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Data Collection-The Basis For All Nursing Interventions

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Margot Phaneuf R.N., Ph.D.

The collection of data is a professional nursing act forming the basis for all caregiving. Every
element of nursing care flows from it. It is considered to be at the core of quality health care and
serves initially to determine the required treatment.
Subsequently, it serves to evaluate the course of the
treatment in comparing the results with the initial data

But it is also useful in protecting the caregiver in cases of

infection or the manifestation of violent behaviour.
Forewarned is forearmed.

Gathering and recording data contributes to the visibility

of the nurses role. Moreover, in systematically gathering
the information describing the state of the patient upon
arrival and during the evolution of the illness and the treatment, the nurse demonstrates the
pertinence of the planned interventions and the type of results obtained.

The objectives of collecting data

The collection of data
constitutes the first logical step The collection of data
in a clinical approach. It
enables the nurse The collection of data is a professional nursing act
which forms the basis of all health care interventions.
- to situate the problems Every element of nursing care flows from it.
of the patient and make It is considered to be the fundamental element of
a diagnosis quality health care and serves initially to determine the
required treatment and later to evaluate it.
- to plan the necessary
It also serves to protect the caregiver. An infection
interventions problem or the possibility of violence can perhaps be
- to assure clinical prevented.
surveillance during the By methodically gathering information describing the
provision of health care state of the patient upon their arrival and during the
- to determine the course of treatment, it demonstrates the pertinence of
the postulated treatment and the nature of the results.
immediate needs of the

- to detect their global health needs
- to evaluate the progression of their condition
- to evaluate the treatment received
- to contribute to the medical decisions and the multidisciplinary team via the
communication of information.

The notion of sound judgment

The notion of using sound judgment underlies the recourse to data collection. It refers to the
professionals commitment to competence. Since caregivers are at all times responsible for the
acts, they are imputable for the decisions made in the exercise of their functions. They are thus
obliged to use the decision-making process as well as the practices conforming to the actual state
of scientific knowledge.

Data gathering : the notion of For this reason they must exercise
sound judgment, which underlies
sound judgment their responsibility to base their
The notion of sound judgment refers to the concern for caregiving on solid data gathered
competency. using an approved process of
It is important because caregivers are always
responsible for the acts that they carry out and are examination and based on
imputable for their professional decisions. methodical observation that is, to
Consequently, they must use the process of decision proceed in a complete and precise
making and practice in conformity with actual manner in the collection of data.
scientific knowledge.
This is why our actions must be imbued with sound
This notion of sound judgment
judgment which underlines the responsibility of basing
our treatment on solid data gathered using an determines even the pertinence of
approved process of examination and based on
the nurses clinical examination
methodical observation, which means proceeding in a
which enables the correct
complete and precise manner in the collection of data.
evaluation of the condition of the
patient, establishes the priorities
and objectives of the appropriate treatment, enables one to follow the evolution of the situation
and to transmit to the members of the multidisciplinary team the verbal and written information,
in a rigorous and exhaustive manner.

Observation the foundation of data collection

Observation is a deliberate process of concentration and attention on the subject that one wants to
investigate further and analyse. It can be defined as a focused and attentive look at a person or
situation. It is fixing ones attention and concentration in order to grasp certain details and
monitor their evolution objectively, without judgment or the desire to modify them 1 . It is based
in the first place on the five senses to capture information but also on several intellectual abilities

. Scientific method: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method

in order to assess volume, form and intensity. It brings into play not only our capacity for
attention but also our comparative and deductive memory which serve in the recognition of
phenomena from previously observed elements. Whatever the method and the tools employed
for data collection, it is always based on observation.

When we observe a patient, we

participate in the elaboration of the OBSERVATION: SOME BENCHMARKS
history of their problem, its
treatment and the progression of
their situation. We are thus part of Get a global first impression of the
the scientific therapeutic process. person or the situation.
The nurses capacity to observe is Seek a detailed perception of the facial
thus a primordial quality. Some expressions, attitudes and behaviours.
people have a natural ability to
observe and recognize important Enlarge your knowledge of what the
details but carrying out a person is experiencing, their antecedents
methodical observation can be and their support network.
learned and the nurse must learn it.

The first rule: objectivity

The first rule is to be objective, which means being as emotionally neutral and impartial as
possible. Judging, approving or seeking to modify an individuals behaviour or manner is not
observing. Observing is simply using our senses to capture a visual, auditory, or tactile
impression. When confronted with a situation, our normal reaction is often to pose a judgment
and unfortunately, to develop from the start tenacious biases which influence our behaviour.
Objectivity requires for example, that judgment be suspended during the period of observation
and reinstated once we have gathered more complete information

How does one observe?

