Melt Crystallization
Melt Crystallization
Melt Crystallization
Melt Crystallization
P. J. Jansens, Delft University of Technology, melt crystallization entirely depend on its solid}liquid
The Netherlands phase equilibrium (SLE). A survey of SLE data in
M. Matsuoka, Tokyo University of Agriculture and 1986 demonstrated that more than 70% of organic
Technology, Japan substances have melting points between 03C and
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press 2003C, indicating that no special thermal media are
needed to achieve separation (Figure 1).
The classiRcation of about 1500 binary systems in
the International Critical Tables (Figure 2) has re-
Introduction vealed that more than 50% form simple eutectic
Melt crystallization, sometimes referred to as frac- mixtures and 25% form an intermolecular solid com-
tional crystallization, is a collective term for physical pound which forms simple eutectics with the two
separation processes aimed at puriRcation of organic constituent components. This type also includes the
compounds from a multi-component mixture by crys- formation of more than two solid compounds. The
tallization without addition of a solvent. The driving formation of a pure solid phase in one crystallization
force for crystallization is created by cooling, evapor- step is feasible for roughly 85% of the systems. The
ating or pressuring the melt. formation of solid-solutions is limited to only 10%,
The main advantage of this separation technique is for which complete separation in a single crystalliza-
the superior selectivity of the crystallization process tion step is fundamentally impossible.
caused by restricted mobility in the crystal lattice and Even for eutectic systems, however, the product
strong molecular bonds. The energy consumption can from industrial crystallizers is not 100% pure. This is
be low because the heat of fusion of most organic caused by the adherence of mother liquor to the
compounds is two to four times smaller than their heat crystal surface and by the inclusion/entrapment of
of evaporation and the operating conditions are gener- mother liquor inside the crystals. Further puriRcation
ally mild. Finally, the absence of hazardous solvents is is required and this can be achieved by washing and
important from an environmental point of view. Dis- by sweating.
advantages are the inherent slowness of crystal growth
E Washing is done by contacting the crystals with
leading to voluminous equipment and the need for
a fresh solvent or, preferably, with pure melted
intensive slurry handling in certain process designs.
product. This operation removes adhering impu-
Balancing the merits and drawbacks, melt crystalli-
rities and is widely used in commercial plants.
zation is usually applied for ultrapuriRcation
E Sweating can be induced by exposing the impure
('99.99%), separation of isomers and puriRcation
solid phase to slightly elevated temperatures. This
of thermally unstable components. Some examples of
operation removes locally dispersed included im-
industrial applications are acrylic acid, bisphenol A,
purities. Upon a temperature increase, the fraction
caprolactam, cresol, dichlorobenzene, fatty acids,
of liquid inside the crystals increases according to
naphthalene, parafRn and xylene.
the lever-rule whereby the more impure sections
In this chapter, the designs of conventional and
emerging melt crystallization processes are described
and evaluated. Also the related Reld of freeze-concen-
tration of aqueous solutions is brieSy touched upon.
Extensive coverage of all types of equipment on dif-
ferent scales is beyond the scope of this article. There
is a focus on large-scale applications with a bias on
state-of-the-art equipment provided by equipment
manufacturers rather than the proprietary processes
of end-users. More elaborate overviews of the prin-
ciples and applications of melt crystallization are
given in the Further Reading.
The technical feasibility and economic viability of Figure 1 Distribution of atmospheric melting points of organic
separation and puriRcation of an organic mixture by components (after Matsuoka and Fukushima, 1986).
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Melt Crystallization 967
Figure 2 Distribution of binary phase diagrams of organic mixtures (after Matsuoka and Fukushima, 1986).
melt preferentially due to a lower melting point. Industrial layer growth equipment is normally
The impure liquor comes out of the crystalline operated batch-wise, whereby static and dynamic
body through cracks and pores. Sweating can also processes can be distinguished. In static equipment,
be applied to solid solution systems and plays an crystal growth occurs from a stagnant melt. Commer-
important role as a puriRcation mechanism in layer cial equipment is manufactured by BEFS Technolo-
and suspension growth processes. gies (France) and Sulzer Chemtech (Switzerland).
