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Passive Voice

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Passive voice

1.que es la pasiva

2.usos de la pasiva ( mas importantes+ EXTRAS)

3.forma de la pasiva

4.como se hace(comparativa ingles espaol)

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not
known, however, who or what is performing the action.

When should we use the Passive?

1. When we want to change the focus of the sentence:

o The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. (We are more
interested in the painting than the artist in this sentence)

2. When who or what causes the action is unknown or

unimportant or obvious or 'people in general':
o He was arrested (obvious agent, the police).

o My bike has been stolen (unknown agent).

o The road is being repaired (unimportant agent).

o The form can be obtained from the post office (people in general).

3. In factual or scientific writing:

o The chemical is placed in a test tube and the data entered into the

4. In formal writing instead of using someone/ people/ they (these

can be used in speaking or informal writing):

o The brochure will be finished next month.

5. In order to put the new information at the end of the sentence

to improve style:

o Three books are used regularly in the class. The books were
written by Dr. Bell. ('Dr. Bell wrote the books' sound clumsy)

6. When the subject is very long:

o I was surprised by how well the students did in the test. (More
natural than: 'how well the students did in the test surprised me')

Resumen/las mas importantes

1. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no sabemos quien ha realizado la accin.

2.QUEREMOS DAR ms importancia a lo que pas, que a quin realiz la

accin o cuando no queremos decir quien la realiz.

Form of Passive
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + participio pasado

Ejemplo:La carta fue escrita

Nota: No

podemos usar la voz pasiva con verbos intransitivos como

die, arrive o go. Verbos intransitivos son verbos
que no llevan un objeto directo
Comparacin ingles espaol
Con complementos

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