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Ministry is the international journal of the

Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association
and has been published since 1928.

Association Secretary James A, Cress

Editor Willmore D. Eva

Secularism: Then and now Assistant Editor Julia W. Norcott

Editorial Assistant Sheila Draper
How the gospel spoke to secular people in the Professional Growth and Inter-church Relations
first century and may do so now Nikolaus Satelmajer
Contributing Editors: Sharon Cress, Peter Prime, Joel
Mark A. Finley Sarli, Kit Watts
Consulting Editors:
Ben Clausen, Raouf Dederen, Teofilo Ferreira, Ron
Cone fishing Flowers, ]ohn M. Fowler, Michael Hasel, Roland
EVERY An enlightening and inspiring comparison
Hegstad, Kathleen Kuntaraf, Ekkehardt Mueller, Jan

ISSUE Paulsen, Robert Peach, George Reid, Angel Rodriguez,

Penny Shell, William Shea, Russel! Staples, Richard
between -fishing and evangelism Tibbits, Ted Wilson, Edward Zinke
Pastoral Assistant Editors: John C. Cress, Fredrick
Letters Doug Batchelor Russeli, Maylan Schurch, Loren Seibold
3 International Advisors: Alejandro Bullon, John
Duroe, Andrews Laurence Ewoo, Paulraj Isaiah, Anthony
Reaching the cities Kent, Jairyong Lee, Ivan Maniiich, Gabriel Maurer, Joel
Musvosvi, Ivan Omana, David Osborne, Peter
;-. ' Editorial- The role of the person-to-person approach in Roennfeldt, Raymond Zeeman

large-city public evangelism Pastoral Advisors: Leslie Baumgartner, S. Peter

Campbell, Miguel A. Cerna, Jeanne Hartwell, Mitchell
Alejandro Bullon Henson, Greg Nelson, Norma Osborn, Leslie Pollard,
Dan Smith, Steve Willsey
Advertising Editorial Office
Pastor-led public evangelism Subscriptions and Circulation jeannette Calbi

The average pastor and ongoing evangelism in Cover Design Harry Knox
Resources Cathy Payne
the local church
Wesley McDonald

Reaching the unchurched

The causes for the present estrangement from
Subscription queries and address changes:
the church and how to overcome it Email: calbij@gc.adventist.org
Fax: 301-680-6502
Peter Roennfeldt Phone: 301-680-6503
To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts.
Editorial preference is to receive manuscripts on
Public evangelism still works diskette with name, address, telephone and fax
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Phone: 301-680-6510; fax: 301-680-6502;
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drapers@gc.adventist.org (editorial offices).
Herry Mhando
Writer's Guidelines available on request.
Ministry (ISSN 0026-5314), the international journal
of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association
Why should we plant churches in 2001, is published monthly by the General
the city? Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1 350 N. Kings Road,
The how and why of meeting the evangelistic Nampa, ID 83687-3193. Member Associated Church
Press. Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, Idaho.
challenge of today's great cities PRINTED IN THE U.S.A.
Chad Carlton Vol. 74 Number 6

The unlikeliest missionary Bible credits: Texts credited to NiV are from the Holy
An inspiring and instructive account of the role Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973,
1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by
of genuine friendship in opening hearts to the permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Rudi Maier

MINISTRY June 2001


Twenty-seven fundamentals leaders did not have this problem. Who is God? (6-7) What is man? (8-10)
in search of a theology They saw fulfilled prophecy, and the The problems separating the two par

T he insightful article "Twenty-Seven

Fundamentals in Search of a
Theology," by George Knight (February
proclaiming of the third angel's mes
sage as the reason for and the mission
of the Seventh-day Adventist move
ties; (11-17) The Church's privileges
and commission; (18-22) Belief in prac
tice; and (23-27) final triumph. . . .
2001), highlighted some points, either ment It was God's final and unifying W. F. Taylor, pastor, Langley, Australia.
misunderstood or still obscure to many message for earth. The Review and
people. To provide an illustrative rela
tionship between the various funda
mentals, he provided several models,
Herald stated its purpose: "... a simple
and clear exposition of those great and
sanctifying truths embraced in the
I t is ironic that the main point made
by George Knight is contradicted by
your cover through no fault of your
then chose to discard the "string-of- message of the third angel, viz: the own. Knight makes the point that the
beads," seeming to prefer the hierarhi- commandments of God and the faith Fundamentals are not equal and he
cal, hub-in-a-wheel, or the foundational of Jesus" (vol. 1, no. 1). proves his point by diagraming salva
models. None of these preferred mod ... I agree that it is not our doctrines tion first, doctrines second, and
els, however, seems to provide for the that are the problem, it is the way they lifestyle third. But the symbol the
important points made earlier in the are usually presented. When our pres Church has chosen to identify itself,
article, that is, that not all fundamentals entation is viewed as rules to follow, shows doctrines first and salvation sec
are equal. Someone has asked. It seems which if we follow, we will be rewarded ond. You have to really look hard to
to me that the string, passing through with eternal life, we do an injustice to find salvation illustrated. The Cross is
the center of each bead tying together God's truth. They are important to the minuscule compared with the flames
all the fundamentals, is the love of Cod. saving fellowship we have with Christ. of the Spirit....
As with a string, it is made up of various They shield us from error and sin. We Symbols are important because they
strands, such as: God's plan to rescue come to Him, learn of Him, taking His tell our values, judging by this symbol,
fallen man, the incarnation and the sac yoke we find rest, peace, hope, and the gospel has still not made it to first
rificial death of Jesus on the cross, the joy eternity is ours. We give a true wit place in Adventist theology and prac
gift of the Holy Spirit, etc. Whether ness to Him. tice. I applaud Knight's emphasis but
large or small, each bead is of value only David Manzano, Harriman, Tennessee. wonder how many years it will take for
as the "string" of God's love is in its our denomination to recognize and
heart. For me the string-of-beads model
best illustrates the important points the
article seeks to explain.
( appreciated very much George
Knight's reflection about the 27 funda
mental beliefs. I would like to translate
stress this distinction.
/. David Newman, pastor, Damascus,
Ron Taylor, retired pastor, Victoria Point, this into Italian and publish it in the SDA
Queensland, Australia. Italian church magazine, // Messaggero
Awentista. I agree with George Knight's view that
our 27 fundamentals are of varied

T his article presented a true picture

of how many members view Bible
doctrines. This reminds me of what
Guiseppe Marrazzo, pastor, Falciani,
Impruneta, Italy.
importance and each of them should
cluster around the central truth of
Christ's saving grace. I also agree that
Jesus said to the woman of Samaria:
"You worship, you know not what."
That this has become true for many
K night's article provided no practical
answers. The book Seventh-day
Adventists Believe sets the 27 fundamen
there will always be room for improve
ment in their written expression.
However, I think that George is too crit-
Adventists is sad. . . . Early Adventist tals in excellent theological order: (1 -5) continued on page 29

If you're receiving Ministry bimonthly and haven't paid for a subscription, it's not a mistake. Since 1928 Ministry has been
Free Subscription published for Seventh-day Adventist ministers. We believe, however, that the time has come for clergy everywhere to experience a
resurgence of faith in the authority of Scripture and in the great truths that reveal the gospel of our salvation by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
We want to share our aspirations and faith in a way that will provide inspiration and help to you as clergy. We hope you will accept this journal as our
outstretched hand to you. Look over our shoulder, take what you want and find helpful, and discard what you can't use. Bimonthly gift subscriptions are
available to all licensed and/or ordained clergy. Requests should be on church letterhead and addressed to the editorial office.

June 2001 MINISTRY


The timeless

nly in the God of love do "we therefore "I shall not want." He express
live, and move, and have our es from his own experience the
being" (Acts 17:28). Only in His universal and timeless truth of the all-
goodness every meaningful want is met, sufficiency of God for all. In God every
ever so freely and yet so lavishly, and
PETER J. PRIME fallen and unfallen being alike derives
every wholesome possibility, finite and existence, well-being, and well-doing.
infinite is realized, ever so completely. This is the timeless gospel, the converse
This is in essence the transcendent and of which is essentially the denial and
timeless gospel of which everything, displacing of God as the only One in
from the center out to the circumfer whom all live and move and have their
ence, is the person and personhood of being. "Every good gift and every per
God. Accordingly, to exclude God from fect gift is from above" (James 1:17).
the gospel is to steal its life. To relegate David concludes his best known
God to a being who may be summed interchangeable. The image is predicat psalm on a triumphant note, as all those
up in a verbal phrase, calling it the ed on the person and not the person on who truly experience the gospel will
gospel, is to undermine both God and the image. Similarly, the verbal repre affirm. "Surely goodness and mercy
His message. sentation of the gospel is predicated on shall follow me all the days of my life
In the plurality of the meanings and the gospel as the person of God. The and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
usages of the term gospel, the potential converse, however, cannot be true. forever" (Ps. 23:6). David points both to
for serious tensions do arise between an Accordingly, any tendency to elevate the timelessness and the timeliness of
emphasis on the person of God as the the reflection of God in the message of the gospel as it is expressed in God's
subject of the gospel versus the empha the gospel above the encounter with eternal goodness and in His redemptive
sis on the verbal message as a major the person of God will result in spiritual mercy. In this context the timelessness
medium for expressing the gospel. The frustration and inevitable loss. Nothing of the gospel is matched only by the
etymological root of the term gospel is and nobody but God in His person is to timeliness of its redemptive application
the Anglo-Saxon word god-spell, mean be the be-all and the end-all of the as it comes through grace to fallen and
ing a story from or about a god. gospel, and in no other way can the needy humankind. Therefore, let us
Subsequently, the meaning and usage gospel be authentically defined and claim the gospel.
of the term as "good news" or "glad presented but in the person and per From this wretched world every
tidings" became popular.' sonhood of God. want may readily disappear. And in
However, in the definition and prac So it is that the message of the each heart there needs to be no linger
tice of the gospel, the message must gospel speaks of love only because God ing fear or despair. But to the world
never take precedence over the person is love; of goodness only because God is God must first its Shepherd become,
of God. For it must always be under good; of omnipotence, omniscience, and to His goodness and mercy each
stood that the gospel is more incarna- immanence, holiness, mercy, justice, heart must say welcome.
tional "and the Word was made and life, only because God is all these The timeless gospel is the timeless
flesh" (John 1:14) than it is verbal; it is and infinitely more. God Himself is the God timely fitted to freely satisfy our
more personal, than it is credal "the good news, the timeless good news, every wholesome need and to realize
glory of this mystery among the the timeless best news. forever all of our God-gifted possibili
Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope This God was the gospel that David ties. Let us by grace live the gospel, the
of glory" (Col.1:27). identified in the twenty-third psalm. In life of God. And as part of living that life,
Moreover, relationally speaking, the the psalm David's spirit ascends above let us proclaim Him as we evangelize
message of the gospel is to the person the wretched clouds of hopelessness, the world of our time. HI
of God what the mirror is to the person helplessness, and powerlessness, occa
whose image it reflects. The person and sioned by his own sin and guilt, to the
the image may be logically interde ultimate heights of fulfillment. "The 1 George Arthur Buttrek, ed. The Interpreter Dictionary
pendent but they are by no means Lord is my Shepherd" he trumpets, of the Bible (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962), 442.

