Modification of Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectra by Stochastic Acceleration
Modification of Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectra by Stochastic Acceleration
Modification of Cosmic-Ray Energy Spectra by Stochastic Acceleration
Zentrum fr Astronomie und Astrophysik, Technische Universitt Berlin, Hardenbergstrae 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Institut fr Geowissenschaften, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultt III, Martin-Luther-Universitt Halle, 06099 Halle, Germany
Received 20 December 2012 / Accepted 22 May 2013
Context. Typical space plasmas contain spatially and temporally variable turbulent electromagnetic fields. Understanding the trans-
port of energetic particles and the acceleration mechanisms for charged particles is an important goal of todays astroparticle physics.
Aims. To understand the acceleration mechanisms at the particle source, subsequent eects have to be known. Therefore, the modifi-
cation of a particle energy distribution, due to stochastic acceleration, needs to be investigated.
Methods. The diusion in momentum space was investigated by using both a Monte-Carlo simulation code and by analytically solv-
ing the momentum-diusion equation. For simplicity, the turbulence was assumed to consist of one-dimensional Alfvn waves.
Results. Using both methods, it is shown that, on average, all particles with velocities comparable to the Alfvn speeds are acceler-
ated. This influences the energy distribution by significantly increasing the energy spectral index.
Conclusions. Because of electromagnetic turbulence, a particle energy spectrum measured at Earth can drastically deviate from its
initial spectrum. However, for particles with velocities significantly above the Alfvn speed, the eect becomes negligible.
Key words. plasmas magnetic fields turbulence acceleration of particles solar wind cosmic rays
using magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves (e.g., Skilling 1975; and (iii) the isotropic model, which does not assume a preferred
Schlickeiser 1989a) by applying quasi-linear theory (Shalchi & direction for the turbulent field. For reasons of simplicity, the
Schlickeiser 2004). slab model is used here.
In the presence of shock waves (Schlickeiser 1989b), the For the propagating plasma waves, which enter Eq. (3) via
first-order Fermi acceleration is usually dominant compared the wave frequency , specifically linearly polarized, undamped
to stochastic acceleration in the downstream region (Vainio slab Alfvn waves are chosen. In that case, the dispersion
& Schlickeiser 1999). In contrast, in this article the stochas- relation reads
tic acceleration outside a shock wave is investigated by means
of test-particle simulations. Such codes neglect the influence (k) = vA k , (2)
of the particles on the turbulence (Giacalone & Jokipii 1999;
Michaek et al. 1999; Tautz 2010a), which is generally justi- where the Alfvn speed is vA = B0 / 4 with the mass
fied if concentration is focused on a tenuous component such as density. Other possible wave types such as slow and fast mag-
cosmic rays. Because the turbulence consists of MHD plasma netosonic waves or Whistler waves require three-dimensional
waves that carry an electric field, momentum diusion oc- turbulence, something that is beyond the scope of the present
curs so that the average particle energy is changed. In most investigation.
cases, particles with discrete energies are assumed so that the
energy-dependence of transport parameters such as the mean
free path can be investigated. Here, in contrast, an initial distri- 3. Monte-Carlo simulations
bution function is assumed, the time evolution of which is then For the test-particle simulations, the test-particle Monte-Carlo
traced so that the influence of the stochastic acceleration can code PADIAN (Tautz 2010a) is used, which solves the trajec-
be evaluated. Furthermore, the two cases will be distinguished tories of a large number of particles as they are being scattered
by (i) an ensemble that evolves without supplying new parti- by electromagnetic turbulence. Dimensionless variables are in-
cles; and (ii) continuous particle injection according to the pre- troduced as = t for the time with = qB/(mc) the Larmor
scribed initial distribution. Case (i) has been applied to solar en- frequency, and R = u/(0 ) as a dimensionless rigidity per
ergetic particle events (Drge 2005; Schlickeiser et al. 2009). magnetic field with 0 a characteristic length scale (see below).
