Volume I
(Third Edition)
The financial and administrative powers of the C.A.G. under the provisions
of the Book of Financial Powers, Fundamental Rules, Supplementary Rules, Civil
Pension (Commutation) Rules, Classification Control and Appeal Rules, Conduct
Rules, General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, etc. and the powers
delegated to the subordinate authorities in IA&AD have been compiled in volume
II of this publication.
It is hoped that these Manuals will be of great help to the staff and officers
in discharging their duties efficiently.
Comptroller and Auditor General
The 3rd December, 1991
Comptroller & Auditor General
The 13th November, 1969
Comptroller & Auditor General
The 1st March, 1952
Headings Reference to
CHAPTER I Organisation and Control of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Organisation 1.1 to 1.12
Composition of staff 1.13
Distribution of work among the Gazetted staff in a 1.14
Civil Office
Control over State of Work 1.15
Reports on State of Work 1.16
Inspection of the Audit and Accounts & Entitlement 1.17
Accounting and Audit of expenditure of the IA&AD 1.18
Transfer of charge 1.19
General instruction on administrative and other 1.20
Inspection of different groups/sections of office by the 1.21
A.G./Pr. Director of Audit and Group Officers
Quarterly D.O. letters to C.A.G. 1.22
Reports on failure of Audit 1.23
Special responsibility for Cash 1.24
List of Holidays 1.25
Annexure I Abbreviated Telegraphic addresses
Annexure II Quarters for the quarterly D.O. letters to the C.A.G
1.1 The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is the administrative head of
the Indian Audit and Accounts Department and is appointed under Article148 (1)
of the Constitution of India. His duties and powers are determined under article
148 (5) and 149 to 151 of the Constitution and the Comptroller and Auditor
Generals (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 (herein after
referred to as the Act). He discharges his constitutional responsibilities through
the agency of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
1.1.1 Section 21 of the Act empowers the Comptroller and Auditor General to
delegate any power exercisable by him under the provisions of the Act, to such
officers of his department as may be authorised by him by general or special
order, provided that, except during the absence of the Comptroller and Auditor
General on leave or otherwise, no officer shall be authorised to submit on his
behalf any report which he is required by the Constitution or the Government of
Union Territories Act, 1963 to submit to the President or the Governor of a State
or the Administrator of a Union Territory having a Legislative Assembly as the
case may be.
1.2 The financial and administrative powers of the Comptroller and Auditor
General, Accountants General/Principal Directors of Audit and other heads of
Departments in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are given in Volume II
of this Manual.
1.3 The Comptroller and Auditor General has a Deputy Comptroller and
Auditor General who functions, in general as Chief of Staff and assists the
Comptroller and Auditor General in the formulation of policies and issue of
directives to the field offices, in matters relating to accounting and auditing as
well as administration of the Department. He is responsible for the Personnel and
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 2
staff requirements of the various Offices of the Department, and formulating the
budget proposals for the department. He functions as the Chief Accounting
Authority for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department under the
departmentalised system of accounting and discharges this function through the
Pay and Accounts Officers (I.A.A.D) set up in a number of field offices, and the
Principal Accounts Officer (Accountant General (Audit) Delhi). He is also
responsible for the administration and efficient working of the office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General.
1.3.1 In addition to the Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General, there is the
Chairman, Audit Board, who is ex-officio Deputy Comptroller and Auditor
General (Commercial) and there are five Additional Deputy Comptroller and
Auditors General. The distribution of charges among them is broadly as under: -
1. Deputy Comptroller and Auditor Railway Audit, Receipt Audit (Direct and
General Indirect Taxes), Policy, Planning,
Research & Evaluation
1.4 The main branches into which the Indian Audit and Accounts Department
is divided, and the designation of the Heads of Offices in these branches are
given below.
(iii) Posts and Telecommunications Audit Principal Director of Audit, Posts &
Offices. Telecommunications with branch offices
headed by Director or Deputy Director
of Audit, Posts and Telecommunications
(viii) National Academy of Audit & Director, National Academy of Audit &
Accounts Accounts
Departments and Heads of Offices (in their grammatical variations) used in this
manual denote the Officials designated as heads of Offices in the above table.
1.5 The Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General and the Additional Deputies
have authority to deputise for the Comptroller and Auditor General in any matter
except in the case of Reports on Accounts submitted to Parliament and
State/Union Territory Legislatures and they may to any extent as may be
determined from time to time by Comptroller and Auditor General, and subject to
his general control, issues orders from the office of the Comptroller and Auditor
1.7 The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General is mainly concerned
with formulating policies, giving directions and according sanctions only in such
important matters, where the field officers do not have the necessary powers
formally delegated to them. Important matters affecting audit, accounts,
classification of receipts and charges and administration of the Audit and
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 5
1.8 The overall control of Railway Audit offices rests with the Deputy
Comptroller and Auditor General who is also the Ex-Officio Director of Railway
Audit. Similarly the overall control of the Commercial Audit Organisation rests
with the Chairman, Audit Board and Ex-Officio Deputy Comptroller & Auditor
General (Commercial).
1.10 The Commercial Audit Offices are responsible for Audit of the transactions
of Central Government Companies and Statutory Corporations. The transactions
of the State Government Companies and Statutory Corporations of the State
Governments/Union Territories are audited by the respective Accountants
General, except in the case of Maharashtra, where it is entrusted to the
Accountant General (Commercial Audit), Maharashtra, Bombay.
1.10.1 The Audit Board setup in the Commercial Audit Organisation undertakes
every year comprehensive appraisal of the performance of a few selected
Commercial undertakings. The Board has no separate legal status and works
under the supervision and control of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 6
1.12 A list of all the field offices, along with their telegraphic addresses is given
in Annexure I to this Chapter. The details about the organisation and functions
etc., of the offices will be found in the respective branch/local manuals.
1.14.3 In the States of Bihar and West Bengal Local Fund Audit is entrusted to
the Indian Audit and Accounts Department on a consent basis subject to
recovery of costs from the States Governments and is attached to the offices of
the Accountants General (Audit) Bihar and West Bengal. An I.A.&A.S. officer
designated as Examiner, Local Fund Audit Department is posted by the
Comptroller and Auditor General and placed in the supervisory charge of the
Local Fund Audit in these offices.
1.14.4 The strength of Gazetted Officers for each office is fixed by the
Comptroller and Auditor General after considering the justification therefor and
with reference to the norms prescribed by him.
1.15.1 The standard list of returns (both inward and outward) with due dates
should be prescribed for each functional group/Section, to ensure control and
review over the performance of various duties entrusted to it by supervisory
officers at different levels. Each section of the office should maintain a Calendar
of Returns in the prescribed form (Sy 264) showing the due and actual dates of
despatch or receipt of returns to/from outside or within the office or submission to
the branch officers (Group Officers/Accountant General/Principal Director of
Audit) of the various returns and reports as the case may be. The Calendar of
Returns should be submitted once a week to the Branch Officer for review and
results of his review should be recorded in the Calendar of Returns.
1.15.2 The Calendar of returns maintained under the foregoing para should be
submitted to the Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit through the group
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 9
supervisory Officer for review once a month, on such dates as may be prescribed
by him. The group supervisory officer should record the results of his review and
the steps taken by him for clearance of arrears and improving the state of work. It
need not, however, be submitted to the Accountant General/Principal Director of
Audit if all the cases of delay in despatch/submission of return etc. and arrears
are brought to his notice monthly through reports on the state of work (vide para
1.16). In the latter case, the Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit
should get the Calendar of Returns reviewed monthly by his Deputies, and the
control and Coordinating Section for the functional group and test checked
periodically by the Internal Test Audit Section, wherever such a section exists.
1.16.1 A detailed report on the state of work in each section of the office, at the
end of the month, should be put up to the Accountant General /Principal Director
of Audit, through the Supervisory Officers, in such forms and on such dates as
may be prescribed by him. The report should show the internal as well as
external arrears, with the certificate prescribed in Note 2 below, duly signed by
the Branch Officer in-charge of the section.
1.16.2 The report on the state of the work and the certificate should cover all
kinds of work including correspondence, and mention specially the progress of
the Branch Officers review of audit. Cases of good work done by staff in the
section, which deserves commendation, should also be mentioned in this report.
It should also mention the number of bills received for pre-audit and outstanding
over a week, the number of pension claims received for verification or issue of
Pension payment orders and outstanding for over a month, the number of the
applications for final withdrawal of provident fund outstanding for over a month
and the number of letters (inward receipts) outstanding for over a period which
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 10
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that with the exception of
the arrears detailed and explained in the attached report, the work is up-
measures to clear the arrears and remove defects as also the dates by which
they are expected to be cleared/removed should also be indicated in the report.
1.16.4 It should specify only those items of work pertaining to each group or sub-
group which are in arrears and in which the quantum of arrears exceeds 15
mandays. It should cover all the arrears as specified in various circulars issued
by headquarters office from time to time and should be accompanied by
annexures in requisite forms as indicated in those circulars.
NOTE 3: The number of letter etc. outstanding for more than one month
and three months respectively should be separately exhibited in the report. Brief
particulars and reasons for delay in respect of each letter outstanding for more
than three months should also be given. The report should be sent in a separate
cover addressed by name to the Principal Director (Audit) in respect of Audit
Offices and Director General (AE&C) in respect of Accounts and Entitlement
In addition to the quarterly reports on the state of work referred to in para 1.16.3
and 1.16.4 above, the following reports should also be furnished by the
Accountants General (A&E) to the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
in the prescribed proforma so as to reach on or before the dates shown against
(i) Report on the outstanding pension 30th April, 31st July, 31st
cases as on 31st March, 30th June, October and 31st January of
30th September and 31st December each year
1.16.6 In addition to the reports mentioned at Paras 1.16.3 and 1.16.5 above, the
Accountants General /Principal Directors of Audit are responsible for making
special reports to the Comptroller and Auditor General of any large arrears in
work, as and when they come to their notice and for furnishing such reports as
may be required by the headquarters office.
1.16.7 Each field office should also prepare an Annual Administrative Report of
the office highlighting the work done in the office during the year. The report
should be brought out each year before the end of September of the year
following the year to which the report relates.
1.17.1 The field offices and the different branches of the headquarters office of
Indian Audit and Accounts Department in India are inspected periodically by he
Principal Director of Inspection on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General
of India. The object of inspection is mainly to report to the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India whether the administrative, accounting and audit
responsibilities entrusted to the Accountants General /Principal Directors of Audit
are being adequately discharged and whether there are any special problems or
areas of weaknesses which require their special attention etc. It also enables the
Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit or head of the office inspected to
satisfy himself about the proper discharge of his primary responsibilities for the
efficient working of his office, The Principal Director of Inspection is assisted by a
team of Administrative Officers and Assistant Administrative Officers.
time, the measures taken by the head of the office to over take the arrears and
the effect of these measures.
1.17.3 While the scope of the inspection and functions of the Principal Director
are broadly as indicated in paragraph 1.17.1 and 1.17.2 above, the Principal
Director is free to select other items for a review or scrutiny if, in his opinion, such
a review or scrutiny would be fruitful or useful in locating latent defects and areas
of weakness and for determining the scope for improvements in the working of
the office. While the scope of inspection is essentially aimed at examining
whether the prescribed rules and procedures are being strictly observed, and
pointing out deviations without authority, it does not preclude Principal Director of
Inspection from reviewing the methods of work and procedures prescribed and
followed in specific areas, with a view to examining the need for revising or
improving them, and also locating defective or deficient procedures where he
considers that even if sanctioned by usage, such rules and procedures lead to
inefficiency in the working of the office, or are not capable of practical
implementation to achieve the desired objective or bring disrepute to the
members of the staff or the public . In such instances, he may make suggestions
to the headquarters office for revising them. He should also make an assessment
of the effectiveness of supervision at different levels.
control in the offices inspected. He may also generally review the arrangements
made for the prompt collection of dues of Government, their remittances to
Government account and for an actual verification of the credits of a selected
period in Government account with reference to the Bank scrolls etc. for the
monies shown as remitted.
1.17.5 The Principal Director should review the working of the Pay and Account
office of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department or the Cheque Drawing Offices,
set up under the scheme of departmentalisation of accounts, and which form part
of the office inspected and should examine the adequacy of the arrangements
made for receipt and disposal of claims for the payment etc., as also the
adequacy, effectiveness and results of audit of the transactions carried out by the
authority nominated for the purpose.
1.17.6 The Principal Director should review the effectiveness of the Internal Test
Audit Sections and their reports, and the attention and importance given to, and
the action taken on their reports by the Accountant General/ Principal Director of
Audit /Group officers. The Principal Director should review the action taken to
eliminate or rectify the defects noticed in the previous inspections, which where
left to be pursued by the Internal Test audit sections.
1.17.7 He should also examine the Stock Register for the Codes and Manuals
marked Secret and for use of IA&AD only and the procedure followed for write
off of Secret Memorandum of Instruction and Manual of Standing Orders
(Audit/Accounts and Entitlement).
1.17.8 He should also verify the records as to the findings and inspections of the
sections /units of the office by the Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit
and the Group Officers as required under para 1.21 of this manual in order to
ensure that the findings are systematically and promptly recorded and duly
followed up.
1.17.9 He should also check up or test check at least broadly, the calculations of
staff requirements of the offices inspected with a view to ensuring that the same
have been worked out in accordance with the prescribed standards, that the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 17
standard rates are interpreted and applied correctly and uniformly form office to
office and that the instructions regarding maintenance of record of statistics of
work done have been strictly observed. The results of such test check should be
included in the Inspection Report of the office inspected.
1.17.10 He should generally see what action has been taken by the Accountant
General/ Principal Director of Audit to remove and avoid the omissions and
defects noticed during the last inspection and how far these measures have been
fruitful in curing the defects, and make a brief mention of his findings in the
1.17.11 The Inspection Report should include an overall picture of the state of
affairs in the office inspected indicating the general impression which the
Principal Director of Inspection has formed of the efficiency, accuracy, punctuality
etc. which will give the Comptroller and Auditor General a correct appreciation of
the state and efficiency of work in the different departments of that office. The
Principal Director would, therefore, also look into following points: -
(x) Review of I.T.A to see how far it has helped in improving general
efficiency of the offices; and
1.17.12 The Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit of the office inspected
shall make adequate arrangements for the prompt supply, preferably within a
day, of the registers, vouchers and other records requisitioned by Principal
Director or his party. For coordinating the work in this connection and also for
purpose of collecting and editing the replies of the various sections/branches to
the inspection memos of the Principal Director, the Accountant General/ Principal
Director of Audit may nominate a senior officer in his office, not lower in rank than
a Deputy Accountant General/Deputy Director who will also keep former
informed of the progress in the supply of records to Principal Director and
difficulties, if any, experienced in complying with requisitions.
1.17.13 During the course of inspection, memos will be issued by or under the
orders of the Principal Director, to the office inspected, calling for information,
clarification or details, or asking for verification of facts stated or for initiating
action to remedy defects etc. Replies to all these memos should generally have
the prior approval of the Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit and
should be given with reasonable promptness. Based on these replies, the
Principal Director should arrive at his findings or tentative conclusions, and
discuss the more important matters and serious irregularities with the Accountant
General/ Principal Director of Audit as soon as possible.
1.17.14 The Principal Director may, in advance of his report, make special
1.17.15 The report of the Principal Director should generally aim at pinpointing
areas of the weaknesses in the office inspected and action taken or to be taken
to remedy the situation. The report may also include matters of general interest
which may require consideration at and issue of orders from the headquarters
and reference to any new or improved procedure followed in the office inspected,
which may with advantage be considered for adoption in other offices. The draft report should be discussed by the Principal Director with
the Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit before it is finalised. The
A.D.A.I. in charge of Inspection may at his discretion, visit the office inspected,
review the results of inspection and discuss with the Accountant General/
Principal Director of Audit the report in general and points of disagreement
between the Principal Director and Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit
in particular.
Inspection, one copy for submission to the Comptroller and Auditor General, two
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 20
1.18.1 The revised arrangements in the force from October 1976 for the drawals
of funds for expenditure and the accounting processes thereof in respect of
Indian audit and Accounts Department, as well as procedure prescribed for the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 21
audit of such expenditure, are laid down in a separate manual viz. Manual of the
Pay and Accounts Office (I.A.A.D) .
One copy of each of these parts should be sent by the relieving officer, by
name to the following officers in the Headquarters office:
One copy of each of these parts should be sent by the relieving officer to
the following officers by name in the headquarters office: -
Part (iii) & (iv) Assistant Comptroller and Auditor General (N).
1.19.2 The relieved officer will explain inter alia in what respects the working of
any of the sections of his office is defective or in arrears, indicate the state of
codes and manuals for the up keep of which he is responsible, point out serious
irregularities, if any, relating to the officers rendering accounts to his office,
record a reference to any case where relations between audit and administration
have been unsatisfactory and draw the attention of the relieving officer to all
important pending cases that might require special scrutiny. He will give his
successor a note containing his views regarding his fitness of Accounts /Audit
Officers for continued officiation or confirmation and discuss it with him referring
to the relevant confidential report. The fact that it has been done should be
mentioned in the memorandum.
1.19.3 The relieved officer should also have the register of keys, valuables,
secret document etc, checked by the relieving officer, hand over keys, etc. to
him, get his acknowledgement on the register itself and state the fact in part IV of
the memorandum mentioned in paragraph 1.19.1
and efficient administration of his office, and make a special report to the
Comptroller and Auditor General of any defects of points of importance noticed
by him
(1) Without the prior sanction of the Comptroller and Auditor General
reverse any deliberate orders of an important nature passed by an officer
who preceded him in his office;
(2) Issue any important notice to the public through Treasury Officers
or otherwise unless it has been approved by the Comptroller and Auditor
General; Copies of these letters to the Comptroller and Auditor General are
to be endorsed by the Accountants General /Principal Director of Audit to the
Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General and to all the Additional Deputy
Comptroller and Auditors General.
1.23.1 The Accountants General /Principal Directors of Audit should send to the
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General a separate report of every serious
case of failure of audit as soon as it comes to light (including those pointed out by
the Principal Director of Inspection, if any) irrespective of any report which may
be required for other purposes. The report should explain the manner in which
the failure occurred, and mention the names of the persons responsible and the
disciplinary action taken or recommended.
than the one in charge of the drawal of the bills, a daily verification of the closing
cash balance by the Officer in charge of cash, a half yearly test check of the cash
accounts by the Internal Test Audit Party/Co-ordination Section and monthly
surprise check of the cash balances by one of the Deputies. The Head of the
office should at regular intervals satisfy himself that the system of supervision, as
prescribed in authorized codes or special orders, is observed properly and
should remedy speedily the defects noticed, if any.
1.24.2 Where the system of cheque payment by the audit and accounts offices in
vogue, the gazetted officer entrusted with the duty of signing the cheques is
required at the close of each day, to check in person the Register to Cheques
Drawn with the Cheques on hand to see that no more cheque forms have been
removed than are accounted for by proper entries in the Register of Cheques
Drawn. The Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit is responsible for
seeing that this stocktaking of cheque forms is on no account postponed or
Note: - The actual cash to which the Cashier can have access without the
help of the Officer in change should as far as possible not exceed the amount of
security furnished by him . The money in excess of this security should be kept in
a safe under double lock.
1.25.1 Each Head of office should, subject to the instructions issued by the
Government of India and Comptroller and Auditor General of India from time to
time, determine and publish a list of closed (other than Saturdays and Sundays
of each months) as well as Restricted holidays to be observed in his office and in
the offices subordinate to him. The closed holidays to be observed should consist
of 13 compulsory holidays (namely, Republic Day, Independence Day, Mahatma
Gandhis Birthday, Idul Zuha, Muharram, Good Friday, Buddha Poornima, Idul
fitar, Gurunanaks birthday, Christmas Day, Mahaveer Jayanti, Dusshera (Vijay
Dashmi) and Diwali. The remaining three holidays may be chosen by the Central
Government Employees Welfare Co-ordination Committees, wherever, they
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 29
exist, or by the Head of the office at other places taking into account the local
importance of occasions from the list of twelve occasion circulated by the
Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India. The total number of
holidays in any one calendar year should not, exceed sixteen and if any of these
holidays falls on a Sunday/Saturday/any other holiday, it would not be substituted
by another holiday. In addition, each employee may be permitted to avail himself
of any two restricted holidays out of the list of Restricted Holidays.
1.25.2 The closed, and restricted holidays should be finally fixed for a year and
no charge should ordinarily be made therein.
1.25.3 A copy of the list of closed /restricted holidays for the ensuing calendar
year should be sent to the Comptroller and Auditor Generals office (in duplicate)
on or before 22nd December each year as well as to the Department of Personnel
and Training, Government of India.
32. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex Officio Member Audit Board, Audit-II,
New Delhi.
33. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex Officio Member Audit Board, Audit-III,
New Delhi.
27. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board-I,
28. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board-I, Bombay.
29. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board-II, Bombay.
30. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, Madras.
