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Early Learning Centre Experience 5

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Student Name: Tonika Dunn Date: Age Group: Preschool (2.5 - 4)

Reason for developing learning
This could be in response to an
discussion with the site supervisor,
Ontario Curriculum Objective:
Curriculum Objective, etc. This learning experience is based on the observations of the interests
Observation of the children. The purpose of this learning experience is to provide
- Document what you saw and heard children with an opportunity to reach their own goals based on the
- Document non-verbal communication requirements of the curriculum & teachers (getting ready for
(i.e., body language, facial expressions kindergarten).
and voice tone)
- Document in detail: who, what, where,
and when
- Documentation should be written in
tense, objective, and in anecdotal
Document the discussion between you
your site supervisor that led to the
Curriculum Objective
Describe the curriculum objective
aiming to meet/enhance through this
Learning Experience Learning Experience: Literacy Clip it!
What are you planning in response to
your I am organizing a child-directed learning experiment in which children
purpose? will have the opportunity to explore the different letters of the
- Label your experience (e.g. Painting alphabet as well as a common household item (clothespins). This
with learning experience will take place in the preschool classroom. It will
cars). be set up at one of the tables provided my supervisor.
- What are your 3 objectives for this
experience? (i.e. What interests are you Objectives:
extending? What strengths and The children will further develop the skill of:
opportunities for growth are you 1. (3.10-preschool) identifying sounds in their environment such as
enhancing/supporting?) animal sounds, traffic noises, music, and human speech
Please Note: You should refer to 2. (5.2 toddlers)- adapting holding from palmar or pincer grasp
appropriate pedagogy to support
your Materials:
discussion around strengths and Bin of clothespins
opportunities for growth (e.g. Paper with the letters and pictures to be identified
ELECT, How Implementation:
Does Learning Happen, Ontario 1. I will set up the letters and paper and clothes pins so that
FDK everyone can have an opportunity to join in the learning
Curriculum, etc). experience.
Describe the experience: 2. I will invite children to explore the letters and clothespins.
- Who will be involved in the 3. I will model the proper way that the letters are pronounced as
experience? well as pronouncing the animals correct names.
- Where will the experience take place? 4. I will ask the children to identify the picture provided on the card,
(e.g. Indoors or outdoors? In the then place a clothespin on the desired letter.
dramatic 5. Throughout their exploration, I will support the children by
centre, the creative table, etc). communicating the letters, and the sounds they make.
- List the materials and resources you Teaching Strategies:
I will motivate children to explore the activity by saying, come and
see what I have here for you today. Although some children may not
- Describe the implementation of the
be fully understanding speech, I will also demonstrate welcoming
experience, with a step by step
through body language, facial expressions and gestures.
- List and describe 2 teaching
I will model the activity for the children to complete to ensure they do
How will you use them? Why have you
not get discouraged. The act of holding a clothespin and placing it on
chosen these strategies?
the clip it card will be modeled by myself as well.
- What went well? Provide examples for
how you know it went well.
- What didnt go well? Provide
for how you know it didnt go well.
- What did you learn?
- What might you do differently next
you implement this same experience
- Did you have to make any
adaptations or
modifications? If so, what were they?
- What type of experience might you
to extend on this one?
Field Supervisor Feedback:

Signature: Date:

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