Case (ii) corresponds to the generation of the anomalous cosmic-
ray spectrum (Fisk & Gloeckler 2006). Therefore, we intent
to demonstrate that Monte-Carlo test-particle simulations are a 3.1. Numerical turbulence generation
suitable tool for tracking the time evolution of a particle velocity Numerically, the turbulent electromagnetic fields are obtained
distribution or an energy-spectrum. from the superposition of a number of propagating MHD plasma
The paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2, the basic prop- waves as
erties of the electromagnetic turbulence model are presented. In
Sects. 3 and 4, the numerical test-particle code PADIAN is intro-
duced and the simulations results are presented, respectively. In B(r, t) = Re e A(kn ) exp i kn z (kn )t + n , (3)
Sect. 5, an analytical solution of the momentum-diusion equa- n=1
tion is derived, and is compared to the numerical results. A brief
where the wavenumbers kn are distributed logarithmically in the
summary and a discussion of the results with regard to future
interval kmin kn kmax and where is a random phase angle.
applications are given in Sect. 6.
the amplitude and the polarization vector, one has A(kn )
G(kn ) and e ez = 0, respectively, with the primed coordinates
2. Astrophysical turbulence properties determined by a rotation matrix with random angles.
With these assumptions and for the variables introduced
In astrophysical plasmas such as the heliosphere, turbulent elec- above, the Newton-Lorentz equation can be expressed as
tromagnetic fields are generated by instabilities or by large-
scale motion cascaded towards smaller scales. Measurements d B B
in the solar wind (e.g., Bruno & Carbone 2005) confirm the R = RA e E + R e B0 + e B , (4)
d B0 B0
Kolmogorov (1991) power law, which gave rise to a spectral tur-
bulent energy distribution of the form (e.g., Bieber et al. 1994; where e B and e B0 are unit vectors in the directions of the tur-
Tautz et al. 2006b) bulent and the background magnetic fields, respectively. The
5/6 unit vector for the electric field e E is obtained using Faradays
G(k) 0 (B)2 1 + (0 k)2 , (1) induction law (Schlickeiser 2002). Furthermore, the parameter
RA vA /(0 ) is called the Alfvn rigidity.
where 0 = 0.03 a.u. denotes the turbulence bend-over scale.
In addition to the turbulence spectrum, the particle behavior
is also influenced by the turbulence geometry, i.e., the angular 3.2. Diffusion coefficients
distribution with respect to a preferred direction, which is given In the normalized coordinates, spatial diusion coecients are
by an ambient magnetic field such as the solar magnetic field defined through the mean square displacements in the direc-
(Parker 1958; Fisk 1996). Apart from fully three-dimensional tions parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field
anisotropic models (Matthaeus et al. 1990; Weinhorst & Shalchi as (Tautz 2010a)
2010; Rausch & Tautz 2012), there are three models that have
been used over the years: (i) the slab model, which assumes , (t) 1 2
= x , (t) . (5)
that the turbulent field depends solely on the coordinate along 02 2t
the mean magnetic field B0 as B = B(z) for B0 = B0 e z ;
(ii) the composite model, which superposes the slab field by a Here, is time-dependent and hence is frequently denoted the
two-dimensional complement as B = Bslab (z) + B2D (x, y); running diusion coecient.
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R. C. Tautz et al.: Modification of cosmic-ray energy spectra by stochastic acceleration
Using the same general derivation, a dimensionless run- Table 1. Parameters used for the Monte-Carlo simulation.
ning momentum diusion coecient can be defined through (cf.
Ostrowski & Michaek 1993; Tautz 2010b) Parameter description Symbol Value
Dp (p, t) 1
Minimum rigidity Rmin 103
= [R(t) Rinit ] .
