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Signals & Systems Unit Wise Important Questions


S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
Signal Analysis and Fourier Series
1 Define Signal. Remember 1
2 Define system. Understand 1
3 What are the major classifications of the signal? Understand 1
4 Define discrete time signals and classify them Remember 1

5 Define continuous time signals and classify them. Understand 1

6 Condition for minimum mean square error? Remember 1
7 Define discrete time unit step &unit impulse. Understand 2
8 Define continuous time unit step and unit impulse. Remember 2
9 Define periodic signal and nonperiodic signal. Remember 2
10 Define unit ramp signal. Understand 2
11 Define energy and power signals? Understand 2
12 Define even and odd signal? Remember 2


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
13 Define unit ramp function? Remember 2
14 Define the Parsevals Theorem? Remember 2
15 Define continuous time complex exponential signal? Remember 2
16 What is continuous time real exponential signal? Understand 2
17 What is continuous time growing exponential signal? Remember 2
18 Find whether the signal given by x (n) = 5cos (6n) is periodic Apply 2

19 Write down the exponential form of the Fourier series representation of a Apply 5
Periodic signal?
20 Write down the trigonometric form of the fourier series representation of a Apply 5
Periodic signal?
21 Write short notes on Dirichlets conditions for fourier series. Understand 5

22 State Time Shifting property in relation to fourier series. Understand 5
23 Obtain Fourier Series Coefficients for () = 0 Remember 5
24 What are the types of Fourier series? Remember 5
Fourier Transforms and Sampling
Define Fourier transform pair.
Find the fourier transform of x(t)=sin(wt)
Explain how aperiodic signals can be represented by fourier transform.
Explain how periodic signals can be represented by fourier transform.
5 State Convolution property of Fourier Transform. Remember 5
6 Find the fourier transform of x(t)=cos(wt) Apply 5
7 Find the fourier transform of sgn function Apply 5
8 Find the Fourier transform of x(t)=e Apply 5
9 State properties of fourier transform. Understand 5
10 State Parsevals relation for continuous time fourier transforms. Apply 5
11 The Fourier transform (FT) of a function x (t) is X (w). What is the FT of Remember 5
dx(t )/ dt
12 What is the Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse existing between Understand 5
t = T / 2 to t = T / 2
13 What is the Fourier transform of a signal x( t) =e2t u(-t) Apply 5

14 What are the difference between Fourier series and Fourier transform? Apply 5
15 Explain time shifting property of fourier transform Apply 6
16 Why CT signals are represented by samples. Remember 6
17 What is meant by sampling? Apply 6
18 State Sampling theorem. Understand 6
19 What is meant by aliasing? Apply 6
20 What are the effects aliasing? Apply 6
21 What are all the blocks are used to represent the CT signals by its samples? Remember 6


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
22 Mention the types of sampling. Remember 6
23 Define Nyquists rate. Apply 6
24 What is the condition for avoid the aliasing effect? Apply 6
25 What is an antialiasing filter? Apply 6
26 What is the Nyquists Frequency for the signal Understand 6
x(t) =3 cos 50t +10 sin 300t cos100t ?

27 What is the period of the signal x(t ) = 10sin 12t + 4 cos18t Apply 6
28 Define Nyquists interval Remember 6
29 Define sampling of band pass signals. Understand 6
30 What is the Nyquists Frequency for the signal Apply 6
x(t) =3 cos 100t +10 sin 30t cos50t ?

Signal transmission through linear systems
1 What are the Conditions for a System to be LTI System? Remember 3
2 Define time invariant and time varying systems. Understand 3

Is the system describe by the equation y(t) = x(2t) Time invariant or not?

What is the period T of the signal x(t) = 2cos (n/4)?

Is the system y(t) = y(t-1) + 2t y(t-2) time invariant ?
Is the discrete time system describe by the equation y (n) = x(-n) causal or
non causal ?Why?