Their similar designs feature a closed rectangular
vessel equipped with a high heat-exchange area in the
Process and Equipment Design form of Rnned tubes or structured plates (Figure 3).
Indirect cooling is the most widely applied technique One full operating cycle takes about one day and
to produce crystals from a melt. In this context the comprises Rve steps: (1) Rlling of the vessel, (2)
term indirect refers to the mechanism of heat trans- crystallization by programmed cooling, (3) sweating
fer from the melt to the cooling medium, which takes by gradual heating, (4) draining of residual mother
place via the wall of a heat exchanger. Crystal growth liquor and (5) melting and draining of the product
may either take place as a layer on a cooled surface or layer. Equipment sizes range from 0.1 to 35 m3.
freely suspended in the mother liquor. The principles Typical growth rates are in the order of 10\6 m s\1
of both techniques and their large-scale applications but the overall separation efRciency of a full operat-
are discussed below. See Table 1 for an overview and ing cycle is relatively good (up to 99.9 wt% product
an evaluation of both techniques. purity).
In dynamic processes, there is forced mixing of the
mother liquor during the crystallization step. The
Layer Growth
mixing is usually achieved by circulating the liquor as
In this technique the crystals grow as a layer Rxed and a falling Rlm or as a fully developed Sow over vertical
perpendicular to a cooled wall. The heat of crystal- heat-exchanger tubes. Other designs whereby mixing
lization is removed through the crystal layer and the was achieved by stirring, pulsation or bubbling-
wall. At low growth rates (typically(10\7 m s\1) through an inert gas, were not successfully commer-
and proper mixing of the mother liquor, a stable cialized. Sulzer Chemtech provides the dynamic
crystal morphology can be maintained, which results falling Rlm system whereby both the melt as well as
in a good selectivity of the crystallization step. In the coolant are circulated as falling Rlms over the tube
industrial practice, however, very high growth rates wall (Figure 4).
(10\6}10\5 m s\1) must be applied leading to The turbulent Sow regime of the mother liquor
roughening of the crystal surface (cellular and den- enhances heat and mass transfer, which enables
dritic growth) and consequently to entrapment of higher growth rates of typically 10\6}10\5 m s\1.
impure liquor in the layer. High growth rates are Similar to the static process, one full operating cycle
required to achieve a reasonable productivity since comprises Rve stages but is completed in 1.5 h. Tubes
the growth area is limited to the heat-exchange area are about 0.1 m in diameter and 12-m long while up
(4100 m2 m\3). to 1250 tubes are Rtted in one shell.
968 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Melt Crystallization
Table 1 Comparison of layer and suspension growth processes (values represent order of magnitude; operation/maintenance
relative to distillation)
The overall separation efRciency of one dynamic ery. The stages are actually operating cycles which
operating cycle is moderate relative to a static process can be executed in the same crystallizer (Figure 5).
but the short cycle time makes the dynamic process One of the drawbacks of the dynamic process until
well suited to sequential countercurrent staging. Stag- now has been its poor energy efRciency resulting from
ing requires intermediate storage tanks but makes it the need to repeatedly crystallize and melt a product
possible to produce ultrapure products at good recov- to attain the desired purity. This problem was
Solid}liquid separation section Product recovery is The crystal bed can be transported under gravity,
more and more executed in wash columns, which by hydraulic pressure or via a mechanical aid
combine an effective solid}liquid separation with (screw/piston). The direction of transport is normally
a pure melt wash and a single recrystallization step. downwards for organic crystals and upwards for ice.
The principle of wash columns is illustrated by Fig- If the temperature of the feed slurry is low (single-
ure 9. A crystal slurry is pumped into the column, stage or cocurrent cascade crystallization), more
where the mother liquor escapes via a Rlter leaving wash liquid will recrystallize causing a large drop in
behind the crystals as a packed bed. This bed is porosity over the wash front. At a given transport
transported upwards by means of a rotating screw. At force exerted on the crystal bed, the throughput re-
the top, the crystals are scraped off, suspended in duces with decreasing porosity due to an increased
wash liquid (recycled pure melt) and melted in an back-pressure from the wash liquid. Alternatively at
external melter. The wash-liquid circuit is kept press- constant throughput, the compressive stresses exerted
urized, which causes the wash liquid to Sow down- on the crystals increase considerably which may
ward (reSux). The wash liquid does not leave the result in deformation of some organic crystals, which
column but recrystallizes on the cold crystal bed, are mechanically weak. Ideally, the temperature in-
thereby producing the so-called wash front. This crease over a wash column should be 2}53C.
