Technology: 1 Definition and Usage
Technology: 1 Definition and Usage
Technology: 1 Definition and Usage
This article is about the use and knowledge of techniques riers to communication and allowed humans to interact
and processes for producing goods and services. For freely on a global scale. The steady progress of military
other uses, see Technology (disambiguation). technology has brought weapons of ever-increasing de-
structive power, from clubs to nuclear weapons.
Technology has many eects. It has helped develop more
advanced economies (including todays global economy)
and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many techno-
logical processes produce unwanted by-products known
as pollution and deplete natural resources to the detri-
ment of Earths environment. Various implementations
of technology inuence the values of a society and new
technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples
include the rise of the notion of eciency in terms of hu-
man productivity, and the challenges of bioethics.
Philosophical debates have arisen over the use of tech-
nology, with disagreements over whether technology
improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-
Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar reactionary
movements criticise the pervasiveness of technology in
the modern world, arguing that it harms the environ-
ment and alienates people; proponents of ideologies such
as transhumanism and techno-progressivism view contin-
ued technological progress as benecial to society and the
human condition.
Until recently, it was believed that the development of
technology was restricted only to human beings, but 21st
A steam turbine with the case opened. Most electricity is pro- century scientic studies indicate that other primates and
duced by thermal power stations with turbines like this one. Elec- certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools
tricity consumption and living standards are highly correlated.[1]
and passed their knowledge to other generations.
Electrication is believed to be the most important engineering
achievement of the 20th century.
2 Science, engineering and technol- policy, Science The Endless Frontier: New products,
new industries, and more jobs require continuous addi-
ogy tions to knowledge of the laws of nature ... This essen-
tial new knowledge can be obtained only through basic
scientic research.[18] In the late-1960s, however, this
view came under direct attack, leading towards initia-
tives to fund science for specic tasks (initiatives resisted
by the scientic community). The issue remains con-
tentious, though most analysts resist the model that tech-
nology simply is a result of scientic research.[19][20]
3 History
Main articles: History of technology, Timeline of his-
toric inventions, and Timeline of electrical and electronic
The exact relations between science and technology in Hominids started using primitive stone tools millions of
particular have been debated by scientists, historians, and years ago. The earliest stone tools were little more than
policymakers in the late 20th century, in part because a fractured rock, but approximately 75,000 years ago,[24]
the debate can inform the funding of basic and applied pressure aking provided a way to make much ner work.
science. In the immediate wake of World War II, for
example, it was widely considered in the United States
that technology was simply applied science and that to 3.1.2 Fire
fund basic science was to reap technological results in due
time. An articulation of this philosophy could be found Main article: Control of re by early humans
explicitly in Vannevar Bush's treatise on postwar science
Hand axes from the Acheulian period 3.2 Neolithic through classical antiquity
(10 ka 300 CE)
4 Philosophy
4.1 Technicism
4.2 Optimism
one giant Singularity event.[50] ing his soul to the devil in return for power over the phys-
Some critics see these ideologies as examples of scientism ical world is also often interpreted as a metaphor for the
and techno-utopianism and fear the notion of human en- adoption of industrial technology. More recently, mod-
hancement and technological singularity which they sup- ern works of science ction such as those by Philip K.
port. Some have described Karl Marx as a techno- Dick and William Gibson and lms such as Blade Run-
optimist.[51] ner and Ghost in the Shell project highly ambivalent or
cautionary attitudes toward technologys impact on hu-
man society and identity.
4.3 Skepticism and critics The late cultural critic Neil Postman distinguished tool-
using societies from technological societies and from
See also: Luddite, Neo-Luddism, Anarcho-primitivism, what he called technopolies, societies that are dom-
and Bioconservatism inated by the ideology of technological and scientic
On the somewhat skeptical side are certain philosophers progress to the exclusion or harm of other cultural prac-
tices, values and world-views.[55]
Darin Barney has written about technologys impact on
practices of citizenship and democratic culture, suggest-
ing that technology can be construed as (1) an object of
political debate, (2) a means or medium of discussion,
and (3) a setting for democratic deliberation and citizen-
ship. As a setting for democratic culture, Barney suggests
that technology tends to make ethical questions, including
the question of what a good life consists in, nearly impos-
sible, because they already give an answer to the question:
a good life is one that includes the use of more and more
Nikolas Kompridis has also written about the dan-
gers of new technology, such as genetic engineering,
nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and robotics. He
warns that these technologies introduce unprecedented
new challenges to human beings, including the possibil-
Luddites smashing a power loom in 1812
ity of the permanent alteration of our biological nature.