Humans are complex beings and references are needed to grasp all of their subtleties. Going
from the general impression to the particular details is considered a proper method for
observation. It is an active process made up of several stages which are presented in the
following table.

What data should be collected?

In addition to the data collected upon the arrival of the patient and information of an urgent
nature, the data gathered are diverse. They may be subjective, that is they regard what the
patient says or complains of. They concern their discomfort, their pain, their worries and their
expectations. This information is always very important in order to orient the nurse in the

clinical judgment. Certain information is considered to be objective, in that certain data result
from the caregivers observation or examination. They include the observed signs and
symptoms, the patients reactions, the treatments established and all that is happening around
them: doctors visit, etc.

They are considered to

be actual when they
Observation process describe what is
occurring in the present
Step 1: Passive reception of information. The eye captures or has just occurred in
a visual image of the person or situation. The ear perceives the moments preceding
speech and the tone of voice. Touch during the physical the arrival of the
examination reveals diverse sensations: heat, induration, patient. They are
roughness, etc. considered past if they
Step 2: Active verification of the information: refer to what has
a) self-interrogation by the caregiver: what do I see, hear, occurred in the past
whether recent or
b) questions, reformulations.
remote. Moreover,
Step 3: Validating perceptions:
certain data are
a) questions to clarify details
b) patients behaviour or words confirm or contradict what I think
personal whereas others
I understood. may relate to the family
Step 4: Interpreting our perceptions: clinical diagnosis. (family illnesses,
psychological or
economic context).
The data related to the
past and those related to the family are what we call antecedents.

Data to be collected during the first meeting

Observation of the patient is crucial upon their arrival at the hospital or during the first meeting
with the nurse in any health care unit.

The caregiver forms a strong first impression of what the person is experiencing. What the nurse
notices at this moment must be noted as very often first impressions will orient subsequent
clinical judgments and interventions.

During this first contact, the nurse sees the facial expression of the patient, their posture, their
bearing and receives their complaints and confidences. The nurse observes, questions, interprets
what the patient presents and already possesses the elements which will orient a judgment of the
situation and establish a therapeutic plan.

This first impression is important but it must not bias our judgment. Influenced by anxiety, fear
or pain, the patient who arrives in an unknown milieu might manifest aggressive behaviour which
is not habitual and which they may
The nature of the data to be later regret.
Amongst the manifestations which
attract the attention of the nurse, the
Family antecedents
facial expression of the patient is
most revealing of what they are
The nurses objective experiencing and feeling. Thus we
Actual data must stop and ask ourselves what it
signifies and what attitude we
should take 2 . 3
The patient subjective Data concerning the
data recent or remote past

The fundamental aspects of

the collection of data
The information gathered by the caregiver includes all the aspects of their experience of
health/illness. The nurse must gather the data bearing on their situation, its relationship to their
health problem and on the conditions and repercussions of this problem on their daily functioning
and on the satisfaction of their needs.
These data must enable the nurse to
know what one must do immediately and The first contact
then to plan the therapeutic treatment.
For example, the data will enable the This gives us a global vision of the
nurse to know: person, their facial expression,
physical aspect, major difficulties, the
- If the person has respiratory degree of suffering and their most
problems? Skeletal problems? obvious behaviour.
Can they get up, walk? With This first impression may be useful
what precautions? Do they need while we await further information.
to take up a particular position? But it may also be a trap which creates
- Are they in pain, anxious? What a bias in our perceptions.
psychological support do they
- Can they eat, drink and how?
- Are there particular precautions which must be taken to eliminate? Can they go to the
bathroom with or without help?
- Are they agitated? Confused? What do we need to foresee in order to protect them?
- Is there a risk of aggression?
- Can they speak, express their needs?

. France Lalibert. Introduction aux expressions faciales Prlude au projet Monnet
. Bouchra Abboud, Franck Davoine et M Dang. Reconnaissance et synthse dexpressions faciales par modle
dapparence : http://www.afrif.asso.fr/archive/rfia2004/ARTICLES/246.pdf

- Does one need to contact their next of kin in order to inform them or ask for their help?
- What does the patient need to know at this moment?
- Do they have someplace to go on discharge?