28. Principal Director of Audit, R.P. Unit & Metro Railway, Calcutta.
29. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, Bangalore.
30. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, Ranchi.
31. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, I, Calcutta.
32. Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, II,
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 41
2.1 A Manual of Office Procedure is prepared by the Head of each field office
in the Department to regulate the internal administration and working of the
office. All orders determining and affecting the day-to-day work of the office and
general matters of information useful for the staff in their daily work should be
incorporated in it. Copies of the Manual should be made available to each
section of the office.
2.2 Other Local Manuals laying down the procedure to be followed in different
sections in the discharge of duties assigned to them and containing instructions
issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General and the Head of each office, as
are not to be incorporated in any other Code and Manual, as well as important
and useful orders of local character issued by the Government of India, the State
Governments or other authorities, the compliance which is necessary from
accounting and audit points of view, may be prepared and maintained for each
section or group of sections, in handy and up to date form by each office.
2.3.1 The information contained in these publications shall not be used by any
person for purpose other than those connected with his official duties.
authority of the Head of the office. All Offices Manuals should be kept up to date
by issue of corrections slips as and when necessary.
2.5 All manuals, Codes and other procedural literature relating to Indian Audit
and Accounts Department shall be printed or cyclostyled, as the case may be,
and published both in Hindi and English in diglot form. The proposals regarding
translation into Hindi should be got approved by Hindi Anubhag of the
headquarters office which will also make necessary arrangements for the
2.7.1 In order to secure copy right protection for all publication of the
Department, the symbol. ..C.. and below the authority, Comptroller and Auditor
General of India (or the designation of the head of the office, as the case may be)
should be printed with the year of the publication at the back of the all
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 43
publications of the I.A.& A.D. (priced or unpriced) . This will signify that
permission is necessary for copying or reproducing the content of these
publications. The publications which are intended for the exclusive use of the officers
and the staff of the Indian Audit and the Account Department should have the
word, For use of I.A.& A.D. only super scribed on the title and the inner covers
of the each such publication. The contents of these publications should not be
made public by any one in any shape or form. The Heads of the Offices should promptly report for necessary action,
2.8 Supply of codes, Manuals to the officers and staff of the office
should not be quoted by them in their day to day work in the divisions or the
offices concerned and they will have to return the manual when they retire or
otherwise demit the post.
2.10 Only one copy of the Secret Memorandum Regarding the Extent of Audit
issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General should be supplied to each
Gazetted officer, Section officer and Supervisor. These Memoranda should not
be treated as personal copies, and are intended for use in office only. The Head
of Office should ensure that these books are duly handed over to the successor
and his acknowledgement obtained or to the library under proper
acknowledgement in cases where the persons to whom these are supplied
proceed on the leave or are transferred to another office or section or retire from
service or otherwise demit service.
2.11 The unpriced books marked For use of I.A& A.D. only should not be
supplied to the members of the Clerical staff except those who are candidates for
Departmental Examinations or as books of reference for discharge of the duties
entrusted to them and should be taken back to stock or sectional library as soon
as each Examination is over or in the event of transfer from one section to
rules, orders etc. and also to increase their efficiency, member of the staff may
be supplied with such priced publications of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department, Central and State Government, as are of general use in the office,
together with sets of corrections thereto, at 50% of the cost price, 25% being met
out of the office contingency and the remaining 25% being covered by the
discount allowed by the publishing departments. In cases where the publishing
departments are not prepared to supply the copies at 25% discount, whole of the
balance of 50% of the cost price should be met out of the contingent grant of the
2.13.1 One copy each of all publications of important nature including cyclostyled
ones, other than those marked Secret Confidential and For use of I.A&A.D
only are required under the Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public
Libraries) Act, 1954 to be sent to the national Library at Calcutta, the Connemara
Public Library, Egmore, Madras and the Central Library, Town Hall, Bombay, at
the cost of the publisher, within thirty days from the date of publications.
2.13.2 The publications marked For use of I.A&A.D or Secret should not be
supplied to outside offices, etc. unless authorised by the Comptroller and Auditor
General in specific cases. The supply or distribution of priced publications should
also not be undertaken, unless authorised otherwise by the Comptroller and
Auditor General in specific cases, because the Publications Branches of the
Government concerned directly supply these.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 46
2.14.1 One copy each of latest editions as and when published, of the following
publications should be sent to the Comptroller and Auditor General for his office
2.14.2 Separate stock registers for the Codes and Manuals marked Secret and
For use of I.A&A.D only (whether received from the Comptroller and Auditor
General or from the Press direct) should be maintained by each office: and each
copy of the Secret Memoranda of Instructions regarding Extent of Audit should
be stamped with the serial number allocated to it in the stock register over the
dated initials of the issuing officer. Each case of loss of other books supplied under Para 2.8 should be
dealt with on merits and action taken to regularise the loss by write off from stock
or otherwise. For the loss of local manuals, such action may be taken by the
concerned Head of Office, as he may deem fit.
2.15.1 The following are the general instructions for the care of the office library:-
(i) The library should be small but efficient, up to date and serviceable
for the purpose for which the office exists.
(ii) No book should be issued from the library without formal requisition
from a person not below the rank of Section officer/Supervisor in charge of
a section who will be held personally responsible for its return in good
(iv) In the first week of the each month, a reminder should be sent to
each section showing the names of the books supplied more than one
month before but not returned.
2.15.2 Every officer upon receiving charge of a post to which the care of the
office library is attached, must satisfy himself as to the state of the library. Unless
he reports specifically to the contrary, it will be assumed that he took charge of
library in good order. This applies to a relieving librarian as well.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 48
2.16.3 Where the improvements resulting from the suggestion are capable of
being assessed in precise monetary terms, the amount of the award may
normally not exceed more than 5% of the saving or Rs. 1000/- whichever is less.
In cases where saving cannot be evaluated in precise monetary terms, the
quantum of award may be decided by the committee depending of the
importance of the matter subject to overall ceiling of Rs. 1000/- in each case.
Heads of the office have been delegated powers to sanctions cash awards up to
Rs. 500/-. Merit certificates/letters of commendation may be awarded for the
suggestions considered useful and good for adoption where the grant of cash
award is not justified.
2.16.4 Suggestions having wider applications and those having local applications
accepted by the Screening Committee in which the grant of cash awards is in
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 49
2.17 Correspondence
2.17.2 All references from the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General
should be disposed of within a week or ten days, and cases received from the
Government of India, Ministry of Finance within a fortnight, of their receipt. The
Heads of the Offices should ensure that this time limit is strictly observed in the
disposal of U.O. references from the Comptroller and Auditor Generals Office
and any failure in this regard should be viewed seriously. Acknowledgements to
the communications issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General where asked
for, should be issued within seven days of receipt of the letter, circular etc.
Issues Letter to the Comptroller and Auditor General, other than on routine
matters, should ordinarily be issued over the signature of the Accountant
General/Principal Director of Audit or with his full knowledge and concurrence
and in the latter case, this fact should invariably be indicated on the letter itself,
(see also clause (b) below).
(c) Other letters relating to the sections and subjects under the direct
supervision of a Branch Officer are ordinarily issued over his signature and
designation though they are stamped as emanating from Accountant
General/Principal Director of Audit.
2.21.1 The Finance Ministry Cypher Code must remain in the personal custody of
the Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit, who should himself compose
and write all the messages sent in it. The Cypher Code of the Reserve Bank of
India is also confidential and should be kept locked up in the custody of a senior
officer who should himself codify/decodify the telegraphic messages
sent/received in the office. This Cypher Code should be used in sending
telegraphic authorisations in cases of extreme urgency, such as orders of
payments during the last few days of the financial year.
2.24 Telegrams
2.24.1 A telegram should be issued only on the occasion of utmost urgency. The
general Principals laid down by the Government of India for the sending of State
telegrams and for classifying them as Express or Ordinary should be followed.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 53 Post copies should follow telegrams, other than cypher and code
telegrams, wherever considered necessary.
2.26.1 Telex machines have been installed in most of the offices of Indian Audit
and Accounts department for speedier transmission of urgent messages and for
effecting reduction of telegram charges. Exchange of all telegraphic/urgent
messages and as far as possible telegraphic messages between the offices of
the Indian Audit and Accounts department at telex-linked stations should be done
through telex. The Heads of the Offices, equipped with telex machines, may also
permit the transmission of urgent official messages without payment of any
charges, from (i) officers on deputation outside the Department, (ii) other officers
of the Central Government and (iii) officials serving in the offices linked by telex,
where the messages relate mainly to the business of Indian Audit and Accounts
Department or involve larger interests of Government of India.
2.26.2 A fax machine has been installed in the headquarter offices to enable the
offices to transmit the most urgent and important messages which can be sent
through telex/speed post within or outside the India. The messages can be sent
only with the approval of the Head of the Department. A record of the messages
sent should be kept and produced to the Principal Director of Inspection during
the inspection of the office for examination.
For sending message from stations/ offices out side India 91-11-3315446
Fax Machines are also being installed in the following field offices: -
(i) He will in cases where the rule admits naturally of a definite audit
decision being given, give the audit decision according to the terms of the
rule and then refer, for the modification of the rule, which he considers
(ii) He will in all cases where the rule is really so ambiguous on the
point at issue as not to admit of a definite audit decision or the expenditure
involved is so large as to make it inexpedient to anticipate what might be
considered a certain decision by the competent authority refer to the
Comptroller and Auditor General for advice; the reference should be
framed in concrete terms, the actual facts of the case giving to it being
fully described.
2.29.1 The detailed procedure in respect of the receipt, safe custody and
subsequent disposal of cash and other valuable is incorporated in the Manual of
Office Procedure of each office. Ordinarily, cash or cheque is not accepted in the
Accounts and Audit Offices in discharge of debts due to Government or for credit
to the Consolidated Fund or the Public Account unless acceptance is enjoined by
a specific rules or order. If however, check or cash is received, the orders of
Branch Officer in charge of the section should be taken immediately for its
disposal. Cash is made over to the office cashier, who will at once enter the
amount in the office cash book and get the entry attested by Branch Officer in
charge of the Cash Branch. Cheques on the other hand are made over to the
cashier nor entered in office cash book but are treated like other valuables, being
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 56
kept in the safe custody till their disposal. The cash or the cheque when accepted
with the orders of the Branch Officer in charge of the section should be remitted
promptly for credit to appropriate Government account.
2.31 Issue of authority for payment to other audit and accounts officers
and verification of special seal and specimen signature on the authority for
2.31.1 Each Accountant General and the concerned Principal Director of Audit
has a special metallic embossing seal, which should remain in the
personal custody of the officer who signs it. Duly attested specimen
impressions of the seal are supplied to all the audit and Accounts officers.
Every authority for payment to other audit and accounts officers should be
carefully stamped with the special seal.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 57 In each Accounts and Entitlement office, there should not ordinarily
be more three Gazetted Officers empowered to issue payment authorities to
other audit and accounts offices. Two of these may be the officer-in-charge of
Gazetted Entitlement and Pension Departments and the third, any officer whom
the Accountant General may select for the miscellaneous payments. An audit
office concerned with issue of authority could have one Gazetted officer
empowered to issue authority under special seal. Specimen signatures of these
officers should be sent to all other audit and accounts offices on a separate sheet
of paper duly attested by the officer, whose specimen signature is already with
other audit and accounts offices. Whenever a specimen signature or special seal
previously sent, is cancelled or superseded, a communication to that effect
should be sent to all concerned and acknowledgement of such communication
should be insisted upon.
2.32.1 The Civil Accountant General and the concerned Principal Director of
Audit should supply all the Treasury Officers and other disbursing officers in his
audit/account circle, the specimen signature of all the Gazetted Officers of his
office, who are authorised to sign payment orders on bills, vouchers or, to issue
letters of authority for payments to be made at the treasuries and other
disbursing offices.
2.33.1 The Accountant General /Principal Director of Audit should see the officer
who are entrusted with the duty of signing cheques or payment authorities have a
formed and legible signatures. It is also necessary that the signatures of all
officers on letters, statements, accounts, certificates and reports etc. are clearly
eligible. If any person empowered to sign such documents does not sign legibly,
he should be required by the Accountant General /Principal Director of Audit to
cultivate a formed and legible signature, and in all cases the, name of the officer
should be typed below the signatures.
2.34.1 Under clause (b) of sub section (1) of section 18 of the Comptroller and
Auditor Generals (Duties Power and Conditions of Service) Act 1971, The
Comptroller and Auditor General has authority to require that any accounts,
books, papers and other documents which deal with or form the basis of or, are
otherwise relevant to transactions, to which his duties in respect of audit extend,
shall be sent to such place as he may appoint for inspection by him. There is,
therefore, nothing to preclude the Indian Audit and Accountant Department for
keeping with it the Departmental documents produce for local audit, for
completing the process of audit. There is no restriction that documents that are
ordinarily audited locally should be audited only within the premises of the
departmental office. There may be cases where it may be necessary to take
away and show the documents in original to superior authorities at headquarters
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 59
2.36 Procedure for obtaining legal advice and arrangements for defence
and prosecution of suits The draft of any plaints, affidavits, and other statements required to
be filed by the Accountant General /Principal Director of Audit should be sent to
the Comptroller and Auditor General for vetting in consultation with the Ministry of
law, wherever necessary.
2.37 In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (a) of Rule 8-B of Order
XXVII of the first Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act of 1908),
the Central Government have in various states appointed the State Government
pleaders etc., as Government pleaders for the purpose of said order in relation to
any suit by or against Central Government or against a public officer in the
service of the Government in any Court in the States. The Accountants General
/Principal Director of Audit should obtain the services of these Government
pleaders on the payment of usual fees in so far as litigation under the Civil
Procedure Code is concerned. As regards cases in Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore
and Madras the procedure laid down in the preceding paragraph should
be followed.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 61
2.37.2 For the defence and prosecution of suits which do not fall under the
preceding sub-paragraph but which concern the Central Government, the
Accountants General /Principal Directors of Audit should take such urgent
measure as may appear to them to be necessary and consult the Comptroller
and Auditor General who in turn will obtain advice from the Central Government.
2.39 Section 80(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 stipulates a minimum
notice of two months being given before a suit is instituted against Government
or against public officer in respect of any act done in official capacity.
2.39.2 On receipt of every suit notice under Section 80 of the Civil Procedure
Code, the Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit concerned should
immediately forward his paragraph-wise comments on the Notice to the
Comptroller and Auditor General who will if necessary obtain advice of Ministry of
Law regarding the action to be taken on the Notice. In respect of offices at
Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore and Madras, the Ministry of Law, Branch
Secretariats at Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore and Madras may be consulted
direct by the Accountant General/Principal Director Of Audit and the advice
tendered by them intimated to the Comptroller and Auditor General. The
procedure will apply mutatis mutandis to notices received in application for issue
of writs and other remedies filed in a Court.
2.40.3 The lawyers bills should be settled promptly and in any case not later than
three months of their presentation. Following the established practice in India, it
is not necessary to instead a stamped receipt for the payment of fees to a lawyer.
The legal advice is to be obtained only from Main Secretariat of the Ministry of
Law at Delhi or its Branch Secretariats at Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and
Bangalore and not from Government Counsel or private pleaders.
(B) Bills, vouchers etc., which form part of the accounts record in
respect of the transactions of the Central Government: - The
Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit may deal finally with the
requisitions in all cases in which he is satisfied that there is nothing in the
document asked for, which attracts the operation of Section 123 or
Section 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, reproduced in Annexure. All other
cases should be referred to the Central Government for specific orders.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 64
Records The work of filling papers, vouchers and accounts must receive
most careful attention. Prompt and methodical performance of this duty facilitates
very greatly the smooth and efficient working of an office. It is one of function of
the Accountant General/Principal Director of Audit to see that a proper system of
filing exists and that the system is working efficiently and properly. Following
General instruction should be observed:
(2) File orders and papers can be given by an official not below rank
the of the section officer/supervisor.
(5) Current files and papers kept in sections should be neatly arranged,
properly indexed and divided into groups; such as urgent, current,
pending etc.
(6) Records, which are not constantly required for reference, should
not be kept in a section but sent to the Record Room where proper
indices of them should be maintained.
2.44.1 The rules laid down by Government of India regarding printing, supply of
forms, binding and for supply and use of stationary stores, namely Rules for
Printing and Binding and Central Stationary Rules should be strictly observed.
2.45.1 Certain forms have been standardised for printing for use in Civil Audit
and Accounts Offices. These are obtained in accordance with instructions issued
by the Chief Controller of Printing and stationery, from the Manager of
Government of India Forms stores, Calcutta. Other forms are printed as special
2.45.2 All suggestions for the standardisation and printing of new forms as
special forms, and for alteration or cancellation of existing standardised or
special forms, should be made to the Comptroller and Auditor General in first
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 66
2.45.3 The Book of Account Forms contains sample of all forms not included in
any prescribed code, the printing of which centrally for use by officers
subordinate to the Central Government has been authorised. The Comptroller
and Auditor Generals Manual of Standing Orders and Account Codes indicate
which of the forms mentioned therein have been standardised and which can be
printed as special forms. Other forms, the printing of which has been authorised
as special forms for us in individual Audit and Accounts Offices and which are not
of general application in all Civil Audit Offices should be shown in local office
manual. This class of local forms is indicated by the letters pertaining to the
particular series to which they relate as numerators and the letter or letters
indicative of office in which they are to be used as denominators.
2.45.4 The printed forms used by Audit and Accounts and Entitlement Offices for
issue of authorities for payments, which are issued in bound books duly machine-
numbered, should be kept in the safe custody of responsible officials to insure
their use only for bonafide purposes and the instructions laid down for their use
strictly followed.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 67
Evidence Act - Sec. 123: No one shall be permitted to give any evidence
derived from unpublished official record, relating to any affairs of State, except
with the permission of the Officer at the Head of the Department concerned who
shall give or withhold such permission as he thinks fit.
to appear in the Court on the date fixed for production of the document(s) and
apply either orally or in writing if required, for grant of adequate further time for
compliance with the summons or making a claim of privilege. In the meanwhile,
the Head of the Department or the Head of the Office or other Government
servant who has received the summons should proceed to consider the question
of privilege or seek instructions regarding thereto.
Note: - In the case of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India would be the Head of the Department
for the purpose of Section.123. As the claim of privilege under this section will
accordingly have to be made in the case of all documents of the Indian Audit and
Accounts Department only by the Comptroller and Auditor General, each such
case should be referred to him under Registered cover together with the
relevant documents, where it is considered necessary to claim privilege.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 70
13. An affidavit claiming privilege under Section 123 must show on its
face that each document for which privilege is being claimed has been carefully
read and considered and that the deponent is satisfied upon such consideration
that in the case of each of the documents in respect of which the claim of
privilege is made, its disclosure would cause injury to the public interest. The
affidavit must indicate, consistently with the necessity of safeguarding the public
interest, the reason(s) in brief why it is apprehended that the public interest would
be injured by the disclosure of the document .The reason(s) given must not be
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 72
15. Section 124 - Evidence Act, 1872: The Second class of privileged
documents consists of documents containing communications made to a public
officer in official confidence when the public officer to whom such
communications has been made considers that the public interest would suffer
by the disclosure.
affidavit. If summoned to produce the document and not to give oral evidence,
he may depute a subordinate officer or attend the Court with the document (in a
sealed cover) and the affidavit. The Court, it should be noted, is entitled to
inspect such documents for the purpose of determining the claim of the privilege.
If the claim is rejected, and it is considered advisable to move the High Court an
application in form No. IV should be made. If production is still insisted upon, the
document should be produced in a sealed cover and it should be submitted and
that time may be given to the public officer to consider whether the High Court
should be moved in revision and that in the meantime, if the Court sees no
objection the document may be kept in a sealed cover. The Government servant
should then abide by such order as the Court may make in the matter.
document. If the question is pressed and allowed by the Court, he should claim
privilege after considering the document in the light of the preceding instructions.
If any an affidavit is required, he should request for time to file it. If the witness is
not himself the Head of the Department and the question is allowed by the Court,
he should pray that the Head of the Department may first be summoned to
produce the document and decline to answer the question until it is produced.
21. All the foregoing instructions apply as well to the case in which
Government is party to the case as others. They also apply to summons from
other tribunals such as arbitrators, etc.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 75
The Court of
The Registrar, High Court of (at).
Central Administrative Tribunal/Supreme Court.
A summons bearing No. . dated. in suit (or other preceding) No. dated ..
of 19 between (AB)* and (CD)* has been served on me on .. requiring production in the said
Court on .19 of the documents therein specified.
