavellian gimp, the ease and suffering.20 I
1. Sicard M. LAnne 1895: lImage cartele Entre Voir et Savoir. Paris, France: 13. Viborel L. ducation populaire et cinmatographe. La Vie Saine. 1957;44.
Les Empcheurs de Penser en Rond: 1994. 14. Laot F et al. LImage dans lHistoire de la Formation des Adulte. Paris, France:
2. Leuba M. Marey, Pionnier de la Synthse du Mouvement, Beaune: Muse Marey, LHarmattan; 2010.
1995. 15. Do OGomes I. Luvre de Jean Comandon In: Martinet A et al. Le Cinma et
3. Drevon A. Les travaux de Georges Demen In: Martinet A et al. Le Cinma et la Science; Paris, France: ditions du CNRS; 1994.
la Science; Paris, France: ditions du CNRS; 1994. 16. Comandon J. Pierre de Fondbrune (1901-1963). Annales de lInstitut Pasteur.
4. Lefebvre T. La Chair et le CellulodLe Cinma Chirurgical du Docteur Doyen. 1964;106(4):515-518.
Brionne, France: Jean Doyen; 2004. 17. Berg B. De charmants petits rien. In: Leuba M et al. Marey, Pionnier de la Syn-
5. Doyen E. LEnseignement de la Technique Opratoire par les Projections Ani- thse du Mouvement. Beaune, France: Muse Marey; 1995.
mes. Paris, France: Socit Gnrale des Cinmatographes clipses; 1911. 18. Millet R. Jean Painlev cinaste. In: Martinet A et al. Le Cinma et la Science;
6. Faure JL. Les films chirurgicaux. Bull Soc Fr Hist Med. 1937;31:245-248. Paris, France: ditions du CNRS; 1994.
7. Lefebvre T. De la science lavant garde. In: Berthoz A et al. Images, Science, 19. Raynal A. Le docteur Thvenard, cinaste et scientifique. In: Martinet A et al.
Mouvement. Paris, France: LHarmattan-SMIA; 2003. Le Cinma et la Science. Paris, France: ditions du CNRS; 1994.
8. Thvenard P, Tassel G. Le Cinma Scientifique Franais. Paris, France: La Jeune 20. Broussouloux C. Cinma et Mdecine. Le Mdecin lcran. Paris, France:
Parque; 1948. Ellipses; 2001.
9. Petit E. Lcole et le cinma. Film-Revue. 1913;53:1-2. 21. Cahan D. Hermann von Helmholtz and the Foundation of Nineteenth-Century
10. The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report 1920. Science. Berkeley, CA: University of California; 1994.
.../annual-reports. 22. Helmholtz H. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. Leipzig, Germany: Leopold
11. Picard JF. La Fondation Rockefeller et la Recherche Mdicale. Paris, France: Voss; 1867.
PUF; 1999. 23. Lefebvre T. Une maladie au tournant du sicle: la cinmaophtalmie. In: Mari
12. Vignaux V. Jean Benot-Lvy ou le Corps Comme Utopie, une Histoire du Cin- M et al. Cinma des premiers temps: Nouvelles contributions franaises. Tho-
ma Educateur Dans lEntre-Deux-Guerres en France, Paris,France: AFRHC; rme. 1996;4:131-145.
2007. 24. Ginestous E. Hygine Oculaire de la Premire Enfance. Paris, France: Vigot; 1909.
Cinema, science, and medicine in France Rgnier MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 245
b y I . S p a a k , Fra n c e
s with film institutes or cinematheques the world over, the vocation
of the Cinmathque, founded in Paris in 1936, was to preserve, re-
store, research, and show films, playing the same role for the moving
image as libraries for books or museums for paintings. That the Cinmathque
is perhaps the best endowed of its kind, holding around 40 000 films, is large-
ly down to one man, Henri Langlois. Born in Izmir in 1914 and a devotee of film
from childhood, Langlois founded a silent film preservation club in Paris in
1935. A year later, aged 22, he became the first director of the Cinmathque,
which he and two friends set up to save and preserve every film wherever
made, whether masterpiece or middling. His ambition also extended to rescu-
Isabelle SPAAK ing from oblivion anything related to film, including scenarios, sets, costumes,
Journalist and projectors. Larger than life, a law unto himselfthe archetypal sacred
(e-mail: monsterHenri Langlois let nothing stand between himself and film. During
the Second World War and the Occupation, he saved the Cinmathques
collection from destruction. His obsession was his strength. He forged close
friendships with Chaplin and Hitchcock, and encouraged New Wave directors
on both sides of the Atlantic. As the soul and archeologist of the moving im-
age, he was for the poet Jean Cocteau the dragon standing guard over our
treasure, all of which is now on exhibition in the rejuvenated 12th arrondisse-
ment of Paris to the delectation of modern movie-lovers.