7 What is the periodicity of x(t) = e j100IIt ? Understand 3

8 What is the impulse response of two LTI systems connected in parallel Apply 3
9 Define LTI CT systems Apply 3
10 What is the condition of LTI system to be stable? Understand 3
11 What are the tools used for analysis of LTI CT systems? Understand 3
12 When the LTICT system is said to be dynamic? Remember 3
13 When the LTICT system is said to be causal? Remember 3
14 When the LTICT system is said to be stable? Remember 3
15 Define impulse response of continuous system Remember 3
16 Find the unit step response of the system given by h (t)= 1/RC e u(t) Understand 3

17 What is the impulse response of the system y(t)= x(t-to) Remember 3

18 Define eigenvalue and eigen function of LTI-CT system. Understand 3
19 The impulse response of the LTI-CT system is given as h(t) = e u(t). Remember 3
Determine transfer function and check whether the system is causal and
stable series?
20 Define impulse response of a linear time invariant system. Understand 3
21 Write down the input-output relation of LTI system in time and frequency Remember 3
22 Define transfer function in CT systems. Understand 3


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
23 What is the relationship between input and output of an LTI system? Apply 3
24 Write down the convolution integral to find the output of the CT systems Apply 4
25 Give the system impulse response h(t). State the conditions for stability and Understand 4
26 List and draw the basic elements for the bloc diagram representation of the Understand 4
CT systems.

27 What are the three elementary operations in block diagram representation of Remember 4
CT system
Convolution and correlation of signals
1 What are the properties of convolution? Understand 5

2 Explain about Auto correlation? Remember 5
3 State the Cross correlation? Understand 5
4 Properties of Auto correlation Understand 5
5 Determine the convolution of the signals X(n)={2,-1,3,2} & h(n)={1,-1,1,1} Apply 5
6 Define convolution integral. Understand 5
List the properties of convolution integral.
State commutative property of convolution.
Find the convolution of two sequences x(n)={1,1,1,1} and h(n)={2,2}?
What is the overall impulse response h(n) when two system with impulse
response h1(n)and h2(n) are connected in parallel in series?

11 What is the necessary and sufficient condition on impulse response for Understand 5
12 What are the steps involved in calculating convolution sum? Remember 5
13 Find the convolution of x1(t) and x2(t) , x1(t)= t u(t),x2=u(t) 14. Understand 5
14 Find linear convolution of x(n)={1,2,3,4,5,6} with y(n)={2,-4,6,-8} Remember 5
15 Find the circular convolution of x1(n)={1,2,0,1} X2(n)={2,2,1,1} Apply 5
Laplace transforms and z transforms
1 What is the use of Laplace transform? Understand 5
2 What are the types of laplace transform? Remember 5

3 Define Bilateral and unilateral laplace transform. Understand 5

4 Define inverse laplace transform. Remember 5
5 State the linearity property for laplace transform. Apply 5
6 Region of convergence of the laplace transform Understand 5
7 State the time shifting property for laplace transform Understand 5
8 What is pole zero plot. Apply 5
9 State initial value theorem and final value theorem for laplace transform Apply 5
10 State Convolution property of the Laplace transform Apply 5
11. What is region of Convergence? Understand 5


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
12. What are the Properties of ROC? Remember 5
13. The unilateral Laplace transform of f (t) is 1/s +s+1. What is the unilateral Understand 5
Laplace transform of tf (t)
14. Find the Laplace Transforms of the function f(t)u(t),where f(t) is periodic Remember 5
with period T, is A(s) times the L.T. of its first period.
15. In what range should Re(s) remain so that the L.T. of the function e(a+2)t+5 Apply 5

16. Define Z transform. Understand 5
17. What are the two types of Z transform? Understand 5
18. Define unilateral Z transform. Apply 5
19. What is the time shifting property of Z transform. Apply 5

20 What is the differentiation property in Z domain Apply 5
21 State convolution property of Z transform. Understand 5
22 State the methods to find inverse Z transform. Remember 5
23 State multiplication property in relation to Z transform. Understand 5
24 State parsevals relation for Z transform. Remember 5
What is the relationship between Z transform and fourier
Define one sided Z transform and two sided Z transform.
What is the Z-transform of sequence x(n)=a u(n)?
What is the linearity property of Z transform
What is the correlation property of z transform
30 The final value of x(t)=(2+e ) u(t) is obviously x()=2. Show that this final Understand 5
value can be found with the final value theorem.

