Research Questionnaires
Research Questionnaires
Research Questionnaires
In each of these cases, the business owners gain valuable information to help them make major
decisions about their businesses. Remember that if the results of the survey aren't very positive,
you need to find out WHY. The questionnaire is used as a guide. It doesn't mean you can't go
into business.
A. The first questionnaire is for a select group, the customers of Speedy Photos. The
owner conducted the survey during a one week period, reaching both weekday and
weekend customers.
In order for us to serve our customers better, we would like to find out what you think of us.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions while your photographs are being
printed. Your honest opinions, comments and suggestions are extremely important to us.
Thank you, Speedy Photo
2. Why did you choose Speedy Photo (circle all that apply)
Close to home
Close to work
Good service
Full-service photography shop
6. Our operating hours are from 8 am to 5:30 pm weekdays and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 6
pm. We are closed on Sundays and legal holidays. What changes in our operating hours would
be better for you?
7. Your age (circle one)
under 25
over 60
8. Other comments:
1. Are you presently renting any public storage space? Yes _____ No_____
If no then go to question 2
If yes, then continue with 1a.
1a. Where are you currently renting storage space (name and address)
1b. How many times a month do you visit your storage space? _______
1d. Approximately how much space are you renting? __________square feet
1e. Do you think you'll need additional space in the future Yes ______ No ______
1f. Are there any changes or improvements you would like to see in your present storage space
arrangement? If yes, what would you like to see?
2. Are you planning on using any public storage space? Yes ______ No ______
2a. If you are planning to rent public storage space or may rent such space, how far of a
distance are you willing to travel to use your space? ______miles
2b. Approximately what size storage space would you need? ______square feet
2c. How much monthly rent would you be willing to pay? $______per square foot/month
C. This questionnaire was developed by a woman who was interested in selling
southwestern jewellery made by Native Indians.
1. Have you ever purchased or received southwestern jewellery? Yes ______ No ______
2. Have you ever purchased or received southwestern jewellery made by native Indians?
Yes ______ No ______
If Yes, what type of jewellery?
Necklace____ Ring _____ Bracelet _____ Earnings _____ Other _____
3. Would you be interested in purchasing the above mentioned jewellery made by native
Yes ______ No ______
4. Do you know where to shop for such jewellery? Yes ______ No ______
5. When buying jewellery, what do you value the most? On a scale of 1 through 5, list in order
according to your preference. One represents your most valued choice.
Craftsmanship_____ Cost _____ Uniqueness _____ Other _____
D. The last questionnaire was developed by a woman who wanted to open a fitness
center and offer one-on-one training
F. Do you think your town needs a fitness center? Yes _____ No _____
G. Would you be interested in one-on-one training? Yes _____ No _____
2.Please rank the following factors in the order of important to you when making a buying
decision for this service (1 being most important, 5 being lease important) (multiple choice &
____ price ____ referral ____ location ____ availability ____ guarantee ____ other
3. Are there any other services you would like to see offered? (open-ended)
4. Do you believe that our competitors’ prices are too high? (two-choice)
_____ Yes _____ No
5. What price would you be willing to pay for this product/service? (two-choice) Note: This is an
important question to ask because the answer will affect one's sales revenue projections
____ $10 - 20 ___$20 - 30
6. Which of the following services would you like to see offered? Choose one. (multiple choice)
____ loans program ____ mentoring ____ counselling ____ research ____ other
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