BIDMC Lighting Standards
BIDMC Lighting Standards
BIDMC Lighting Standards
Lighting plays a vitally important role in hospitals by providing for the visual comfort of patients, staff
and visitors and fostering a healing environment. Quality lighting can reduce energy consumption,
improve staff performance and enhance the patient experience. This document will define how to
efficiently and effectively illuminate Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) utilizing
sustainable practices. Concepts from IESNA RP-29-06 Lighting for Hospitals and Health Care
Facilities and the Green Guide for Health Care version 2.2 are included.
The goal of the document is to ensure that appropriate levels of task and activity oriented lighting are
provided throughout the hospital facilities, based on lifecycle analysis, environmental, and sustainability,
criteria. The most important of these is the lifecycle energy requirement of the lighting systems.
Long term energy costs far outweigh installation, periodic re-lamping, and maintenance costs in most
lighting. Energy costs are determined by the energy requirements of the installed lighting systems. The
long term unit cost of energy is unknown and uncontrollable by BIDMC; therefore we must minimize
lighting energy requirements while achieving recognized standards of lighting quality.
To achieve BIDMC energy minimization goals the following procedures, guidelines, and standards shall
be used by the BIDMC Facilities Department and Maintenance Department. They apply to all new
construction, renovation, retrofit, and maintenance and repair work on all facility lighting systems.
Lighting analyses show that an area meets the IESNA Guidelines for quality and quantity of lighting
without wasteful over illumination. This will confirm that the proper lighting is provided throughout the
Examples include ANSI/IESNA RP-29-06 Lighting for Hospitals and Health Care
Facilities, and other publications by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North
America (IESNA).
Including the National Electric Code and the Massachusetts State Building Code.
For all projects that include a lighting or space usage change, lighting analysis shall be prepared by the
responsible architect, engineer or lighting design professional and delivered to the Energy Manager
(independent of deliveries to BIDMC Project Managers) at the earliest possible time or immediately upon
any change for review and acceptance. Lighting power analysis shall be completed using Visual
software or approved equal. The lighting analysis shall include the point by point, reflected ceiling plans,
power density, cut-sheets, etc. for all light fixtures and lighting controls (sensors, photocells, timers, etc.)
being considered. The cut-sheets shall show the efficiency and spacing criteria of each fixture to be
Analyses will be prepared whenever fixtures are replaced or relocated, as existing lighting is not
necessarily adequate or efficient simply because there are no complaints. Some areas may be under
illuminated, while others may be wastefully over lit. Changes in space usage may require revised lighting
levels, or the standard may have changed since the existing lighting was installed.
Lighting controls and sensors can provide very high energy savings without compromising lighting
quality and user acceptance. Care must be taken to match the controls and sensors selected to the space
and the activities they will serve. Correctly locating the controls is essential. Spaces may require
multiple controls and sensors to meet the combined energy and user acceptance criteria.
Automatic controls (sensors, timers, photocells, etc.) will be incorporated into lighting work covered by
this policy. As a minimum in all appropriate areas, controls will turn off or reduce the lighting to lowest
allowable level when a space is unoccupied or inactive. For all projects where lighting is affected,
controls are a required element. The nLight control system shall be included where applicable.
BIDMC maintenance personnel will maintain installed control systems. Once installed, controls will not
be by-passed or removed without approval of the Energy Manager. Pattern A15 is an extruded acrylic lens, .200 thick, with a large 3/8" square
pattern design and a recessed conical pattern that provides maximum strength to weight
ratios. efficiencies shall be verified by photometric testing provided by the
1.1.3. Lighting fixtures may be surface mounted, recessed, or pendant-mounted. The fixture
style will be selected to deliver most efficiently the needed light, given physical space
constraints (ceiling heights, and types, etc). Fixtures shall be selected based on the following
considerations. Light distribution and efficiency Ease of lamp exchange Accessibility and ease of ballast exchange Appearance Durability of lenses, grills, covers, etc when subjected to cleaning and lamp
replacement Designs that inhibit the collection of dust, dirt, insects and cobwebs are preferred Long term availability of repair parts such as lenses, latches, etc.
1.1.4. REMOVED
1.1.5. The use of architectural and special lighting fixtures shall be avoided. In the event that a
special need arises, they will be evaluated against the criteria found at 1.1.2. Every effort
shall be made to minimize the number of fixture types used throughout the facility.
1.1.6. Indirect lighting is preferred where ceiling height permits (86 min)
1.1.7. Indirect fixtures that are hung in rows shall be pre-wired with factory installed quick
connects, whenever possible.