(6) Maximum rigidity Rmax 1
p2init R2init t Alfvn rigidity RA 104; 3
Energy spectral index a 1.5
From the inverse momentum diusion coecient, the so-called Number of plane waves N 256
acceleration time scale (e.g., Zank et al. 2006; OSullivan et al. Number of particles 105
2009; Dosch & Shalchi 2010) can be constructed as Relative turbulence strength B/B0 1
R 0.002
10 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
3 2 1 0
10 10 10 10
R 0.08
4 0.06
R4.96 0.04
10 0.02
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
R4.35 t
Fig. 3. Maximum of the distribution function as the time increases.
Again the cases of RA = 104 (upper panel) and RA = 103 (lower
panel) are shown. The black and red lines denote the cases of single
injection and continuous particle injection, respectively. The thick lines
10 simply show cubic fits of the actual simulation data. Additionally, the
3 2 1 0
10 10 10 10
R average particle rigidity is shown in the lower panel (dotted line). (This
figure is available in color in electronic form.)
Fig. 2. Energy spectral index for the cases of RA = 104 (upper panel)
and RA = 103 (lower panel). Shown is the energy distribution function
at the beginning (black lines) and at the end of the simulation for the
cases of single injection (red lines) and continuous particle injection spectra. Whereas initially all particles are distributed according
(blue lines). Also shown are the spectral indices obtained from power- to the power law in Eq. (8a), this is later changed towards a bro-
law fits (dashed lines) to the simulation data (thin lines). (This figure is ken power-law distribution (upper panel) and, for larger Alfvn
available in color in electronic form.) velocities, a distribution that shows a power-law feature only in
a very narrow energy range. In all simulation runs, the spectral
indices have been fitted to the steepest range. The notable re-
4. Simulation results sult is that in the case of continuous injection the spectrum is
only moderately flattened even though newly injected particles
Two basic sets of simulations need to be distinguished: (i) sin- are present at all times.
gle injection, where all particles are injected at time t = 0 and The maximum particle rigidity is depicted in Fig. 3, show-
their trajectories are monitored; and (ii) continuous injection, ing a steady increase due to stochastic acceleration. The only
where, throughout the simulation, new particles are injected with exception is found for low Alfvn rigidity in the case of contin-
rigidities determined according to the distribution function from uous injection, where the average rigidity remains constant for
Eq. (8a). Technically; case (ii) is realized by choosing the max- some time. Again, it is the Alfvn rigidity that has the prominent
imum simulation time as a random number so that, throughout influence on the resulting average particle energy, at least qual-
the simulation, particles with random life times are present. All itatively, and not the average particle life-time as distinguished
simulation parameters are summarized in Table 1. by continuous versus single injection.
In Fig. 1, the evolution of the distribution function is traced The associated running momentum diusion coecient de-
as time increases. Initially, a power-law distribution according to termined through Eq. (6) is shown in Fig. 4. We note that the
Eq. (8a) is assumed. As the simulation time increases, a maxi- time is normalized as vA t/0 , which illustrates that for smaller
mum in the distribution function is quickly established. Because Alfvn velocities larger times are needed until the momentum
of the stochastic acceleration of the particles, the maximum is diusion coecient reaches its asymptotic limit. It is precisely
then constantly shifted towards higher energies. In the case of a the fact that almost a 1/t time dependence can be seen before
low Alfvn velocity, the process proceeds relatively slowly. We finally a transition to a constant (diusive) value occurs that
note that the results shown in Fig. 1 correspond to case (i). makes it so numerically dicult to obtain a reliable value for
The quantitative variation of the energy spectral index is il- the momentum diusion coecient. The maximum simulation
lustrated in Fig. 2, which illustrates the time evolution of the ve- time vA t/0 = 102 corresponds to t = 105 and t = 106 , re-
locity distribution by comparing the initial and the final particle spectively, which illustrates that for the parameters chosen here,
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R. C. Tautz et al.: Modification of cosmic-ray energy spectra by stochastic acceleration
10 here for reasons of simplicity. We note that, by defining a di-
RA = 103 mensionless rigidity diusion coecient DR = Dp /(02 m2 3 ),
RA = 104 Eq. (10) can be written in dimensionless form by using the
3 normalized variables introduced in Sect. 3.