2. With reference to the above, I have the honour to intimate that the documents
specified in the said summons (or the documents specified below out of those mentioned in the
said summons) are not in my custody and, therefore, I am unable to cause their production in
Court. The said documents are in custody of. as the Head of the Department /Head of the
3. I am accordingly to request that this letter may be placed before the honble judges for
Your Faithfully
* Insert names. If there are numerous parties, give first name and add other(s). To be inserted
only in case in which the summons have been issued by High Court or the Supreme Court.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 76
Form No. II
3. I have carefully read and considered each of the said documents and
have come to the conclusion that they (Sl. No) are unpublished official
records relating to the affairs of the State and that their disclosure will
cause injury to public interest for following reasons: -
Documents Reasons
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
N.B. In case only some facts stated in the Affidavit are true to the personal
knowledge of the officer making the affidavit and some are true according to the
information derived from the official record, the verification clause should run as
I . do hereby solemnly affirm and say that what has been stated in
paragraphs.. above, is true to my own knowledge and what is stated in
paragraphs. is true according to information in my possession as derived
from the following:
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 78
(To be used when the Head of the Department has to claim privilege under section 123 of the
Indian Evidence Act, in respect of some documents and under Section 124 in respects of the
I, .. Comptroller & Auditor General of India do hereby solemnly affirm and state
as follows:-
2. I, as Comptroller & Auditor General of India; am the Head of the Department and
I am as such in control of and in charge of, its records.
3. I have carefully read and considered each of the said documents and have come
to the conclusion that they (S. Nos) are unpublished official records relating to the affairs of the
State and that their disclosure will cause injury to public interest for the following reasons.
List of Documents
I have carefully considered each of the said documents and have come to the conclusion
that they/(S.NO. .) contain communications made in official confidence and I consider that
public interest would suffer by their disclosure for the following reasons.
I do not; therefore, give permission to any one under Section 123 of the Indian Evidence
Act, 1872, to produce the said documents or to give any evidence derived there from.
I therefore, claim privilege under section 124 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
I, . Do hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above is true to my
2. I have carefully considered each of the said documents and have come to the
conclusion that they (S.Nos.) contain communications made in official confidence and I
consider that the public interest would suffer by their disclosure for the following reasons:
Documents Reasons
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
I, therefore, claim privilege under Section 124 of the Indian evidence Act, 1872.
I ... do hereby solemnly affirm and say that what is stated herein above is true to my
(Here insert the name, designation and address of the person making the affidavit).
N.B. In case only some facts stated in the affidavit are true to the personal knowledge of the
officer making the affidavit and some are true according to the information derived from the
official record, the verification clause should run as follows: - hereby solemnly affirm and say that what has been stated in paragraphs.
above, is true to my own knowledge and what is stated in paragraphs is true according to
information in my possession as derived from the following:
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 80
(See Paras 14 and 16 of the Instructions)
Suit no.of 19..
(Name of the applicant) (Name of the parties etc.)
1. I have been summoned by the Court to produce in the above proceeding the
documents, specified below: -
4. The Court has held that the documents are not entitled to privilege claimed and
has directed me to produce the same.
6. Pending such consideration, I pray that the documents in respect of which the
claim of privilege has been refused may be permitted to be taken back. I undertake to produce
the said documents in Court whenever so required.
7. Should the Court for any reason be pleased not to accept my above prayer. I
pray further that I may be permitted to produce the said documents in sealed cover and that they
be so kept until the orders of the High Court in the matter have been made.
Prays accordingly
Omit the words Under. Department document falls under Section 124 of Evidence Act
3.1 Initial requirement to Indian Audit and Accounts Service, both by direct
recruitment as well as by promotion, is made as the provision of IA & AS
Recruitment Rules, 1983. Induction is made at level of Junior Time Scale. The
general order of Government Of India for reservation of SC/ST candidates are
applicable both in direct recruitment as well as in posts filled up by promotion
from amongst eligible Group B officers of the Department. Further under the
Recruitment rules, C.A.G. may appoint to a duty post in Service on
deputation/contract basis for specified periods, officers from other Departments
of the Central Government or in consultation with Union Public Service
Commission from a State Government, Union Territory, Public undertakings,
statutory, Semi-Govt. or Autonomous organisations:
of three years will be extended to allow one further chance. The provisions of this
paragraph may be modified in case of individual probationers.
(b) Training
3.3 The Probationers will be on training for a period of 2 years including the
training of 17 weeks at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration,
Mussoorie. They will undergo 61 weeks of training at the National Academy of
Audit and Account, Shimla, in spells of 51 weeks and 10 weeks under sandwich
pattern. Between these two spells, the Probationers will be posted for a period of
26 weeks in the field office for practical training.
The detailed programme of their training for periods they are attached to
National Academy of Audit and Accounts, Shimla or the offices of Accountants
General (A&E) will be prepared by the Director of the Academy or the
Accountants General as case may be on the basis of model programme
described in the subsequent paragraphs.
3.4 The following is the model programme for the training of IA & AS
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 84
(iii) Administration
During the training in the office of the Accountant General after Academy
period, control would be exercised by the Accountant General directly and
through a Senior Deputy Accountant General/Deputy Accountant General. The
probationers will maintain weekly charge-wise diaries (in duplicate) for the first 10
weeks training specified in para 3.4 IV and for the remaining 16 weeks training
specified in para 3.4 IV the dairies would be maintained monthly. The Accountant
General will arrange to send the copy of each diary to the Director, National
Academy of Audit and Accounts, with his remarks, if any, Accountant General will
also send quarterly appreciation reports about the performance of the
probationers including regularity extend and interest they are taking in work and
any special aptitude displayed to the Director, National Academy, who will furnish
to Headquarters feed back on the training received by the probationers during
the field training for further changes in the pattern of training as necessary.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 89
The Director of the Academy will monitor the training of the probationers
when they are working in various offices. He would lay down proper system to
monitor the progress and effectiveness of the field training and will do so in
consultation with the concerned Accountants General as well as the Principal,
Regional Training Institute. He would arrange visits of various Faculty Members
to ensure that the training is going on effectively and that the probationers are
gaining necessary knowledge and skills as a result of the training organised. In
case he considers that any changes are necessary he may discuss the same
with the concerned Accountant General so that the necessary modifications can
be made in the existing pattern. Director and Faculty Members should act as
Counsellor to a number of probationers with whom they should be in close
interaction not only during the field training but also throughout the period of
induction training. The Academy would regularly receive reports from the
probationers and ask them to send such information as is necessary to monitor
the effectiveness of training. The Academy shall also provide necessary
guidance for preparation of strategy papers by the probationers during the field
training. Grant of long leave during the period of training should be avoided.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 90
3.8 The Director of the National Academy of Audit and Accounts, may effect
marginal variations in the programme suggested in paragraph 3.5 at his
discretion to suit the capacity and requirement of each probationer without
material modification in the substance of the training to be imparted to the
3.9 The course of training for any probationer may in individual cases be
suitably modified with the approval of the Comptroller and Auditor General, due
regard being paid to the nature of the work performed by him previously and
other relevant considerations.
3.10 The Director, National Academy of Audit and Accounts, and the
Accountant General concerned should, where necessary, arrange for additional
training and special coaching to probationers belonging to Scheduled Castes or
Scheduled Tribes so that they might come up to the Standard of the other
probationers receiving training along with them.
3.11 The model programme prescribed for the training of the probationers are
neither definitive nor exhaustive. During the training period in the National
Academy as also in the offices of the Accountant General where the probationers
are attached for field training, the Principal Director or the Accountants General,
as the case may be, should ensure that arrangements made for the practical
training are adequate to have a through knowledge of working in the Accountant
Generals office specifically key sections/branches to which the probationers are
3.12 The Director, National Academy of Audit & Accounts, will report to the
Comptroller and Auditor General the progress of the training of the probationers
in the prescribed proforma as per following schedule:
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 91
Progress Report on the training of IA&AS Probationers for the period ending
For the period covering rest of the training 15 days after close of 1st spell.
For the entire period of 2nd spell of the training 15 days after the close of 2nd spell
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 92
3.13 The Accountant General will render two reports in the prescribed proforma
as per given schedule given hereunder:
Progress Report on the training of the IA&AS Probationers for the period
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1/2/3/4/5 1/2/3/4/5
For the period 1st April till the close of field 15 days after the
training conclusion
The Principal Director/Accountant General will certify that the course of
training is being followed and is or is not in arrears. He will also give a personal
appreciation report.
The Examinations are held half yearly in the months of May and
November in the subjects detailed in subsequent paragraphs [3.12 and 3.13]
1. Duration: 3 Hours
Prescribed Books
Additional readings
(iv) Question paper will comprise of questions devoting 60% marks for
question testing knowledge and 40% for skills.
Prescribed Books
Additional Readings
(2) Financial relations between the Union and the States Taxing
Powers and distribution of revenue- limitations on the taxing powers Tax
Administration-Tax sharing, grants-in-aid and the loans-Financial
(5) This paper seeks to test knowledge and not any specific skills.
Prescribed Books
(3) The Control of Public Expenditure (Parts I & II)- Basil Chubb
Additional Readings
2. Budget Papers.
(c) Central Excise and Salt Act and Central Excise Rules.
(iv) Question paper will allocate 70% marks on testing the knowledge
and 30% for skills. 30% of the total marks will be devoted to receipt audit,
30% for commercial audit and the balance for other topics.
Prescribed books
(4) Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules 1972 governing different kinds
of leave including special kind of leave, study leave and special casual
leavegeneral conditions governing eligibility and sanction of leave, return
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 105
from the leave etc. scheme of delegation of powers for sanction of leave in
(6) Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972 covering various kinds
of pension, Family Pension, Death cum retirement gratuity, commutation
and restoration of pension, procedure for sanction, authorisation and
payment of pension etc., payments of pension on re- employment.
(iv) The question paper will comprise of question devoting 70% marks
for testing skills and 30% knowledge.
Prescribed Books
(ii) Definitions and Cost concepts Elements of Cost, Cost unit and
cost centre Types of Costing.
(v) Cost audit provisions of the Companies Act Cost Audit versus
Financial Audit- Cost Audit (Report) Rules.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 107
(iv) The question papers will comprise of question devoting 50% marks
for testing skills and 50% for testing knowledge.
Prescribed Books
Additional Readings
(i) to develop a familiarity with the basic concepts and practices of electronic
data and information processing;
(iii) to provide for a firm foundation for of use of computers and application
(v) to generate in the probationers the ability to apply to apply their knowledge
and understanding of the computer system to the development of solutions to
specific administrative/managerial problems.
The probationers will not only be accepted to know and understand the
subject but also to apply it in practical situations. The syllabus therefore includes
a Project work also.
The course would be covered both in the first and second semester with
final examination at the end of second semester.
2. Computer applications
3. Software packages
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 109
6. Project Work
(iv) The projects work would be aimed at testing the ability of the
probationers to make use of an application useful to the IAAD.
Prescribed Books
Marks: 100
Duration: 3 Hours
The question papers shall comprise of questions 50% of which will test the
knowledge and 50% the skills. There will be one compulsory question each on
audit techniques and international audit organisations.
The questions can also be asked by giving small cases and requiring
probationers to explain the audit techniques used in presentation of these cases.
The question on the legislative action and international organisations will be
mainly aimed at testing their knowledge and information on these subjects.
Prescribed Books
Additional Readings
2. Linear Programming
Prescribed Books
Qualifying Marks
3.19 Probationers who obtain 40 percent of marks in each of the subjects and
50 percent in the aggregate will be held to have passed the examination. Those
who fail in an examination as a whole will be held to have passed and be
exempted for re-examination in the subjects in which they obtain 60% of the
marks. These marks will be taken into account in reckoning the minimum
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 116
3.20 Apart from the instruction imparted in various subjects for the
Departmental Examination there will also be series of guest lectures on the
following general exposure subjects:
Five-Year Plans.
Commercial Law.
(vi) Fiscal Policy under five year plans in India New Economic Policy long-
term fiscal policy.
(iv) Planning process with regard to certain important sectors like Rural
Development, Agriculture, Energy, Steel etc.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 118
Departmental Examination-II
(i) Definitions.
Time Allotment: Four days covering Eight sessions of two hours each.
Departmental Examination-II
(i) Leadership
(ii) Motivation
(iv) Communication
Time Allotment: Two days consisting of four sessions of two hours each.
Departmental Examination-II
(iii) Railways.
(iv) Defence.
Time allotment: Five days consisting of ten sessions of two hours each.
Faculty: Guest Faculty from the Training Institutes of Railways Training College,
Postal Staff College, etc. would be invited and the material prepared by these
institutions utilised.
Hindi Examination
(ii) To be able to read, write and speak in Hindi of simple sentences of daily
(iv) To learn the simple techniques of translation from English to Hindi and
vice versa; and
Examination Scheme
(ii) Basic structure of the language (filling in gapes, multiple choice of words,
correction of sentences etc.). (15)
Recommended Books
Examination Scheme
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 123
Maximum Marks 75
Written 50
Viva-voce 25
Written Examination
(i) Set and free composition comprising of prcis writing, comprehension and
free composition. (20)
(ii) Translation of notes and drafts of technical nature into simple and
intelligible Hindi. (10)
Recommended Books
(1) The Director shall make suitable arrangements for evaluation under
various criteria indicated in para 5.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 125
(2) At the end of the Phase II, the best probationers for award of
medals and certificate would be selected by the selection committee
(i) Director
Residuary Matters
orders in paragraphs 9.10.3, 9.10.8, 9.10.10, 9.10.14 to 9.10.19 and 9.10.21 will
not, however, apply to the departmental examinations.
Postings and Transfers from one office to another of all officers below the
rank of Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General are made by the Comptroller
and Auditor General. The appointment of the Deputy Comptroller and Auditor
General is made by the Central Government. The Accountants General /Principal
Directors of Audit may make postings within their respective offices, to the
sanctioned charges of Assistant Accountants General/Assistant Directors of
Audit (Also see para 1.14).
3.27 Members of the Indian Audit and Accounts service are not permitted to
make personal requests for special consideration in the matter of promotion,
posting etc. but the Comptroller and Auditor General is willing to receive demi-
official intimation of an officers preference for particular localities or for particular
branches of the work of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Officers
wishes are met as far as possible but the preference of officers are naturally
subordinated to the requirements of the Department. An officer sending such an
intimation should communicate the contents of this letter to his Accountant
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 128
General to whom copies of replies will be sent by the Comptroller and Auditor
3.28 All reports of taking and giving over charge should be submitted to the
Comptroller and Auditor General on the day the transfer of charge is made.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 129
3.29 Leave
3.29.1 IA&AS officers requiring leave on foreseeable grounds, as for instance for
rest and recreation, may intimate their intention to proceed on leave two months
in advance. Such intimations of leave requiring sanction by Comptroller and
Auditor General may be sent in the proforma annexed to this chapter.
3.29.2 All heads of field Offices in IA&AD who are of the rank of Accountant
General/Principal Director of Audit may grant leave of all kinds expect special
disability leave, Study leave and leave not due, and leave preparatory to
retirement to the IA&AS Officers serving in their own offices and in the offices
under their control to the extent indicated below subject to local arrangements:
(iv) Head of field offices may also grant leave of all kinds expect
special disability leave, study leave and leave not due upto 180
days to the temporary Assistant Accountants General/Assistant
Directors serving under them and in the office under their control
subject to local arrangements.
NOTE: 2 All grant of leave and the date of departure on, and return
from leave shall be reported to the headquarters offices.
NOTE: 3 The instructions will not apply in the case where orders
transferring officers have been issued by Comptroller and Auditor General
of India. In such cases separate orders of the Comptroller and Auditor
General should be obtained before relieving officers proceeding on leave
This applies even if the leave had been actually sanctioned on a date
before the receipt of transfer orders.
3.29.4 All officers before proceeding on leave, should report to the Comptroller
and Auditor General, their address during leave.
3.30.1 The Heads of offices, should send an annual report on the work and
conduct of each officer serving under him including probationers, in prescribed
forms No.3 and 4 confidentially to the Assistant Comptroller and Auditor General
(Personnel) by name, to reach by 15th January each year. In the case of
probationers attached to the National Academy of Audit and Accounts, Shimla
the reports should be sent by the Director, National Academy, in Form No.4 in
the same manner. A covering letter should show a list of officers whose reports
are forwarded:
(a) Report should be submitted on all officers who have served under
the officer submitting the report for three months, or more during the year
under report. Office copies of the reports should not be kept. Whenever
there is a change in the Head of an office during the course of a year, the
relieved officer should write and leave with the relieving officer,
confidential reports on all officers who have served under him for three
months or more during the year under report and indicate in his
Memorandum accompanying the charge report that he has done so.
(b) It should be borne in the mind that the reports are intended to
supply such information as to make them a really reliable means of
arriving at a full and proper judgment of the character and capacity of the
officer concerned. They should, therefore, be based on careful
observation and be careful and conscientiously farmed. Remarks should
be not more off hand impressions and should not be so brief and casual
as to convey little real meaning. The writing of the confidential reports
should be objective and particular attention should be paid to the qualities
of initiative, drive, administrative ability etc. so that the merit of an officer
namely ability, calibre, conscientiousness and hard work are duly
(c) Every report should comment generally on the way in which the
officer has carried out his various duties during the year and should give
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 132
(d) The officer should be made aware of the defects to which attention
is drawn in the report, and no attempt should be made to differentiate
between a remediable and an irremediable defect. Any report containing
adverse remarks which the Comptroller and Auditor General accepts as
material or where the Comptroller and Auditor General finds a report to be
indicative of a material fall in the a standard of the work and conduct of the
officers, will be sent to the head of the office with instructions that it is to
be shown to the officer concerned, his signature obtained upon it and the
report returned to the Assistant Comptroller and Auditor General
(Personnel) by name. Any remarks on an officers report which show that
he has taken steps to remedy defects to which his attention has been
drawn in a previous year should be communicated to him so that he may
know that his efforts to improve have not passed unnoticed: such
communication will be made by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
(ii) Even if the reporting officer feels that although the matter is
not important enough to call for departmental proceedings, it is important enough
to be maintained specifically in the confidential report of the officer concerned, he
should, before making such an entry satisfy himself that his conclusion has been
arrived at only, after a reasonable opportunity has been given to the officer
reported on, to present his case relating to the incident.
3.31.1 The standing orders of the Central Government regarding the conduct of
the all Government servants in Civil employ, such as the Central Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 as amended from time to time and the orders and
decisions thereunder are applicable to all officers of Indian Audit and Accounts
Department also.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 134
The heads of offices under the Comptroller and Auditor General shall
submit the reports and returns in their own cases direct to the Comptroller and
Auditor General. Applications for sanction required to be given by the Comptroller
and Auditor General under the conduct rules should also be similarly sent by all
officers including those on deputation or foreign service.
3.32.1 The Accountant General and other Heads of Departments are bound
invariably and promptly to report to the Comptroller and Auditor General, any
misconduct on the part of an officer working under them. If the pay of an officer
be attached by order of Civil Court, the fact must immediately be reported to the
Comptroller and Auditor General and the explanation of the officer should be
submitted with the report.
3.33. On the subject of arbitration the following rules have been laid down:
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 135
(i) A government servant shall not act as arbitrator in any case without
the sanction of his immediate superior unless he be directed so to act by a
Court having authority to appoint an arbitrator.
3.34.1 No officer should correspond direct with an authority superior to the officer
under whom he is immediately serving except in a case of extreme emergency,
in which case he must send copies of his communications of his immediate
3.35.1 The Accountant General and other Heads of Audit and Accounts Offices
who are Head of the Departments may deal finally with requests for appointment
of officers serving in their offices as examiners or moderators or members of
interview boards in examinations held by the Public Service Commission and
other Government controlled bodies. Remuneration for such work will, however,
be regulated by the relevant provisions in the Fundamental Rules and
Supplementary Rules.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 136 In dealing with requests from the Public Service Commission for
appointment of an officer as examiner or moderator, permission should not, save
for special reasons, be refused, if the officer is willing to take up the work in view
of Government of India Orders (3) below Fundamental Rule 46 and due secrecy
should be observed, in such cases as might be prescribed by the Public Services
3.37.1 An officer of Indian Audit and Account service asked to deliver a broadcast
talk should not do so without the previous permission of the Comptroller and
Auditor General. The officer must report the subject on which he proposes to talk,
whether it is connected with his official work or not, to the Comptroller and
Auditor General who will examine the text of the talk, where necessary, in
accordance with instructions issued from time to time, by the Central
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 137
3.38 Penalties
3.38.1 The rules regarding the imposition of penalties are incorporated in the
Central Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 and strict
compliance with these rules is necessary in any disciplinary case.
3.39.1 The instructions dealing with the submission of petitions to the President
contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs Notification NO. 40/5/50-Ests (B), dated
8-9-54 as amended from time to time are not applicable to the IAAD. However
petitions and memorials addressed to the President may be forwarded to the
Comptroller and Auditor General in duplicate.
3.41 Miscellaneous
sought well in advance except in emergency. When going out on tour, they
should send their tour programme to CAG in advance. When the absence
involves going to a place beyond their jurisdiction they should obtain the prior
permission of the Comptroller and Auditor General sufficiently in advance, as a
far as possible. In all cases, the address during the absence from the
headquarters should also be intimated before hand. During the budget session.
Accountants General are accepted to remain in Headquarters.