Their lifestyle
It is also important to know the patients customary behaviour or condition for these will have
repercussions on their health and the possibility of healing. It is useful to know:

- Do they smoke? How

Recognize facial much?
expression - What are their eating
habits? The quality of
D their food, diet,
C appetite?
E - The quality of their
B sleep? Insomnia,
H - Do they have problems
I F urinating or passing
J K G - Is there evidence of
alcohol, drug or
Source: Source : Introduction to facial expressions. Prelude to the Monnet project
medication abuse?
Recognition and synthesis of facial expressions by appearance - Is their lifestyle active
http://www.afrif.asso.fr/archive/rfia2004/ARTICLES/246.pdf or sedentary?
- What medication are they presently taking and for
what problems? Answers for the interpretation
of facial expressions:
All these data enable the nurse to identify certain problems A) Disgust
and guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of the person B) Cheerfulness
and assures the quality of their well-being during their stay C) Fear or astonishment
in the health care centre. The data should be collected and D) Anger, withdrawal
registered on the forms provided. Let us not forget that E) Sulking
data and interventions which are not written up in the files F) Good humour
have no legal value. G) Doubt or indifference
H) Great fear or intense pain
I) Aggressiveness or
The methods of data collection rejection
J) Astonishment
Observation is basically the method used to gather data. It K) Interrogation or discontent
is done by different means but whatever the method
employed, the interview with the patient is essential.

The interview to collect information
The interview includes the conversation which the nurse establishes on the arrival of the person
in order to gather the information which is needed to plan their treatment. However, it is not the
only moment when the nurse can proceed in gathering information since she must observe the
patient during their entire stay in the health care centre.

The efficacy of this exchange is based on several factors. The main ones being the capacity of
the nurse:
- to listen with
Information gathered on arrival - to manifest
Note the context of the admission: emergency, on a empathy in
stretcher, in a wheelchair, walking, accompanied or not, order to
etc. establish a
Evaluate the immediate risk. Physiological state: shock, relationship
bleeding, pain. Psychological state: aggressiveness, of
violence towards self or others. confidence
Note the state of consciousness, orientation, contact with
- to create
with the
Note the ingestion of substances such as: alcohol,
medication, drugs, other. person a
Write up the recent history of their problems: when did
the symptoms start, what form did they take, duration, partnership
violent behaviour: mutilation, suicide attempt. - to use
Note the level of autonomy of the person for their basic questions in
needs: to get up, eat, wash themselves, go to the toilet. order to
Ask for the name of a person who can be contacted in case gather the
of need. information

The nurse may use a guide in

order to orient the observation
process. It will serve at the The clinical examination
same time as the form for
recording the data. Let us The clinical examination serves to
remember that one should objectify the data gathered verbally
avoid writing during the entire during the interview.
conversation. The ideal is to
take a few notes which will It is an important part of the process of
serve to recall the useful details data collection.
in order to fill out the form In it one finds different methods of
after the interview. In this way,
the attention of the nurse
observation and assessment.
remains centred on the person
and the communication is not

The interview
The interview enables us to get the person to talk so as to access the information that we need.
Closed or semi-closed questions enable the gathering of precise data such as age, the number of
times they have urinated etc., but they are not of much use to express feelings or emotions.
Moreover, as they do not greatly encourage communication the conversation ends rapidly.
Generally, the open question is recommended because it leaves the patients freer to express
themselves, it does not lead them in a predetermined direction and furthermore, incites them to
communicate freely.
Overview of the
The clinical examination methods and
elements of data
The clinical examination serves to gathering. Examinations
objectify the data gathered verbally tests
during the interview. It is an
important part of the preliminary Auscul- Family
information required to plan the tation Interview, history
The physical questionnaire,
treatment. It includes various examination health history
techniques of observation and Actual
measurement. Palpation problems
Percussion Ante-
Inspection cedents
The techniques employed are
inspection, palpation, percussion
and auscultation. They are used in
order to carry out a complete and meticulous evaluation of the fonctions or the organ examined.

This is a careful global
The components of the clinical
examination which takes into examination
consideration visual, auditive and
olfactive information 4 .
To access a video on Inspection
inspection, click on the
hyperlink number 4 at
the bottom of this page. Percussion Auscultation
Then, under the heading
Inspection select:
lhippocratisme digital

. Vido. Inspection : reconnatre lhippocratisme digital : http://web1.univ-

This examination is further refined by dwelling on each part of the body. Inspection gives us
certain visual information such as:

- the general appearance, the morphology specific to

particular anatomical regions4 For a video on palpation :
- the behaviour click on footnote number
- the gait and balance 5 at the bottom of this
- the nutritional state (height, weight, obvious signs of page. On the website of
dehydration, loss of muscle, cachexia) the University of Rouen,
- the speech (coherent, logical, tone, rhythm). under the heading
Palpation choose:
Palpation Connatre les aires de
palpation ganglionnaire
After the inspection we palpate certain zones or members which axillaires, sus-
require further attention. This mode of observation makes use of claviculaires et jugulo-
touch in order to determine the characteristics of an organ, a carotidiens.
tissue or a lesion 5 .