MINISTRY June 2001

tudes. Horse races and sporting events mes
merized the masses. The Roman population in
general regarded human life with astonishing
indifference. When Titus dedicated the tem
ple, as part of the ceremony he reenacted a
major battle. As part of the drama thousands
were actually killed simply to entertain
crowds. Roman prize fighters, with their three
and one-half-inch thick metal knuckles, not
only fought to unconsciousness but on occa
sion to the death. Possessions became the gods
of many.
Nevertheless, even in this hedonistic,
humanistic, materialistic, and secular world,

Secularism: the gospel of Christ made massive inroads,

but only through the power of the Holy

Then and now Acts of the Spirit

The book of Acts is a vivid chronicle of the
Spirit's power penetrating this secular society.
In Acts 1:8 Jesus gave this promise, "Ye shall
Western secular world presents receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is
Mark A. FinSey
a formidable challenge to evangel come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses
ism. Today traditional approaches unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,
generally produce meager results. and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part
It is becoming increasingly diffi of the earth."
cult to draw sizeable crowds to hear the In Acts 2, Scripture describes the effects of
message of the gospel. Methods that once Spirit-filled preaching meeting the needs of
worked are no longer effective. secular hearts. Three thousand were baptized
This situation confronts us with serious in a day. Acts 2:41 says, "Then they that glad
questions, one of the most important being, ly received his word were baptized and the
How do we reach secular minds with our same day there were added unto them about
message? three thousand souls." In Acts 4:4 Scripture
records that "many of them which heard the
Ancient secularism word believed; and the number... was about
The challenge of secularism is not as five thousand." Acts 6 discusses the rapid
unique to our time and culture as we may growth of the church and a reorganization to
think. The first century reveals characteristics facilitate the growth. Even "a great company
strikingly in common with today's humanis of the priests were obedient to the faith"
tic, secular culture. It is reassuring to see that (Acts 6:7)
many contemporary societies are strikingly Acts 8 reveals cross-cultural growth. Philip,
similar to the one in which the early church imbued by the Spirit, touches the heart of an
had great success as it proclaimed the gospel. Ethiopian eunuch, and God opens the door
In his book Caesar And Christ, Will Durant to the continent of Africa. In Acts 10 and I1
claims that in the first century prostitution cross-cultural growth continues when Peter
flourished, abortion was commonplace, and reaches out to Cornelius. At almost the same
homosexuality was rampant. That society was time another door is opened for the gospel in
Mark A. Finley is
saturated with the desire for physical pleasure. Rome. Acts 20 points out that the disciples
speaker/director for
Seneca, the Roman philosopher, commented, were so compelled by the Spirit that (verse 20)
It Is Written
Television "They vomit to eat and eat to vomit." Packed they "taught publickly, and from house to
International, Simi Roman theaters deified the crowd's favorite house." The barriers inhibiting the gospel
Valley, California. actors and actresses. The stars of the stage came tumbling down. The gospel was taken
became the idols of society. Singers and from city to city, from country to country,
dancers by the thousands entertained multi from continent to continent.

June 2001 MINISTRY

Keys to success for the thousands who have imbibed in the nineteenth century. It speaks to
A brief look at the factors con these kinds of worldviews? Of course. the needs of society today. It ministers
tributing to the spread of the gospel Seventh-day Adventists believe to men and women who ask the basic
gives the reasons for this incredible that our world was created by God. questions of life Where did I come
success. The disciples themselves were We understand that order and design from? Why am I here? and Where am
led to genuine repentance, a spiritual in the universe indicate a Maker. We I going? Adventism answers, "You
revival and a corresponding reforma believe that randomness is incapable were created by God. You were
tion. They had a unified purpose and of explaining the complex phenome redeemed by Christ. And your ulti
a single-minded objective to win na of the universe. Beyond this, we mate destiny is to be at home with
souls. They were constantly aware of affirm that the intelligent personal God in heaven forever."
the necessity of intercessory prayer. life on planet Earth as it manifests
The Holy Spirit enlarged the thinking itself could not have been produced Approaches to the
of the disciples enabling them to be by the unintelligent and impersonal. contemporary mind
open to cross-cultural possibilities for Therefore, we believe that this world What, then, are some possible
evangelism. They preached the Word was made by a God who is Himself approaches to the secular mind?
in both private and public settings, the ideal of intelligence, the essence To begin, it takes people to win
and their ministry was accompanied of love, and the grand Designer a people. Secular people are not won by
by supernatural signs, wonders, and God who is infinite, yet personal. programs but by loving people who
miracles. They believed that God had What does this in turn say to men graciously develop interpersonal rela
called them to proclaim His message and women filled with despair and tionships with them. Usually, human
everywhere, and no power on earth or hopelessness? It says we are worth beings respond to kindness. Genuine
hell could stop it. Such was the power something because we have been friendship breaks down prejudice.
of the Spirit in their ministry. made by this God. Adventists say to One thing is certain, we will not win
the secular person, "You are created anyone to Christ by trying to out-
Today's secular mind uniquely in the image of God. You are argue them. Every human being has
Without the aid of the Holy Spirit a person of value valuable because felt needs. These needs cause the indi
our attempts to win souls will be you are you and no one is more you vidual to search for a source of help.
fruitless. At the same time, we can than you. You are irreplaceable." The need for better health, stress
pray, we can witness, and we minister Adventists say, "God thought you reduction, a happier marriage, a more
under His guidance, but we need to were so valuable that when human satisfying job, friendship, forgiveness,
understand the mind-frame of those beings fell away from Him, He gave and freedom from guilt are a few of
souls we seek to win. Ministers need His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for them." the common felt needs rampant
to understand some of the underlying The Christian faith is simply not a among us today.
assumptions that permeate the secu system of ethical values and moral According to A Summary Of
lar world before they attempt to philosophy. It is a message of a loving Qualitative Research Of TJie Unchurched
change it. There is no question that Creator who immensely values the published by Religion In American
Darwinian evolution and its succes creatures He made. He values them so Life Incorporated, secular people have
sors have permeated all aspects of life much that when they sinned, He four basic negative attitudes toward
today. These theories have played a could not bear the thought of losing the church. First, they say the church
powerful part in forming many of the them. He redeemed them Himself, is too materialistic. It's become big
contours of the modern secular mind. revealing His love on a cross. This is a business. Money is more important
Of course, these views totally dis message universal in time and loca than love. Churches are too much like
miss the thought that we are created tion, and it speaks to the contempo corporations. Second, they feel the
by an infinite, personal, caring God. A rary needs of men and women with church has become too powerful. It
fuzzy understanding of origins leads increasing relevance. tries to control thought, there is no
into murky waters when it comes to With our awe-inspiring, hopeful freedom of expression, there is mind
the meaning of life. Such views tell us doctrine of the Second Advent added manipulation and people are told
that if we are no more than advanced to this, we confidently shout to a how to live. Third, the church is hyp
animals, we are not worth much. hopeless world hope is on the way! ocritical. The distance between what
Thus, in a society saturated with evo Christ is coming again soon to put an the church teaches and how it lives
lutionary thought patterns, is it any end to sorrow, suffering, sickness, and that teaching is simply too great.
wonder that self-esteem is low? How sin. Death will soon surrender to a There is a discrepancy between words
can existence have any meaning if I glorious new tomorrow. The message and actions. The church is more like a
am here simply by accident? of Adventism is not merely relevant to social club and secular people say they
Does Adventism have any message an agrarian society living in America don't want to be a part of it. Finally,

MINISTRY June 2001

many contemporary unchurched peo
ple believe the church is not relevant.
It has not kept up with the changing
world. Secular people have a feeling of
boredom and detachment during reli
gious services.
It is interesting to note, however,
that this same research indicates that
many would consider attending
church if they could discuss their reli
gious doubts openly, if they could
find a church that was seriously con
cerned about working for the
betterment of society, or where there
was the kind of spiritual proclama
tion which spoke to their inner needs
and which offered a solid religious
education program that would
implant moral values in their youth
and children.

Jesus' methods
When Jesus spoke to people, He
reached out to where they were. He
always began by lovingly ministering Re-igniting the Flame
to people's actual needs. The gospel Dynamic souiwinning and
of John is in fact a case study in how evangelism workshop especially
Jesus met these inner spiritual needs. for lay people and pastors.
In John 1:38, Jesus noticed two men
Your spiritual life will be
following Him and asked them this incredibly renewed.
question, "What seek ye?" Jesus is
always asking that question What Discover souiwinning principles
are you seeking? What's deep within to transform your church.
you? What are you looking for? Learn practical, effective ways
Throughout the gospel of John, of sharing your faith.
Jesus answers the "What seek ye?"
question. He attempts to discover Receive latest materials.
what people need and then attempts Fellowship with pastors and lay
to meet that need. At the wedding people who are making a
feast of Cana Qohn 2), the host of the difference.
wedding was socially embarrassed.
Jesus met those social needs by turn
ing water to wine. In John 3, Nico- Collegedale, Tennessee
Southern Adventist University
demus had spiritual needs. Formal June 14-17,2001
religion was not satisfying his heart,
and Jesus met this need by sharing the San Diego, California
necessity of inner spiritual rebirth. Paradise Valley SDA Church
The woman at the well Qohn 4) had September 6-9,2001
specific emotional and spiritual needs. Enroll Today!
The man by the Pool of Bethesda and
the hungry multitude in John 5 and 6 IT IS WRITTEN
had physical needs for healing and Box 0, Thousand Oaks, CA 93065
food. Jesus met those needs. By caring
for those concerns, Jesus broke down
fear and prejudice. As barriers of

June 2001 MINISTRY

opposition crumble, hearts and minds salvation. A debating spirit evokes the divinely inspired document.
open to the gospel. spirit of debate. Arguments from the As intimated earlier, there are
The church is God's people mind meet resistance from skeptical many people who believe that evolu
equipped to serve and to lovingly minds. A message of God's grace from tion is fact. They believe that a belief
meet needs everywhere in Jesus' a loving heart will touch hearts. in Scripture negates the so-called facts
name. As church members look out of of science. It's almost impossible to
themselves and reach out to men and Different strokes, different accept a Christianity, which their
women in secular society who are folks minds convince them is not true.
their Mends, neighbors, and working No one approach is singularly They reason, "If the Genesis account
associates, hearts will indeed melt. designed to reach every individual. is wrong, how can I have confidence
Sensitivity to the heartaches, long Some secular people respond better to in any other portions of Scripture? If
ings, and concerns of others will pro a different approach. They feel that the human race is evolving to higher
duce positive results. Demonstrating a the Bible lacks intellectual substance. states of advancement, why do we
genuine interest in others is a God- They lack confidence in its integrity. need a Savior? Doesn't religion only
given method of winning hearts that Sharing some of the great Bible produce the neurosis of guilt?" There
is not often recognized for what it can prophecies of the evidence of the are times I have found it helpful to
do. And as church members with the truthfulness of the Bible will at times approach some of these select individ-
unique gifts that God has given them touch hearts. The prophecies of uals from a scientific perspective.
reach out there will be an explosion of Daniel are especially designed by God Evolution is not a proven fact but a
interest in Bible truth. to build confidence in the reliability speculative hypothesis, one filled with
Look for opportunities. When we of Scripture. Old Testament prophe- its own set of contradictions and

problems. Indeed, there are times
when some, if confronted with the
ECULAR PEOPLE ARE NOT WON BY thought that evolution is theory and
not fact and that it takes faith to be an
PROGRAMS BUT BY LOVING PEOPLE WHO evolutionist as well as a creationist,
will begin thinking seriously about
GRACIOUSLY DEVELOP INTERPERSONAL evolution's underlying assumptions.

RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEM. We may rest in the fact that it is
God's desire to win lost people to our
look for open doors of opportunity to cies regarding Jesus as the Messiah are Lord. The power of the Holy Spirit is
share what Jesus personally means to especially appealing. His birthplace in far greater than all the hellish forces
us, hearts and minds will be touched Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), the virgin opposed to the gospel in the world.
with the gospel. Since secular people birth (Isa. 7:14), His family lineage Filled with the Holy Spirit, armed
desire the "real" as opposed to the (Gen. 49:19), as well as events sur with the spiritual weapons of prayer,
"artificial," they are attracted to a rounding the Crucifixion outlined in the Word and a genuine love for
Christianity that is authenticated in Zechariah 13, Psalm 22, and others, souls, the last generation will see
the lives of believers. No one can brings great confidence to secular peo Pentecost again, yet this time in even
argue with what Christ has done for ple that Jesus is more than a good more abundant measures. Thousands
you personally. If Christ has made a man. He's more than an ethical will be converted. The light of the
difference in your life, the genuine philosopher, and indeed the divine gospel will illuminate the dark cor
ness of your experience with Him will Son of God. ners of this earth. The bastions will
touch secular hearts. I have found it Understanding some prophecies fall. Truth will penetrate the remotest
particularly helpful to simply share regarding the rise and fall of nations corners. Some of the world's hardest
the plan of salvation in the context of throughout the Old Testament is hearts will open to the gospel.
my own experience. Sharing Christ's convincing evidence for some secular Thousands of voices will proclaim the
gospel of healing love is disarming. It minds. Prophecies like those of the everlasting gospel. Through the voic
wins hearts. It changes lives. The Persian king, Cyrus, named 150 years es and lives of God's people, on the
Cross is the strongest argument in before His birth (Isa. 44:28; 45:1, 2) printed page, over radio and televi
favor of Christianity. or the destruction of Tyre and Sidon sion, through mass media and
I have seen the Holy Spirit break (Ezek. 26:1-4, 19-21) and the desola electronic genius, the Word of God
hardened humanistic hearts through tion of Egypt (Ezek. 19:1-9), all estab will go forth. The work on earth will
a simple presentation of the plan of lish reliability in Scripture as a triumph in a blaze of glory! m

8 MINISTRY June 2001


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A fishing boat is a tool, not an
Steve's boat has caught tons of fish but will
never win a beauty contest. It looks more like
a floating toolbox. Twenty-five feet of fiber
glass built around a large icebox for fish, that's
about it (along with a motor, one chair for the
captain, and a live bait chamber under it). Not
even a primitive bathroom could be found on
board! Every aspect of the vessel was designed
with one purpose in mind to catch fish. But
even though Steve's boat isn't a beauty, he is
not too proud to make the most of modern
technology as he outfits it. He uses fish radar,
hydraulic reels, and sophisticated lures.
I believe this should be the pattern for our
churches. All our programs and plans should

Gone fishing
revolve around the goal of reaching people.
We should be willing to use everything from
satellite to video if it reaches people. Too
many churches are not much more than lux
ury liners built for the comfort, convenience
and entertainment of a shipload of passengers

Doug Batchelor~ few years back my wife Karen rather than a productive crew of fishermen.
and I went to Hawaii for a little As Paul Harvey once said; "We have been
rest and relaxation. Fortunately called to be fishers of men, not keepers of the
we have friends there, Steve and aquarium."
Chris Boyl, who welcomed us to "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;
their beautiful home near Kona. Steve is a and he that winneth souls is wise" (Prov.
building contractor but his real passion is 11:30).
fishing. He owns a little fishing boat and is
always ready to use it. Though I don't eat the You must go where the fish are
fish we catch, I do enjoy the sun and the Sometimes when we were out with Steve,
water. I must also say that after numerous we had to slowly plow through the ocean for
fishing excursions with Steve and his friends, long hours to reach a spot where the fish
I understand better than ever why Jesus said were. It would have been much safer and
that if we followed Him, He would make us cleaner to have left the boat and its trailer on
"fishers of men." dry land so we could simply fish from the
No matter how busy Steve is with numer shore, but the big fish were far out in the deep
ous building projects and deadlines, he water. We cannot allow our churches to
always has enough time to go fishing. It's as become exclusive clubs that shut out the
though his construction work only serves to needy world, in an effort to be insulated from
support his fishing addiction. Every Christian the contamination and uncomfortable,
should be a fish-a-holic! Whatever our career, demanding needs of real people. We must be
it should serve the purpose of our soul- willing to go after the fish where they are, and
winning endeavors. Paul made tents so he to bring them in. The world is hungering for
could have funds to save more souls. truth; we must go to where these hungry
A real fisherman does not give up easily. people are.
Doug Batchelor is
When on Steve's boat, if we were unsuccessful While out in the deep water, it was fairly
speaker of Amazing
Facts, Inc., in
in one place, we went to another. Some days common for sharks, barracuda, or other pred
Roseville, California. the catch was bigger than others, but Steve ators to show up when we started catching
always refused to return empty. He would fish. Sometimes they would eat our prize just
continue until he caught something. If only before we pulled it into the boat. A skillful
we were so dedicated in catching "men." devil, seeking whom he may devour, always

10 MINISTRY June 2001


knows when to come around just as are beckoned by a porch light on a and we landed that trophy only by
people are making their decision to dark night. I know what Jesus meant working together. Steve steered the
come to Christ. Because we knew when He said, "Let your light so shine boat, Jerry pulled the line and kept it
there were some formidable sea mon before men, that they may see your out of the motor, Joe shot at the
sters under the boat, we never got in good works and glorify your Father in incoming sharks, took pictures and
the water ourselves. We do not reach heaven" (Matt. 5:16). Keeping that helped me work the reel. It took all
sinners by joining them in their situ light burning brightly will attract four of us to lift the monster into the
ations. people to Christ. boat and we all rejoiced on our way
back to shore!
Sometimes to locate fish, you Different methods catch The Bible tells us that when Peter
must look up different fish followed Jesus' instruction and
I was always impressed by Steve's Another basic lesson I learned dropped his net one more time after
uncanny ability to find the fish in a from Steve's fishing was that each the fruitless night of fishing, not
trackless ocean. One simple way he species of fish is caught with different only was his boat filled but he called
did this was to watch the birds. A bait and varying techniques. For mar- for John and James to assist. As a
flock of gulls or other sea birds work lin we used a pole. When it came to result, both boats were filled to over
ing the water often meant schools of large tuna it was a hand line along flowing.
small fish below, and where small fish with particular bait fish. The marlin "So they signaled to their partners
were, usually bigger fish were not far were near the surface while the big in the other boat to come and help
away. In the same way, when fishing tuna were down deep. Fishing with a them. And they came and filled both
for men, we will often need to look pole or a line is like having one-on- the boats, so that they began to sink"
up searching fear-the guidance of the one studies with a searching soul. On (Luke 5:7). If God's people would lay
Holy Spirit. Some of the places the the other hand, a net is more like aside competitive pride and work
Spirit leads may at first look very public evangelism. together in saving souls we could
unpromising, but where He leads One rule applied to all fish: you can accomplish so much more. Paul said,
there are often fish of all sizes. not force them into the boat. You "I planted, Apollos watered, but God
"For the Lord does not see as man must wait until they stop fighting to gave the increase" (1 Cor. 3:6).
sees; for man looks at the outward reel them in or you will break the line. Fishermen are notorious for
appearance, but the Lord looks at the On my last fishing trip, in the middle telling colorful, often exaggerated
heart" (1 Sam. 16:7). of the night I caught a 25-pound Alua stories of their adventures and
with a 15-pound test line, but it took exploits. Someone once said; "If Jesus
Fish are attracted to the light 20 minutes. In the same way, when could make a crew of fishermen hon
For some reason we always caught catching "men" one needs a tender est, there is hope for everyone." The
the most fish at night. I know how touch and special patience or the line truth is that "humble" fishermen
Peter must have felt when he said, will break and the fish will get away. everywhere quiver with excitement
"we fished all night. . . ." But unlike One of the best ways to catch a fish every time they have an opportunity
Peter's fruitless night fishing, we is with a fresh fish. Many times Steve to tell the story of their adventures,
always caught plenty during our would take a small fish he had just and especially as they relay the
nights out. After sundown we would caught, put a hook in it, and throw it accounts of how they have made
drop a waterproof light into the sea back out in an effort to catch a bigger their largest catches.
off the back of the boat. Soon we one. New converts with their first love How much better it will be for the
could see thousands of creatures, big are often the most enthusiastic to tell fishers of men when, through the
and small, swarming around our light. their friends and family about Jesus. ages of eternity, we will be able to tell
One night we accidentally unplugged To reach different kinds of individu our stories with beaming faces.
the light. When we discovered the als, God uses all kinds of people with "And they that be wise shall shine
problem and plugged the cord back a variety of gifts to reach a diverse as the brightness of the firmament;
in, all our fish were gone. They had spectrum of souls. Everybody can be and they that turn many to right
moved to a neighboring boat where used by God in some capacity to reach eousness as the stars for ever and
the light was still burning. someone. ever" (Dan. 12:3).
If the light of Jesus is shining There are still plenty of fish in the
through us, people will be attracted to If fishermen work together, sea. We must have more fishermen. W
where we are. People struggling in they catch more fish
darkness come to light as surely as do On one trip out we hooked a 300- www.ministerialassociation.com
the fish of the sea or the moths that pound marlin. There were four of us

June 2001 MINISTRY 11

Understanding the human context
People who live in today's mega cities are
sad, lonely, filled with fear and anxiety. They
live packed into large "skyrises" and yet they
scarcely know each other. They are always on
the run, not knowing sometimes, where they
are going. Whoever stops is overrun by those
who come from behind. The strongest and
quickest survive, leaving the rest in a valley of

despair. There is no time for anything, and if
by chance there should be some free time,
this is completely taken by the media, which
has placed itself in charge of forming the indi-

the cities vidual's opinion of life and the world.

Generally, this opinion is full of the relativism
and materialism that characterize the period
in which we live.

A person-to-person approach This context of meaninglessness has pro

duced the individual of our time: the secular
human. Such a person doesn't deny the exis
tence of God, but to them God is usually

Alejandro Bullon vangelism is my life's passion. nothing more than a casual detail. He does
Specifically, evangelism that seeks not affect the individual's life, decisions, or
to reach the cities. Come with me conduct. He is just an energy that can be
to Rio de Janeiro, perhaps one of manipulated. God is there to use, not use, or
the most pagan cities of the world. just vaguely shelve away.
Prostitution, drugs, and violence seem to Today's secular person is bombarded by
dominate the city. A great metropolis, market forces from all sides. Along with this
indulging itself in sin, day in and day out. Yet, there are mesmerizing political realities, every
when we began an evangelistic campaign kind of religious system, from ideologies to
recently in the heart of that city, more than consumer goods, from philosophies of noth
35,000 people jammed the Apoteose Square, ingness to the gadgets of the virtual world.
to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. So, traffic on the avenues of the modern
How is it possible that people in this mind is in a communication jam. To survive,
sprawling city of almost ten million, would people have learned to defend themselves by
want to come to a public place to hear about selecting the messages they would allow to
Jesus Christ? They work, running from one enter their consciousness. Thus people do not
place to another at a feverish pace. They are listen to what we want to say. They accept
attracted by the lights, the shows, the only what they want to hear.
Internet, television, and every conceivable How, then, do we evangelize these modern
attraction, but there are still many who are human beings, entrenched in the city, com
hungry and thirsty and searching. pletely oblivious to the great issues of God,
Visit Lima, the capital of Peru, with a pop life, and human destiny? Yes, some can be
ulation of 7 million. Last May our evangelistic reached by television and radio, but most will
crusade maintained an average attendance of just change the channel every time a religious
45,000 and ended in a baptism of 27,100. program appears. Others could attend anti-
That's significant. More than fifty percent of stress courses or stop smoking plans, but
those who came to hear chose to accept Jesus! many of them will disappear from the audito
A/ejandro Bullon is
The stories of Lima and Rio can be repeated rium at the time the Bible study begins.
ministerial secretary
of the South
almost anywhere: New York, Mexico City, Literature evangelism will open many doors.
American Division, Manila, Los Angeles, Calcutta, or any other Seventh-day Adventist schools have also
Brasilia, Brazil. world metropolis. From my experience in developed an important role in establishing
urban evangelism, let me mention some prin contact with the people in the large cities. All
ciples that can be implemented as we reach these means are necessary and important. But
out to the cities with the power of the gospel. the question is: Where should we invest our

