Ben Cantelon - Guardian (King of Love and Grace)
Ben Cantelon - Guardian (King of Love and Grace)
Ben Cantelon - Guardian (King of Love and Grace)
F Em Em/G Am C C/G G
Verse 1: Verse 2:
F Em F F Em F
King of love and grace, my Guardian, When I hear You say, 'trust and obey',
Em/G Am Em/G Am
All my hopes and fears are in Your hands; I will walk by faith and not by sight,
Em/G Am Em/G Am
I'm in Your hands. God of my life.
F Em F F Em F
Where You go, I'll go; show me the way. So let Your kingdom come, Your will be done.
Em/G Am Em/G Am
Every step I take be now my guide, All Your promises will stand forever.
Em/G Am [to Chorus] Em/G Am [to Chorus]
God on my side. You're my defender.
You go before me, You're there beside me,
Am C/G G
And if I wander Love will find me.
F Em/G Am
Goodness and mercy will always follow.
C/G G F [1. to Verse 2]
You go before me, my Guardian. [2. to Mid section]
[3.] | C | C | C | C | C ||
Mid section:
You are God, our great defender,
Strong in love, forever faithful.
We are Yours and we will trust in You.
Am F
You are God, our great defender,
Strong in love, forever faithful.
Am F C [to Chorus]
We are Yours and we will trust in You.
Taken from
Copyright 2011 Thankyou Music/Adm. by Songs excl. UK & Europe, EVERYTHING IN COLOUR
adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook Ben Cantelon
& Stugio Music Publishing/Sony/ATV Timber Publishing. Used by permission. KWCD3289