S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
Signal Analysis and Fourier Series
1 Prove that the functions m(t) and n(t ) where k(t) =(1/T)(cos kwt+sinkwt); Understand 1
T=2/w are orthogonal over the period(0,T)
2 Prove that sin nwt and cos mwt are orthogonal to each other for all integers m,n Apply 1

3 Prove that the complex exponential signals are orthogonal functions x(t)=e Apply 1
and y(t)=ejmwt let the interval be(t0, t0+T)
4 Discuss how an unknown function f(t) can be expressed using infinite mutually Apply 1
orthogonal functions. Hence show the representation of a waveform f(t) using
trigonometric fourier series.


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
5 A rectangular function is defined as Apply 1
, 0 < < /2

, < < 3/2
= 2
, < < 2
Approximate the above function by A cos t between the intervals (0,2) such

that the mean square error is minimum.
6 A rectangular function is defined as Remember 1
1, 0<<
1, < < 2
Approximate the above function by a single sinusoid sint between the
intervals(0,2) , Apply the mean square error in this approximation.

7 Show that f(t) is orthogonal to signals cost, cos2t, cos3t, cosnt for all integer Apply 1
values of n, n0, over the interval (0,2) if
1, 0<<
1, < < 2
8 Explain the analogy of vectors and signals in terms of orthogonality and Remember 1
evaluation of constant.

Sketch the following signals
Consider the complex valued exponential signal x(t)= A et+jwt, a>0. Apply the
real and imaginary components of x(t) for the following cases
is real, =1 ii) is imaginary, =jw iii) is complex,


i) + ( 1) ii) f(t)=3u(t)+tu(t)-(t-1)u(t-1)-5u(t-2)

11 Apply the following integrals Apply 1

5 2
i) 0
sin 2 ii)
12 Determine whether each of the following sequences are periodic or not, if Remember 2
periodic determine the fundamental period.
i) x(n)= sin(6n/7) ii) y(n)= sin(n/8)
13 Write a short note on exponential fourier spectrum Apply 2
14 Derive the polar fourier series from the exponential fourier series representation Apply 2
and hence prove that Dn=2 |Cn|
15 With regard to fourier series representation, justify the following statement Remember 5
a) odd functions have only sine terms

b) even functions have no sine terms

c) functions with half-wave symmetry have only odd harmonics
16 Find the fourier series expansion of the periodic triangular wave shown below Apply 5
for the interval (0,T) with amplitude of A


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
17 Determine the fourier series of the function shown below for the interval (0,T) Understand 5
with amplitude of A

18 Obtain the fourier series representation of an impulse train given by Apply 5


() = = ( )

19 Determine the fourier series expansion of the square wave function as Remember 5

1, 1/2 < < 1/2

1, < < 3/2
20 Obtain the trigonometric fourier series for the periodic rectangular waveform as Apply 5
shown below for the interval (-T/4,T/4)

below with amplitude of 1
Assume that T=2, determine the fourier series expansion of the signal shown Apply 5
22 Find the exponential fourier series for the fullwave rectified sinewave as shown Remember 5
below for the interval (0,2) with an amplitude of A

23 The complex exponential representation of a signal x(t) over the interval (0,T) is Apply 5

4 + ()2
i) what is the numerical value of T?
ii) if one of the components of x(t) is A cos 3t, determine the value
of A
iii) determine the minimum number of terms which must me retained
in the representation of x(t) in order to include 99.9% of the energy
in the interval


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
Fourier Transforms and Sampling
1 Distinguish between the exponential form of the fourier series and fourier Remember 5
transform. What is the nature of the transform pair in the above two cases
2 Find the fourier transform of the following Apply 5
a) real exponential, x(t)= e u(t), a>0

b) rectangular pulse, =
0, >
c) x(t)= e u(-t), a>0
3 a) Find the fourier transform of a gate function Apply 5
1, < 1/2
0, > 1/2

b) Find the fourier transform of x(t)=1
4 Find the fourier transforms of Remember 5
a) cos wt u(t) b) sin wt u(t) c) cos (wt+) d) e
5 Find the fourier transforms of a normalized Gaussian pulse Understand 5
6 Find the fourier transforms of a Triangular pulse Apply 5
Find the fourier transforms of signal x(t)=e
Find the fourier transforms of signal x(t)
sgn(t) Apply
9 The magnitude |Y(w)| and phase (w) of the fourier transform of a signal y(t) Remember 5
are shown in below, find y(t)

