3 Phase Wiring Installation in Multi Story Building
3 Phase Wiring Installation in Multi Story Building
3 Phase Wiring Installation in Multi Story Building
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In house wiring, we instill two types of wiring in which one 3 phase wiring installation for house and other one single phase installation. In this post you will
learn how to instill three phase electrical wiring using a simple diagram in which i shown how to instill three phase 4 wire system in a multi story building.
One thing more that i shown 3 distribution boards in which every story have there own electrical main distribution board.
Also read
How to wire and instill the 3 phase kWh energy meter?
How to wire Single phase kWh meter?
Now come to the connection for distribution board for one story. The method of installation 3 phase wiring is simple, you divide your load in three parts and
each part have there own Line (phase). My means that divide your load in 3 parts and provide one one phase to each part.
Now here i have multi story building in which each story have there own single phase distribution board.
So we will provide one one phase or line to each story. And our neutral will be common but this will be common in circuit breaker output point and each
story have there own neutral wire. So provide my Line 1 or phase 1 to the rst distribution board and you can see in diagram. So come to Distribution
RCD Brekaer.
I also instill and wire double pole RCD (residual current device) in each distribution board. If you did not understand the wiring and instillation of RCD then
read the following post.
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Also read
How earthing system works for protection?
Also read
How to wire a voltmeter for single phase?
How to wire a voltmeters for Three phase?
How to wire voltmeter selector switch for 3 phase with volt meter?
How to instill the volt meter selector switch for 3 phase 4 wire system?
How to wire light indicator for 3 phase 4 wire system?
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After the connections of three phase kWh meter we provide the 3 phase 4 wire supply to 4 pole MCCB circuit breaker which on th- 100 amp. Now the next
step is outgoing supply form the 4 pole MC CB circuit breaker. The N neutral wire will be common for each story or load and you see it in the below diagram,
that i connect the neutral black color wire from the breaker and wire it with a connection point connector.
So the neutral will be common for each story or distribution board and one one phase will be distribute to the each story. So i connect the neutral wire to a
neutral connection point or connector from where we can get connection of neutral for load.
I connect a neutral wire to this neutral connection point and connect to the story 3distribution board double pole MCB breaker. And then i get Phase wire
form the MCCB and connect to this MCB breaker. Then MCB supply goes to the double pole RCD and you can see it in below diagram. Note these two
breaker are 63 amps.
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Now form the RCD breaker the neutral wire goes to neutral connection point as i shown in above 3 phase wiring diagram and the phase (hot wire) red color
is goes to all single pole MCB breakers which i shown in above diagram.
In the above3 phase wiring diagram the2 single pole breaker are 16 amp , 2 are 10 amps and other sex are 6 ampere breaker. Note that this just in example
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and you must instill or wire breaker regarding your total load. Note that use high quality wire for your wiring system. And always chose or use the wire
regarding load (amps).
I also wire the voltmeter in above three / 3 phase wiring third story building wiring, for which i get hot wire connection form input points ofsingle poleMCB
breakers and neutral from neutral connection connector point. And same i wire the light indicator.
In the above diagram i shown the ammeter connection with current transformer (CT coil) and also provide the complete method of wiring and installation of
ammeter with current transformer in above links. However use always the current transformer regarding the ammeter requirements. If the ammeter is 60/5
then use a current transformer with same value 60/5.
You can also use AC series type of ammeter but the CT type ammeter is better then ammeter which we use between supply in series connection.
As i shown in above 3 phase wiring diagram that i do the earthing connection, and provide the earth wire to each point. I shown in bottom of diagram earth
symbol with name of earth electrode and from here i provide the ground connection to all story loads / rooms etc. And in each story i use the earth
connection point, from where a person can provide the earth wire to any load / electrical machine, outlets etc.
In the above 3 phase wiring diagram 1,2,3,4..... in circle means that these wire goes to load 1 , load 2 and load 3. It's mean that if the 1 hot wire (phase - red)
wire goes to the room A then the neutral 1 (black wire) is also for the room A and the earth connection 1 number wire is also for the same point (load- room
Follow the same method for story 1and story 2, but provide the L2 (phase 2 - Hot wire 2 ) to the story 2 and Line 3to story 1 which is bottom of 3phase
wiring diagram. However lets get anotherreview on diagram step by step.
First of all provide the serves line wire to the 3 phase kWh meter from utility pole.
Then provide the 3 phase 4 wire supply to 4 pole MC CB Circuit breaker.
Then connect the neutral point form MC CB to neutral connection point.
Then get connection from the main neutral point and connect to story 3 or other story double pole MCB circuit breaker.
The connect the L1 to the story three double pole MCB between the CT (current transformer) and form MCB connect neutral and phase to the RCD
circuit breaker. (Note some people know RCDwith name of ELCB (earth leakage circuit breaker).
Then from RCD connect the neutral wire to neutral connection point and phase to circuit single pole breakers.
Then provide the supply to the voltmeter and indicator light.
ThenDo connection between CT coil and ammeter.
Then provide the earth connection (green wire) to story three earthing connection point.
Then provide the supply to each loads form circuit breaker , neutral connection point and earth / ground connection connectors.
That's all , same follow this method for each story. but provide there own dierent phase wire and neutral wire.
This in example of 3 phase wiringinstallationin multi story building, and i use dierent ampere circuit breaker, just for your understanding. However always
use breaker regarding your load. Now i hope you understood the 3 phase wiring in multi story house or building, now if want gave us suggestion or any
question then use the below comments section.
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Dear i also share 3 phase voltmeter selector switch wiring diagram and if you did learn about this then kindly read the below
Hi, I'm using three phase line. I would like connect ROTARY SWITCH,. Is that possible to connect (4P ISOLATOR- ROTARY SWITCH- 4p
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