12 MINISTRY June 2001

financial and human resources if we This incarnational principle is the In 1992 we employed a research
want to successfully evangelize the secret to evangelism. God sent His firm to survey major Brazilian cities.
large multitudes who live in the great message to the world not only in the The first question asked of people on
metropolitan centers? spoken and the written form, but also the streets was, "Have you ever heard
through human flesh. The Word was of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
Invest in person-to-person made flesh and became present If yes, how did they hear of the
evangelism among us. The Word came to the Church first: Through (1) a medical
In Rio de Janeiro, Lima, Sao Paulo, intellectual Nicodemus, sought out institution; (2) a school, academy, or
Montevideo, Santiago, Buenos Aires, the sinful Samaritan woman, touched university; (3) a radio or TV program;
and other large cities throughout the the leper Simon, and reached the (4) a book or magazine; (5) a stranger
world, where I have had the opportu publican Matthew. As a result, all who knocked on your door; (6) a
nity to preach, we have seen, tested, these people believed not only a sim friend, neighbor, or a relative.
and confirmed that the best means to ple religious concept or a theological Seventy-one percent of those who
reach people today is through other concept, but in Someone in whose had heard of the Seventh-day
human beings. We have already life the message had come to life. Adventist Church said that it was
affirmed that the individual from the For this reason, I never hold an through a friend, neighbor, or relative.
large cities is a solitary being in spite evangelistic campaign in a city where This means that only 29 percent had
of living in the midst of a multitude the church has not been made aware knowledge of the Church through all
of people.
Deep inside them is a great empti

ness from which they cannot free EEP INSIDE THEM IS A GREAT EMPTINESS
themselves. They can deny it, they
can pretend that they do not feel it, FROM WHICH THEY CANNOT FREE
they can disguise it, but loneliness
consumes them day and night. THEMSELVES. . . . THEY NEED TO KNOW THAT
Friendships derived in social clubs,
parties, and public places are empty
and superficial. People need to feel
accepted and loved as individuals,
and not just used. They need to know ^CONFLICTS. :THEY NEED A^TRUE;FRIEND."
that someone is interested in their
struggles and conflicts. They need a
true friend. Christians should under and agreed to their individual mis the other means combined.
stand these emotional essentials and sionary function. We spend time and Another survey among baptized
authentically come close to these money reviving, inspiring, training, members of the Church revealed
lonely individuals and present them and equipping the church. For exam almost the same result: 70 percent
to the Lord Jesus Christ and the fel ple, the administration of the South heard of Seventh-day Adventists for
lowship of His family. American Division in 1998 increased the first time through a friend, neigh
With this in mind, in the large the budget for equipping lay mem bor, or relative; 30 percent through
cities of South America where we bers by 25 percent over the allotment other means. Many of us can confirm
hold evangelism, one of the first in 1997. In 1999 this amount was this fact in our own experience.
things we teach each Christian is to increased again by 57 percent. Last This is why in my evangelistic cam
assume their role as an individual year this amount has almost doubled paigns I do not spend much money in
missionary. We make each member yet again. This is because it has been advertising. Each member who has
conscious that they need to seek out proven that the best method of studied the Bible with a friend is in
people and become friends with preparation for an evangelistic cru charge of taking that friend to the sta
them. For the spoken gospel to be sade is friendship evangelism each dium when the public meetings
successful, it is necessary that it be member seeking a friend, relative, convene. When I make my altar call, I
presented by someone in whose life neighbor, or workmate, speaking say "Help your friend to come to the
the gospel has been made flesh. "And with them about Jesus, and later front, embrace your friend, congratu
the Word was made flesh, and dwelt studying the Bible with them. late your friend, accompany your
among us, full of grace and truth, and Statistics show us that nobody can friend to baptism and then care for
we beheld His glory, the glory as of establish contact with the modern him or her throughout his or her life
the only begotten of the Father" human being better than the individ because your dear friend is a spiritual
(John 1:14). ual church member. child." What I mean is that the new

June 2001 MINISTRY 13

convert is not bonded to the evangel businessman in Sao Paulo. He invited One by one, friend to friend, relative
ist, but is bonded to the friend who friends to his home once a week for to relative, neighbor to neighbor.
helped him or her reach Jesus. social get-togethers. But what began Then, the evangelist comes to harvest
My crusades do not last for weeks. as cordial fellowship eventually the results.
At the most they last eight nights. But turned into a Bible study group. Later,
they are nights of decision. Very few when a harvest campaign was held, The challenge
people today will attend a campaign Apolinario took his friends to the When I was a teenager, Billy
that goes on for 45 nights, but any meetings. Of the 16 in the group, 13 Graham conducted an evangelistic
one can make plans for a week-long were already baptized, one of them a campaign in the Lima National
period to accompany their friend to a bank director. Today the bank direc Stadium. My older brother and I went
stadium. tor and his wife are studying the Bible to hear him speak. As I saw 35,000
You may ask "How is it possible to with their other friends. people listening to the message, I
present all the message in only one Dr. Clayton Rossi, a church mem asked myself , "Aren't we the church
week?" It is important to remember ber in Brazil and a former Attorney of the end time? Don't we have a
that, as mentioned, the message and General, was the friend of a high rank complete message? Then why are we
the doctrinal teachings have already ing government minister of Brazil. satisfied with filling a tent with only
been presented by the friend in small They had studied together at the same 1,000 people? Why are we not capable
home study groups. So when the cru university and shared a friendship of filling a stadium like this one?"
sade comes, people are already since their youth. However, Dr. Rossi From that day on I felt the Holy Spirit
prepared and only need to make a had never spoken to his friend about disturbing me, and years later God
decision. The week of evangelism is Jesus. One day he attended a seminar gave me the opportunity to work with
just a week of decision or harvest. on evangelism and began to under young people. One day I challenged
In Peru, for example, long before stand his role as a personal mission them. I taught them to seek out their
the crusade began, church members ary. He realized that he alone could friends and study the Bible with them.
were involved in Bible studies with best share his faith with the minister, Then I challenged them to take their
120,000 people. When the crusade because he was his personal friend friends to the Ibirapuera Gymnasium
itself began, more than 50,000 of and could reach through the official in Sao Paulo, and for the first time in
those who finished the Bible course barriers of someone in the position of South America, we saw thousands of
attended. Thus it was that finally his friend. A few weeks after they people together in a stadium to attend
27,100 made their decision to be began to study together, the minister an evangelistic crusade.
baptized. wrote this to the Adventist Review in Evangelizing large cities will always
Brazil. "My friend, Clayton, invited be a challenge for the Church. But
Reaching the upper class me to watch a television program the after all these years, I have concluded
One significant challenge of urban other day. I was never interested in that the most powerful element we
evangelism is reaching the upper religious matters, but when Sunday have to win the large cities is the
classes. We have an intimidating per arrived, more because of considera member of the church who is trans
ception that the rich and powerful do tion for my friend than because of formed into a disciple.
not want anything to do with the interest in the program, I turned on The Great Commission does not
gospel. This is simply not so. These the TV and when the program was command simply to go, baptize, or
people are just as lonely and emo over, I thought, 'If Clayton has some teach. Four verbs dominate Matthew
tionally in need as anyone else. They thing so marvelous, why has he kept 28:18: go, make, baptize, and teach. Of
too have problems in their homes; it to himself for such a long time?'" these, the Greek wording puts only
their marriage seeks focus, their chil Since then, Clayton has passed one verb in the imperative: make.
dren need help. But they would away. But today this former govern The imperative of the Great
hardly open their doors to a stranger ment minister continues studying the Commission is to make new disciples.
with a Bible on a Saturday afternoon Bible and daily reading a morning Each disciple is to be involved in the
or attend an evangelistic campaign devotional. It would not be a surprise mission of making new disciples. An
after hearing a radio ad. if one day he would announce his evangelistic crusade cannot exist
How, then, can we reach the upper desire for baptism. effectively without the work of indi
classes? Is it possible that in our But, isn't the minister a friend of vidual Christians.
churches there may be members who the senator and the senator, in turn, a That's the challenge of evangel
belong to this class? Do they not have friend of the governor, and the gover ism the challenge of reaching the
friends, relatives, neighbors, and nor a friend of the president? Of urban masses. We must meet that
workmates? course! The gospel must be preached challenge. The Holy Spirit will do the
Joao Apolinario is a successful by testimony. That's the divine plan. rest. SB

14 MINISTRY June 2001

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Rome. Geofnw wift*
preach, the ultimate determination of how
many finally come to Christ and to baptism is
under the control of the Holy Spirit. If there
are barriers to the Holy Spirit in our own lives
or in the life of the congregation, the Spirit
will not be able to work as He might and the
results will not be what they could be. In our
indulgent society, it takes determined prayer,
study, and courage to remove our own barri
ers and also to lead our congregations in the
removal of theirs.1
Long before a public crusade begins, there
should be a permanent, ongoing, spiritual vis

Pastor-led public
itation program of all members (not just
those who attend regularly) as well as those
who were once members but have since been
removed. Lay involvement in this visiting ini

evangelism tiative is vital. The lay leaders need to learn to

care for the flock. Pastors come and go but lay
leaders stay. Besides, the pastor can't do it all.
Pre-crusade ministries such as a Discover

Bible School, a vegetarian cooking school, or
uring the early days of the a stop smoking seminar, to name a few that
Wesley McDonald
Advent movement (the mid to are possible, should be conducted. These will
late 1800s) a man would give go a long way in helping break fertile ground
proof of his ministry by raising for the upcoming harvest.
up a church. Later, in the
1930s, when my father-in-law began his min The vision
istry, a man had to hold an evangelistic We must not place any limits on God. It is
crusade his first year and have at least one our privilege to have great vision. In all of this
baptism to be retained in the ministry. Times we can pray, "I will not let thee go, except
have changed, and not necessarily for the bet thou bless me" (Gen. 32:26). "Pray without
ter. We cannot afford to forget the words of ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). We must also make
Paul in 2 Timothy 4:5, "But watch thou in all sure the church is praying.
things, endure afflictions, do the work of an In some areas, use a team of regular stu
evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." dent colporteurs in the target area about three
The local pastor who wishes to enter into to four months before the crusade. The col
the area of pastor-led evangelism but feels porteurs can also obtain Discover Bible School
intimidated may remember that God does leads. Bring in a Bible worker or two to work
not always call to the ministry those who are with what leads the colporteurs find. Retain
qualified, but He will qualify those whom He the Bible workers for a good period of time
calls, as they follow His call in faith and after the crusade to help work with interests.
humility. The waters of the Jordan River did Use the Bible workers to train members and
not part for the Israelites until the priests the new converts in witnessing and giving
stepped into the water in faith and obedience. Bible studies. This kind of planning could also
Pastors can by all means have successful cru be used in planting new churches.
sades, by the grace of God. This article will
look at some of the key principles for making The crusade
Wcsley McDonald is
that happen. It is often best to choose a neutral hall if
pastor of the
possible. If we target the upper classes we will
Berwick, Danville,
and Northumberland Preparing the way not neglect the lower ones. Holding our meet
Seventh-day "Not by might, nor by power, but by my ings in our churches may reduce our atten
Advemist Churches spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 4:6). No dance by as much as two-thirds in some
in Pennsylvania. matter how much money we spend, what places. Many people will go further if they
method of advertising we use, or how well we hear the message from the Bible without the