10 Find the fourier transforms of the trapezoidal pulse as shown below Apply 5


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
11 Find the fourier transforms of signal x(t) as shown below Understand 5

12 Determine the fourier transforms of the sinc function as shown below Apply 5

Find the fourier transform of square wave with period T=4, amplitude of A
Determine the fourier transform of exponentially damped sinusoidal signal

15 Find the fourier transform of periodic pulse train with period T=T/2, with Remember 5
amplitude of A
16 Find the fourier transform of e -at sin wt u(t) Apply 5
17 Find the continuous magnitude and phase spectra of a single pulse Understand 5
, (, 0)
= 0,
, (0, )
18 sin 50t 2 Apply 6
Consider the signal = which is to be sampled with a sampling

frequency of s=150 to obtain a signal g(t) with fourier transform G(jw).

Determine the maximum value of w0 for which it is guaranteed that

G(jw)=75X(jw) for |w|w0, where X(jw) is F.T of x(t)
19 A signal x(t)=2cos 400t+6 cos 640t is ideally sampled at fs=500Hz, if the Apply 6
sampled signal is passed through an ideal LPF with a cut off frequency of
400Hz, what frequency components will appear in the output.
20 Determine the Nyquists rate and interval corresponding to each of the following 6
signals Apply
sin 4000 t
i) =

ii) x(t) =1+cos 2000t+sin 4000t


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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
21 The signal x(t)=cos 5t+0.3 cos 10t is instantaneously sampled. Determine the Remember 6
maximum interval of the sample
22 The signal x(t)=cos 5t+0.3 cos 10t is instantaneously sampled. The interval Apply 6
between the samples is Ts
a) Find the maximum allowable value for T s
b) If the sampling signal is S() = = 0.1 , the sampled signal
vs(t)= v(t).S(t) consists of a train of impulses, each with a different

strength vs() = = Ik t 0.1k , find I0, I1, I2
c) To reconstruct the signal vs(t) is passed through a rectangular LPF. Find
the minimum filter bandwidth to reconstruct the signal without
23 For the analog signal x(t)=3 cos 100t Understand 6

a) Determine the minimum sampling rate to avoid aliasing
b) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate, fs=200Hz, what is the
discrete time signal obtained after sampling
c) Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate, fs=75Hz, what is the
discrete time signal obtained after sampling
d) What is the frequency 0<f< fs/2 of a sinusoid that yields samples

identical to those obtained in (c) above
Show that a band limited signal of finite energy which has no frequency
components higher than fm Hz is completely described by specifying values of
the signals at instants of time separated by 1/2 fm seconds. Also show that if the
instantaneous values of the signal are separated at intervals larger than 1/2 f m
seconds, they fail to describe the signal. A band pass signal has spectral range
Apply 6

extending from 20kHz to 80kHz; find the acceptable range of sampling

frequency fs.
25 A flat-top sampling system samples s signal of maximum frequency 1kHz with Apply 6
2.5 Hz sampling frequency. The duration of the pulse is 0.2s. Compute the
amplitude distortion due to aperture effect at the highest signal frequency. Also
determine the equalization characteristic.
Signal transmission through linear systems
1 Determine whether the following input-output equations are linear or non linear. Understand 3
2 2 2
a) y(t)=x (t) b) y(t)=x(t ) c) y(t)=t x(t-1) d) y(t)=x(t) cos 50t
2 Find whether the following system are static or dynamic Apply 3
2 x(t)
a) y(t)= x(t ) b) y(t)=e c) = =0