front marks steep gradients in concentration, temper- Mass and heat transfer in the wash columns are
ature and porosity. governed by axial dispersion of the liquid phase while
Table 2 Comparison of crystallization sections consisting of a single-stage, a cocurrent cascade or a countercurrent cascade
Figure 9 Principle of wash column. (Courtesy of Niro-PT.) duction rate is limited by the capacity of the wash
columns (41500 kg m\2 h\1). A new development
heat-transfer limitation in the solid phase may be by Matsuoka is the inclined column crystallizer.
neglected. In the more densely packed hydraulic and The inclination promotes settling and reduced axial
mechanical wash columns, puriRcation occurs almost dispersion (Figure 11).
exclusively by displacement washing. In the loosely
packed gravity wash columns, further puriRcation by Alternative Process Designs
sweating occurs because of the longer residence time.
Gravity and mechanical wash columns have been Evaporative Melt Crystallization
commercialized by TSK and Niro-PT, respectively. Direct cooling is the driving force for evaporative
TNO (Netherlands) has developed a hydraulic wash crystallization. The heat of crystallization is with-
column equipped with separate Rlter tubes. See Fig- drawn by evaporation of a portion of the mother
ure 10 and Table 3 for a more detailed comparison. liquor, which is induced by a reduction of the operat-
Suspension growth equipment is applied commer- ing pressure. The vapour phase is condensed in an
cially to purify various organic products (e.g. p- overhead condensor and reSuxed to the crystallizer.
xylene, naphthalene and p-dichlorobenzene) but also Crystal formation and growth take place freely sus-
for concentration of aqueous solutions (freeze con- pended in the bulk of the mother liquor. The main
centration, see below). There are virtually no restric- advantage of direct over indirect cooling is that the
tions on feed purity, while a product purity heat of crystallization is transferred to the cooling
599.99% is feasible. medium via a clean condensing duty rather than via
a (scraped) heat exchanger. Hence the heat transfer is
Column crystallizers Column crystallizers are de- more effective while the design and scale-up of equip-
signs where a single-stage crystallizer and a gravity- ment can be simpliRed.
wash column have been integrated in one shell In conventional evaporative crystallization pro-
(similar to distillation columns). The back- cesses, low boiling solvents (propane and carbon di-
mixing column, for example, has been successfully oxide) are used to crystallize heavier organic compo-
commercialized by Nippon Steel Chemical Co. nents but the addition of solvents is not desirable
(Japan) for the puriRcation of naphthalene. The pro- for various reasons (equipment size, safety and the
Figure 16 Operating cycle of pressure crystallization process. (Reproduced with permission from Yasuda M, Sato Y and Suematsu
H (1991) p-Cresol with high pressure crystallization. Kagaku Kogaku 55(4): 290}291.)
E simple process design } crystallization, separation pension growth in terms of process synthesis and
and sweating are carried out in a single vessel; equipment design.
E complex mechanical design } materials selection Commercial processes feature a countercurrent cas-
and construction of mechanical parts are critical cade of crystallizers while the Rnal solid}liquid separ-
factors for success. ation takes place in mechanical wash columns (Fig-
ure 17). Indirect cooling is usually preferred over direct
The scale-up of pressure-crystallization equipment cooling to prevent contamination of the concentrate
is not easy due to mechanical complexity, and it and to contain the volatile components. Large spherical
becomes increasingly difRcult at larger vessel dia- ice crystals can be grown relatively easily through Os-
meters to remove residual melt from the centre of the twald ripening. The individual stages of the cascade
cake by compression. The production capacity of therefore feature separate sections for nucleation and
a single plant is in the order of 500 tons per year. growth. Crystallization (nucleation) takes place on the
surface of the external scraped surface heat exchangers.
Freeze Crystallization
Ripening (growth) occurs in large stirred vessels.