3.41.3 Other officers who intend to leave headquarters during casuals leave and/
or holidays should take prior permissions of the Accountant General /Principal
Director of Audit and also intimate to him their temporary address during the
period of such absence from headquarters.
3.41.4 Classified List of officers of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service is
issued yearly.
3.41.5 Telephone list of IA&AS officers in the Audit and Accounts Offices is also
issued by the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General twice a year.
Necessary material is sent by all the Audit and Accounts Offices to the
Comptroller and Auditor General. The changes as and when they occur, are also
3.42 Notification
3.42.1 All important events in the official career of an IA&AS officer such as initial
appointment, transfer on deputation of Group A officers to IA&AD, retirement,
resignation and death should be notified in the official gazette.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 139
Office of the ..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4.1 Recruitment
4.1.2 331/3% of the vacancies in the grade of Accounts/ Audit Officers are filled
by selection on the basis of relative merit, outstanding, very good and good, and
the remaining 662/3% of the vacancies are filled by promotion on the basis of
seniority subject to fitness.
4.1.3 Asstt. Accounts/ Asstt. Audit Officers are subject to such conditions as are
laid down by Government of India / CAG from time to time before they are
considered eligible or fit for promotion
4.2.1 Accounts/Audit Officers are liable for service anywhere in India in any of
the offices or posts under the control of the respective cadre controlling authority
in whose cadre they are borne. They are also liable, like all other Central
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 141
4.5.1 Accounts /Audit Officers can be sent on deputation /foreign service only
with the prior approval of CAG except in the case of deputation to the State
Govts. or autonomous bodies etc. under them where the State Accountants
General can depute the Accounts /Audit Officers, borne in the cadre under their
control, to the respective State Govt. or autonomous bodies etc. under them.
4.6.1 The Accountants General / Principal Directors of Audit should not operate
upon temporary posts of Accounts /Audit Officers In lieu of vacant Indian Audit
and Accounts Service posts without the prior approval of Comptroller and Auditor
General except in unforeseen circumstances and if it is administratively
unavoidable, no such post should, however, be operated upon if the vacancy is
excepted to be for less than 46 days.
4.7 Notifications
4.7.1 All important events in the official career of Accounts /Audit officers, such
as promotion including proforma under next below rule retirement, resignation
and death should be notified in official gazette. Notifications issued in this behalf
will be sent by the Accountants General /Principal Director of Audit concerned
direct to the press accompanied by Hindi version thereof, Only copies of above
office orders or advance notifications need be endorsed to the office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
4.8 Recruitment
qualified Section Officers with three years of regular service in the grade in other
4.8.1 Section Officers are subject to such conditions as are laid down by Govt.
of India /CAG from time to time before they are considered eligible or fit for
4.8.3 There will be reservation of vacancies for SC/ST in the grade of Asstt.
Accounts / Asstt. Audit Officers filled by promotion, as per order issued by Govt.
of India /CAG from time to time.
4.9 Miscellaneous
4.9.2 Accountants General and all other Heads of Departments in the Indian
Audit and Accounts Department may finally deal with the applications of
Accounts/Audit officers for all kinds of leave. No intimation in this regard need be
sent to the Comptroller and Auditor General.
4.10 Recruitment
4.10.1 The post of Divisional Accounts Officer (Group-B Gazetted) Grade-I under
the control of A&E offices of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are filled by
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 144
4.10.2 Divisional Accounts officers are subject to such conditions as are laid
down by Govt. of India /CAG from time to time before they are considered eligible
for promotion.
4.10.4 There will be reservation of vacancies for SC/ST in the grade of Divisional
Accounts Officer Grade-I
4.11 Miscellaneous
4.12 Recruitment
other offices in Indian Audit & Accounts Department of Sr. PA (Group B) or Sr.
PA (Group C), Manager (Typing Pool)/PA with regular service as prescribed
under the field of promotion.
4.12.2 Persons in the feeder cadre are subject to such conditions as are laid
down by Govt. of India /CAG from time to time before they are considered eligible
or fit for promotion.
4.12.4 There will be reservation of vacancies for SC/ST in the grade of Senior
Personal Assistant (Group-B Gazetted) filled by promotion as per orders issued
by Govt. of India /CAG from time to time.
4.13 Miscellaneous
(a) Civil:
(i) Ordinary branch for work in the Civil Audit/ Civil Accounts
(ii) Local Audit branch for work in the Local Audit branches of
the Accountants General, West Bengal and Bihar.
(b) Commercial Audit branch for work in the office of the Principal
Directors of Commercial Audit and in the Commercial Audit Wings of the
Civil Audit offices.
(c) Railway Audit branch for work in the Railways Audit offices.
(d) Posts and Telecommunications Audit branch for work in the P&T
Audit offices.
(e) Defence Audit Branch for work in the offices conducting Test Audit
of Defence Accounts.
5.3 Appointments to the Section Officers Service are made by the Authority
prescribed in Section E of Volume II. This is always subject to the conditions
that the eligible persons are also qualified in the opinion of the Appointing
Authority by ability, character and experience to discharge adequately and
efficiently the duties required of the incumbent for the post of Section Officer.
5.4.1 The details of the scheme and syllabus of the Section Officers Grade
Examination are prescribed in Chapter IX. No person who has not passed the
prescribed examination is eligible for appointment as Section Officer.
5.5.2 Every direct recruit appointed to the cadre of Section Officer will be on
probation for a period of two years. During the period of probation he/she will
have to qualify the S.O.G.E Part II. If a direct recruit fails to pass both parts of
S.O.G.E within the period of probation, he /she will be removed from service or if
fully deserving of retention, may be offered appointment as Auditor in respective
office against a direct recruitment vacancy, if available.
5.6.1 (i) Each Civil Audit Office and Civil Accounts Office and each Railway
Audit office has its own Section Officers cadre except where any such office is
re-organised into two or more independent office and so long as the cadre is not
separated for the offices into which it has been re-organized.
5.6.5 The seniority of the officers found fit for promotion but promoted after the
period of penalty imposed on them, would be as per their position in the panel
recommended by the DPC from which they are promoted irrespective of their
date of promotion. However, the monetary benefit in the higher post will be
admissible only from the date of actual promotion.
5.6.6 The seniority of the direct recruits to the post of Section Officers on
passing Part II of the Section Officers Grade Examination shall be regulated by
the following principles:
(i) A directly recruited Section Officer shall rank immediately below the
last Section Officers Examination passed member of the staff officiating in
the Section Officers grade on the date on which he takes over charge as a
regular Section Officer. If an officiating Section Officer reverts at any time
to his pervious post, the reversion not being on account of his proceeding
on eave, he shall lose his seniority vis--vis all those recruited directly,
who are appointed as Section Officers up to the date on which he again
begins to officiate continuously.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 149
Note: The term last Section Officers Grade Examination passed member
of staff refers to one who has passed in an earlier examination and not in
the examination in which the direct recruit has come out successful.
(b) Amongst the persons who pass in the same Section Officers
Grade Examination, relative seniority shall be determined according
to the year of recruitment, i.e. those belonging to an earlier batch of
recruitment shall be senior to those belonging to a subsequent
5.10.1 Transfers to and from the Branches vide paragraph 5.2 of the Section
Officers Service are admissible only under the conditions explained in Chapter
5.11.1 Every Gazetted Officer shall at the end of the financial year or during the
year on the occasion of his proceeding on transfer or leave when he is unlikely to
return to the same office or charge, write up the confidential report in Form No.5
of every Section Officer who has served directly under him for three months or
more in that financial year.
5.11.2 In the case of Section Officers attached to field parties in the OAD Wing,
who have not worked under any single officer for a period of three months or
more in a financial year, the branch officer at the Headquarters should write up
the reports after forming an opinion in the course of scrutiny of their inspection
reports and, if necessary, after calling for the reports from Inspecting Officers. An
assessment of their work and conduct should be done carefully and while
reviewing these Confidential Reports, the Senior Deputy Accountant
General/Director of Audit (Inspection) would take into account the reports from
the different officers as well as his own estimates.
(II) (a) Before allowing the Section Officers to cross the Efficiency bar,
their fitness to hold the charge of any of the following sections should be
tested , whenever possible:
(III) (a)In the case of deputationists, the permission to cross the Efficiency
Bar is to be accorded by the competent authority of the lending office in
consultation with the borrowing office. But in respect of the persons transferred
either on unilateral or mutual basis from one office to another, within the Indian
Audit and Account Department for eventual absorption, the question of the
fitness to cross the Efficiency Bar is to be examined by the office to which the
persons are transferred. The previous office need not be consulted in such
cases, except when it is considered necessary in the case of permanent
employees, whose lien is retained in the old office.
5.13.1 Leave reserve in respect of Section Officers cadre is provided for in the
Auditors cadre in Audit offices and in Accountants cadre in A&E office vide para
5.14.1 The cases will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Paras
10.8.1 to 10.8.5 of Chapter X.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 156
6.1.1 The clerical staff in Audit and Accounts Offices generally comprises of
Senior Auditors, Auditors, Senior Accountants, Accountants, Cashiers, Asstt.
Cashiers, Clerks (Including Typists, Machinists and Comptometer Operators),
Stenographers etc.
6.1.2 The strength of the clerical staff required in each office is fixed under
proper sanction based on standard rates of work, wherever prescribed and with
reference to the statistics of work done in the various groups/sections
6.2 B. Recruitment
6.2.1 A candidate for appointment in an Audit and Accounts office must be:
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January
1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
(e) a person of India origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma,
Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United
Republic of Tanazania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia,
Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia, with the intention of permanently settling in
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall
be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility in form No.22
appended as Annexure has been issued by the Comptroller and Auditor
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 157
6.2.2 (a) No person who has more than one wife living or who having a
spouse living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its
taking place during the life-time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment
to service, and
Provide that the Central Government may, if satisfied that there are
special grounds, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
Under the Constitution of India all citizens of India are eligible for
consideration for appointment in services under the Central government
irrespective of their domicile or place of birth. Recruitment in Audit and Accounts
Offices is not, therefore, confined by rule to the inhabitants of any specified area.
The minimum age limit for recruitment to clerical posts in Indian Audit and
Accounts Department is 18 years.
6.2.6 The maximum upper age limits for recruitment to clerical posts in Indian
Audit and Accounts Department are 25 years for general candidates and 30
years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes. The appointing authority may relax the upper age limit at time of issue of
appointment orders on their own authority in respect of persons who were within
the age limit on the crucial date prescribed by the Staff Selection Commission in
the notice relating to the examination in which they have qualified.
6.2.8 (a) (i) There will be reservation at 15% and 7-1/2% of the
vacancies for Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribes respectively in promotions
made (i) by selection in group C&D (ii) on the results of competitive examination
limited to departmental candidates in Group C&D posts, grades or services (iii)
Seniority subject to fitness in Group C&D in which the element of direct
recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75%.
basis, may be included in the general select list. In addition to their being,
considered for separate lists for Scheduled Castes /Scheduled Tribes
for the period of the life of the panel which may be got extended with the
approval of the Comptroller and Auditor General to the extend permissible to
enable such of the persons included therein, as could not be appointed to the
higher posts during the normal period of the panel year, to be appointed during
the extended period.
1. Blind 1%
2. Deaf 1%
3. Orthopaedically Handicapped 1%
which are likely to be filled up in the following calendar year, with a copy to the
concerned Regional Office so that the Staff Selection Commission could make
proper assessment of the requirements region wise before they advertise.
The Regional Office of the Commission would furnish a list of the persons
recommended for appointment along with the dossiers of each person in original
which may include the application and copies of various Certificates as submitted
by the candidates to the Commission. The appointing authorities will then take
further action to check the original certificates of the candidates regarding their
age, educational qualifications, claim to be a member of Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes or an Ex-Servicemen, physically handicapped person etc.,
issue offer of appointment, after verification of character and antecedents,
medical examination, etc. If some of the candidates do not respond to the offers
of appointment sent to them intimation should be sent to the Regional Office of
the Commission about the persons who did not respond to the offers made. The
vacancies so remaining unfilled, should be included in the requisition to be sent
requisition for further names of reserved category persons should be sent to the
Regional Office, and this process is to be repeated.
The orders issued from time to time regarding verification of character and
antecedents of the applicants should be consulted invariably for compliance
before appointments are made.
6.3 C. Training
6.3.1 It is the duty of the Accountant General and other Heads of the
Departments to arrange that the new recruits in their offices be adequately
trained in the work of the office in accordance with the instructions issued by the
Comptroller and Auditor General from time to time. The training of directly
recruited Auditors/Accountants should be condensed into a concentrated
course over a period of 3 months (4 months in the case of Auditors of
Commercial Audit Organisation and 6 months in the case of those recruited in
the Defence Audit Offices.)
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 167
In the Civil Audit and Accounts Office the trainees should receive lectures
in the forenoon on accounting and audit classification of expenditure, compilation
of accounts, the more important Treasury/Financial Rules etc., and should
receive co-ordinated practical lessons in the afternoons. The training officer
should demonstrate the actual process of accounting and audit of different
classes of bills etc. in the classroom with reference to vouchers and documents
obtained from audit sections. As part of their practical training, the trainees
should be taken whenever possible, to a local Treasury, P.A.O and Public Works
and Forest Divisions so as to give them an idea of initial accounts compiled in
those offices. Special attention should also be paid to the training of recruits in
the maintenance of different broadsheets. In addition, training should also be
imparted in prcis writing.
The new recruits should take their training seriously and the Accountants
General and other Heads of Departments should not hesitate to discharge those,
who are seen not to benefit by the training and who in the course of training or
within six months there-after are found unsuitable for work in Audit and Accounts.
6.5.1 No member of the clerical staff should be allowed to remain in the same
section/wing for more than five continuous years without the specific approval of
the Accountant General /Principal Director of Audit, Also a person having worked
in a seat or section for the prescribed period should not be posted again to the
same seat or section after a short interval. Relaxation of these orders should
particularly be avoided during the two years preceding the retirement of a person.
6.6. F. Promotions
6.6.2 Supervisors Posts of Supervisors are selection posts. They are assigned duties
where overall theoretical knowledge of accounts or audit may not be a dominant
In Audit offices 80% of the posts of Auditors are in the higher grade of
Senior Auditors.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 169
The posts of Personal Assistants in field offices are 33-1/3% of the total
sanctioned posts of Stenographers and Personal Assistants. In other words, the
ratio of Stenographers and P.As will be 66-2/3:33-1/3. The base should be
worked out as if the Senior Time Scale Officer/Junior Administrative Grade
Officer is allowed only a Stenographer and thereafter the percentage of Personal
Assistant computed. The Personal Assistants should as far as possible be
posted with Group Officers. Welfare Officer and Accounts/Audit officers holding
important charge.
Government of India
File No.
Son/daughter/wife of .
shall be eligible to hold any civil office in connection with the affairs of the Union.
7.1 the Divisional accountants are constituted in a separate cadre with its own
leave and training reserve under the administrative control of the accountant
General . This cadre is intended to provide trained Accountants for public works
divisions or other independent executive charge.
Note: In Jammu & Kashmir , Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh , the cadre of
Divisional Accountants is administrated by the respective state Governments . In
Sikkim there is no separate cadre of Divisional Accountants . Accordingly , the
instructions contained in the succeeding paragraphs of this chapter will not be
applicable to them .
(2) Accountants and clerks of A&E office and Auditor of the Audit
7.2.1 The rules for initial recruitment examination are given in Annexure I to this
Accountant General should , therefore ,see that the number of persons selected
is approximately equal to the number of vacancies excepted about the end of
their probationary periods.
during which the person is not placed in full charge of a Divisional Accountants
7.8 Candidates Recruited from sources (1) and (2) who pass the Divisional
Accountants Grade Examination (paragraph 7.8) are placed on a waiting list but
allowed to retain their liens on their substantive appointments till they are
confirmed in the Divisional Accountants cadre. Their relative seniority will be
determined with reference to the date of their passing the Divisional Accountants
Grade Examination. The Divisional Accountants who pass the same Divisional
Accountants Grade Examination will be senior to all Divisional Accountants who
pass in the subsequent examinations. The inter-se seniority of Divisional
Accountants who pass the same examination will be decided on the basis of the
marks obtained by them in the aggregate in the Divisional Accountants Grade
Examination Among those obtaining identical marks in aggregate. Those
obtaining higher marks in the paper public works Accounts will rank senior. In
the case of tie in the latter paper. The marks obtained in the Public works
accounts paper will include the two papers on the subject (vide para 1 of
Annexure II).
Practical Training
7.7 (i) Every the Divisional Accountants on the probations should irrespective
of his prior experience, if any undergo course of practical training in the A&E
office /Divisional and sub- divisional offices or both as indicated below.
(ii) The period of training of selected will not be less than six months and
not more than twenty four months during which they will have at least two
opportunities of passing the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination .the
actual period will depend on the progress made by them and will be decided by
the Accountant General in each case.
During the period of training in the A&E office, the Divisional office clerks
should have opportunities not only for training in the works Accounts wing of the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 174
A&E but also in such other sections of the A&E office as will help them in
preparing for the section officers grade Examination if they should desire to
appear in it after they have passed the divisional Accountants Grade
examination and become eligible to appear under the rules. The Audit &
accounts office candidates should be given training in the public works Divisional
and sub-divisional offices. Recruits from either r of the above mentioned
categories would be eligible to appear in the Divisional Accountants Grade
Examination only after a training of at least 6 months. However, if the progress of
a recruit from either source a disclosed by his work during the first 6 months of
his training is not satisfactory, he will be reverted to his original office.
(iii) The Direct recruits will undergo a course of training both in the
Divisional and Sub-divisional offices and in the works wing and other sections of
the A&E office. In their case the period of training will be two years. They will be
allowed to appear in the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination only after a
training of at least one year
Note: The Accountant general may at his discretion, condone any deficiency in
the minimum period of training required to be undergone before one can appear
at the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination, up to a limit not exceeding two
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 175
months, subject to the condition S that (i) the progress of training undergone is,
in the opinion of The Accountant general satisfactory and (ii) the deficiency in the
period of training is made up after taking the Divisional Accountants Grade
Examination. The candidates should not be posted as Divisional Accountants till
the minimum period of training is completed.
7.9 The syllabus and the rules for the examination are detailed in Annexure-II
of this chapter.
7.11 The conditions requiring the passing of the examination in the regional
language that apply to subordinates in the Public Works Department apply
equally to Divisional Accountants also.
(ii) 6 months experience in the Works Accounts wing of the A&E office.
(c) that the Accountant General is satisfied that the probationer is competent
to hold- independent charge of the Accounts of a division, and considers
him (from reports received from the Executive Engineers) fit to hold the
position of the senior member of the office establishment of a Divisional
Annual Increments
7.13 The Accountant General is the authority competent to allow the annual
increment to Divisional Accountants on the time scale of pay. His approval may
be assumed unless an order withholding the increment has actually been
Efficiency Bar
Confidential reports
consideration the nature and the areas of the work and any special features that
may be specific to the nature or the areas of work of the officer to be reported
upon. The reporting officer should at regular intervals review the performance
and take corrective steps by ways of advice etc. It should be endeavour of each
appraiser to present the truest possible picture of the appraisee in regard to
his/her performance, conduct, behavior and potential. Assessment should be
confined to the appraisees performance during the period of report only, The
instructions contained at the end of the Confidential Report form should be
carefully gone through before writing the Confidential Report by the reporting
/reviewing officers.
7.17 The Inspecting Officer inspecting the accounts of the Division should also
submit to the Accountant General (A&E) through the Accountant General (Audit)
a Confidential Report written in his own handwriting on the work and conduct of
the Divisional Accountants /Divisional Accounts Officers covering the areas
mentioned in columns A.2 and A.3 of Part-III only of Form No. 10 as judged
mainly by the quality of the work inspected by him. This report should mention
inter alia how far the Divisional Accountant / Divisional Accounts Officer keeps
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 179
himself posted with the relevant rules and procedures relating to audit and
accounts and has his personal copies of the codes and other books of reference
corrected up-to-date.
7.17.1 The Divisional Accountant is himself responsible for drawing the attention
of the Divisional Officer/Executive Engineer in writing to the provisions of the
above as this Manual is not one of the official publications of the Public Works
7.18 A Confidential Report on Clerks of the Divisions who have applied for
appointments under the Accountant General may also be prepared by the
Inspecting Officer, if so desired by the Accountant General.
Cadre Composition
Note 2: The Posts in the higher grades of Divisional Accounts Officers Grade II
(Non-Gazetted) and Divisional Accounts Officers Grade I (Group B Gazetted)
should be identified by the Accountant General keeping in view the well defined
criteria such as volume of expenditure etc. laid down by the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India.