16 MINISTRY June 2001

issue of denominational bias. Jesus three angels' messages in order. For meetings. Many decisions can be
warned some of those whom He example, it is not appropriate to talk obtained only in quiet privacy of the
healed not to reveal who performed about the Sabbath before someone is homes of the people. Some people
the miracle; otherwise, because of the converted to the Lord of the Sabbath. simply will not decide in public.
prejudice of the scribes and Pharisees, Finally, and most importantly, Through visiting in the homes we
His work would have been cut short bathe every presentation with the may uncover barriers which we could
in some places if the one healed pro blood of Christ; otherwise all we have never see in the meeting hall. What
claimed who healed him. is an informative discourse without we discover in the homes of people
In many regions, mailing hand converting power. "The sacrifice of will often influence how we present
bills to every residential mailbox in Christ as an atonement for sin is the certain topics as we preach.
the target area remains the single great truth around which all other Baptism is a symbol of dying to the
most effective means of advertising. truths cluster. In order to be rightly old order and its ways of sin, being
Newspaper advertising will enhance understood and appreciated, every buried and raised up to newness in
the effect of the handbills and should truth in the Word of God, from Christ. Just as an undertaker is not
be especially considered if the town is Genesis to Revelation, must be stud supposed to bury a person who has
small and has a local paper. If possi ied in the light that streams from the not died, a minister should not bury
ble, arrange for your ad to be placed cross of Calvary. I present before you a person in baptism until evidence of
on page three (so it's noticed immedi the great, grand monument of mercy death to sin and new life in Christ is
ately when someone opens the and regeneration, salvation and revealed. Baptism is not in itself a
paper). Make the ad as large as can be redemptionthe Son of God uplifted magic cure. Death to sin must occur.
afforded. Place it several times before on the cross. This is to be the founda Baptism however, should not be
the crusade begins. tion of every discourse given by our unduly delayed.
Choose a thoughtful sequence for ministersChrist and His righteous These are a few tried pointers that
the topics presented. "By pen and nesslet this be our platform, the I have found helpful. Of course,
voice we are to sound the proclama very life of our faithSeveral have every situation demands various
tion, showing their order, and the written to me, inquiring if the mes adjustments. However we do it
application of the prophecies that sage of justification by faith is the there's a tremendous sense of fulfill
bring us to the third angel's message. third angel's message, and I have ment in evangelism. It is always true
There cannot be a third without the answered, 'It is the third angel's mes that evangelism energizes us as pas
first and second. These messages we sage in verity.'"3 tors and feeds our people even more
are to give to the world in publica than conventional preaching can do
tions, in discourses, showing in the Reaping the harvest it. Everyone is blessed. Pastors are
line of prophetic history the things Visit the people who come to the continued on page 29
that have been, and the things that
will be."2 This can be easily done by
writing the verses of the three angels'
messages in Revelation 14 on one side
of a piece of paper, and on the other
side place your topics in a logical
sequence according to which of the
angels' messages the topics fall under.
For example, in the first angel's
message, there are references to the October 10 -13, 2001
gospel, fearing God, giving God glory, Place; Las Vegas, Nevada
the judgment, and the Sabbath. In
Leonard Sweet
the second angel's message there's the Professor of Evangelism at Drew University
fall of Babylon. Other doctrinal issues "An electrifying and provocative presenter

need to be presented at this point in BOD LOCJSn (call in presentation)

Executive Director, CoachNet
order to show why Babylon falls. The "An inspirational, indispensable guide
call to "Come out of her, my people"
lOfl (Before Sept. 17)
found in Revelation 18:4 may then be iiiuiviuual: s109 /Group (4ormore): t89
introduced. Registration (After sept, w
Mark Finley's topic sequence from Individual: S129 /Group #ormore.). s109
Net '95 and Net '96 are good exam E-mail: churchplanting@npuc.org
Web: www.plantthefuture.org
ples of the principle of preaching the

June 2001 MINISTRY 17

looked promising. "At the beginning of [the
twentieth century], it was possible for
European and American Christians of every
persuasion to look back on the previous cen
tury with some satisfaction."1
However, at the beginning of the twenty-
first century, western societies (including large
portions of the United States), to a great
extent, are alienated from the church and
indifferent to the gospel.2 Today, the majority
are "extraordinarily ignorant of the barest out
lines of ... Christianity."3 Many unchurched
people have not given Christianity any

Reaching the
thought at all. Michael Green puts it bluntly,
"It doesn't enter their minds."4
A number of factors have eroded the

impact of Christianity. An awareness of these
factors may alert us as to how to work for and
win unchurched people to Christ. These fac
tors include:
1. The alienation of the masses by competing

and secular ideologies. Five hundred years ago
n a flight from London to the Renaissance informed the masses that the
Peter Roennfeldt
Warsaw, I fell into conversation church's worldview was not the only one, and
with the young man seated the seeds of pluralism and secularism were
beside me. Over the next hour sown. The Reformation broke the ecclesiasti
or so I learned about his work cal stranglehold of the church. The Bible was
as a physician. We discussed politics, sports, read and much of church dogma was discred
the economy, lifestyle issues. Finally, he ited. Nationalism shattered Europe. Science
asked, "And, what do you do?" challenged the church's prescientific assump
I told him of my work as a pastor, equip tions of the universe, and the climate was
ping pastors and supporting initiatives to right for Enlightenment to elevate human
relate the Christian faith to modern people. reason and progress. The industrial revolution
Finally, I asked him, "Tell me, are spiritual spawned urbanization, breaking family ties,
issues important to you? Are you a person of challenging traditional values and further
faith? A Christian perhaps?" alienating the masses from Creation and the
"You know, T have never ever thought values of the gospel. The Christian story of
about that," he said. "I guess I should think the descent of humanity was replaced by the
about faith and the spiritual dimension of life. secular story of ascent.5
But I have never given church or Christianity These developments and competing ide
any thought at all!" ologies have pushed the church from
That statement characterizes the experi center-stage.
ence of many unchurched people and clearly 2. The destruction of faith through war. War
illustrates the challenge that we must relate to separates people from their normal work and
in sharing the gospel with unchurched, post- church life. Church attendance in Europe
Christian, postmodern people. This article will decreased following the outbreak of World
focus on reaching these people; those living in War I, and many did not resume church life
communities that were once considered to be after that war. The downward slide continues.
Peter Roennfeldt is Christian but no longer are. Christian nations at war with each other
ministerial secretary
(each claiming that God is on their side), the
for the Trans-
European Division,
The challenge tragedy of sectarian violence and religious-
St. Albans, Our world is very different to that which, ethnic cleansing, and the readiness of
Hertsfordshire, and from which, J. N. Andrews sailed 126 Christian nations to use their military power
England. years ago. At the end of the nineteenth cen do nothing to commend Christianity as a
tury the future of the Church in western lands faith that can heal hurting people.

18 MINISTRY June 2001

But, more than that, the horrors of to find Christianity's relevance being vibrant church) struggle to baptize 10
"total war" 6 destroy faith. A young questioned. to 15 per year. Evangelists baptize
professional said to me recently, "It is 5. Worldviews that most find more hundreds in Romania but avoid the
difficult to believe that it is God attractive than Christianity. Our genera Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden.
answering the prayers of affluent tion has been shaped by four major It's difficult for us to be open about
Christians today when He couldn't forces: postmodernism; broken, this challenge, for we want to see and
hear the cries of the children in the blended, and busy families; modern report growth. Although many of us
death camps. I have a lot of difficulty technology; and disillusionment. 8 live as a sub-culture among the
with prayer!" Postmodernism advocates that there unchurched, we may not be entirely
3. The challenge of other religions and is no one, universal answer. All truth aware of the enormity of the chal
rising nationalism. The "other major is relative. Diametrically opposed lenge. Even the moderate success we
world religions have not just disap truths can coexist. People have enjoy in evangelism comes from first
peared as the Christian gospel has learned to live with contradictions generation immigrants who come to
been proclaimed. On the contrary, and disillusionment. They don't predominantly unchurched cultures.
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam have believe there is absolute truthnor do The unchurched present us with
undergone an unexpected renewal they perceive that there is an answer. one of the most challenging mission

during the past eighty years."7
Spirituality is not entirely absent
among the unchurched, even though T IS BUILT AROUND THE IDEA OF INVITING
most people today do not adhere to or
order their lives by Christian under UNCHURCHED PEOPLE TO A FRIEND'S HOME
standings. If pressed, many (about 39
percent in Europe) acknowledge some
belief in God, although their under
standings of God are rarely shaped by
biblical concepts. More and more
unchurched people are attracted to
other world religions or to neo-pagan Most have settled on a mix of world- fieldswith their widespread unbe
"spiritualities" and philosophies. views that is more attractive than lief, apathy, and hostility towards
Whereas in the nineteenth century Christianity. Christianity.9 Observers perceive that
Christianity was seen as the religion Most unchurched people are not a totally new approach is needed.
of colonialism from the west, in the impressed by our institutional med "Not a better-organized church but a
last half of the twentieth century ical work or school systems. They different church; a mission church,"
other religions have represented don't know or care about ADRA. They says Martin Robinson. 10
emerging nationalism. are not interested in church or in God. Now, with this challenge before us,
4. The negative perceptions of the They don't view their lives as empty, what are the possibilities for the
church and distrust of all things institu but as normal. They're just interested future? There are initiatives within the
tional. Many people have painful in living life day by day. These are the Christian community and Adventism
stories of how the church failed them unchurched that I speak of. that are worth noting. Some of these
or their ancestors at the most sensitive We must face the challenge square could give us a guide to future possi
times. Real or imagined, the causes of ly. With large numbers being baptized bilities.
resentment seem endless. Of course, in some parts of the world, we can eas
some don't like the way the Church ily gloss over this challenge and the The Alpha initiative
challenges sin. But, it is tragic that so lack of response from the post- This initiative, developed by Nicky
many perceive the Church to be Christian, postmodern millions. Some Gumbel, came out of Holy Trinity
uncaring, arrogant, abusive, hierarchi suggest that if we adopted the models Brompton Anglican Church in
cal, and lacking justice and equality. of South or Central America, or pas London. It is basic Christianity, sim
Also, there is the perception that the toral staffing levels of Africa or the ply introducing God the Father, Jesus,
Church is divided against itself, with Pacific regions, then we would see the and the Holy Spirit. Why has it
so many denominations and so many growth in the west that is seen in attracted millions and why have
off-shoots trying the reform the those places. However, I have seen a Adventist pastors and members been
reformers. person responsible for 250-plus bap able to use it successfully in leading
Add to these negative perceptions tisms per year in one country move to unchurched people to Jesus? Observe
the cynicism towards all things insti a secular city like Melbourne, how it works.
tutional: we should not be surprised Australiaand there (even with a It is built around the idea of