These concerns are shared by other philosophers, scien-
like Herbert Marcuse and John Zerzan, who believe that
tists and public intellectuals who have written about sim-
technological societies are inherently awed. They sug-
ilar issues (e.g. Francis Fukuyama, Jrgen Habermas,
gest that the inevitable result of such a society is to be-
William Joy, and Michael Sandel).[57]
come evermore technological at the cost of freedom and
psychological health. Another prominent critic of technology is Hubert Drey-
fus, who has published books such as On the Internet and
Many, such as the Luddites and prominent philosopher
What Computers Still Can't Do.
Martin Heidegger, hold serious, although not entirely,
deterministic reservations about technology (see "The A more infamous anti-technological treatise is Industrial
Question Concerning Technology"[52] ). According to Society and Its Future, written by the Unabomber Ted
Heidegger scholars Hubert Dreyfus and Charles Spinosa, Kaczynski and printed in several major newspapers (and
Heidegger does not oppose technology. He hopes to re- later books) as part of an eort to end his bombing cam-
veal the essence of technology in a way that 'in no way paign of the techno-industrial infrastructure.
connes us to a stultied compulsion to push on blindly
with technology or, what comes to the same thing, to rebel
helplessly against it.' Indeed, he promises that 'when we 4.4 Appropriate technology
once open ourselves expressly to the essence of technol-
ogy, we nd ourselves unexpectedly taken into a freeing See also: Technocriticism and Technorealism
claim.'[53] What this entails is a more complex relation-
ship to technology than either techno-optimists or techno- The notion of appropriate technology was developed in
pessimists tend to allow.[54] the 20th century by thinkers such as E. F. Schumacher
Some of the most poignant criticisms of technology are and Jacques Ellul to describe situations where it was not
found in what are now considered to be dystopian liter- desirable to use very new technologies or those that re-
ary classics such as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, quired access to some centralized infrastructure or parts
Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, and George Or- or skills imported from elsewhere. The ecovillage move-
well's Nineteen Eighty-Four. In Goethes Faust, Faust sell- ment emerged in part due to this concern.
4.5 Optimism and skepticism in the 21st to Hughes, Technology is a creative process involving
century human ingenuity.[61] This denitions emphasis on cre-
ativity avoids unbounded denitions that may mistakenly
This section mainly focuses on American concerns even if include cooking technologies, but it also highlights the
it can reasonably be generalized to other Western coun- prominent role of humans and therefore their responsibil-
tries. ities for the use of complex technological systems.
Yet, because technology is everywhere and has dramat-
The inadequate quantity and quality of ically changed landscapes and societies, Hughes argues
American jobs is one of the most fundamental that engineers, scientists, and managers have often be-
economic challenges we face. [...] Whats lieved that they can use technology to shape the world
the linkage between technology and this as they want. They have often supposed that technol-
fundamental problem? ogy is easily controllable and this assumption has to be
Bernstein, Jared, Its Not a Skills Gap thoroughly questioned.[60] For instance, Evgeny Morozov
Thats Holding Wages Down: Its the Weak particularly challenges two concepts: Internet-centrism
Economy, Among Other Things, in The and solutionism.[62] Internet-centrism refers to the idea
American Prospect, October 2014 that our society is convinced that the Internet is one of the
most stable and coherent forces. Solutionism is the ideol-
ogy that every social issue can be solved thanks to tech-
In his article, Jared Bernstein, a Senior Fellow at the nology and especially thanks to the internet. In fact, tech-
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,[58] questions the nology intrinsically contains uncertainties and limitations.