For Alfvn waves, the diusion coecient (see, e.g.,
Schlickeiser 1985, 1989a; Stawarz & Petrosian 2008) reads
2 2 2
4 B vA p c 2
Dp (p) (11)
B0 c R2sL
with RL the Larmor radius, so that Dp p s . It should be noted
10 however that Eq. (11) was derived only for a simple turbulence
spectrum of the form G(k) ks with s [1, 2] (for a more
detailed discussion see, e.g., Schlickeiser 2002, Sect. 13.1.3).
6 Consider the diusion coecient written as Dp = D0 pq and
1 2
10 the initial distribution written in the form f (p, a) = f0 pa . Then
vA t/0 Eq. (10) is given as
Fig. 4. Numerically calculated running momentum diusion coecient f D0 q+2 f
for the cases of RA = 104 (solid line) and RA = 103 (dashed line). We = 2 p (12)
note that for the last part of the lower curve, only 103 particles could be t p p p
used, while the rest was obtained from a simulation with 104 particles.
The two diamonds illustrate the quasi-linear result from Eq. (B.2) in
In general, there are two options. First, when f is initially pre-
Appendix B. scribed as the power law in Eq. (8a), then a Fourier approach
can be used as shown in Appendix A. This allows the reduction
of the momentum diusion equation to an ordinary dierential
scattering in momentum takes an extremely long time until the equation but has the disadvantage that the Fourier transform of
diusive limit is reached2. the initial distribution function must be known. Second, when f
is initially unknown, a self-similar solution can
be sought,
5. Analytical stochastic acceleration is based on the separation f (t, R) = S (t)H p/E(t) and will be
discussed in the next subsection.
In principle, the stochastic variations in the particle energy may
be positive or negative. However, as shown in Sect. 4, the net
eect was a significant energy gain of the particle ensemble. To 5.1. Self-similar solution
verify this finding, we present an approach to this problem by Consider again Eq. (12). For a self-similar solution one seeks a
directly solving the equation of momentum diusion. The be- solution in the form
havior of charged particles in turbulent electromagnetic fields
has to be described using a Fokker-Planck approach (Parker p
f (t, p) = S (t)H , (13)
1965; Schlickeiser 2002) or at least a diusion-convection equa- E(t)
tion. Usually, the terms that describe spatial diusion are of
higher magnitude than momentum-diusion terms. For partic- where S , H, and E need to be determined. With = p/E(t),
ular parameter values analytical solutions are feasible (e.g., Eq. (12) can then be written
Bsching et al. 2005; Pohl 2009), whereas a full solution
requires numerical tools (Guyer et al. 2009). 1 f f E D0 q+2 f
+ = 2 (14)
However, if concentration is to be focused on stochastic en- E 2q t E 3q
ergy changes only (e.g., Sect. 3.3 in Tverskoi 1967; Blandford
& Eichler 1987; Ostrowski & Siemieniec-Oziebo 1997), it is which, by using Eq. (13), yields
sometimes convenient to neglect spatial diusion altogether.
Under certain conditions3 the diusion-convection equation can S E dH D0 S d q+2 dH
H 2q S 3q = 2
then be expressed as E E d d d
f 1 f
= 2 p2 Dp (p) , (10) 5.1.1. Solution for general q 2
t p p p
which is a linear parabolic partial dierential equation. In princi- Collecting terms, one has
ple, Dp depends also on time, which however will be neglected
S E dH D0 d q+2 dH
= 2 , (15)
Of course, long is a relative term as 106 gyro periods is a short time E 2q S E 3q H d H d d
compared to the dynamical time scales in most astronomical sources.
However, both computationally and with respect to spatial diusion which is separable when (the coecients C1 , C2 , and C3 are
which takes about a factor of 104 fewer gyro periods that time scale is constants)
indeed extremely long.