June 2001 MINISTRY 19

inviting unchurched people to a gestion that he is a front for a particu endeavoring to reach former Ad
friend's home for food, fellowship, lar denomination. Nor is it seen as the ventists. After two years of ministry
fun, and spiritual/Bible discovery in scheme of some little known foreign the three or four had grown to four or
small groups. religious sect. Unchurched people five. Then their focus changed. They
It doesn't rush people. It gives don't trust denominations or institu decided to share their faith with
eleven weeks for unchurched people tions, and they don't want to get unchurched friends. There are now 65
to mix with Christian friends while caught by crackpots! to 70 worshiping each Sabbath15 to
they learn some basics about Jesus. It takes advantage of a mass 20 former members, about 15 having
It provides an opportunity for media campaign (with billboards, tel a Christian background, and 30 to 35
unchurched people to experience evision, and newspaper advertising), unchurched people.
God. The seventh weekend is spent but it is built on trained friends next They researched their target group,
away together to relate to God. This is door. and found that the environment in
extremely important, for truth today It has the drawing power that is which the group is most comfortable
is what people experience, not just always associated with the sharing of is a cafe. So they prepared a room as
what we say to be truth. the gospel. an up-market, downtown cafe, com
It leads unchurched people gen Some raise the objection, "It is not plete with professional band (key
tly to talk through their questions, Adventist!" This is followed by the board, drums, guitar, and saxophone).
doubts, fears, and negative percep question, "Do we need an Adventist They invited friends to Saturday night
tions, even as it provides an version?" Those Adventists who are cafe, talking around the tables with
environment for people to be intro using it would answer, "No. It pres coffee and cake, providing music and
duced to the Bible. ents basic Christianity, and we can secular entertainment.
It is personal. To attend an Alpha build on this initiative that is reach When asked about the venue, the
group, unchurched people don't go ing many unchurched people." friends were told this was also where
out to a program; they go next door to they discussed spiritual and topical
see friends. New church plants that issues on Saturday afternoons. (Note:
It is perceived to be Christian identify with their 10:00 o'clock on Saturday morning is
rather than denominational. Al communities not prime time for this target group!)
though some groups use Gumbel's There are spontaneous church Unchurched friends were invited, and
video presentations, there is no sug- plants where dedicated members and they started to come.
perhaps a visionary pastor simply Some Adventists looking on ask,
move out of an existing church and "When will these people attend a real
You can keep start another worship service. There is church?" But, this is real church!
also a need for strategic church plant 2. Southside Community Church in
them if you care ing where a clear strategy is followed Brisbane, Australia, is reaching the
to establish a church that will become unchurched. Six years ago Pastor Ken
How do you keep new members in the part of the life of the unchurched Houliston, his family, and a core of
church? How can you prevent new community. This is consistent with about fifteen people planted this
believers from becoming dropouts? the incarnational ministry of Jesus to Adventist Church with a vision to
In this book, James A. Cress offers be the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13) reach unchurched people. The church
theological imperatives for new- and with Paul's testimony that he was has now grown to about 220 wor
member assimiliation as well as prepared to be as all things to all peo shipers. Because of the commitment
practical methods. ple in order to win some for Jesus to relate in a relevant way to the com
(1 Cor. 9:19-23). munity, it has attracted some former
We need some church plants that members and worshipers from other
US ^095
reflect some of our existing churches. churches.
*pO However, if we are going to reach Ken has worked to establish an
+ 18% s&h
unchurched people, we need to Adventist church that is so significant
accept church plants that are radical that the community will pay them to
ly different from the existing stay. Recently when they moved into
churches. Let me describe a couple of their second facility since starting the
Ministerial Association Resource Center these church plants. church, the unchurched community
Phone: 888.771.0738 (toll-free) / 301.680.6508
Fax: 301.680.6502
1. The Cafe Church in Copenhagen, and business leaders provided
E-mail: paynec@gc.atlventist.org Denmark, is reaching unchurched AUS$300,000 and supplies to outfit
Web site: www.ministerialassociation.com people. Five years ago three or four the building.
Also available at your local ABC
friends were sharing and praying, and Community leaders testify that

20 MINISTRY June 2001

the drug abuse level and the crime unchurched walked. It is not easy to They must be able to understand and
rate in this city has declined since get out and onto this path. But the meet their wants."16
Southside Community Church following provide a context that Reaching the unchurched has
began. The warehousewhich is unchurched people can understand, implications for all of us:
their churchis the center for indoor be challenged by and respond to, and Don't ignore the local church.
football, a professional rock-climbing experience. Encourage and support innova
wall, and where you drop in to play 1. An embodied apologetic: the Word tive methods at local-church level.
pool. It is the community youth made flesh. Unchurched people don't Expect each local church to be
drop-in-center, where youth go to trust institutions, but they can under differentsometimes radically so.
find counseling, support, and safe- stand a local church that works in 9 View evangelistic small groups as
housing. This church is where some changing lives and communities.12 essential to the life of each Adventist.
unchurched university students do 2. Authentic friendship and narrative Cultivate a culture of church
work experience as community social evangelism. Unchurched people planting.
workers. Many of the staffrecep respond to genuine care and con Expect all churches (and pastors)
tionists, ministry leaders, and per cern.13 They also relate to narrative to support church planting.
sonnelare unchurched people. evangelismsharing with them our Reach the unchurched by friends,
Some Adventists looking on say, relationship with Jesus and His Spirit, not by program or technology.
"But when will it become a real rather than just confronting them Remember personal work is
Adventist church?" But, this is a real with doctrinal truth. Narrative evan absolutely vital.
Adventist churchreaching the gelism shares how God's story has 9 Emphasize the power of prayer
unchurched. called into question our story and and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
changed the course of our lives." Pray for a revival of the biblical
Refocused churches with a 3. Experience and involvement. Few "every believer a minister" concept.
strategy unchurched people respond to the 9 Use user-friendly buildings
One quality marks every church confrontational approach to evangel (warehouses, offices, and homes) as
that is reaching the unchurched: a ism or church. Such evangelism is worship/outreach centers, rather
strategy to reach lost people! These seen as manipulative. Give people than church-type buildings.
churches study the unchurched peo time to understand and experience Build a model church that is
ple of their communities. They deter the basics of Christianity. both biblical (Acts 2:42-47) and cul
mine the path that most unchurched 4. Something new and creative. turally relevant to the unchurched.
people may walk if they were to come Informality, contemporary styles of Speak to the questions of the
to faith and discipleship. They list the music, participation in direction and unchurched. H
steps that people may take, and they planning, an opportunity to make a
position their churches on those difference, leaders who listen, choices
steps. and options, encouragement and 1 Martin Robinson, To Win the West (East Sussex:
Monarch, 1996), 37.
Ellen White describes the five-step involvement"these are the syntax 2 George Hunter III, How to Reach Secular People
strategy that Jesus followed: "The of the language that unchurched peo (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992), 26.
Saviour mingled with men as one ple understand. Church traditions or 3 Michael Green and Alister McGrath, How Shall We
Reach Them? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995), 27.
who desired their good. He showed structures of the past do not really 4 Ibid., 32.
His sympathy for them, ministered to matter. 5 Robinson, 65.
their needs, and won their confi 5. Christians who act Christianly. 6 Ibid., 59.
7 Ibid., 73.
dence. Then He bade them, 'Follow 8 Tim Celek and Dieter Zander, Inside the Soul of a New
Me.'"" Insights for the future Generation (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996), 41-70.
It may be at steps four or five (after We need to support new and inno 9 Robinson, 58.
10 Ibid., 63.
two to three years of fellowship with vative approaches, for reaching the 11 Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing (Nampa,
an Adventist Christian) that an unchurched is like reaching into an Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1942), 143.
unchurched person may attend unknown culture for most Christians. 12 Kevin Ford, festis For a New Generation (London:
Hodder & Stoughton, 1996), 178, 179.
church. Therefore, the churches that Ellen White wrote, "The people of 13 Christian A. Schwarz, Natural Church Development
are committed to sharing faith with every country have their own pecu (British Church Growth Assn., 1996), 36.
the unchurched will prioritize min liar, distinctive characteristics, and it 14 Ford, 229, 230.
15 Philip Hughes, "Assessing Congregational Vitality"
istries and programs that position is necessary that men should be wise (Pointers: Bulletin of the Christian Research Ass/2., June
themselves on the path at steps one to in order that they may know how to 1997. Vol. 7, No. 2.) 2, 3in a report on the
three, so as to establish contact with adapt themselves to the peculiar ideas National Church Life Survey book, Shaping the
Future (1997).
many unchurched people. of the people, and so introduce the 16 White, Testimonies to Ministers (Nampa, Idaho:
Jesus was on the path where the truth that they may do them good. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1962), 213.

June 2001 MINISTRY 21

hours a day alone with God is a minimum for
me. Along with myself, I want my evangelistic
team and church members to have a similar
experience. Unless we wake up, we can never
see miracles of genuine conversion. We can
not mobilize a sick church to evangelize.
The cry of John Wesley needs to be our cry:
"Give me one hundred preachers who fear
nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God,
and I care not a straw whether they are cler

gymen or laymen, such alone will shake the
gates of hell and set up the kingdom of God
on earth."4

evangelism still
I also invite all those who attend my meet
ings to join me in fasting and praying every
Wednesday throughout the five weeks of the
crusade. They pray for the evangelist, them
selves and the city. Every night, before I begin
(part 2) preaching, I remind the team of the power of
prayer. I request all to pray for me as I preach,
and this they do sincerely. This kind of revival
among our people will always bring results.
Editorial note: In Part I of this two-part This transforms the preacher, the congrega
Kerry Mhando
series Pastor Mhando described the inspiring tion and the community.
results he has had in doing public evangelism on
three continents. In this final part he identifies Make the crusade people-oriented
and describes five principles that he sees to be crit When I am invited to conduct a crusade, I
ical to the kind of success he has described. inform the coordinators in advance that they

need not set any budget for handbills. Every
s we move toward the end, says member will be my handbill. One month
Ellen White, "some methods before I arrive, every member is to make a list
used in the work will be different of 20 peoplefriends, neighbors, and family
from the methods used in the membersand invite them to the meetings.
past, but let no one, because of Then everyone who attends is encouraged to
this, block the way by criticism."1 "Whatever invite at least two others the following day.
may have been your former practice, it is not Since no handbills have been distributed,
necessary to repeat it again and again in the every member feels accountable and responsi
same way. God would have new and untried ble to spread the news of what is happening.
methods followed."2 "Let every worker in the This people-to-people contact has been an
Master's vineyard study, plan, devise methods important element of success in my crusades.
to reach people where they are. We must do This is not to say that I do not make use of
something out of the common course of banners, posters, radio, television, and news
things. We must arrest the attention."3 papers. But these communication tools are
In planning for my crusades, I have taken used to foster public awareness. Research indi
these counsels seriously, and tried to be an cates that almost 80 percent of the people
innovative and effective communicator of the who come to Christ and are baptized have
gospel story. I found the following five princi responded because a relative or friend has
ples helpful in providing an evangelistic invited them.5
Herry Mhando is a
explosion in my ministry.
global evangelist for
Make sure of total participation
Light Bearers
Ministry, Malo, Mobilize every member to revival Prior to the crusade, create an awareness in
Washington. and prayer every church member that God has given us
Sharing the gospel cannot be effective the city, and that it is the responsibility of
unless we spend a lot of time in prayer, medi every individual church member to play a
tation, and the study of God's Word. Three part to completely conquer it for Christ. My