3 Find whether the following systems are causal or non-causal Apply 3

a) y(t)=x(-t) b) y(t)=x(t+10)+x(t) c) y(t)=x(sin(t)) d) y(t)=x(t) sin(t+1)
4 Determine whether the following systems are time-varying or time-invariant Apply 3
2 2
a) y(t)=tx(t) b) y(t)=t x(t-1) c) y(t)=a[x(t)] +bx(t) d) y(t)=x(t) cos 50t
5 Show that the following systems are LTI systems Apply 3
+ 4 , 0
a) y(t)=x(t/4) b) =
0, <0
6 Find whether the following systems are stable or unstable Apply 3
a) y(t)=e ; |x(t)|<10 b) y(t)=(t+10) u(t)

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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
7 Find the impulse response of a system characterized by the differential equations Apply 3
a) + = ; < <

2 ()
b) + = ; < <
Where x(t) is the input and y(t) is the output
8 Test whether the system described in the figure is BIBO stable or not Understand 4

9 Test whether the given LC LPF is BIBO stable or not Apply 4

Find the voltage of the RC LPF shown below for an input voltage of te -at Apply 4
11 The impulse response of a continuous time system is expressed as Understand 4

= ()

find the frequency response and plot the magnitude and phase plots
12 A system produces an output of y(t)= e-t u(t) for an input of x(t)= e-2t u(t). Apply 4
Determine the impulse response and frequency response of the system
13 The input voltage to an RC circuit is given as x(t)=te-t/RC u(t) and the impulse Apply 4
response of this circuit is given as h(t)=(1/RC) e-t/RC u(t). Determine the output

14 For a system excited by x(t)=e -2t u(t), the impulse response is Apply 4
-t 2t
h(t)=e u(t)+e u(-t), find the output y(t) for this system
15 1 Understand 4
Consider a causal LTI system with frequency response =

For a particular input x(t), the system is observed to produce the output, y(t)=e -3t
u(t)-e-4t u(t), find the input x(t)?
16 The transfer function of the LPF is given by Understand 4

1 + cos ; < 2
0; > 2
Determine the output y(t) when a pulse x(t) band limited in B is applied at input

11 | P a g e

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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
17 Find the impulse response of the system as shown below Apply 4

Find the transfer function. What would be its frequency response? Sketch the

18 Determine the maximum bandwidth of signals that can be transmitted through Apply 4
the low pass RC filter as shown below, if over this bandwidth, the gain variation
is to be within 10% and the phase variation is to be within 7% of the ideal

19 There are several possible ways of estimating an essential bandwidth of non- Apply 4

band limited signal. For a low pass signal, for example, the essential bandwidth
may be chosen as a frequency where the amplitude spectrum of the signal
decays to k% of its peak value. The choice of k depends on the nature of
application. Choosing k=5, determine the essential bandwidth of g(t)= e-at u(t).
Find the impulse response to the RL filter as shown below Understand 4

21 Consider a stable LTI system characterized by the differential equation Understand 4

2 () () ()
+4 +3 = + 2 ()
Find its impulse response and transfer function
Convolution and correlation of signals

1 Determine the convolution of two functions x(t)=a e-at ; y(t)= u(t) Apply 4
2 Find the convolution of the functions x(t) and y(t) as shown below Apply 4

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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
3 Find the convolution of the rectangular pulse given below with itself Understand 4

4 Determine the energy and power for the following signals and hence determine Understand 4
whether the signal id energy or power signal
i) x(t)=e-3t ii) x(t)=e-3|t| iii) x(t)= e-10t u(t) iv) x(t)=A ej2at
5 Verify Parsevals theorem for the energy signal x(t)= e -at u(t), a>0 Apply 4
6 Find the power for the following signals Apply 4

i) A cos wt
ii) a+f(t), a is a constant and f(t) is a power signal with zero mean
7 Find the autocorrelation, power, RMS value and sketch the PSD for the signal Apply 4
x(t)=(A+ sin 100t) cos 200t
8 Determine the energy spectral density (ESD) of a gate function of width and Understand 4

amplitude A.
A signal e-3t u(t) is passed through an ideal LPF with cut-off frequency of 1 rad/s
i) Test whether the input is an energy signal
ii) Find the input and output energy
A function f(t) has a PSD of S(w). Find the PSD of i) integral of f(t) and


ii) time derivative of f(t)
11 A power signal g(t) has a PSD Sg(w)=N/A2, -2B w 2B, shown in figure Apply 4

below, where A and N are constants.