Medicographia. 2012;35:246-254 (see French abstract on page 254)
re cinephiles an extant species in the 21st century? Are there still people
A who take moviegoing so seriously that they are prepared to spend whole
days in dark theaters watching endless reruns of grainy reels of celebrated
or often completely unknown films when they could be consuming avalanches of
technically superior images in the comfort of their own homes thanks to DVDs, the
Internet, social networking sites, and other forms of video on demand? And what
meaning does cinephiliaa word coined in the early 1950s by the philosophizing
champions of an art form touted as the equal of painting or literaturehave in the
21st century? It was the young cinephiles of the 1950s grouped around the ex-
travagant figure of Henri Langlois, cofounder (with Georges Franju, Jean Mitry, and
Paul-Auguste Harl) of the Paris Cinmathque in 1936, who went on to revitalize
French cinema. Franois Truffaut, Eric Rohmer, Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivette,
Jean Rouch, and Jean-Luc Godard were all nurtured at the Cinmathque: they
were each so entranced with cinema that they had to make films themselves. All of them discovered gems at the Cinmathque that they would never otherwise
246 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Children of the Cinmathque Spaak
The new
designed by
Frank Gehry
(the same
architect who
designed the
Musem in
Bilbao) and
opened to
the public on
28 Septem-
ber 2005.
Children of the Cinmathque Spaak MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 247
Chaplin in
the satire
of the dehu-
manizing in-
world, Mod-
ern Times
This moving testimony reflected the reputation of an institu- Franju and Langlois had met in the early 30s at a printers
tion brought into being in 1936 by three devotees of what where the young Langlois had been apprenticed by his fa-
in France is commonly referred to as the seventh art: direc- ther after failing his exams. Born in Izmir, ex-Smyrna, in 1914
tor Georges Franju (1912-1987), film critic Jean Mitry (1907- to French parents forced to return to France after the Greek
1988), and Henri Langlois (1914-1977). city was taken by Turkey in 1922, Henri Langlois had only one
interest: cinema. It was the one and only pas-
sion in his life, to the extent that he chose to go
to the movies rather than sit for his baccalau-
reat, to the great despair of his father. Franju and
Langlois found themselves partners in the same
248 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Children of the Cinmathque Spaak
Everything must be saved The Cinmathques first home, like its current home, was
Because Langlois considered film images as reflecting how in the 12th arrondissement, but in the rue Marsoulan. From
people dressed, moved, ate, entertained themselvesin short the start it was designed as both museum and cinema. Lan-
livedat a particular time and place, determining how those glois had the appetite of an ogre. He increased the Cinma-
coming after it would view it, he viewed every frame as tes- thques archive from ten films in 1936 to over 60 000 in 1970.
timony. His motto was Everything must be saved. It was But if anything he was even keener to show them. Langlois
thanks to him that the work of the Lumire brothers and saved films by recovering them, but also by restoring them
Georges Mlis was rescued from oblivion, that pre-War cin- when they had begun to decompose. Most were made of cel-
ema has been handed down to posterity, and that the French luloid, a fragile material that disintegrates under adverse stor-
New Wave was made possible. age conditions.
Abel Gance
and crew
filming scene
in Napoleon,
in 1927.
Children of the Cinmathque Spaak MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 249
The Cinmathque was built on the donation of films by film- reels around in the mtro. It sounds funny now, but at the
makers and producers thanks to a relationship with Langlois time it was dangerous. Without Langlois and his daring in-
based on mutual gratitude and admiration. Langlois was able genuity, Robert Wienes The Cabinet of Dr Cagliari (1919), or
to show the films without paying fees, but they remained the Georges Mlis Joan of Arc (1900), or Josef von Sternbergs
property of those who entrusted them with him. Perhaps the The Blue Angel with Marlene Dietrich, to take but three ex-
bulk of the collection belonged to Langlois himself, a com- amples, would have been lost to history. Many items in the
pulsive collector and inspired flea-market trawler, who was Cinmathque archive were under threat during the Occu-
snapping up items long before governments recognized the pation, and Langlois managed to hide them by secreting his
need to establish cinematographic archives. films in any number of hiding places in Paris, burying some in
Dietrich on
the set of The
Blue Angel,
directed by
Joseph von
based on
Manns novel
Professor Un-
rat (Professor
Americans in particular were grateful to the Cinmathques Michel Simons garden, and hiding othersthose by Chaplin
director for having preserved works that would no longer have and Soviet directorsin a Bordeaux wine estate. By 1944,
existed without his intervention. It is thanks to Langlois, for in- Langlois had saved 40 000 films. As soon as the War ended
stance, that we still have Abel Gances magnificent Napoleon he set out to find a home for them.