22 MINISTRY June 2001

slogan is "every member mobiliza Spirit upon his life and lives a life other evangelists, pastors, and lay
tion and every person reached." wholly consecrated to God"?7 members have already done the
I consider my presence in every I am therefore unapologetically planting and I am there to reap the
city an opportunity to mobilize and numbers-conscious, though that, of harvest. I realize that "many are on
train every member to be a soul win course, is not my only concern. the verge of the kingdom, waiting
ner. If the city has a total of 3,000 Numbers count with me, and there only to be gathered in."8 I also con
church members, my goal is to have fore I count numbers. As I evangelize sider that the Lord has called me as
3,000 trained preachers after the cru it is important to me to know how His ambassador to move, persuade,
sade is over, all qualified to win souls, many souls accept the lordship of my convince, beg, beseech, and compel
to train and encourage the new mem Savior Jesus Christ, and how many I (Acts 17:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:11, 18-20; 6:2;
bers to do likewise. am training to win souls. My God is Luke 14:16-24). I preach for decisions.
Did you know that one out of four apparently interested in numbers also. Hence the time for the altar call is a
people we meet would come to Christ The book of Acts is a numbers book. I serious time. People make serious
if someone would just explain the no longer feel guilty when I mention decisions every night.
gospel to them? 6 So, with much numbers, count numbers, or set high At the very beginning of the ser
prayer and love for Christ, I mobilize numerical goals in my ministry. mon, I make an announcement
all to reach all. To make total partici When God dreams His dreams regarding the appeal, and thus pre
pation a serious business, all my cru through us, He takes responsibility pare the whole congregation for the
sades are "Field Schools of for making these dreams happen. call that will come later. I ask the con-
Evangelism" for both lay members God even fulfills His promise to go gregation to be praying for the
and pastors. I spend two hours, twice beyond our expectations and dreams hundreds who will make decisions.
every week, training the lay preachers. (Eph. 3:20). My task is to dream big, This paves the way for the Holy Spirit
The presence of pastors at these events and then stand and see my God give to work in mighty ways.
helps in mobilization and motivation. results beyond my dreams. Just before I begin the appeal, I ask
To these classes I also invite those Two other factors also help in the pastors, their spouses and all the
who make decisions. The new mem achieving big dreams. First, I share my church elders to come forward to
bers are my greatest tools in soul dreams with others. When others take shake hands or give hugs to the hun
winning. They have relatives and ownership of my goals and dreams, dreds who will be making decisions
friends. I baptized one 17-year-old and begin to pray and work with me, for Christ and baptism. Then I ask the
girl in Tanzania. Before the end of the great things happen. Second, when I members who have their relatives
crusade, eight of her friends and rela go into a city, I aim to reach the entire and friends making decisions to come
tives had been baptized. city and I work hard to achieve that forward and stand by their side, thus
Home visitation is an important goal. The rest I leave to God. When I assuring them of their prayer and
aspect of total mobilization and train have prayed and done all I can, and in support. This involves everyone.
ing. I spend at least three hours a day, the end I baptize only one, I can still Hundreds make decisions because
four days a week in home visitation rejoice in God. they know someone will be there to
with lay leaders and pastors. This When I set high goals in soul win support and love them.
gives them on-the-job experience in ning, God provides other blessings as Public evangelism still works when
leading people to decision. There is well. Reports from Texas and conducted according to the divine
power when the evangelist does Tanzania where I have conducted plan. As we put these elements into
house-to-house visitation. How can I crusades in the last two or three years practice we can count on a rewarding
encourage others to visit unless I also indicate that their tithes and offerings harvest for Christ. Hi
do it? have grown three times since we
ended these crusades. I hope this is 1 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church (Nampa,
Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), 25.
Dream big dreams, set bold happening in other places as well. We 2 , Evangelism (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and
goals can surely expect the Savior's ample Herald Pub. Assn., 1946), 125.
3 Ibid., 123.
The quality of my relationship blessings as we prioritize what He
4 In Wesley L. Duewell, Ablaze for God (Grand Rapids:
with God can be evaluated by the considers most important. When we Zondervan Publishing House, 1989), 106.
kind of goals I set for myself in evan mind His business, He minds ours. 5 Charles Am, Donald McGavran, and Win Arn,
gelism. When I am truly God's Growth: A New Vision for Sunday School (Pasadena:
Church Growth Press, 1980), 75, 80.
partner, I can afford to think and plan Preach for decisions 6 Walter Bleecker, Leading a Person to Christ (San
big. How can I think small when I have decided never to preach a Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life Press, 1990), 16.
7 White, The Desire of Ages (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific
"there is no limit to the usefulness of sermon without making an appeal. I
Press Pub. Assn., 1940), 250, 251.
one who, putting self aside, makes consider all my meetings to be reap 8 , Acts of the Apostles (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific
room for the working of the Holy ing crusades. I take for granted that Press Pub. Assn., 1911), 109.

disciples must be formed to provide fellow
ship, equipping, edification, and ministry
training so that the work of Christ can be
moved forward.

Postmodernism and the cities

The need for urban evangelism becomes
more acute in the face of the challenge of post
modernism. Postmodernism is not a minor
philosophical curiosity or a passing phenome

Why should we
non. It is the most significant thing to strike
Western Civilization since the Enlightenment.
Postmodernism looks at the world, reality and

plant churches
meaning in a fundamentally different way.
Postmodernism is open to all things spiri
tual. People have probably not been this open

in the city?
to the spiritual world since the Middle Ages.
Although the postmodernist looks at spiritu
ality in terms of the concerns of the present,
we can take advantage of such aspirations.
We need to plant Adventist churches of bibli

cal integrity that demonstrate to postmodern
don't know how to plant churches in urbans the true spiritual understanding of the
Chad Carlton
the city. I have had absolutely no expe universein the context of a Creator-Father
rience. I am merely a seminary student God who is even bigger than the God placed
with just two years of pastoral experi in today's rational box. We need churches
ence. How could I even think about that are able to show people convincingly
such a challenge? And yet I want to try it. that the Bible answers their questions relating
I pour out my heart in prayer. "Lord, how to humanity's past, present, and futurethe
can I do it?" I ask. The answer comes, "Trust very answers postmoderns are seeking.
Me. Believe Me." Perhaps the greatest felt need of postmod
It's time for the Seventh-day Adventist ern urbanites manifests itself in the arena of
Church to focus more particularly on urban relationships. Understanding this, we should
ministry, to emphasize once again the great plant churches that value authentic biblical
needs of the cities. It's not that we have never community and highlight it as an asset.
done anything in cities before or that nothing Church members should see themselves as
is going on now. It is just that our focus needs ministers willing to do the sometimes difficult
to change if we are ever going to match the but meaningful work of entering into people's
challenge of massive urbanization taking lives. They should spend time in building rela
place worldwide. tionships with struggling people, sharing their
Missiologist Roger Greenway says, "In view traumas and celebrating their joys.
of the rapid growth of cities in Asia, Africa, But this can only happen if we are willing
and Latin America and the internationaliza- to actually go where the people are. That
tion of cities in Europe and North America, it means we should plant churches where people
is no exaggeration to call cities the new fron are and encourage members to live in their
tier of Christian missions." 1 Seventh-day midst, work with them and enter into mean
Adventists must focus on cities if we are going ingful relationships with them. Only then will
to faithfully fulfill the gospel commission. the postmodern urbanite be willing to listen
Chad Carlton is a
But how should the Church reach these to the gospel. Only then will the secularized
seminary student at
sprawling giants for Christ? In brief, new city dweller even consider embracing the alter
Andrews University
in Berrien Springs, churches need to be planted. Russell Burrill native of Jesus Christ. They must see the
Michigan. has shown that Adventism began as a church- power of the gospel demonstrated in the lives
planting movement and needs to regain that of Christians who are truly their friends. "To
focus.2 Indeed, the most productive evangelis be effective and successful in urban ministry,
tic strategy is planting churches. Groups of the worker must build genuine credibility.

24 MINISTRY June 2001


This can be achieved only through It is true that Ellen White argued areas. While appreciating these efforts
involvement with people individually strongly for country living. She is, of it is time to do more to intentionally
and communally."3 course correct in saying that such a plant new churches in the metropoli
setting is ideal. But it is also crucial tan areas.
Ellen White and the cities that missionaries willing to risk the God sent Jonah to warn Nineveh
Toward the end of her life, Ellen dangers, move into the cities to build that it would soon be destroyed.
White increasingly became burdened credible relationships, communities Jonah resisted this call. God is send
with the dilemma of the cities. She of faith and churches that will reach ing us to the cities again today. What
wrote numerous letters encouraging the urban person who would other is our response? U
church leaders to work in the major wise never hear the gospel in the
metropolitan expanses. At one point setting of the three angels' messages.
she became so disturbed with the lack Many are currently working in and 1 Roger Greenway and Timothy Monsma, Cities:
of emphasis being placed on cities for the cities. Global Mission has Missions New Frontier (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker
Book House, 1989), xi.
that she refused to grant the General designed creative programs to boost 2 Russell Burrill, Rekindling A Lost Passion (Fallbrook,
Conference President an interview!4 the work in unreached urban areas. Calif.: Hart Research Center, 1999), 245-246.
This is especially significant because Many churches already exist in these 3 Greenway and Monsma, 249.
4 See Gilbert M. Valentine, The Shaping of Adventism:
of the respect she held for church areas. African-American, Hispanic, The Case of W.W. Prescott (Berrien Springs, Mich.:
leadership. She became increasingly and ethnic congregations are growing Andrews University Press, 1992), 208.
aware that the church needed to make rapidly in some North American 5 Ellen G. White, Evangelism (Hagerstown, Md.:
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1974), 35.
major adjustments in order to change cities. Recent Net Evangelism efforts 6 Ibid., 29.
the way it had been doing things. have targeted major metropolitan 7 Ibid., 34.
In 1906 she wrote, "The cities must
be worked. The millions living in
these congested centers are to hear the
third angel's message. This work
should have been developed rapidly
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June 2001 MINISTRY 25

"recuperate" before returning to his busy
place at the temple. He agreed. I brought him
home that evening along with two of his jun
ior monks. They stayed with us for four days.
This visit provided us an opportunity to
involve them in our daily activities, including
worship. Soon they "discovered" the health
and Bible courses we had intentionally placed
in their way. Thus seeds were planted.

Handling the prejudice

Soon after, Sumanajoti proposed that we
should change the inaccurate picture many in

The unlikeliest
the community had about our Adventist
school, and work toward removing the hostil
ity the village had toward Christianity. The

monk had a plan. He wanted me to invite the
key leaders of the villiage for a meal at our
schoolactually at our home.
We invited 12 leaders. As soon as our invi
tation letters reached them, they sought the
advice of my friend, the chief monk. They
ou might well say that Suma- had never been invited to the school before.

Riidi Maier
najoti Thero is the "unlikeliest" of Was this a trap or a plot?
missionaries. He was the chief We brought them to our campus and gave
monk of a Buddhist temple. From the group a tour of our school. Many of them
his teen years, he had been inter had never been on the campus during the
ested in people. They were his "mission" and school's 32-year history. They were impressed
he sought for himself a role of service. In time with our work program as being part of our
he became one of the most influential monks educational system.
in his region. As the guests came into our house, I washed
Establishing relationships is near the the feet of the monk, Sumanajoti. This cus
essence of Christian mission and ministry. My tom, so well known from the time of Jesus,
friendship with this Buddhist monk and his still thrives in many parts of the East. My act
"witness" have fashioned an outstanding and of hospitality provided a message: We as
illuminating experience in my life as a mis Christians knew how to be respectful.
sionary. Our story illustrates what lies at the After a pleasant meal, it was time to talk.
center of what makes successful evangelism Everyone had something nice to say about
and mission. what they saw and what they had experi
We became friends, though we were by all enced. Sumanajoti just listened. Finally it was
means unlikely partners. He, the Buddhist time for him to speak. "I have been your
monk, and I, the Adventist Christian pastor, leader for many years," he began. "Most of
were different in many ways: in religion, in you I have known from childhood and early
culture, and in age. But we shared a common youth. All of you come for special occasions to
interest in the welfare of the villagers around my temple. We have talked together about
us, and we respected each other for our spiri many things in life." He paused, and as he
tual commitment. This personal respect for surveyed his people one by one, they won
and recognition of each other bonded us dered what would come next.
Rudi Maier, Ph.D., is
together. "You have said nice things about this
associate professor,
As we traveled together to various parts of place," he continued. "But this is not what
Department of World
Missions, Seventh- the country, our relationship grew, and we you are saying in our village when you speak
day Adventist shared our common interests with each other. about this school."
Theological Seminary, One day when he was coming home from a Silence fell over the group. Embarrassed
in Berrien Springs, week-long stay in the hospital, I invited looks went around. But the monk continued
Michigan. Sumanajoti to stay with us for a few days to with his remarks, indicating that this was not