Note: The ordinary grade Divisional Accountants on passing the Section Officers
Grade Examination Part II will be allowed to draw special pay of Rs.40 p.m. from
the date following the last date on which the examination ends. Divisional
Accounts Officers Grade II who have passed Section Officers Grade Examination
will have to seek reversion in writing to the post of Divisional Accountant
(Rs.1400-2600) at the time of their promotion as Section Officer in the A&E
offices in the scale of Rs.1640-2900 and their pay may be fixed under F.R.22C
(old) by taking into account the special pay of Rs.40/- p.m. from the date
following the last date on which the Section Officers Grade Examination ends.
7.24 The provision of paragraph 10.8 will apply mutatis mutandis to Divisional
Accountants also. The charge on account of advance increment payable to them
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 182
will, however, be borne by the Government or Department which bears the cost
of their pay and allowances.
Note: An application for a grant from the Compassionate Fund to the family of a
deceased Accountant should be submitted to and may be sanctioned only by the
Government, Central or State, under which he was actually serving at the time of
his death.
7.26 The officers who are appointed as examiners in connection with the Initial
Recruitment Examination for Divisional Accountants and Divisional Accountants
Grade Examination shall be paid honorarium, the current rates therefore are as
under: -
I. For setting question papers:
(i) Less than three hours Rs.130/- per paper
(ii) Three hours Rs.160/- per paper
II. For valuation of answer papers:
(i) Two hours or less Rs.2.20 per answer paper
(ii) Two and half hours Rs.2.80 per answer paper
(iii) Three hours Rs.3.30 per answer paper
(Referred to in the paragraph 7.2)
(ii) Accountants and Clerks of A&E Office and Auditors of the Audit Office,
(iii) Direct recruits will be made through a competitive and qualifying test
called the Initial Recruitment Examination for Divisional Accountants.
It will be conducted by the Accountant general, once or twice a year as
may be convenient to him.
2. The subjects and the minimum marks qualifying for a pass in this
examination will be as follows:
Subject Time Maximum Minimum
marks Marks
for Passing
1. General English or General 3 hours 150 75
2. Arithmetic and Mensuration 3 hours 200 133
(Elementary but practical)
Aggregate 350 210
For passing the examination as a whole the candidate should secure 60 percent
of the aggregate marks.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 184
(i) General English or General Hindi The paper will have questions
on Essay Letters , Summary and simple Grammar of the Higher
Secondary standard. The choice of language of this paper will be left
to the candidates option.
(ii) Arithmetical and Mensuration The standard for this subject will be
the same as that prescribed for the matriculation or the School
Leaving Certificate Examination.
5. Each candidate applying for the examination will pay a fee of Rs.28
by means of a Crossed Postal Order issued in favour of the Accountant
General. The fees of candidates whom the Accountant General considers in his
discretion to be unsuitable for admission (see Rule 15) will be returned by
Postal Money Order at their cost. If for any cause an admitted candidate fails to
appear in the Examination, the fee paid will not be refunded nor will it be
placed at his credit for any subsequent examination.
(iii) Auditors who have put in 2 years service and also passed
departmental examination are eligible to appear at the
examination irrespective of educational qualifications.
Note: The A&E and Audit Offices candidates and candidates of the Public
Works Department including those in the Superintending Engineers and the
Chief Engineers offices, who posses the same educational qualifications as
those prescribed for Direct Recruits and whose age does not exceed the limit
prescribed for direct recruits will be allowed to sit in the Initial Recruitment
Examination for Divisional Accountants even though they have not put in the
requisite years of service as provided in (b) & (c) above. Such candidates will
however , be subject to the same conditions in respect of training and
probation etc. as are prescribed for direct recruits.
7. The age of the candidates for the examination from sources (i)
and (ii) referred to in Rule 1 must not exceed 40 years on the first of the month
in which the examination is held. The age of the direct recruits must not exceed
twenty-five years on the same date.
Note : The minimum age limit for direct recruits for taking up the
examination is 18 years.
8. An Applicant must be :
(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962
with the intention of permanently settling in the India, or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma,
Ceylon and East African Countries like Kenya, Uganda & United Republic
of Tanzania, Zambia, Malavi, Zaire and Ethiopia with the intention of
permanently settling in the India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall
be a person in whose favour, a certificate of eligibility in Form No. 22 has
been issued by the CAG.
9 (a) No person who have more than one wife living or who, having a
spouse living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its
talking place during the life time of such spouse, shall be eligible for appointment
to service; and
Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that there are
special grounds for so ordering, expect any person from the operation of this
12. The application which should be written by the candidate in his own
handwriting and the certificates etc. prescribed in Rule 11 should be submitted
so as to reach the Accountant Generals office not later than the 15th of the
month second preceding the month in which the examination take place.
5. Date of birth
7. Signature of candidate
15. The examination will be held in the office of the Accountant General
concerned or in the centers decided by him under the supervision of a Gazette
Officer nominated by him on such dates and at such hours as may be fixed by
the Accountant General and communicated to each candidate.
17. The candidates as thus finally selected will be required to undergo the
prescribed training in the A&E and/or public works Divisional Office before they
are allowed to appear in the Divisional Test Examination in accordance with
department regulations.
1. The subject for the examination, the minimum qualifying for a pass and
the percentage required for obtaining exemption in the examination will be as
Aggregate 750 45
2. The syllabus and the standard for the examination will be as follows:
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 191
3. The question should be set on the portion which will be of practical use to
the Divisional Accountants in the discharge of their duties as such.
6. The candidates (including direct recruits) will not ordinarily be allowed than
more than three chances but Accountant General may in special circumstances,
allow upto three additional chances to those whom he considers deserving of the
concession. If the period of probation is curtailed the number of chances will be
curtailed correspondingly. In the case of a candidate who is not able to appear at
the examination because of a properly certified personal illness, the Accountant
General may at his discretion ignore this chance against the total number of
chances available to him.
7. The theory paper on Public Works Accounts and Procedure with a large
number of questions calling for brief answers has been prescribed to adjudge in
an effective way whether the candidate can promptly give to the executive
officers of the Public Works Department appropriate advice in the matter
concerning accounts and financial arrangement of divisional and sub divisional
offices. The question paper will itself provide space for writing answers to be
recorded in a short time and limited space. The candidates should write the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 193
correct answers in the first instance itself and corrections, if any, made by them
will entail forfeiture of marks.
8 Strength
8.1 The Group D Staff in Audit and Accounts Offices generally comprises of
Daftries, Jamadars. Peons, Sweepers. Chowkidar etc.
Age of Recruitment
8.2 The maximum age limit for recruitment to Group D posts in the Indian
Audit and Accounts Department is 25 years (30 years in the case of candidate
belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes). The appointing
authorities for Group D posts may relax the upper age limit at the time of
appointment on their own authority up to one year in respect of persons whose
names are placed in the panel, when they are within the prescribed age limit. All
other cases of relaxation of age will require the approval of the Comptroller and
Auditor General.
NOTE: The provision of the paragraph 6.2.5 will apply mutatis mutandis in regard
to the minimum age limit for recruitment to Group D posts.
8.4 Recruitment of Group D Staff will be made in the field offices by the
authorities authorized to make appointments to Group D Cadre after calling for a
list of candidates satisfying the age and educational requirements indicated
above, from the Employment Exchanges. The Candidates already working as
contingency paid labour in the office concerned can also be considered provided
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 195
they are registered with the Employment Exchanges and posses the requisite
qualifications prescribed for the appointment to relevant posts in Group D cadre.
8.5 Promotion to the Group D posts like Daftri, Jamadar and Junior
Gestetner Operator etc. are regulated in accordance with the Recruitment
Rules for these posts.
Leave Reserve
Confidential Reports
8.8 (a) 25% of the vacancies accruing in the peons cadre shall be
reserved for appointment by transfer from the grade of safaiwala, Farash,
Chowkidar and other Group D employees in the equivalent scale who have
rendered 5 years regular service in the grade or combined regular service of 5
years in any of the grades and who may not be possessing the qualifications
prescribed for direct recruitment to the post but who may possess elementary
literacy and give proof of ability to read in English, Hindi, or Regional Language.
For this purpose, a simple written test will be held by the Head of the
Department. However, such transfer can be made only on a specific request from
the person concerned. If eligible persons for transfer are not available, the
vacancies may be filled by direct recruitment and future adjustment may be made
by the Head of the Department if considered necessary.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 196
(b) The remaining 75% of the vacancies accruing in the peons cadre
shall be filled by appointment on transfer of Safaiwala, Farash, Chowkidar and
other Group D employees in equivalent scale who possess the qualifications
prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of peon on a specific request from
the person concerned, failing which the vacancies may be filled by direct
SOGE and is the two part (viz. Theory and Practical) of 50 marks each. The
Theoretical part is of one hour duration and the Practical part of two hours
duration. The question papers for the subject are also set, moderated and
evaluated centrally by this office. The practical examination are conducted only
at the Regional Training Institutes, the Regional Training Centres, the Training
Centres/Halls and the National Academy of Audit & Accounts by the Examiners
nominated by the office from out side stations who evaluate the Floppies/Answer
Scripts and despatch the material to the office thereafter.
(i) A list of candidates, if any, who will sit for the examination in
another office/centre. A copy of the list should also be sent at the
same time to the Head of the Department concerned to enable him
to make necessary arrangements in time.
(iii) A list of candidates who will take the examination in Hindi in each
set and valued locally by the respective heads of departments. Use of Hindi
medium is permitted.
NOTE-1: The omnibus paper II for branches other than Civil will be relevant
to the papers of Part I of the respective branches.
NOTE-2: The preliminary test prescribed for the Section Officers Grade
Examination is not necessary in the case of qualified Divisional Accountants who
have passed the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination.
NOTE-3: A candidate who has already qualified in the preliminary test of the
branch to which he originally belongs will not be required to appear again in the
preliminary test on his switching over to a different branch.
NOTE-1: The crucial date for determining the length of total service put in
by a candidate for eligibility to appear in the examination will be 15th of November
each year or as otherwise notified by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
NOTE-3: The candidates at Sl. No. (v) to (vii) will be eligible subject to the
following conditions:-
(i) that they have duly qualified in the preliminary test held each year.
(iii) that the eligibility is subject to the condition that in the event of
their passing the Section Officers Grade Examination they will
have to seek reversion in writing to the posts of Senior
Auditors/Accountants (Rs.1400-2600), Personal Assistants
(Rs.1400-2600) respectively at the time of their promotion as
Section Officer in the scale of Rs.1640-2900.
9.2.7 A candidate who has not passed Part-I will not be allowed to take
Part-II of the examination, except a candidate who has secured exemption marks
in all other subjects of Part-I of the Examination but failed only in one subject of
that examination will be allowed to take the remaining one subject along with
Part-II of the Section Officers Grade Examination if he is otherwise eligible. In
such cases even if he passes Part-II of the examination but fails in Part-I subject,
he will not be considered as eligible for promotion till he passes the remaining
subject of Part-I.
9.2.9 The periods of practical training prescribed for the various branches
of the Section Officers Grade Examination should be completed by the
candidates before they are eligible to take the Section Officers Grade
Examination of a particular branch or Part thereof. The Principal Accountants
General/ Principal Directors of Audit/ Accountants General may, however,
condone whenever necessary, deficiency in the period of training of candidates
up to ten days where the prescribed period of training is 4 months or less, and up
to fifteen days where the period is more than 4 months.
9.2.10 The normal number of chances for Part-I of the Section Officers
Grade Examination will be six. Indefinite number of chances will, however, be
allowed to those candidates who have secured at least 30% marks in aggregate
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 204
in any two of the last six chances actually availed of by them. There is no limit to
the number of chances for Part-II of the Examination.
NOTE-1 Candidates from Civil Accounts and Entitlement offices can also
appear at the SOGE (Civil Audit) for their eventual absorption in Civil Audit
Offices, subject to the following:
(a) Those who have already passed Part-II of SOGE (Civil Accounts)
and are still awaiting promotion as Section Officers (Accounts) or ad-hoc
Section Officers (Accounts) who are still awaiting regularisation as
Section Officers will have to clear only the remaining papers of Part-II of
SOGE (Civil Audit). Their appointment as Section Officer (Audit) shall be
reckoned from the date of joining to the post after clearing remaining
papers of Part-II of SOGE (Civil Audit).
(b) Those who have passed Part-I of SOGE (Civil Accounts) will have
to clear Part-II of SOGE (Civil Audit).
(c) Those who have not cleared some of the papers of Part-I/ Part-II
of SOGE (Civil Accounts) will have to clear the remaining papers of
SOGE (Civil Audit).
9.2.15 Transfers from one branch to another branch are not ordinarily
permissible. In rare cases, where such transfers are found necessary in the
public interest and after ascertaining that the establishment to which they seek
transfer is prepared to absorb them permanently, transfers can be made with the
previous sanction of the Comptroller and Auditor General who will lay down any
further conditions necessary in each case, with due regard to the general
principles governing transfers from one branch to another.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 207
NOTE-2: SOGE Part-I or Part-II Civil Accounts passed candidates opting for
Part-II of Commercial Audit Branch will be required to take two additional papers
viz. Commercial Law of Part-I of Commercial Audit Branch and modified paper
on Elementary Costing, CPWA and Business Organisation in Part-II of
Commercial Audit Branch.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 208
Syllabus of
Section Officers Grade Examination with effect from 2007
1. Service Regulations:
(a) Theory 1.30 100
(b) Practical 2.30 100
Total 400
Books allowed: All the books listed in the syllabus for Practical paper.
(i) Parts I, V, VI, VIII,IX, IX A, X, XI, XII, XIV, XVIII, XIX and XX of the
Constitution of India together with relevant Schedules appended to it.
Note: This paper is common to all branches of the Section Officers Grade
Examination Part-I.
Sl. Paper Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
8. Computer System-
- Theory 1.00 50
- Practical 2.00 50
Total 600
Notes: (i) This paper is common to all branches of the Section Officers
Grade Examination.
(ii) Paper setter should choose and include such subjects in the
question paper that are of relevance and interest to Audit/
Accounts offices.
Paper-6: Accountancy
Books recommended
Note: This paper will cover all accounting functions dealt with in Accounts
and Entitlement offices. It will contain question on Transfer Entries.
Classification of transactions, GPF accounting including interest
calculation and other topics.
Questions on preparation of Pay bill and Forest Cash Account will not
be included.
v) Definition of Windows.
1. Introduction to Windows 98
iv) Application Window, Title Bar, Menu Bar, Minimise/ Maximise/ Restore
features, Scroll Bar.
vi) Menu Bar, Menu Item, Dimmed Menu Item, Hot Key, Short-cut Key,
Control Menu, Check Mark, Cascading Windows/Menus
b. Change Directory/Folder
c. Create/Delete Directories/Folders
d. Change Drives
v) Formatting Characters/Paragraghs
Note: (i) In case of Hindi medium, word processing package is Akshar for
Windows compatible with Word 97.
Books recommended
Theory Paper
O Level, Module-1, Information Technology by V.K. Jain, , BPB
Chapters: 1,2,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,18
Practical Paper
Chapters: (i) 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
(ii) Graphs and Chart*
*Note: Inserting Graphics Feature including Chart are not covered in the book
recommended above. The Head of Department/Head of office are
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 216
2. Summarization of data:
v) Frequency Distribution
4. Measures of Dispersion:
i) The Range
i) Definitions of Probability
vi) Limiting form of binomial & Poisson distribution (Central Limit Theorem
7. Statistical Sampling
i) What is sampling?
d. Cluster Sampling
f. Multi-Stage Sampling
x) Statistical Evaluation:
a. Estimation Procedure
b. Testing of Hypothesis
x) Acceptance-Rejection Sampling
Books recommended
9. Computer System-
- Theory 1.00 50
- Practical 2.00 50
Total 700
The syllabus will be the same as for subject (4) Civil Accounts Branch.
x) Cost Accounting-Topics:
a. Introduction
b. Materials
f. Marginal Costing
h. Process Accounts
Books recommended
vi) IFAC hand book of International Public Sector Accounting Board (available at
Note: (i) There will be eight questions in three parts, i.e. five questions in
Part A and out of that three questions will be answered; one
compulsory question in Part-B relating to Draft para and two
questions on performance Audit in Part C and one out of two
questions will be answered.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 223
Divisional Accountants, whose cadre is with the Accountants General (A&E) and
also have passed the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination held by the
Accountants General will be entitled to exemption from appearing in the
theoretical paper on the subject (5) PWA Theory.
The candidates who have already passed ICWA (Inter) stage I and Stage II or
CA PE-II Group I & Group II or CA PCE Group-I & Group-II are entitled to
exemption from appearing in Financial Accounting with Elementary Costing.
9.2.18 There will be two papers viz. Theoretical and Practical in respect of
Service Regulations (Civil Accounts and Civil Audit Branches Part-I) and Public
Works Accounts (Civil Audit Branch Part-II). Theoretical will be answered without
books and the practical to be answered with Books. Both the papers on
Computer System to be answered without books.
The books allowed for the Practical Papers will be indicated on the question
paper itself and announced as indicated in paragraph 9.10.10.
9.2.19 The papers on all the subjects of these branches will be set and
marked by officers selected by the Comptroller and Auditor General and
moderated under his orders.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 224
Sl. Paper Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
Total 500
Note 1: The syllabus for subject (1), (2) and (3) will be the same as for
subjects (3), (1), and (2) of Civil Accounts Branch.
The syllabus for subjects (4) and (5) in AG (Audit), West Bengal
will be as under:
iii) The West Bengal Primary Education Act 1973 with amendments
iv) The Calcutta Municipal Corporation Act 1980 with up-to date
vii) The Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya University Act 1974 with
iii) The West Bengal Primary Education Act 1973 with amendments.
vii) The Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya University Act 1974 with
The syllabus for subjects 4 and 5 in respect of PAG (Audit) Bihar and
AG(Audit) Jharkhand offices will be as follows:-
Keeping in view the funds under audit of LAD Bihar and Jharkhand and
considering the changes after Constitutional Amendments (73rd & 74th), the
papers 4 & 5 have been regrouped as under:-
(v) Bihar Development of Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medical Act 1951
Sl. Paper Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
Total 700
Paper 6, 7, 8 and 9 are common papers of Civil Audit Branch and syllabus is same
as detailed against papers 4, 7, 8 and 6 of Civil Audit Branch.
Paper-10: Local Rules, Rules and Regulation for Audit and Inspection of Accounts
under the Audit and Inspection of Examiner of Local Fund Accounts. (Practical)
(Local Paper) (with books).
(b) West Bengal Service Rules Part-II-Rules 4, 11, 22 to 86, 88, 89, 93,
94, 99 to 107, 109-114, 116,154,157 to 161, 165 to 167.
Appendix 8
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 228
(c) West Bengal Financial Rules, Vol.I-Rules 22, 47, 164 to 196, 425 to
ii) (a) The West Bengal Municipal (Finance & Accounts) Rules, 1999 under
the West Bengal Municipal Act 1993.
(f) The Calcutta University First Statues 1979 and First Ordinances
(Accounts portion).
(k) Auditing Standards for Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local
Bodies-issued by CAG
Part I- General
Part IV-Others
(10) Auditing Standards for Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local
Bodies-issued by CAG.
Part I- General
Part IV-Others
(11) Auditing Standards for Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local
Bodies-issued by CAG.
Part I- General
Part IV-Others
Paper 11 and Paper 12 Common papers for all branches and syllabus is
detailed against Paper 8 and 9 of Part-II of Civil
Accounts Branch.
The candidates who have already passed ICWA (Inter) stage I and Stage II or
CA PE-II Group-I & Group-II or CA PCE Group-I & Group-II are entitled to
exemption from appearing in Financial Accounting with Elementary Costing.
(ii) The papers No. 2, 9 & 10 of this branch will be Practical papers to
be answered with Books. The remaining papers of this branch will be theoretical
to be answered without books. Both the papers on Computer System to be
answered without books.
The Books allowed for practical papers will be indicated on the question paper
itself and will be announced to the candidates as indicated in paragraph 9.10.10.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 232
9.2.22 The papers at S.No. (1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11) and (12) of
this branch will be set and marked by officers selected by the CAG of India and
moderated under his orders while the papers at S.No. (4), (5) and (10) will be set,
marked and moderated by officer selected by the AG with the prior concurrence
of Headquarters office in each office.
It is open to the Accountant General (Audit) to require Auditors of this branch to
pass in addition to the subjects prescribed above, an examination in one or more
languages of the State in which they are employed by whatever standard he may
consider desirable.
Total 500
Note 1: The syllabus for subject (1) will be the same as for subject (3) of
the Civil Accounts Branch.
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 5: Appropriations
Chapter 6: Cash
Chapter 7: Stores
Government Auditing
7. Operation Research
Note: Before a candidate is allowed to sit for Part-I, he should have completed a
course of Practical Training for Six Weeks in PWA Accounts (2 weeks in PW
Division, 3 weeks in WAD Section and 1 week in a Commercial
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 237
Sl. Paper Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
Total 700
4 Company accounts
3 Verification of assets
7 Cost audit
(a) Hotels
1 Introduction
8 Product Pricing.
6 Budgetary control
Before a candidate is allowed to sit for Part-II he should have completed three
months practical training in selected Government factories, Industries and
Commercial Organisations (both Government and non-Government) and
statutory corporations.