(1927), one of the masterpieces of silent cinema.
The German Occupation deprived the Cinmathque of a The small theater on the rue de Messine
home of its own. To get round the censor, Langlois organized In 1948, he found premises at 8 rue de Messine, near the
clandestine viewings at his mothers, attended in particular by Champs-Elyses. Keeping to the same fundamentals: pre-
Simone Signoret, who had no hesitation, despite her Polish- serve and show, he decided to show only once. The single-
Jewish father, in crossing Paris under the Occupiers nose showing idea was simple, and caught on. It was the key to his
pushing a pram full of reels. The first time I saw Battleship Po- success.
temkin, remembered Signoret, was in 1941, rue Troyon, in
the dining room at Langlois mothers. All the Soviet films, and Hungry to catch the one-off showings of Langlois rare finds,
all the films by Renoir or Prvert that were banned under the cinephiles were assiduous in their attendance, meeting up
Occupation, in fact the only great films that I saw during this for each weeks program of unmissable films that Langlois
period, were shown to me by Langlois who used to carry his used to stencil on a single sheet of paper. They included the
250 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Children of the Cinmathque Spaak
Children of the Cinmathque Spaak MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 251
Filmmakers demonstrating in the streets of Paris in February 1968to reinstate Henri Langlois who had just been fired by the French
Minister of Culture Andr Malraux. Georges Pierre/Sygma/Corbis.
from the demonstration in Stolen Kisses, which he dedicated Antonioni, Ingmar Bergman, Luis Buuel, Peter Brook, Alfred
to the Cinmathque when it came out the following year. Hitchcock, Elia Kazan, Akira Kurosawa, Pier Paolo Pasolini,
There were riots outside the Cinmathque offices in the rue Claude Berri, Satyajit Ray, and Andy Warhol; actors such as
de Courcelles. A petition gathered 700 signatures from the Jean-Paul Belmondo, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve,
international cinematographic elite: the directors Michelangelo Michel Simon, Simone Signoret, Marlene Dietrich, Jane Fonda,
Katharine Hepburn, Peter OToole, and Gloria Swan-
son; as well as writers, artists and philosophers, such
as Roland Barthes, Samuel Beckett, Alexander Calder,
Truman Capote, Max Ernst, Eugene Ionesco, Pablo
Picasso, Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Paul Sartre, Henri Cartier-
Bresson, and Norman Mailer. The power of this Whos
Who of world culture was such that the government
climbed down and Langlois could only be reinstated.
He spent his remaining years on his singular creation,
leaving behind him a Cinmathque envied by the rest
of the world.
252 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Children of the Cinmathque Spaak
handing reel
to Roberto
(left) in 1949.
Children of the Cinmathque Spaak MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 253
researchers. After its record 300 000 visitors in the summer of DVD. It was made under pressure during the German Occu-
2012 for the temporary exhibition on the director Tim Burton, pation by those wholike the films writer Jacques Prvert and
with over 500 drawings, photographs, and scale models, the the actors Jean-Louis Barrault, Arletty, and Pierre Brasseur
Cinmathque staged an exhibition in honor of Marcel Carn, were out to prove that the French spirit was still free even if
another monument in the history of film. Generations of cine- France itself was not, much as Langlois always remained a
philes were raised on Carns cult film, Children of Paradise free spirit even when his Cinmathque appeared threatened
(1945), which has since been re-released in theaters and on by chains. I
51 rue de Bercy
75012 Paris
Monday to Saturday 12 AM to 7 PM
Sunday 10 AM to 8 PM
254 MEDICOGRAPHIA, Vol 35, No. 2, 2013 Children of the Cinmathque Spaak
A Ser vier publication