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JHA For Loop Check

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The key takeaways from the JHA are that loop checking activities involve risks such as unauthorized work, lack of PPE, heat stress, tripping hazards, and gas leaks that need to be mitigated through measures such as obtaining work permits, conducting toolbox talks, using proper PPE, designating assembly points, and having emergency procedures.

Some of the potential hazards identified in the JHA include unauthorized work, lack of understanding of hazards, improper PPE, heat stress, dust inhalation, tripping hazards, incorrect equipment identification, lack of planning, and gas leaks.

Control measures suggested include obtaining work permits, conducting toolbox talks to ensure worker understanding, inspecting and providing proper PPE, designating rest areas and providing water, providing dust masks, clearly identifying equipment, following planning and coordination procedures, and training workers in gas detection and emergency procedures.

QP Ref.

: IP-OPS-066
Date.: Dec. -2014
Page.: 1 of 6


JHA No.:GC- Revision Area RG PLANT Job Location: 92,93,94,95,96,97 Date:

14113600/0 : & MCR
Job Ref (Project No. / Work
Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0 , Zone 1 , Zone 2 , Non
Order No.:
Job Description : Loop checking activities Permit Type& No.:
Rating Action
Activity (Job al Risk
S/N Potential Hazard Before Control Mitigation Measures Party /
Steps) /
Mitigati Remark
1 Work permit from Unauthorized 3 X B= Authorized PTW holder shall ensure 1 X B= Engineer /
QP to be commencement of Medium Low Supervisor,
obtaining and maintaining valid work
works may result in
obtained exposing workers permit. Safety
and or potential to The worksite supervisor responsible for this Officer,
harm or danger. activity has to check the PPE of his staff to Technician
ensure that all required items are and Helper
available and properly used.
Inform all workers regarding permit
condition before work starts. Worksite
supervisor shall conduct toolbox talks
about nature of works and associated
potential hazards and their essential
precautionary measure.

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 1 of 6

2 Pre-task briefing The work force does 3 X B= Ensure that the pre task briefing is given 1 X B= Engineer /
toolbox talks and not understand the Medium out in a language understood by the work Low Supervisor,
pre task briefing
site inspection therefore does not force, have it translated. Safety
understand the Ask question regarding the briefing to get Officer,
potential dangers feedback from the staff, this ensures full Technician
and control comprehension. and Helper
measures to be
implemented. Some Issue required appropriate PPE and
of the workers could replace PPE that has signs of defect.
be lacking PPE or PPE must include both hearing protection
using defective PPE as well as dust inhalation protection.
3 Ensure all staff Incorrect PPE given 3 X B= The supervisor responsible for this 1 X B= Engineer /
involved in this out or failure to Medium activity has to check the PPE of his staff Low Supervisor,
provide required PPE.
activity has the to ensure all required items are Safety
correct PPE and available and correctly used. Officer,
have received H2S monitor is tested & worn by each Technician
Tool Box Talk. personnel. and Helper
If staff is not 3 X B= The supervisor with the assistance of 1 X B= Engineer /
adequately briefed Medium the HSE officer shall give Tool box talk Low Supervisor,
on the activity, the
risks and the briefing to all staff involved pointing out Safety
emergency the job steps and how they will be Officer,
procedures leading conducted. Technician
to increased risk of and Helper
The staff shall be briefed about the
emergency procedure, so that they
should know how to proceed further in
case of any incident during this activity.
4 Planning Non compliance to QP 3 X B= Ensure working personnel are strictly 1 X B= Engineer /
HSE Regulations for Medium following the QP HSE Regulation for Low Supervisor,
Contractors and or to Contractors. Safety
method statement Ensure worksite supervisor properly Officer,
informed to QP instrument personnel Technician
before starting the works task. and Helper
Dont start the works activity without
informing the QP personnel.

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 2 of 6

Wrong identification of 3 X B= Ensure the identity of cable wires through 1 X B= Engineer /
cables wires Medium Tag No. Low Supervisor,
Ensure that the technicians are competent Safety
enough to do the task. Officer,
Ensure that the drawings during Technician
disconnection or connection of cables are and Helper
correct to prevent wrong identity.
5 Loop checking Improper planning 3 X B= Ensure to have a proper work permit on the 1 X B= Engineer /
activities that will cause of Medium said activities. Low Supervisor,
serious accident Proper coordination must adhere from time Safety
to time. Officer,
Keep the cable under test separately from Technician
the other cables. and Helper
Ensure test equipment have a valid 3rd
party calibration certificate.
Barricade the area of testing by providing
warning tapes to forbid entry of any
personnel in the test area.
Defective 3 X B= Ensure that all test equipment have a valid 1 X B= Engineer /
tools/appliance Medium 3rd party calibration certificate used in Low Supervisor,
loop checking. Safety
Ensure that test equipment is free from Officer,
defect. Technician
Only competent person can used the test and Helper
equipment for loop checking.
Dont use defective test equipment to
Wrong cable wire 3 X B= Ensure that the competent person only will 1 X B= Engineer /
cause of wrong Medium work on this task. Low Supervisor,
connection Provide AFC drawing for a proper checking Safety
of cable wires. Officer,
Double check and confirm properly if the Technician
cable wire are the right cable from other and Helper