The candidates who have passed the ICWA/ICAI examination will be exempted
from appearing in the under mentioned papers of the Section Officers Grade
Examination (Commercial Audit Examination):
9.2.24 All the papers of this Branch inclusive of the Practical paper of
Computer Systems will be answered without the help of books.
9.2.25 The papers on all the subjects of this branch will be set and marked
by officers selected by the Comptroller and Auditor General and moderated
under his orders.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 242
2. Service Regulations
- Theory 1.30 100
- Practical 2.30 100
Total 500
Note 1: The syllabus for subjects (1) and (2) will be the same as for these
subjects of the Civil Branch.
10. P&T Manual Volume II (Chapters VI, IX, X and XII & Appendices
referred to therein).
11. Postal Manual Volume VI (Part III) 5th Edition) Chapters I and II only.
Note: Question on preparation of Gazetted Officers Pay Bill will not be set.
Books allowed (For Practical Paper): All the Books listed in the syllabus except
Book mentioned at serial number 7 above
9. Computer System-
- Theory 1.00 50
- Practical 2.00 50
Total 750
Note: Syllabus for Paper 4, 5, 9 and 10 are common for all branches of SOGE.
Cash and Fund Flow Statements, Cash Budget, Working Capital and
Accounting Ratios.
Books recommended
Books recommended
8. P&T Manual Vo. X Chapter I, III (except para 151 to 153) to V and VII
and Appendices IV & X.
Books allowed:
Paper- 8: Postal Cash Certificates, Money orders and Savings Bank Accounts
and Audit Procedure (Practical)
1. P&T Audit Manual (Concurrent Audit) Chapters XVII, XVIII, XIX and
Appendix I
9. Other Topics
Books allowed:
Books recommended:
1. Instructions/ Orders issued by DOP from time to time for operation and
accounting of VAS, Financial services and technological changes.
9.2.27 In subject (2) & (3) of this branch there will be two papers which will
be given in the following orders:
In subjects (1), (4), (5), (6) & (10) of this branch there will be one theoretical
paper each to be answered without books. The papers on subject (7) & (8) of
this branch will be Practical papers. Both the papers on Computer System to be
answered without books.
The books allowed for the Practical papers will be indicated on the question
paper itself and announced as indicated in paragraph 9.10.10.
9.2.28 The paper on subject (1), (2), (4), (5), (9) & (10) of this branch will
be set and marked by officers selected by the CAG and moderated under his
orders and the papers on subjects (3), (6), (7) & (8) will be set, marked and
moderated by officers selected by the DG (P&T) with the prior concurrence of
Headquarters office.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 248
Total 500
Note 1: The Syllabus for subject (3) will be same as per subject (3) of the Civil
Audit Branch.
Theory :
16. FR &SR
Note: This paper is divided into two sections viz. Section A & B (50% marks in
each section). While the questions in Section A will be of multiple
choice question (MCQ), the Section B is retained in the existing pattern.
The number of questions in both sections will be adjusted according to
time allowed in each section. One compulsory question by giving case
study and then answers to questions will be asked.
Books allowed for practical paper : All the books listed above.
Forms to be supplied:
Note: This paper is divided into two sections viz. Section A & B with (50%
marks in each section). While the questions in Section A will be of
multiple choice questions (MCQ), the Section B will be retained in the
existing pattern. The number of questions in both sections will be
adjusted according to time allowed in each section. One compulsory
question by giving case study and then answers to questions may be
Forms to be supplied:
9. Computer System-
- Theory 1.00 50
- Practical 2.00 50
Total 800
This paper is common to all branches of the Section Officers Grade Examination.
7. IRCA Tariffs - Coaching, Goods, Military, Red Tariff all Parts and
Note: The question paper may be divided into two sections of 50% marks in
each section. Section A may be of Multiple Choice Questions and
Section B may be on the existing pattern.
Note: In the cases of tariffs the publications in force as on the first of April
preceding the examination will be the prescribed text books.
Note: The candidate who has passed ICWA (Inter) Stage-I & Stage-II or CA PE-II
Group-I & Group-II or CA PCE Group-I & Group-II will be entitled for exemption from
appearing in Financial Accounting with Elementary Costing.
9.2.30 In each of the subject (1), (2) and (5) of this branch there will be two
papers which will be given in the following order:
The papers on subjects (3), (4), (6), (7) & (10) of this branch will be
theoretical papers to be answered without books. The paper on subject
(8) will be practical paper to be answered with books. Both papers on
Computer System to be answered without books.
The books allowed for the practical paper will be mentioned on the question
paper itself and announced as indicated in paragraph 9.10.10.
9.2.31 The papers on all the subjects of this branch will be set and marked
by officers selected by the Comptroller and Auditor General and moderated
under his order.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 254
Total 400
Note: The Syllabus for Sl. No. 3 and 4 will be same as detailed under Sl. No. 7
of Civil Audit Branch and Sl.No. 3 of Civil Accounts Branch.
In this new paper all the relevant portion included in the erstwhile paper of Codes
and Manual (Theory) as also all the Regulations included in the erstwhile paper of
Regulations Other than those related to MES of Part II have been included. Earlier
all papers of both Part I and II were based only on Regulatory audit. Now the present
syllabus ensures that Part I paper will be based only on Regulatory audit and Part II
on Performance audit and other important Regulations not earlier covered in the
This new paper is proposed to be introduced taking into all the Codes and Manuals
of erstwhile Paper of Part I and all the Regulations contained in erstwhile paper on
Regulations other than those relating to Part II. This paper will examine candidates
understanding of Government Accounts with particular reference to Defence
Accounts so as to make them capable of conducting Regularity (Financial) audit and
understanding of Service Regulations relating to Pay and allowances, Pension and
TA of the Armed Forces Personnel and Defence Civilians
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 256
Books allowed:-
Books allowed:-
7. Pay and Allowances Regulations for the JCOs, ORs, and Non-
Combatant (Enrolled) of the Army
Sl. Paper Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
9. Computer System-
- Theory 1.00 50
- Practical 2.00 50
Total 700
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 258
Note: Syllabus for Paper 5, 9 and 10 are common for all branches of SOGE.
Syllabus: (Six questions to be answered out of total 8:70 marks for army (Sec A) 30
marks for Section B, at least 1 question from each section)
Books allowed:
Section A: Army
7) ASC Regulations.
1. Auditing Standards
2. MSO (Audit)
8. CSD Manual
Note: Section A 50 marks for Air Force and Navy, Section B:50 marks for OFB
Books allowed:-
1. DGOF Manual
Books allowed :- All the books listed above against Theory Paper
General Note
the Head of three Services (viz. Army, Navy and Air Force Orders) as also Govt.
orders issued by the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Defence (Finance) from
time to time introducing new rules or amending basic orders, procedures
contained in the Defence Services Regulations or Codes on the subjects
prescribed for the examination are also required to be studied by the candidates.
Note-1: All candidates before they are permitted to appear in Part II of the
Examination should be given practical training for a period of three months in
Defence (Works) Audit.
Note-2: The candidates who has passed ICWA (Inter) Stage-I and Stage-II
or CA PE-II Group-I & Group-II or CA PCE Group-I & Group-II will be entitled for
exemption from appearing in Financial Accounting with Elementary Costing.
In subjects (1), (3), (4), (5) & (10) of the branch will be one theoretical paper each
to be answered without books. Paper at Sl. No. 2, 6 & 7 to be answered with
books. Both the papers on Computer System to be answered without books.
Note: The books allowed for the Practical papers will be mentioned on the
question paper itself and announced as indicated in paragraph 9.10.10.
9.2.34 The paper on subjects (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (9) & (10) of this
branch will be set, marked by officers selected by the CAG and moderated under
his orders in Headquarters office and the papers on subject (1) & (8) will be set,
marked and moderated by officers selected by the DG Defence Services with the
prior concurrence of Headquarters.
Provided that 40 per cent is also secured separately in each of the Practical
papers answered with the aid of books.
Any candidate failing at the examination but securing 50 per cent of the marks in
a subject will not be required to appear again in that subject at a subsequent
examination. Where there is a Theoretical and a Practical Paper in any subject,
the marks for both the papers will be taken together for this purpose provided the
minimum pass marks of 40 per cent are also secured separately in the Practical
paper on the subject. Candidates who are exempted from appearing in certain
papers of the Section Officers Grade Examination by virtue of having passed
equivalent papers in other examinations will be required to secure 45% marks in
the aggregate in the remaining subject(s) in which they actually appear
subsequently for qualifying that part of the examination.
However, a candidate will not be deemed to have passed in the Section Officers
Grade Examination, till he secures 40% marks separately in Theory and Practical
papers of Computer Systems even though he may have secured the aforesaid
minimum pass and aggregate marks in other subjects. Such a candidate shall
be required to reappear only in Computer Systems (Both in Theory and
Practical). Conversely, if a candidate secures minimum 405 marks separately in
theory and practical papers of Computer Systems but fails to secure the
minimum pass/aggregate marks in other subjects of SOGE Part-II, he shall not
be required to appear in the Computer Systems paper but only in other papers
in which he has not secured the exemption marks (50% and above).
9.2.37 The scheme and general syllabus of the Section Officer Grade
Examination cannot be amended or revised except by the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India.
9.3.5 The examination will be in two subjects, namely (i) Income Tax
Revenue Audit and (ii) the audit of other revenue sources appropriate to each of
the field offices. The first subject will be common to the Section Officers/AAOs in
all the field offices. The syllabus, subjects and other details of the examination
are given in the succeeding paras.
The Paper-II in respect of (1) Local Audit Branch-West Bengal, (2) Local Audit
Branch-Bihar, (3) Local Audit Branch Jharkhand, (4) P&T Audit Branch, (5)
Economic & Services Ministries Audit Branch, and (6) Defence Audit Branch will
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 265
9.3.7 The minimum for a pass is kept at 40% in each subject. Exemption
marks in each subject have been fixed at 60%.
The following will be the syllabus for the Revenue Audit Examination for
Section Officers/Assistant Audit Officers (Civil Branch).
Sl. Subject Duration Maximum
No. (hours) marks
1. Income Tax
(a) Theory (without Books) 2.00 100
(b) Practical (with Books) 3.00 150
Total 400
Paper-1: Income Tax Theory (without books)- Common Paper for all
1. The questions are to be drawn from all chapters of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 including taxes on Fringe Benefits and the relevant Finance
Income Tax (Practical) with books- common paper for all the branches
1. This paper will contain 6 questions out of which question number 1 will
be compulsory and from the remaining 5 non compulsory questions
the candidate has to attempt 3 questions.
Other three questions will carry 35 marks each. In each question, subdivision (a) will
be a practical problem carrying 25 marks and subdivision (b) will carry 10 marks. A
candidate must answer both parts (a) and (b) of the question selected by him.
II. Syllabus for the paper on Central Excise and Customs Revenue Audit-
common paper for Civil Audit and Commercial Audit Branches.
Section A
(i) One question of objective type covering both Central Excise and Customs
Act/ Manuals and Service Tax carrying 30 marks.
Section B
Central Excise
(ii) The candidates will be asked to attempt three questions of 20 marks each out
of five. These will be of semi-descriptive and descriptive nature. The
coverage would be as under:
Section C
(iii) The candidates will be asked to attempt three questions out of five questions
of 20 marks each. These will be of semi-descriptive and descriptive in nature.
The coverage would be as under:
(b) Customs Tariff Act 1975 and Customs Tariff One question
working schedule
General: The paper will be without books except that the books Central
Excise Tariff Working Schedule and Customs Tariff Working
Schedule of the year will be allowed for reference in the
examination hall.
1. Income Tax
(a) Theory (without Books) 2.00 100
(b) Practical (with Books) 3.00 150
Total 400
Paper-2: Paper (II) of the Revenue Audit Examination for Section Officers,
Local Audit Branch, West Bengal
Name of Books.
Section 5, 115, 116, Chapter XI to XVII (Sec. 165 to 262, 272, 273,
281, 282, 294,) Schedule XVI (Rules 2 & 55, Sec. 358). Schedule XV
(Rule) 3 & 4, Sec. 367, 368, 442, 443, 451, 456, 460, 469, 483, 548
and 574.
Part I (Chapter I, Sec. 2), Part III (Chapter XII, Section 132, 133 and
134), Part IV (Chapter XVII, Section 179, 180, 181.).
Rules 8.9, 32 to 113, 203 to 210, 221, 240 to 242, 247 and 248.
8. Rules framed by Govt. under Sec. 215 (a) & (b) & 215 (f) of the
B.M. Act, 1932 regarding assessment of rates on holdings and
assessment of license fees for trade, profession and calling.
Rules 2 to 6.
11. The West Bengal Primary Education Act 1973 with amendments.
Portions relating to receipt under the above Acts and Rules and the
receipts of Calcutta University.
Paper (II) of the Revenue Audit Examination for Section Officers Local Audit
Branch, Bihar
(b) The Bihar & Orissa Local Fund Audit Act 1925
9. CAGs MSO (Audit), 2nd Edition, 2002- Section II, Chapter 3 and
Section III, Chapter 23 (Audit of Refund of Revenue)
Paper (II) of the Revenue Audit Examination for Section Officers Local Audit
Branch, Jharkhand
- Chapter IV
4. The Bihar Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 & Jharkhand Panchayat Raj
Act, 2001
- Rule 68 to 133
- Chapter II & IV
- Chapter 2- Rule 3 to 20
Name of Books
Part III -Paras 153, 164 to 185 dealing with local audit of the register of
buildings, rent assessment ledgers, revenue ledgers, water and
electricity charges, refunds etc.
Part I. Vol. I
Part I. Vol. II
Chapter IV Paras 157, 186, 260, 261, 262 and 263 regarding
disposal of surplus stores.
Part I. Vol. II
12. Quarters and Rents and related orders issued from time to time
Vol. I - Section I
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 277
Vol. II
Name of Book
8. Postal Financial Hand Book Vol.II (Post Office and Railway Mail
15. The books on Customs Tariff of India and Central Excise Tariff of
India (latest two issues available in the market) both written by
Shri R. K. Jain, published by Centax Publications Pvt. Limited
1512-B, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, Defence Colony, (Opp. ICICI
Bank), New Delhi-110 003.
(i) Candidates belong O/o PAG/AG West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand are to
under go two weeks pre-examination training for paper-II for which necessary
arrangements may be made by respective PAG/AG.
(ii) Candidates of O/o the Pr. Director of Audit, Economic and Services
Ministries, New Delhi are to under go pre-examination training for three weeks for
Note1: All the papers will be set and marked locally by the Heads of
Departments. The candidates will have the option to answer in
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 282
9.4.5 The following will be the syllabus and subjects of the departmental
examination for Accountants:-
(1) Group A
Group B
(iv) Revenue Audit Manual Part I (Income Tax) Section-I. Third Edition
as corrected up to Correction Slip No. 354.
(viii) Central Excise Manual (Central Excise Act and Chapters I, III, IV,
V, VII-A, IX and X of the Central Excise Rules)
(ix) Customs Act 1962 excluding Chapters III, IV, VI, VIII, XI, XII, XIII,
Note: The relevant year of the Finance Act, Customs Tariff Working
Schedule and Central Excise Tariff Working Schedule will be as
notified every year by the Receipt Audit Wing of the Comptroller
and Auditor Generals Office.
9.4.7 The following will be the syllabus and subjects of the departmental
examination for Auditors in the offices of Principal Directors of Commercial Audit.
Books prescribed:
Books Prescribed:
Audits and Auditing: Vouching and routine checking; from Trial Balance to
Balance Sheet: Internal Organisation and control; Verification of Assets
And Liabilities in a Company Balance Sheet; some further features of a
Company Audit.
Chapter 1 General
(i) CAGs MSO (T) Vol. I Section II Chapter 4 Audit of Receipts.
Section III Chapter 15 para 522 Audit of
Refunds of Revenues
(ii) General Financial Rules Chapter 3 Revenue and Receipts
Chapter 10 Rule 146 Refund of
(iii) Central Government Part-I Rules 6 to 10 Part II-Rules 18 to
Accounts (Receipts and 27- Receipt of Government Revenues,
Payments) Rule 1983. dues etc. and crediting them into the
government account. Part III Rule 139
Refund of Revenue.
(iv) Companies (Profits) Whole Book
Surtax Act, 1964.
(v) Indian Companies Act, Section 2,3 and 4 dealing with the
1956. definition of companies, 198 to 200,
309 to 311, 387, 388, 388-A having
relating to taxation and schedule VI
(vi) Revenue Audit Manual Part I (Income Tax) Section I Third
(vii) Revenue Audit Manual Part II (Central Excise) Second Edition
(viii) Central Excise Manual Central Excise Act and Chapters I, III,
IV, V Section A General, VII A IX and X
of the Central Excise Rules.
(ix) Cost Accounts by Chapters I to VI dealing with the
W.W.Bigg principles of costing, Materials, Labour,
Direct and Indirect Expenses and
(x) Finance Act of the
relevant Year
Books allowed:
9.5.2 The examination shall consist of two parts namely Part-A Written Test and
Part-B Shorthand Test. The subjects of the examination, time allowed, the
maximum marks for each subject and the standard and syllabus will be as
Part A: Written Test
The minimum qualifying marks will be 40 per cent in each of the papers. The
papers in General English and General Knowledge will include Objective-Multiple
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 295
Choice type. The standard of the question papers will be approximately that of
the matriculation examination of an Indian University.
(i) Candidates can exercise option to answer the papers on Essay and
General Knowledge of the written test and take the shorthand test in Hindi
(Devanagri). Partial option is not permissible.
Those who qualify the written test will have to appear in the shorthand test. The
candidates will be given one dictation test in English or in Hindi at 80 w.p.m. for
10 minutes. The candidates who take the test in English will be required to
transcribe the matter in 65 minutes and the candidates who opt to take the test in
Hindi will be required to transcribe the matter in 75 minutes. Candidates will have
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 296
to transcribe the shorthand notes on typewriters. They have to make their own
arrangements for the typewriters. Candidates who opt to take the shorthand test
in Hindi will be required to learn English stenography and vice-versa after their
9.5.3 In shorthand test, the minimum qualifying marks will be 55 per cent.
For each mistake, marks at the rate of 2 should be deducted. Candidates
getting less than 55 per cent marks i.e. those who commit more than 5 per cent
errors and omissions in the transcription will be deemed to have failed in the
stenography test. Repetition of the same spelling mistake may be disregarded
and may not be counted again towards the prescribed limit of 5 per cent.
9.6.2 Group D Staff who are Matriculates and who have put in three
years continuous service on the first day of the month in which the examination is
held are eligible to take this examination.
(1) The standard of the question papers I and II will be approximately that of
matriculation examination of an Indian University.
(2) All the three papers will be set in English and in Hindi. The candidates will
have to exercise their option for English or Hindi. The option will apply to all the
three papers.
(4) A candidate who secures 45 per cent marks in any paper(s) would be
exempted from appearing in that paper(s) in the subsequent examinations.
9.6.5 Candidates will also have to take a typing test which will be held
once in a quarter by the Accountants General/Principal Directors of Audit. The
Matriculate Group D Staff may take the typing test at any time either before the
examination or after the examination. They will become eligible for promotion as
Clerks after passing written papers of the examination.
9.7.1 All the Clerks in A&E offices shall be required to pass the
Departmental Examination for Clerks in order to become eligible for promotion as
Accountants against seniority quota. Passing of this examination shall also be
prerequisite for confirmation in the case of direct recruit Clerks. This
Departmental Examination will be held twice a year at pre-determined times by
the Heads of offices. There will be no limit as to the number of chances a Clerk
can avail of to qualify in the Examination.
9.7.2 There will be one paper of 3 hours duration. It will carry 100 marks and the
minimum marks required for passing in examination are 40 per cent. The
examination will be conducted locally by the Principal Accountant
General/Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement). The Departmental
Examination will be based entirely on the course content of the training imparted
to the Clerks. The question paper will consist of two parts. Part-I will consist of
questions on such topics as General Diary/Despatch, Government Accounting in
General Administration/Estt. Branch work etc. Part-II will have following three
Sections (corresponding to the three Sections in the course outline):
Note: The candidate will have to answer question in Part I and any one of the
sections in Part II.
9.8.3 The question paper will be set locally. Candidates securing fifty per
cent marks and above would be granted one advance increment in the scale of
Senior Auditor/Senior Accountant with effect from the first of the month in which
the examination is held. Advance increment in such cases will be sanctioned by
the respective Heads of the Department and ex-post-facto approval obtained
from Headquarters.
9.8.4 There will be one paper on Finance, Accounts and Audit (for audit
Offices)/Finance, Accounts and Internal Audit (for A&E offices) for 2 hours
duration for 100 marks. The candidates are required to write the examination
without the aid of books and they have option to answer the paper in Hindi.