1.1.8. Lensed fixtures shall be used instead of louvers in hallways, lobbies and waiting areas and
all direct patient care areas (i.e. exam rooms, treatment rooms, therapy areas, etc. The
lenses shall be Pattern A15 prismatic (see
1.1.9. REMOVED
1.1.10. Recessed can lights are generally wasteful and inefficient. If they are specified, they will
be rejected unless there are no acceptable energy efficient alternatives. If cans must be used,
they shall be LED. Documentation of the LM 79 and LM 80 testing is required with the
1.1.11. Wall-wash fixtures will only be considered for highlighting art work or plaques.
1.1.12. Exit signs shall be LED with red lettering.
1.2. Lamps
1.2.1. LED lighting is preferred to fluorescent, but if fluorescent is specified due to project
constraints, specify linear four (4) foot T8 or T5HO lamps wherever possible. Two (2) foot
lamps are acceptable if there is no room for four foot lamps or if they are otherwise
impractical. Avoid using three (3) foot lamps. Thus for a six (6) foot space, use a four (4)
foot and a two (2) foot lamp combination. All T5HO lamps shall use amalgam technology to ensure that the lamp is generally
independent of temperature related issues. The lamp should be the 50 watt
Sylvania FP54/50W/835/HO/SS/ECO or equal. Use Super T8 lamps in all linear fluorescent applications. Only Sylvania XPS/ECO
or Philips ADVANTAGE/ALTO lamps are acceptable. All lamps shall be 3500K and 85 CRI except that linear fluorescent lamps in
operating rooms shall be 4100K and 85 CRI to match halogen lamps in surgical
lighting fixtures. Additionally, all exterior lamps shall be 4000K. No fixtures with standard T5 lamps, U-lamps or twin tube (Biax) lamps will be
considered. D lamps are also not to be used.
1.2.2 Incandescent lamps will not be considered. Any fixtures that need to be dimmed shall
be LED. Please refer to 1.1.9 for more detailed requirements.
1.2.3 Metal Halide shall not be specified.
1.2.4 Ceramic Metal Halide lamps may be considered for some applications when
specified in fixtures that meet recommended efficiencies and efficacy. The lamp standard for new exterior pole lamp is the Philips MasterColor CDM
100W/940 Med CL ALTO, Product Number 281352. Please note a conscious
decision was made to use this Pulse-Start, 4000K lamp due to its long life, high
lumen output and high CRI. Selection of any other wattage lamp for exterior use should use the above noted
lamp as a reference.
1.5.1 New lighting circuits shall be designed to maximize every opportunity to save energy
through the use of lighting controls.
1.5.2 Perimeter lighting shall be separately switched where ample natural light will allow
lighting to be turned off (automatic or manual) during daylight hours.
1.5.3 Circuiting to allow alternate or dual switching in corridors, conference rooms, open
offices and other large areas may provide significant additional savings with automatic
or manual controls.
1.6 Light Levels
1.6.1 Light levels shall generally adhere to IES Guidelines except that there shall be low-
level general lighting in offices (20-30 fc at the work surface) with supplemental task
lighting where necessary.
2. Lighting Controls
BIDMC uses only Sensor-Switch lighting control products for interior occupancy and photocell
applications. The nLight system shall be used where applicable and where required by code. The Energy
Management office is available to advise and assist in lighting projects requiring controls.
The objective of automated lighting control is to minimize energy use during periods when spaces have
low use or are not in use. This may be achieved through a combination of occupancy and daylight sensors
and controls and/or programmable scheduling through local or building control systems.
Lighting controls must be carefully matched to the space and occupancy patterns to be successful. Large
and or odd shaped areas may require multiple sensors to ensure acceptable operation. Switch box
mounted sensors must cover the entire space and function reliably during periods of quiet occupancy
(extended phone calls, reading, etc.). Dual technology sensors provide greater reliability. If this can not
be assured even with a dual-tech sensor, then a ceiling or wall mounted sensor should be used. Large
areas such as labs will use ceiling mounted and multiple sensors as needed. All areas should take
advantage of day lighting wherever possible: labs, rest rooms, corridors, stairwells, and lobbies. Rest
rooms controls in particular must insure there no false offs while the facility is occupied.
2.1. Occupancy sensors shall be used in accordance with code requirements. The following locations
must be considered for occupancy sensor control for new or renovated spaces:
2.1.1. Occupancy sensors shall be used in offices, clinic exam rooms, conference rooms, etc.
2.1.2. Occupancy sensors shall be used in storage areas, work rooms, closets, etc. where
2.1.3. Occupancy sensors shall not be used in maintenance closets or other areas where safety or
security may be seriously jeopardized if the lighting is unexpectedly turned off .
2.1.4. As required by code, photocell controls shall be used in areas which have sufficient
daylight during certain periods of the day. The controls shall be placed so that some or all of
the lights are dimmed or turned off during such periods.
3. Incentive Opportunities
Electric Utility companies, including NStar and National Grid pay incentives to customers who use
qualifying lighting products. This can amount to a considerable amount of money to offset the cost of
any qualifying lighting project whether it is new construction, renovation or retrofit.
3.1. Attention must be paid to the opportunity for collecting incentives for superior lighting designs.
3.2. Familiarity with the utility company incentive/rebate programs is required.
3.3. The architect, electrical engineer or lighting professional shall prepare the incentive submittal.
The Energy Manager shall review, approve and submit the required utility company paperwork.