Palpation enables us to assess numerous parameters:

- the texture of the skin;

For a video on percussion
- the temperature of the body;
click on footnote number
- the humidity and turgescence of the tissues
6. Once on the website of
- the volume of an organ: liver, abdominal mass;
the University of Rouen
- the presence of edema (Godet);
under the heading
- the regularity and strength of the pulse;
Percussion choose:
- muscular tonus;
Connatre la technique de
- the crackling due to pulmonary emphysema;
- cysts, tumours, ganglions; percussion du thorax.
- the site of pain.

This technique consists of hitting the surface of the body in order to provoke the emission of
sounds so that we can perceive the density of the underlying tissues 6 .

It enables us to estimate the volume, location and density of an organ. The information gathered
enables us to note dullness (presence of liquid, hemothorax), the sound (normal or abnormal
pulmonary tissues), tympanic sound (distended abdomen).

. Vido. Connatre les aires de palpation ganglionnaire axillaires, sus-claviculaires et jugulo-carotidien :
. Vido. Connatre la technique de percussion du thorax : http://web1.univ-

This consists of listening to the noises produced by the organs For a video on
(intestines, heart, auscultation: click on
lungs, blood vessels) in reference number 7.
Auscultation is a order to assess their Once on the website of
method of collecting the University of Rouen,
information using a
intensity and quality.
It is done with a under the heading
stethoscope. It is
mostly used to amplify stethoscope 7 . Auscultation choose:
cardiac, pulmonary Connatre les zones
and abdominal noises. The collection of data dauscultation du
by different methods thorax7.
enables us to obtain an
ensemble of information covering the various
problems of the patient. See other videos 8 . 9

Mental condition
This examination relates to mood, thought processes, the capacity to concentrate, delerium,
hyperactivity, withdrawal, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts 10 .

Tegumentary function
During this examination one notes: cuts, scratches, burns, bruises, sores, pruritis, dry skin,
redness, dermatitis, inflammation, edema, colouration/discolouration of the skin, protuberances.
One must also assess the state of the hair and nails.

Observation of the head and neck region

This part of the examination serves to observe: diplopia, hazy vision, scotoma, redness and
irritation, edema of the eyelids, presence of bruises, lacrymation, otalgia, deafness, tinnitus,
otorrhea, lesions of the external ear, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, presence of a cervical mass, state of the
teeth and the mucous membranes of the mouth, the presence of prosthesis (dentures, hearing aids,
glasses or contact lenses) and pain.

. Vido. Connatre les zones dauscultation du thorax : http://web1.univ-
. Vido. Les bruits cardiaques normaux : http://www-sante.ujf-
. Vido. Sous cas cliniques : Rcapitulatif des sons (pulmonaures): http://web1.univ-
. Phaneuf Margot. Psychiatric Observation: A Skill Worth Developing Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section
Psychiatric Care:

Neurological function
Here one observes the actual state of consciousness of the person, their temporal, spatial and
relational orientation, their memory, presence of headaches, vertigo, dizziness, convulsions, loss
of consciousness, paresis, paresthesia, and paralysis. One must also assess the various reflexes:
Babinski, pupil, etc., as well as the patients capacity to communicate and the quality of their

Respiratory function
One notes breathing frequency, dyspnea, coughing, pain and thoracic distortion, the type of
breathing, the presence of drawing, hemoptysis, digital hypocratism, cyanosis, speed of capillary
flow, expectorations and nasal secretions, their colour and
consistency. To hear the normal noises of
the heart, go to reference
Cardiac function number 8.
For another video on
In order to assess the cardiac function one measures the auscultation: click on
pulse, notes precordial pain, orthopnea, dyspnea, effort reference number 9. Once on
intolerance, the presence of palpitations, syncope, the site of the University of
lipothymia, inhabitual fatigue and one takes the blood Rouen, under the heading Cas
pressure. cliniques choose:
Rcapitulatif des sons.
Vascular system
We observe specific (Godet) or generalized edema, numbness, intermittent claudication,
cyanosis, colouration/discolouration of the skin of the various members, the quality and
frequency of the pedal, poplitea pulse , the presence of varicose veins and the speed of capillary

Digestive function
The observation of digestive function should include nutrition, hydration, digestion,
regurgitation, gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, flatulence, icterus, pain,
heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, melena, the colour of stools, hemorrhoids, pruritis, gain or loss
of weight, appetite or loss of appetite and diffficulty swallowing.