Finance, Accounts and Audit (for Audit Offices - All Branches)/ Finance,
Accounts and Internal Audit (for A&E offices)
Max Marks 100: Time 2 hours: Without books.
Chapter 1: Finance
Chapter 2: Borrowing
Note: Question will be set on Accounting and Internal Audit matters for
A&E Offices.
Total 300
Paper on Data Processing and Computer Systems subject is to be set both for
Theory and Practical subjects.
9.9.5 The qualifying marks in the paper (1) Management Accounting and
(2) Finance and Appropriation Accounts will be 50% in each paper. The
qualifying marks for the papers Data Processing and Computer Systems shall
be 40% separately for both Theory and Practical.
9.9.6 The paper will be set and marked by Headquarters office. Exact
date of examination will be fixed by the Examination Branch of Headquarters
9.9.7 Candidates securing fifty percent (50%) marks and above each in
Management Accounting and Finance & Appropriation Accounts papers and
forty percent (40%) marks and above each in Theory and Practical subjects of
Data Processing & Computer Systems paper would be granted one advance
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 303
increment in the scale of SO/AAO with effect from first of the month in which the
examination is held. Advance increment in such case will be sanctioned by the
respective Heads of the Department and ex-post-facto approval be obtained
from Headquarters as is being done in the case of SOs/AAOs in Audit Offices for
Revenue Audit Examination.
1. Management Accounting
Chapters 4, 10 to 16.
(iii) Statistical Methods Shri S.P. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons
f) Limitations of computer.
c) Types of LANs.
d) Definition of Windows.
A. Introduction to Windows 98
2. Anatomy of Windows
3. Windows Environment
6. Menu Bar, Menu Item Dimmed Menu Item, Hot Key, Short-cut
Key, Control Menu, Check Mark, Cascading Windows/ Menus
7. Help in Windows
8. Tool Bars
Change Drivers
3. Printing Documents
4. Copying Documents
6. Formatting Page
8. Inserting Header/Footer
Note: (i) In case of Hindi medium, word processing package is Akshar for
Windows compatible with Word 97.
Theory Paper
Practical Paper
Chapters: (i) 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
*Note: Inserting Graphics Feature including Chart are not covered in the book
recommended above. The Head of Department/Head of office are advised to
provide information to the trainer/ trainees that the learning materials for
graphs and charts available in Help menu of Word 97 is recommended. The
relevant portion of material on charts and its sub-items axes, data, formatting,
help, inserting, selecting, titles and updating chart and graphs could be
accessed by selecting Help Menu, contents and index, and then index and type
chart in box 1.
9.10.3 The Presiding Officer should be relieved of all his ordinary duties
during the period of the examination so that he may be free from distraction and
there should be no occasion for him to leave the Examination Hall, nor for
outsiders to enter the room. Such work as the Presiding Officer must do during
these few days, should be done outside the examination hours.
9.10.4 The question papers set centrally by the Head-Quarters Office are
sent from the Comptroller and Auditor Generals office by registered and insured
post, in a sealed packet containing a separate sealed envelope for each paper
set. Their receipt should be acknowledged immediately by Telegram/Telex. In
case of papers set locally by the PrAsG/Pr.DsA/AG, they will send the requisite
number of question papers to various centres of examination. The
acknowledgments in respect thereof should also be sent to them immediately by
9.10.5 The sealed packet containing the sealed envelopes in which the
question papers are enclosed should, on receipt be opened by the
PrAsG/PrDsA/AsG/Head of Office as the case may be in the presence of the
officer who is to preside at the examination or if, he himself is to preside, in the
presence of some other officer. The number of question papers in each envelope
is given on the envelope itself. The number given on the envelope should be
compared with the number of candidates appearing in each paper to verify that a
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 309 After this comparison has been made, the envelopes should again
be placed in a cover which should be sealed. This cover should be kept in the
personal custody of the PrAG/PrDA/AG and must not be opened until the
examination begins. The envelopes containing the question papers should be
opened for distribution in the presence of the candidates.
9.10.6 The requirement of printed blank answer books for the Section
Officers Grade Examination/.Revenue Audit Examination should be assessed on
the basis of the approximate number of candidates expected to be enrolled for
these Examinations. In assessing the requirements of blank answer books for
Section Officers Grade (Part I & II) examination the number of blank answer
books may be calculated on the basis of 5 main answer books and 2 additional
answer books for extra supply to each candidate. For the Revenue Audit
Examination, the requirement should be worked out on the scale of 3 main
answer books and 2 additional answer books for each candidate. A margin may
also be kept to meet the requirement of those candidates whose names are
received late.
9.10.7 Apart from the staff necessary to distribute the question papers and
the blank answer books amongst the examinees or to supply drinking water to
them or to attend to other similar requirements, no person should be allowed in
the Examination Hall. After distribution of the question papers no member of the
staff should have access to the candidates. No outsider should be allowed to
enter the examination hall. The invigilator should not leave the room unless
another senior officer replaces him temporarily.
9.10.9 No candidate may enter the Examination Hall later nor depart
earlier, than half an hour after the Examination begins. Whatever be the
circumstances no candidate should be allowed to take the examination, if he
comes beyond the stipulated margin of time. If in a sudden emergency a
candidate must leave sooner, the Presiding Officer will be responsible for
keeping him apart from possible late arrivals so as to obviate the possibility of
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 311
collusion or leakage. When a candidate must temporarily leave the room during
the period of the Examination, the Presiding Officer must have effective means of
ensuring that he makes no improper use of his absence.
9.10.10 The name of books, the use of which is permitted for each Practical
paper is mentioned in the question paper itself. All other books shall be
prohibited from use at that particular examination. The names of books to be
allowed for each paper are noted on the covers containing question papers. At
the close of each days examination the names of the books for the next days
examination should be announced by the Presiding Officer so that the number of
books to be brought into the Examination Hall by the candidates may be kept as
low as possible.
9.10.11 The Presiding Officer should satisfy himself that in the papers
where the use of books is permissible, the candidates do not receive extraneous
help from notes or solutions copied in the books. Notes to the nature of cross
references, glossary of index of references to orders of the Central Government
may be permitted, but notes of the nature of solutions to questions should not be
permitted, the use of tables, ready reckoners, etc. should not be permitted
without the specific orders of the Comptroller and Auditor General The
candidates should use their own set of books in the Examination. The books
should be scrutinized to verify that they do not contain any forbidden matter. If
any of the books presented to the Presiding Officer is found to contain something
objectionable, the candidate will run the risk of being deprived of the use of the
book. All candidates must submit the books, which they intend to use in
answering their Practical papers, to the Presiding Officer for scrutiny before half
an hour of the commencement of the Examination. These books will not be
returned till the candidates are seated in the Examination Hall. Any book which
is not submitted in time will not be allowed to be used by the examinee.
other candidates any unfair assistance in the Examination Hall shall render
themselves liable to expulsion at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. If any
candidate is found taking recourse to any unfair means in the examination hall,
the Presiding Officer shall also make an immediate report to his Pr.AG/PrDA/AG
(Where the Presiding Officer is not himself the Pr.AG/Pr.DA/AG who should
decide whether the candidate should be or should not be precluded from taking
the rest of the examination. Such action should be followed later by a thorough
investigation to see whether the candidate should be debarred permanently or for
a few years only from appearing in the examination, apart from initiating
disciplinary proceedings against the candidate as considered necessary. In
respect of SOG Exam and Revenue Audit Examination for Section
Officers/Assistant Audit Officers a report in this regard together with the
recommendation of Pr.AG/Pr.DA should be sent to Headquarters Office for final
orders by Comptroller and Auditor General.
cases, a special report should be sent to the Comptroller and Auditor General
giving details of loose sheets supplied to each candidate.
9.10.15 The candidates should write on both sides of each sheet. Any page
on which rough work or detailed calculations are done should be marked rough
and scored out. No other paper should be used for answers or rough work. The
neatness of the candidates paper is taken into account in assigning marks.
9.10.19 The Presiding Officer should not allow any copy of the question
papers to be taken out of the Examination Hall until all the answer books have
been collected.
9.11.1 The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has prescribed the
grant of Honorarium to the Examiners of Section Officers Grade Examination at
the following rates subject to a minimum of Rs. 10/- in each case for valuation of
papers. These rates will also apply to the Examiners of Revenue Audit
Examination for Section Officers/Assistant Audit Officers and Departmental
Examination for I.A. & A.S. Probationers.
The revised rates will take effect from all Examinations to be held from
9.11.2 The Comptroller and Auditor General has prescribed the grant of
honorarium to the Examiners of SOG Preliminary Examination at the following
In case the amount of honorarium worked out falls below Rs.10/- a minimum
amount of Rs.10/- shall be payable.
NOTE 1 Honorarium of Rs.50/- per paper for translation for a paper set in
English into Hindi will be paid. This amount will be payable in addition to the rate
for setting the paper in English in case the translation to Hindi is done by the
same person.
(Authority: 906-NI/48/84 dated 23-05-89)
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 317
(Referred to in Paragraph 9.2.3)
Year and month in Subject in which already exempted Medium Centre Re-
which already of ans- (from marks
appeared in SOGE wering which
Part I the paper appea-
Year Index Total Year Index Sub- Marks ring)
No. Marks No. ject Th. Prac.
8A 8B 8C 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 10 11 12
Certified that I have personally satisfied myself as to the fitness of the candidates
to appear in the examination vide para 9.2.5, 9.2.7 and 9.2.11 of M.S.O.(Admn)
Vol. I
Statement showing the List of Candidates for Revenue Audit Examination for
Section Officers/Asstt. Audit Officers (Branch) to be held in____________
Certified that all the fresh candidates have completed/exempted from prescribed
Head of Department.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 320
Statement Showing the Stock of Blank Answer Books after the Conclusion of
Examination held From _________________To___________________
3. Total (Cols.1 + 2)
Certified that the additional answer books (Col.4) were actually issued and
that the acknowledgment of candidates to whom the answer books were issued
were duly obtained and kept on record.
Also certified that the stock of blank answer books indicated at S.No. 6
above has been physically verified and found to be correct
(Referred to in Paragraph 9.10.20)
* ____________________
Dear Shri
Yours sincerely,
Shri ____________
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
New Delhi
* Name and designation of the Officer nominated as Presiding Officer for the
** Name of the Presiding Officer.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 322
(Referred to in Paragraphs 9.10.20 & 9.10.22)
Absent : Total :
Withdrawn: Total :
Exempted : Total:
Certified that the Examination of the candidate(s) whose Index Number(s) is/are
noted at Sl.No. 8 above has been conducted strictly in accordance with the
prescribed rules and that it commenced at ___________hours and ended at
_________hours except in the case of (d)
10.1.1 With effect from 1-4-1988 confirmation has been delinked from the
availability of permanent vacant post. Consequently confirmation will be one
time event in the career of a Govt. Servant. Confirmation will be governed by
following revised procedure:
(b) he satisfied the condition of the age limit prescribed in the recruitment
rules at the time of his initial appointment unless he was exempted from the
condition to the extent provided in the instructions issued by the Govt.
/C&AG of India or the conditions was specially relaxed in his case by the
competent authority under the relevant instructions issued by the C&AG of
(d) he is qualified for confirmation under the relevant recruitment rules and
passed prescribed tests, if any , before confirmation.
On Promotion
(i) If the recruitment rules do not prescribe any probation, an officer promoted
on regular basis (after following the prescribed D.P.C procedure etc.) will
have all the benefits that a person confirmed in that grade would have.
the higher grade , he will pass an order declaring that the person concerned
has successfully completed the probation. If the appointing authority
considers that the work of the officer has not been satisfactory or needs to
be watched for some more time, he may revert him to the post or grade
from which he was promoted or extent the period of probation as the case
may be.
10.2 Seniority
Note (i) : the dossiers from the S.S.C of candidates of earlier section if sponsored
after sponsoring the candidates of later selection should not be accepted as it
affects the seniority of candidates of later selection who have already joined
service . These dossiers should be returned to the commission without delay
explaining the position.
(ii) If any direct recruit does not join duty within the prescribed time limit and is
granted extension of time by the competent authority for joining duty due to
reasons other than non completion of medical formalities in respect of the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 327
candidate himself, his seniority will be determined with reference to the date of his
appointment. If however , extension of time for joining duty is granted due to non
completion of medical formalities panel seniority will remain intact.
(iv) Where promotions are made on the basis of selection e.g. Supervisor , Audit
officer/Accounts officer by a DPC the seniority of such promotees shall be in the
order in which they are recommended for such promotion by the Committee. Where
promotions are made on the basis of seniority subject to rejection of unfit , the
seniority of persons considered fit for promotion at the same time shall be same
as relative seniority in the lower grade from which they are promoted. Where
however a person is considered unfit for promotion and is superseded by junior
such person shall not . if he is subsequently found suitable and promoted , take
seniority in the higher grade over the junior persons who had superseded him.
(v) Where there is direct recruitment and also promotion , the relative seniority of
direct recruits and of promotees shall be determined according to the rotation of
vacancies between direct recruits and promotees which shall be based on the
quota of vacancies reserved for direct recruitment and promotion respectively in
the Recruitment Rules. For this purpose, a 20 point promotion roster is maintained
and closed every year on31st December . No vacant slot meant for direct recruits
should be carried forward for being filled in later years. If adequate number of
direct recruits do not become available in any particular year, rotation of quotas for
the purpose of determining the seniority would take place only to the extent of
available direct recruits and the promotees , Thus to the extent direct recruits are
not available, the promotees will be bunched together at the bottom of seniority list
below the last position up to which it is possible to determine seniority list below
the last position up to which it is possible to determine seniority by rotation .The
unfilled vacancies including those vacancies intended for direct recruitment for
which selection could not be made due to non- availability of candidates should be
pooled with the new vacancies in the next year and the total vacancies so arrived
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 328
(vi) In the case unilateral transfer , the person transferred is assigned the lowest
position in the seniority list of the relevant cadre , In the case of transfer on mutual
basis , seniority for the lower of the two lengths of service in the relevant cadre
should be given to both the men in the new office to which they are transferred.
(vii) The seniority of the officers found fit for promotion but promoted after the
period of penalty imposed on them would be as per their position in the panel
recommended by the DPC from which they are promoted irrespective of their date
of promotion . However the monetary benefit in the higher post will be admissible
only from the date of actual promotion.
10.3 Promotions
10.3.1 The recruitment rules for each post specifically state whether it is a
selection post or non selection post . These rules which stipulate inter alia
the eligibility condition should be consulted by the DPC before empanelling
the staff.
10.3.2 Promotion to selection posts are made on the basis of merit of officers
as assessed by the DPC after examination of their records of service , For
this purpose the DPCs are required to make their own assessment of
records of the service of the officers irrespective of any grading that may be
shown in the Confidential Reports. In order to ensure that the promotion to
selection posts are not made in routine fashion the DPC should make a
rigorous assessment of the performance of the officers in the field of
selection excluding those considered unfit by it. The field of selection
commonly known as zone of consideration is dependent on the number of
vacancies and is regulated by orders of Department of Personnel &
Training as applicable to IA&AD . The panel for promotion is drawn up to
the extent necessary by placing the names of the Outstanding officers first
followed by the officers categorized as very good and followed by officers
categorized as good . The inter se- seniority of officers belonging to any
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 329
one category would be the same as their seniority in the lower grade . In
the case of promotion to selection posts in Group C and D the
instructions contained in the Brochure on reservation in service for SC& ST
should be kept in view.
10.4.2 Whenever any field office receives a demand for deputation /foreign
service from an organization to which it cannot recommend its
officials directly, the demand has to be passed on to C&AG
immediately on receipt.
According to the above time -schedule , E.B. cases failing during the month
of April to July are cleared in the month of April . It would be necessary to
get the confidential reports in respect of these persons for the immediately
preceding years written on priority basis during the first fortnight of April
itself so that the considerations of these cases of E.B. is not delayed
beyond the month of April. No special reports need be obtained for
consideration of cases failing in the months of August to January next, as a
matter of course , for the position of the year for which a regular report has
not yet become due. This will, however , be without prejudice to the writing
of the reports during the months July to December also when the reporting
officer who has supervised on official for at least three months , quits
charges and a result a report has to be written up as per standing
instructions and the reports so written should be considered by the DPC
considering E.B. cases
10.6.4 In the event of DPC being convened after a gap of time following the
date on which the Government. Servant became due to cross the
E.B., the Committee should consider only those Confidential Reports
which it would have considered had the DPC been held as per the
prescribed schedule . If the Government servant is found unfit to cross
the bar from original due date , the same DPC can consider the report
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 332
the DPC shall assess their suitability without taking into consideration the
disciplinary case/criminal prosecution pending or contemplated against them.
However , the recommendations of the DPC shall be kept in sealed cover . If
on conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings the Government servant is
exonerated of the charges against him, the recommendations in the sealed
cover may be considered by the competent authority , who may lift the
efficiency bar retrospectively from the date it originally became due. If the
proceedings end in imposition of one of the minor penalties ,the E.B cases
may be reviewed by the DPC with reference to the original recommendations
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 333
kept in the sealed cover and the circumstances leading to the disciplinary action
and the penalty imposed. The review of DPC in such cases shall , having
regard to the circumstances of the case like the date of the cause of action
for the disciplinary proceedings and the nature of penalty , specifically give
their recommendations whether the crossing of E.B can be allowed from the
original due date or from prospective date only . In cases where the
disciplinary proceedings end in imposition of a major penalty , the
recommendations of the DPC kept in the sealed cover shall not be acted
10.6.9 In respect of (i) Govt. servants on deputations from the State Govt.
and vice-versa and (ii) Govt. servants on deputation from Central
Govt. Department to another Central Govt. Department /foreign service,
the authority competent to sanction increment above the efficiency
bar will be the authority which has the power to make substantive
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 334
10.6.10 When a Govt. servant officiating in a higher post becomes due for
crossing Efficiency Bar in the scale attached to the higher post even before
earning a single report regarding his performance in the higher post
consideration of his case for crossing the Efficiency Bar in the scale attached
to the higher post in which he is officiating should be deferred till at least
one report about his performance in that post becomes available and thereafter
taken up for consideration which should be on the basis of the entire record
of service .If he found fit as a result of such consideration , he may be allowed
to cross the Efficiency Bar retrospectively from the due date.
10.7.1 The increment certificate which is prepared every month in each office
, should be put up along with the Increment Register (Form SY 299) for
approval of the authority competent to approve the increment certificate not
later than the end of the first week of the month. Increment will ordinarily be
allowed by the authority concerned as a matter of course unless it is withheld
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 335
from a Govt. servant by the Competent Authority if his conduct has not been
good or his work has not been satisfactory.
(i) For passing the final Examination of I.C.W.A/ A.I.C.A - Six advance
10.8.2 The two advance increments to those qualify the Intermediate stage
of I.C.W.A/ A.I.C.A will get absorbed on the six advance increments
grantable on qualifying final of these examinations . Similarly one
advance increment to those who qualify the Intermediate stage of
Indian Company Secretaries Examination will get absorbed in the three
advance increments grantable on passing the final of said
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 336
10.8.4 The benefit of advance increments for having passed the I.C.W.A/
A.I.C.A examinations will also be allowed with effect from 7-9-1987 or
from the date of appointment which ever is later , even to those who
have acquired such qualification before appointment in I.A.A.D. The
benefit of one/three advance increments on passing Intermediate /
Final examination will be admissible with effect from 21-12-1990 to
those who have passed the Indian Company Secretaries Examination
as on 21-12-1990 irrespective of whether they passed it before or after
joining service under I.A.A.D.
10.8.5 Prior approval of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India would
be necessary in all cases of grants of advance increments , However,
in the case of non-gazetted establishment , actual fixation of pay and
adjustment thereof on account of the grant of advance increments
will be made by the Accountants General etc. provisionally under FR
27 as per orders issued by the CAG/Government of India on the
subject , Quarterly statement of such cases will be sent to the CAG
by the Accountants General etc. by 15th of January , April, July and
October each year for proceeding ex-post facto approval.
Note 1 : the benefit of advance increments is given from the date following the last
date of the prescribed examination.
10.9.1 Apart from the special pay attached to particular posts under proper sanction,
the special pay admissible to Group B officers and the non- gazetted staff of the
Indian Audit and Accounts Department are given in annexure I to this Chapter. The
Auditors/ Senior Auditors/ Senior Accountants/ Accountants /Clerks who pass the
Section Officers Grade Examination but are awaiting promotion to the Section
Officers Service , will be entitled to a special pay of Rs. 40/-p.m. from the date
following the last day of Part-II of Section Officers Grade Examination in which they
are declared successful . This special pay will be taken into account for fixation of
pay on promotion as Section Officer but not for purpose of promotion as Senior
Auditor /Senior Accountant . From one year after passing the Section Officers
Grade Part-II Examination , the special pay will be Rs.70/- for those who are
awaiting promotion. However the staff who decline promotion will not be entitled to
this enhancement in the rate of special pay but will continue to draw Rs. 40/-
10.10.1 No alteration will be made in the date of birth of a Govt. servant recorded in
the service book except in the case of clerical error The date of birth shall be declared
by the Govt. Servant at the time of appointment and accepted by the competent
authority , on production , as far as possible , of confirmatory documentary evidence
such as High School or Higher Secondary or Secondary School Certificate or
extracts from Birth Register . The date of birth so declared by Govt. Servant and so
accepted by the appropriate authority shall not be subject to any alteration , except
with the sanction of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India . An alteration of
date of birth of a Govt. servant can be made with the sanction of the Comptroller and
Auditor General of India in accordance with note 6 below FR 56 (m).