12 The periodic signal g(t) is passed through a filter with transfer function H(w) Apply 4
shown in figure below. Determine the PSD and RMS value of the input signal.
Assume the period is 2.

13 A filter has an input x(t)=e-2t u(t) and transfer function, H(w)=1/(1+jw). Find the Understand 4
ESD of the output?
14 The auto correlation function of signal is given below Understand 4
i) = 2 2

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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
ii) = 2
Determine the PSD and the normalized average power content of the signal
15 Determine the auto and cross correlation and PSDand ESD of the following Apply 4
signal x(t)=Asin(wt+)
16 Find the convolution of the two continuous-time functions Apply 4

; < 0
x(t)= 3 cos2t for all t and y(t)=e-|t| =
; 0

17 State and prove the properties of auto correlation function Apply 4
18 Prove that for a signal, auto correlation and PSD form a fourier transform pair Understand 4
19 Show that the relation between correlation and convolution Understand 4
20 Find out the cross correlation function of the following two periodic wave forms Apply 4

Find the power spectral density of a periodic signal?
Derive the Parsevals theorem from the frequency convolution property

Laplace transforms and z transforms

1. Determine the function of time x(t) for each of the following Laplace transforms Understand 5
and their associated region of convergence
(+1)2 2 +1
i) > 1/2 ii) > 1
2 +1 (+1)2

2. Consider the following signals, find Laplace transform and region of Apply 5
convergence for each signal
a) e-2t u(t) + e-3t u(t) b) e-4t u(t) + e-5t sin 5t u(t)
3. State the properties of Laplace transform Understand 5
4. Determine the function of time x(t) for each of the following Laplace transforms Remember 5
1 +1
a) ; > 0 b) ; < 0 c) ; < 1
2 +9 2 +9 (+1)2 +9

5. Determine the Laplace transform and associated region of convergence for each Apply 5
of the following functions of time
i) x(t) = 1; 0 t 1 ii) x(t)= 1 2 iii) x(t)= cos wt
2 ;

6. Properties of ROC of Laplace transforms Understand 5

7. Find the Laplace Transforms of the following functions Understand 5
a) exponential function b) unit step function c) hyperbolic sine & cosine
d) damped sine function e) damped hyperbolic cosine & sine f) power n

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S. QUESTION Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Level Outcome
8. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the functions Apply 5
10 10
i) Y(s)= ii) Y(s)=
(+2)2 (+8) (+2)3 (+8)

9. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the functions Apply 5

2 2 +6+6 4 +5 3 +12 2 +7+15
i) Y(s)= ii) Y(s)=
+2 ( 2 +2+2) +2 ( 2 +1)2

10. 6 2 +8+5 Apply 5
A certain function f(t) is known to have a transform F(s)= , find f(t)
(2 2 +6+5)
find also values of f(t) at t=0 and t=
11. 1 Understand 5
Find x(t) if X(s)= using convolution
( 2 + 2 )2

12. For an initially inert system, the impulse response is (e -2t+e-t) u(t). find the Remember 5

excitation to produce an output of t. e-2t u(t)

13. Find the Laplace transform of the following function , x(t)= (1/t) sin2 wt Understand 5
14. + Remember 5
Obtain the inverse Laplace transform of the function

15. Find the Laplace Transform of cos wt and sin wt using frequency shifting Apply 5



x(t)= e-2t u(t) + e3t u(t)

Determine the Laplace transform and associated region of convergence and
pole-zero plot for the following function of time.

