Assessme NT Diagnos Is Analys Is Planni NG Intervention Rationale Evaluati On
Assessme NT Diagnos Is Analys Is Planni NG Intervention Rationale Evaluati On
Assessme NT Diagnos Is Analys Is Planni NG Intervention Rationale Evaluati On
nt is is ng on
Subjective: Risk for At ST: Nsg. Nsg. Order: GOAL:
None infection increase After 2 Action: MET
related to d risk for hours Teach Prevents the
periodic being nurse- To proper introduction
catheteriz invaded patient- reduce/ hand of organisms After 9
ation by interactio correct washing that may hours the
pathoge n, the existing aseptic cause patient
Objective: nic patient rick technique infection was
Patient is organism will be factors to the free from
conscious s able to patient infection
Sitting on Open understa /SO Limits Evidenced
bed wounds, nd the Use introduction by patient
IFC is traumati health aseptic of bacteria is doing a
connected to c or teachings technique into body. proper
the urine bag surgical, given when Early hand wash,
Urine is can be caring detection/tre patient did
yellow in sites for for/manip atment of a proper
color and infection; LT: ulating IV developing perineal
hazy soft After 12 or foley infection may care with
Urine output tissues hours of catheter/ prevents the help of
is 400cc (cells, nursing invasive sepsis her SO and
fat, interventi lines Reduces risk the patient
muscle) on the of ascending was also
and patient Provide urinary tract following
organs will be regular infection the
can also able to urinary prescribed
be sites prevent catheter orders of
for or reduce care and the given
infection risk for perineal medication
either, infection care. s
invasive The Maintain
procedur patient sterile
es, or by will be catheter
invasion free from system;
of infection provide
pathoge To care with
ns promote soap and
carried wellness water,
through , applying
the teachin antibiotic
bloodstre g ointment
am. consider around Helps
ations the support the
catheter immune
site system
Review ss.
the Fluids
patients promote
nutritiona diluted urine
l needs; and frequent
encourag emptying of
e the bladder
patient to reducing the
eat stasis of
protein- urine, in turn,
rich and reduces risk
calorie- for bladder
rich infection
also Premature
encourag discontinuati
e the on of
patient to treatment
drink a lot may result in
of water return of
infection and
Explain to potentiation
the of drug
patient resistant
the strains
of taking
drugs or
s as
Nurses Pocket Guide Edition 12, pgs. 467-471
Nursing Care Plans Edition 7, pgs. 549-550