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 3 of 6


Hand injury on hand 3 X B= When using screwdrivers, place the object 1 X B= Engineer /
tools Medium on a flat surface or in a do not hold it in Low Supervisor,
your hand! Safety
Dont use screwdrivers as chisels or pry Officer,
Use the correct size driver for the screw
Don Use insulated terminal screw while and Helper
removing/connecting the wires use
screwdrivers with chipped tips
Dont use defective hand tools to prevent
hand or improvised tools injury.
Unsafe acts cause of 3 X B= Only competent person shall assign to do 1 X B= Engineer /
inexperience Medium the pre-loop checking activities which are Low Supervisor,
personnel known to a possible hazard of the loop Safety
checking activity. Officer,
Ensure that a worksite supervisor or site Technician
Engineer is properly monitored the site and Helper
Electric shock/ 3 X B= Only experienced person should carry out 1 X B= Engineer /
electrocution Medium the job. Low Supervisor,
Dont touch any connection of wire to Safety
prevent electric shock or shutdown the Officer,
system. Technician
Take extra care and keep away from live and Helper
panel to avoid tripping or shutdown the

Disturbance to live 3 X B= Take extra care and keep away from live 1 X B= Engineer /
panel due to short Medium panel to avoid tripping or shutdown the Low Supervisor,
circuit/ tripping any system. Safety
loop/system Ensure the work site supervisor is properly Officer,
monitoring the work task and barricading Technician
the area and Helper

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 4 of 6

Do not touch any connection to avoid
tripping the system or plant.
Take time and paying attention to where
you are going for the walking surface and
the tasks you are doing.
Ensure with a presence of QP personnel
before starting the work activities.
Slips, trips and fall 3 X B= Take time and paying attention to where 1 X B= Engineer /
near the equipment Medium you are going for the walking surface and Low Supervisor,
the tasks you are doing. Safety
Adjusting yours stride to a pace that is Officer,
suitable for the walking surface and the Technician
tasks youre doing. and Helper
Ensuring that things you are carrying or
pushing do not prevent you from seeing
any obstructions.
Ensure that a workers going to site have
properly instructed to the working area.
6 Working in hot, Possible heat stress, 3 X B= Provide rest shelters with adequate colds 1 X B= Engineer /
humid and dusty dehydration and Medium drinking water. Low Supervisor,
area exhaustion. Wear loose fitting full length clothing that Safety
breath the body. Officer,
Heat stress prevention awareness training Technician
to be implemented. and Helper
Heat stress poster to be posted in shelters.
Emergency contact number list to be
posted in work area.
Respiratory and eye 3 X B= Use dust mask and safety goggles. 1 X B= Engineer /
disease. Medium Dont use defective mask and goggles Low Supervisor,
Provide more mask at site during sand Safety
storm Officer,
and Helper

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 5 of 6

7 In case of Personnel doesnt 3 X B= All worksite supervisors must aware to the 1 X B= Engineer /
emergency know what they will Medium nearest assembly point area and Low Supervisor,
do Emergency exit gates. Safety
Brief all personnel about the emergency Officer,
evacuation procedure. Technician
Go to the nearest muster point area or and Helper
Emergency exit gates.

Call Emergency Control Room

44716999 and 44717999
Presence of H2s or any 3 X B= Ensure that all personnel are trained by 3rd 1 X B= Engineer /
hazardous gas in the Medium party H2s awareness training. Low Supervisor,
area All individuals personnel should have Safety
portable H2s monitor. Officer,
If any suspicious gas smells, inform all Technician
personnel to check the wind direction and and Helper
approach QP plant operator to check
atmospheric testing.
8 Housekeeping Trips, stumble or 3 X B= Place equipment in orderly manner. 1 X B= Engineer /
foot puncture Medium Keep work location and access safe. Low Supervisor,
Keep area clean daily & weekly basis, Safety
remove debris and store material tidily Officer,
safely. Technician
and Helper
Position Position
S/ Name Site Supervisor & / Ref S/ Name Site Supervisor & / Ref
Sign Sign
N Safety Officer Indicato N Safety Officer Indicato
r r

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 6 of 6

JHA Team Leader Authorization: Ref. Indicator: Sign:

JHA Approval (Permit Authority / Asset Holder): Ref. Indicator: Sign:

Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)

Poten Asset Never
Reputati Occurrence Occurrence several
tial damage & Environmen heard of Occurred Occurred
People on several times a year at this
Severi business tal Effect in in industry in QP
Impact times in QP site
ty losses industry

0 No Injury No Damage No Effect No Impact No Risk Low Low Low Low

Slight injury or Slight damage

1 Slight effect Slight impact Low Low Low Low Low
health effects (<QR35,000)

Minor injury
(between QR
2 or health Minor effect Minor impact Low Low Medium Medium Medium
35,000 and
3 Major injuryor Moderate Moderate Effect Moderate Low Medium Medium Medium High
healtheffects damage impact
(between QR
350,000 and
3.5 Million)

JHA No. GC-14113600/0 Page 7 of 6

Major damage
Single fatality
(between QR
4 orpermanent Major effect Major Impact Low Medium Medium High High
3.5 Million and
35 Million)

Multiple Massive
5 damage (> QR Massive Effect Medium Medium High High High
fatalities impact
35 Million)

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