Locomotor function
This includes all which limits the amplitude of movements, claudication, cramps, stiffness, bone,
muscle or articular pain, amputation, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Genito-urinary function
Woman: vaginal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, secretions, pruritis, abdominal, vaginal or vulvar pain,
excrescence, dyspareunia, pregnancy.

Breasts: mass, pain, if breastfeeding note chafing, fissures and nipple discharge.

Man: urethral discharge, localized lesions, scrotal hypertrophy, penile malformation, mass in the
groin, impotence.

Both genders: dysuria, bleeding, presence of a mass or lesions, frequency of urination,

characteristics of the urine, incontinence, in which case what measures have been implemented.

Information required to protect the caregivers

It is also essential to indicate any signs of risk for the caregivers in order that they may take the
necessary precautions. Infection is certainly an important risk factor. But one should not neglect
the signs and symptoms of anger or aggressiveness of the patients under our care.

In order to do this, we must notice the signs which indicate mounting aggression and violence.
Even though this is more often related to psychiatric patients it is not limited to them. The
indicators of
mounting hostility
and the
imminence of a The principal signs of an increase in aggressiveness
crisis are
presented in the
Hallucination, disorientation
following chart. 11
Increase in anxiety Rigid posture

Psychiatric Incoherent speech Hyperactivity

information Refusal to collaborate Clenched teeth

The patient who Paleness or redness Hostility, threats

Signs of
suffers from
psychiatric Speaking louder Delirious verbal content
problems presents
Suspicious looks Arrogant discourse
a particular
symptomatology Agitation, excitation
requiring the
collection of
specific data 12 .

. Phaneuf Margot. Psychiatric Observation: A Skill Worth Developing Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section
Psychiatric Care:
. Idem

What should be observed?
One must note the
Curve of increasing anxiety and aggressiveness: context of the
elements to watch for admission.

Evaluate the
immediate risk:
Acting out:
agitation, Get the patient
Attenpt to express their
to intimi- Recupe-
aggressive or
Triggering Refusal to reaction phase Stabili- violent feelings.
Event zation Get the patient
to express their
Evolution of the crisis
suicidal ideas.
information on
Ask questions about the antecedents: aggressive, antisocial or disruptive behaviour,
problems with the law going back more than 5 weeks.
Ask about the family antecedents and the support network.
Ask about substance abuse: alcohol, drugs.

Information about Sociogram Paul

the social network (brother)
Health Work
For the psychiatric Compu- Work Mary John Trade
patient and at times for ter union
other patients, it is course Mary John
necessary to get
information concerning Marys School
their social network. It mother Guy
may be important to LEMIRE family
have more precise Leisure
information concerning Guy
the family: are the
parents deceased, of Leisure Friends
what did they die, are Denis Guy
there similar cases School Friends
Denis Denis
among their relatives, Margot Phaneuf Inf. PhD. 36


A most useful tool to
collect these data is
the genogram. It
Genogram presents a strong
visual image which
Father Mother gives us information
Suicide 50 at a glance 13 .

The life line is

another tool which
Alcoolism Depression
enables us to present
Robert 40-99 Marie 1940 in a visual manner the
Louis Marthe Marc Lo Lucie Paul information about a
Suicide 1961 1963 1967 1970
person and certain
important events in
1960-98 their lives (death of
Denis 92 Guy 94
parents, start of a
cure, abandonment of
illnesses, successes
and failures, amorous
relationships, Life line or history
marriage, divorce, Claudette S.
40 year old single woman S
etc.) It can also T
include other more 1970 foster Perturbed Starts using o
p Starts Sporadic
personal information home schooling drugs
s again consumption sion
such as certain
1964 1969-78 76 1980 1980 1990 1994 2000 2004
behaviours or habits Birth end of 1st job 2nd job unem- No fixed
(drugs, alcoholism, studies ployed address
dependence on
Childhood School age Professional life Unemployment
medication). The adolescence
sociogram is another
Abandonned by Multiple foster Stress at Professionnal
useful instrument for her parents homes, violence work difficulties

the data-gathering. It
Bad companions,
completes the drugs, alcohol
genogram 14 . 15

. Phaneuf Margot. The genogram, a means of enriching the interview: the principles and creation (Part I and
Part II) Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section Mental Health and Communication:
. Phaneuf Margot. Psychiatric Observation: A Skill Worth Developing Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section
Psychiatric Care:
. Phaneuf, Margot. The sociogram, a complementary tool to the genogram and a means of enriching the
interview Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section Mental Health and Communication:


The PQRST is a mnemonic model which is an interesting tool for collecting data. This memory
aid is a global model which can be adapted to all types of information concerning physical
conditions regardless of the system involved.