Freeze concentration is a separation technology Nearly identical process Sow schemes and equip-
aimed at concentration of aqueous solutions by ment designs can also be found in some melt-crystalli-
means of cooling crystallization. This technology is zation processes, e.g. to separate p-xylene from its
closely related to melt crystallization based on sus- isomers.
Figure 17 A three-stage countercurrent freeze concentration process. (Courtesy of Niro-PT.) (A) Simplified process flow scheme.
(B) Cross-section of a scraped surface heat exchanger. 3Bx is a measure for concentration of water phase (based on the breaking
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Polymorphism 975
Traditionally, most applications are found in the speciRc productivity of crystal growth in a suspen-
food industry for the concentration of fruit juice, sion create a huge potential, which can be further
wine, beer and coffee extract. In this Reld, the advant- exploited by simpliRcation of equipment design
ages of freeze concentration over competing tech- and minimization of slurry handling.
nologies (membranes and evaporation) are the superb E Evaporative melt crystallization is a relatively young
preservation of aromas and colour while decay reac- technology which combines the merits of suspension
tions are slowed down by the low operating temper- growth with a minimum of slurry handling. For
ature. certain applications, such as caprolactam, this tech-
Recently, world-scale installations have come on- nique is expected to take off in coming years.
stream where wastewater from chemical plants is E Pressure crystallization is an alternative techno-
concentrated. The produced melt water can be re- logy, which is well suited to purify components
used as process water while the residual concentrate with a very low melting point at ambient temper-
is incinerated. Here the advantages of freeze concen- ature but elevated pressure. Outside this niche use,
tration are the low energy costs and the capability to pressure crystallization probably cannot compete
concentrate beyond the eutectic point, where salts with indirect/direct cooling crystallization due to
start to precipitate. high equipment cost.
Drawbacks of freeze crystallization are the rela-
tively high investment cost and the above-average See Colour Plate 36.
maintenance intensity (there are many pieces of
rotating equipment). Further Reading
Arkenbout GF (1995) Melt Crystallization Technology.
Basel: Technomic Publishing AG.
Conclusion and Future Outlook Jansens PJ and Van Rosmalen GM (1994) Fractional crys-
tallisation. In: Hurle DJT (ed.) Handbook of Crystal
Melt crystallization is the third most applied physical
Growth, Vol. 2A, ch. 6. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
separation technology after distillation and extrac- Matsuoka M and Fukushima H (1986) Determination of
tion. Conventional processes are based on layer or solid}liquid equilibrium. Bunri Gijutsu (Separation Pro-
suspension growth by indirect cooling. cess Engineering) 16: 4}10.
Matsuoka M, Takiyama H and Soutome O (1997) Separ-
E Layer growth may be considered as proven and ation characteristics of an inclined column crystallizer.
mature technology, whereby the absence of slurry Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers
handling is a major advantage. Fully automated 75(A): 206}212.
semi-continuous units can be delivered as turnkey Moritoki M (1984) Crystallisation and sweating of p-cresol
projects. The need for repeated recrystallization by application of high pressure. Industrial Crystalliza-
steps to achieve a high product purity, however, tion 84: 369}380.
Randolph AD and Larson MA (1988) Theory of Particulate
increases both investment and operating cost. The
Processes, 2nd edn. San Diego: Academic Press.
desire to develop economically attractive continu- Sloan GJ and McGhie AR (1988) Techniques of Melt Crys-
ously operated equipment seems to be in conSict tallization. New York: John Wiley.
with the basic characteristic of layer growth on Yasuda M, Sato Y and Suematsu H (1991) p-Cresol with high
a cooled surface. pressure crystallization. Kagaku Kogaku 55(4): 290}291.
E Suspension growth is also proven but not yet ma- Zief M and Wilcox WR (1967) Fractional SolidiTcation.
ture technology. The superior selectivity and high New York: Marcel Dekker.
M. R. Caira, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, structure arrangement, the substance is said to dis-
South Africa play polymorphism. This phenomenon was dis-
covered in the early nineteenth century but only since
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press
the middle of the twentieth century have its wider
implications been appreciated by scientists investigat-
Introduction ing the crystallization, properties and interconversion
When the molecules of a chemical substance are able of solid phases. These implications stem from the fact
to crystallize in more than one three-dimensional that different polymorphs of a given substance may