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 338
10.11.3 In the case of Section Officers attached to the field parties in the OAD wing,
who have not worked under any single officer for a period of three months or
more in a reporting year, the Branch officer at the Headquarters should
write up the reports after forming an opinion in the course of scrutiny of
their inspection reports and , if necessary , after calling for the reports from
the Inspecting Officers . An assessment of their work and conduct should
be done carefully and while reviewing these Confidential Reports, the
Senior Deputy Accountant General / Director of Audit (Inspection) would
take into account the reports from the different officers as well as his own
10.11.6 Confidential Reports on the Clerks /Typists shall be written in the Form No.
Rider have been prescribed . The Form No. 5 prescribed for Section Officer
may be adopted for writing the Confidential Reports on Manager (Typing
Pool) and Welfare Assistant Form No. 9 prescribed for Clerks may be used
for writing Confidential Reports on Record Keepers and the Form No.11 as
prescribed for Group D may be adopted for writing Confidential Reports on
Staff Car Drivers and Despatch Rider.
10.11.9 The reporting officer shall , in the beginning of the year assign targets to each
of the officers with respect to whom he is required to report upon. Eight to
ten items of physical /financial targets/ objectives/ goals in quantitative or other
terms of work should be fixed, in the case of an officer taking up a new post
in a course of reporting year , such targets /goals shall be set at the time of
assumption of the new charge. The target should be clearly known and
understood by both the reporting officer and the officer reported upon. While
fixing the targets , priority should be assigned item-wise, taking into
consideration the nature and the areas of work and any special features that
may be specific to the nature or the areas of the work of the officer to be
reported upon. The Reporting Officer should at the regular intervals review
the performance and the necessary corrective steps by way of advice etc. It
should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possible
picture of the appraisee in regard to his /her performance , conduct , behaviour
and potential . Assessment should be confined to the appraisees
performance during the period of the report only. The Instructions contained
at the end of each Confidential Report Form should be carefully gone through
before writing the Confidential Reports by the reporting /reviewing officers.
submitted by 15th April . A reporting officer should not wait till the expiry of
the time limit for the self-appraisal. After the expiry of the first week if self-
appraisal is not received by the stipulated time the reporting officer should
take it upon himself to remind the officer to be reported upon in writing ,
asking him to submit the self appraisal by the stipulated date. If no self-
appraisal is received by the stipulated date, the reporting officer can obtain
another blank Confidential Report Form and proceed to write the report on
the basis of his experience of the work and conduct of the officer reported
upon. .The reporting officer may point out the failure of the officer reported
upon to submit his self-appraisal within the stipulated time.
10.11.11 The time schedule for the various stages involved in the completion
of Confidential Reports given below should be adhered to.
Note : It may be ensured that extracts of adverse remarks are not communicated to
the employees while on leave on account of sickness, until after they become fit
and rejoin duty.
10.12.1 The central civil services (conduct) rules,1964. Central Civil Services
(temporary service) Rules, 1965 and Central Civil Services
(Classification , control and Appeal) Rules,1965 are applicable to all
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 342
(ii) Relate to matters of local interest on which the Head of the office
can himself take a decision, or.
10.14.4 The All India Association of IA&AD (recognized) shall always submit
the representations /resolutions etc. to the higher authorities of the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 344
10.15.1 Application for the grant from Compassionate Fund for the relief of
families of Govt. servants left in indigent circumstances on account of
premature death of the person upon whom they depended, should be
submitted in duplicate by the Accountants General etc. as expeditiously as
possible, after the death of the Govt. servant. While forwarding the
applications, the extent to which the case conforms to the rule regulating the
grants made from the fund must be reported . Any special features of the
case should be brought out and the recommendations then stated ,
Applications not submitted within one year of the death of the govt. servant
shall not be considered unless the reason for the delay are sufficiently
explained . Information relating to immovable property should be checked with
reference to the property returns furnished by the concerned individuals.
Concessions like appointment of dependants of the deceased govt. servants
on compassionate grounds and permission for retention of govt.
accommodation should not be considered as a bar for the grant of help from
the Compassionate Fund. The totality of the circumstances in which the
families of the deceased govt. servants are placed ,should be taken into
account in considering the need, for the quantum of assistance from the
10.16.1 Accountants General and other Head of the deptt should act in
accordance with the following principles in exercising the powers to sanction
undertaking of work by Group B and C staff for which a fee is offered and
the acceptance of fees.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 345
(1) The remuneration granted for such work should not be excessive
in relation to the pay of the official.
List of Group B posts and Non-Gazetted Posts the Holders of which are
Entitled to Special Day
Group B Gazetted
Group C
Group B Gazetted
Group C
Group B Gazetted
Group C
Group C
Group C
Group D Posts
(Referred in paragraph 10.13.1)
1. Serial No.
4. Date of Birth
Note : In the list of AOs and AAOs and SOs there will be an additional column to
note the year of passing the SOGE /Revenue Audit Exam for SOs/AAOs.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 350
11.2 Budget estimates in the prescribed forms are prepared by all Heads of
Offices in respect of salaries and travel expenses of Group A, Group B
officers and non-gazetted establishment (on the basis of approved staff),
office expenses (contingencies) , grants -in aid etc. for their own offices and
the offices subordinate to them and submitted to the Comptroller and Auditor
General for scrutiny.
11.2.1 The Budget Estimates of the Posts & Telecommunications Audit offices
and the Railway Audit offices, separately in respect of group A officers &
Group B officers (including non- gazetted Establishment attached to those
offices) are prepared by the Principal Director of Audit , Posts &
Telecommunications and the concerned Principal Director of Railway Audit
respectively and are submitted by them to the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India . After Scrutiny the budget estimates of the Posts &
Telecommunications Audit offices are intimated by the office of the Comptroller
and Auditor General to the Ministry of Communications (Deptt. of Posts) while
those of Railway Audit offices to the Ministry of Railways (Railways Board)
and also incorporated in the budget of the Indian Audit and Accounts
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 351
11.2.2 The budget estimates of the office of the Principal Director of Audit ,
India Audit offices , London including those of the offices attached to that
office are compiled by the Principal Director of Audit , India Audit office,
London on the basis of the approved staff and submitted to the Comptroller
and Auditor General of India . The estimates in respect of Group A , Group B
and non-Gazetted Estt . of the office of the Director of Audit, Indian Accounts
in Washington are prepared by Director of Audit , Indian Accounts in
Washington and submitted to the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
11.2.4 The budget estimates of the office of the Comptroller and Auditor
General are prepared by his office. The budget estimates after scrutiny are
consolidated for the Indian Audit and Accounts Department as a whole and
sent to the Ministry of Finance duly approved by the Deputy Comptroller and
Auditor General . After the budget is passed by Parliament , Comptroller and
Auditor Generals office will communicate to all the offices the monetary
provision made under the head Salaries and Travel expenses in respect of
officers working in those offices.
be spent during the course of the year . Provision should not be made for
inchoate schemes which require to be worked out and submitted to higher
authorities for sanction. If any expenditure requires the sanction of the
President , it should not be included in the estimates the sanctions of the
President , it should not be included in the estimates unless the required
sanction has already been obtained.
11.3.1 In framing the revised estimates ,the Accountants General should not
merely repeat the budget figures. They should be framed carefully on
the basis of the recent actuals and a forecast of events during the
remainder of the year.
11.3.2 The Revised Estimates for the current financial year and budget
estimates for the ensuing financial year should be prepared in the
prescribed form and submitted to Headquarter office by the 30th
September each year. The following general instructions should be
kept in view while framing the estimates:
September and should exhibit separately the provision for all vacant
posts as can be expected to be filled in that financial year.
(iii) Provision for additional posts , including provision under the sub
head Travel Expenses for the same, need not be made in the
estimates . This will be included by the Headquarters office.
(b) Others
(xi) The Government of India have decided that provision of funds for works
of special requirements ,such ,as , air conditioning , special electrical fitting,
strong rooms, horticulture works etc. would have to be made in the budget
estimates of the respective departments and not in the estimates of Ministry
of Works, Housing and Supply. The estimated requirement of funds for such
items of work for inclusion in the budget estimates of the ensuing year, duly
supported by detailed justification may be sent so as to reach Head quarters
office by the 10th August.
(xiii) All figures should be given to the nearest hundreds of rupees under
each detailed and sub- head .
11.4.2 The work statistics compiled by the section for assessment of staff
requirements should be thoroughly and carefully checked either by the
Section Officer of the Internal Audit section or by a Section Officer of some
other section who has nothing to do with the particular staff proposals and
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 356
11.4.3 At the time of scrutiny of the budget proposals for each group, the Internal
Audit Branch should test check the figures furnished therein for their
accuracy and completeness. It should mention a record of test checks
conducted and the results of such test check should be put up to the
Accountant General/ Principal Director of Audit along with the results of its
independent recheck of the details in support of Budget proposals
mentioned in item 12 of Annexure to para 3.17.4 of Manual of Standing
Orders (Audit).
11.4.5 The statistics sent to Headquarters office should bear the signature of
both the persons who prepared them and checked them.
11.5 The staff proposals for inclusion in the revised estimates for the current
year and the budget estimates for the ensuing year in respect of Group B
officers and non-gazetted establishment should be submitted by all the
Accountant General etc. to the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
by such date(s) as may be prescribed each year, which will ordinarily not
be later than 30th June. Detailed instructions issued from time to time for
the preparation and submission of these proposals should be meticulously
followed, the general instructions contained in the following sub
paragraphs should be kept in view while formulating the staff proposals:
(c) The statistical data forming the basis of the staff proposals should
be furnished in the prescribed proforma.
(d) In cases where the work statistics which form the basis for the staff
proposals vary from those pertaining to the staff proposals for the
immediately preceding two years, by five percent or more, such variations
should be analysed and explained suitably. Similar explanations should
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 358
(i) While making proposals for provision of the additional posts in the
revised estimates/budget estimates the feasibility of filling up the proposed
additional posts in different cadres should be considered critically in the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 359
11.7 All applications for re-appropriations within the budget grants and
appropriations should be submitted to the Headquarters Office through the
Review of Expenditure for the month of January each year. These applications
should be based on the latest actuals and the probable expenditure for the
remaining months as far as it can be foreseen and not on revised estimates. The
applications for supplementary grants should not, however, be held up till that
time but submitted to the Headquarters Office as soon as it is clear that a
supplementary grant will be necessary.
(ii) When a need arises during the year for supplementary additional
expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the
budget for the year.
11.10 All savings in the Audit Grant are to be surrendered by the Comptroller
and Auditor General to the Ministry of Finance, when they are foreseen, without
waiting till the end of the year, unless they are required to meet the excesses of
the kind referred to in paragraph 11.9 which are foreseen at the time. Savings
should not be held in reserve for possible excesses, though a reasonable margin
may be allowed for inaccuracy in forecast.
11.12 The Comptroller and Auditor General controls the expenditure under the
Major head 2016 Audit incurred in the several Audit and Accounts offices
subordinate to him and the Accountants General/Principal Directors of Audit are
responsible that expenditure is kept within the limit of appropriations. The
Accountants General should pay close personal attention to the control of
expenditure in their office. A reference should be made to the Comptroller and
Auditor General whenever any excess is likely to occur, under any head of
11.13 In order that the Comptroller & Auditor General may be in a position to
watch the progress of expenditure in the several Audit and Accounts Offices and
to ascertain where a saving is likely to occur, the Accountants General / Principal
Directors of Audit should submit to him reports through statements in Annexure
IV, V and VI of expenditure under each primary unit of appropriation against
their office budget. The report should be sent in the Form given in Annexure IV, V
and VI every month so as to reach the Comptroller and Auditor Generals office
by 10th of the month succeeding that to which it relates . Accountants General /
Principal Directors of Audit shall reconcile the figures of expenditure with the
concerned Pay and Accounts Officer at the end of each month and furnish a
certificate to that effect in the monthly review of expenditure statement to the
Hqrs. Office. In order to render possible a proper distribution of the figures of
periodical adjustments against the monthly expenditures under each primary unit,
the details of all book adjustments should be given in a footnote to the Forms. In
respect of the Group A Officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department under
IRLA system of payment the Principal Director of Audit Central Revenues should
send every month statements in the Form appended as Annexure VII to the
Comptroller and Auditor General separately for Civil (Charged), Civil (Voted),
Post and Telecommunications (Voted), Railways (Voted) and Commercial
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 362
11.14 With the return for the fifth month of each financial year, each Accountant
General / Principal Director of Audit should submit a full review of the progress of
his expenditure up-to-date and of its probable course during the remainder of the
financial year in the Form appended as Annexure IV, V, and VI. He should make
proposals for surrender of funds if he expects a saving and a demand for an
increased grant if he expects an excess.
11.14.1 A final return for the whole year should be sent after the close of
11.15 The Principal Director of Audit, Central Revenues will send monthly
statement to the Comptroller and Auditor General showing the expenditure vis-a-
vis the budget provision under the various Heads of Accounts for over all control
of expenditure against Grant of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The
figures so communicated by the Principal Director of Audit will be compared in
the Headquarters Office with those consolidated from the monthly review of
expenditure statements received from the field offices. The Principal Director of
Audit, Central Revenues will also reconcile his figures quarterly with the figures
booked by the Pay & Accounts Officers with a view to rectifying any errors in
classification committed in his office. The field officers will reconcile their
expenditure figures every month with the Pay and Accounts Officers.
have been complied with, two copies of the Appropriation Accounts (along with
headwise Appropriation Accounts etc.) are to be sent to the Office of the
Comptroller and Auditor General for countersignature of the Deputy Comptroller
and Auditor General in his capacity as Chief Accounting Authority for this Grant.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 364
Year ..
(Referred to in paragraph 11.3.2 (ix)
Details of Provision Proposed for Pay and Allowances of Gazetted Officers/Establishment
Cadre Rate of Rate for
No. of Posts Dearness other
Scale of pay Allowance Allowances
Sl. Name Actual Amount Date Rate Amount Total Provision Details of Total Remarks
No. Pay of of of of Provi- for the Provi- other
due Provision incre- Incre- incre- sion Dearness sion for other Allow-
on 1st for the ment ment ment for Allow- Allowance ances
April year at for the pay ances
the rate year Col.4
in &
Column Col.7
C.C.A. H.R.A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 365
NOTES: (1) Separate statements should be prepared for the main office and the Local Audit Department.
(2) The details of each category of posts should be shown separately.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 366
Name of Office..
(Referred to in Paragraph 11.5 (h))
Details of the Staff Position for the Current Year and the Budget Proposals
for ensuing Year in Respect of Casual and Seasonal Temporary Staff
No. Category of staff No. of posts sanctioned Months Remarks
or required for
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. SOs/Supervisors Posts Current
years Budget
Supplementary Budget
Proposed for the ensuing year
Comptroller & Auditor Generals
2. Sr.Ars./Ars./Sr.Acctts./Accountants
Posts Current years Budget
Supplementary Budget
Proposed for the ensuing year
Comptroller & Auditor Generals
3. Clerks Posts Current years
Supplementary Budget
Proposed for the ensuing year
Comptroller & Auditor Generals
4. Stenographers Posts Current
years Budget
Supplementary Budget
Proposed for the ensuing year
Comptroller & Auditor Generals
5. Group D Current years Budget
Supplementary Budget
Proposed for the ensuing year
Comptroller & Auditor Generals
NOTE:- Figures in the various Columns would represent the number of posts
sanctioned or required for the number of months specified above that column
i.e. figures under column I would represent the number of posts sanctioned or
required for one month and so on.
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 367
(Referred to in Paragraph 11.13 and 11.14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Salaries
(i) Pay
(ii) Dearness
(iii) Other
(b) Honoraria
(c) CEA/TF
(d) Medical
(e) L.T.C.
Total Other
Total Salaries
(Referred to in Paragraph 11.13 and 11.14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A (1) Salaries
A (2) Wages
A (4) Travel
A (5) Office
A (6) Rent,
Rates &
A (7) Publications
A (8) Grants-in-
(Referred to in Paragraph 11.13 and 11.14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A (1) Salaries
(i) Pay of Officers
(ii) Pay of Estt.
(iii) DA
(iv) FA
(v) IR
(vi) Bonus
(vii) Other Allowances
(a) CCA, HRA etc.
(b) Honoraria
(c) CEA/TF
(d) Medical Treatment
(e) L.T.C.
Total other Allowances
Total A (1) Salaries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11. Purchase & Repairs
of Accounting
12. Charges paid to State
Govt. for Police
13. Hot & Cold Weather
14. Electricity & Water
15. Other Items
Total other Office
Total Office
(Referred to in paragraph 11.13)
Total Salaries
Grand Total
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 372
12 Destruction of Records
12.1 The audit of accounts of the Union and of the States being an item of the
Union List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution, the accounts and audit
records fall under section 3(2) (c) (ii) of the Destruction of Records Act, 1917.
The period of preservation of records maintained in the Indian Audit and
Accounts Department is therefore, prescribed by the Comptroller and Auditor
General or by Accountants General / Principal Directors of Audit and officers
subordinate to them.
12.2 Records in Audit and Account Offices, the life of which has been
prescribed by the Comptroller and Auditor General are, due for destruction on the
expiry of the period noted against each in the Annexure to this Chapter. The
Accountants General / Principal Directors of Audit are competent to prescribe the
period of preservation of other records of local nature, the life of which has not
been fixed by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
Note: The Heads of offices in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department have
been delegated the same powers for the destruction of the official records as are
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 373
12.5 While conducting this review it should be ensured that the vouchers and
other documents which are known to be required by the Government or a Court
of Law, or in connection with the settlement of outstanding audit objections, or
when the accounts for the period to which they relate, have not been completely
checked and accepted in audit, are not destroyed.
12.6 The accounts records of earstwhile princely States relating to the pre-
merger period may be got examined by the nominated representative of the
State Governments and of the State Universities before they are sorted out for
weeding, to ensure that no such records, as are likely to be of historical interest,
are destroyed.
12.8 Suitable arrangements should be made for early disposal of old records
finally selected for destruction after the orders of a responsible gazetted officer
have been passed in accordance with executive orders in force from time to time.
12.10 Orders for the period of preservation etc. of the records of the executive
offices rendering accounts to the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are
issued by the Government concerned. The Heads of Offices should arrange for
a regular scrutiny of these orders and take up with the Government cases where
the period prescribed will hamper the completion of process of central and local
audit. The orders issued by the Central and State Governments are incorporated
in their Financial Rules and these provisions generally require reference being
made to the Accountant General / Principal Director of Audit of the list of records
pertaining to the accounts audited by the Indian Audit and Accounts Department
which are proposed to be destroyed before destruction is ordered by the
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 375
(Referred to in Paragraph 12.2)
(iv) Provident Fund Declaration Follows the period prescribed for General
Forms Provident Fund vouchers of Final
23. Registers of Securities and Permanently
properties held
24. Register of Contingent Expenditure 5
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 379
(i) not in accordance with the 30 years where payments are made
nomination of the subscriber before
1-4-64. 25 years where payments are
made after 31-3-64
(ii) In accordance with the nomination 6 years where payments are made before
of the subscriber 1-4-64. 3 years where payments are
made after 31-3-64
5. Provident fund vouchers of final -do-
payments other than those
mentioned in Serial No. 4 above
6. Vouchers pertaining to 6 years from the date of sanction of
nonrefundable withdrawals from the withdrawal in cases where withdrawal has
Provident Funds been made before 1.4.64. 3 years from
the date of sanction of withdrawal in
cases where withdrawals has been made
after 31.3.64
7. Vouchers for payments on account of Permanently
land taken up
8. Vouchers of Payment of Permanently
compensation to Jagirdars on
abolition of their Zamindaris and
9. Assignments and Compensation 5
CAGs Manual of Standing Orders (Administrative) Vol.I (Third Edition) 380
(g) Reports and orders on 5 years after final action has been taken
defalcation cases (h) Orders on the report.5 years after the
communicating sanctions to pensions pensioners death (Thereafter they are to
together with the first page of be sent to National Archives of India for
application for pension or the permanent retention).
descriptive rolls, as the case may be.
(j) Orders and sanctions of a For State side: 10 years or less subject
permanent Character (e.g. orders to annual review.
permanently exempting Government For Central side: not applicable
servants from the operation of the
rule relating to halts during the tour)