widespread idea that automation, and more broadly, tech- According to Alexis Madrigal's review of Morozovs the-
nological advances, have mainly contributed to this grow- ory, to ignore it will lead to unexpected consequences
ing labor market problem. His thesis appears to be a third that could eventually cause more damage than the prob-
way between optimism and skepticism. Essentially, he lems they seek to address.[63] Benjamin R. Cohen and
stands for a neutral approach of the linkage between tech- Gwen Ottinger also discussed the multivalent eects of
nology and American issues concerning unemployment technology.[64]
and declining wages. Therefore, recognition of the limitations of technology,
He uses two main arguments to defend his point. First, and more broadly, scientic knowledge, is needed es-
because of recent technological advances, an increasing pecially in cases dealing with environmental justice and
number of workers are losing their jobs. Yet, scientic health issues. Ottinger continues this reasoning and ar-
evidence fails to clearly demonstrate that technology has gues that the ongoing recognition of the limitations of
displaced so many workers that it has created more prob- scientic knowledge goes hand in hand with scientists
lems than it has solved. Indeed, automation threatens and engineers new comprehension of their role. Such an
repetitive jobs but higher-end jobs are still necessary be- approach of technology and science "[require] technical
cause they complement technology and manual jobs that professionals to conceive of their roles in the process dif-
requires exibility judgment and common sense[59] re- ferently. [They have to consider themselves as] collabo-
main hard to replace with machines. Second, studies have rators in research and problem solving rather than simply
not shown clear links between recent technology advances providers of information and technical solutions.[65]
and the wage trends of the last decades.
Therefore, according to Bernstein, instead of focusing
on technology and its hypothetical inuences on cur-
rent American increasing unemployment and declining
wages, one needs to worry more about bad policy that
fails to oset the imbalances in demand, trade, income
and opportunity.[59] 5 Competitiveness
4.6 Complex technological systems Technology is properly dened as any application of sci-
ence to accomplish a function. The science can be lead-
Thomas P. Hughes stated that because technology has ing edge or well established and the function can have
been considered as a key way to solve problems, we need high visibility or be signicantly more mundane, but it is
to be aware of its complex and varied characters to use all technology, and its exploitation is the foundation of all
it more eciently.[60] What is the dierence between a competitive advantage.
wheel or a compass and cooking machines such as an oven Technology-based planning is what was used to build the
or a gas stove? Can we consider all of them, only a part US industrial giants before WWII (e.g., Dow, DuPont,
of them, or none of them as technologies? GM) and it is what was used to transform the US into a
Technology is often considered too narrowly; according superpower. It was not economic-based planning.
Technology lifecycle
Theories and concepts in technology
Technology transfer
Appropriate technology
Diusion of innovations Technology journalism
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10 Further reading
Ambrose, Stanley H. (2 March 2001).
Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolu-
tion (PDF). Science. Science. 291 (5509):
174853. Bibcode:2001Sci...291.1748A.
doi:10.1126/science.1059487. PMID 11249821.
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Huesemann, M.H., and J.A. Huesemann (2011).
Technox: Why Technology Wont Save Us or
the Environment, New Society Publishers, ISBN
Kremer, Michael (1993). Population Growth and
Technological Change: One Million B.C. to 1990.
Quarterly Journal of Economics. The MIT Press.
108 (3): 681716. doi:10.2307/2118405. JSTOR
Kevin Kelly. What Technology Wants. New York,
Viking Press, 14 October 2010, hardcover, 416
pages. ISBN 978-0-670-02215-1
Mumford, Lewis. (2010). Technics and Civilization.
University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0226550273.
Rhodes, Richard. (2000). Visions of Technology:
A Century of Vital Debate about Machines, Systems,
and the Human World. Simon & Schuster, ISBN
Teich, A.H. (2008). Technology and the Fu-
ture. Wadsworth Publishing, 11th edition, ISBN
Wright, R.T. (2008). Technology. Goodheart-
Wilcox Company, 5th edition, ISBN 1590707184.
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11.2 Images
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File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated by Time3000 17 April 2007 to use ocial Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by