Find the z-transform of the following sequences

-n n


i) x[n]= a u[-n-1] ii) x[n]= u[-n] iii) x[n]= -a u[-n-1]
18 A finite series sequence x[n] is defined as x[n]={5,3,-2,0,4,-3}.find X[z] and its Apply 5
19 Find the z-transform of the following Apply 5
n n
i) x[n]= cos nw. u[n] ii) x[n]= a sin nw. u[n] iii) x[n]= a u [n]
20 Find the z-transform and ROC of the following sequences Apply 5
n n
i) x[n]=[4(5n)-3(4n)] u(n) ii) (1/3) u[-n] iii) (1/3) [u[-n]-u[n-8]]
21 Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals? Understand 5
22 Using the power series expansion technique, find the inverse z-transform of the Remember 5
following X(z):

i) X(z)= ; |z|<1/2 ii) X(z)= ; |z|>1
2 2 3+1 2 2 3+1

23 Find the inverse Z-transform of X(z)= ; |z|>2 using partial fraction Understand 5
1 (2)2

24 Find inverse z-transform of X(z) using long division method Remember 5

2+3 1
X(z)= (2)
1+ 1 (1+0.25 1 )

25 Properties of Z-transforms? Apply 5

26 (1)2 Understand 5
Find the inverse z-transform of X(z)=
2 0.10.56

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S. No QUESTION Blooms Course

Taxonomy Level Outcome
Signal Analysis and Fourier Series
1 Approximate a square wave function with n orthogonal set sin(nwt), over the Apply 1
same period(0,T)
2 Plot amplitude and power spectrum of the periodic halfwave rectified function Apply 1

shown below using trigonometric fourier series with period T=2

3 Find the fourier series of the following function Understand 2

, /2 < < /2
0, < < ( )
2 2
4 Consider three continuous time periodic signals whose fourier series Apply 5
representations are as follows
100 1
i) x1(t)= =0 2 50
ii) x2(t) =
iii) x3(t) =

=100 cos 50

=100 2 50


use fourier series properties to help answer the following questions

a) Which of the three signals is/are real valued?
b) Which of the three signals is/are even?
5 Suppose we are given the following information about a signal x(n) Understand 2
1. x(n) is a real and even signal
2. x(n) has period N=10 and fourier coefficients a k
3. a11= 5
1 9
4. () 2 = 50
10 =0
Show that x(n)= A cos(Bn+C), and specify values constants A,B,C
Fourier Transforms and Sampling
1 Suppose that a signal x(t) has fourier transform X(jw). Now consider another Remember 5
signal g(t) whose shape is the same as the shape of X(jw); that is
g(t)= X(jt)
a) show that the fourier transform G(jw) of g(t) has the same shape as 2x(-t);
that is, show that G(jw)=2x(-w)
b) using the fact that

In conjuction with the result from part (a), show that
F{ ejBt} =2(w-B)
2 Use properties of the fourier transform to show by induction that the fourier Apply 5
transform of
1 1
x(t)= , > 0 is
1 ! (+ )
3 Let g1(t)={[cos wt]x(t)}*h(t) and g2(t)={[sin wt]x(t)}*h(t) where Remember 5

= 100
is a real valued periodic signal and h(t) is the impulse response of a stable LTI

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JNTU World
www.alljntuworld.in JNTU World

S. No QUESTION Blooms Course

Taxonomy Level Outcome
a) specify a value for w and any necessary constraints on H(jw) to ensure that
g1(t)= Re{a5} and g2(t)= Im{a5}
b) give an example of h(t) such that H(jw) satisfies the constraints you specified
in part (a).
4 Suppose x[n] has a fourier transform that is zero for /3|w|. Show that Understand 5

( (3))
= = [3]


5 If x[n]= cos( + ) with 0 2 and g[n]= x[n] = [ 4], what
Apply 5
additional constraints must be imposed on to ensure that

g[n] * =x[n]?

Signal transmission through linear systems

1 Consider the signal x[n]= n u[n] Remember 3
a) sketch the signal g[n]= x[n]- x[n-1]
b) use the result of part (a) in conjuction with properties of convolution in order
to determine a sequence h[n] such that
x[n] * h[n]= (1/2)n {u[n+2]- u[n-2]}
2 Consider an LTI system S and a signal x(t)=2e-3t u(t-1). If x(t) y(t) and Remember 3
3 + 2 . determine the impulse response h(t) of S.
Determine whether each of the following statements concerning LTI systems is
true or false. Justify your answers.
a) if h(t) is the impulse response of an LTI system and h(t) is periodic and
nonzero, the system is unstable.
b) the inverse od causal LTI system is always causal
c) if |h[n]| K for each n, where K is a given number, then the LTI system with
Remember 4

h[n] as its impulse response is stable.