For example, the principle of detailed balance has to be fulfilled, E
which requires an equilibrium state (e.g., Klein 1955). Specifically, = C1 (16a)
E 3q
in the present case it states that the probability (p, p ) for changing
the particle momentum from p to p satisfies the condition (p, p ) = dE q2
= C1 (2 q) (16b)
(p , p). dt
A101, page 5 of 10
A&A 555, A101 (2013)
so that
E = C2 C1 (2 q) t 1/(2q) . (16c)
Then additionally one must have 10
= C2 C1 (2 q) t C3 , (16d)
E 2q S S 10
which integrates trivially so that one obtains S (t) in the form
S (t) = S 0 C2 C1 (2 q) t C3 /[C2 (2q)] (17) t=2
and one has 4
d q+2 dH C1 3 dH C3 2
+ H = 0. (18) 4 3 2 1 0 1 2
d d D0 d D0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
For further simplification use the fact that the distribution func-
Fig. 5. Evolution of the momentum distribution function as obtained
tion is normalized, i.e.,
from the self-similar solution of the momentum diusion equation for
the case q = 2. The three lines illustrate the distribution at the times t =
1 = S (t)E(t) 3
d 2 H() S (t)E(t)3 H0 (19) 0 (black solid line), t = 1 (blue dashed line), and t = 2 (red dotdashed
0 line). (This figure is available in color in electronic form.)
so that S (t)1 = E(t)3 H0 , yielding S /S = 3E/E
With = i/D0 [(q + 1)](q+4)/(q+1) and m = (q + 4)/(q + 1) which connects the expression for f with the frequency power-
one has law F0 () . And so one has the solution, provided no lim-
its are set on the pa behavior. Furthermore, for finite times,
2 F t > 0, one then has a relatively simple integral for f (t, ) from
+ m F = 0, (A.3)
2 Eq. (A.8). We note also that, if F0 () = fn n then superpo-
sition of inverse Fourier integrals of the above type gives the
which has the solution
general solution. Thus for any f (p) that is expandible in or-
2 (2m)/2 thonormal functions expressed as power combinations through a
F(, ) = F0 () J1/(2m) , (A.4) Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process one has the solution
by superposition.
where Jn (z) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order n and
where F0 () is constant in . Then
Appendix B: Non-linear momentum diffusion
2 (2m)/2
f (t, ) = d F0 ()eit J1/(2m) . (A.5) With RA /R, the general expression for the Fokker-Planck
coecient of momentum diusion is of the form
We note that 2 m = (q 2)/(q + 1).
Suppose that F0 () is a simple power in , i.e., F0 () = 2 p2 2 1
Dp = d 1 2
dk G(k )
f0 (i) . Now set = 0 (i) so that 2B20 1
(v jvA ) k + + (v jvA ) k , (B.1)
f (t, ) = f0 d (i) e(i)t
2 0
J1/(2m) 2m (i) . (A.6) which was derived under the assumption of slab linearly polar-
2m ized, undamped Alfvn waves (Schlickeiser 2002).
Using quasi-linear theory (Jokipii 1966), the momentum dif-
Set i2m 2 so that 2 d = id 2m and = fusion coecient for Alfvn turbulence with vanishing cross
(2m)/2 e3i/4 1/2 . Careful inspection of the integration limits helicity is given through (Schlickeiser 2002)
shows that
2 1 1 2
(2m)/2 ei/4 E1 (A.7a) Dp 2 B 1
= C(s) d
G , (B.2)
p2 R B0 0 | j| R | j|
+ j=1
(2m)/2 e3i/4 E2 . (A.7b)
The resulting inverse Fourier integral of the distribution function 1 (s/2)
then reads C(s) = (B.3a)
2 (1 s)/2)
f (t, ) = 2i f0 (2+1)(m2)
d 2+1 ensures the normalization of the spectrum from Eq. (1), from
E1 which only the wavenumber-dependent part
2 0 s/2
J1/(2m) exp 2 m2 t , (A.8) = 1 + (0 k)2
2m G(k) (B.3b)
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