It enables us to note the information regarding the origin of the symptom (P, that is, what
provokes it), its description: (Q) quality, quantity and intensity, the region involved (R), the
associated symptoms (S) and the moment of appearance and the duration of the symptom (T) for
time 16 .

PQ RST Mode l
Notion Expla natio n Example

Pro vo ke What pro vo kes the o nset o f the H

Hoo w did the pain arise? Are yo u
P sym pto m s ? What relieves them ? using analgesics ?

Q uality Descriptio n o f sym ptom , What are yo u experiencing
Q Quantity
Q uantity ( appro xim ately ): burning ,
frequency .
drum m ing , etc. What is yo ur
level o f pain o n a scale of 1 to 10?

Regio n (site) Site o f the sym ptom . Tell m e where yo u are feeling
R affected by unco m fo rtable ? Or sho w me
O ther sites affected.
irradiatio n with yo ur finger! Do you feel
disco m fo rt elsewhere ?
Acco m panying O ther acco m panying sym pto m s.
Other s. Is there any o ther discom fo rt
S accom panying this sympto m ?
Sym pto m s

Tim e, duration M om ent sym pto m appeared , When did the discom fo rt
T duratio n . appear? Is it still present o r
Adapted fro m M ario Brul & Lyne Clo utier, 2001 interm ittent? Ho w m any tim es
per day o r per week ?

The gathering of data offers many advantages for the patient, for the health professionals and for
the institution for which they work.
The implementation of this process presupposes that a prior decision regarding its importance has
been made and the required documents furnished. During the nurses training, special effort
ought to be placed on teaching the clinical procedure and the step of data collection which lies at
its core. Without good data collection, there is a risk that the nurses therapeutic plan rests on
fragile footing. The planning of health care requires all of our attention and without this essential
step, nothing is really possible. The process of its implementation proceeds from the scientific
method which is based essentially on rigorous observation. And even if we claim that it takes
time, nothing really valuable is done in haste.
. Le PQRST, source : Brl, Mario et Lyne Cloutier (2001) Lexamen clinique. Montral, Erpi.

Nietzsche in his book Human, all too human (Humain trop humain) stated that the suffering
of another is something which should be learned and which we can never fully appreciate 17 .
This underlies the necessity for an efficient process of observation. It is the necessary condition
for coming as close as we can to the reality of the suffering of our patient. Let us remember that
pain is not always visible and that the cup of suffering is not the same for everyone 18 .


- Bouchra Abboud, Franck Davoine et M Dang. Reconnaissance et synthse dexpressions

faciales par modle dapparence : http://www.afrif.asso.fr/archive/rfia2004/ARTICLES/246.pdf

- Brl, Mario et Lyne Cloutier (2002) Lexamen clinique. Montral, Erpi.

- Coelho, Paolo (2000) Manuel du guerrier de la lumire. Paris, Essai, Poche, on Evene :

- Lalibert France . Introduction aux expressions faciales Prlude au projet Monnet :


- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1900) Humain trop humain. Evene


- OIIQ. Lexercice infirmier en soins critiques. Montral, OIIQ.

- Phaneuf Margot. Psychiatric Observation: A Skill Worth Developing, Infiressources,

Clinical Crossroad, section Psychiatric Care:

- Phaneuf Margot. The genogram, a means of enriching the interview: the principles and
creation (Part I and Part II) Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section Mental Health and

- Phaneuf, Margot. The sociogram, a complementary tool to the genogram and a means of
enriching the interview Infiressources, Clinical Crossroad, section Mental Health and
Communication: http://www.infiressources.ca/fer/Depotdocument_anglais/The_sociogram.pdf

. Friedrich Nietzsche (1900) Humain trop humain
. Paolo Coelho. (2000) Manuel du guerrier de la lumire. Paris, Essai, Poche

- Phaneuf Margot. The life line, a means of enriching the interview with patients
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