26 MINISTRY June 2001

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really the main point of his speech. I was led with Sumanajoti into the with each other. After a year I received
"For many years I had the same feel residence of the temple. There on an an unexpected telex informing us that
ings. I was against the plan to sell this elaborate mahogany couch sat the the chief monk at the temple complex
land to the Christians. But their chief monk. "So you are a mission we had visited was ill and that he
money spoke louder than our objec ary?" was his first question to me. wanted to see us one more time.
tions." "Yes," I said. Unfortunately I could not afford to go
He paused for a moment as if to "Is it right that you are here in this immediately because school was back
straighten out the facts in his mind country to make Christians out of in session. Knowing what I know
before he began again. Buddhists?" now, we should have gone anyway.
"But I had to change my mind. I sensed that this was going to be
Several years ago we were involved in more of an arraignment than a "get- The impact of showing
a major community project. We acquainted" session. But what was I respect
needed tools and we were looking for to tell him? I was called not only to Three weeks later we received a
equipment, and I approached most of be the Adventist Pastor and Bible large bulky envelope. Inside it, we
you. In fact I hoped you would get teacher at our school, but also to found a second envelope. In the enve
involved with us in such a noble "organize and supervise the evangel lope was a letter that explained that
effort, but you all had excuses why istic work in the area." though he had held out as long as
you could not give us the shovels, At that moment, a short, silent possible, the monk had finally died.
pickaxes and wheelbarrows. So I prayer was all I had time to manage. He had wanted me to speak at his
decided to lay all my prejudices aside, But I was not the only one who funeral.
put on my newest robe and come talked to God that afternoon. The The letter also stated that in a sec
down to this school. I knew in my prayer of my friend, the monk ond envelope was a part of his
heart that the Christians would never Sumnajoti, undoubtedly sounded as cremated ashes. His successor and his
assist us in our work. But the princi sweet in the ears of God that day as disciples realized that the deceased
pal, to my utter astonishment, agreed that of the most eloquent preacher monk was close to our family, and
not only to loan us the tools but even in Adventism. As I stood there with they felt that part of his remains
to bring them to us with his own shaking knees and nervous voice, I should stay with us. I have returned
vehicle." believe God fulfilled His promise to to that country a number of times
There was silence. Everybody give us words to witness for Him. and the remaining monks still treat
could sense that the monk was not For two hours that afternoon I me as their brother. Showing respect
finished with his report. As he faced tried to explain to this monk that I opens minds and hearts!
them, he confronted them with this could hardly make a Christian out of The ashes of the monk that were
question: "Who do you think were a Buddhist, because that work was sent to us are now resting in a small
the true Buddhists?" not in the hands of human beings, sandalwood box in our home. No, we
He did not expect an answer, but in the hands of God. For two don't worship that box. We handle it
because he himself gave the answer hours I shared with him what it with respect. But who knows how
with a kind but firm voice. "We are meant to be a Christian. All that time many others have received a glimpse
only Buddhists by name, but they it did not dawn on me to ask him of Jesus because of my friend
have been Buddhists through their who he was. It was only at the end of Sumanajoti and because of the will
actions." the session, after his whole attitude ingness of the chief monk at the
had changed, that I dared to ask. temple to take risks as he shared what
Visit to a Buddhist temple He told me that he was the chief he did before he died?
Perhaps the most imposing chal monk of one of the three orders of And what of us? God has given us
lenge in sharing my faith came on monks in that country. In fact, his a great opportunity to be involved in
the occasion of my visit to a temple order was the most prestigious of the preparing the world for the imminent
complex. Sumanjoti wanted to "step three. When I learned that, I praised coming of Jesus by proclaiming the
in for a few minutes." While there, God, not only for giving me the Good News to the people around us.
the people at the complex offered me opportunity but the words to share While we may rejoice with all our
a quick tour of the compound. It was in such a situation. hearts that God can use a Samaritan
an impressive temple, and I realized I All this was made possible by my woman and a Buddhist monk"the
was probably touring an important monk friend, Sumanajoti Thero, for it unlikeliest missionaries of all"the
Buddhist location. I asked my guide if was he who wanted to share; it was he question still confronts us: Have we
he was the chief monk of the temple. who opened the door for us to do so. caught such a vision of God and Jesus
"No," he said. "But the chief monk When we left that country, that we too will be moved to share
wants to see you." Sumanajoti and I kept in close contact our faith? n

28 MINISTRY June 2001

continued from page 3 . . . Contrary to what George says, proclaims and lives out the long-standing
different weight is lent to the present vis/on so well expressed in the following:
ical of their current format and attrib model of the 27 fundamentals and "The truth for this time is broad in its out
utes too much blame to it. His there is a thread running through them, lines, far reaching, embracing many doc
description of them, that they are "like and that thread is Christ. There is room trines; but these doctrines are not
a string of beads with each bead having for improvement sure, but even if detached items, which mean little; they
the same size and weight" and his George comes up with a better model are united by golden threads, forming a
acceptance of the view that there was which is accepted by the world church, complete whole, with Christ as the living
n't even a string connecting the 27 it will not solve the ever-present prob center" (Selected Messages, 2:87). B
fundamental beads doesn't stand up to lems of legalism, incorrect perspectives,
a fresh scrutiny. First, his view that the and pettiness, which have always exist
way the 27 are set out "indicates no pri ed in every church era.
orities" is incorrect. It is generally What is presently needed is a whole Pastor-led public
conceded that with any belief line-up
those at the top of the list would set the
hearted acceptance and preaching of
all our present 27 fundamentals with
continued from page 17
tone for the other beliefs. Christ as their center. (George agrees.) I
Knight suggests that "in a hierarchi don't think remodeling the 27 funda shepherds, and the shepherd's task is
cal model of Christian theology, Christ mentals is the answer. There is enough to be sure the ninety and nine are
and the cross are at the very Apex." But gospel priority in them to do the task. left in safety and then to go out and
the 27 fundamentals actually do a rea jack Lange, pastor, Maitland, New South search for the lost sheep.
sonable job of bringing this perspective. Wales, Australia.
Having set the gospel tone in the first
1 See my article entitled "Church Growth and
ten fundamentals, the other seventeen Editorial comment: In publishing Church Discipline" in the April 2000 issue of
then discuss doctrine and lifestyle the article, "27 Fundamentals in Search of Ministry magazine.
always in the context of the gospel. So a Theology," it was George Knight's inten 2 Ellen G. White, Counsels to Writers and Editors
(Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Pub. Assn., 1946), 26,27.
I would suggest to George that there is tion and that of Ministry to encourage an 3 Ellen G. White, Evangelism (Hagerstown, Md.:
a common thread. embracing ofAdventist faith that palpably Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1946), 190.


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pastoral families
hat a wonderful concept! simple tasks such as operating the film-
Many conferences and local strip projector, praying for and with
churches select a special those who were studying, or participat
time of the year to emphasize the ing in repeating a verse of Scripture. I
importance of the pastor to the local
JAMES A. CRESS firmly believed that I was "giving Bible
congregation. Pastors should clip this studies" myself and that participation
article and read it to their elders and developed a life-long desire to do per
church boards. I'm eager to see sonal evangelism.
Adventists more widely experience As second benefit that comes to pas
the blessing of affirming and express toral families is an expanded world
ing tangible appreciation for their view. When weekly mission stories and
own pastor. daily devotions focus on the advance of
Local congregations might select a also every member of the pastoral fami the gospel in faraway places or the ven
specific day or even an entire month ly. In fact, recognition of this important tures of missionaries in challenging
suggested and coordinated by the reality is why the General Conference circumstances, those brave souls
union or division to express gratitude instituted its ministry to pastoral spouses become family members for whom we
for God's work through the pastoral and children through Shepherdess pray and the needs of the mission work
leaders assigned to the local churches. International. Today that emphasis is become projects for which we willingly
This is also an appropriate time to expanded in virtually every division give. As a child, I listened intently to
remember the inclusive ministry of the through the leadership of the Ministerial great missionaries such as Eric B. Hare
pastoral family. Association's entity, Shepherdess or Josephine Cunnington Edwards and
In my own church, we typically International. declared to anyone who would listen
choose the anniversary of our pastor's As a PK (pastor's kid) myself, I can that I was personal friends with these
arrival to acknowledge his ministry in reflect on both strong and weak points noteworthy heroes. When my mother's
our midst. Typically we organize a spe of pastoral families. Special opportuni sister married a man whose last name
cial part of the worship service to pray ties and benefits come to pastoral was the same as my hero from the Voice
for the pastor, thank him verbally and families as well as significant challenges. of Prophecy, I called my new uncle
with an appropriate gift of gratitude. First, a significant benefit to pastoral "Elder" Richards and could not grasp
One year we arranged for the pastor families is the sense of mission which that he was not part of H. M. S.
and his family to enjoy a three-day hol the entire family can experience as they Richards' own family. I was astounded
iday away from the pressures of the job work together to hasten Jesus' coming. that he did not even know that great
courtesy of their members. Other years Ministry, after all, is not just a career. It man and assured him that I could
we have provided him with a book, is a calling for every believer which arrange an introduction at the next
video, or other professional tool which includes, of course, the pastor's family. camp meeting. Long before the church
will enhance his ministry and increase By viewing ministry as the "family's ever asked me to travel internationally
his joy in service. The process of work" rather than just the parent's on an assignment, I had eagerly sought
expressing gratitude to God for pastoral career, each person in the pastoral fam to know more about Africa, Asia, South
leadership is far more important than a ily can experience joy in the baptisms of America, because that is where my
specific gift. For pastors with young converts, earnest labor for souls, and heroes ministered. I was much more
children, a congregation might want to personal satisfaction in the lives of familiar with names like Kata Rhangaso
coordinate child-care one night a week members who grow and mature. For from the Solomon Islands or the Stahls
to allow the pastor and spouse some example, my own love for personal from South America than I was with any
free time together. Bible studies and evangelistic visitation sports or entertainment personalities.
Perhaps no other job requires as came because even as a pre-schooler Likewise, pastoral families have
much selfless sacrifice as pastoral min my dad took me with him on his "pas opportunities for travel and fellowship
istrynot only that of the pastor, but toral assignments." I was assigned with others in similar circumstances.

Wise administrators have learned the time to receive my pay, I was proud to several cousins, aunts, and uncles, near
value of including pastoral spouses and report to the treasurer that I had com by. Holidays always involved the whole
children in professional meetings. In pleted my work. family, and inpromptu family occasions
addition to appropriate seminars on Another benefit is the binding cohe- occurred several times per month.
issues of interest to pastoral spouses or siveness of common purpose, some When pastoral families are not located
age-appropriate programming for PKs, times at the sacrifice of proximity to near to their own relatives, sensitive
just the opportunity for interaction and other relatives. You might feel some members of the local congregation can
fellowship with those whose life assign what isolated to be far from your "grandparent" PKs with eternal conse
ments are similar to your own will extended family, but these same chal quences for their efforts.
increase both mission comprehension lenges can bind together a family who Reasonable expectations for PKs let
and ministry satisfaction for the pastoral recognizes that they are on the front- them be appreciated as individuals and
families. lines together and must support each understood as normal, active children.
Financial challenges often may seem others endeavors. Parents who strate- Expressions such as, "you must set an
overwhelming for pastoral families. A gize ways to emphasize family fun, proj example" not only should be avoided,
benefit of that reality, however, is the ects, outings, and special occasions will but actually stifle the spirit. The steps of
necessity for PKs to earn some extra grow ever closer together. child development, the challenges of
money, either to contribute to a special Frequent relocation adds to the chal adolescence, and the process of matur
activity for the family or to pay some of lenges. Typically, pastoral families move ing physically, socially, intellectually,
their own educational or recreational farther away from their kin rather than and spiritually should be the interest of
expenses. A strong work ethic is easier closer to the hometowns of their rela the whole church family.
to develop in the seemingly harsh light tives. As a PK, I never experienced the Above all else, congregations can
of limited resources. I remember that in constant proximity of extended family strengthen pastoral homes by affirming
fourth grade I accepted the assignment members. We traveled to "visit" grand leadership, emphasizing the value of
to serve as janitor for our church facility. parents or cousins. Sharon, on the other pastoral ministry, and encouraging all
My Father was careful to see that I hand, grew up in a small town with youngsters, including PKs to model
earned my money and when it was both sets of grandparents as well as Jesus' own caring ministry. Hi

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