4 Consider an LTI system with impulse response h[n] that is not absolutely Apply 4
summable; that is,

= [] =
a) suppose that the input to its system is
0, = 0
= []
, = 0
Does this input signal represent a bounded input? Is so, what is the smallest
number B such that |x[n]| n for all n?
b) calculate the output at n=0 for this particular choice of input. does the result
prove the contention that absolute summability is a necessary condition for
5 Consider a discrete time LTI system with unit sample response Apply 4
h[n]=(n+1) n u[n], where || <1. Show that the step response of

the system is = + + 1 []
( 1)2 (1)2 1
Convolution and correlation of signals
1 Suppose that the signal x(t)= u(t+0.5)-u(t-0.5) and the signal h(t)= ejwt Apply 4
a) Determine a value of w which ensures that y(0)=0, where
b) Is your answer to the previous part unique?
2 a) If x(t)=0, |t|>T1 and h(t)=0, |t|>T2 then x(t)*h(t)=0, |t|>T 3 for some Remember 4
positive number T3. Express T3 in terms of T1 and T2
b) Consider a discrete-time LTI system with the property that if the input

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JNTU World
www.alljntuworld.in JNTU World

S. No QUESTION Blooms Course

Taxonomy Level Outcome
x[n]=0 for all n10, then the output y[n]=0 for all n15. What condition must
h[n], the impulse response of the system, satisfy for this to be true?
3 a) compute the auto correlation sequences for the signals x1[n], x2[n], x3[n], Apply 4
x4[n] as shown below
b) compute the cross-correlation sequences xi xj[n], ij, i,j=1,2,3,4

4 a) compute the auto correlation function for each of the two signals x1(t) and Apply 4
x2(t) as shown in fig-a
b) let x(t) be a given signal, and assume that x(t) is of finite durationi.e., that
x(t)=0 for t<0 and t>T. Find the impulse response of an LTI system so that
xx(t-T) is the output if x(t) is the input
c) The system determined in fig-b is a matched filter for the signal x(t). Let x(t)
be as in fig-b, and let y(t) denote the response to x(t) of an LTI system with real
impulse response h(t). Assume that h(t)=0 for t<0 and for t>T. show that the
choice for h(t) that maximizes y(T), subject to the constraint that
= ;

5 a) Find the PSD of the integral of a function f(t) Understand 4

b) Find the PSD of the derivative of a function f(t)

Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms
1 Let h(t) be the impulse response of a causal and stable LTI system with a Remember 5
rational system function
a) is the system with impulse response d h(t)/dt guaranteed to be causal and

b) is the system with impulse response guaranteed to be causal and

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JNTU World
www.alljntuworld.in JNTU World

S. No QUESTION Blooms Course

Taxonomy Level Outcome
2 Let x(t) be the sampled signal specified as Understand 5
x(t)= =0

, > 0
a) determine X(s), including its region of convergence
b) sketch the pole-zero plot for X(s)
c) Use geometric interpretation of the pole-zero plot to argue that X(jw) is
3 Consider an even sequence x[n] with rational z-transform X(z) Remember 5
a) from the definition of the z-transform, show that

b) from your results in part (a), show that if a pole (zero) of X(z) occurs at z=z 0
then a pole(zero) must also occur at z=1/z0
c) verify the result in part(b) for each of the following sequences:
(1) [n+1]+[n-1]
(2) [n+1]-(5/2)[n]+[n-1]
4 The following is known about a discrete-time LTI system with input x[n] and Apply 5

output y[n]:
1) if x[n] = (-2)n for all n, then y[n]=0 for all n
2) if x[n] = (1/2)n u[n] for all n, then y[n] for all n is of the form
y[n]=[n]+a(1/4)n u[n] where a is a constant
3) Determine the value of the constant a.
4) Determine the response y[n] if the input x[n]=1 for all n.
5 By first differentiating X(z) and using the appropriate properties of the z- Understand 5

transform determine the sequence for which the z-transform is each of the

a) X(z) = log (1-2z); |z|<1/2

b) X(z)= log (1-1/2z-1); |z|>1/2

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